Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
s OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 1903 Oregon City Enterprise TOLD IN SIOEHEAOS. WlXM.KM Mll.l, Cl,C)ICII Tuesday nil lav the wnnlen mill wmm lurced id aban don uneratluua on account ill high wiitiir. Tint water rime an high tlml It lunched inn l Iho bells which attach to tilt) U machinery x k rtrrKSTHIN, ill KMIIKIIH ! All liiemlHTS j U j the Kctiill Clerk' union are especially Jj I II V 1 1 t I III lilli'litl U tiiMiittnif ,.f Hfiiir itnl.... Ft liexl Tursdjv cvcliinir at I Li- 'ii!iiimIiI,i ! Pi Urn limine. Pta-rlal business nl great lm- M lint In iii-ii U u Iim trmiNiii'tiiil mill yon m Iii, M urn liii'int'iTK urn limed Id lm present 1 V. Ki-iii in I -r iUi' mill night. Li OLD COUNTRY-! IUvi 'I llinium, w lm lived In Ore Ifuii ( ity lur i lung iiiiih, baa been given a i willuii nl Wallace, IiI.iIid, riiui.luir a milk rittii'li. mill mi Saturday lm will IfttVH III IIS-Ullll' I'llitrKI' III III III' Jlllll'K. Mr. T'nniiin Ii,m m host n liiniiila in Ore gon ('Hy, all nl wliii., i will reluctantly liiil I I in Kilirti. W'oiik Iii.aykii TIih wink of liuilil. lug I In- line mriicluri' mi the M it luxl int chinch linn i.i . ii aciiuusly iii-li-i red Inn imi wci k, iIiih to Iim lurt Unit the water lias run ii an liiv'li nn llm A 1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 y road between Ibis, env Mini Joln-n' null, Unit tin- tint trams lm vii been ii iim K In In diavv 1 V, Inlrk over l ; llm hrh k yatd In located Ht June null and tin- water alung I It irt rnul la ill tlin pieselit time. It'll feet deep Hlnl w ill ri iiirii cevetal days before it an In expected to tnihsiilit, A llnn.iiini. Timh l.iint wink it large I'Htiy nl l.i'lii-H rnul gcntli'meii a n'uilili'il nl the ImniK ol Mr. mnl Mm. Unity lliirimlinli hi Carus and lemlcifd lln'in it very pleaaing aurprise party. Mi. mnl Mia, lloriialnili am two well know ii irnili in Curiia ami they have iiiiiii)' liniiila, who, on I lii nccasiuu, called In linw' their filiiuilshlp mnl good feeling, l'hn i iiinpHiiy IihiI h di'lightlnl I i mi' iniiii the evening with innsic Hlnl I it 1 1 1 1 1 . ICtaik ii Kim IIomk Two ynung lad. Ii v Inline Ninth ami McKarlanil, encapeii In. in llin liny' Hlnl liiila' Aiil Nia-lety, I'uri Intnl. Sutnl y, mnl tin Mun lnv niNi'i through llnarity (nr MnUllM. Tuesday iimniing, t 'liii'l ol I'olicc iliimn gut wuril Iron) a gentleman coining in Irmii Jln-re lliat he Iim 1 aeelt two liuva, Ii tlhg llii'ir ilnai riplloii, going along llm mail in-ir Cmua. Mr, hiiina liiinn--ilmtnlv tfli'i'lnnii'il to iihiiIm out llicm mnl tlit fai Kpiil (ititliH with rrturlioil liniiin toiiaiiliralily tlm wnrao lor wnar. . (illKA T II AMK tAil-llliM . Nl'Xt Sittiir- iliiv tin- lliitli m'IiiniI Imva will piny f n ( dull HKnilial llm CalilMnali li'alii at' W 1 1 lainxttH I'.illa I'liia itanm, it ran In' uli'ly am. I, will lu the nn-aUat hhii.h ol I Iim Hi'aaon hihI ull wliu likn llin aport w ill t'tij iy n tiitii I ri-nt William Hi-m li lian lil'i'll IritlllillK tilt llltfll crllnl.l IIMIII mnl lit mi a 1 1 1 u l liia ti am w ill aiirnlvStuI tip ft vitfiiiotii Kimif. 'I lm Cmii'inali lioya urn iirai'tirmir with iijiuI liiillilii'lti-aa i ml tlmv iIcm'Ihic tlml tlmv ant nnnt to win, Iim. . l lm u iiiik la rallcl Inr 'J . Ill) Mini llm plllillr la invitril. Illiill WaIkk ( tn-uDn'a llil-t Iiiih l.i'i ll Ifrt'ii'ly Hiiiiint'r.liiiti all llin alrt'aina tMa wet'k till now it 'a hIiimnI iinirji-ililn to tii't out nl Iohii on itny t.l llm iht Ii imi.I rimiU. (iri'i'i, I ii 1 1 1 ia nil aiivmi'iyil ttml Hit Al't'ini'tliy roail ia iinpuHaililn ho tlml i 1 1 .1 , to :i't up llin Alii'mt'liiv, Hit' oliliKi',! to K' nri'tiiiil llm lull. AM tlm way up llm v'iiiii'iuhIi k iln' riniii: IIoimIn am tliii'ttti iiiiik' "II tin tium to t'li t roiirli nn tlm aiilnwiilk. Tlm wt'iillii" proplmtM mip Hoini) nl i mi r ul.l liimula, llm IiiiIiiiiih, pioplmry H k'riMt lloo.l tliia i'H.r Hlnl (mill pit'ifiil iippi'Hiitiii'i'D tlm p uphi'i v will lm ti-Hli.-il, If you wlhh to send money to the "Old Country," you can do ho easily and cheaply through this bank. We Ibbuc drafts pay able In nearly a 1 1 countries 1 WILL SEND $4.00 FREE. To llach KfiuliT Franklin Mllea, M. I)., II. II , Iht) tUullli I'blniKo Mpeclal M, Will Hf ml 2.iV) Horlb or Ilia New I ii 1 1 v III iim I Ireatnifiit Yne. That I)r. Mllt'i I: una of tlm rnnat am- A I ci'xhful ami rttlUhlti of pliyamiHiia ia A , provi'fl liy liiimlrpila of IttitluioiiiMla fruin a: rl-rl1 rl k1! linnl nf Mninrnn T'lfl'Ij ORKCON CIT)', Okli. 1'hia oiri rarrina III Htork a roiupli'ttt linn ul It'tl hlitiika of fvvry vaiiuly.aml wit am pinpurml to (ill onlnra ly inail on hurt liotirn, AluiKaTKii ('liarlna SlraiKlit, a young iiiuii who hua livml in llna i-ny for a Ioiik luna ii in I who liua ninny fiii'inla, wiih ar-n-Hlt'il Momlny nn tint t'liuritn of tlmH. lie ia i liafgi'il wpli Ntnalinii aoinnihinif likn !l from Ihn Mirknt of Mr. Flunk l.i't.'ll, an t'Uiploynal tlm pnpnr null. Itftv on in it Tax Kui. I.. Several litiay H'iipln am nnifuKml linn Wi-i'k UM'liT ('oiiiiiy I'lnik Mriiiht. iiutkiiiK up tlm tax roll. Mikn Krhu Sumaoii, Sam liil iiiuii ami MiaaChaatt t'ompoat llm nx'ra In-1 J) n ll' 1 at tlm pn-amil rutn tlmy will prohalily coiiliiiilu at thin wurkfnrtwu wt'i'ki inoru. F.NmiTAlNkll UllAMAIIl- Ci.t li. The ftiti'iprlHiiiit ynilft proplu ol Mt I'ltiaa ant, who have tirKumr.i'il a lillln ilraiiialii: t'luli, wnre royally f nli-rtalim.l at the rnBiilnm n ol Mra. A. (!. Wariinr, Kriiluy iiiiiht. Duly llio-n who am ai'ipntinteil Willi .Mra. UiirniTs' inanunr ol enter tHininent can fully appreciate Hie rival K'l 1 1 in u whiili tlii'ho yuiliiK people enj.iyi'il. llm eveiilii)( wan devoteil priiiripally In i1i-h-.i ii I 1ninrn, aona ami ri-rltationn iollnweil liy a ilelilillill luni'lieoii. Wanm IIkmaik Un Tui'Hilay tiitfhl the tjtli nl lull "Ki-KiilviJ Unit. WDIiieii uauhl In have eipul Wiikva with limn in the aaiiin eiiipinymeiit wua ihm u-wil at the ai'.nli'iiiy aii'l while hotli aim-a put up a ntrmu ileh tte die in-k'Aiivu rpeukera won Tint all'n ui'itivtt apt'itkera were ii'pri'Hi'iili'il hy .Micrn Hi-h-ic )ivib, lli'letl Stiihliliinf ami Mury llnrualiiii-h. The ni'niiiivn liy Mea-ru. K.I. Willey. Jitini'H Smith ami (ienrn Caliir T'l'f-t ileliait-a are iui'ieuaiii) in iuliTi-Kt all the tium. well-known people. One patient cureil alter luilurit nl eleven drainl KapiHa phyaii i.iiia, tan alter having henu xiven up liy aix or M'Veu Cl.lraiio pliyaii:iana, another after lium nl llin leailina' il''lor in New Vork ('Hy, 1'liilaili'lphia ami ('hu-atro Uin'il. Thouaumla of lealimu liiitla aent on rt'iili'at. The late I'rof. i. 8 JW 1, M. !., al itor nl tlm Journal ol N, , .una ami Men tal Dl-eurea, pulilll-lll'll at Chii'aK'i, au-vn-ii.l llr. Mili-a to ''hy all nieana puhlinh trior nurprii-luK reaulla." I'rof. J. I'. IWa, M. I)., i'reriilenl of Kuah Meilit-al I'.. II...... r..l. I,. IU7J- llr t,l... I.... M taken two cumaea nl luy (irivatn intrui H lion In iliaeaaea ol llin heart ami liltii;'." ('ol. N. (i. I'arker, Kx-T'reaaurerol .South Caiolitia, ava: "I helievt Or. Mi lea In he an attentive ami akilllul phyaician in a llel.l w in li rfipnrea tun I eat (jualiilea ol heuil ami heart. I ol. A. .M. Itl.'ker, httn (ii'i.erul Mauutrer ol N. V., I.. K V W. t-yxleiii of tailwaya, Huya: "pr. Milea' aniM fHa aa a fih ynli-iu n hua lieeii plieiioininii ." ('nl. K li JSpi li-mari , of the thh Iti'k'illara, U. H. A., hall DifK'i, (,'al., aay: "Ymir Hierial Treatment hu a wotke.l woli.iera when all elie laileil. I lm.) t-inployeil the lic-t ineili'jul talent ami liaa apt-nt K'.MHI." When an expeiieureil ami wealthy nliynirian oll'ma to i.rea.-rilie lr- f lO.tXX) worth of trealnn-iit for tlit-ea-t-a of the hf.irl, nervea, aiouurli, or ilropay, it i ronrlilHive eviih-lii e that lm hna (jret lailh in hi" akill. Ami when hiimlieila of proiniiieiit men ami woim-n freely teatifv t.i Iiim ihiii-imI hkill aml,iie nip-i-riontv ol hia New Indiviiliinl Tieai- iimiit. hia liU-mliiy ia certainly worthy ol aeriiiua fnin-i'lnMtioti . ,r Tht llni''a new avaiein of trealinent ia Ihorouiflily Hi ientilic ami iinuieiihely aiiperior to oriliuary uiftliinla. Aa all alllirleil rea.lera may have $1 00 worth of Irealiiient eapeeially piearritn-il for eai-h caae. free, with full (Jnei-lioliH, we woiihl ailvin them to rtenil for a Copyriihteil Kxuiiiinatioii Chart at nin e A'l'lri-M )r. Kraiiklin M.lea, :'0.t to 1!U5 Main ireet, Clnt-ano, 111. Mums barter toaaa. It wua a ('uiumoii ciiHtom with our fiirefiitlit-ra lo wear Hit? Krtera of a pretty rnitldiii either on tlie lint or knee, any a the New Vork I'reaa. Itrltlcs uauiilly wore on their li-Ka a boat of Ky rihlxtlia. In h tllMtrlhiittil after t!ie innrrliiK" ivri'tiiotiy anionic the lirld KriKim'a Intimate frleiida. 'l'hn piper ut (he wi dillnt," ilniifn never fulled to tlo o pleee of Hie hrlde'a Krter iiruund the Ntini of Ida hiiKplie. The Loinhnrd loimtry (,'lrla tiaed f weiir tliigK'Ta la tlmlr KnrttTH. (, o o a Maccaiikku l.NaT.M.I.. evi liiiiL! at Mnlulht a lurije ai-eniKI v ladlea ami (ii-nlleinen met at th ' hall in Molulla and inalalled the new ollintra in the Milriuhee lodifeat (hut place. Sherill' ' Shaver and llr. Wriuhl wi'tit nut from thia city ami repreaeined Ort'tion (,'ity and w itni'ii-i'il tint iinpnaintt rereinony. Alter the nllii'era hinl all lieen iiialalled and liiiHineaa Htlended In, llm llnor wua i-leari'il and a u'l'iieral d.mrn in.lnli;i'.l in. Thia wua hixhty enj iyitlile ami Imitrlily participated in. Tlm Miii-rahee order at Molulla ia in a proapeioua atiite, aa are all MiircitheH orders, nml the hIuiwiiik w hich (he re,,oiln mitile ut this limit whh extremely eiicnuruuiliK. The ' Wlio'a Who Star Minalrela," which h i" heen lulely ort'iini.ed in thia flly, and n nl appear in llm very near (ilturn liiid'T the aliupicea of the liudiut'll, prouiinea to hu an exirniirdinniily elalior ii 1 1' production. The uiuniiH"meut atitlea Hull an exceptionally htroiiK caatn ol Inn lit ciirk artiHtt hua heeu curefuily an lected (ruin the ranka ul Oieoti City'a tieet talent, and that Hit) atuu tnaiiuer hua ilexiithed a moat heuutiful acenic ein litdliHliiiient ol an eleclrical nature lor tint lirel pait, and that he hua given "IH entiru proiluctioii a aplendid uioiintinK hiicIi aN could only lie Iniind ainnim pro fuaHioiiala. Nuexpenao will he apitred to niidt-aver to make it the moat caie ftilly Hinged tninatrel atlriii llnn everauun iu tli ih city. Watch for the date. Ki NiiKiii.ANri'a Pkatii. At the intjiiUHt liuld Saturday to iiiveulinalo the l ircuui Hlancea aurrunntlinK the death ol Koy Sunderland win) waa killed at the Crown 1'apnr nulla Friday, the jury brought in a verdict Saturday, the verdict waa aa follows: That the dnceaaml came lo liia death by injuries received in the Crown I'aHtr milla in Went Oregon City at about 11 o'clock A. M. January 2a, l!0;i, death reuniting fiom injuries i received while in the employe ol the eaij Crown Taper Mill Company, by being caught in tiie machinery ol said company while the said machinery waa inadvertently placed in motion hy an inexperienced band oneCharlea Pule an employe of eaid company ; we luither find that du ceaaed waa not guilty of contributory negligence in bringing about Ida death. We further find that the machinery and place where the said death occurred ia dangerotn and not properly equipped and recommend that the same be pro vided with eale guards and better facili ties for adjuating and owrating the nine eo that the Uvea of the employes are not endangered. We further recommend that said Crown Paper Mill Company aee that proper discipline ia brought about in the wood room, where aaid Sunderland met bil death. T. P. Rand all, J. E. Jack, Sol 8. Walker, K. E. Woodward, J. 8. Sawyer, V..V. Maddock. Sunderland's body was shipped to bis Lome at tiheridao. Hill. I NifHitKli till Tuesday one nl tliu 'W liilla inirolilieil lied. re the (lieuoil It'inlulnrn wua one which Mr. ('. l, l.ove, nf Huh fiiy, la iitterealed ill to aulhorie the practice of ni-lropitthv in the Mate ol (Itegoii ami to pinvnlit for a nl ii I e hoard nf oateonathic eNUininera. The hill, the Pnctor aava, hua li. en aadlv heedi'il in the hIkIu to exchi'le a lot of (iini ka who liuve been taking ii'h untune tlm tinliliii Mini tniali'Uiliiiir llmin anil I.ahI S.ttirav j ,ie p,.t,n- in .leuplv intereaied in seeing it throiigu. To IIavk a Kiiyai. Timk. On the even ilit! ol the lilh ol I'ehrnary the members of the Tap limn dancing club w ill hold another dunce, in the armory and a delightful time ia promised. .Mr. Will Muiahull, who ia one ol the lending apirita behind tint popular young inen'a aiiciel v, tlecUrea that thia dunce w ill not he lucking in anvthiiig and the fiieudn alio arn fnrtiinuln in huvilig invilutiona are aMiirfd a pleiiHing time. After lent if every thing goes aa preaent aigne in dicate, there w ill be another dunce given hy the young men mid furniHlied with iniiMi' by KvereHt'a popular orchenlra. Slow i.v Hc'rovKiiisu Frank Huktr ia confined In his room Willi a very ce vere caait o( typhoid fever, lie is a ciiiiipitiutive Htruni:er iu thene purta and hut for the inaoluulile intervention ol that lioliln order, the Woodmen of the World, the unfoi tumitn man would he in almost dire need. Ilia caae purli.kea of a little of real put hoa from tlm (net that be contracted the M rewind malady bv taking care of one ' Fred Polk, who lives on Hie hill iu this city and w-rro haa had a very bad case of typhoid. Mr. (taker ia alowly recovering and may fully reciiperulo. The Woodmen of the World lodge is doing all for him that ia poaaible. They have furniHlied him a trained nurse and supplied him with the niiceaaurit'8 of life. FlIIHT TO (iKT PkNMON. (. R. II. Millor ia undoubtedly one of the bap pieat men in Oregon City today and Hie rnaaon for thia exuberence can be quickly narrttied. The public know that for a long time our old Indian War Veteran friends have been working long and diligently to get a pension appro priation from rongresft and that through the -tireless efforts of the late Thomas If. Tongue and others, this object hag been accomplished. Now, to return to the cauae of Mr. Miller's happiness, be baa informed bis friends that he has been granted an Indian War Veteran's pension pi eight dollars per month and that what la more bethinks he is the first of" three hundred old warriors to be giytn the pension which be has so long heen entitled ta. Mr. Miller served aa a private in company II !th United States Infuntry under Col. Wright, and of this Col. Wright Mr. Miller tells this in teresting Btory. It seems that sohjietime in '5!l the Colonel and a sheritr was on board tbe steamer Northerner going to San Francisco with crazy man. On the way the ship ran into rock and sank carrying all on board down but the crazy man, who escaped. Mr. Miller feels greatly pleased at the prospect of other comrades getting their penaions for be says that tlmy deserve all the help wbicb can possible be given them. Naw Pill. The ver vigilant lulior onion inev of Hint city are thia week pre paring a hill lo have introduced into the letfiHlatiirn requiring all employers, ex cept Iho-e engaxed in Mock laiaing and agriculture, lo work their help bill einlit hours per iIhv and another veiy valuable leuture about the hill ia to have the em ployers pay their help oireveiv week in stead nf liy Hie month as heretofore. This splendid bill hsa long been the ob ject of our prayers and hopes and now- it ia earneKtly hoped (hat our repreaenta tives at Suleiu may take iinineditte action and push it tluoiuli A cony has been sent to all nur representatives in both hourt'i and they have prouiirH-d to work for it with all their might. An Istkhktsino Si rr. A. Limiting hua brought action auuiiiat Clackamas county for ihe sum of fl llll, with in tereat from July 1, I.w.iS, lor deputy hire while he waatniinly recorder of convey anceit. The law gives tlm recorder ol thia county (im deputy, and say that the recorder w hen tint appointment ol a depuiy ia made, shall report Ihe same to the county court, whu li cniitt shall enler the said appointment so made upon ila minutes, and tix the compeiisuiion lo be patd nidi deputy. Mr. I.uelling claims that lie immediately reported bis appoiiituif lit of deputy recorder to the coiiit, as the law required him to do, and the court fulled to enlerthe appoint ment in tta minutes and lix Ihe com pensation of his deputy. Mr. I.uelling's attorneys claim that the only question will tin ia w hat the services of the de puty waa reasnmibly worth, as they have gone over the case very carefully and seem verv confident that the claim is well founded. Mr. I.uelling claims that he was one of the county otlii era who never made any promises in regard to deputy hiie, ami w hile some of tl e uii'iiiliers of hia putty did, they were not authorized to do ho bv hun. At the end of bis term of oliice in IS IS, be tiled bis hill for deputy him w ith the clerk and that waa the lust tin beard Iroui it. Mayor Diniick and (ieo. L. Sloiy are attorneys for Mr. l.ut'lling. I have plenty of money to loan at 6 , per cent interest on real estate Heciuity,' also money to loan on chattel mortgages, i (Sokiion E. Havks I Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Oat. Fill a bottle or common glass with your l water and let It stand twenty-four hours; a . , uimcni or set- j UI,IK iiiuioKica iku i iJV -a unhealthy condi- r. v r linn nl thai kirl- IICJ.S, 11 11 51MI1I3 your linen It Is j evidence of kid- j ney trouble ; too ! frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back Is also I convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. ! What to Do. j There Is comfort In the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-1 Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every I wish In curing rheumatism, pain In the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects Inability to hold water and scalding pain In passing It, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon realized. It stands the highest for Its won derful cures of the most distressing eases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists In 50c. and$l. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery fJvZ. and a book that tells more about It, both sent B-! ? absolutely free by mail. address Dr. Kilmer Sct noma of smp-no Co., Blnghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer In thia paper. I Don't make any'nmtake, but remem- j her tho name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer'a : Swamp-Hoot, and tbe address, Bing ham ton. N. Y.. on every bottle. 'llm SulelUe I'rolilrm. The prevalent belli f that suicide la product or the higher civilization la coiiliiiilli ti i hy the fuct Hint In India Hiilclili a by opium urn commuted by tlm unlives for the moat trivial rm sniia. even ihlldriii ileatroylng tlu-m-Hi'lvci lifli-r helliK scolded II lid wives latiiuae IiiisIuiiiiIh compluln of their dinners. Tin-re are no rnguliitloiiM for tlil' aiiln of poison, nml anybody can ko Into ii biiz.'iiir and buy na much us be wants. ranlinn. "Willie, tlld you lliiink Mr. Speedway for liiklui; yon to drive?" aiild the mother of n smiill boy solicitously. No answer. The question waa repeated. Still IIO IIIINIVIT. "Wlllje. do you hear Hie? Jtld you thank Mr. speedway for taking you to drive?" "Yes." whimper' d Willie, "but be told urn not to mention It. "- Life. llr Km-iv Why. Asr iiin - W hat became of the story you sent to the Kluptrnp Magazine? SiTlhliler-lteJit tetl. I fancy It W0H tisi clever. ' Ahcuiii Too clever? , Scribbler - Ves; I suppose they were lif.-aid it would tlislract intention from their advertising pup-a. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o I lo o u o o o o coco THE FINAL WIND-UP of the Great Sacrifice Re modeling Bale ia nearly at hand and it would pay you to call and look over the bargains in Clothing, Hats, .Shoes, Furnishings, Etc. prices that no fair buyer can afford to let go by. Call aud examine. J. M. PRICE UP-TO-DATE CLOTHIER B B l.onar Itlatanee Treatment. II" died in tow n last summer. 1 Hiring his lust lllniK bis wife nursed him over the telephone from Newairt, bis dis-tor treated him by telegraph from Hur Harbor, and a letter, written from the top of the Alps by his clergyman, was read over him ut bis funeral. tauoil Iteaaon. Toggs" Old I'riend CJooU- gracious, nun! Do 1 II ud you reduced to playing a cornet tit the at met corner to make u living? Togas I'm not doing this to make a living. My wife won't let me practice In the hoiw. luconMlatrnr-y. Wngtndi.v I note that lloldimi. pre! llellt of Hie did Si'ttlefs' UKswintion, has been titled. N.ii:gHhy-Vhat for? WusiKfby I'nr rtfualn to settl. Ja AiiKt'les Herald. Sincerity Is the basis of nil true friendship. Without nincerlty It Is like e ship Wilhnut ballast. No man was eicr so much det-clved by a nut her as by himself. Creville. COCO GO GO GO COCO r W WaS V W W W , J o ( u o tl o Q O O () O o () C) o o o o o o o o o o o o o Croup. Tbe peculiar cotiirh which indieates croup, is usually well known to the mothers of croupy children. So time should be lost in tbe treatment of it, and for this purpose no medicine has received more univertal approval than Chamber lain's Couigh Kemedy. Do not waste valuable time in experimenting with on-j tried remedies, no matter bow highly they may tie recommended, butive this medicine as directed and all symptoms of croup will quickly disappear. For sale by U. A. Harding. Papke Mills Closed. Tuesday for the first time in many months the preit wheels of the Willamette were motion less and the volumes of paper ceased to pile up. All thin was the result of the Willamette's liiti Hoods which arose till it rendered work an impossibility. Fine Black Petticoats at cost. Racket Store. Ileudt Nliould .Vrrr Arlte. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy ttiat stopped it for Mrs. S. A. Websier, of Winnie, Va., she j writes ur. King s .ew L,ue ruis wnoiuy cured me of sicii headaches I had an ferered from for two years." Cure Head ache, Constipation, Biliousness. 25c at Cieo. A. Harding's drag store. Water Risi so. Oregon City U pretty will surrounded with water. On Wed nesday afternoon wheo the water had perhaps attained ita highest mark, the river had so completely disregarded the lulls of etiquette as to approach the Caiiernah road loading out of Oreuon City and completely submerged it to the depth of over two feet. Above Cane mah along tbe railroad track where the river bends in toward the track arid . comes into very close proximitv with it the water bad advanced so far Wednes day afternoon as to be almost into the ties rendering travel with heavily laden trains a little dangerous. On the north end of the city we have been more thin engulfed by lakes and overflowing streams. The Willamette has washed over her bounds and invaded the Chin gardens and not stopping there has a I vanced to the railroad track and ap proached within twenty-two inches of the ties. On the eat aide of the track: the country is all afloat from the lake and Abernethy."' Later Wedne-nlty evening the water bad commenced to subside slight. All kinds of underwear at cost. Racket fUore. . Dress Making. For first class work on .aylor and dress suits call on .Miss Cor, recently from Ihe East, over Mrs. Sladen's mill inery store. v, BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN 2 BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN WATCH REPAIRING The mechanism of a watch is a delicate thin. Many good watches have been ruined by bungling repairs. We do expert repairing and guarantee our work. We know how to handle an expensive timepiece; and we know how to handle a cheajp watch yet either gets the same honest attention and care in our workshop. If you have watch" repairs to be done, we want your work. We promise to do it right, and at a reasonable price. We regulate watches free of charge. ---------- We also make Jewelry to order, and do the finest work in repairing Jewelry and setting Precious Stones Kodaks and Cameras Full line of Eastman Kodaks and . . Cameras- . . Toco, Promo and Century . . Cameras . . at 20 per cent discount. Special for a short time only. Eureka-4x5 Camera, reg ular price $G. Special 'I3.UQ Eureka-3 Jx3 Camera reg. price), 4. Special...... $2.00 Eastmans Developing Ma-chinejt-Come in and see it. No Dark Room-The mech anism is very simple. Our stock of Plates, Films and Photo Papers are up to date. We care only fresh supplies. We give instructions free. Any one wishing to do their own work, are always welcome to see . . . our dark room. . . . SPECTACLES . and EYEGLASSES . If you feel in need of glasses, call on us. We have a new Optical Instrudment for testing. We will be glad to test your eyes with this instruement free of charge. We have spectacles and Eye glasses at all prices Work Frames from 25c to (150 Gold Filled Frames from $2.00 to $3.00 Solid Cold Frames from $3-5 to f6.oo We have a special for $1.00 How about your glasses? Are the frames loose and poorly ad justed? We are busy, but are al ways glad to take the time to true and adjust them whether you'bought them of us or not. It will cost you nothing and take but a few minutes of time. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON CITY, OREGON. $ '5