Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
OKUOON CITY KNTEIU'RIHE FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 19015 7 OKL'Mr IMIItYMIiV ASuMltltON Aiimiul M-iliir Hill lii II i lit ut (01 .', vulli lici'i iiiiicr l.'i ami Irt. I Tint hiiiiiiiiI in 1 1' u( Hi" Oti'u'in liur iik'Ii'm Ai"H'iitiMi ill ln held ul tln Cm viilll" Atiiii iilluiul ('tillcyc nnilrr tlm aiipl''"" "I tlm lli'iiliiii Ciniiity HiimI nimH Mhii'p I.ennue, Tiiei-diiy ttinl Wml iiitHiIxy, i'M iMii'irr lfi hii III DiiY m'N' idium will Im he'd in Hi" Autiriilluiul Imll uinl lli" evening meetings in tlm olleie chapel. M tyor It, V. Iivli.e, ii( I ot vallm. ill ilrllvi'i llm il'lii' nl wel come ill lh opening Hi'H-mii to be held ''ucdiy hIihiiiiiimi, 'llm tithpniise hiii i,i I iiiI'Iiixih will Im given liy Win. HcliiilineMcli, nl l''riiilng'un, president nl llm hiii IuUiiii. Il'licr ihiiiiIhiin mi tlu opening prigiHiniiie will In" s Mo liy Otln K l- llcru; "The Iv ini'illlV ol Hull iiiK." hv lr, Junius Wiiycniiilic, Cor vulh"; "I'iiIiiIk nil llaii'l Separator 'iiiiin," lii"'. I' (liiuilhtii', Siili'ih, Th" r-si ' it i m l ir Hi" i'Umt ni'Hiun will Im a follnwii: ' ti'khiiav, hkc. 16, 7:!I0 l u. .Mnit Male in rl 't . i How liiirnii Hit- l(i'vnliiiloiiixi llm : Aifili InilnMry nl Western On-gnti, II, K Lmiinibnry, H. I'. Cn , I'nriUinl. . Vm-al i")ln, Mim MhIk'I ('rniilnn. 1 ('limine nl m IliTinln In Orcg'in Dairy inc. II. M WilllHinwin, I'nrilnnil. Heading Our liiliili'H, liny K. Mnorn, . Music Male liiutetiH. j lli'lmviiir nl Smiie I'lieiniril Elcinenla, l'ml. A !. Knisely, Cnrvallis I WKIiNKHIlAV, HKC 1H, 1H:IH) A.M. f Sniuii I "airy Statistics, '". W. Weeks, Halem. Winlrr vii. S 11 in 11 n r Dairying, A. T. Itnxli'ii, Finest tiruvc. ',ri.illlUiill III Sllllge, J. M. AlklllHDII, Nt- lii rg wnivkMiMV, I'H' HI, 1 :'M I'. M. r t nl Si'iTui nrv -Trcasiiier, F.lcc (lull nl Olliieis, Ciiiieidcriilion n llcsulu tili. ('iiiiNinirtinii mill Chim "I lliiinl Sep iriiintH, W. A lliidclson, 1'ortlntnl. Vim nl Silo, S 'li Tli-.l, I'Ml, Jnlin Fill. 1(111. Iiairvinir mi n Fruit Fitrin, W. K. Newell, IMby. 1 iismiuv, in:i . lit, r. m. i Mn-ii-. ' III ItllUlT Tlll'l" of h 'mum iMHilJII M 1, . . II. ( 'lut pi 11 . I'mUmi'l. ill Sul'i, Selected, Mini l.lllll Sji.i in; !T. IIim'Iiih? Tin' Milkmaid, Ml Alice l Vn k Intnl. liiiiruiij kI llif b'i mul Clurk Kir, K Si nit, MiU iiiki" !t.:illl 111. H.llllUl'l til MII'llllllTH III I tin' iiHm'lii'iiti liy till' Inil )l C'ltVulliH, : nt II," t'ltV Hull. ; N It. Tlm SmitliiTii I'lu illi' lUilrnuil f 'iniiMiiy iill'i'm 1 miivi'iiiioii nit" lor llim 1' (iriiniii of i iim mul (ini'-tliiril (urn (nr tln ruiinil trip, on li i'itiIiIihIh plnn. I Full liirn will I'" Pi'l Irnin nturliiiir pimit I to t'oivlli or Allimiy, h tlm i'iibh limy Im, mul rftnrn Iti-krtu will Iki lil nt oiii'-llilnl iBre nil pr-f ntlinn of rprtili CHtfi iriiily hkiii'! liy I'm Aiwooimi'in hfrri-tury. t miro to pwum rrtilli'to ! wlii'M K)ini tlrki't In nritmHnl. YII.L IIC UK LI) AT I'OltrUNI). Nulioimt Mrmtiick aud Wool (iruwpr AKorUtloini to Mill Nrt Month. Two mcntinii" of iiiipiirtmii-e to the HtiM'k riHiii iiiiliiitry of tlm comity will Im lii'lil in I'mtlmul iifxt innnth. Tlii-y re tlm Nmlmml l.lvfntiM-k AnKiM:Utiiii nml llm National Wool tirowern' Anno rial Ion. The former will le convftiml in im Seventli Anniml M-Hiiion on Janii ury 1'.' mul will cotitimio llirniiiili an tunny lUya m tlm IiiuIiihm may require whiln the wool .roWeri will I"" 'n aeaaion Momliiy mill Tucclay, laniiary II mil 12. in ita tlurty-nintli annual eaaion. In calllim the Ktock Aamicialioii meet inc. the jirnMidant, J. W. HprinHr iiiva: For mutual protection It ha Ix'conie tlm policy of all iniluatriea to ornani.e. It muni tm romrileil that in a national orniii.ation the live utoi k inilustry of tlm nation can arcoinpliah more than by inillvlilual efforli. TTmliialory of thi nriani.tion will ilemoimtrate thia tact. The work la In your handa, anil upon your ileterniinalion ml aucceaaful ef fort, to a ureal ement, depend the fu ture of the live alock Indmiry. I'nlewi the aaaix iation recelVM tlm mipport, it will he iiiinoariihle for it to attain the Dieaatire o' uicesa ileaired. The coat of tnainliiiiiitiic l national oraniation la inHi(iiillcant, the aHUenainenta lieiiiK hut oni'-twentieth of one cent per head. If you or your local aaaociatlun are not inemherii of the natioQitl aaBociation you are earrieHtly reqnealeil to make applica tion immediately, in order that you may he repremmted at the cuuliiitf meeting lllanka for tlilu purpose and all informa tion may he had hy aildreaainu the ec retarv at i'urilanil, Oreon. We ileaire to imprenH upon you the au pri'ine importance of Meuates heinifap pnint1.1l nildvr thiacall wlu will allend thia ineetinii and (rive the inatlera under ; iliai'iiHHion their aeriona coiiHiderallnn. The citizenaof I'orlland have rained a (fiieroin ainn and are arraniriim to en teitiiin tl delegates in a handsome fiianner. Immedialely on arriving in Portland yon ulionlil ri-KiatiT with the iecretary at headiiuurtera. Portland Hotel, or the theatre, when you will be urovided with badcim ailmilliiu yo" 10 Convention Hall, and coupon ticket for all enler taitimenta (jiven by the citizens. He mire and aak for latea to the Natione.1 Live Stock Convention, Janu ary 11-15, 1K)4. If your local aent can not uive you full information aa to dales of anle, etc., write the secretary of the aHHociation. Francis K. Warren, president of the National Wool Growers' Annotation, Ufa in taltinr tlm nfinvAntinn ! Kacb state association of wool growers will te entitled to one delegate to each 10,(XXI bead of sheep repreaented by its nieniberahip, and one delegate for a frac tion of 10,000 head over 6,000, and alao five delegates at large. Fach Um bI aaaociation of sheep or wool l?rowem will be entitled to one delegate for each 10,000 bead of sheep represented or fraction of 10,000 over 5,000, and three delegates at large. Kacb pure bred record association will be entitled to one delegate for each IS members and one delegate at lar.'6. Kacli individual member or corpora tion member shall be entitled to one ote and an additional vote lor each 10,010 In itil nl kIii-i'P ri'pri'niilid or fraction over &,I)UII Ih iiiI. The convention will convene promptly at 10 o'clock Monday morning, January I Itli, and among the aiitiji-cla to he enn aidered uinl m ini upon will he the fol lowing: l-ihonlil Hie foreat rcimrvea ami till vi-k'n-IhIioii iipmi llm public Iiiii'Ih of tlm I'liitnil SlHtns Im plnrinl iinilnr ti e con tinl ami diM'ctlnii of the liiipartiuent nl Akiriciilttne, rut her tlinn umli'r llm con- i Irul (.f tlm lie pmtuif nt i f the Inteiinr, allowing the Inli'iinr llepartment to iinlv iluect such iiinliera in r lailnn to the pulilk IiiiiiIh aa iiiniirn tlmtitlnof audi IiiihIh? KIiiiiiIiI Hie forest ri'snrve ol the United Miiti'S he ri'Blrirtfil to tact 0 I fiirest Imula on water sheila and non fnrest liitnU in exiNiing ri'servea be eliminated and thrown open to Hi'ttletneiit ami graz ing. Slinuld not Hheop be entitled to the ami' privili'Kea and trcalliietit ill tlm ue ol tliu public Und and foreet re sitvi's fur grazing aa cattle and other live stork '! Khniilil the sheepyrowe a of llm United Htutns lavnr Hie ainelnliiii'lit nl tlm prea enl lawa airi'i'ting the puhlic lullds ; fur the losing nl aiiid lands to citizens; lor (lie government control ol xra.nig on suid lu lulu ; fur the re pen I nf the tim lar, stniin ami redeinplioli ai'ts? KIiiiiiIiI the Itureaii of Animal Indus Ir m urifi'd to extnml ita work of in specliou fur amities in sheep to the in specllon and dipping of aheeii not in the luterslsls cnmiiierce, or shullld thia woik be left exclusively to the aullinritieH of the il Ihirenl suites? )nr imlustry ik in the throet nl an evo lution which la wnrkiiiK many chaiiKes in old esiiiblislii'd iiiellnuls I conducting the business ol alieep anil wool growing New conililions are arising (hut vitally alb'cl every one entraited in the industry. It in an of combination and union. Iinliviiliiully we c n do hut little to guide or control the mighty inllueiiceH now , t work either for the weel or woe ol engug' d in tlm Iniluslry, but coilei'lively there la much that cuti lie ilnne. Fui tins reason every mini con nected with the industry is vitally in tercNlcd in this III i'i-1 i uu , and, if lieces S.iry, S.1111II1 es shnulil be mml" lo secure a lull r pren'iilution liom the variniiH ftiiies slid territories and the various Iniiiii Hi's ol the industry, There are still niiiieoiKuniziitidiis und individuals in the industry w ho liuve not Idi nt died theiiisi'lvis with the natimial organiza tion. It is fiiiiiehtly Impi'il, for tin; goi.d of all, that thee will bi-iome Ini rn ln-ri-uinl he icproelitcd at the meeting. Tli'-y will n t only nsnxi in the work lo be done, hut will irnin much in an ednra tiointl wsy that will timru limn olln-t the exiieniti and Iroulile ul the j iuruey. MA VOlt M IIIMM.Mt ICK-Kl.KI TKI. ItcMill of the Moiuluy Klectlon nt .Mil nuukle Mfelj Conical. Mayor Win. Scliindlei'a admiuistra lion ol the alfaira of Milwatikie (or the past ail inontha received a flattering in dorsement at the tlrst annual municipal election that was held at that plae Monilay when the present mayor wan te clecte.1 by vote of bH lu 'S3 over 1. H, Mullun, the Independent or "progress ive" candidate. Twuollicea were found In possession of the independents when the final count was in, but these were Jeese A. Keck, recorder, and John Kelso, mar shal, two who have no voice in direct Inn municipal policy. The election binned on a iiieatino of remaining free from debtor bonding the town for a wa ter system and other public works. The debt free olicy prevailed. Ketiirni In the race lollowi : Mayor William Hchindler, 68; 1.8. Mullun, 3.1. Councllinen (1. Keller, 52; C. Kerr, M;0. 8. Matthews, 47; 0. J. Roberta, K();1I M. Mullan, 37; K. Berkemoier, 34; John Flick , 41. Recorder L. A. Head,31; J. A. Keck, (17. Treasurer Charles McCann, 83. Marshal (ieorjte llively. 37; John Kelso, 4U. McCann and Roberta were unopposed. The total vote at the election one year bko w as idi. The ciiir.en' ticket was headed by William Schindler, and stood forecon my and keeping out of debt, even thouirii there should ba no water avatetn or electric linlits or street improvementa. Ita paramount principle was "keep out of debt." The indeH9ndenta, headed by I. 8. Mullan, an implement dealer, believod in expending money in needed improve ments even though aotne debt be in curred. "What has the present administration done in the way of improvements ?" asked Mr. Mullan jI the people, tie made his campaign on a platform winch was favorable lo advancement, but his ideas did not meet general approval. Mayor Hchindler ia a duirvuian by oc cupation, 42 years old, and a native of Wisconsin. He comes Irom sturdy old German stock, snch as composes two thirds of the population of Milwatikie. He has been a resident of that village for 20 years, and has prospered. "I should like to see electric lights and wahr works and good sidewalks," be said, "but I want to see where the money is coming from with which to pay for them Hrst." Milwaukie, although one of the oldest tewns in Oregon, was not incorporated until about year ago. At one time it bid fait to become the metropolis of the Northwest, long before Portland was dreamed 01. As early as 1848 vessels un loaded at its docks, and the lumber mill, flour mill and even a newspaper were in operation there before Portland was properly started. Mayor Schindler points with pride to the cash halance In the treasury alter bis six months as mayor of Milwaukie. "We have had no income to speak of," lie said, "and yet we have kept out of debt. Our sole resources have been a few poll taxes collected, and few li censes granted to peddlers, yet we ap proach the second election of the munic ipality without owing a cent, and even have money in the treasury." lie lulek. Not a minute should be IobI when a child shows symptoms of croup. Cham berlain's Cough Remedy given as soon as the child becomes hoarse, or even af ter the croupy cough appears, will pre vent the attack. H never fails, and is pleasant and safe to take. For Bale by U. A. Harding. IK) YOU WANT A UM)U MA I'I Ntiliscrllie for FnlerprlHe anil Orege ii i n li ami (Jet One Free. I)D you want a map of the Pacific Northwest? Tlm Fntcrprise baa made mi arrangement with tlm Orcuniiiuu by which we curl luiuish valuable man to irniher with tlm Knterprise and the Weekly Kiegoiiiiin for one yetir each, sll Inr llm reiniirkshly low pru.e of f 'J 2" The cost ol tlm limp iilunu is The Futerprise bus tlm exclusive right of in troducing I In'"" limps into this i'i only on a clubbing olbir. Samplea of the map iny he seen nt the KntcniriH" o1ice ami all ordcra sent in by mail will receive prom it uitetilinn. The map is one of tlm best and moat serviceable we have ever seen. It is a wall map ami ennsists of four pnu'ea. Its iliiimuaiona are L'Hx.'lH inches. Tlm first page contains a map of tlm world in con nection with which is shown the com nnrntive times and distancea. All of the United HtHtes posse hm'ioiis are indicated hy Hsks. Thia page also shows the arms and llaga of the various nations of the world. Page two ia devoted to large si.ed maps of the states of Oregon and Washington, each state being shown by Itself. On tlm reverse side of this page is niven considerable statistical matter concerning tlm two states. In one col umn ia arranged in alphabetical order all nf the counties in each stale together witli the localior. in the state of the par ticular county tounther with the tutal population of that county. Following the list of tlm counties is given tlm names in alphabetical order also, of every city, town ami iHir-tollice in each state, the inline of the county in w hich it islocuted mid also tlm section of the state and the population of each. There ia also shown on this page the new sial ol the ritatu ol Oregon as adopted hv tim legieliiturH last winter, together with some descriptive matter allowing the respects: in which llm new dill'ers front the old. Five sepa rale innpH are shown on the third page. Thev are Alaska, llnti-h Columbia, the I ! 11 w ,1 nan Islands, Philippine Islands and the minor United H'ates possessions 111 the Pacific Ocean. The fourth pane shows a map ol the United States, Idaho K2LE235t3EI " Cameras" Don't wait until our stock of Holiday goods is all picked over, but come in early and have us lay aside the articles you wish and then your worry will be over. We have the finest line this year ever brought to the city and have marked them way down. WE WILL GUARANTEE TO SAVE YOU MONEY Razors We have an elegant line of guaranteed goods, which are extremely low, when quality i8 taken into consideration. They range from $1 to $3.50. KNIVES. We have the finest line in the city to choose from. Prices from 10c to $2.00. and the minor possessions of the United ... . .1 - ii : .1 I .w. n tha man suies in me ijiuu r show ing the last named land being larger and more ueeiui man mm u mt k-- Arrunireil in klDbabetlcla ICIIIllft pre'. ' r - r order on this page are also the counties and towns of the state of Idaho, together with their location and population. 'tn. nn..,hi.linn nt thnao. mfit)S 18 inn I'-iiii iiiii.Huu .1 .1. .u. ) ri inr n'lili'ii It retails. n 111 vii uo T" w' Thev are printed on good map paper and will last a me nine, mo "i drawings are richly colored and the map is a very cieditable production. We will furnish these maps to Clackamas county people at $2.25 and include with them a subscription to the Enterprise and the Weekly Oregoninn for one year in advance. Tins is a rare uuer mm " that will probably not be duplicated ...... I pu ii I ho F.ntnrnriHe ollice and see the map or mail us your subscription r ii t. t UA nlanaail tttivway. iou win ue euro iu wo ricn" ...:l. Ka nsuminiii vnil will receive. nun ii I'lcii.iuiii - Start the New Year off right by Bigning for the Miterprme, me ueav coumy y- ,! II. a llruirnnian. which for gen- ptTI BIIU VI. ftv- eral news is not equalled in this section. fiend in your suoscnpiioua at, unto. It'- ...mlna il tirnHnACtlVA ecllliuii uti v. r. - subscribers that this offer tor the Orego- nlan and the enterprise wmi mo nine as a premium, will hold good after Jan uary 1, next. So send in your subscrip tion at once and take advantage of this unusually liberal offer that will probably not be duplicated again. DLTEHMLNED TO KILL HIMSELF. Arier Slashing His Throat, Valentine Adam Hanged Himself. Determined to end his life, Valentine Adam succeeded by hanging himself near Kelso, this county, Baturday evening. The body was discovered at 8 o'clock Sunday morning when Coroner Hoi man was summoned from this city. An in quest was held, the jury returning a ver dict of suicide. Testimony adduced at the examination l -1 1 4t.A r.. A .1 . m n-lin wdQ I UIHCIOSVU llIO latli vul. nuaiu, " " f.z. ...Mnl ai.u nail lioan wnrkintr for UJ JMLw " ' ' " rt some time as book-keeper and assistant about the John Straus' saw mill at Kelso and so far as known was in good health and - pints. Saturday evening he ate his supper at the usual hour and nothing more was seen of him until the body was I found on the following morning. Adam Headquarters For O The Gift Buyer ,Kvery ,1'urchaHe from our Mitlalnt You will delight in our New Stock because it is in close touch with the times and anticipates your Every Want in Gift Making. PRESENTS FOR EVERYBODY Good things Plenty of then) Suitable for old and young. Come and get the very best and save in the buying. MDHffiS BROS. GOLDEN RULE BAZAAR Oregon City's Big Cash Store Photo Albums Manicure Sets Collar and Cuff Boxes Smoking Sets ofove Boxes Handkerchief Boxes Fancy yases Toilet Sets Gold Pens CHARMAN & bad no known relatives in this country and there is no motive given for tbe sui cide. Early Saturday evening, Adam went to k;a .ml aitumntnrl tn end bia life bv JIB IWI .'"I m.vvM.fvv- - nnii;n liin ihmat. hut the knife was not sharp enough to accomplish the purpose although, be Datliy laceraiea ins uec, V,I..K klul nnninlluk' Fftilintf in this attempt, the man went to a vacated house near by that was used as an office, and banged himself to tbe rafter. Kodol Iyieiia Cure Digests all classes of food, tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs. Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Stomach Troubles, and makes rich, red blood, health and strength. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure rebuilds wornom iiues, purifies, strengthens and sweetens the stomach. Gov. li. W. Atkinson.of W. Va. luir nf bottles KltTn. i img linen "x nl VnJnl nvo.iBimia Hum and have found 1 ... ... ! 1 t I it to he a very ettective anu, iniieeu.n powertul remedy lor siomscii aiiiueum. I recommend it to my friends." Sold by G. A. Harding. rRealasy Save lots of i Money J Everything that'f Heautifuf Chinaware, Crockery Glassware Fancy Holiday Ornaments and Novelties Dolls, Lamps, Clocks Rich Cut Glass Dinner Sets Come before Parting with your Money (Jet our prices L lT Great American Importing n lei to. I 100 Stores V That's the Reason Main Street, South of 5th. Oregon City Holiday Who Comes To Us Makes No Mistake Beautiful Strx;k means a Merry Chriiitmas for some one THE PLE SELECTION THE G01D QUALITY THE REiSONABLE PRICE Perfumes and Atomizers Package Goods, 25c to $7.50 Bulk Goods Latest Odors Cut Glass Bottles and Atomizers Gold Pens Fountain Pens Very Reasonable CO. Ci'y Df "9 store "IMJURABLE" HEART DISEASE S0OS CURED. Franklin Miles M. D., LL. Will Send i3 "5 Worth of His Spec ially Prescribed Treatment Free to Afflicted Read, ers. To demonstrate tbe unusual enrative nnn-Ara nf hi. VllW SnAI'tlll TVafltment NinciD U. HI" f . - - I for diseases of the heart, nerves, stom-J ach or dropsy, Dr. Miles will send iree to any afflicted person 3.75 worth of bis new treatment. I, ia tlm raanlt nf twnntv-fivB vparfl of careful study, extensive research, and remarkable experience in treating thou sands of heart, stomach and nervous dis eases, which so often complicate each case. So certain are the results of his New Treatment that be does not hesi tate to give all patients a trial iree. Few physicians have such confidence in their skill. Few physicians so thor oughly deserve the confidence of their patients as no false inducements are ever held out. The doctor's private practice is ao extensive as to require the aid of forty associates. His offices are always open to visitors. Col. N. G. Parker, ex-treasurer of South Carolina, says: "I believe Dr. Miles to be an attentive and skillful phy sician, in a field which requires the best qualities of head and heart." Tbe late Professor J. 8. Jewell, M. D., editor of the Journal of Nerves and Mental Dis eases, of Chicago, wrote, "By all means publish your surprising results." Hondreds of "Incurable Cases" cored. Mrs. Frank Smith, of Chicago, was cured of beart dropsy after five leading physi cians bad given her np. Hon. C. M. Buck, banker, of Faribault, Minn., writes: "I had broken completely down. My head, heart, stomach and nerves had troubled me greatly for years. Dr. Miles Special Tieatment cured me after six eminent physicians of Chicago and elsewhere had completely failed." 1000 references to, and testimonials from bishops, clergymeu, bankers, farm ers and their wives will be sent free. These include many who have been nnniH . lap Irom Trt lill nilVK H H UHVI3 VUIVU iiuiu v w I . pronounced them incurable. For free treatment, tree Mean book anu qurouuu blank, address Dr. Miles, Grand Dispen 53 Goods photo papplie? Toys, Games We have all the latest games and toys for both young and old. We are selling them at about half price. STATIONERY. We have the very latest in' fancy and up-to-date boxes containing the very best of material, 25c to $3.00. sary, 513 to 523, Main St., Elkhart, Ind. Mention Oregon City Enterprise in your reply. Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in tbe postnffice at Oregon City, Oregon. Dec. 10, 1903: WOMKS'8 LIST. Brown Mrs Joce Emil Mrs Bud Bentley Emma (2) Sloan Mrs Mabel 2 Eggert Mrs Elizabeth Tnrner Mrs Jack Wilson Miss Nettie Kin's UST. Albright Frank Lyons LS Brunson L L McDaniel G E Ellingwooil Allie Osterman W F Freeman Mr R J Pluard Andrew Haley Thos H pmith C M Lowe Cbas M Wood J H TOM P. RANDALL, P M. OREGON JOURNAL AL80 WEEKLY AND SEMI-WEEKLY Read the Market News IN THE" Oregon Daily Journal TOOTHING is omitted which concerns the interest of buyers and tellers in lb tbe live stock, grain, provisions, produce and financial markets the quo tations are comprehensive, and are in every way reliable. The Journal in addition carries every day a full and truthful report of tbe world's news and presents many special features of deep interest to the average reader. The Jonrnal's woman's page, the illustrated sporting news page, Jour nal stories and comic pages and other good things make it a very popular fam ily newspaper, clean and bright from A to Z and year's end to year's end. Daily, one year by mail, only $4; six months, $2.25; three months, $1.25. Semi-weekly, 104 issues, one year, U-50. Weekly, $1. Tbe issues of the Semi' Weekly and Weekly Journal also contain the market news and all of the features of the Daily Journal. Address, THE JOURNAL, Portland, Oregon. 6 If e t