Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JUNE 2G, la CORRESPONDENCE Correspond! nts nr requested to re new their work. We will pnpplv all nioessa-y stationery. The news from y?ur neighborhood tdiouhl appear in these columns every week. The entottuihiueiit at the school house Friday fveniiui uiiier tin- able maiiiwrt tent ol M tj Norman, teacher Mr l lie 1 purchase id a Bt'hoot ihlg WS H gialld iu re- aiui enonjh monev reaiiz-d to obtain a good, a it. I nex' term it will fliat in tiie breozr; every pleasant day. The past days have been dull and glxitnv xnil enough water (ell to gladden ttie heart of the potato grower and sad del those hu had hay down. There is anx'ety in some hearts how ever, lor the dreadful list of the dead Hi Heppner. Mrs. Cane has gone to Corvallis to snip do n her funiiinie, as the students who were with tier, (her grandchildren) will lioard when tiny return. Maik Baker sheared nearly all the small binds of sheep in the community amnenting to four or five hundred and no they are trying to get him to shear the goat at the Workman hall. . Mrs. Henry Gai6 and young daughter started for home in Tillamook Monday. An unfortunate time to cross the moun tains. Central Point The crops look fine in this vicinity. The showers we have had came just at the rig'it time, r rom all indications we first coat of paint oo his new house; Fe will have a bonnti'nl harvest. I ter Kuhl is building a large, new house; Ueo. Randall's two daughters and son h- v returned hwme from Salem where th'V have been attending school at the 0 iversilv. Tin wife of Wm Rmdall niacl him a ' present of a fine girl baby June 17th. i Th smiu.l school meeting held jn j Brown's school h.ue was rather a tor in v au nr. 1 fie lolloping otli ers ; were i lecti l : 0. "v K i:lall. ditector; RVicrt down, clerk. This district, No. 6J, Ins been the most poorly manned of aiy dibti ict In tlif county during the p ist yj,tr. The teople dem in led tiie renig Mtion of K. I'nudas, one uf the directors. Vt' lien the school eloped for the year ti ere were only a few li'.lle folks attend ing school while the average, number is !out forty-five. lieo. Randall made his dunhtetb a present of a beautilul new piano. Kev. Vernon, the colored evangelibt, p eached at Central Point last Sunday, lie gave a very able discourse. Hops in this vicinity are of a good color and premise a fcood yield. Logan. Mr. Winder raised his biz, new barn one day last week. Mr, King was the carpenter. At our recent school meeting Mr. Mo- Ser was elected director. Mr. Swales purchased a new milk wagon recently. Mr. Canhell, from Eastern Oregon, is in our burn with a band of horses. He is selling cheap. . There will be a dance a't Logan, Hard ing Orange Hall, Saturday night, Julv 4, 1903. Everybody invited. Come and Lave a good time. Ben Swales has a fine, new buggy. What's the attraction, Ben, down at Stone? Fred lUebooff and Mr. Hutchins are getting out timber for Mr. Anderson's barn. Mr. Forbes, the Stone buttermakar, leaves next Saturday. . Radical reductions in all trimmiiigs and hats. Miss C, Goldsmith. Dimucu, Mrs. Stevenson, of Portland, is visit ing Mrs. Walter Smith. Mrs. Boese, of Damascus, committed Suicide Jnne IStu by banging herself. Miss Nettie Tong, who has been at tending school at Seattle, is home on visit. Mrs. Watts, of Portland, was the goeet of Mrs. Ttieo. Schmidt last week. Miss Annie and Cbas. Bnrghardt, of Barton, were the gnests of A. W. Cooke nd family last Sunday. -, Mr. and Mrs. Starkweather and Mr. nd Mrs. J. Kisley, of Concord, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Derry Sun day. Frank Bates and son John, Richard Morton, Ed Boring and Willie Oeburn were the guests of A, W, Cooke week go Sunday. The patrons of school Dist. No. 31 held their annual school meeting Monday and re-elected A. W. Cooke as director and 8. C. Young as clerk. After adjourn nunt the directors held a board meeting and elected Miss Annie Young teacher for the year. Miss Young taught the school last year and was very succeneful in her work and the patrons and pupils are looking forward to some very satis factory results in the next year's school work. School closed in Rock Creek, Dist. No. 31, Friday, June l'Jth with an eotertain- We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food because it stands so em phatically for perfect nutrition. And yet in the matter of restor ing appetite, of giving new strength to the tissues, especially to the nerves, its action is that of a medicine. Send for free samnlc SCOTT & BOWMfc, thembti. 409-415 rtxn street, liewYare. 4 T tac.aadfi.oo; all draggiiu. Gray "My li.iir vms falling out nd turni:i' Ri;sy very fust. But your i ,or stopped tiie falling'and restored t!ia nntural color." Mrs. E. Z. B.'in'a;:::.'. Cohoes, N. Y. It's iaTrossilMo for you not to Li" i !J, with the color cf seventy years in your h ;ir ! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray iuir! If not, use Ayer's H-ir Vigor. In less than a month your grav hair will have all the d.:rk. rich color cf youth. ,;i '.(' tvstle. All ruf;Ms. ;.--ist cMmet unniT von, .'lUr and im will exprv!.!i l- suresn.i tive ll:e name - x t.r"s i th.j. Ad.ltvi, AYKK 10., Lowell, Mas. ment. The program was well rendered. Among ( lie many piece worthy of note was the Indian club drill hy the Misses Newells; sunflower drill hy the young ladies of the school and a dialogue, "He fore and Behind the Scenes," by the Misses 11 nd Messrs. Stolle. Ureal honor is due Miss Young in the way she con ducted the exercises. George George is progressing nicely the last few months. Julius I'.uilson has put the 1 1 Kobert Mider is building a new barn: Hans Kliukt r is hauling lumber for a new house; A. isteinke is building a bonce, and Peter Held has hauled lum ber for a lare, new ham and has put uo about h.df a mile of hoard fence along the county mad. Picket fences and oilier fences have also lee,. put up. Quite a bit of work has been done on ti,e lo.iil, nicli is aiso an lin oruvoiiient. j A re' ilion is bring circulated for a lie v j county road, connecting the two main roads in about the middle oi the settle j men'. M:.-8Lvi!ii an ! Martha and .Mr. Ju lius raul.-on took a pleasant trip to Sea ' suie last week. j The Presbyterian church was well at tended la.t time. Iliree young girls 'were taken up as members of the church. People from all around were there. Mrs. Held and son and Mrs. Klinker were viditiug fiiends iu (jariield last Sunday. Crops look fine and a large harvest is expected. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Paulsen have tak en a trip to Ashland this week. Unlon Hall. News of interest in this locality is scarce. j Miss Louisa Perringer, of this place, is staying in Canby with Mr. Geo. Kauch. L. Rigs and familv and several oth ers went fishing to Meadow Brook last Sunday. Last Monday J. D. Wilkerson was elected director and L. P. Burns clerk. Louisa Perringer visited at ber home last Sunday. J. H. Barns called on Sam Wilkerson last Sunday. Several from this place went to Wm. Cassidy's funeral last Friday at the Zion cemetery. Mr. Hilton and wife, of Canby, visited at F. Hilton's, of this place, last Sun day. John Burns went to Canby last Satur day. The lads that tore the shutter open on the ball and threw a rock through two of the window lights, had better find some thing else to do, for they might find something they do not want. Beaver creek Rain is the productive weather of the day. Mr. Steiner and son's new barn is rapidly being constructed. Friends were visiting Mr. Steudeman and family last Sunday, G. Thomas took a great elide off the top of bis barn this week. He was walking the roof with corked shoes when sud denly a shiagle save way and down came the man, shingle and all. There were no serious injuries, only the loss of a lit tle skin. G. Bluhm is finishing the D. W. Thomas barn at present; The annual school meeting was held last Monday. A. Bluhm was elected as director and H. Holman as clerk. Steve Londigan has bought the Thos. M. Thomas place. There most be some thing going to bappen. Rev. Ballvander Jones delivered a ser mon at the Bryn Zion church last Sun day morning, and will deliver an English sermon next Sunday at 2 p. in. Mr. Jones is a very prominent preacher. Come one, come all. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you cat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the ood you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been seared after everything else failed. It 4 unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't help but do you good prprpd only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., thlcajro Tbe U. buttle coDtaici2tt Umea tbe&Oc saaa, B !.:! 'us o"i K veil n KM . '. I ut your ti- :r. Merrill Moore and John Kunpp have returned from Corvallia, w here they have been attending the State Agricultural College, Miss Estella Block, of San Francisco, la visiting in this city at the home of Mrs 1. Selling. M. Michael, a furniture dealer of H iker City, wa in the citv this week, the guest J of his cousin, M. Michael, (he clothing merchant. ! Portland, has len j the nue t of his biuiher, City Kecoider Hi uce C. Coin, seveiul days. Win. Ka lor, of Molalla, was in thu City Slllllld:lV. Mr. and Mis. C. P. Mo. ires, a'teudel the tniicral i f the la'e Mrs. Uohert A. Miller at Salem Sun lay iiitein.Mn, Mi. Monies and the deceased eie classmates at Willamette rniversity. Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Hall, of Portland. spent last Sunday in this city, the guests of Mr. uiid .Mrs. i'.. L. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. II. C. Pearpon.of Spring water, were in the city Monday, Mia. J. V. Norris has returned from F.ugene, where she attended the com mencement exercises ol the slate uni versity. Shanks Gilbert, who has been working in the mines at Octave, Colorado, is visiting old friends iu this city. Chas. W. Wilson, who has for some time been employed by railroad com pany in Idaho and Utah, is expected liome early in July for a visit with rela tives. Productive weather la the order of the day and all are busy cultivating potatoes. Several of the B. C. sports went to the picnic at Macksburg last Friday. All of B. C'a. teamsters have quit the cord wood hauling and all you can nee now days is the Shannon Bros, lumtier from here to loan. W. M. Martin is rapidly constructing an addition to his house. TheStinerand sons barn is nearly completed. Wm. Vanoverand faotily have moved off i l,e tornier Tims. M. I hoses place and Steve Londigan has taken possession. iMvid E. Jones lost one of his valuable horses one dav last week. I Fred Stin'-r lad a lucky runaway lut j Sun. lay night. 'Ihe h ir-e ran about two ami a half miles and tlnii p.uted fiom the bti.gv and It-It It a g iod as cer ivitli the exception of a fe.v bends. Mr. 1VI sel, the butcher of Olefin Citv, had Ihe 8 m:e thing happen last Wednesday out here. Miss A. Williiuns is visiting the Pa vis liiuiily ut piesent. O. Bluhm finished the P. W. Thomas barn this week. Frank Shennborn, of Oreiton City, called on Miss Nellie Stevens last Sun day. (laud Concert. Considerable cedit is due many peo ple of this city as well as the Juauha Company for their donations. The man agement of Shively'a opera house, the presses and the religious organization have generously donated the opera house, the advertising and the work con nected with making this entertainment a success. Therelore if the people of Oregon City will now be as generous or if they will turn out in a body there is no reason why we should not send to the people of Heppner at least -00; that if, if you will attend the entertainment, we promise that you will have your money's worth and we will as a committee ac knowledge and send the proceeds to the needv ones at Henuner. The price of admission Is 15, 35 and 50 cents. No extra charge will be made lor reserved seats, which are on sale at Huntley's book store. Oaroi. Mr. Gregory and daughter, Isabella, took a drive to Molalla Sunday. Maggie and Clara Guyer are home on a visit. Chris Bullard, of Oregon City, spent Sunday at B. Faust's. Why is it, boys, that you can't all af ford a carriage? Jack Moores is working for B. Fioet. Mrs. Spence was the guest of Mrs. Griseothwaite at Beaver Creek Saturday and Sunday. A large number of Carusites attended the baseball game at Maple Lane, last Sunday, between the Carus and Ely nines. Highland. Building barns seems to be the fashion of the day, as Daniel Fellows, Hawley North and Amos Harrington are each erecting new ones. Mrs. Arthur Fowler and little daugh ter Margery, who have been visiting rel atives here for the past week, have returned to their home in Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Harrington, of Ore gon City, Mrs. Bert flarrington and little son Allen, and Mrs. Larans, of Bandon, were the guests ol Mr. and Mrs. K. Harrington Sunday. Married, at the borne ot the groom, Mr. Jack Wallace, of this place, arid Miss Wilson, of Mountain Home. Mr. M. C. Kandle, justice of the peace, offi ciated. Miss Wava Harrington, who has been visiting for a week with friends in Mol alla and Oregon Lily, lias returned to her home, Mrs. William Scott, of Oregon Citv who has been visiting relatives here for the past week, left Thursday for Minne sota. Our enterprising merchants, Messrs. Marshall & Patterson, are doing a rush ing business. Hats below cost. Miss C. Goldsmith. If not the most elegant store, it is a settled fact that they are selling goods the cheapest at the Racket Store of any store in Oregcn City. That's right, and it is no josh, either. June 19. Baby caps, prices,' Miss C. chlldrens' bats Goldsmith. at Ion $500 Packed u' t-v over a llntd ofacntnrv Of ivni.u lub'.r and Unii'mm cnu-s, a tc(Nid such a . no .tlirr n i: and w .r'.MiV'.i ' i , i lor lac (o women vt l-ai HtUl.ti .1, tile i i.l ;. 1M . i'i'-;c. . ' . y in- 1 i follv w.r :.o'. I i ,t i mo i l v .d m-n v o. t;ie I'm s atij m.ikcis cf sciipiion now fi el lo pay ? .ixl t' .1 Xiih s, i,, i uny : c..-e ot l-t iieiU. V, nWiitwf, ' WVcli hu ll llu-v I 1'1'ol.ip .11' . 1. 1 IV,,., m C.oi'I'it CMC. .11 'u is a 1 ,ir and . - " cute. I .. r,,.i I li.o cf C.ll.-s tv I pla Hen i : u I iclla ily i P'cp.ll.i- I l ie vine of ' i WOI l"'CU,l i . i li i I p.w ' r i .1"! A h Vi ,mn ill, nml Ik It-llowntif !':''1,:ilir I. li.if j iinlm cI Die ; ivi'im i tluit m lu nil In livnmilirml lr i) 1 in Uc it r-i'M'w.Hy to 1 I ! 'p ti v!. i rx It." : .! l ml-! nr in . I I O i' 1 i i X t. I V 11 Hf-Vi litfl It r(t! U-v u i.h imi n, I't lt vt t v Kir t. nine, tin t ft rt ntV 'lur ;!h I tu. My e u Kt. ui ir. I irrf-'B J"wrr r t m-i tult-r 1 l-.i-l lilai m vrtul Of Uu olllrr lr ; It Hie ihi miuh ml vciv.m -1. ar.l ti ti'i-l mi r, in i. hnl lintc Imth lit tnr... ittr ut ilu- ;rir ntu! w:tB phi wruk lit.1 -itc ttnl I U k ilis m. (-!, tnit wittHn w f ulU-i cic;'ii'."i-'.. Uinii yuur ' lt. cH i-'tt ' 1 hLr u tii.ft u tit woin.m. New Iik' vilil;.v . ti'V ,) ti'tiic Hillicich hiic vr iitj; tii'v, I'l'Ml in a V -v wtL, w.i in l.ue in-lt!i. tt h-.iy.-hri'ftv wttn.iti. My Uy i i'u iwuyw.i.i i, will i n;inK 4 'o imr iicii' lIUl l ltill. U T, ,t'M n , wi; r. Uvt hnthh. II r-l ut n lunic. a at tt it v tnitc I ir I t (.1 i: I'l-w t!iM- t nr ' tv in t nt' m iu" )' Junes Sirrct, ;.. i, stvmi r.t' i l. t: Wu.Lt.iUA. To lr. K. V. Ticn r. Aoctpi net ni;!;siiimv in ical Piscovrrv " T! .t"f i nml.irji ml as gtH. fir ui'cui.i s tt he nit-ru -clt, ami in'.K4 lixvS Lir.L p 1 sH in j inir imcm, i - , free on ttcti; v( :' on. c i' s,v s U LrV nv r.M'i ti i.f 11 .it".;' i Au il R. V 1 i' n . ', V. I): Piir''-'" ! 1 v ' 1' ! . is 41c m ! .''i.-n' for K-'lttU'ltc -5 (.') I tin rr.u ;l v ss. The Fnierprise $l.,Vi per year. BEST FOR THE BOWELS If ton hrn't n ri-irnUr, h.lttir ninrnniant of tht b.iwrli t-v.-ry Uor, uu'r IU t-r 111 lm. Ki'-'p y.iur 1.,-w, i I'l'i'ti, aii.l Imi wlt. froivo. In ltm .littpi. ef vl' lriit j-h .1.- .-f lull .isrm, l Jnryr. I'l 4 miuH'lln t, ,'knlt-at, ln,.t tirfrt't wny uf koQblutf tlie buw'iig clvr ftuJ i-toKii U i', tako CANDY CATHARTIC , . il.'V, TrluT. Plauant, Pllbl. Fount, Tula Oood, !) flood, Nnr.r Rickm, orOriii lo, nit foc.uu f.rbog. V.-riufur(rMMiuil,uilbol- JetoanUh. AddrvM UJ Sttrllnf Rtimo Company, Ctileasa sr Htm Vortu KEEP YOUR BLOOD CLEAN Prying; preparations simply devel op dry catarrh ; they dry np the ieoretioua, which adhere to the msnihrane and decom pose, causing a far mora serious trouble than the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry ing inhalants, fames, smokes and snuffs and use that which cleanaoa, soothes and heaJa. Ely's Crsam Balm is such a remedy and will cure catarrh or cold in the head easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be mailed for 10 cents. All druggists sell the COo. size. Ely Brothers, 6(1 Warren St., N. Y. The Balm cures without pain, does not irritate or cans sneezing. It spreads itself over an irritated and angry surface, reliev ing immediately the painful inflammation. With Ely's Cream Italtn you are armad against Nasal Catarrh and Uuy Fever. A Cl'.i Mlhd.e, Blunders are tu - v-ry expen sive. Occasiona l v IHm il.-M-.f is Ihe price of a mistike. but o'i' I '.ecr he wrong if you take Or. Km. Life PilU for Dyspepsia, Piz.tLcs. IL- .Uclie. Liver or Bowel troubles. Tsev 'ire gt-nlle. yet thorough L'5: at Geo. A. Harding's Drug .Store. About twenty-five thousand acres of land in Clackamas county isbeld by P 11. Marlay, et al, under tax titles, which will soon rinen into good titles if not defeated. I hereby agtee to defeat any of those titles for about one-half the sum demanded for a deed by said P. H. Mar lay et al. Otherwise no charges made. G. B. Dimick,, Oreiton City, Oregon. A Nerloiik .WW take E. C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the firm who make the genuine Witch Hazel Salve. PeWitt's is the Witch Hazel Salve that heals without leaving a scar. It is a serious mistake to use any other. DeWitl's Witch Hazel Halve cures blind, bleeding. Itching and protruding piles. burns, bruises, eczema and all skin dis eases. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Cups and mirrors free at Charman & Co. drug store. See their advertisement. The latest novelties in millinery, on Miss Goldsmith, Call DR. FENtN'ER'S KIDNEY and Backache All diseases of Kidneys, CURE Bladder, urinary organs. Also Rheumatism, BacX ache, HeartDlseare. (travel Dropsy, Female Troubles. Don't become discouraged. There Is a ear for yon. if necetwary write lr. I inner lie baa spout a life time curing Just sucb cases an yours. All cfiusultatlona Free. "Elrht months In bed, heavy backache, pain and soreness across kidneys, also rheu matism. Other remedies fulled. Dr. Fen neri Kidney and llackache Cure cured Die compleUdr. IJ. WATEU8, Hamlet, N. Y." PruirjrlfiU. 50c., II. Ak for Cook Book Free. CT UlTIICn WPC Pure Core. Circular. IT I a VI I UO UMWut teuner, Fredoola.N.Y For Bale by Charman & Co Huntley Brothers j Doctor Sponge lias a very lurjo praclifo, hut jt would In j much ai-ocr H itfoplo only knew H'OJ ' ho is p'lH'cally and Thttso who do know oil to givo him u. von niav huv u hi ; soft buy a soft spongy spooo for Koft spongy sponp's iu dillcivnt sit;s tween ihcso. When ytm liuy a the kind of a spoiij:o yon want to pay. 0 aro especially strong on sponges, ami tho knowlodgo wo havo of tho article is knowlodgo that , is worth money to you. Try ono in your hath to morrow try one on tho baby uso it fur ovorvthint?- 1 , mi'ci' ;y sponges at special prices. pn HOWELL Reliable (larde C1IAM15KU4 IIOWKLL III.PPNtlt Sl'FFKKMtS IIKI1KVEI. (ieneroiiH 1'oiitrlliiitliiiM lime .M. i.U I leu III List 78. 11 en lleppncr, June .'.. Nnirly $7:,(H) swelled t be loCil ol rehel donations Toev ilay. ll is giiir,'illv weliMined, as the fal.tng oir in rei eip M I hi day hi feri gave soii.e .itiie'y l i -MMiniltee, t'of Ineie H plc--o.e llir I li I'Vi. y Cent reieived or hlOOit-l-l. 1 I It. Iliollfl' Ct.lnen fli'tll Mil ovei Ihe I ni'ed Males, one mail III a lar i ll' c i in r in Ti-mis c iiiirdeitum fl, m lole i be l ily ol Ni w i oi k scut a check lor iO0. lint oiu ill' rt body was recovered Tuesday, briugii g the lo'al toiind toilulii to I7S. ll Mas I'leiililied as Kay laing, oldest soil of James Long. Mr. lying's riiiderce was near the depot. Ilia wile was an invalid, and w hen the Mood came, he inn out with three children twu ..Ll un.l u I..... ll... I .u I... K I He burned them Into the depot and re- .., , . , . . , . . i I i turned toget Ins wile, or lo help Ins ntber three children. All were lout, ex cel! thu three in the depot, llart the assistant 0 K. A N. agtit, seized them, together with the little daughter of J. M. Kernan, the regular station agent, and made f. r the hills back ol the depot. Though up to hit armpits for a time in the rushing waters, he man aged to keep hold of the lour children until higher ground was reached. Mean while Mr. Kernan, who followed close behind with hit fainting wife, was swept away. ' Now (hat the town is practically cleaied and placed In 8 faiily sanitary condition, the executive committee ha decided that no further outside workmen will he called lor. The force on band, now thor. onghly organized, is deemed sullicient to complete the work. It is probable that the Portland contingent will soon be withdrawn, leaving only the Hepp ner (ones in town. Since the rush is over, it is felt that as much paid work ts possible should be left to ihe Hepp ner people, giving I hem ihe opportunity to earn the money donated. The Port land force, under J. N. Davis, being very compact and ai readily moved as a mili tary camp, with cooks, tents, commis sary ami other equipment, it is possible that it may be sent down the valley to help clean up the d-ifts remaining. C. C. Berkeley, the well-known engi neer, has been working a force of '.'10 men down the valley today. Klx'y uf these are P ndleton citizens. The oth ers are mixed volunteers and paid men from various points. Mr Beikeley esti mates that with his I resent force ten more day will be required to go over the valley. The first search not being at all thorough, many drifts will have to he gone over again, as loose debris was thrown on top of undisturbed heaps. If the Portland contingent is put on also, the time for completing the task will be materially lessened. Very effective work has been done by the local lodges of Elks and Odd Fellows since the disaster, the headquarters of each having neen turned into a restau rant for the destitute and for the work ingmen. The Elks have supplied about lL'o meals a day since June Id, and the 1. 0. (). F. has furnitihed about 4l) meals daily since the same date. Theie orders now get supplies from the regular com missary at headquarters. A total of about five large carloads of general supplies, as food, bedding, clothes, etc., has been donated and ship ped to Heppner since the flood. Dr. lieed, mavor of lone, ordered two big wagoiiloads sent here within twelve hours after the disaster. lone is grate ful of having been notified of the flood's coming. Heppner Sufferers Will lie Relieved To know that the Juanita Concert Com pany is working hard to send them money. The program that will he iriven at Hbively's opera house next Tuesday evening is worth all it costs, and the pro ceeds will go to relieve the Heppner suf ferers. Wanted Competent stenographer and typewriter. Box 340. Oregon Citv. Ore gon City girl preferred. For Young; Sea and Young Women, There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy. their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy Laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is doo? at the Troy. Leave your orders at John son's barber shop. wliat tin exef cut n i .-V-iau I' how moderate arc his charp's, him thoroughly couldn't ho induc llo comes in all sizes ut all prices spono for 7. ic and yon may .V. You may also j;et am prices lie spono fiom us you Lrct just thu plieo you want at just a s & JONES Druggists Building LI NX E. JONES CHARCFS km Uaj-- are no higher than those in any other trade, and ours are no higher than ser vice rendered demands. What we undertake to do In a thorough and satisfactory manner. There will not be found alter our workman get through w ith a Job any defective joints, leaky pipes, loose connections or other evidences of "scamped" work. Every part will be perlect, and look perfect, and when the bill comes in you'll not ask for any deduction. F. C. GAKE THE PLUMBER MhrrMT Hale. In the Clrcill Court nf the Htate or Ore gon, for the County of Clackamas Julia E. I'apwell, Plaintlll, I va. Thoiuaa M Miller and Marion W. Miller hli wle. John P. Mtlkr and Ulor Inda Cole, Defendants. Stats or Okxoon, I C'oUSTtor Cl.Al KMI,( M By virtue of a Judgmant order, decree and an execution, duly lisued out of and under the seal of the alKivs entitled court, In the above entitled raiiM, to m dulv directed and dated the 'Mil day of June, IK J.I, Uon a luiUineiit rendered and entered In aald court on the Ut day of May, 110.1, In favor ol Julia K. Capwell, Plalntiir, and against Thoniai M. Millrr ami Marion W Miller, Ida wife, Juhn K. Miliar and (ilnrinda Cole, Detemlanla, for the aiim uf .hiM, with interest thereon at tbe ra.e of M iwrcent per annum from the 1st day of May, llKKI, and the further sum of, aa attorney's tee, and the further 111111 of III. 00 coats and dis bursements, and the coats of and uon this writ, commanding me lo make tale of the following descrilied real proerty, situ ate In the county of Clackamas, stale of Oregon, to-wit: Being that pa t of the Donation Land Claim ol Haniuel Miller and Kehecca J. Miller, hit wife, and or Samuel W. Hliati 11011 and wife, both In Township 2 H. of Hangs 1 K. of the Willamette Msrldian, hounded by a line beginning at the North East corner of a tram of l.'HWI acres set off and continued to Thomas M. Miller by de cree loiiud recorded in Vol. 11 of the Jour nal of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Ore gon for Clackamas County, at page said corner being N. 13 degrees E. HM Chains from the North West corner of tbe Donation Land Claim of Julia Ann lewis in said Township and range In the Center line of the county road; running thence West l'r links to the Nortn East corner ot the land conveyed by said Thomas M. Mil ler to the Mechanic! Land Co. hy deed re corded in Book lift of deods at page 4; thence on the East line of said tract H. I.I degrees W. (1.70 chains; thence 8. Ifi.degrecs W. tJ.'sl chains to the Houtli Kast corner of said Mechanics hand Co. Tact; thence West 4.').. 'ID chains to the Houth Weal corner of said tract; thence 8, H.0.ri chains to the Houih west corner of the East half of said Hamiiel Miller, D. L. !.; thence 8. Ill de grees K. 4'.' chartia to the Houih Kast earner of said Miller D. L. C.j thence N. 15 degrees E. .'MUI chains; thence N. 1,1 degrees K. chains to place of beginning containing acres more or less. Now, Therefore, hy virtue of said execu tion, judgment order and decree, and in compliance with the commands of said writ, 1 will on Tuesday, the 28NI DAY OF JULY, 1903, at tiiis hour of 10 o'clock A, M., at the front door of the County Court House in the City of Oregon City, In said County and State sell at public auction, subject to redemp tion, to the highest bidder, for U. 8. gold coin cash in hand, all the right, title and interest which the within named defend ants or either of them, had on the date of the mortgage herein or since had In or to the above described real property or any part thereof, to tatlsfv said eieoution, Judgment order, decree, interest, costs and all accruing costs. OL . " IL8HAVER, Sheriff of Clackamas County, Oregon. By E. C. Hack itt, Deputy. Dated Oregon City, Oregon, Juns iKitb, I mi J