Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, JANUARY 30, 190H p I Tiik Secretary of State, in Ins annual rt'jMrv, in OREGON liNTERFRISE. LH.akinKofbuiWiiignmlUmnmK-iatu.iw, diamond 1 kiiiinlur inst it lltioilH USOK 8OIU0 I vigorous language and tolls tho public some plain I truth-'. 1K fH'rvt'8 these concerns up in tho following ! stylo: "A numliorof investments, tontine investments, : homebuilding and similar companion or associations ' organized outside, of this state aro now and have boon .$2 00 in tho past doing business hero, and have secured a . . 1 IX) largo number of members. Many of the schemes aro .1-1 . . . . 1 IV il... impracticable ami the concerns are organueu im u' ..r.Uiwl.m mi. I HU'imlli Several have ool- ' iiinl in aavaiKO. . ...... i ,-.:t...i ...i.:t.. .oi...r.. h.iv.i li...m nhioed in v.." l.ipseu aim i:.icn. " Mi1 ' -'ii" 1 ' - . 1,4,1.1a .if r.v,., lv tho oourti of other states. .......... ..x. ... . ITY AMI 10VMV MTH'Itl, P.ITKK. Published Every Friday. Subscription Rates One year Six months n..K...,tt,ti.iii t ,v.i month discount of 0 cents on all subscriptions tor one vear Ton ALL CATARRHAL COMPLAINTS Pc-ru-na is Most Exc silent," Writes Congressman a a f jolin ... Miepparu. APVKKTISlNii KATKS ON APPLICATION. : The investors or members in this state in such cases. , . 1!lV0 lost what thev paid in, which they can ilNallord I SubscriU-rs will find the date of expiration stamped ' to do. as they are usually persons of limited moans on their papers following their name. If this is not . who arc endeavoring to accumulate a com'tency by changed within two weeks after a payment kindly no-, investing their small savings. All companies organ tify us and the matter will receive our attention.- . i0ij muli,r tjR, aws 0f this or any other state, doing a " mutual investment business, should be mm i red to Hntered at the postotliee at Oregon City, Oregon, as , gulmiit to the attorney general their articles ot ineo second class matter. i poration, by-laws and forms of contracts, for bis in- " veatiiratum. If found to 1 legal and practicable, they ' should obtain a license before being permitted to do 'business in this state. They should also be required i to deposit some part of their securities with some state Growth Of our Trade With Mexico. or trust company in trust for heir movers or uruwwi ui uu. 'investors residing m Oregon" In other words, it is The possibility of a change trom a silver to a go d , from ,h:irUs, if standard in the currency ot Mexico na ura.Iy eal s ilstonishin, lunv credulous public attention to the remarkable growth ot our trad, . with this prosperous republic. ; ,mis,ls Ium.v ,,H,jiy ,.:irned. They grab at it Tn 1s".0 the I'nited States so d onlv a little, over: ' liUMMiie uiiu.i hi .wi with little or no investigation. $ - (lOO.UW worth ot goods to Mexico, her tra.lo laing; f ahnost' entirely monodiml by Kuroan countri,, situation in Dchuvaro does ,nt promise the principally Oreatnrita.n.In lJ -e liad mere a, , . thi exirt trade to only t. .V winch was a httb , o,nu,. ,n ;irt wril.ki1? more than we bought trom Mexico. 1 he t,ush.nglj ; y.- i.;irr. oH for tw,ve rapid rise of our commercial re at.ons with M, x u o , m Win n t nt vear 1 he rale oi crowiu is phoh i., - .... . 11 i i Degan in mat n t ,.), ,,,,. r.-.n! v i! sniators coil d be elect the following taljlo of imports and ex,,,ts at . -ecu- - ft unlt,ss nial periods from ISW to I'-'OO. al,o tor the (.seal j ear - ( 102: j ... wi,.,,, ,,,,,,.. I,,..!- w tillcil tliere will be Exports to 1 ""J , . . , , . . i a i ! tlwi u , 1...ri 1 -l t ii ro nw i ill rill' lit MEXICO. IlIlY'l" UK' nine is in mr nan- 1 n 1. 1 co;r Fiscal year. (is:o jSt;i) l.V'O ImiMTts froip Mexico. :7.VJtX) 1, Si -3.431 y.Tloji'!"' T.'Jtx),;.;):;'-'O.iH-i js,i;4(i,0."3 30,:'.S2.-vjii $ -J,012.S2; least twenty-seven votes to elect a senator. A o,S.V.,700 7,stil.4H:t 13,-.,S.VJS7 34.t)7'.,.)t51 2'.',S7;,li( The interesting features of this table is the even balance maintained between imports and exports. Mexico occupies a unique position among the nation.- iiflrwurdii ninnfoturt iprwly tot Mm In Urg" iiimillllf. i "o rm"j, ivrtniu. U linir t.i Im found In rvry dniK nloro mid in-rly wry li'"i ' I ho Imid. It U tlii'oiilyreiiii'iiiwTi.i r..iHxly t-vi-r il.-vlwil to our ny ruo of ci.mli, howrv. r 1-ng tli mT liavu Ih'kii ulniullliK. A I'm of Nwl lrrh of !'! Nlamlloc 'uril lr l'-ru-ti. 1 ' lion. M. I'Mlormni, wolU known Uw yi r, uf C'hleK, HI., wriu-i " I lmvw U'l'ii uttnrrr from iiiwut ralnrrli for thu lt llvy.'ri nd nt lli 'riu'it mdleiutliin of a frlnnd I trU-d IVruim ami am idad T 11 ll" 'f"ri1' ul iM.inpl. l..eur. It U Willi jdem-ur I r.M.mia.'iid It to ollior.."-Jlldoliib t. rU'rmin. A roiimo of I'lTiina nevor fulla to l.rln r.dlrf. Tlu m U no olhir rinrdy llkii IVruna. lUoun-a an. proidft and iu.i-jiiiini.iit. Mr. Cmnllltu S" iin, " Wil U'U ntriH't, N"w York, wriii'i 'I liavo fill 1 v r vi-rid from my ra- tarrlial t r. -u -Mil. 1 nurf.ri-t fur llirio yi.r with I'alnrrh tin) Jinid, Il' nuil thr. I IrliMl nil I '-' of in imI 1 1' I li 'i without r 1 1 ' ImI nl 1 . -1 I l.y thu oi,i! , f u 1 r' ia il y . - mlli"! I'l rui .t. ! m,. "I r. iid of IV I --' ruiin In J "i-r ii'i 'iMi fur ndvlif, w hi' I' I f" IhU I'll" mid o!l )ii;:f I F.SSM.tN JOHN I- 8JIE 'AKD. ai in the industrial development of that country. With ( i ( k m t miles of railroad now in operation in Mexico, and a capital in the United States estimated by our nonmil aenural at it-UH,UnW invested in her business enterprises, our trade is certain to reach a much higher figure in the years to come. Traffic of the Lake Ports and Ocean Ports. While the public is familiar with the fact that the freight tonnage of the great lab-s has had a wonder ful growth during the last decade, it is only by com-Tiari-on with the amount of trade at ocean ports that any adequate conception of the size and importance ijf the lake trallic can be fortie-d. When it is stated that the tonnage of the arrivals and clearances of twenty ports on the great lakes was rij-.r- than ten times the tonnage arriving ana depart can- '24.713 vacs, which is admittedly correct, yives twenty-one votes to the democrats, twenty-two to AddicKs, ana eight to anti-Addieks republicans, leaving the vacancy unaccounted for. There seems to bo no prosjioot of any deal by which either of the three parties can get a majority. Ad licks can neither combine with the regular republicans nor with the democrats. The oi"ht anti-republicans are too thoroughly committed - ..i-i i : t... . i , . i . fi t u i.r.i.i li i inn linn i n- . i..... r. fi,., V.'ot Iri;..s f.,p n.iaL'ainsi mm, iiue un-i .""li.n-- r...i.. m i ns rcoro. ii e ou l u "ii - - . , ., , , , . . . r , , , ,, ,,f their members who wi betrav his party in the in- sTnce nearly tw ee as much as we export to those ' U1,lr I mr 1 - ' - :U f' ...v.:,:. 1 t .,..!, twice ,s ,noh as terest of Addicks "will never leave Dover alive. 1 here 1 e huvs from us; Europe, on the other hand, buys j appears to be but one alternative. iVleware must g 1 "three times as much as she sells to the United without senators, or the regular repuhheans must X The eleven ninths of the current year show j -".bine with the democrats. Here, a so, is a serious n;r; and exports with Mexico balancing at about hitch. The democrats are said t I, almost as ho,, ln 1 , 1 hl-lv st.lit into factions as ths republicans. 1 he '',s tun uy M). ' . i , : . , r.i i i- , r1 i.irtv is div'n led under the separate control ot cx-Nmi Th l.rinc pa causes of this phenomenal increase of l''irl ,uu 1 ... ' -i iors Siusiurv and Remit. I any nrra nu'ement oi. i irai- won ' ' ,i , . : .. .,' ..Jeould be made with the republicans by which each ,d the Heavy ami increasing mruui, ...wsu. , B I,,.. panv SIlOUHl oe iei .inon i, mi .."i- there would first need to be an agreement among tho democrats themselves. The outlook, therefore, is that tho A .l.lii-l; 4 nlan of rule or ruin will succeed, with ruin as the probable outc une. Tiik sunreme court of the United States has just sustained an inheritance tax law passed by Illinois which discriminates between the amount ot tax panl by near and distant relatives and also increases the percentage that large amounts pay ns compared with small sums. Comparatively small sums go to near relatives without any tax. As the .supreme court of the land has sustained these taxes there can be no longer any question of their legality. As to their justness there can be little question. Where a person inherits a large sum of money accumulated under the laws and i.roteetion of this government, be should .....r u,.T,,,.tl,mr to the irovcnuneiit that has aided him . i- .. .i ., ,.f v,..,. v,.rl- the rrea1. value audi1 .. " i i i I.;- insf irLin li,'- won o. ...---- . i to secure the an.ouni; arm miii:n i,,oii; n mien una .eir.w of the lake traffic are more tally realize.! . , , , a than i possible from isolated statistics of lake ton-nag-. The enormous growth of this lake traflic is still more completely comprehended when it is stated that more tonnage passes through the locks of the car,:tl at rfault Ste. Marie, which links Lake Superior and Lake Huron, each year than arrives and departs from the ports of London and Hong Kong. An interesting comparison of this kind may be made from statistics recently made public by the Treasury Bureau of Statistics. From these statistics the lakes in the It i.- uiui incny " " last year have received nearly 72,0W,OOO tons of freight and cleared about the same amount. During the tame period New York received 8,082,707 tone and cleared 3 815,2'tl tons. The city of London for l-.iOl had arrivals amounting, to 9.M2,753 tons and clearances of 7,282.802 ton. Hong Kong reported 8,6-"'.,CI4 tons entering and 3,o20,4'9 tons clearing in the vear 1!00. According to these statistics Lake Michigan has seven porta falling within the class ranging from 1.(X).0X) to over 5.0001)00 tons. The total tonnage of these ports last year was 18,773,132 tons of arriv als. Of these Milwaukee stands at the head with 4.622,503 tons, and next comes Chicago with 4,370, j.38 tons. If the tonnage of South Chicago is included in that of Chicago, however, it brings the total up to ;.e4, 117 tons, which would exceed the registered other lake nort by 1,500,000 tons. With the removal of the tunnel obstructions from the Chicago river this city would not long remain in second place among the ports of Lake Michigan. '...'Mtftiiuii John I., t luT'ord, M. iiiIht of t Gentlemen:" I have used Pcruna In in mo.sf excellent remedy (or all catarrhal com John L. ShepparJ. TlIKltK urn two thhiL,'" thut thowk-te j niedlcul profuith'U unreoalxml Wll-M-mlng catarrh. Tho llrst lHthiitca- tirrhU tho moat prevalent iiiid oiiiiiliirvH- rntdisouso to which the peoplo In tho NUtc uro i ut jeeU Alt chuwn of pcoplo huvo It. Thi.HO w ho tay In much mid thoxo w ho pi outdoor much. Workln;; rliwsus havo It and l.dimtury ct.i-ses have It. The d.-'t.'r llnds c:it:n rh l.i 1m hi enn dtiintiind fver-ips.nt f."'. It e.miill cite nearly v"jry illnuuw ho In eulled rtion to treat. Tho Hceond tiling nlxmt rutarrh on r,iiicli all dix-torn urn-.-.M Hint It U dif ficult to euro it. rem. she nmy plvn rcll. f hut tiny full I'uro ht luaneiiUy. Koraxs or mniff um.iunt to i "; ' , c i.I wr. .t l.K ..f 1 C T r i .'x- erillllt little ornoL rary relief. Calurrh Is mil orj;aiiH W any ort of U known hy ' ml v w I'l''l Holirce, to from the sy ln of He) li time. J'ori' eoiifroiiled then that he llevi'H he ha HftlllU of pe th.-iHi yeara Umiii which It was at H Iroiu Ti'XiW, rllea! r.truHy im (I find It m ,r.t.i. " Congressman DC eioept to $re tempo- cjueiitly lio-ated In Inler li raiinot he p iu hed 1'V ,cal trcalinent. All thl . ry )hylclau. :no aynleml'1 lulurnal rem mid reach ratarih at ll adleato It permanent!) in llil ha '"'en tl," l'" '.leal jirofe.Hlon for a ln year Bo I'r. llarlinall , jiriil'lein. II" 1" llcvcd .ul solved It. Ho olved It. Mo cure Ihoii i. miiiiially. Diirlio; all rutin La I"" ,liu remedy .1 ha relied. t a jirlvat" jireaerlpllon, I am entirely ciriil.Biulcaii n iiiih i .1 Pcruna to anyone ll l t ami ur. remedy for any catarrhal troiil.te."- Cainlllu Setiim. Ilr.rlnf lr lrrh lUalrl hf Ivruiia. Mr. William llauer, HurUm, Txa, (ilnner and Miller, wrlleai Home year ao 1 lot the hearing hi my left enr, and iioil eiamlnalloil ly a K'clal!f t, catarrli w aa decided in tl' eaiice. 1 to"k a eoiira of treatment am' repilm-d h.y hearlnn fi a llino hut I ,M.ii l..t it eiuiiptelely. 1 eommenol lotal.o ivrumi accordlnu 1 illrwtloD nlld have taken eljsllt Iniltle 111 all, Blld niV hearing H completely reNlored, and 1 kIuiII mIii th'j prale of 1'eruii w hen ever an opiHirtuiniy occur. Win. I ( .. ,...r if you do not derive prompt and citl factory ri-HiiltH from tlm u" of, wrllo atonee I" I'r. llartman, KlvlliK a full lat"inent of your ee, and lie will U pleated Iok'vu ) "il hi valualil" ad vlcu itratl. Adilre lr. tl.irtmiin, I'reHldent ( Tho llartm.i.i Kniotaruim, LV.luiubiu i Enterprise and V. Oregohian $2 OOOOO O o o COGOo O O O money comes to him with no labor on his part. A law on these lines is before the legislature ot this state and should receive the support of that body. It can hurt no one and will aid materially m raising the taxes of the state. TirV: Lewis and Clark Fair Bill has passed tlie legis lature and will probably be approved by the governor It is estimated that it will cost the taxpayers $3.32 for each 1000 of property that is owned by the tax payers. This is the estimate and if it is not like the estimate in building a house and later doubled by a deficit the taxpayers will be lucky. I he Enterprise believes that the money is well invested if it is all spent as it should be. Much can be done for the state by this fair. The cost to this county if the estimate is correct is in the neighborhood of $17,000. It seems very doubtful if the referendum will be used on this hill. ) The Bcnatorial vote at Salem remains about the tu. Pnltnn received thirtv-three votes. sa, nc. iuij u.--.. --- j Geer sixteen and the balance of the republican vote was scattering while ine uernooraui vuu-. iur v. u. tir .1 n W.ka m tVimurh therfi would . a nro- OOU. It llo ioonn '- j tracted strougle lasting through the session. Fulton has continued to gain girengui, uui jb run n o, r Uo.Mnn onnrrh It is bfliftved that he can voien iron. a'"6 -"""b be elected and by votes from Multnomah county if l n;st h.o T.,oapni vnif m or or vk. 11 ifiuii.- ! nomah county continues to hold out then it is hard 1,11 larkn mav flPPTPtl. IL 1H DeilHVtU llltlL LJJC W US 1 1 Jiw ma; ' " Multnomah delegation will put up a man whenever they see any show lor mm. o This is Your Chance! To luy goods nt jiriiT to suit your ,iu(!- W lmvo just fiuisliod stocktaking and must reduce oup stock to make room for spring and Summer Goods. I'.ig Kcductions in Shirt Waists, and Skirts of the ' latest Stylos, Dry Good.Under wear, Hosiery, SIioch and etc, of the best mako and quality. Men's and I'oy's Clothing, Iats, Gloves and etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks. The Red front j COURT HOUSE BLOCK OREGON CITY, OREGON. o o o o o o o o Wwvv