Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1903)
4 OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY JUNE 20, 190.' Oregon City Enterprise CITY ASP COOTY OFFICIAL PAFFU. Published Every Friday, Subscription Fates. One year 1 2 00 Six months 1 00 Trial subscription, two months "2" A discount of 50 cents on all subscriptions for one jear, 25 cents for six months, if paid in advance. ADVERTISING KATES ON APPLICATION. reasons. The committee on streets and public pro- uenneti meir position wun reierence to tno niuui- .vinri: or .i:Mi:.Va' 'or facwrrs) lu Newer IsUirlct ,. 3 of Oruuii lily, Ori'itou, Notice In hereby given that th Council of Oregon Cny, Oregon, at a meeting tit lit on the 22d .lay ol Juno, 11103, declared tin in I ha 11111 nor provided hv Ordinance No. '.'SI i upon each lot, part ol lot end tract of land, which are beuelited, to be Ha lot lows, vii : LOT HI.K Subscribers will find the date of expiration stamped on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postoffiee at Oregon City, Oregon, as second-class matter. nr. v1 iVST" UNION iA-TLABEJ. Now ihat it has been decided to proceed with the celebration of the Fourth at Oregon City, it is up to the Falls City to provide a grand and creditable dem enstration. With no celebration at Portland this year the prospect for many out-of-town visitors is good and AniDle entertainment must be provided for all who a . may visit the city on this anniversary. Let it be grand patriotic demonstration. The season has arrived when attention is turned to the various summer resorts and plans are made for an annual outing. Residents of Oregon City are more favored in this respect than many other localities. The Falls City is a natural resort, where any season f the year maybe pleasantly passed. We are not obliged to seek the mountains or the seaside for re ereation, but can enjoy the delightful climatic condi -tions and beautiful scenery that abound in this sec lion of the state. Yocxa America in Oregon City this year will be somewhat restricted in his observance of the Fourth. By recent act of the city council the, explosion of giant fire crackers, Chinese bombs, Dewey chasers and in fact all forms of dangerous explosives is forbidden within the city limits. This will be welcome news to Ihe average woman whose time on Independence Day al recent years has been employed largely in dodging these dangerous explosives which have caused serious conflagrations besides frequently maiming persons for life. Boys, purchase only the smaller variety of the re cracker this season. erty ing of the road by stating that tho expense, which hns, boon estimated at from .'fl00 to $17,500. is out of pro portion to tUA InMicfits that will ho derived, and that no definite plan of procedure has yet been decided up on. The advocates of the read contend that it can be by ordinance N. urn tor t.,von. I t ruction ol sewers In Sewer 1 li riot No. ,1, compieieu ior t.i.iuu ana mm me increases irauo mat will result in the opening to direct communication with tho city of another section of tho county will justify the outlay. The ojijionents of the road insist that such is not the case and that the proposed ex penditure is ill-advised. The building of the road! J and experience will alone determine this contention ij but it is an indisputable fact that the establishing of! A any road into a city, it matters not from what direc-1 J tiinv w n lionnfit to Doit, i-itv if it rilieliu nil A nnw K.'i' 3 , ... ... ..x ... . v .. . , , .. tion or shortens the distance of any particular locality to that trading point, it is to be hoped that tho re sults will warrant the building of the road which now seems assured. utorly Its f.Mt of J A 15 ill 70 let of Herah K .HI "II .'t;l feet of wester- Thayer 7 117 The close of a very successful year in the history of St. John's parochial and high school was marked by the graduating exercises of that institution at Shive ly's opera house last night. Graduating exercises were .conferred on a class of two by Archbishop Alexander Christie, at the close of an able address. The course of study in the Oregon City, school i3 most thorough, and the excellence of the program of musical and lit erary numbers, produced by the children themselves, reflects credit on the teachers. The Methodists of Oregon City have every reason to feel proud of their remodeled church home. It is of pleasing architecture, convenient in appointments and nicely equipped. The rededication ceremonies last Sunday afternoon were interesting and impressive. Since the Methodist society was organized in this ciiy in 1843, Sunday's services were in commemoration of the eixtieth anniversary of its organization. Rev. W. S, Grim, the pastor, has labored faithfully in the inter est of his parish, and has been of great assistance to the congregation in accomplishing the extensive im provement of the church property, in the enjoyment of which both pastor and congregation share. Dr. Withycombe reports that alfalfa is proving suc cessful far beyond anticipation at the Oregon Experi ment Station at Corvallis. It may be considered as already a settled fact that alfalfa will thrive on the Tolling lands of the Willamette valley. It will not thrive on the white lands unless there is thorough drainage. Wherever the level ' of the water does not come too near the surface alfalfa will do well on the common valley soils. What it will do on the red hill Soils is not known but the probabilities are against its success on such soils. The experimental work with alfalfa will be continued at Corvallis for some time to come. This fall one of the fields will be thoroughly gone over with the disc harrow to see if the plants will thrive under such treatment as well under our condi tions as in the arid districts. All obstacles to the building of the South End road Lave been removed and the work of construction will probably begin soon. At the meeting of the council Monday night, the committee on Btreets and public property, which has at all times been opposed to the T)uilding of the road, was excused from further service in that relation and a special committee of three -TO ;mbers appointed. The new committee is favorable to the road and in conjunction with the citizen's com- -mittee will hasten the improvement that is generally desired. In withdrawing from any participation in the expenditure of the fund, the council committee on streets and public property had the right and in doing eo submitted a resolution in which they recite their Popi'lar interest iu the progress of the medical pro fession toward the scientific mastery of consumption is greater than that which attaches to anv other de partment of research. The discovery of Dr. Koch that consumption is a communicable and a curable disease has greatly intensified this interest. Every announce ment of a new theory for combating the scourge or for preventing its spread is eagerly studied by the public. The doctors have now settled down to the conclusion that the problem is how to destroy the bacillus of tu berculosis without injuring or killing the pajient. The most interesting announcement along this line for the year was made at the May meeting of the Berlin Med ical Society by two eminent medical scientists, who explained a recently discovered system of treating tuberculosis by fumigation and inhalation. The de tails of the sysfem have been forwarded to the State Department by Consul General Frank Mason. It ap pears that a German merchant while traveling in Aus tralia noticed that the natives used a decoction made by boiling the leaves and roots of the eucalyptus tree as a remedy for consumption. With the aid of a chemist he prepared a combination of flowers of sul phur, powdered charcoal and pulverized eucalyptus leaves. The fumes from this mixture, when heated, it is claimed, have a peculiarly effective potency in at tacking the bacillus of tuberculosis. According to re' ports made to the Berlin Medical Society this remedy was brought to Berlin in September and was subjected to practical and elaborate tests in several hospitals. The patients were taken from the poorest class of suf ferers representing all stages of the disease. In one hospital out of 120 patients treated more than 50 per cent were discharged cured. Many of the patients were so far advanced of course as to be beyond hope of relief. While the period of experimentation lias been too brief to form a basis for any definite conc'u sions, the treatment appears rational and scientific enough to awaken much 'interest in the medical world, and the results of further tests are awaited with much curiosity. The postoffiee scandal which reflects so seriously on the integrity of high officials is growing worsj each day, and the department is forced to face a new set of accusations which appear in a report by President Proctor of the Civil Service Commission. It should be noted, however, that the gravest of these charges relate principally to violations of the law which ante date the term of Postmaster General Payne, as they are ascribed to the years 1900 and UK) I. The Washington postoffiee, it would appear, was run to a large extent upon spoils principle. Persons were appointed to classified positions without exami nation "by the devious method of appointment in small unclassified offices or in offices about to be consolidat ed and subsequent transfer," and criticism is directed also against "the appointments of those laborers who were appointed and separated during the admin istration of the present postmaster." Indications are afforded, says the report, that the department used this office "for political and personal purposes to an extent which left the authority ot the postmaster in transfers and appointments of this sort but little more than nominal, and placed the office in many respects in the relation of a bureau to the department." x In some cases there was a direction from the de partment, in others there were requests or sugges tions by high department officials which had the force of a direction. The report then goes on to give an instance of the packing of the postal service just before classification. ' Nearly all the clerks and messengers in the rural free delivery service, who were covered into the clas sified service, were in positions in Washington, D. C." It appears, moreover, that the number of appoint ments in the month of the classification was more than twice as great as for the preceding four months, and that "during the entire eighteen months that this ser vice has been classified there have been seventeen per sons selected for appointment within the District of Columbia, as against fifty-six clerks and messengers appointed during the twenty-six days preceding clas sification." These rush appointments were clearly excessive, and at that time the commission had regis -ters of eligibles ample for all needs. Mr. Proctor believes that the provisions of the re vised rules which went into effect April 15, l'.)Q?,t will prevent the abuses in the classified service and hopes for effective regulations for the employment of labor ers in the Washington postoffiee, but this report em phasizes the necessity of constant vigilance in the ad ministration of the law, showing as it does that shifty politicians never relax their vigilance in trying to de feat its purpose. HI iu 10 hi in 10 10 10 it n u ii u n il ii 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 l.i in hi 17 17 17 17 17 17 XAMK AMOUNT Kdna F Forbes, trustee t7 ;iu Oregon fitr, 5d M Oregon C'ltv mm .Mr tl K l'.iii'l Am si Clara Mo.ey M SI Theo W.gant 58 Ml i neo wvimni as no Tnoa Dully .V A Mallhte. , Ill an Hell Harding 47 30 11,11 Hardin 47 .10 Join. Wilkinson 47 mi Julia Richard ... 47 ;m 'I hoi Dully Jt A Al milium... Ill 'JO 'I Im Dutly & A Maithiea. . . Ill 20 lit II Hunting Ill 'JO Itfil Harding Ill 20 Ma.y A Maddock ... 47 .to Mary A.Maddoc 47 .10 Mr K A 1'mi lie 47 .10 Mrs K A Fame 47 .10 Mary A Maddock Ill 20 Mary A Maddock l'.l 20 Mary A Maddock Ill 20 Maiy A Maddjck Ill 2U Jaitio IMau .til HI James Dotal) Ill 2i Jane W ilktnaoi .17 II June Wilkinson..... ,1il M Jan. Healey 4:1 10 t IW W Tha- r . 3 tw Kmi.'Hy HciHko 2 iw N.Tlli.'ilv ly .IS Iim. ol, J A i IW Hoinl.rrly .'l:i led ol weitierly IIS Ivi't ol, t'liKR M 1 1 "k Ilia 7 117 3 IW Kimeily 70 Irvl ol Harali K Ituak IIO 70 ,1 us wvniirly Im t-l of Uiaa n 1 I I...L I ... 11 11 ...... in. .. , , ,i tii 4 iw Wi-niarly 70 li'ulol Al.naO llrownrll 4 IW Kmierly IIS of Chan H !lokli A IW Wvitnrly 70 loot ol Alma (J llrowni'll S IW Nowlimlv III led ol atirlv !)S lnt I't, Oi 8 II.Mkim S IW Northerly ;w of rmmrly IIS feel of, .1 A I'l.avt-r. . 0 IM VVvti.rlv 70 Iih'I of AlmaC llruwnrll (I IW Kanlrrly IIS l.mi of J A Tl.av Jauivi Hctlfy 4.1 10 Mary r I row 4:t 10 Mary KCiow 4:1 10 ) I Ai'iirr.i'ii, irusle Ml ;ui J T AporrM.ii. irutte M .10 SV S lot 7 blk 17 V Harn 'ii us h H lot 7 blk 17 Jaixn llealey ii W S l18 blk 17 V Harm :ll ili K S lot 8 blk 17 Jamra llealay 20 Ho 1 18 0 N umiuoaii 4;l lo 2 18 C N iirvenr.ian 4.110 3 18 0 N (irniiinaii 411 10 A 18 0 Ommman ftl M i 18 11 K Harn M IIO 18 1 (irvomi.ati M Ho 8 H lot 7 blk 18 C N Cirerniiian l OS N lot 7 blk 18 John WeitmanriH. . 211 IW N )i lot 7 blk 18 John Weiainaiiili-I .. 20 US N 4!'!-i leet iui 8 blk 18 Howaril Hrow- lio.i 40 10 8 10S leel lot 8 blk 18 John Welaitian- uel '.... 1.1 20 1 111 Aaron K Wait 4i M 2 III Aaron K Wait 411 10 3 ID Klion H Warren 4.1 10 All ol thai portion ol lot 4 I.Ik 10 Ivlt.g eaalol II. a U A C K H xcti Ilia north 14 fert th reol 0 24 Ml All ol lot 4 blk 111 except tlie aoutn A2 (eel of tliat iHirtloii lying; tot ul the 0 it C 11 K Kilrn 8 Warren... 18 11 5 111 Mary J Hallow . 1.1 on U 111 Mary J Harlow .In s i 7 111 U K I. Inn and J W l.olr,... .1 00 8 111 B K l.lnii am! J W l.oiler.. .. IW 84 1 20 garah J Henderson 4.110 baran J llenilrraon 1.1 00 OreKU "ily 72 .11 Oreoii City 72 31 (;' Ctiv 3l 40 Oregon lily II .11 Vim. le II V allien 14 tin V in I. te H W allien l." no Clara K Morry 42 .11 1!) Ill 20 20 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 42 40 47 47 47 47 48 48 4 Clara K Morey ! I,'. Helen (.titration 0 on Helen 1. rltralton II 00 Helen 1, Stratum ID (. Helen I. Hiraiton. 12 An John Uleaao I ."Ii III James Mr.Nan.ara eelala. . . . 40 10 Jan.ea McNamara eaiale 411 10 John (tleaaon i't o John Uleaaon 411 10 J V Zineer ft4 If.' AA A Uorttlii'g 1 10 02 W U Wuiriiia Ou 02 H M lot 4 blk 48 IVt.r PaqiKt eatata.. 80 III N 'A lot 4 blk 4 C C UaDoock .10 31 5 48 W U WiKKina. 4!l 10 48 W B Wikhiiib 40 10 7 W Ait A Uoftlling 40 10 8 48 J C Ziner 40 In 1 40 Kaniiio I. (lochraii , no 112 2 411 Fannie I. C'orliran 00 IU 3 40 liriii e C ami Mamie I'nrry N 30 l.f t ol 33 00 3 41) Catherine F Mlley H 30 leet f 27 02 4 411 Catherine F Miley 0002 5 40 KiUanl K Whitlork 40 lo I 40 K.iward K k '. 40 10 7 4U K.I war.) K Whitlo.k 40 In 8 40 Carrie HicliarJa 40 10 1 AO J T A.ieri)ii il 2 2 M J T Aiipnim iai K 3 '.) J T A.,.eron (KM,2 4 60 J T A'.eron. 25 II 5 '.) J T Ai-peraon 4i 11 0 AO J T Aliraun 40 10 1 M JT Appe.non All 12 2 Al J T A'eri.m AS 22 3 Al J T Ai'i'eraon A7 02 4 Al J T A..eroii . A.I 12 5 Al J T Api'eraon 2l A I Al J I A.eron 20 Ai 7 Al J T Aiipernon 20 hi 8 Al J T Ai'i' 20 A'i 1 A2 11 A Miller Al Itl 2 A2 K A M.ller Hit 02 3 A2 K A Miller 4 31 4 A2 It A Miller 10 HI K A Miller O; .11 0 A2 R A Miller 4S III 7 A2 K A Miller 15 Wi 8 A2 It A Miller 20 A2 1 A.l ORH M II' r 00 31 1 Kl (1 K H Miller .... . 42 31 (i It H Miller A3 41 8 63 (1 K H Miller IIO 31 1 04 Caleb K Com 00 III 2 04 Calilt-b K Crons 15 On J II .t Nellie V Walker 42 31 J H & Nellie V Walker flo :i Hercnlea Kellv AO 12 Hercules Kelly AO 12 Cailierine Keny 50 42 Catlierin Kelly 00 31 Catherine Kelly 00 III Cathi-rine Kelly 4S 31 Hercules Kelly 37 S.'i Hercnlea Kelly A7 0: III 82 III HI 31 82 7 VI 7 HO 31 8J r no IK) no im w w i on lut ion 100 Ino tki ion l.aj loo 101 101 113 113 113 111 113 113 i:.i III 114 114 lit 114 111 114 114 114 113 116 41 leet ul kit IA III 40 10 40 111 40 10 117 10 4 o: .'III 0.1 K 1' lUmla. "... K I' Kaiula , Jennie V. White Jennie K White A 8 I'r. aaer KuraliMli Minna Viola M timllrey IW 73 Viola M tl.nlirey 47 7.1 h T Ilamla 41 Jane C Itaiiila 02 72 rarali J Memlvmon ... 112 8arah J Henileraon 44 7.1 8rali J lienileraoii 41 73 J lleiulerm.n 112 8urali J llenderioii n2 72 r. Mereaaa M ll'J W W Marra 15 oo J I) in INI t'nrrle M C'lieney ... itf 72 C ami AK'.ea Heliueliel. . . . . . . I..1 Kl W Allen Wutta 02 12 W A'len V hlie 20 A2 W A limit W'hlla 41 71 W Allen White 112 7 A W Cheney 02 7 A VV Cheney 44 7.1 I. II An.lrewt 13 on 1. 11 Aiiilrewa 1.1 hi K T Harlow l.'i no t I liar ow nil Itl Kva tty 37 10 Pya 4H 10 I. II Alilrewa 411 10 i II A ml re a 4.1 III V II Dya truatea 47 04 L H liya. truatea. northerly t 2 blk 11.1 II .Tl i I in Houtherlv 2.1 fart of Tboa. aii.1 Uridyl Know lea 8 118 3 113 Thoaaml Hrl.tuet Know lea 15 00 4 . M Thoi and ilri.tirel Knowlea. 4H lu 0 115 llioi anil Hruk'Bt Know lea outherly 25 feet lot 6 blk I LI 17 30 5 115 Northerly 41 of A W Cl.ene Htl A W Cbri.ey 40 10 O W Katham 43 10 () W Kaftham... 2.1 II H K Hrripttira .15 04 8 F Hcnpiure 6.1 01 o r nerip ura M 04 A2 A.l Kl A3 63 04 04 IA 04 05 m M if, 05 IB 05 0.1 m m m oo Mi oo on 07 07 07 07 07 07 w m 08 08 08 08 04 OS 09 m m oo m m m on wi wi 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 07 IM Henrv Melilruin 47 73 Henry Melilmm 41 74 Ali: K Paiternon 37 S3 Alice K I'HtterhOii A7 02 A. ice K I'ulU-rBon Al) 12 Alice K ratlerson A7 02 CU Huntley A7 02 C (i Huntley 54 02 J T Apiereon 47 73 J T Appernon 47 73 J T A (.person 47 73 J T Apperaon 51 02 W A Huntley 51 (ill W A Huntley 64 2 Henry Melilruin 64 02 Jennie Melilruin 61 A4 A D I'utrow 61 51 A l Putrow 51 54 A 1) I'utrow 54 02 A I) Puirow 64 02 MayO I -a Forest 64 02 May O I. a Forest 64 02 Frederick Oa.lke 33 24 Frederick (ladke...., 64 02 Mary K Harlow 64 02 Mary K Harlow 61 02 Chaa C Halxwk 64 02 Chas C Hahcock 41 13 Oregon City 81 11 Oregon City '40 10 Oregon City 40 10 Oregon City .. 31 II Murtlia N Howell 43 10 Martha N Howell 25 II Mahals Ka.on Himinorn. . . . 35 04 Ix.iiih Oleckelniau 53 04 ThoiiiHZ.i.e 53 01 MhIii.Ih Kiton Himnions 4H 64 MhIimU K.ioii rjininioni 4S A4 Martha N Howell 4 54 Kaaterly 70 leet of Haralr K 115 till 110 110 IIO 110 111! 1HI no 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 124 124 124 124 125 125 125 125 125 125 12.. 125 120 1211 120 1211 120 120 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 127 12H 12 12 12S 12S I24 I2S I2S 12!) 12!) 110 I4H IIO 140 141 111 Ml 111 lit 111 111 III 112 142 142 142 112 Karel 8 8 F Scripture ,15 04 Anna Howell 2.1 II Anna Howell 41 10 lJitrii No. 02 1.1 no Hoh.Hil H.alriclNo, If.' ,1 no Bchool Diatrlct No. 02 ill II t-clioul Hiilrii l No. 02 ..... 40 In Hi-h.M.I l. strict No. 02 10 0 Hchool Dlatnct No. 02 31 II SoiimO District No. 02. 1.1 on ScIkmiI Pin net No Ii2 15 in. 8arah J Heuileraoii 31 II 8arah J lleu.lerson 40 lo 8arall J llei.ilerion 4!) It) 8rah J Hen.lerion 31 11 William 8teom 40 lo William Hteovar 40 In Albert ( Krusa 40 10 AlhertO Kruwi .17 10 loulia A and I W Noble.... 51 04 Ui.ilKk A and J W Noble ... .' 8 8 Walker 25 II 8 8 Wamer 4.1 in 1 C Katourelte 35 00 I) C talourvtta 1,1 nn D J l.aumrette '25 On 1) C l.atouretie ),1 011 1) 0' Ijilou.elie 15 no I C Utouretle 25 no I) C l.atmirelle 511 l U 0 l.atoti et'e 50 01 (iertruuu Hock 01 2 tiertriiile Hock Ill 82 i C l.ati.tirette an 5; ll C I.ntonretie It I 72 1) 0 l.atoureite l.'i no 1) (' l.alourette 15 On Willi 111 and ill M K A roepelinau Ill H2 Martha Hlai.kenslilp lil S2 J I, ami M A Walilreti 01 H2 II It il Miller 3.1 72 KiiKeiie 43 SI Frank E Weed .. All 12 C 1' Andrews . . 01 ii2 Viriiiia Mnir 61 33 Mar) It Caullel'l 40 M.I F Kami Jonu K .Morris ill hj K H Darker. 40 S2 : FOR FREE ADVICE Every Woman Should Writo Dfi 8. Hartman, PrcsIJunt of Tho HartmovSanltarlumi J.J... 'A r , MIIH. JOMKPII I.AC'KM.K. fr. Joseph Tji.'i.Uo, Ottawa, Kaat, OtlUCatimU, wrltcal MPerorii la Ixillor by fur fhan any ntlicr tni'dli'lno sold In the Ilomluloit for the Iron l.l jito'iilliir U) tliu sex. I auf fcr.'d with luli'kat'l.K, liemluclio aoit drai;Klii( down pain for over nlna months, and itotjiltiK rdluviil inn a par tlclounUl J took IV run a. A few dottle relieved mo of my lulecral.lti luilf-Ucnil hulf-allva coiulllion, I am now la Root health and have neither ache or pain, nor have I hud any for the past year. If every (ufTcrtliR Woman Would take I'enma they would aoou know Ita value, and never lie without IU" Mre, Joavyi. Laoelle. Free Hume Advlra. In view of the (treat multitude ot women eufferlng from eoina form of female disease and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. lUiiman, the renowneJ tpecUlht on female catarrhal taten, hat announced hit wllllngnett f6 direct the treatment ot at many hi at snake application to him during the maimer mantht without charge. Tho wishing to become patient hould addrcs The Fruua Modlolu Cw.t C'oluuitm, Ohio. Nrlhs F (iians. Otio Krnkson. Jas M Lawrence I'hIiII Carrie H IJ 11 1 plireye , A 1 1 red II H 11 111 1 l. rey a . Allre.l II II iiniplireys. . Ailred II II unipbrayi. . I'aul Freyag Mary I. Root Kale I. Newton Kate I, Newton Jane Younger Jane Younger Hiirah, a K.I m iu U and Knlieria Mar- 40 82 01 Hi V. H2 01 K 01 82 01 M2 07 82 07 82 07 h"2 07 H2 10 In A5 14 55 14 33 21 07 82 3 157 Tho F Ryan 40 M 8 157 I.ulsa McCaualaml A7 33 A tl II D.n.ick 47 2H James W Chas ... 50 2H. ImI James W Chase AO 28. list James W Chas 60 2 toil Jamns W Chase. 50 'M 107 K K and T O Howell Ml 28 107 K K ami T C Howell 50 28. Io7 1' F Mode Ml 2H 107 I' F Mctlee Ml at 1 08 Caroln. tlrasler Ml 28. ION Koulh )( ol Caroline (Iraaier 28 14 I0.8 North of Fannie U and Kate 1 1'orter 28 14 108 Fannie (1 and Kate I 1'orter Ml 2H Ml J II Keener 20 Ol hill J U , 21 llr IM) John Wetaman.lal 25 18- lur J.nin Welauiamlel 25 I I'lll Han I. vons Ml 28 1011 Oeo Jackaou.., Ml 2 Ion J l Henuer Ml 2 I'lll 'J II Itenner 4.1 Its I7i K.1 K Wl.Hlock 15 0t 170 It Whitlix k 25 II 1.0 Kd it Wluilock 40 IO 170 Kd K W hillock 3.1 H A itateiuent of aforesaid aiseasment has been entered In the docket ol city hens, and la now due and pavahle at ll.eotllceol the city treasurer of Oreiron Clly, Oregon, hi IbmIiii money ol llin I mini Males, ami 11 lint I'Slil niiliin iwenty days iroui me nrst piihlicatioii ol th la notice such proceedings will ha taken for the collection ul the aame as are provided by the charter ol Oregon City. The above assessment will bear Interest 20 days alter the llrsl publication of thte notice. IIIUICK C. Cl'KKY, Recorder ol Oregon City. Oregon Clly, Ore., June 23, Hml. Date ol llr'nt ptil.llratlou ol this notice Friday, June 20, I'.si'l. July 3 Nlu rlir'a kialo ol'llt-ul I'.alute Nol.l for Tux.)'. Koake 30 70 112 Hi.mli a. Edwin 0 and Mar- garei 8 Roberta ,V. I I 142 Kate I, Newton 55 II Kate I. Newton Ml 01 DC l.utoiireUe, trustee 40 lo D C I, atonrette, trustee 40 In Clara I Calill' 10 10 llenj Jaggar Ml 01 I. A Nobel 48 51 I. A Nobel II 0 D M Whitinore 43 10 Commercial Hunk 25 II Oeo J Moure 37 lo lieu J Moore 40 10 M M Chart.. nn 37 Hi Mrs A A Wilcox 40 10 Daniel Flatter 40 10 Anna Hand 40 10 risruli J lleiiilerHiiii .".I II 8anih J lleinlersoi 40 10 hHrah J Ileinlerson .. Ill 10 Karah J llenderson ... Ill II Oregon City Ill II Oregon City II) 10 Oregon City 40 In Oregon City 31 II Dan l.yoi.a 13 lo Dan Lyons A in Dan Lyons WI 28 Dan Lyon Ml 2S Dan Lyons 40 10 142 141 111 143 113 J 4.1 113 III III 111 111 III III 114 III II.'. 115 115 115 152 152 152 152 151 J 53 153 J; 13 I A3 153 153 153 154 154 IA4 154 164 154 155 J 56 155 155 155 155 I. 'A J 55 ' I Ml IMI I.rfi IMI I.VI Dan Lyons 37 10 Dan L)ons 25 I I Dan Lyons 43 lo M it Howell , Ml 2 M R Howell Ml 2 M R Howell Ml 2i V M Hall 40 10 K M Hall 40 lo M R Howell 40 10 8uaan McKee estate Ml in Susan McKee estate 66 14 Ina Itiuler 65 14 jyena Rlgler Ml 2 .... 3.1 11 . ... 51 14 .... 65 14 .... 40 10 .... Ml 28 WJ Ranch WJ Ranch..., Mavgie Jioekina O H Ihmick Charlotte Dresser HenJ Jaggar 8uuset Land Company. . Hunset Land Comnanv German Evangelical Lutlie- Notlce is hereby given that on Monday the 20ih day of July, llm.1 at the hour of I. .'to a. 1.1. al the Iront door of the Clacka mas County Court House, Oregon City. Oregon, I will oiler fur sale, all property to which Clackamas County has an (Hired title' by virtue of purchase at tax sale, and upon which the period ol redemption ha ex. pired, to the highest bidder lor cash. Haul ale will begin at Urn time and place slated and will he adjourned Iroui day tu day un til completed. Dated tlila June II), I!i3. J. R. rllAVa,8hcriir. Niiiuiiiuus, In the Circuit Court of the State or Ore gon, for Clackamas County. Maude Lillian Fleming, plalulill,) vs. Glen Hamilton Fleming, defendant.) Tt Glen Hamilton Fleming said defend ant. In the name of the Htiile of Oregon yoi are hereby com man. led to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in the shove entitled suit on or before thelllst. day of July, llsi.1 and if you tail to ao ap pear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint to-wit: For a decree of divorce dissolving the bond of matrimony existing between plaintill and delendant and fur costs and disbursement ol this anil. This minims is published by order of the Hon. Thus. F. Ryan Judge of the County Court of the Htate of Oregon for Clackamas Comity commencing with the issue of June loth. IW13 and ending with the issue ol July 141st, 11103. Dated thl iHth day or June, IfXi.3. Uohi.oN K. Hayks, Attorney for i'laintilf. I.ndlra and Children Invited. All ladies and cliiltlron who cannot ran Kriianuel Church ill H2 0 150 Charlotte Uresser 01 H2 7 IMI John Hhamion Ill M2 8 I Mi John Hliannon 65 82 1 157 2 157 stand the shocking strain ol laxative syrups, cathartics, etc.., are invited to tiy tho famous Little Karly Risers. They are different from all other pills. They do not purge the system. Even it double Ml 28 K weasun ,)r bickhu , mi 2h i many people call them the Kasy I'ill. .V; 2i I u . 11. Howell, Houston, Tex., shvs nothing better can be used for constipa tion, Hick headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafayette, Ind., says all others gripe or sicken, while HeWitt's Little Karly Kis- and easy, boid Minnie rj. ,M , erg do their Work well August Holden 47 2' "J" Ue0- A- Harding.