Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1903 THAT I'OL'RTT nDKUTEim.KH. The (curltr Mlmuld 1'laca Illume Where It llelongs. In lie lot lue Ilia Courier hastens to cull attention to llm Indebtedness ol Cirkauiss county ami to place to ;th credit ol tha llepubllena tlx present condition ul allslr. At I lie Mine time tlm PciiKM'mlU! pnwr intimate Hint the true condition ul Hie roiitily, financially. m been concealed until ttii) kinuunt ul the county' olilltialluri 1 1 M heroine o ,rcttbst necily liti obliged the dis closure u( actual condition m made pub- in the recent setiilsnuusl report of I'minty Clerk Hlnilil. The Enterprise in publishing ilia re ports last eek, printed tha statement nl Clerk Weight III explanation ol the discrepancy revealed in ilia report, which gave the total Indebtedness ul Hie county at alioutU4,fl(K) instead ul 1101',. OUU. a eliuwn at Ilia last precedlim seiul snmisl ritoft Hut allien the Courier desires lu enla'gs on tha euhjeut, we will till aualn present the true (acta aa disclosed by the reiturt. The discrepancy waa piodured by faulty nietliutla em ployed by lormer county clerk covering a period ul ev tirsl year. In oomplllnii their report, thei ullli'era Diatla a (tract tea ol deduct I UK Iroin Ilia total amount ol outstand ing aarrinl the sutfreyate ul Ilia war rants Ihst er redeemed, lotietlier wilt) Die a mo out ol aevrued luterest that had been ald tliereun. ll. fur iuilaiiie, during tha all mouth ol any ol the period coverml In ona ol the riorli, warranla ol the laca value ul 10,0t)0 were redeemed, interest on which at tl er'enl (or aliout three yeara suionnted to IIHO.O hy tha practice that arre employed, the total ol the war rants and tha accrueU lutereet or f ll.HOO vii rrduced Iroul the total ul onlnUnd liilt aenaute, thin cresting uile dis crepancy. Only Ilia actual lace valua ul these wsrranl should have been ub tructeil Ironi the total outstanding and ths inter t o paid chained up to an other account. It ws In thin way that the iliH'rency anew, And ll It plain to hutt the diU'ermica III the reported ami the actual condition ol the county liii waned with each succeeding hall-year until the evidence ol irregularity became lo patent that the preni-ut oflicers made an invcaligation ul the county 'a record mih the result disclosed In Clerk Sleight' lent wnil annual rKirt. Thou It may be en that a glarintf uiirxslculsliun made at the time ul making each semi annual rexirt (or ahuiit M'ken yt-ar. To all appearand', llie HKti"'Ke ul the county' obligation wan Iicihk ritly reduced when a a matter ol l.u t the county' true condition remained practically the same. Kaeh ui i eediig county clerk accepted a In fallible the statement ol III predecessor an to the coiidillon o llie coiuilv ami the ilircrf paiicy on this account increased rather than decreased with each semi- ear. I he true condition ul affair Ma not revenled until within the pant lew iiiunlli when County Clerk Height ler mumlly checked over the record and lor the flrnt time In yeara eerertained the actual amount ol the county' indebted lienn indicated by the OUtetallding warrant, it w nut until tin time lliat Ihe di r'Hncy wa discovered al though it wa the general beliel among the ollicial and pruiieriy uwoer ol the county thai the variou report ol the county olllcer lor a number ol year pant have not nliown correctly, the total ul the count) 'a obligation. While the report ol Clerk Kleight made lant week give the coontv'a indebted nen at thi lime at (144,000 a agamnt alwul aU)'J.(MK) a rerted iwo yir ago, the record ehuw that the county debt ha liol been increed materially during the present adinilllntralion. The differ ence ol 111,000 rennlted almoal entirely Ironi the irregular ylem ol keeping the record ol the county. Since the dis crepancy cctimulHled almoet entirely during the term o( ollice 01 Itiflon ofllce boliler in thi county, the Intimation ol the Courier that lb Republican wen elriving to withhold the true condition ol the county ia not uported by the (at-li. The report ol the (union olllcer wre lu all periicea Haltering to thcmnelvt iu that the county' debt seemed to be on the decrene. Former ufliieraul the county could have ancer tuined the true rondition u( the county financially 11 Ihey had uneil the aame diligence that wa practiced by the pre ent ollicer. The county'a debt ia unfortunately large and tha taipyere ol Clackamaa county would if the legiNlature U not called in extra teavion that provlaion may be made for collecting a tax on the aHenmeiit roll thi coining Spring. Hy economical management ul the alfaire of the counly, the county can be conducted within it revenue and tha obligation giaduully reduced. HAUIIUAJi V. SOUTHERN 1'AtIFlC. 15,000 Damage Suit Agaiiiit lUllroud (umpiiuy Holly CunkMid. The liri.OOO damge unit ol Ex-Drake-nmn liarligan againnt the Southern l'a cilic Company wa begun in the circuit court Tueaday morning. But three wit neeneafor Ilia plaiutifT were introduced during the day. Some trouble wa had in getting a jury, a number being excued. The twelve men finally tenured were: Jamea Kvatia, T. M. Cro, Kred Miller, Walter Kirchein, Jamea Shlbley, Fred Kly, F. T. Dnvi. Gilbert Randall, J. K. Mor ton, I). B. Martin, C. Hair and 0. O. Millard. Ilartigan waa formerly employed by the defendant company ai brakeman. Lent February an extra height train, on which he waa employed, lelt the track near Oawego. Ilartigan jumped down an embankment and Buffered the coin pound fracture of both nonet in the right leg below the knee. Aa a contcquence, Ilartigan allege that ha baa been per manently crippled and ia unable to work. Heaaka damagea In the aum ol $15,000, contending that the accident re filled Ironi the defective condition of the company'! roadbed at tbe acene of the mlahap. The railroad com pany, aa a defense, will hold that Ilartigan ia an experienced railroad employe and during the time ol hi service with the defendant corporation knew of the condition ol the roadbed, accepted employment with that knowledge and aanumed the ordinary rink involved in the discharge of bla dulle. IIartlgn will alio ha charged with contributory negligence beoauae ol tha manner In which he leaped Iroui tha train. Abnmice ol any real permant it Injury from the accident will alio count! tin a part ul the dcferine by tbe railroad company, Ilartigan wm the principal wltnett Tueaday, and in hi own behalf related the clrcuiiiNtanue attending the wreck and the Injury he (untalned. A luriner ection foremn for tha railroad com pany, emuloved at the acene ul the acci dent, tectillnd a to the condition of the roadbed on the Went Hide divinlon, which he aid ia omhat Inferior to that ol the company' main line. W. ), Kenton, ol 1'orlland, repreentd the railroad company, and aoclaled with hliu In conducting the cane were It. Koblrr, eiiperiiilenderit of the com pany' line in Oregon, Oeo, C. lirow nell, of Oregon City, and W. W. Itrelh- erton, claim aent (or tbe railroad vonp nany. Judge A. M. Dennett, ol The I)lle. wa altted by U. L Hedge, of thi city, In conducting tha cane (or Ilartigan. All of Wedneeday anJ Thurs day wa occupied In receiving tentlmony, and the raae had not been submitted to the jury at tbe pre buur. OKF.UON OTY VOtTIIV CONUUEfW Youna; People of Hy are Learalrig How to UjMate. Under the direction of Rev. J. II Heaven, local pan tor of the First Haptiat church, a juvenile Congre ha been or gaulaml In thi city. The aeml-inonthly meeting that are liojv held will aoon be lUcceediH by weekly lerwion. Iloth houne era reprewmted In the organisa tion which ha lor Ita primary purpune the farulliariaing uf the young ptople of the comiiiuriity with the government and parliamentary tactic in vogue in tbe National Congre. The liemherhip of the senate conaiet ol hoy from the high school while the girl uf tbe public school comlitute the memlterMhip ol llie house uf reprenenta lives. Meelluglare held by the two huuses un different nights of tbe Week ml the legislation ul one body l sub mitted (or ratification by the other. Hnth bounea are regularly oflicered and the proceeding are conducted strictly in accordance with established rule ul or der. Fch member u( either hon e I an igued a section of the United Stale for which be acts as representative. It de volve upon him a uch legislator to ac quaint himsell with the particular needn of hi locality and to present and cham pion auch legislation as will lxst serve his constituency, Inteiine intercut in taken by the young people in their con gress from w hich Ihey ere learning much concerning the government ul their na tive country. A Hare Tliluff. It I said that nothing i sure except death and taxen, but rfiat is not alto gether true. l)r. King' New lhwovery for Consumption i a nre cure for ail lung ami thrust troubles. Thousands can testify to that. .Mr C. It. Van Metre ul Shepherdton, V. V., ssV "I hd severe cane uf Ilrnncbitis and for a year tried everything I beard of, but vol no relief One Inillle ol lr. King' New tiscuverv then cured me absolutely." It' Infallible lor Croup, Whooping Cough, (trip, 1 neiimouia and Consiinip lion. Trv it. It's guaranteed by Char man A Co., Ihugginta. Trial bottle free, Reg. sites 60c, $1. To a Naw Ixx-ATioN. J. A. Tuft, the eonfecti 'iiery dealer, ha removed from Seventh aireet, near the depot, to the tore recently vacated by Mr. Cole, ner Knterprine olllce, where he w ill continue to dmiieiine icecream in the season and sweet and other delicacies throughout the year. Iu hi improved location, Mr. Tuft business will likely prosper in pro portion. Sue Thikd TiiKka Tin un, Because her hunband made life to unpleasant (or her after three different attempts to re side with bun, Mr. Kinma Minnie May Murpbey ha brought suit for divorce in the circuit court agHinet David Murphey, to w hom ahe was married in this county in December, 18U2. The plaintiff allege that the deleudant repeatedly threat ened tu kill her. She ask for the cus tody uf three minor children in addition tu a legal Reparation. DROPSY Do Your Ankle) op l.lmb ftwell? Are Your Eyeas Puffy? Wa an tho Solo Agent for the Only Thing Known That Curoai tin Kidney Dlacaeee That Cause Drupay, vU.i Fulton Compounds. It I now well knows that dropsy Is sol Is Itself a dlsesM, but Is avsrly always a sjnp- totn of kldusy dlaeaa that aocooipanle U BroDlo stagu borUifur Inourabl. Henca, up to the dlsuorerj of tta Fulloo Compounili, Iropsy wa lnoursbl. It I now, bowvr, ursul la ntarljr nits leullisof sit cats. Hr la aa latamtlnf rsoovsry. to whlob w rfr r bsrratasloa. Mr. Potsr OoThsalx of 91 Plllmora itrwl. fan rrauolsco, beoam alarmUi(J drniwioal. Her phjniolso had tually lo lap W vry fsw day. Him was isppud oasrly forty times ssd rrew won from day lo day. Tan phyalclaa riaallr luld her huibeud thai sbs bad Urlhl's Dianas or lus iviuuajs, iui n w id vaoosd ebronlo i Hi and beyond medlral aid. Her heart also fare hr Ibe usual Irvubls ssd lbs wss Id sueb a ssriuus condition therelatlre war ml for. Tbey put ber oa Fulloe'a Com- Cuod. II (tared aa lb stomach, lb erst In thai bad don so for a week. Tb second ask tbo dropsy destined a lime and tb Im rovemenl "as lass, frmdeel Sill ber recovery waa eompleis. This oase was eiamlned Intc by representation of lb Sao Fraaelao Htai and toe uverland Moalbly, and the f enuiaenesi of Iheoasn sod the recovery wer fully attested la tblr eoluniDa. M r. Thomas Ckrlstot of 41 Twsnty-ssTntli (Ireot, Bao r ram wa also swollen with Iropny. as tb result of chroole klduey dlsrsse, la hi. ire ibaa netenly Are uounds beyond bei soruial welKlil, nd bad to be moTed In abeeu and was olnie Ut death's door allboutb she had four phynlolsns. 8be wss put on ths JUlioc CoDipoumls. Thpso weeks showed ImproTcmenl sn.l in sis month ah wa well, and permits Ibis refers uoe. If you bars dropsy don't temporli. Ther It rnly one thin known that will curs the chronic Idney dlseans thai In behind It ssd tbst Is ulum's Tomtiouiid. Tb Kensl Ooinpouud for Brisht's aud klidury Dfsesses,!: for lilausles, I.MJ. John 1. Fulton Co.. 0 Waahlnfton street. aa rranolsoo. sole compounder. Send fur Bsjupai!. W ar U mM aata tor U1 IV. CHARMAN 4 CO., DRUGGISTS DELIXJl'EST UST H MM ALL. Hberlff Sharer Nearly JHaket Clean Sweep t'ollectlair 1002 Tax Boll. There remain delinquent on the tax roll for 100' in thi county the tain ol 16088.02, according to the report of Sheriff Shaver which wa completed thi week. The property on which theae taxea remain nnuaid will be advertised at once and regularly aold at therifT aale. The count r comml-rdonert' court ha awarded to the Knterprine the con tract for printing the delinquent lint. The original roll represented a total of $177,402.04. Uuder tha rebate lyntem, it coat the countv $.W)4 C3 to make tbe collection ol $106,871.01 while the penal tie end Interent charge combined on the delinquent payment amounted to only $11)0.06. The rebate plan of collect ing taxea ia decidedly unpopular In Clackama county. Sheriff Hhaver'a report ahowa tbe fol lowing figure: Dr. Total amount charged on roll$177.4o2 94 Hheriir aement 2,771 2H I'enalty and intereat W0 05 Total. ..18124 27 Cr. Amount collected llierlfT aa- esnments $ 2,625 65 Amount collected on roll 105.H71 61 Penalty and Intereat W0 W Rebate 3,U54 6.J I'olla aworn off 62 00 Delinquent 6,085 92 Double assessment and error 2.H04 M Total fl81,224 27 For Young len and i'oang Women. There 1 nothing that will arouse the ire ol a young man or woman ao quick aa to have Inferior laundry work put off on them. They may droit ever ao well, but 11 their ibirt front or ahlrt walt ia ntiiftitw lliuiv nital iiiiamnNi is similar) Tbe Troy Laundry makea a ipecialty of lidiei' ami gentlemen'a fine work. There ran be no belter work than I done at the Troy. Leave your order at John eon'a barber eliop. WAS IT Ml'KUEK OR Ml'HTUE! Ilenltlcut of IluttnlNe Found Dead Iu Street Tbursduy Morning. L. B. Saunders, a local hop buyer, wua found dead on the street at Butte ville at about 7 o'clock Thursday morn ing with two bullet holes in his breast. A revolver waa found within about two fret of the body, which wa lound lying on the sidewalk in fi out of the residence ol R V. l'arrott. Coroner A.M. dough, ol Salem, waa notified and will conduct an inquest. Saunders wna the local agent at Butte ville for I.ilienthal & Co., hop mer chants, and had spent the evening play ing cards in a saloon. He atarted home late in the morning. A number ol per sons heard oiitol ahota during the early morning hour. The motive lor the deed, whether suicide or murder, l not known, but will orobahly be disclosed at t lie coroner' investigation, rriond ul Saunders discredit the suicide theory lor the reason that the deceased was never known to carry a fire arm, and lor the reason that either of the two wounds would have proven fatal. Kauntlera bad resitted at Butteville fur some lime, living just across the river in Clackama county, lie la survived oy a wife ami eight children. A raiarUina; Teat. To save a lile, Dr. T. G. Meruit, of No. Mehoopany, 1'a., made a startling tnt resulting in a wondeerlul cure. He writes, "a patient wa attacked with violent hemorrhage, caused by ulcera tion of the stomach. I bad often found Klectric Bitter excellent lor acute Btiiinach and liver trouble so I pre scribed them. The patient gained from the tlrat, and ha not had an attack in 14 month." Klectric Bitter are posi tively guaranteed lor DypepBi, Indi gestion, Constipation and Kidney trouble. Try them. Only 50c at Char man A Co. DOIIIT CANNOT EX I NT. Investigation Will Only Ntrfngth- en the VwoC We Otve In Oreatoa City. How ran doubt exist in the face of such evidence? Red here the endorse ment of a representative cititen. James Peterson, employed by G. C. Havelv, of the O. R. A N. R. Co., at Portland, and living at Woodstock, eaya: "In my opinion, if any aufferer from backache fail to Bnd relief in Doan's Kidney Pill, there i no relief for him on earth. However, I don't believe any case exist which Doan'a Kidney Pill will not help. I had severe backache and weakness of the kidney for year. My back ached at time ao that I could hardly get up from a couch and the kid ney aerretion presented a very unnatu ral appearance, and deposited a heavy sentiment if allowed to atand long enough. I spent lots of money when living in the East In trying to get some thing to effect a cure. I came out here lo Portland twelve yeara ago, thinking the change of climate might beueSt me, but the trouble (till clung to me. I paid one doctor in tbe town $75 (or medi cinee.butl might juata well have taken ao much water ao lar aa any benefit was concerned. I used five bottle of a well known remedy manufactured in the nH nvaived onlv temoorarv re lief. 1 finally saw Doan'a Kidney Pilla .. I 1 L L. . 1. .J advertised, nu one oay uuugniaoos wuu had used only a few doeea when I knew they had gone to the root of the trouble. I continued their use until I had taken .t.-nA lwoi snrl f-htterfiillv sav that unco . ' i . - j , - they did more for me than all the other medicine put together.' Plenty more proof like thi from Ore gon City people. Gall at C. G. Hunt ley'a drug store aud ask what bis cus tomer reort. For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Bole jrente for the United State. Remember the name Doan'a and take no aubstitute. Everything in the millinery line re duced. Mis C. Uoidsmiiu. LIVER TROUBLES P"InndTtiedford'sinaV-Droht ood medlolne for ll-er dieease. V; It cured my .on after be had ep 'St ftOO with doctors. Itlsallthen.eH. in I take "-M H8. ( AHOMNH MAKTl.f, Parkeraburg, W. V. If your liver doe not set reg ularly go to your druggist ami cure package of Tliedford'i Black Draught and take a do tonight. Ill is great family medicine free the constipated bowels, rtir up the torpid liver and cause a healthy secretion of bile. Thedford' Black Draught will cleanse the bowel of im purities and strengthen the kid ney. A torpid liver invites coidi, biliousness, chilli and fever and all manner f sick er and all manner r sick- i. and contagion. Wak kid- f- t reiult in Bright' disease K ich claim as tuany victim L nes ney which aa consumption. A 2-Vcent package of Thedford' Black Draught should alwayi be kept in the house. "I seed Tkedford's Black Draught for liver snd k doey com- filetnta sod foond nothlns to eicel t "-V. 1LLUM COKCktan, star blebsad, 111. THEDFORD'3 BLACSt- FOR YOUR Sl'MHER VACATION. Hundred Visit Oregon's TepDlar Beach Resorts. Unexcelled train service and cheap round trip excursion rates offered by the A. A C. R. R attract visitors to Clatsop Beach from all sections, and the many advantages of Seaside and Gearbeart Park, together with their superior at traction, make either of these well known resort an ideal place to spend a day, a week or a month, whether fish ing, hunting, surf bathing or in idle rec reation. Through train leave Union Depot Portland at 8:00 a. m. daily and reach the ocean at 12:30 p. m. without delays or transfers en route. The Portland-Seaside Faat Express leavea Portland every Saturday at 2 :30 p. m. and reaches Ciearlieart Park 6:40 p. m.. Seaside 6:50 p. m. Thi fast and popular train is equipped will) all modern convenience and ita com mo ions coacbe and elegant parlor Cars make the journey from Portland to the ocean one ot ease and comlort. In connection wuh thi excellent ser vice, round trip season excursion tickets irom Portland to all Clatsop and Mortn Beach points, good to return until Oct. 15th, are sold lor (4. Saturday special round trip excursion tickets between lame points, good to return Sunday ev ening t2.50. Special Season Commota tion tickets, good lor rive round trips from Portland to all Clatsop and North Beach points, $15. Beach excursion tickets issued by the 0. R. A N. Co. and Vancouver Trans. Co. will be honored on trains of this company in either di rection between Portland and Astoria. For additional information address J. C. Mayo, U. F. A P. A. Astoria, of E. L. Lewis, Comm'l. Agt.. 248 Alder St.. Portland, who will lie pleased to msil to your address copy of the latest Seaside pamphlet telling all ataut summer girle, ea ser penis snd sunsets al Seaside. Children's bats reduced. Goldamith. Miss C. Will Hold Far ebb' Inbtitutb. At the meeting of the U realism Grange, Patrona of Husbandry, Saturday, a reso lution waa passed unanimously that the Farmers' Institute, announced to he held at Greebam, December 10-11, should be made a success. It waa de cided that tbe day sessions should be hehl in the Grange hall. The Grange hall is on tbe Powell valley road, near the railway, and conye1 ient of access. J. W. Shattuck, chairman of the com mittee, writes that a basket dinner will be given in the Grange hall, the Greebam orchestra will furnish music for the even ing session, and the afternoon program will be in charge of local talent. Dr. VYithycoinbe, of the Oregon Agricultural College, will supply the speaker, ami will attend himself. The lecture will he of special interest to farmers. It i expected that W. YV. Cotton, Judge J. F. Caples and others will make talks during the institute. The farmera of Multnomah, Clackamas and Washing ton counties all will be invited to at tend Oregonian. For newest ideas and patterns the best call on Mis C. Goldsmith. Stats or Ohio, City or Toledo,! is. Lucas Countt. 1 Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha he is the senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay tbe aum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J.CHENEY, Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1896. A. W. GLEASON, seal NotarjPublic. Hall's Catarrah Core Is taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucous surlaces of tbe system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY,ACO.,To1edo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pilla are tbe best. OASTOniA. Bear tb f V Han Always B015S Vpatnit of IDaAIMSHTi ZERO AN ANCIENT TERM. It Was la Use la Babrleta TatlHr-eHls Ceatarles Amu. The term xero, which la oaed to flesll oate a cipher and In meteorology the entire absence of heat In the atmoa phere, waa, according to a mathematic al historian, Moritx Cantor, need by tha Babylonian about the year 1700 I). C. Thi. howevtr, la merely a euppoaltlon. It baa not been definitely establiahed that xero waa In uae any earlier than l'X A. D. About this time It waa used x Iudla, and aereral centurlea lator tha Arab began to employ It Through the Araba Ita uae became known to Eu ropeans during the twelfth century. It waa not generally adopted In Europe Ontll aereral centnriea later, notwith standing ita great advantagce. For a considerable time there were two par tita among the European educator. On party, known aa the algoriata, fa vored the adoption of the Hindoo sys tem of notation (falaely called Arabic), with its position raluea, while the other. known aa the abaciata, favored the Ro man notation, without sero or position raJue. Tb general adoption of the Hindoo system waa greatly facilitated by the facta that it waa explained In most of the calendars for more than a century, beginning with 1300, and that the me diaeval nnlveralUea frequently offered courses devoted to the use of this nota tion. Chicago Tribune. Aa Aemerlcaa Waterloa. Wellington at Waterloo and Meade at Gettysburg each held the highlands agalnat bis antagonist Wellington on Mont Saint Jean and Meade on Ceme tery Ridge had the blrdseye view of the forces of attack. The English bat teries on the plateau and the Union batteriea on Cemetery Heights com manded alike the intervening undula tion across which tbe charging col umns must advance. Behind Mont Saint Jean, to conceal Wellington' movements from Napoleon's eyes, were the woodlands of Soignes, Behind Cemetery Ridge, to conceal Meade'i movements from the field glasses of Lee, was a sharp declivity, a protecting and helpful depression. Aa tbe French under Napoleon at Waterloo, so the Confederates under Lee at Gettysburg held tbe weaker position. In both cases the assailants sought to expel their op ponents from the stronger lines. I might add another resemblance In tbe results which followed. Waterloo de creed the destiny of France, of Eng land, of Europe. Gettysburg, not so di rectly or immediately, but practically, decided the fate of the Confederacy. General John B. Gordon in Scribner's. Ladles Who Wore Knives. In early English days knives were worn by Englishwomen In imitation of the anelace, a dogger carried at the girdle. Chaucer speaks of them in the prologue to his "Canterbury Tales:" Hlr knives were y-chaped not with brass. But all with silver wrought, full clean and well. In Rosa church, Herefordshire, Is a monument to a lady of the Ruddle fam ily, temp. Henry VIII., who wears a purse and a knife. Brand tells us that knives were formerly part of tbe ac coutemients of a bride. In a play, temp. "Edward IIL," occurs the pas sage: Her by my side do bang my wedding knlvea In the "Archwologla" Mr. Douce, the antiquary, wrote a paper on this prac tice of wearing knives by European ladies in the sixteenth century, and an engraving shows a specimen of a case of these wedding knives, dated 1610. which are deecrlbed as having amber handles and cases of purple velvet em broidered with gold. Some Pymy Animals. A snecles of dwarf elephant used to live on the island of Malta and in vari ous parts of Italy. Judging from the bones which remain, these animals, about the Blze of a large sheep, were somewhat numerous. A dwarf elephant la a rarity now and no longer forms a distinct species, but Is considered rath er a freak. A very beautiful species of pygmy deer la found on the Sunda islands. These little creatures are not much lar ger than a cat, but have all the points of a "well bred" deer. Among horses Shetland ponies are the DTgmies. Tbe ordinary musk of central Africa la a pygmy, or dwarf, of only about twenty lncbea In nelgnt at tbe shoulder and three feet In length. Making Sara of Hint. "I think," said the thoughtful moth er, "that you ought to object to young Brown paying so much attention to our daughter." "Why?" demanded the thoughtless father. "He Impresses me rery favor ably." "That's just it," returned the thought ful mother. "We must do something to make his ambitious mother think we regard ourselves a little above them so cially If we are to make sure of him." A Hint ta Go. "I bar something to tall 70a before I go," be finally said. "Ia It a long etoryr aha hastily asked. "No; it la a very abort on." Then I think you will Just have time," ahe sweetly aald. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Ber ltaferaae. "1 don't like these references," said the housewife. - "Well, mum," returned the applicant for a poaltlon, "I didn't write 'em, so It ain't my fault If yon don't like 'em Jest you go to the people as gave 'em to me an' tell 'em so." Chicago Post A Deaaltle. "Pa, what Is a frayr "Why, my son, that la what a person who haa never been la a fight calla V-lclL - . DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK? Kidney Trouble Hakes Ton Xlserable Almost everybody who read the news papers Is sure to Know of the wonderful li cures mads by Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root. the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It la the treat medV rS cal triumph of the nine teen in century; 01 covered after years of HJvg Dr. Kilmer, the emi nent aianey ana D lad der specialist, and ia wonderfully auccessful in promptly curing lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou bles and Bright' Disease, which Is the worst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer' Swamp-Root tj not rec ommended for everything but If you have kid ney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found Just the remedy you need. It has been tested In ao many ways. In hospital work. In private practice, among the helpless too poor to pur chase relief and has proved ao successful in every case that a special arrangement haa been made by which all readers of this paper who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle aent free by mall, also a book; telling more about Swamp-Root and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading thi generous offer In this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer JcCo.,Blng hamton, N. Y. The regular fifty cent and dollar sizes are aold by all good drugglata, Bird That Ezerclaa Iasreaattr. Birds builUlDg on high trees are not ao wary about the concealment of their nests as hedge builders and those thatl aeek the springing corn or grass land for tbe shelter of their homes, trusting to the loftiness of situation for secu rity. A nest placed upon the ground la in constant danger of exposure. A browsing animal might destroy It. Then the scythe with one sweep occa sionally lays bare one or more nests, thereby endangering the eggs or callow nestlings. This renders the parent birds very wary and causes them to practice great Ingenuity in their ef forts to protect the young birds. Tbe skylark baa been known to carry Ita egg or offspring to a place of safety after an exposure of the nest and it has been said its long bind claw the use of which hns puzzled many natu ralistsis specially adapted by nature for more easily grasping and transport ing its treasures from the source of danger. When the young birds are too bulky to be thus removed the par ent bird carries them on Its back, though this mode of removal Is a some what difficult one.-London Tit-Bits. Jefferson and the Patent Ofllce. The first patron of our patent system was Thomas Jefferson, who during three years gave his personal attention to every application for a pate at Ha used to call the secretary of war and the attorney general to examine and scrutinize with him, and tbey did It so thoroughly that In one year the first they granted only three patents. The very first patent of all was given to Samuel Hopkins In 1700 for pearl ash es. Mr. Jefferson held that the patent system was not one for creating rev enue, but for encouraging a production of that which Is to be of benefit to the whole people. In the first twelve years a single clerk in tbe state department and a few pigeonholes were all that the business of tbe office required. Then n Dr. Thornton took charge of it and devoted himself to it as to a hobby. Spider Like Music A violinist says spiders are notori ously and historically fond of music. At one of his performances the concert hall was made disagreeable by a sud den invasion of spiders, which were drawn by his violin out from the cracks and crannies of the ancient building. They crawled about the floor and on to the stage, and be could see the annoyed audience stamping on the Insects. The writer adds that he haa known a small garden snake to be at tracted by piano playing aud a young calf to whisk his tail and prance about most gleefully at the first notes of a French horn. His neck would curve about proudly, his hoofs tread lightly and his ears wag joyously when the tooting began, and he never quieted down till the music ceased. Peeallar PrlTllese. The speaker of the house of commons baa several peculiar privileges. Every year he receives a gift from the master of tbe buckhounda of a buck and doer killed in the royal preserves. This cus tom goes back so far that there is no record of It Later in the year the speaker receives another tribute from al different source. The donors on the! second occasion are the Cloth Workers' company of London, who send to thej speaker of the house of commons and to several of his majesty's ministers a generous width of the best broadcloth to be found In England. Bar Aadleaee. "How are yon getting on with yourj music, my dear?" inquired a lady of bar niece. "Well, of course," replied the niecej diffidently, "it wouldn't be proper of me to compliment myself, but some of the neighbors have told me they have stayed awake at night for hours listen ing to my playing." Cured of Hlles After 40 Year. Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, 0., had the pile for 40 years. Doctor and dollars could do him no lasting good. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured him perma nently. Invaluable for cuts, burns, bruises, sprains, lacerations, eczema, tetter, salt rbeum, and all other skin diseases. Look for the name DeWltt on the package all others are cheap, worthless counterfeits. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. 11-- Robm ut Sin-Boa,