Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
OHEGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY JUNE 2(5, 1903, V H a -w -v - a AIM UJjJJ biiXllNU 15UX ix IJtlUrj WlXi All Wool Except The Buttons AND THE BUTTONS ARE BUFFALO HORN Tim above'H to our SMARTEST SUITS. FOK THE LITTLE (ilONTS, for thin Hi'itson. In tho Kiinirti'Ht ami brightest Scotches coloring that HjiM'al to you upon night. They are bright aii'l well tailored; put ti'KcUii'r ho tliut they inako your little chap look Hinart and da-nay. Suits that will plcano you, and prices within reach. ' WANTS TO LOOK LIKE HIS DAD Chajm Ixtween tho ages of J" and 10 years want to look manly, and they have a right to, eHxeially manly little chapH, who by manly actions are entitled to look manly, estHicittlly if it don't altogether take away their boyish looks. Such suits as you find at Michael's. Coat, vest and trousers, built by the best tailors and so cheap you can't help but admire 'em. This Bcafon wo liave an elegant line of Shapely ".Stratus" On display in tlio smartest shapes and best weaves ranging from -75c to $1.50 Dressy shoes are always to bo found in our Shoe Department We can please you if you want smart footwear. M. II T444444-fH-l-t-t'MttM-t-t$tHH-Ml i4"44 3? Keep hi Iron Beds Are recognized as the most healthful, most stylish, most modern, clcunest and alto gether the most desirable. We are showing no less than 35 different styles and prices from neat and plain beds at f handsome and highly decorated ones at $20.00. Come and look at them. Summer Fashion Por porch or lawn. Lightly made, prices enable you to hsve something novel and attractive without much cost. Thcyjare as comfortable as they look. It will wear and look right. 00I!S We have them, also window screens Tery cheap this aeason. I lf FRHNK BUSCH ! THE HOUSE FURNISHER ,t444 444 t i t I Hi H44 I t t i H ? . T- n -r t TT m A CHA SUCCESSOR TO TVT. 3YIICHAEI- Tooting Wo want your attention that's why we keep tooting our horrr. We have the things to hack up tho noise we are making, and we believe you'll be willing to say so yourself after you've ex amined the oil'erings. TT r 35c per Extension Table, 6 ft. f3 so ttr Vl wst rgi 44-S4444 14 1 1 i t44 - JW44 - 4 - m T" XT T71 TVT XT' i 44444444 44H4l4444-J'-t'S-l4 Lawn Mower M mi j nr mat mows There are imperfect lawn mow ers and perfect ones. We have 4 iC3lly m tlle Perfcct kiml- A liule dcler- "03vuffh I mination, a little push and the M?v. flTllllllll niower almost 'goes itself. It is so simple it almost keeps itself in order. We would lfke to sell you one for about f 7.50 but of course there are cheaper ones, not quite so good. Hose duality There are good, bad, and indif ferent grades of garden hose. Poor hose rots.cracks and bursts. In two seasons you need more. That's expensive. Good hose cost a third more, and if proper ly cared for, lasts rour times as long. That's economical. We'll sell,' you the kind you want, but advise the best. foot We guarantee our Granite Wir 44444 - i44444444444444 7 r r n -i 1 X f - 1 rri -1 ciauuai ivitiiuuii j John K. C!ark spe..t Sunday with rela tives 111 faiim. J. II. Howard was a business visitor to Portland M(,nilny. A. L. Lwey, o( Springwaler, wag a visitor in il,in ciiy Tuesday, Flomnce Sullivan baa returned from attending school at Ml. Angel. Mrs. W. H. Biirghardt, of Salem, vis ited with friends in this city during the week, Miss Iotie Kays, of, is visit ing in tins city the guest of Anns Aiinee Bulla, k. Miss Clarisa Fancner, of Mt. Pleaa ant, is visiting friends in Oregon City this week. Mrs. C. K. Looinis, of Eugene, visited this week with her eon, Frank Iximls, io this city. Kmerion Ptiif ice, a prominent teacher of the county, was in the city from Gar Meld Tuesday. Miss Ada C. Moelmke, of Stiubel. was visiting friends In Oregon City few dsysthis week. Mrs. Calvin 8. Hall, of Seattle, was this week the guest of Mrs. Bruce C. Curry, in this city. Miss Helen Bishop, of Astoria, ia vis iting in this city, a guest of Kev. and Mrs. E. 8. Bollinger. V Will Logus has retnrned to. Oregon City, after having served for a fortnight at a messenger on a West Bide train. Mr. and Mrs. C.8. Jackson and daugh ter, of 1'oriland, were last Sunday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hedges. Mrs. Matilda Miller was among tbe Oregon City people who attended tbe funeral of tbe late Mrs. B.A.Miller at Salem Sunday. Mrs. 0. H. Glass, who recently re signed her position as teacher in tbe Ore gon City schools, fcs joined ber hos ts nd in Seattle. J. W. Church, who is io charge of a large flouring mill in Walla Walla, vis ited with friends in this city tbe latter part of last week. Charles 8. Kelly went to Salem Satur day in the interest of the baseball tour nament, to be held in connection witb the Chautauqua Association. Ray Morris has returned from Eugene, where he has been attending the State University. He expects to go East next year and complete his studies. Miss frene McCown, who has been at tending the State University at Eugene, has returned to ber home in this city, where she will spend the summer vaca tion, Mrs. G. Hargreaves and family left Tuesday for their farm near Clackamas. They aill be missed by a large circle of friends, having lived in this :ity for sev eral ears. C. E. Beck with, of the Mutual Life In surance Company, with headquarters in Parlland, was in the city Monday the guest of C. B. Frissel. Mr. Beckwith was the former agent for the Southern Pacific Company at Uillsboro. Mrs. J. W. Norris, of Oregon City, is visiting at the borne of Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart Miss Mina Headley came up from Oregon City yesterday. She has no en quite sick lor several days, but is some better. Albany Herald, June 20. D. C. Latourette has returned from McMinnville wbe.e he has been attend ing the commencement exercises at the McMinnville college. Mr. Latourette is a member of the board of directors of this school and was accompanied home by his son, Kenneth, who has been at tending the college. KEDITED EXCLUSION KATES. To Hie Sen si dp and Mountain Resorts for the Summer. Tbe Southern Pacific Company has placed on sale at very low rates round trip lie kets to the various resorts along its lines, and also, in connection with the Corvallis & Eastern Kailroad, to De troit and the seaside at Yaquina Bay, latter tickets good for return until Octo ber 10th. Three day tick -ts to Yaquina Bay, good going Satordsys. returning Mon days, are on sale at greatly reduced rates from all points Eugene and North on both East and West Side Lines, enabling people to spend Sunday at tbe seaside. Very low round trip rates are also made between Portland and same points on tbe Southern Pacific, good going Satur days, returning Sunday or Mot'day, al lowing Portland people to spend Sunday in tbe country and the out of town people to have the day in Portland. Tickets from Portland to Yaquina Bay good for return via Albany and East Side or Corvallis and West Side, at option of PBseenger. Baggage checked through to Newport. A new feature at Newport tiiis year will be an up to date Kinder garten in charge of an experienced Chi cago teacher. A beautifully illustrated booklet dis eribing the seaside resorts on Yaquina Bay bas been published by tbe Southern Pacific and Corvallis 4 Eastern Rail roads, and can be secured from any of their agents, or by addressing W. E. Co man, G. P. A., 8. P. Co., Portland, or Edwin Stone, Manager C. & E. K. R., Albany, Oregon. Yours truly, W. E. Comas, Gen. Pass. Agent. Kevolntloai Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serions trouble in your system is ner vousness, sleeplessness or stomach up sets. Electric Bitters will quickly dis member the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regulate the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish nnder its searching and thorough effectiveness. Electric Bitters is only 60c, and that is returned if it don't give perfect satisfac tion. Guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Children's Hats and Baby Caps a specially. Miss C. Goldsmith. THE LOCAL NEV3. An old fiiHbioned Japanese wedding and concert will b given by the Presby terian Y. P. H. C. K. on Wednesday evening, July 1st, at Bhiveley's, Ad mission 'l" cents, children 15 cents. I'lesse remember that tiie 154 pretty girls, the Japanese Wedding, the lfep ner horror, tbe Jnanila Concert Com pany and Htiively's opera Iioiim are ail to be considered as one on Tuesday evening June 30. Tickets at Huntley's book store. Children'sDay was very appropriately observed by the First Congregational church last Sunday. In the morning the pastor, Kev. E. h. Bollinger, preached a terniou to the children, and in tbe even ing a program of music and song was produced by ihe children themselves. The program included a very pretty lit tle cantata entitled "The Jupior Gar den." Howard M. Brownell, of this city, has accepted the invitation and will deliver the Fourth of July oration at Meinig's Para in connection with the Bandy In dependence Day celebration. Howard is quite a ready talker and bis friends feei confident that be will cause tbe Ea gle to clap bis wings witb patriotic pride as he eloquently orates on tbe beauties of American Independence. No longer will tbe pay car gladden tbe eves of the Southern Pacific employes, for tbe ofticials have decided to pay all their employes by check in the future, and the pay car is a thing of tbe past. A circular to this effect was published by tbe company. The checks will be iet'aed by tbs auditor and the pay rolls are al ready coming in nnder the new system, wbicb is merely following the practice in vogue on eastern roads. Tbe grocery torn and stock of Geo. T. Howard, a merchant of this city, was at tached by Sheriff Shaver in an action brought by M. Michaels to recover $1818 on a promissory note issued last Febru ary. There are a number of other claims against Mr. Howard, who bas left tbe city. Tbe failure of tbe firm doea not in way involve any other local business bouses. The assets are reported to be small and consist principally of a small stock of goods and a few outstanding ac counts. For Kale. A good, gentle milch cow. Inquire of Mrs. Graves at Green Point, Oregon City. July 3. If you don't get the E.n'tekpbiss you don't gel tbe news. Cops and mirrors free at Cbarman & Co.'s drug store. See their adv. We mean business. Every bat must I gt. Miss U. Goldsmith. Subscribe for the Enterprise. New To-Day. PLENTY Of MOSEY TO LOAN AT lowest rates. C. H. Dye. oney to loan at lowest rates. iliDUES uairriTH. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 AND 7 per cent. Farm security. U'Kkn A Schcbkl. HEDGES A GRIFFITH, (offices in the Weinliard Building,) have the choicest city, suburban and country property for smallest prices. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL housework, Good wages paid competent help. Inquire Holman's cigar store or residence. tf MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL PROP erty security at 6 per cent, also on ap proved clattel security . G. B. Dimick, attorney at law, Stevens Building Ore gon City. MONEY TO LOAN-I HAVE SEVERAL gums of money belonging to private individuals which 1 am authorized to loan, on long time at 6 and 7 per cent. Cost of loan will be made very reason able. H. E. Ci!08S, attorney at law. R. L. Holraan, leading undertaker Oregon City, Oregon. March 1'7-tf CO CO COCO CCCCO COOO CGCO n n T T E iM T I HMO o o t) o o o o D O O () O o v.. t Jf. The only first-class Second-Hand Dealer in Furniture Stoves and Utensils. It is worth your time to come and examine the stock. You will find a full line of New and Second-Hand Furniture, Stoves, Crockery Hardware, Etc. . o J Highest cash price paid for second o o I. Tolpolai MAIN SRTEET One Door North of Commerical Bank o o n CCCCO COCO CO l.'EAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Furnished Fiery Wrek by Ihe (l.icka mas Abstract k Iru-t t'omnuny. . J II Lmhet to M B P.idd'e, tract 15, Wavrrly Hright iCOOO I) tioldHlone to M Golds'one, 10 a in n '4 of nw of sec 2'i, 2, 2 e. .. . 1 J I. Sedy (., ;i O Seelv. 25 a in Sec .io. a, 1 600 A Kip ton to W Hall, part of nw of neof sec 11, 2,3e 100 T M Thomas to S P Lodger, i ol se of spc 22. 3. 2 e 1200 Wm Slower to S A IMIman, lots 3 and 4. blk 31, Bolton 1000 K DeShHZer to O W P R Co. 7.M a in sec 30, 1.3 e 2000 M Homage 10 J E Miller, 70 acres in sec 33. 6, 1 e 1800 G W Maj field to Z Mayfield, ej,' of se of tec 4, and 31 acres in Sec 4, 4. 3 e 2500 E Harrington to G W MayBeld, ej of se of s of s: 4, 3 e 5 M Roberts to F Albright, lots 7 A 8, blk 11, Mt View 650 J O Hepburn to A W Wolf, nw of ne of nw and lots 1,2, sec 30, 4. 6e 1 A W Wolf to H Herbers, nw of nw of ne and lots 1 and 2. sec 30, 4, 6e 1 E Goodwin et al to J Risley, 1 a in - aT Risley claim.3, le 400 GL Story to H Brosch, 3-10 inter est in I Abbott estate 1 S E Case to O W PAR Co, t of se of sec 36, 1 3 1 THE CLACKAMAS ABSTRACT A TRUST CO. are the owners of tbe copy right to the Thorne system of -rstracr indexes, for Clackamas connty, and oave the only complete set of abstracts in the county, can furnish information a4 to title to land at once, on app ica'ion. Loans, investments, real estate abstracts, etc. Office over Bank of Oregon City, Call and investigate. Oregou lltr Market Repert. (Corrected Weekly.) Wheat No. 1, 70c per bushel. Flour Portland, (4 00 per bbl. $1.05 per sk. Howard's Best, $1.05 per sack. Oats in aacks, white, $1 to 11.15 per cental, gray, $1.10 Hay old liraotny, Dales, i per ion; loose, $10 to $12 per ton. Clover $13; Oat, $12 ; mixed bay, $12. Millstuffa Bran, $22.00 per ton. shorts, $23 00 per ton; chop, $21.00 per ton, barley, rolled, $20 00 per ton. Potatoes jc to doc per uunurea ids. Eggs Oregon, 15c to 16c per dozen. Butter Ranch. :0c to 40c per roll. California onions, $1.25 perewt. Dried apples,6c to 7c per lb. Prune3. (dried) petite, 3c per lb; Ital ian, large. 5c per lb. medium, 3gc; Silver, 4)g. Cabbage (new). 2'i'r per lb. Rhubarb 2c per pound. Gooseberries 5o per ponnd. Green peas, 4c to 5c per pound. Apples, 75c to $1. Dressed chickens, 10 to 12! e per lb. Livestock and dressed meats; beef, live, $4 00 to $4.50 per hundred. Hogs, live bii to 6 cts; hogs, dressed, 8c; sheep, 2,4 to 3c ; dress.t, eUWcls; veal, dressed, tt to 6.4c; lambs, live, 3c; lambs, dressed, e.'jc to 7 t it Tressnrer's Notice. Notice is hereby given that there are sufficient funds on band iu the General F'und of Oregon City to pay all outstand ing warrants endorsed prior to Mar. 7, 1901. Interest ceases with date of this notice. F. J. Msyeb, May 22, 1903. City Treasurer. Siaib of Ohio, City of Toledo,) ss. Lucas County. ) Frank J. Cheney makes an oath tha he is 'h ) senior partner if the firm of F. J. (hea 'V A Co., doing; business in the City ol Toledo, County and State afore said, and that 6aid firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every cae of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrali Cure. FRANK J, CHENEY, Sorn to before nie and subscribed in my presence, this Gth day of December, A. D. lslW. , , , A. W. GLEASON, NotarjPublic. Hall's Catarrah Cure ts taken inter nally end acts directly on the blood and mucous surlaces of the system, fcend for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. o o o o o o 0 o o Q o o o o o o o o o o o 0 band good1- CCCD CO czzo