Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1903)
OEl.OX CITY KNTEUlMtlSR, l'MIWY. JANUARY 30 1003 I -r m ' rt n : Is Kw'K t move into the Spacious (Jtmrtcr I'mUr THE METHODIST CHURCH CORNER MAIN AND 7TH STS. ; ,f .ij-j' 4-. i i f j j sf $sfs$S,f-$sf; ''-' ?' V i ! I1 I inn going to urti-rituv my stock UcariUis nf CoMm to save tin fXu'iuo of moving Housckct'i'tTH now is your time to kivc money iiml furnish your homo with new f J JLl.LXJJ.Wg'ff 1 "HI... ? ORGANS MASON & HAMLIM I- ! Chicago Cottage All will by r.-duml at this sale. Many otlnr nrtiolts to numorous to mention. Legal Notices Notice Tor Publication. I'ni'cit StHlf I.miJ tIlii,e. Oregon City, Oregon, Jnua y U'tli, vyi. Nuiice Is hereby (jiven Iliat in coni li ame with th iirovisione cf the act ol Congress of June 3, 1S78, entitled "An act for the fale of timl er lands in tt e Wtatee cf California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territory," as extended to all the t'uhlie Land States by art ol Auk BHt 4. ISO-'. Ji hn E. Bluzier.of Portland, ouotv of Multnomah, State of Oreijoit, baa lliia day tiled in this office his aorn atatement No. SS'Lt), for ir Dim norrhnae uf vv P ir the N of N V ; and RectK n No. 3-' in lownatnp No. b, S; Ranye No. 4 E., and will oiler piool to j aho that the land ronitht is more valua- i ble for ita timber or Hone than for agri cultural ptupoeo. and to establish his claim to "aid land lielore the Register and Receiver of this UhYe at Ureifon Citv, Oregon, on Saturday, the I'Stn day of Man-h, 1103 He rpne f witrsi-e: Thoa. Pe Tino, of Portland, Oregon ;Iom C. Vaugn, 01 Moialln, OitK"n; Albeit I'acold, ol Molalla, Ongon; Frank Paeold, of Mo lalla. Oregon. ny ai d all t ereona claiming adverse ly the fcbovedeecrlhe.l landu are re quested l" lile their i-Uiina in thi" olfii e on or tarfore i-aid L'Sth d.iy of March. 1903. C'HAs. B. .M.aJhL, Kettister. Wummono Crcui" Court for In the Clackamas County, .S ute ol trefoil Chains Hill, I lain'ilt, Vs. Elizabeth M. Ill1, D. : To El'zaVth M. Hill I : :., t.t' tl e atove named deiemlant : In :i,r e of t'le S(v o! are hereby r- i r- J to H'-i-ear the Coil'puilnt li'eil nctftoft above ni'illnl suit. wit!o i ( I'eijon y ui : and an-frl y on in tbe . etkn att j the late ol li rr-l pub it t mona. o- '. afer the I'M : ber. V.H2. 11 ou ln:i m of tin" Jim.-1 it ol Decern, i io t-ear bt.,1 aiifi r. lor J ii t tneienl t'l- ; l.ntitill i.l apl'lv to r Courl for tlie r iieii.and-il ' in the ciui'i luint, t i wit. tor a ilerree i'is eolvii'i; l i- bi'inla of inatrumii y now exist lllf tM-tween you atiil !(' J l.lii.llll'. j Tiii amuiiioi, is put li-i.e.i by i.rlir of Hon. T. A. Mcl'rule, Jn V'e ut ih' atiove enti l-d Court n.aJeantl entered Dec. illrd, l!r.'. Dale of lirtt ublita'ion D-o. J .t' . liiOJ, .1 N. I K lu:X. K.J M KS DKN H I.I.. Attorne,, 4 ior pUintit!. Sumniiiui, In t'ie Circuit Court of the S'ate of 'r fjon, tor C ai taina" Cm n'y. 11. K. Hinilli, planilill.f VS. r Nelson Smith, defends t To Nel-on .Smi'h, said defendant In ll.e name of the State of Oreif'm yn are here ny rei ii I red to appear and aimwer tbe coinilaii.l til'd acainst you in the above entitled suit and Court no r bef-T-the 2i lb day of February, )(Wt. tie ame beii: seven weeks Irom the lirs-t publn a tion ol this tuiiimona. and you i'l take notice tliat il )oti lail so to apfeer and answi r paid com pi tint tbe plain I ft to an ply to ibe Court lor tbe relief den, mde.l I , the t,aid roin liint Uj wit: For a di-.ol.,. ion of the bonds of matrimony now exlit jik between plan. nil and defendant and for awn anil dUbii'iienienti ol the suit Tins summons is published by order ut Ihe Hon. Thomas A. JlrHmle. Jude of tbe Fifth Judicial Do-t'ict ol the State of Oregon and dated Ja. nary ft i. llUj.i, and which caul order direct t at publication ol this suiumnii" be n ade lor aeven aiicces aive week coin"encin siib tbe bo-ue of January K:b, J''1-'! (it.UDOS K HAYKH. Am r iey for 11 -intifl. In Ihe Circuit C nirt of t'ie K:at of Ore fon f'r Cluckama- Couniy hekla A. Sclnieidei, I'latniiif. ' vs. ' Kobert F. Hchneider, De'endant. j To Hubert F. Sc hneider, the alxive named atefendant: In the name of the State of Oregon : You are liereoy re'i'iired to ap,,ear a d aner tbe RuiKplsuil tiled against yon in tbe alKive entitled cni.ri and cause on or lef,,re Satur day, the 21st day of Fetruary, l'"'.',. which is six weeks after January ') tbe date ordered for the tir-.t pub ic tion ol Ibis notice, and it you fail 1 1 wi aooear and an gwer the plait-till will a. i Iv lor tbe. r l.ef I prayed lor in the com b mi, to wn: for a! decree dissi lvtni: tbe i I 'tc of luairimony i liowr exihimi: betwe n r,ve natneij plain-, tit! and ilelendai t, lo, Ibe r-torat:on of, her maiile'i name and lor "iicb other and; funher r lief as to the court seems meet j and just This suinnoisis published in the Oregon tUV Ijlliei pil-- lf wiwei ,iic Tbotnas A. Mclirtde. judge of the named court, made and entered ou tbe 1Mb day of December, I'.'rl. PKTERH. WARD Attorney lur Plaintiff. ESTEY ; A Fine M M NOW III tne Circuit Court i( tlie Stt ol Or i,n, lor the Couutv ol CUi kamu. lUniel K. lier, riaintltT) Anna Ktller. Delendai t 1 To Anna Kellt-r, defrtntant: In the name of the Stat ol Oregon; You are lirrcbv to ai'prar and ' aiirr the conii Uiit n t auainxt you in i tne above rntitleil nut. iilnn ix erk Irom the dale nl ttie timl 'iillli iitiou of lhi ; Mimnioiia, whii h time exi ires on the L'sih , I h y of February, l!Wt. and it you mi fail to 1 J" api ear and iSnst r. the pmintilt will af 1 1 1 v to the Court lor the eliet prayed tor l i Uie ron.plau.t. to it : rtwree iliilvmit i " boon, of n,iiii..o-.y ii1iiiiik ttween 1 laintitf and ilefeiulaut an.l li r ind further relief aa to Hie Com uth oilier Court inav seem j,, ,,, om published hr nnler of Hon. 1'iuw. K. Kyati, JtiiU'eof the County Court of the Stale ol tiremm fi r Ciarkainas County, dated January H, !! t.t. Dateoffirat imhlication Jan lt. D'.t; dale ol la.-t publication February '-T. Iixi. W. H. l'ti.VKLl.. At'orney for I'laiutiir. la the Circtnl Court of tbe Mile ol Ore Kin tor Clai kaina County. X U NlliCe, l'Ui:.t,ir, ) vs. Martna A. Wall ice, Defendant I lo Martha A. Wallace, die above naiiieu Delf ndant. in the name of tbe S'ate ol iref!on. You ,ire herrbv npurj-d to appear anil aiiHer li. e complaint bled ajJnlii-t you in tbe a'toxe entitled iuir, w nhin pix weeks Iroin t'.e djte ol Hie lir-d puhllctttiDii ol lldi autii iiio'.m. w hich time expires on the 1 lib th y olK'brtia'y. Il'll. an I it yni o tail lo o appear an i" aher, ine l .n t If will apply to tbe Court fir Ibe redet pmye I ! r Hi t .e comi .Ian. t, to ;t : a itecn e ,ii..t.vina the j boons of mairinioi y u'litlllf httAeeii plainnll ami ileiei.di' t mi d.r Mil li ol In r I and liiilner reliel ai I ,e Conn may ee in ; jij.t and i ii'ii'aiiit . j TIji summon in u k. ' i -.1 , I bv or ler ol ! Hon. Tim.v K. K an, Judue ol the Coiinly t'll.rt ol Ibe ,-t lie itl iretnli. lo' I In' l.rtllitt Coiiniy. D,itd D.ccmlitr "7, I:"-'. D.d- id lir-t pnhiii'ii'iio. Ja itmiy rH Dili-ol la-t pubiK'aiiiMi IVhryuiv ii. V .' W. II l ow Kl.l.. Atti rnev for I'lanilill. I'i fie C unity I'm rt ol the M He of Ore- j H in, lor I lie- I olllitv ol t lacKalnas I iti ttie flatter in me r.ia'e oi copnin i. Koop. ilfrceased j Cita'ion to Heirs ami I'jT ies interested ! in sale ol Ke il I'roperiy ol said Lstate, I i the nan e ol t ie State of I IreK'in, To t ie Devisee, and lleirs-al Law of "aid ' decea-ed, io- it: li-i jatiiin U-ioii, Kliz.i j Jine Mort-ati. Frank A. Koop, K-telU A. ! Drake, never Henj. I'.o-ip, William A. ! II "p. and lu Waison Henry, hu e Hoi I I redu'e vVainer, llertna lb I IredL'e Hinhtieid, I and Vienna ilolilredce, husband ami cn,l jdreti ol .Mary Josephine the decea-eu iianKliter of said decedent, an t if any -e dead, then t t'ie heirs of such, ami io all others unknoA t:. You and ea :b of you are hi reby cited t i be ai d appear in Ihe alaive i.aiue l Court, at tne March term thereof t ibe C'onn'y Court Koom in tne Court H 'nse ol sa.u Count. . on ti e J id day of March, A. D V.).',, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day a n) there 1 1 sbo cause, il any, you or Out id you have, why an oi-ler of sale ol Ceriain Keal property of, and neloii"K lo said estate, should not be nude l,y ibl Court, as in tbe it.tioii of Ihe ex culor ol said estate prayed lor, which said pe ition has lieeti presenieu t-i thisCouri and is now on lile therein, and raid rayer is lor an or der of ibis Court authorizing sai I executor to sell t ie West one hall I ol tbe douili Fast one f, or b l!4); and the West one ball (4)of tbe Kant one half ) of the Botitt, l-.ast one fourth () of Section four (4) in Township live (5) ft u(h, Itane one (ljeasl of the Willamette Meridian and cotilainiiiK 12) acres. Also beijiiiiiiiig at the North Est corner of Section nine (II) in said township and raii(eand runmiiK thence Houti twenty eiiht (2i1) rls; thence west twenty-seven (27) rods; thence south te'ye (12) r.d; thence west twenty-six and one had (2ij) neis: thence norilj twenty nine (2!i) no; thence west twenty lour (24) tods; then e noitb eleven (11) rod; thence east seventy seven and one hall (77'Xl rl to place of uefriiinina;, connndnK 11 acres. Witne.s, tbe lion. I llos V. Ik. AM. J 1'lKe of tne C iuii' v Coiitt ol Ine S: o J of Oregon, lor the County nl CWkamas, t ,i 7tu day ol January, A". D. li'i. Attest: F. A. SLKIOIIT. Clerk. F'irst putdicarion, January Ibt'i, Uft'',. I, pool canon, Feoruary l.itn, llsi-'J. One Hundred lollari a Hot. lathe value H. A. Tilale, "ummer ton, S. C., places on DcWiti's Witch Ha 7.-1 Salve. He says: "I had the piles for 20 years I tried many doctors and medi cines, but all failed except i)eWiit'n Witch llaz.-l Salvo. Il cured me." It is a combination of the healing proper .... . HI1t j,.,.,., j... on, emollient; relieves and permanently (urea Mind b'eedmir, itching and -o triidinu piles, sores, cu's, bruises, salt rheum, eczs-ms, and all skin disease. Cieo. A. Harding'. CARPETS RUGS DRAPERIES LACE CURTAINS X FURNITURE STEEL" Lofc of Holiday Goodg A li'roat Many Kounmnt in Curju'ts to he for your patronngc in the past nml hoping W. L. THE Notice U herely K'tven tbnt tliat the un iletnu'iie,! lias Deeii iiprolite l Kiecutor of the E t ite ol Micharl ilevae,l. by the Conn y Court of ttie Slate of Unroll lur 1 1 irkmnu County . All p ron havinic i lainni ai;iiliit tai.l K-tate are hereby nutiliml lo prenei t the name to me lor payment. r .iperlv rilletl. at the ottice ol lior'ilon K. Ilayea, Orcein Ciiv. Oreiron. within i niomlia from I lit ' dale ol tn la notice, or they will be lorever barred Ilateil tbi liilll day or IWmiher. VW2 DAVID I.ONO. Kiecutor ol the ei-tate of Michail Ijiij. ileoaetl. (!OKDtN K. It AYKS. Attorney for Kstaie. sinnou til Ihe Circuit Court ol the Slate of O re gno, fur ine Coiiih) ol Clackamas. Laura K. (irantbain, plan t lf, He'bert I,, (ir.intbari, ili fendai.l. ) To HertHrt I., (irantbain. deiemlant : In tbe name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer Ihe complaint tiled against you in tbe sluive entitled suit, w illiiu six weeks Irom the daie Irom the first publication (lf this stitiimons, w Inch nine eipires on the 7 b day ol February, ll"sl. and II you o lad to so appear and ansfter, Ihe plaint ill ill ap I ly lo the Couit b r ibe rebel rayed lor In ihe ciimplaim, lo-wit ; a decree di-soiving t'ie boinls ol niBtriinony suti-isting beiweeii Ihe plainnlt and the ui-letnlant, that she may resume lur maiden n aineol I, aura F.. Su. lib, and b r such other and turtber re lief as to tbe I 'our! may seem meet ami jusi. I bis Minium! s is puolisi.ed bv old r ol Hun. I'lio m is A McHrnie. Judge id fie a love emit lt-il Court, uul"d December Hi, v-j. Date of first pcblica'ioti Dec. '.'ii. lmj, dateutia-t i ubiicatioi. 1-efi lib. I'S'l. W . II. I'nU Kl.l.. A'torni-t b.r ri..iniilf !i1IMIir In the C.r nil I i II I ill Ibe Slnle i'..i.. lor 1 1,.- I '..ii ic y ol C a. k i ma-. Kuiiii i II. 1'.. I I,.-'. Plan. till, '' vs. 1 lie .r.-e ( Phi l;p Dcletidanl i I'.i i, ,re H I'nil ip-. Deleudiint I n tlie Inline .. t le Male nl I 'regon you sr bi-renv Ie.iiirid In aii-ear and au-wer ine coniiiljn t hle.l a.-ain-l you in ibe uli ,ve entitled soil on or bilme Friday, ine Uth -lav ol Fetiruary. l's .1. that being the Imi.t I" tne t.-iie nri-sc'ined bir Ibe puhhea 'ion ol t ie summon. Ibe day ol the hist puhlica ion oi ibis summons la-p g f inlay, Ii.-ceinbi r 2b, l's'2, ami if ' "ii la I so np pear and anst r, tne nlnti t.ll ill apply to the court lor the it ln-1 .demanded in tbe said cmuplaii.l, to wn : that Ibe ol mairtmnny now existing hetweeii yon and plaintiff be diss, 1 ,-ed I'liis Miiniuoi s is piil liil.c! bv the order ol t .e Hon. Thoitia" F. I!y m, Judge o ine Con ii i y Court ol Clack am a- Cum i v.and Stale ol Oregon, in ihe On g "i City F.nter prise, a weeklv newspap r nl general circu lailou in CI kannis Cuiiiiiv, S ale ol lire' gun, lor seven ton seen 1 1 ve week s com m en c lug Fiidav, Deci tnlii r 2'i, HI i'-', and contin ing to and inil i.'l' g Fndav. I'el.r iary iiKo. c. ukow.n fi.i. Ait .rnty lor Pluinli Collie oi I'lniil Mellleiiieiil. Notice is hereby given that the under. uned, adu lt istral'r ol the estate ol J ) Katly Faulkner, decea-ed, has lile.) in tne Uouniy t;niirt oi ine mate ni uregon lor tne County of (T icksmas I. is final acennut a adminisiraior ol the sai l e-tile. and that 'Monday, the J'.d dav ol F br laiy, p!.!, at Hie lioilr ol lu:KJ o'i 1 n-k A. M. at Ihe court room of said (.'minty t.'i iiri, in the Cuntity Court House at Oregon Ci'y , has been lined by the said courl as ibe time ami place for heating objections lo said final accoutil, W. M. eliANK. Admiiiistrat ir of the Estate of J. Karly Faulkner, ileceased. HKVUK6& OKI KEITH, Attorneys for Administrator. police Tor I'libllralioii Timlier Land. Act June 3, IX7H. United Mate Laud Otllce, OreKon f.'lty, Oregon, January 21, HSl.'i. Notice is hereby given that In compliance wiih the provisions of ihe ai t of Congress ol J line .1. I "71, enli'leti An act lor the sale of limber lands In the Slates of Cali fornia, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territory,-' as extended to all Ihe Public I, in. I Males by ai t ol August 4, s!rj, P.OUKKr LOUDEN, of P ortland, county of Multnomah, Stale of Oregon, has this day hied in mi, ottice Ids sworn statement No. Mil;), f. r the purchase of tbe Kol N V and N tit SWJ ol S.t t on No. 20 in Township N.,. 5 8, No. I K, ami will oiler proof to show mat the laud sought i" inn re valuable tor its timber or some man b r sgriculi urn pur.o-es, and lo esiatnisb Ids 1 1 din lo sai land helore In Pei-ter . nd Keceiverrd (ids olliee at ' iregon City, 'ire ,1,, ,,o f-ri ia ', the I'M Ii dav ol Annl. I'm'! He names as wilne--es : Konert Usltoni. of Portland, Oregon: William Fra-er, ol Po't ami, Oregon; J. C. Ilurke, ol Molalla; K I'orl It ire, ol Portland, Oregon. Any Slid ad i-ers.ins claiming adversely the aletve described londs are reipiesied lo file their claims in ibis ottice on or before said loth day of April, l'i.. CHAS. H. M00I1KS, Kegisier. . . ............ ...... s. - V ,--" s . C i . ar, f.E a . m1- .-'-' P T - - - - l.irrulor'11 poller lo rruiiorn j inui .lourr RANGES CROCKERY are Inciudod in This Salo. I SoKl at Any Old 1'rioo. Thanking to hoc you noon again. BLOCK, HOME FURNISHER 1 to t't Coiiniy I 'mitt nl tne State of Ore gun (or the Con illy ol Clackamas. In the matter ol tne estate of Eleanor Samson, deceased, N'olice la hereby Klyen, that the Under signed of Ibe alaive eiiniie.l estate, wi I sell at privale sale on lbs 21st day ol February, A. D , Ibnl, al Hie hour ol lo o't lock in the lorenooii ol said dav, i I on any day tin reader, on ibe premises, the b llowiPK descrine.l real pioperlv belonging t . -aid estate, In all : The N'mtli ol tne Wesi I,- ol ll.e North K isi ol Secdon II I . .' S. it. 1 K.oltheW'i I in. eile Meridian. Tirnisolsale tash in hand it approved security . Dated Janusr. I'.'Hi, l'.K'l. J. D. KiriEK. Administrator ol aid est lie. ti. II. DIMICK, Any, f..r Adinr. Ml lltlll i!. Ill the Clrcul Ciuitt of Ibe Slate of Ore gon loi Cackaiuas t ouulv. Wi.liatu Uabeiiow, I'laluiill, 1 TS. W iluliliilue Kaben.iW as ex eciilnx of Uir estate ol Wil hebii Kahenow tbceased, j W llanbrnue liabetiow. Ivtcb- j ard itala- iow. Anna v els, and Km. I W'.-im in r bus- band. Kiuma Ltn.b ra, ami John Land, r. in r husUdi.d, i Maiy Knreoteit ami tioll j lieh'aKiirentcii.hrr hilstiand, j Augts-la Kolieho, nle- I mine Ko len n ainl Paul Kol j lebn.her husband, AiK'i.stj ICoobui ainl Atneii Uo. bin, j Deb nduilis. J To John Landers, Marv l'.lio nteil, liolt lieh Ki reiitt It, Ang'isia Kol el. n. il rinine Ki behn a .d I'anl tut, Deiendanla I ii ll.e name ol I n- si. ate ol i ) rgmi are lo r, l-y re.uiie in appeal and answer tne alio i. out coin I ip.t I l-.i In the an.ivu t-ipi 1 d sun on oi nt-iiire me la. t iiay ol toe lime i In ine..i.n r b.r pun. n an. in ol tni - -ii iii in 1. 1.-. t i- it, w .1 1, in or in. i r iii - lure -l week" I the Hale ol lirs punll- (alum o' Ibis summons Ibe 'tale ol tin onii r tor s. ivu e oi tnis siiinncms ny put ll cation i- .lanoa y bin., l'' n and nid ..r u t was made by II hi. Inns I . Ityan, Count v J intue ot li.icka inns Conn V. iirtgon, and said or i r prt s. rim d Unit Uns siimiuous he piilni hi u In una in U'aper once a Week lor six weeks, and inal y.m ami each ol yon appear and answer on or belore tin lai Uay o Ihe llllie theielll prescribed Inr pnt'bca tlin. lo-i', within or on or l.elore six weeks limn Ibe .lay ol br-l put llcatioo. and tbe ila'e id li'sl pnl licail.m ol tuis .on Hums is .liioiiuiy Ibtb, lisi.1. II you do i ot appear and an.-er isnl lu lbs tune re lined, jiidgniei.t will be laki II Joll nil tacn nl "'i t'y i I iinllil lir wanllbereol or the leliel delua.i.l. il in tne cninplallil, I , VIII : judgment against Wil iblu.llie Itabe now a- t e i x--. inrix ol t ie t staie ol Wo helm Kabenuw, deceased, in tne sum ol mm aim mierest hereon ir on ihe 2Sin . ay ol .U , I'Kd, al the rate ol 7 pi r cenl; tne Initio r sum ol luo.iid attorney's lees anil Ihe costs and uisimrscini'iiti ol Uns suit ; the lotecloRiire nl me motigage de sir.Oedln Hits i-oiiiplaiiil given to eecure said noie, and t xecnted, delivered and le cordd in Clackamas County, Oregon, t ie 2HI nlay ol May, lnlHI, and upon and cover ing the Im lowing desi ribed real property in said niiii b' and siale, lowii : beginning at the Moiilh Kal corner ol ll.e tvoiilh Easl iiiai lr ol heclioti 2H in l ow list. Ip I Sout h, Kange ;i East of W, M-, running ihence Nun li 2. chains loaslake; t.ience 10 chains West lo a stake; thence 2.r chains South to a stake; thence East 4(1 chains lo the place ol begiiiing, containing l"1' acres more or lesa: that said real properly be sol I in sai Isfaclon of said judgment, d-s s and dis hi rseineiils, ami attorney a lees, slid that Ihe defendants and each of them, and all persons rlaimiiiKthroiigb lliein be tor forever foreclosed and barred of all right and equity In and lo said real property, and every Par cel anil part thereof. It. W. TIloM PSoN, Attorney lor Piainiltl. Dale of first publication. January HI. V.ttt Dale ol last publication, February, 27, P"" Ninnoxts In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gun, lor Clackamas County. I., dowser, Plaiidill.l ys. , John dowser. Defendant. ) To John dowser, the above named De fendant: In the name of Ihe Stale of Oregon, you ate hereby required to appear and answer Ihe complaint nl -d agauisi you in the above entitled situ, in the above named court, on or belore February 21st. l'HC,, the same be ing more than six weeks irom the first put licatlou of this summons, and you will lake notice, that if joii (a. lo so appearand answer said complaint, m pi mill will applv to the court lor the -el. el ! n... nded in said complaint, tt.-wi That b m inis i I matrimony no exia ... o tween you a .1 plaintill he dissolved. 'I bis siiiiinions is ibli-bed b. or ler of Thomss A. Mcllride, ju g ol the Htth Judicial district, id tbe Mate ol Oregon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, for six succes sive weeks, cointueiicing January ittti, PKI.', and col ( tilling lor each week llierealter lo and including Fet tuary II, llsi.'t liEO. '. IIKuWNELL, II iWAUD M. IIHOWNELL, J. W. DitAPKU. AlUirneya for Plaintill. t WEBFOOT you Nl .11 .lOM. In the Circuit Court for Clai Itauiaa Couniy , Slate u( Oregon. Al Hcbug, l'laiuliir, ) vs. Amy Si bil)!, Dclciiiliiti' ) To Amy Sililln, the ala.v named de fendant : In tin name of the State of I tri g in you are beieliy ri'ipnri d to appear -ml an swer the complaint II ml against yell ill the aUiYe entitled einl. within six Weeks alter the dale ol Hist pub, i, at inn ol Una summons lo-wtl, alter Ihe 3lih day ol January, I'.I ;l, and ll von fail lo so ap pcar ali i ailwer. lor wanl Ibeteo' the plalntilV will apply In tb" Court for Ibe relief ileuiainb .1 in the coiitpliiinl , to wit, for a di cree dissolving il.ti hoiida of mat rimony now existing lad ween yoll and the plaintiir. Thl" siiinui' ns i pub'ished by order i I Hon, Cotioiv Judge ol the County Conn id s.d.l C nntv made and eliteri-d .Isiiuiirv '.".III, PI 3 Date ol lltst piiblh aU'iu, Jmi 'M VMV, Last pu'.licalpiu, iinnh i:l li. psi:l At -TIN Cllilo Atlotnev f .r piainliir. Mi ll MO si.. Ill tlin Circuil Court o lb" Stale ol Oregon for Clack a in is I'iiiii'v AiiiiiiIm-I Fisher, Piailil ll vs. Edwin II. Fisher, llclciiilanl ) To Edwin II. Kinder, lint a'tove nained liclciubiiit : In tin i.a I tint Stiti ol Ongoii, yon aie hi'it-by ie"uited to appear ami answer lb" i nn. plu nl lib. I iigainsl v.ui ill the above i tii n led sun . in ilu above miineil emu , on nt Pelore Saliirdav, I irch I lib, I'lili! tb" sain" bt-lii tm.ic Until wei ks li 1 1 io II e br I i n b'n it i iu ol lilts lliniu .ll-, ainl (oil Will lake llo lice, lliat ll oii I hi I. ,, ,i p. i.l .n d an swer Hllld coinl 1 .mt I'.i I'l.illlllir Mill apply to I he coin I fur Ibe red I .b unttpb d III sml i-ouipl.iiut . In it l'h.,1 'In- bonds of unit i lu.. .n v no a ci'ing b-l wieii ymi mid plainliir be .li-soiv-d I bis sinnm. ins i- pui It bed by order n I'lin. K. Plllll. Judge nl -lie ('nllliiy Courl. for ( 'hi k. i to as t .cm y , In ..n in Ibe Ircg.iu Cily Ei.noprise, for six sue CI'SSI ve week-, c. . ton.. 'lu'iHi.' .1 iiiilatv I'.O, il'slo, and i-oiilinniiig for each w t i k M en" alter lo and inclildtng March 1 .'.lb, IH'o. T, ti. TllolINT iN. An. inn y b.r I'liunidi. 60 YEARS' wV EXPERIENCE Traoc Marks DcaiQNa mi Copvrioht Ac. Anyone senapif a skefrh anrl desert ption may qnlekly Missrtain tair oimiltui frtai wliethsr an liifsutlnn is patents!. la. t'lin.iiiutilra. lions sirlctlire'.iill.lsiitlal. HANDBOOK on I'stmiuj lent frttw. tlldeRt sifalicy fur itM-uruig lialsnls. I'steiita taksn tiirotufti Miiim a (.o. recslve tptruti mil ks, wit hout clisrsa, lu tlia Scientific Jlmcrlcan. A hndomlr 1ltntrtrxl wfffclr. T.nfiMrnt elf. mlaUlon of mnf irinrttldn Joum,. Tftrnia, M rfftr ; r'tur nmtitut. 38iBr..d-.,,NpWYnrk UrvMh umcm, 636 T HU WMhluviun, D. C. 33rie0JLES OF TIME MOUTHICK.N PACIKIC RAILWAY NOHTII Itol'NI). ":00 a.m. 9:22 a. m. (Albany Local) U:10p. in. SOI' ill IIOl.'NI). 0:22 1. in. 4 :5d p. in. (Albany Local) :J4. in. Daily River Excursions or OUr.dON CI I Y II UTst. Inn V si IIKl.t'l.K. Leave POItTI.AM) Foot Taylor St, io ;m a. M la-avs (UtKt.ilN (11) Foot Eiglilh St. 1 7 .'Ml A. M. 4 .To P, M 1 .10 P. M. Only the following bindings will lie tiuide: Miigoui.c's, Meldrii'ii's, Mori y's, Itisley'a ami Oswego. Sunday excepted. ko,:m) Titii 2.-. ci;n rs. 4lregiMi City TransiitrtMtloii t'n. OASTonrA, Bssri the m hm m nm lt Kind You Han Alwam Boi)M , ' . ; . i . . i . . . ; .. 25 Drop Head i SEWING MACHINES i FORMER PRICE $35.00 r NOW $19.00 I w ih long an tlu-y last. Tlmy nre warrauti'cl r for H) years. It will pay you to : 1 1 c a tln"ii rrlir Male. Ill the Ci'cull Courl of Ihe Slate of Ort-iiti, for the Com ty ol Marion, Charles Hn t, Ei'cntor ol Ibe ' Estate ol llobeil II. bent I, le ceased, and AiiliSi'oll, Plaintill j vs. The Or con I. sml Co,, a Corpie ration, I t leuilai I. I St ale of Oregon, Coiiniy of Clai kamas. as : 1 1 y Irloe ol a Judgiueiit order, decree an execution and urder ol al", duly Issued and mil ol and under tbe seal of Ibe alsove a. lulrd court Irom Marion couniy, I ireton, in the above entitled cause, to o r duly illrt'cli d and dated Ihe 2lh da) of January, I's .'l 1 1 1 h 1 1 a il. I v nifi 1 1 re. idt red ami ei.letad in said coinl on the '.I t i dav id January, In lavor ol Charles Hcoll. Kiecutor id Ihe i state id Itobett II. Sis ll. ileceased, ai d Ann Scmt plan. tills, and against l bs Oregon Land Co , a corporation, duteudatil. lor Ibe sum ol e'ipi, and lor lb fti'tber arm of iosIs and it ahurse lueuis, and I .e cost ol and upon this writ, commanding hie io inska sls of the lol lowing described r-si properly, situate In tils is, uuty ol Clackamas, stmt, ,,f i iregon, towd: l.i.t.lrt. PC 1 1 si 110,111,112. IOH, 1 1; id i r ends On gnu Colony dug lo Ibe recoriied I .1 Inrienl eicei tn g the part ol lot 1 1 hegining a( the N K. c truer ( sai l lot ll.'i, Ihence south 'I deg. and 'i lino. w. leel along the middle, ol lie con 1. 1 y ro,, Ihence es t .117 let t to the middle ol Wip holtsireet; I ic lice north .VI deg. w. along the int. Idle of ssl.l slrt-et lo ine l.ti e ol las ginning, and roulalnli g lis acte ol Isml si c..r in g t i I be suiviy. aim Ihalparlof In 121 It n g and hen g iii Clack am as com IV I Ireg.n ; lots Ik'i, IIS. I pi, l.'s 1 1 ni Fi lends i i ii t-cntt I 'obin y In I .ackamat c pint v, ort gun 11 . 1 1. .1 acksuti claims an li t Test hi said lol 'si. ben. Morns claims an interest in said I'd I".'. K. I. S. oti i Ian.. an lii lert si in said lol ul A J Did" i l.iims an h li ret pi sal . I. .is o. Ill an. I 112. I. In. Isi y rial ns an inl.rtsl 1 1 1 sail Ills I ' i s and II... (eicipMng piol ol ll.'iex. i 'i' t. d, v. loi h t vc ion is .b-s- rinrd ). s ephen t ' ,. rr claims an li lere.i In sanl It- I'' . I ' s a-.d I l!i . I . P. Jnti.-s mill tn. an ii. ten si iii s ml loi l.'s, Mrs I'.I. IC Id. li i latins ii u 'ni, n -t li. sal I I I 1 II , p.rt-y-oian I nirs t-lali us an I u' en si in s.n.l .. I .'I , sanl I.l I. in in: i.i Man"!) an I t'..i kauns cni. lies. Now, 1 1 . t relore, by virue ol sanl t-xi-cu. I'.dt.,'loePt, older and dee'ee. atul lu i iiiu' ban. e tt it b I lie -n!" m and nl sai l w rd, I a II on Monday ibe 2 d day ut .March, 1 I. al Ine I our of lo o'i 1 ick A M ., ut ll.e Iron! door ol Ihe c. ii( house In I be CP y of I 'r.-goii Cp y, In said Cuuiii y ami s ite se.l at unite iiociihu, s'lbj- cl to re , I -1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 i . , lo Hie l.lgl.e.t hid. hi, l. r I' gi Id con cash in baud, all Ibe right, Idle and ml r. si l nil Ihe wtlhiii naiio il de. tembinis ur eiiber id It em, bad on Ihe data ol tbe morti'age berelu i r since had In or lo the alaive desedbed real propfitv or any part Inireol, pi satlsly said execuliim, jiidgii eut order, decree, jnteri'sl, costs ami a I ai't'Um g cost, .1. II. PlMVSN. Shrr II i f Clackamas Count! , Oregon. IU E. C. II imiiT, Deputy. Dated, On gun Cit, Oiegon, J anuary l' .1 yttlmiiilalrittor'a .Colli e of Null- oi renl rocrl) nt I'rlyult Nnle Nolite is ben-liy given , thai in puisn auce of an tinier of sale made and en Icicred by Ihe Couniy Coin I nl tbe County o ClBckiiiiiaM in the State nl Ore gon on the 1 7 ll day ol January, in the matter ol the Estate ol lleiny Kline, tleceastd, ihu tindersigiit'd administrator ol said Ksiale ill sell at private Male, stilji'Ctio confirmation by said Court, the follow ing desciila'd real pioperly, ttewit: ItcginiiiiiK at the N. W. corner ol ihe W. I). Woodcoc k J. 1.. C in T. 4 s. H 2E, W. M., in the Couniy ol ('lackamas and Slate of Oregon , 'I hence H. 48 deg. 45 mill. K 0.40 chains lo a eone H2x 24x20 inches set in the Molalla mad lor the most westerly corner of the William Knsstdl I). E. U , Thence 8. 5lt di'K. IS nun. K. aloiiK the northerly line nl said Vt ootlcot It l L. C. 8 117 chains Thence S. 10 (leg. 15 min W. paiallel lo the wesietly boundary ol said Claim 2.V cliains, Thence 61 deg .'10 min. west IS IS4 t liains to a at 'he IHxll'xh incbes marked with a cros lima in the wen'erly linn of said claim, Thence N lOd. g. l.r) min. K. to the place of beginning, containing forly acres. Said sale will he made at Ihe i.llice ol ll'Hen A (s'chuehel in tie Enterprise builtling en Main stieet in (begun City, in said County ami State, on tbe 21 h d iy ol February, liro.'l, at or alter the I. our ol len o'clock in the forenoon, the lei ms of sahi are lor cash in hand, and the adminisitralor ia authorized to con eideied hihI receive in addition to rash in hand a covenant to pay taxes on the n maiiider of said estate so Ionic an Ellen K lire, w blow ol saitl (Icceused Henry Ku-e, shall retain her (lower it. tercet in said Estate, The Mist publication of Ibis notice is on Friday, January ."0, l!l(';l. Wil l MM II. llnallANOH, Administrator ol the Estate ol Henry K 'ise, deceased. Fine Hack Petticoats at cost, Kacket Store.