Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1903)
I OREGON CITY ENTEKPKI8E, FRIDAY NoVKMHKK 20 1903. 8 CLACKAflAS COUNTY COURT. fiusloess Transacted at Regular No- vember Term. At a rcirnliir term of county court vf, StMif vi Oregon, for the county ol Clack. J sums, held al me conn nuns in Oregon Uty iu id county, on the 2d d... '. I Nov. A D., UKVl, and from day tody (hereafter during the continu ance of said term. ireent: Tlio Hon. Tho. F. Hyan. eonntv jiidite, presiding; Hon T. It. K ii4i ami William robt, ommi sioners, among others the following pro. ewtitigs were hail, to-ait: In the utsttor of claims examined and allowed. Viola road improvement. Frirk Hu-ch , Y" . Finney " V i son A Cooke Fairclough Bro J (.t K mn ho .- c t lVesing O Hicinholhetn G How en A Peinoy Frank atoon J T (Milium J K Mvera A A Kenny J J L:"vi H B Hiddleson KJ Kile L A sch C Heed A Anderson P IJ Kower 11 K Hiddleeon J Tamhlvn J S Imei B Pre-too C K l.ivesay W H Couneell District No. 2- A Mather J R l.ande Win I'appe Waller Koeter G?o Heilman L 1) Jones s District No S JCElli tiA Co A H Kitxaa. Dislrict No. 4 Oregon Fir Lumber Co $.n sa 704 w . . . . -'o M .... 2 fti . . . . 8 IK) . . . . 3 00 .... 1 60 . . . . 5 00 . . . . 8 75 . . . . 4'-' . ... tt (H) .... 8 00) ... 1 ftOj ... 8 001 .... 12 00 ... 4 W ... oo ... 4 W ... 10 00 . . . 12 IX) ...11 00 ... 3 Oil ... 6 IX) ... 36 00 ... 75 IX) ....ftl 00 . . . . 4 00 .... 6 00 I . . . . 6 00 .... t) 25 ....36 25 I ...$14 60 ... 6 00 ....$! 50 G B L nn 3 00 J Anderson 1 50 District . 6 John.on 4 Johnson $7 70 iteming Bros 1 65 E A Kevenue 1 50 Herman Burnt . 1 50 J H Revenue 12 CO District No. 7 JasFegles 8 00 District No. 8 John Straus f6 8 F Sturm 6 60 C W Harris 4 40 C W Harris .... . 75 District No. 10 T Yocnoi $2 14 W K Outfield 3 50 Pi.-trict No. 12- Tred Mosber $4 50 E Uerler 12 00 Claud Sprague 21 Oil B O Sarver 4 50 J C Sprague 22 00 District No. 16 W B Thorn peon 13 74 A Staehely 9 5o D MeAnbor 4 00 Robert Campbell 1 50 Dietrct No. 18 Lind-ley A Son $6 15 Pope Co 3 25 Moehnse Heft iCo 8 56 John Shannon 24 00 District No. 19- Jaroea Mallatt $4 5 W Stad inger 2 24 W H Sulzrr 1 60 J J Mallet 4 50 District No. 20 Joseph Pollot k $22.50 District No. 22 LV? Uobbioa $1 50 P Boy ea 2 10 Isom Naufth . . 4 50 H J Raeull 20 75 District No. 23 W W Sheppard A Co 13 62 W S Tull 1 60 Eilgar Jady 6 10 Ww Evans 3 60 Henry 'iilbertfou 5 65 Clifford Wilcox 5 10 Manuel King 5 10 Jae Ogle 1 50 W B Tull 11 25 District No. 24 Isaac P Miller ..$5 60 H King 7 07 A R Staufer t 57 E.I Moniandon 3 00 H Kuuke 25 FBak'by 3 69 Fred Hmitb 1 60 E A MonUndon 15 00 District No 2o Vignrit Powder Co $9 60 Ed Morria 4 Ed Moeeta 3 io District No. 26' R J F Mill $4 35 L W Robbios t 02 H A Kaylor 8 o0 Thomas Kaylor 4 25 W a Eagle 9 00 District No. 27 J K Mount JC Marquam P J Ridings 43on J S Yoder John Barth $ 4 00 2 20 8 60 163 76 30 00 L N Jones 8 26 John Comer 3 75 Henry Bartb 9 00 Diairict No. 28 BFBoylea $ 7 60 L W Robbina 44 Di-trictNo. 30 I B fcuiall $ 8 16 Oregon City La tuber Co 15 07 District Ho. 32 Vinet-iitA Young W C Heawr District No. 35 Procter A Beers W E Markell ...$IH 78 ... Jt 00 - . 28; ... JS Tt yt,wnrth 7 no iu tug lunwr u uw ruuua oi oacer ft j"7 i m WinK ,u' improvement o( Devil's cot p M.nV-V i JJ;1 off road. Ordered that matter be in E J bwauk. '. '. '. '. '. '. 8 00 1 velt'tei bT 00011 riieat date. J B Shaniy. 4 00 In the matter of cutting timber on R. hi Walters.'.'.!!!.!".!!'.!!!.!'.'.! 8 (Xj'cbuebel road. Ordered bat Road J o rimot ' '. a mi i Supervisor be instructed to use said tim- O F Jones 3 00 L H Oris wold i oo; 4 (X)1 1 00 1 00' 15 00! W E Leyman W Beau man W B StiTer F Wagner District No. lu ll Blair $ 1 50 Sol' Miller 6 25 Bud Thompson 15 00 In the matter of claim, examined nd allowed Otvgon Citv KnterprUe $ 18 60 Courier I'lihliahing Co 4 till W K IVII 6 ( I W rWell 6 IX) J W Nelson 104 IX) F.I ma Albright 82 (X) Stale of Otrgon I 25 Fahi in l.iverv Stab1 3 60 F A S-leiitht. . ." 55 Oregon City Planing Mill A Howard , II Miler A M Shihley.... H Ev.rhan D R limick.. Fashion Lirery ftablea., K 1 tiarrett 1 th) 1 (X) Yaiwluii'a Slablea 31 50 Thoe. F Kvan 19 6 J I) R Dtmiik 3 60 A m Scott .. 5 00 Mary Haley 6 60 E itnsiiu .. 10 in) O E Burns J 40 Coast Agency 2 60 Frank Uuscb. 3 t2 P Nebren . 61 3(1 Portland Uen Electric Co 1 80 Telephone Co.. 3 66 ) A Hardiiw 6 I 0 A Kollack 26 60 S J Bur lord 30 00 Lulu Hankius 24 00 S O Dl:luin 22 7 Kdnetta Chase 8 (X) Huntiey 13 !5 Livv Slipp, J T 79 8 C R Nohlitt, constable 24 00 E L shaw if I 60 T U Killen 38 30 Wm Brohst bl 10 Meade Post GAR 48 Ol iCooa Cahill 3 HO U W Bodish IS 00 Vigont Powder Co 21 37 Ionian Paulseu A Co 28 75 J as Tamblyn 63 15 ThoaFRyan 2 6J County Charge I John Avion $ 8 CO I J as Anderson 9 00 Elleu Bridge 8 00 : E Bums .. .'. 5 tX) King Boh.ll 8 10 .Mrs Maria Clark 10 00 Wm I) en 00 Paul Frevtag 15 00 W T Gardner 10 20 J M Heckart 8 00 Mary Haley 25 IX) J A J oner 6 50 Mr Krugei 7 IX) Geo M VOIley 8 0 L Matherttin 7 (X) W H Mattjon 8 Oil J S M :Comb 30 00 Gua Pirll 10 00 A M Riibley 8 00 Mis Mary Voitker 8 iXI Mrs Hatiie Woo.; 5 00 Pi st GAR, ind. oohlier.. 6 00 In the matter oi corduroy on the Rev enue road in Cascade precinct. Orlered that upon the people interest! d con. tributintr 1 00 coriluioy the county w ill furnish 2000, with me unders-andm1 that exiense of SHine he deducted I rum tiret mimey due aid cistrict. In the matter of repairing plank road Iron) Dauiat-cus to Sycamore. Ordered thut same he taken under advisemeut. In the matter of petition and tutitcrip lion of VYiiliHiu W allace and othera for improvenien' f na 1 Irom Horm-linlia :o Mulino road. Ordered thut Some be taken under advisement. In the tUHtter id ail to Thomas Jones, county charge. Ordered that Until lor. thero'ileM warrant for $5 he Orawn in j favor of Tlioinss F. Hya . to I ixVen..- ' ed for taid county chsrge. In the mailer ol petitiin of VVtii. . Mortal. son fur leasliu Butte Creek for loxumg purposes Ordered that said matter lie laid over until Ducemtier term. In the mutter of care of J. McMahan and wife Ordered that Mrs. Mary Haley tie allowed $3) uer awn h for car in and for nnrsimt raid family. ! In the matter o claim ol J T. My- lap. t r.n r.1 1J1 M ll.inl.ii. I r dered that mailer be laid over for ap proval of supervisor. Io the matter of claim of Cumins' A Co. of $312.50 for lumber. Ordered that same he laid over until completion of contract. In the matter of the petition of F ed BraketniBh for a private gateway. Or. dered that clerk of this court he instruct ed to notify said petitioner to par ex penses. In the matter .f application cf Meade Pos' G. A. R., for relief of Robert Lea lie, indigent soidier. Ordered that said post be g anted $5 per month until fur ther orders. In the matter of report of architect re. gardina amount due contractors for court boose improvement. Ordered that warrant for $500 be issued to said con tractors. In the matter of publishing delinquent tax list. Ordered that matter be re ferred to County Judge Rgin to enter into contract with lowest bidder if con tract can be made in conformity with terms of bids. In the matter of the pel Won of A. M, Shibley to rebuild bridge atHpringwater Ordered that aaid matter be laid over until court can view premises. In the matter of furnishing clothing lor the cniidren oi Mrs. kuiow, a county charge. Ordered that bill as presented be allowed. In the matter of assistance to W. T. Tinsley, touctv charge. Ordered that said matter be relerred to (.ommisaioner Killen. In the matter of the Oliver Andrews Gatewav. Ordered that papers in this matter be referred to the District At torney for examination. Tn f ha malfA. nt thA rlalm o! H- C g. Smith for surgical attendance on Fred Dhl. Ordered that said maiter be left with Commissioner Brobst to investi gate. ,.,L. .,.! , c, ber lor cross laying ana not allow other parlies to remove same lor personal use. In the matte' of repairs to Dickey bridge. Ordered that Hopervisor Ras tall be Intsructed to proceed with repairs as outlined by Commissioners Killen Si Brobst. In th matter of 'epairs nn Highland and Ringoroad. Ordered that Super-' visor Shannon procura corduroy iul re- Mir aaiiia Qln the matter of oMrticllon in CorraU l reek Mad. Ordered that Snpet vimr ', Heater he Insitucte.l to report whv be ; baa nt complied with order to have ran! obstruction removed. I In lb mnlti'r tf biMue on Cl.tckainas ; road near Krtckon. Orderel that Su j perviaor of the naj dirliiot rep Ir t lu ; Mine. , 64 00 1 In the nutter of tellttoii of Frank 1 20 j Paold and other for coti'iiy road Or 4 60 deied that the Board of ountr Koad 3 00 ! viewers meet at plui e ol Wwinulng of 0 (SO said road on Novemtwr 23, I1KI3 12 00' In Ilia. n.allMr .if nl I t. k'riian and other (or county n Orden d that said matter be r lerred to Com niiii'Mier Rrolt. In the maMer of petition of (). A Shiibel and other (or a ua v election pre cinct. Ordered that this matter be laid over nmil the lVs-eiuher term on the second df thereof Ihe ll.t l.lulnteait. "Chamherlain'a Pain Balm is consi.h ered ihe Ix'st liniment on itie nuirkei," write Post A Hliss, nl (ieornia, Vt No other liniment w ilt heal a cut or bruise so promptly. No other (lords urn li ijuli k relief (rum rheumatic pain, relief (rum rheumatic pain N other pain is ) Valuable for ili-rp sealed like lame back and pain in the chest, tiiveihl liniment a trial and vou will n. ver wiali to he without it. For sale by G. A. Harding'. rattle for Male. Registered Jersey bull, cow anil five grade heifeta lor sale. Kmjnire ol E. M . Haines. New Era, Drewm, If Tike the a year. Enterprise tldy-t wo weeks the CANBY PHARMACY Drugs, Medicines, ('he-micals Watches, Clocks, Sjiectacles I'irxt Clasa liepalring All liiKhla mid Work Warranted E. I SIAS Central Home Telephone Can by, OREGON COLUMBIA RIVER SCENERY Regulator Line Steamers Portland and The Dalles ROUTE ALL WAY I.ANI'IStiS "Bailey Gatzcrt" "Dallcn City'" "IUKulator" "Metlako" Connei'linK at l.yle, Wah . wi'h the ('oinmh'a Kiver a'"t Northern Hi. lor Walikl.icn. Paly. Cen'erviilH, it.ilil.... d.iie Mini all ( li Ueiai .illev p Mea.ner leaves I'onland 'iiiiv (e p Sil!ldiV)for The Dalles 7 III. , arl ve Tlie Dalle 6 :.'l'l i III. ; Meanier i-ijnnei ! with C R.A.N, ttain at Lyl for dendale. Sieaii-r leaves The (V.-d-.ilv vexcej)t -utiday) (or iirtllllid it: 7:30a. in., arrives Portland H p in., C. R A N. Iriiin leavim( liold'-inlal- 0:15 Connect with Ihe steamer for Putt land. Steamer ''llalles City " and '" I'.sihy lialznt" leaves i'ortlaii'l 7". in., Tiif-day-, ThuiMl.iyM and Saiiirdayn lor I lie I'allea itnd way point". Round tip tick ets io any lamlinw, 50 cenis. ' Oa'aem" slops al Vancouver, Casravle lak", Stevenson, White Salmon, Ili -jl Ui-r. Lyle and The Dalles. Ail other lami nuts made hy steamer "p4les City." F'xi'ellent inesls served on all steamers Fine Hccnnunodat ions for teams and W'RL'OI.S. For detai'eil inforin'lio't of rt'e berth reservations, rsilroud and st" connections write or call upon S. Mc donald, anent. Al'ler street w luri, or H. C. C iMPBKLL. Manager. PortteniJ. li e, Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. DAILY TRAINS, l)ly Y.X. Hat. D'ly KnVctiva Julys, mi U'ly lly P.M. I A.M. S.M 9 V m :i 8 2" 8 00 7 f 7 4h 7 A 7 2 7 17 7 K 4? II 32 7 h0 H 00 Lv Portland 8 Oft 9 OS! 'obl . Ar II 10 10 0: !) s: 8 20, H M 8 41 8 SO' 9 18 Kaiiner . . 9 .V 9 40 9 60 . .Pvrarniil. ... Mayiisr .. . . . Quinrjr . , laixkanie . . Ma rati land . .. W-lirt . .. Cllllon .. . . . Knapna . . . . . Hveiisen 9 :vi 9 27 9 1 8 68 10 93 1)8 8 SH 8 4!l 8 9 08 10 10 9 1!M0 21 9 37.10 l 10 (rO II S7 10 08 II 101 10 20 II 051 8 PI 8 li", 7 r.r 7 .M .John Day . 2t fl I' 10 3HII1 Ar.. Astnria ,v 8KA8IiK UIVI8ION ..1 f...7 11 35 a. 4D a. in if kTI i, ii . . 11 30 a. m. f ASTORIA .10-30 a. in 8 V a. nt . . . J 5 SO p. m 12 30 p. ii 7 20 p. n 1 30 p. ii V) a. i- fl 15 a. m 2 30 p.m 5 IU) p. m SEASIDE 9 40 a. in . . j CONNECTIONS. All train make close Rouneotiona at Oo'.i. with all fiorthern Pacilir; trains to or Iron the Kant or Bound Poini.. Al Portland with all trai' s leaving llnlo Deisit. At Astoria with I. II V N Co.' boats an rail line, and Hteanirr T. J. Poikt, to an Iroin Ilwicoaud North Beach Points. Ticket olBce, 2.ri5 Morrison st., and Union depot. J. C. MAYO.Oen. i'ass. Art A'loris. I r, 'X.' Or I . ..." - IP;.., . Tin- hIhivc scene represents t to ivliich Hen Mur cunsi,'iie I -v. It in mn" of tin1 most rrnlittti.' sliinvreck scenes ever iircscntcil in standi nt the Mitrijinttu lir iml Tlientrc, I'ortl unl. fur Hvo tiilils mi l inir. Ii'ft in!ii r 1st. Over ooil peni lake part in this gn-at KUw V H- OREGON CITY : F S. BAKER PROP. Oreaon Citv jVIachine BUCKLEIN &l KLEINSHMIDT. Proprietors. liftienl Msehll e Vi,ik "I and PnllfV n K and I y or T i A ' ri'if ol ii e's H ir- nil I. mil, eil h Hid. O: WM. GARDNER & SON WATO HMAKERS A N D JEWELERS . . All work giv;n our prompt ati'I careful attention. , . . Prici! K e a h on a b 1 e Inside each pound package of Lion Coffee will be found a FREE game. 60 different games. All new. At Your Grocer's. 'HC - ' ... ? s p yt . J ..." - --, - r ! ... . .... 1 -' ' " " ' '.).. , " ' i , i - ,( ' .: ' : t.. ; . . . . . ' ', ' " - ! '41 -JL'" Vn-,;'l'' . ';.M f , v '' iy, . . . r,.i v', 'v -' " " ' . . -. , - ' V ' t , 'V- '4 i ' - . f . V V'i'; -...v.-' . L'' ' - '5 C -....-v L ( 4 .J- JmJ a .I. T . ism JSCKNK KitOM "HKN-HUlv." In rescue of Arrius by iJcii llur from tlm shipwreck of tlio Uoinan Trirrnt, after lm wa cli.trinl with tlio murder of the now Komitn I'rucunlor. PLANING MILL All kintl-i of lUiililin Muti-rial, S:islif I)iKrH Mmililin', Kte. OREGON CITY, ORE Bciairi'' A. K I l:IXIIMIiT Shop done. We carry in sin, k a line of Shilling First rluss Kligme and .sw mill niai lnnery. iiooiim promptly filled. if store. Oregon City, Oroon. 0 Court Houso Block ORECON CITY, ORE. PIE3PLES .kl"!' U hm4 t,,",P,e fcac fkM, but b ba. tMD Uklna c'iSCAHKTa T! o... iV! '"PP'M. I bad DM! lraubl.4 with consilpaiioo (or ton. bu, la tha Brat Caacarst bad ao Ireuhi. lib tbl. w.! If of Oaaoarata." raao Witiiii ' t7m mnnanlowa At.. HuiaUslpbi. Ta, B'aaan. Waaaao. or (Irlua. Ua. bm iuZ ... CURE COMftTIBa-rinat K0T0B1C njrnrnti br allrtruf HAW silCtMTaooUaliii. t fS CANOV S. tssoi mams asarraata -t , .. pL r- "v . a fheittre nlleritin. l'eii-IIur ii to be two iu;tii a, tirtiii( Tiiesiliiy ereti- KrUncr iriHluotinn. fp. R. & ft Oregon Short Line and Union Pacific THREE TRAIN TO THE EAST . : DAILY ThriHli Pullman tandard and Tav ist alrrpuig cars dally to Omaha, Cbinp jsiVaiir; tourist lrrtiitig iar il.Jr k) Kan aa l lly; throngU Pullman tour IrrpniK cars ( Js-rilial!y condudcj; weekly tn Chicago, Kaiiu City, ml iuj clisir-4,rata Irrrto the cait daily. I n iii Portland TI M K Hl'IIKIiULK.8 liun CM c mn a.l. I L - li..... k't P 'rti. ml Hi s- ial 'I .'0 a in Atlantic Ktl.rrs. 8;.'in m via llutil Ii K'on. Hi. Paul Kt Mall II . in via His.aan urtli.iimaiia.Kan aa Cilv, Ml. ImiIs, t'lilcaito snil Kast. Sail lks, Irhvsr. Kt. Voriii.i)iiialia.Kaii-,IO,MB. t'ny. Hi. Iuit Chlcaito ami Kast. Walla Walls. It Ion, Hisikan. Mln ,.- u. I.-.. I till itfa'oiis, n, Dululli, Mllaankee, C'liicax'i ami Kast. I Kxccllrnt Meals. B1 Strrla. Ocean and River Schedule I'ROM PORTLAND ( p. m. All HatlliiK ilales uh Jeol lo rhaiiK. For -an Franrlsew Hail vrjr6ily Oolombla lixr aiaamara To Aatorla ' il aj- Ismihum. Dally Kl Hnnday. a p. in. 4 . Kl. to Hstunlay ID p. tn. 70 Portia n d HOURS to Chicago No Change of Car. Ticket eajt via all rail, or boat and rail ia Port land. Por detailed Information ofi rt berth reservation etc, call or writ agent at warf. General Offices, II. C. C A ttrttlU Portland, Ore. M" SCHEDULES OF TIME HOUTHIBN FACIflU BAILWAT WORTH BnUHIi. "lOO. ra. :22 A. m. (Albany Local) 6:10 p.m. aoirrit BOUND. 8:22 . us. . ., 4:60 p. m. (Albany Local) 9:14 p. in. Llqnor Llrense. Notice Is hereby given that I will I . I . I - .1 1 rr fit tfl U1 council In December for A renewal -i liqnor license At my present pi business, Main atreet near fourth itjw November 20. tiao. H. Yocw- K. L. Holman. leading no Oregon City, Oregon. Mrco u - i