Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 11, 1903)
I I & $ ft v r Diamond RIurh and UrooclicH Solid gold and gold filled Watches Chainfl and Iocketfl, Duinl.ell Cuff Buttons Stick TinB and Studn Kinhlein Pins and Charms Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Hkskut tr Saiajawka The mem l.era ol Wa. lifiio Tnl. No. Ill, Impiovi-d Order of Uedmeii, of this rily, am drill ir.u n i u 1 1 1 1 v for mi entertainment to 1e given in this city hhortly alter tint holi day fur tlif benefit il the Saeajawea monument f ii (i I . Cinque Slid appro piiaie will thn eiitettainini'iil In. It will .( imi-t of war .lamer'. Indian song, all prop'-rly preseuti'il III eiediiini'. It ,,., n,,iiv Miiih-A ,Hri, , r, ! ?- . n'.iiie I on ' Main ai reel i x -V . " I . . . I .,,. !. k ' thief w res ed lloin tin liiimls ol .Mrs. I . . Fannie ( 'ochriin, an Merlv woman, her piirMe.amiineo o ...... R .... peilesirimis oil Hie i 1. ine roi.o..iy look uliice ill flout of the Itiin : ol Oregon . . ... .1 . ... I ., ( II,.. 1 I IIV III I lie linilll IMI-in. -n ...n,.i. . .... 1 ....... ..1 . L lli.iv Kinll ! I 1 1 J l l HI... 1, . .' '. . amount oftinnney was contained in the MHM-. Three nuiirioua slrut gcrs were promptly aiiesled ami placed Hi the fit V jail, but lio trace ol the missing pulse has been Iniiiid. One of the men Imd over flnil 111 currency accreted about his clothes. I.i-i iki Nkmi Camiv. W. V.. Swell-I gel is mining the rei enl arrivals 111 Clack- hiiihs conntv from I he Fast. Mr Swen- g.d coinea lo Inis aliite Iroin .Mill 111 rn , i Nebr inka. wbrre be was lor iiiiinv years i engaged in Hie general m-rcl.aiidis.' Iiiisineaa. lie has purchased a ranch iieiirCanhy und with a large force of men, has begun ami xleiisive clearing of the laud. Mr. Swengel is uite favor ably impressed with Oregon altboili:h be has been a resident of Una section hut a sborl lime. He declares he would never again Ihuik of returning to the stale from which became and there resume his residence. The farineis in the vicin ity ol Canby are Installing a rural tele phone cyaleni that haa proven a decided advantage to rural citi.eiiH In other partn of the alate. 8omk I'Korosmt Tai knt. Harvey K. Crosa, of Ibis city, manager of the I'a cillc Coast ChaiitaiKiua Assemblies, went to hail Fiancisco this week to at tend a meeting of the delegate from the various associations on the coaat. Mr. C'roaa ia aecrelary of the Willamette Val ley Chanlsuqtia Aasociation which he will represent at the meeting that has been called lor the puroe of selecting the talent that will be engaged for next year' -senibliea. The hoard of direc tor ol the Willamette Valley Chautau qua AsMocialion held a meeting Monday allernoon anil informally diacussed the talent that would he satiafactory and would contribute lo the miceens of the local association. Among the prominent public men whoae namea will he pre- Drylnjr propftrallonn aimply deTu op dry catarrh ; they dry up the accretion, w hich adhere to the membrane and decom- .oae, causing a far more aorioua trouble tha the ordinary form of catarrh. Aroid all dry in(? iuhalauU, fumea, aniokeg and anuffa and uao that which cleanaea, aoothea and heala. FJy'a Cream Palm ia aucb a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the hoaii easily and pleaaanUy. A trial aize will be mailed for 10 centa. AU dnigRiaU ieU tha COo. aize. Itrothera, CC Warren St., N. I. The Italin cure without pain, doea not irriute or canae gneezing. It apreads Itaelf over an irritated and angry aurface, raliar. in Immediately the painful inflammation With FJy'i Cream Balm 1700 arc armed against Kaaal CaUrrh and UtJ Fever. OREGON Youf Holiday Will have ut niotft careful attention. Our Htock is complete, extensive and well nelccted. The imhwinontH we ar ofl'i ring are better value for the money thnn we have ever before ofTored. Our article we Hell. Our iinmenBe dock preHcntH many useful ChrintrnuH (JifU WE A cordial invitation in extended to every one to call and inBpect our line personally. To thoBe finding it inconvenient to call upon ub we would ay that we have had a world of experience and that we we would take great care to please you in filling your mail orderB. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN Suspension Bridge Corner THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS sen ted byK-cretary Crona at the Han Francisco meeting a some of Iiih talent ptelerred by the Willamette Valley AiMx'iHlinn arn ('ol. (ieo. W. lUin, John II. Wnnlon. Dr. Newell I lht Ilillis, of I'lymomh church, llrooklyti, N. Y., (iov ernor Hob Taylor, of Tennessee; Or. Jolin II. Vincent, (minder ol the original Chautauqua siciaiion at Chautauqua Lake, New York, I'liosrucTS Akk (inor Frank II, oi me .11011111a riurai inning I Coinpaiiy, who returned this week from la trip In llm company a prnperliea on 1 Ogle Creek report Unit the prospecting I id the mineral land located by the com- I'i'iiv ih proceeding with nioi-t proiniHing l'r"" 'lH- ,)"""", "" 1-1h"" ,l,iVH '""covered to .be name degree of n. I.nesa ir...i i.i ill I fi yiu ii f i ii u ri v 1 1 1 1 iiih .r i . . i ...'.i I 1I...1 1, . uv jM ,,r,.. Hrj tll i,IMtHl in the near future u mill at lis mines and pro ceed w ith the thorough development of . r,.. properties F.n route to Huh city, Mr. Welsh realized what is possible for a man to see "when ho does not have bis gun." It was nothing innro than lour bead of ileer any one of which could ' easily have been killed with an ordinary I firearm. Mr. Wcitdi reports coimi. ter abit) snow in the fnolhilln. U:i n ro Uhvni) Jrnv. II. Carpenter (ieorge Willis and William Mills, ar- rested at Oregon City f-jr atleinpting to i pasa altered postolfn'e money orders, were examined last Thursday morning t befo.e l l.iled States C lussioner K. i I). McKee. and were held lo answer be- lore the United States grand jury, liail was lixed 11I '0i) each. uinl 111 ilefull I I they were committed to thecoiiniy jail. On Willis waa found two money orders for $ir each, a quantity f wax candles, blotters, a bottle of ink and erasing lluid, all of which were ollered by the Oregon Citv olhVers aa evidence against the men. The vial of acid waa tested and it waa discovered that i' wrould re move ink stains. Mills declined to make any statement in regard to the matter, and the olherB wereqiiully close mouth ed. The orders were purchased in Port land on San Francisco, and were raised. The attempt was mado to pass them In Oregon City. Oregonian. Artistu: Envki.oi'Kh. If you are in need ol a strictly artistic envelope and something that 'will at the same time advertise the Lewis A Clark Centennial Exposition to le held in Portland in llKKi, vou should see our Lewis & Clark envelope. Tha Enterprise recently had cut made and obtained permission from the Lew ia A Clark fair people lo use the HUITIM III the iirintimr of envelopes only. The illustration used is a cut produced I from the official design that was adopted by the Exposition management from the ISutlalo, New York, artist and for which a prir.e of f)00 was paid. It Is the only ollicial design and the Enterprise 1ms the permission to use it in printing envelopes. Call at the Enterprise otlice and we will be pleased to show you some 01 tue wora. ; No extra charge is made for the nse of i ili eut in printing the envelopes which ; I are furnished at the same price that has . always been charged for tins work. Om:n F.xriKKS January 1. The offer of the Enterprise to club with the Weekly Oregonian for one year and give a line map, all (or $2.25, expires January 1, at least the Enterprise cannot guar antee to prosiicctive readers that the oiler will hold good after that date. The map alone is worth the coat of the two papera combined. A description ol CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1903 MENTION FOR Opal Set in Rings. Pins and Studss (iold and Silver Hat Pins Genuine French Ebony Ware Souvenir Spoons in all sizes Fine Imported Chinaware Musical Instruments the map in given in another column ol thii issue of the Enterprise. FerBons signing for the Enter pride and the Oregonian or. thin clubbing proposition and ordering the map, will have to call at the F.nU-rprisa otlice for the map. Send in your subscription!! and take advantage of this ununually liberal offer while it is available. Co mm rrr ku to . ail. In default of the reuuired bail of t'-'W, H. F. Stringer, of Klvville. a suburb of Una city, was com- ; mi"ttel to ttic conntv itil HHt Friday by- ! Jimtice of the Peace StiPP on a charge j ,,( BHuult with a dangerous weapon. Htiingnr is the man w ho while drunk, ,,.r,.Hl,., Hum excitement at his home Thurailav afternoon in the pruniisrous , .n.elia.ging of lirearn.s and threiitening lo kill bis wile or anv person who might get in his way. I.aie in the afternoon lie was subdued by two local ollicera who hauled him in jail. Sl'liAKrJ FOK THK FoHTI.ANI) FAIK. III bis recent niesnHgH to congress, presi dent Koosevelt indorse the Lewia ,1: Cla-k fair in the following leniiH:' "1 trust that the Congress will continue to favor in all proper ways the Louisiana purchase Exposition. This exposition commemorates the Louisiana purchase, which was the first great step in the ex-p.iH.-Mon which made ua a continental nation. The expedition of Lewis and Clark serosa the continent followed thereon, and marked the beginning of the process of exploration and coloni.a- "" " ' '"r"" "" "..- 'lr"' t ' . 1 he Requisition of vreguo cuum., , ...1 ....... a u.o K. en. n.itirn o. viirtiiii nnvi iioohiiiii'uu was a fact of immense importance in our history; first giving ns our place on the Pacific seaboard, and making ready the way for our ascendency in tho commerce of the greater pf the oceans. The cen tennial of our establishment upon the western coast by the expedition of Lewis and Clark is to be celebrated at Portland, Oregon, by an exposition in the summer of 11)06, and this event should receive recognition and support from the National Government." Ayers For hard colds, bronchitis, asthma, and coughs of all kinds, you cannot take any thing better than Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout own doctor if this is not so. He uses it. He understands why it soothes and heals. - I Imd a terrible cnnh for Thn I took Aver'l Clierrt IVolornl ana only on bottle completely cnrd mf." Mas. J. B. DAltroRTH. St. Joseph, Mich. JV..STW.. Sl.dO. J. O. ATKRCO., AM for t.nwell. V... Coughs.Colds You will hasten recovery by tak ing one of Ayer't Pills at bedtime. SPECIAL NOTICE The new Carman Bracelets Silver Brushes and Toilet Sets Silverware for the Table Libbey's Rich Cut Glass Cameras and Kodaks Meteos Abousbs Strip. The several persons who have been desirous of secur ing possession of the large meteor found ntar Oregon City, among whom are an agent ol the Smithsonian Institution and L. L. Hawkins, who hopes to obtain it lor the free museum in the city hall, are sorrv that it has become the cause of a ! law suit. The agent of the Smithsonian Institution advised Mr. Hughes, who I moved the meteor off the lands of the I Oregon Iron ami Steel Company, to stir render it, as the cornnany bad liberally I offered to reimburse him for the expense I incurred in "moving" it. Bui he refused J to compromise the case. There is a great diversity of opinion as to the value I of the mete. r. The intrinsic vain of it j apfs'ars to be not large. When the fore ! man of the iron and steel company was I told thai it would he worth -0 a ton to melt un, he replied that he would not w ant to set his men at work to break it up for $20 a ton. The Smithsonian In stitution has a large number of meteors, and only desires this one on account ol its large size and would not likely pay any large sum for it. The place where it naturally belongs is in the free museum here, and there it will doubtless be de posited. Oregonian. Driven (o Desperation. " Living at an out of the way place, re mote from civili.ation, a family is often driven lo desperation in case of acci dent, resulting in burns, cuts, wouuds, ulcers, etc. Lay in a supply of Buck len's Arnica Salve. It's the best on earth. 25c ut Clianuau A Co.'s drug, store. Mokk Salmon Eoos Shipped. Clau dius Wallich, who ia in charge of the Untied States fish commission at this city, reports the shipment recently oi 2,500.000 Chinook salmon eggs from the Big White Salmon hatchery to Salmon on the Salmon river. Another shipment of between 3,000,000 and 4,000,000 of these eggs will be maden ex t week from the Clackamas hatchery to the govern ment plant at Yaiiuina. Clackamas WoohsiKN Elect. The annual election of ollicers was held last week by Clackamas Camp No. 434 Woodmen of the World at Logan. The newly elected officers are : J. C. Young, counsel commander; Marsh Frakes, ad visory lieutenant; Chris Tellefson, hanker; William Brown, clerk; Foster King, escort; George Gill, watchman; Otto Thun, sentry; Andrew Tellefson, manager. Artisans Elect Officers. The an nual election of the Oregon City Assem bly No. 7, United Artisans, waa held Thursday night with the following re sult: Joseph 8. Purdom, master artisan ; Mrs. A. Tycer, superintendent; Mrs. Maggie Curran, inspector; Miss Jennie Kow an, secretary ; M. Bollack, treasur er; Thomas Carrico, senior conductor; Charles Dickey, master of ceremonies; Mrs. Ben Linn and Mrs. B. Goodfellow, field commissioners; Dr. W. E. Carll and Dr. C. A. Stuart, physicians; Mrs. Thomas Searles, musician. Must Pay for Private Roadway. Pistrict Attorney Allen has been direct ed bv the Clackamas county court to in stitute an action in tbe name of the county against Fred Brakebrush, of this county, to recover the costs for survey ing and laying out a private roadway. This action was taken by the court on the report of the viewers to the effect that Brake Dush had refused to reimburse them for their labor, the charges for tbe Wants etyleo are fresh and new. The personal guarantee goes: with every r Silver and Gold Mounted Cane3 The very latest in Umbrellas Parker Fountain Pens Ladies' and Gents' Gold Pens Wrist Bags, Purses, Card Cases Cigar Cases, Music Rolls work aggregating $2o. Bracebush was ordered by tbc court at its last session to compensate tbe viewers and, failing to do so, the controversy will be settled in the courts. The action against Brake bush, which is the lirst of its kind in this county, is based on ..that section of the load law which provides that the piop erty holder for whom a private road way is established, shall assume and pay the costs incident to the surveying and laying out of such road. Anncal Maccabee Election. At tha annual Maccabee election held last Thursday evening the following officers were elected to Berve for the coming year: Joe Black, commander; C. J. Waldron, lieutenant-commander; Ed E. Taylor, record keeper; Millard Hiatt, finance keeper; J. W. McAnulty, chap lain ; Dr. E. A. Sommer, physician ; A. J. Wyman, sergeant ; Ira Lawrence, master-at-arms; J. L Barry, first master of the guard; F. Darling, second master of the guard; David Jones, sentinel ; Clin ton Cole, picket. State Commander J. W. Sherwood, of Portland, assisted in the election, and a large number of the members was in attendance. "Sherm" Gets as Appointment. Sherman Burlord, of this city, has been atmninfnit tn lliM noflition of i rtl rn it'rtttion innnecrnr nd will be stationed at New Westminster, British Columbia. News of the appointment of Mr. Bui ford was received by Senator Brownellon Friday of last week. Mr. Burford's appointment was secured on the recommendation of Senator BroAiiell and Mayor Dimick. The position carries with it quite a lucra tive salary. Mr. Burford's many friends here are glad to learn of bis good luck. He has always been an active worker in the interest of the Republican ticket, and this recognition ia entirely deserved. JisT Fifteen Minttes Late. The fact that she reached the Oregon City Land Office fifteen minutes late, may cost Caroline Wadle tha privilege of con testing tbe legality of the final proof made by Lee Gaines to a homestead claim in Linn county. In January 1902, Lee Gaines made commuted proof to his homestead, located in Linn county, a lew miles east of Albany, and the final receipts were issued therefor. He sub sequently disposed of the property to a third party and subsequent to this trans action, tbe contest was begun by the Wadle woman on the grounds that tbe claimant bad not regularly proved np on the claim. The contest was continued from September until Deoember 2. When called last Wednesday, the con testant and her witnesses had not ap peared and at the request of the woman's counsel, the case was again continued until 1 o'clock Thursday afternoon. At the appointed hour neither the contest ant nor her witnesses had reported at the land office. An hour later, the officers ol the local office dismissed the contest for want ol appearance on the part of the contestant. Fifteen minutes later the Toman and her friends appeared but the records showed that the contest had been cancelled. Col. R. A. Miller, attorney for the contestant, filed a motion for the re-instatement of the contest, but this motion was objected to by Hedges & Galloway and T. F. Cowing, counsel for the contestee. It was finally decided by the register and receiver of the local office to give both sides an opportunity to ariiue the Question this week. This nneatinn was never before oresented be- I . lore Hie local mnu umce anu wio adviser, in napcr covers in wilt tree oil point raised is a new one, considerable; receipt of 2 one-cent". tu Vny e interest attends the outcome. The pense of ro? Hn? only. Additse ir. JL V.' homestead in dispute has been hotly Pierce, Bufio, N. Y. H t t s vmxum i wemsm r contested from the outset. It ia particu larly valuable because of the splendid growth of timber it contains. Tbe offi cers of tbe local Land Office sustained the motion of counsel for tbe contestant, Caroline Wadle, for a re-instatement oi ber contest against the final proof of Lee Gaines to a homestead in Linn county. The contest bas been set for March 28. Worst ei All Experiences. Can anything be worse than to feel, that every minute will be your last? Such was the experience of Mrs. 8. H. Xewson, Decatar, Ala." "For three years," she writes, "I endured insuffer able pain from indige-tion, stomach and bowel trouble. Death seemed inevitable when doctors and all remedies tailed. Kl length I was induced to try Electric Bitters and the result was miraculous. I improved at once and now I'm com pletely recovered. For liver, kidney, stomach and bowel troubles Electric Bitters is the only medicine. Only 50c. It is guaranteed by Charman & Co., druggists. Took the Wrong Booze. Despon l ent after a protracted spree that was at tended by tbe delireum tremens, Peter Burgess, who lives near this city, last Thursday night attempted suicide by taking carbolic acid The Quid was 1 somewhat warmer than Burgess had j been accustomed to and the only damage j Jne was a badly burned mouth and throat. Tise Trpg IBM In a younfr girl's life i reached wtiea Nature li-nds her uncertain steps across tlte line which divides girlhood from woraaa hood. Ignorauce and neglect at this crit ical period are largely responsible for misery of woman- Pa Bins ldLUIC UJllU need help in the regular establish ment of the wom anly function, but there is almost al ways need f some safe, strengthening tonic, to overcome the languor, nerv ousness and weak ness, commonly ex perienced at this time. If there is an in valid woman, suf fering from female weakness, prolap sus, or falling of womb, or from leu corrhea who has used Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription without complete success, Dr. Pierce would like to hear fraa such person and it will be to her advant age to write as he offers in perfect good faith, a reward of $500 for any case of the above maladies which he cannot cure. I wish to tell you the benefit we hjw received from mine your remedies, write Mr. Dan Hall, of Brodhoul. Green Co., Wis. "Two years pro m' daughter' hcaUh bfffau to fail. Everything t at could be ol was dune to help her ' ut it was f no ue When he befran tocomntain she we qurtc tout ; weighed 170. the picture of (rl li-ulih, until aloui the age of fourteen, thru ill months sV w :n so run down her weight was !ut i.'o. She Iccpt failing and I (rave hp thinking there w;. no use, she mus die. l-rit-t:.l iil said. ' V.u will lose your daughter ' I f.ji.1 I l.r I h ill. I must say, docior. thr.t c:i!v f.r your 1 avorite Prescription - niv uaui'Mir would haw Veil in her grave to-..aV. Vtwn -!. had t. !.". kalf bottle the natural fundi. ,11 v:, : ' -uhil and we bouc' t another on -. nnli'i . ulv two bottles in al1 and she c.-.tiphtclv rtcuver-.d. Since then s ia as wed as can V JJOClOl Doctor Pit rce's Common Sense Medical