Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
x Or VOL. 30. NO. 35 OKJXjION CITY, OREGON, Fill DAY, JUNE 20, 1903, ESTABLISHED 18C6 City Enterprise EGON J JOlU'JIfT A. lyLLKR ATTOKNHY AT LAW tifKt Tltlcntirxl I.mikI Office I IiimIiu-mh (i Hpeclnlty Will practice In Mil Court of the State Koom j, Wi-inhiird lltilg. Court Mouse, Oregon City, Oregon oi'I L.I'OHTKK, ATTOHNKY AT LAW iiiTucnnr r"rTT riNiMsr. Ofnna uait u Oruii (Mir KiiUrprl.e. G KO. C. HKOWNKI.L, ATTOHNKY AT LAW Oregon City, Oregon Will prantioa In ill the rciurli of tin Kite. Olllca in Oaulleld building. r2150. T. HOWARD REAL liSTATK AND INSl'KANCH NOTARY PUBLIC At Red Front, Court House Block Oregon City, Oregon jjvy suit Attohxkv at Law. Juki km of tlio Peace. Jagier llldg., Orrg'on Ci'y U.CAMI'IIKI.I., ATTOHNKY AT LAW, sauna citv, ..... omuoh. Will prii!' In Kill he enurt of (he mm. Ol Oca, lu i.i un-M inn ill "i. c 1 Ii, 1 11. C LAI'orilKTTa ATTOKNKYS AND COUNSKLOUS AT LAW MAIN NTHKkT IIMKOON CITY, OKKOON, furnlnti Al'ilmcli of Tllln, l.ii Mniirjr, F'tre ultioe luirtKm-u". aii'l trmiaar I (.lOUcral Law Huiltit'tt. fp II E CO M M H. K: I A I. II A N K OF OKKOON CITY. Cilll. .... tlW.CXXi t4KiT 1 tnyttki. KKiimi si'iikhm. .nana mail. Illlia lirmintuil. Makua ml Ifrfliinii Huvfl nli'1 iellft fKr)ialiK nit all point In llm I'nlMU Htmna. Kiiropo ami Mini( Kon 1iiimIi r'tl"tl anliji'i't lu check. Jtaiik oiu (rum llt.a. bi4 r, a, U. C. LA TOIIKKTTE, rrwUitent. r. J. MfcVKK Cukier. QW. EASTIIAM ATTOHNKY AT LAW Land Tltl Examined, ileeda, Morlgaiiea Prawn. Almtrartt Made. Money Loaned orrira ovkk Hank ol Oregon City. Oh noon City, On. E. H. COOPER, ...Notary Public... Real Kutate, Insurance, Titlea Examin ed, Abatrncta Made, Deeds, Mortgages atid Etc, drawn. CARDS BLDO. OREOAN CITY, !(?. . W. NnHIHS i. w. rowr.LL NORMS t POWELL Physicians and Burgeons Rooms 4 5 (1 Gar.le Milf. Oregon City, Ore. W, B. U'Rea 0. Bchntbol U'KEN Si SCIIUEHEL Attorneys at Lnw. Will practice III all rnnrls, make collections I and settlements of Kalnlea. Furnish alistracts of title, letiil yon mom y and lend your money on nrai murgne. Office In Entorprlso' Building, Oregon City, Oregon. JOHN YOUNGER, Near Huntley's Drujr Store, FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. CO TO THE ENTERPRISE FOR YOUR PRINTING PIONEER rrangfef and Efe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE I.:. B; Gnu cKITTRICK "The Shoe Man Of Oregon City. Will Dispose of his Entire Stock of Boots and Shoes. Salo will Infill on Thursday Mar. 19th, at 10 o'clock a. in, and will continue until all goods arc sold. Wo in vito all our friends (and that means everybody) in Oregon City, throughout Clackamas County and in l'ortland; to attend this hai.k. All our goods are now and up-to-date, We will not quote prices here out if you need anything in the shoe line within the next mx months, it will pay you to buy now. Wo take this opportunity of thanking our many friends for their liberal patronage during the last 14 years. We are very sorry to have to break the many ties of friendship that has existed between us for so long a time but deem it wiso to extent our business to broader fields. Anyone finding themselves indebted to us will please call promptly and settle their account. Any parties holding coupling bad better use them uu once. Every boot and hoe In the houae will lie marked in blue-pencil figures so vou can ace at a glance what the goods will coat you. A (ample pair of every kind will be oti an open table to you can pick the ahoe you want in stantly. We will have a number of clerka on hand to that all can. be waited on promptly. The earlier you come the more choice you have. Please remember the date- Thursday March loth, 1903 Your to Cammand, McKITTRICK, '-The Shoe Man" Next Door to Bank of Oregon City N. II -This ml will apix-ar CUPS FREE As long as they last we will give with each bottle of lied Line Cough Syrup, 2"c oroOc; U Line Sarsaparilla, 00c, or lied Line Condition Powders, 2oc, a CUP FREE' MIRRORS FREE Pepsi no Stomach Bitters or Peruvian Hitters $1.00 a bottle, is an excellent spring tonic, and with each bottle we givo a fine MIRROR FREE. Chhrmhn St Go., CUT-RATE DRUGGISTS. VaVa'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VAV.,.VAVAW.,A I Oregon City Machine Shoo Philipp Bucklein, Prop. Rear of Pope's Hardware Store Next to Oregon City Foundry Building and Repairing of Machinery and Engines of ail kinds. Manufacturing as specialty the Free Patci Notary Engine. AIho keeping in stock, Shafting I'ullieH, licking etc. ... . Orders by Muil or Telephone promptly filled,- PRICKS MODERATE GOOD WORK WARRAN I-'.- V.V.W.V.V.V.V.W.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V."a Famous at home for Generations past; Famous now all over the World. . FOR BALI BY- E. MATTHIAS Sola Agency for Oregon City V in Sundays Orceoumu . . I WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASH AN, Props. 70 Cents 20 Bars Perfection Soap 95 Cents 2 Gallon Can Syrup 5 Cents Can Pork and Beans 25 Cents 4 Cans Soup 45 Cents Do Cans Deviled Ham 121 Cents 2 Pounds Bulk Coffee 35 Cents 1 Pound M. & M. Blend, very fine We handle a full line of Valley and Hard Wheat Flour. IT WILL M BUILT New Committee to Have Charge Of South I ; iid Koud. he urn f Cxinidl Mmiiluy Mxhl Va A S'ormy One Mteitt and I'ulilic I'nip rtr Committee J.xcud. A!i.-ruiie of llie iiiohI ilormy accgiorn in yeira, llm city conned at a aocial liMM'liiii Momlay nvht exiMi-ed, at tlicir rcijii.-m, IIih coiiiiiiiitfw on atrnela and pu m it- irueity Irvm lurtlicr eervinj; in connection Willi tlie ronoi!d aontli end roaii. A rea'ilmiiin naa adopted iimtnict iiiK Mayor Jlmiick to aopoint a eiM-cial com in itu-e ol three iiiciiitiera to act in couj inciion with the citizen' com 111 1 tee in exwmJinu the lumJ lor the new road, which la lion aitanred. Mayor Diiuick haa appointod the (ollowiiiK comuiiUi-e: Councilmen Koerner, hcott amJ I'owrll. A t a led in the foreKoinir paragraph, the meeting was a decidedly stormy one. llie council committee on atreeia and public property, which wa author ized to act with the citizen' committee in building the road, submitted a reeolu tion, in which they defined their oppoei lion to the road, claiming that the ex pense ol the improvement would he out of proportion to the benefit to be de rived, bince no definite plan had been adopted aa lo the manner of building the road, and a to whether or not it should he a grade or an underground crotwdng, the coat of which bad tit en es timated at Irom (5000 to $17,500. the committee abked that the action of the council at a previous meeting be revok ed, and lliat lurilier action in connection with the building of the road be held in abeyance until a definite plan of proced- uie coulil be decided upon. A motion was made and aeconded that the reoiu- tion aa prei-eiited be adopted and then the Hotm llmt had been brewing broke upon the tni-e'ing. Councilman Kelly look the II mr and aeveiely ecored the members of the cuuimiitee lor keeking in thin way to ilt-h at or rather undo the ac tion of the council at a regular meeting. He di-claied that such a proceeding was bahyixh and untiecooiing gentlemen w ho had kwoiii to pefonn their duty and that in the inte n'i-1 ol the people ol the entire cilv. He declared that the opposition to the building of the road on the prt of the iiiemherH of the committee was baHed on si'iliah and oeclional grounds amne, ami that 110 reafonahle objection hul been i ll -red to the road, btory juinped to Ins feet and resented the per sonal remarks of the Hiieuker. 'ibis brought Koerner to t tie floor, who in- shied liai Kelly bad beeu recognized and .vcntitled to speak on the auhhtct. All li.reo men were talking at the same time, each emiihaHizuig his remarks by thunderouxly beating the table with his fist. Through the intervention of Chief Burns and the vigoroua rapping to order of Mayor Diiiurk, order was soon restor ed and the dittciifbion was resumed in a more propr parliamentary form. After some iurtber seaking on the resolution Mayor Dunick ruled that the same was out of order. Sheahan moved that the committee on streets and public property be excuned from acting further on the joint road committee The request was granted and the appointment ol a spe cial committee cf three members was or dered. In excusing the streets and pub ic p-operty committee from service, Mayor Diuiick stated that he was satis fied the committee, though opposing the building of the road, had only what they consideed the beat interests of the city in mind. He regretted that members of the council should become personal in their remarks and question the motive of a fellow member. Appended is the resolution in which is recited the reasons of the council com mittee for opposing the building of the road and over the consideration of which all of the troub'e resulted : Wnereas, at the last meeting of this council action was taken by a vote of 4 to 'A instructing the committee on streets and public property to proceed at the eailiest poaaible moment to expend the $1001) appropriated by a loriner council and aleo the money subscribed by citi zens on a road Irom Third Btreet to the top of the blnff, the committee would beg leave to submit that while they are perhaps as anxious as any memtier of the council '0 construct road leading in to Oregon City, yet we have opposed the building of this one on the rround that the cost seems to us altogether out of proportion to ihe benefit to be derived. The ei-tnnates made by three mtiereni ei'irmeers ramre in amount from $17,500 (Mr. Cunningham's) to $!'i00 under ground and $5000 for overhead cioseing, made by Mr. Handa this year, and even the above estimates contemplate the im provement of the road only to the top of the blulf; the lowest sum is far in excess of the amount appropriated and sub scribed at this time, and we are therefore unwilling to assume the responsibility placed upon us by the recent action of the council. 'No definite plan baa been proposed by the council as to whether a grade crossing shall be built or a road under the railway track, the one extremely dangeroos and the other very expensive. "The simple instructions to spend the money appropriated seems to us unbusi nesslike and unfair both to the taxpay ers and the citizen who have contribut ed to the fund. "In view of the fact that the commit tee have no definite plans for carrying on the work we respectfully ask that the former instructions giverl this commit tee be revoked and no further action be taken until some definite plan ia decided upon, Respectfully submitted, "Wii.i.iam Shkahan, "C. O. Huntley, "E. F. Stoby, "Committed on Streets and Public Property." J. H, Westover, chairman of the com mittee on finance, appeared before the council and asked tor the usual appro priation of $150 to be offered as prizes for hose team race bat the council did not act on tht application. An ordinance was Introduced and or dered published, instructing the council committee on streets and public property 1 to puri'liaan crnalied rock, brick and oilier MiipiliPB (or the rcmiricu of llie I'retfta. 'I lie ordinance aa intriwIncHil or ilcr the inrcliSHe ol about t.'XH) norlli of uiaterialH, I'OriLAtt .OKTII BEACH. Excursion Ktcamer T. J. Potter Uoc Inio Mt-rrlce 27. Those who are planning their vacation this year will be interested in knowing that the popular excursion steamer, T. J. Totter, queen of river boats, goes into service June 27, and that she will leave Portland, during the season, every day from Tuesday until Saturday inclusive To see the beauties of Ihe pictureaqne and mighty Columbia from the decks of the i'otter is a treat never to be forgot ten. For speed and grace nothing in riveror lake service in the entire West equals this side wheel beauty. Five hours from Portland and one from Asto ria, through the famous fishing waters of the Columbia, past score of sal moo traps and nets and as many white-winged fish boats, lands the pasaengera at II waco, where close connection is madn for beach points with trains of the II waco Hallway & Navigation Company, whose car stand on the wharf awaiting the steamer. The beach is twenty-seven miles long, two hundred yards widest low tide, and so hard that carriage wheels scarcely leave a mark. It Is an ideal place for driving, riding, wheeling or walking, and the surf bathing is un surpassable. The excellent hotels and boarding bouses provide good accommo dations at prices ranging from one dol lar to three dollars per dav. The round-triD rate from Portland to Astoria is $2 50; to Ocean Beach points, $4.00, good until October 15th. On Sat urdays, during July and August, round trip tickets are sold to beach points at $2.50, good for return, leaving the beach the following Sunday evening. The Oregon Railway A Navigation Co. has just issued a new summer book, free for the asking, which tells all about the delightful resorts of the Valley of the Columbia Hiver. This can be ob tained from anv agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co., or write A. Ij. Ciaig, General Passenger Agent, Port land, Oregon. DAMAGE MIT IS COMPROMISED. J. W. Wilson Sued S. P. Company for . f 10,000 and Settles fur $47. 70. The $10,000 damage suit of J. Y. Wil son, of this city, against the Southern Pacific Company, was compromised and settled, Wednebday, the plaintiff re ceiving $47 70. About two years ago Wilaon waa eject ed from the blind baggage of a train en route to Portland in the local depot yards add in dismounting from the train sustained the fracture of a leg. Through local attorneys, the injured man brought action against the company to recover damages in the sum of $10,000. The first action was dismissed on a non suit and a second proceeding was thrown out of court on the same grounds. Wilson has been a cripple since the accident. The principal defense of, the railroad company was that Wilson was attempt ing to steal a ride when the accident oc curred. Smith's DandrofT Pomade stops itching scalp upon one application, three to six removes all dandruff and will stop falling bair. Price 50 cents at druggists. , A Frightened Horse. Banning like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves everybody to have a reliable Salve handy and there's none so good as Bucklen'a Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts. Sores, Eczema and Piles disappear quickly nnder its soothing effect. 25c at Geo, A. Harding's Drug Store. The many friends of E. E. Taylor will be sorry to learn that the injury he re ceived in Sunday's ball game, resulted in the bursting of the left ear dram. His hearing will be impaired permanently. The mrshap is especially unfortunate tor the game of ball at which the accident happened was played for the benefit of the lleppner sufferers, all of the pro ceeds being forwarded to that city. All barber shops in Oregon City will remain closed all day on the Fourth. In view of this plan, the shops will be open until a late hour on the night be fore. ah rV' . J Hbr nflW J f-dJ Absolutely Pure THERE IS HO SUBSTITUTE OCCUPY NEW HOME First Methodist Church Iiedt-dl-Icated Last Sunday. - Alteration Cost 113,000, and Edifice Is One or the Neatest Church Iluildlngi In Sla t. The First Methodist church of this city was reopened and rededicaled Sunday with approoriate services. Bishoo Karl Cranston, ol Portland, preacheu the ded icatory sermon at the morning service. A special service in the evening by the Kpworth League was conducted by A. F. Flegel, of Portland. Kev. J. K. T. Lathrop, pastor of the First Methodist church, of Portland, preached a sermon Sunday night. ihe first Methodist church in Oregon City wa organized in 1843. In 1890 th present church building waa erected bat the structure haa just undergone exten sive improvements, covering a period of eight months, and costing approximate ly ir.'.UUU. As remodeled the church. wiiu ita convenient appointments, Is oner of the oeatestchurcb homes in the state. While not entirely free from indebted ness, the congregation feels that the building will be able to discharge all ob ligations without other aid, since the) lower fliorof the building is occupied by a large business firm. bishop Cranttoo's discourse was based on the scriptural text, "Seek Ye First the Kingdom ef God and His Righteous ness." The Bishop disenseed bia text along the line of good citizenship, and contrasted the ideal American citizen with the good citizen in Christ's king dom. As a model citizen In any conn try must understand the structural form of the government and laws of his native land, obey those laws, contribute his share of the cost of maintaining good government, love and defend the fi ig of his country, so must the ideal citizen in Christ's kingdom be enrolled on the church roll, learn the nature of God's kingdom, leain his laws, pay dues into the kingdom and at all times be loyal to the flig, the svmbol of his beliet. In the course of his remarks, Bishop Cran ston averted that the expenditure of $o00,0O0 for missions in the Sandwich Islands so transformed conditions there that the annexation of the Islands was deemed expedient by the Cnited states. The speaker urged the supplanting of the military by ihe missionary a a more direct and satisfactory means of civiliz ing foreign peoples and giving them their proper piace in the commercial world. The speaker recommended the placing of 1000 missionaries in China, and said that if such a thing should be done., it would not be long until the ships that would be required to handle the com merce between this country and China would be so numerous that they would never be ont of sight of each other on the broad expanse of the Pacific ocean. "Sola Circle, Women of Woodcraft, at recent meeting elected Miss Echo Sam-, son and Miss Grace Marshall as candi dates to be voted on for associate queen from this city to the Woodmen Carnival to be held in Portland in July. Ballot ing, which baa begun in earnest at 5 cents per vote, will close on July 7. Both of the young ladies are popular ia this city and either would very credit ably represent the local lodge. The Schiller, of Portland, will play the Oregon City nine, of the Interstate! league at Canemab Park Sunday after noon. The game will be called at 2 o'clock and the borne team hopes to be able to make it interesting for the visit ors. Two births are reported this week as follows : To Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, of Canemab, Sunday. Jane 21, a boy; to air. and airs. w. J. vvetier, ol this city, Monday, Jane 22, a daughter. Fight M ill Be Hitter. Those who persist in closing their ears against the continual recommendation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not -ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say: "Last fall my wife had every symptom of con sumption. She took Dr. King's New Discovery after everything else bad failed. Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her. Guar anteed by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free. MS3LE aV I.U