Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
B-V .n.-.vwrCTW I.. OREGON CITY KNTEItrillSE, Fill DAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902 5 Oregon City .Enterprise TOLD IN SI3EHEADS. , Ti Iti'cuvKit $12 "fi suil w hriuiglil Tm'-'laV III lit JiihiIib court liv M. Mii'lini'l Hifiiiint J Jui i'fk tn ii-i'iivi i $12 '.'.'i on Nil Hivoiint Whirl) Michael 1 1 1 I I M NtaillBl ('(Nik K'MllU bolltfllt llV It I tit b'Kcn A Kchuebid will appear foi il.ilniill, A Miiiiiitisii Match. I'liifMilicr the '.Ml will Im a gain day '"r I""1!'1" (lanhvlora shooting match in which tli'kcya are to Im the l'K"', haa been atmou-cd lor and a good tune la antlei listed. Tub shilling grounds will ba tllll llhlllll place BUll III" I'"" rHK"llllllll ttliH'Ki'x will In nmlii The public U IllVllad Ull'l nil giHill shots a wuli as bad nun are invited In p.irt lcipnti In lliu (ii'i. A lot nt DunvrK. Tuendny eVHhlllg tlm Ai M.lnny debating aiadety lieldlhelr joint ilrlmlH with tlm Thursday nliiht il" liating rlnh frmii Portland. Tint subject ilia red was ' lb-solved that the Pres mt Sylem nf Marriage. In Hencllt In IIhiimhiiv." and was won easily hy the Mill iimtiv. IIi Iiiim the iIiiIih'm Minn tier timlti tmllltli tendered a vi.ry ii'i-itHintt iliilin solo whirli ineillnl all the applause tin' tin- large audience gave her. Alter lllll lIl-ha'B a p'rK'Hlll BOllal tllllll aN Intd and rcln-ahnii'lita served In III)' (fiuiiil in'ii'iil. KlIoKK Into Sr'iiK. Snii-lwv nit'lil tli" MHUaiii iiitulllin stoie was unteied i it 1 .i I limn- ami relieved nl ulmiit f worih of j"Vtelry and i utleiy. How tlm inu'lit maiaudci cllccled mi entrance lulu Hik building I a mystery, as it' waa Beiiiielv locked hat'lnlay night mi l the kl V WUH III pOBNCfHioll 111 III!' Hi (Mil keeper. l i thought lh Iblcf Of thlevoa entered tin litiit'lniK through lli" front w'liil'in. Nevenil knives and lurks Mr i' Milr-nl . iiii'1 i! iiaidcMbl cheap j flry . Hit' milliiriiii'H r determined "o investigate tin- c.ic nt)i il I HMinii inluriiiiilinii is ob tained on llin subject Sri.i Coram. MtciuiNu. Wmlin a day evening it x ti i ii I meeting "I tlm 1'ity council win held. Tlm llrt Hung in (be order ol liiiKinnx being 'hi' i.iinit of a re.ilulifn fiiiillnniiig tlm ililnuiea ol tlm meeting whiin ill t). W. I'. A Kv Co'. Irmil'lllHI WUH ptKKMil Tilfll OITIIrl. I j nilllMi illHrllKKtilll nl lllll III ittlT ol till! liinliiii.K ill a fowl lor Tliifl mri-iil to tint hlii ir. Altrr fniiiii'rlili' ilt iIkImIb ni'ilimi W4 imi)!)'), Hiltlmrii. Iiiit llix loiiiinitiKi' on Ntini't't inl nMii' 1 irotM lu litirvi'y, roiniri tiitiH-rilt'iiit hi'fi'toloro ifil(i'l mi to coiiNirili't iil in nl. Tkhm KniiIMi. In l"Vi 'n,r" Hik llmi "I the ni'W yi-iir. Mr. Kli Will Iiiiiih will lnivtu'onii'li'ifilliiii m-rviro Inr ('Urkmiuii fonnly inl hit miri'fiiHiir. Jhiiii-k Ni'Ibhii, t'wn tlin rtlii. M'. WilliuniH in Ht irewiit vmy Imihv Willi fxtrn clerk hcli UMkinK n lim lionkit mnl tiirinifhti'iiintf im' lilt rc or.tM mill on th li tUy IVwihIht of thin vnr llin wivifi-t will l Kinlfil. lr. WiUimnH Iuh iintilu a iH. imtioin olllrrr mul in H t cM.-ii hmt emli HVon-.l 1 1 do Iiik iliil v. Tlm Kfiitli'inmi who mic cretin him Hi limn l Mult htn'Mi'i'it ! tfiintv mul thoroiiitlily roiiiwiint to kh Himm Ihi' rcfiMiiiHiliM iliili'-n of Ii Ih dlllcf. The Kiilririw f 1.50 jHr year. ! fT.T.I'.T.TT.T.T. .Tjr.TT.T.T.Trn IH T H E OLD COUNTRY If you wish to send money to the "Old Country," you can do bo easily and cheaply through this bank. We Issue drafw pay able in nearly a 1 1 countries Bank of Oregon City OKKCOX CI I V. OKI:. Jt'HOK I!van Won (Ji'il.T. Th hi-anti-llll r 1 1 1 1 which II"' li-i'll Ihc oliji'i t ol a fMllllllil lllllll'll Bil l Wllii'll line h'-VII I'll I'Xlnhtt it thn M'ni'luiiCK of Mr. CliHrli-n II )y, Win wmi liy JiiiIkh ThniimN K. livmi on TiU'mUv UkI. Thin iinl m ii'it Ul hv n'iiiii ol tint liii-ii'U ol Mr. mul .Mrn.;. ChnlH wiih mi 1 1 ii 1 1 rm n. 1 1 1 j if i that tins urcMWilit ol tlm iimlrh miHt w hh H lllll" liri-M-nl to Mr. mul MrN (.'mitn. J lliu iilill arotlHfi! I'oiiHiilt'rahlH inle rft, j m my cluiiirrn laki'ii, ami whi'ti tlm 1hI chmitH wan cIomi, TiIi-mI)', tin" I in-at lilllo mini ol (12 hail hceii n-ali.ii which wan i m n h i 1 1 m I ) y ivi'ii lu Mr ami I Mia. (,'hiilo. Mr. Chut lma 1-ii very I piHjrly fura Ioiik tiini aipl thia vim-j ply H('lirilma pri-wiil (jiven in mliano) l y their mmiy IrifinlH In thin city. j I'lil Nli Ovkk I.ant Salnrilay whh tli ' lime net fur thu pri-liiiiiiiary Imnrinit of the cant of llarrv Krr'inaii vn. J. Kvana. I Tlm ili'li'ii'lant' Httorimyn not loiring lull milliiMi'iit time to in iurn Jnto tlm! CHHH IMII't'llte.l ID til" (ll'll'lllluilt licin honml over to a In'ariiiK in tint circuit i court next Jaimaiy anil allrr ttivliiK IkhiiIh for ('.'.r)(l ilnli-iiilulit wad tiermitte'l to return to Inn homo at Milwmtkie. Tlm clntriie i a "rioint oiih hihI tlm ml). I i lie will aw ai: the ontconin of I In ram. ' illi no little iniKri'tt. I'he fnc'i of the I inatler, It will he rHiiiemlH'ri'il, ar Unit I Mr. Kreeman un lerlook to tak ni.e- ! ! Hion ol aoiim piliiin which hvmi liail I lieil up to the hank near Milwankie, and I wan Hliot hy ileleililant while in tlm a -t alter IhMiik caiitiont'il Hot to ilinturt) them The rharife il eNUhlinheil in a I I inilenthiry oireiim' ami a ili fini'luiit ia I j a very oll man nu ll a punishment would j New anil cuiiipli'tn atix k of gini ami. aininiiniiioii at Jolnnon ami l.amb'a ; Sheila loaill'il to drier. I Finigan'S Letter to Hooligan. Illley llv'i III. 0 il Irlui'l, Ifu lltri'M, mul the l.ntfr durn 1 lirlr I Xpc. i' lll i . Mn lear Kiieinl I loll jfan: Waimt more I Ink" inr pin Id let ye know that I mn yit alive, ami m ia me fiii'lhiT in-law, lml luck to her. Min't forever raining ructioin 1'hia it a foin loan, In that ) can liuv aiineylhiiiK that ye he alter nailmi. Me olil Inmi.l ltiley ilroppeil in on ua ylHlHul.iy. Ul ciHir-e I tioiieil him up 1 1 urn pienent atoppina" place j ol coilrxe ti the lUuna wii k 1 1 on m , hnie, ami w Mere elan woiilil I he alter alayin? Ye can't hut" it an liiynhere. "Thia Imtvl," ') Kilev, "remiiiiln me of home; Ben that I .ine of lice ami audi a couviymaiit lurlor lor the Uiii-, ami nooil roomn. Do ye niiinl how ('ha l alia can alfonl to Bel up audi foiiio male lor the price?" "He nlwavn ilin, it," aiya 1, " hut lie the l.iv mi, Hiley, iU4iiy in tlm that atea ami niecpM umler thia rojl." Thin w ilroppeil iii on W. I.. I'.lock. "(iive mi one ol II, cm apple','' niye Hi !)', puiliiit' Id a p dine ol a li.if.ket of ai pleN "1'hi ylouk loike va cIihk applet." "Aw, ("." aya I. "Thol'a a ptciiire of Bpnli-ri ; thia ia not a Iruit nioie or 111 loiki-n, ll'a lieie ye can huy lurniiuie, i a'pela ami atovea, lurmahiiiiii 10 lit up uv. hoiiNe If. in tlm par. or lotl.e kitchen." (jit a frame fer yer inuther-in-luw'n picture," niya Kiicy. "I woiilil thol," fly I, Imt 'twotilil he a aliaun Mire 'tauul.l ti l it Hll' ll loin p'.oiue lianiei on li e l iiken of her." Where in me oh! Irii-inl Kola-riaon?" b'ivb Klley. 'SllrH he'n III the igriate.ry 11 i in of. . Uohi-rtiion, The 7th M. (iro tvr," bivh I. ' Come with me tip tne Htri" t, ami tee Hint loiue aa-ortmeut ami hi mock tve uroceiicN bUi tahle luxiineH. Itile) ami he th' Iuviiih, thol grocery is iloiiiK tlm iMiiineN." To aeti Riley huy Itriavriea wan a lin-en lo inn. "(iive me a can ol Prelerreil Mock peachen oi apn cola," iya l'.ili-y, "mul a pate ol break faat tm on mri a can ol biiccoihhIi, a tro ponin! can ol lliu) limine cull.-e, a hot lie of I'leferreil Mock caiBiip and -una of olive ami noma ol )r. I'riee'n vanilla anil ( oliiate a toihit aoapi. 1 ill lliiui all In a Hark ax'l i'll pack Until home." "N ver liiiml," aiyr Mr. K.iherlBun, "when you come heie nr plume (or anny aritole ye neeil fur yer lanler or for Idle. I hay and and leed ulntTa for ver atock, we've not it and me II deliver it to ver dure." "Tliat'a ifood," ei a Kilcy, "thin I'll buy aoine more and ye can aeml yer order, mmi, lo me woifn'n Iioiiki) twice a wake. It 'a hei Unit Kivea ine my orilers and It's her thol will order the uroceiiea from yet." "Where ia they a Kood limtict'.'" ay Kilev to me, who Named In diatri-H ' What'e thol, Kiley?' Biya I "are ye in (i-a i-n ?" "I am tlmt and il'a a ileii litl I want diviliah quick, " riy he. "The one 1 parloniie," a'ja 1, ' ia tiot the nearent wan; but do ye mould, Hiley, lie'n a itoixl wan, a conacieiitiuua. paiim takin' dititi'.t, Il'a Doctor Kranma Free man tlmt I'm telling you about, Hiley. Well, il'a lino that can extract teeth to me linking and make artilicial teeth tliai'a Mm cjiul to the moHt natural watiH ye iver aaw. Uiley, ami ye can lliaNlicale wiih Ihiin pcrlm-tiv. too." "I know all ihni" aiya Hiley, "hut what I want l know ia can ye chew w ild thiin? Take tne to Dr. Freeman'a utlice rit;lil ccco r-if'.ici rif r,riOi ,f,ff"i 7'WttiV WSawW V''www' VOw'V Our .' ' 5 ' --A AAA "'A Hi tWtt-i I 'AA''AH'tHVi''. 'Ail '. Crirr 0 1 ev f, r V vV w v w w ' Holiday Specials o TyI Q V o X$r 1 O I 0 c o o o o To (in-HM your lxiy up for the holiday call on u, a.-i we have just received a new line of eiiii.MiKN s Hi rrs which are rruide up in the latent designs, and our prices are most reasonable. . . . iJon't forget to get our pkicks on children's hiioks as we carry the best line of hoys and mishes shoes obtainable and our prices are right. If you want to get a desirable present for your wife or sweetheart buy her a pair of our up-to-date Kutz's 2..r0 or $3.00 ladies' shoes, which are equal in style and quality to all 3.'i0 and I4..r0 Our Men's Shoe line need no introduction, as we have just received 35 new styles of the celebrated V. L. Douglas Shoes. We have also received many new and ut-to-date styles in the reput able Hart, ScbafTner and Marx Suits, Overcoats and StnokingJackets which need your attention The Elk brand 2..r0 and fongly $3.00 Hats should not be forgotten as they are the lx.t on the market. Call on us before buying elsewhere. ff C) A ir Jo o o o o o 1 o 1 t f o J . M. PRICE Up-To-Date Clothier Main Street, Oregon City, Oregon ozozo COQO COGO CO COCO CG00 COCO o o o t? away," aiya H ley. "Alt. do ye iiioiiid a icibbI union-made neciiar?" aia I. "1 do thol," aiya Hiley, "and 1 helave 111 uiiin.e; they help to huiid up aiiiiey town." Then we went over lo Nee the clever I. U. Hhark lor liood union made Bei-ifara. "Il'a there ye can u 1 1 em, Hiley ; minny ive Ihiin," aiya I, "tliat'a tiBnl to Hinoke, and yet an have ihiin Bin'e or be tne box, and eure il'a ihiin lajva theie thot'a obliin' and ready to iriva ye a pleanant word au a fuine M'hmoke : "l.tta tind a rtaiorant; we've bin runin round ao much thol I'otu tired and hungry," i a Hiley, who looked jiat what he had Npoke. "Ah. if il H hungry ye are, Kiley," iva I. "ihin wait til we ilt to Hax'iy'a Hiloiaut 011 Main aireet. I:a foine iiitleumn '.li'i'a rutinin it. Da loike iioiii home fer a od fojiure mule iliota holefome an. 1 tmiptiu, it tiJ, if yez ate there. Jmi wail and boh how polite thi waiters are, Hiley. All an liow nice the male are served to yez the hint ive iver) thing (hot itood to ate where the rael cuiiiiory art ia in ivi deuce to iveiv wan ive the money thot atea at theie." I "I can't hae the idea ive gnin home aitaia," aiya Hiley, eineriiin from the riNtoiam, 'Vince we bn livin so hih down here." ' What'a the mather!" aiya 1. "Will tne woife lava all the blame on the ettuive." "Thin git her a "Moone" Rane from Pone & Co. "Kroin who!" aiya Kiley. "Why from 1'ope 4 Co. who runs thot bin imi'ral hardware athoredown the sthrate." "Before I go home I'll have to o up and e ine old acqtlaintancea Owobey and Tritnbel I want to apake to thim," aiya Hi ly. "I ain itoing to Bind ine onld family buiiy in to have thim repair and repaint it, fer ita thim thot does this kind of wurk to auit me. They does iverythirjK thot'a Kiuerallv done be the mineral blacksmith and wagon and carriage makr, and ita Dot thim tbot wanta to make t fortune off ive jiat one customer, ' aiya Hiley to me. ''Be the hiviiia, Kiley. Pll go out ive me way to hatronm good boneat mechanics," iya I like Ownhey and Trimble. "They Aaa busy puuia Borne fancy ehoea on Nome foine fancy race liorae. and the horse glioiu department samed to be au iuiportait part ive business thai ia con ducted along acientitic lines," The I'rltle of lleroea. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to aay that for (Scratches, Bruises, Cuts, Wounds, Conn, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the beat thing in the world. Same for Burns, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions, and Hiles. It cureB or no pay. Ouly25c at Geo. A. llarding'a drug store. THE VIl.L W, K FAIR. Tin ee Hundred IVopli Av-emlile mud tJ j Themselns. Last Fridav eventni: oirrurred the Vil lage Fair at Willamette Hall under the auspices of St, A?ne' GuiliI of the Epia copal cliurh. Tu apacioua hall was beautifully decorated by the painstaking ladle an4-a hail a dczrn boiittiB, beaii fully trimmed and artistically arranged, added to the whole scene an effect sel dom witnessed. The best thing about the whole affair, perhaps, was the sev enty dollars which was realiied from the booths. Everybody seemed to be out lor the purpose of spending their money, and the way pretty articles of Bale changed hands wasn't in the least wise alow. During tbe evening an interesting programme was rendeied, consisting of a song by the popular Maccahee quar tet!, a Bong by the young ladies' quar tette, recitation by Anhur Deule and a solo by Frank Alilredge. This waa lol lowed by the 'event of the evening, a cake walk by the popular artists, Joe Mel druui and Clinton Bock. A dance fol lowed iu which young and old participated. real clears urr Hair en all mill inery. .Mian C Uoldoniith ay BUFiMEISTER & ANDRESEN g The Leading Oregon City Jewelers q BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN i a ; I y I; r a o : a) 0 J; 3 a $ -I u : a to :: iiinii i SO:: 1 Watches for Christmas All si.ea in (iuld. liold Killed, HUvhi and Nickel. We have the kind you have been looking fur, omul in and get our prices Cut Glass If always apporpriate at bin Christmas season We have some rich high-cliisa example for thine who can afford them ami some low er pi iced articles for smaller pockeloooks. We are showing the kind you will be Wise in buying. Fountain Pens IV 1 1 trouble disapK'ars when you gut a fountain pen that atlits your hand. There is nothing gives so much satisfaction as a I'arker Luckey Curve. If you receive one for a present and does not suit you come in after the holidays and we will exchange it Iree of charge for one that wilsuit you. Umbrellas Umbrellas Ladles and Genii from 11.00 to $0.00 Gold Headed Canes up to $15.00 Ail Old reliable Hickory Cane for (10 Gold and Filled Spectaclei from 12.00 to f 0.00 Other Styles for 50 Opera Glares from .... . $10 00 to $20.00 T i 1 O i i i O M Va ygi nan tne Pleasure or jy t i I IKS in the getting ready in anticipation of the joys to be added to the re J -eipients of our thoughti'ulness. lut there is much to be done, and time t flies, so we will help time pressed people by keeping our store open late every evening until Christmas. - - - - - - , - i And such bowers of holiday brightness exist nowhere else. It is Christmas for visitors every day and every evening at our store, Everbody invited to coino to see our Christmas Windows and Brilliant Illumination. ' - BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON CITY, How about yonr Christmas Shopping? Have you selected your gifts? If not, you can not do better than visit us and look over our great assortment of Gold and Gold Plated Jewelery in Breastpins, Stickpins. Chains. Lockets. Rings, CufTbuttons, Studs, etc. - -- -- -- - J Remember wo are now located in the garde building, Supension Bridge Corner 2 OREGON. I R i n Are still the most popular of gifts-, naturally so for they can be worn always and w here all can see'tbem. We have the newest ideas in rings, plain and fancy and set with precious stones. Gifts in Silver "The Silverage" is what they call it in the Jewelry World Gift goods in iu Silver this season exceed all other kinds in number and variety. We had you and youi friends in mind when we selected our stock. We have many show cases filled with silverware, it is worth your time to come in and look it over. Black Wood Clocks that look like Marble large Mautel Clocks, Porclain Clocks, Nickel Clocks and Gold Plated Clocks. You received onr personal guarantee with every Clock we Bell. Beautiful Utopeaa Art Pottery and hand decorated Jardeniers Fine hand Decorated China Souvenir J China , just thing to send to a friend in the east. 1" A large assortment of Japanese ware all jjj finely decorated. Washburn Guitars and Mandolins from $15.00 np. Other makes $5.00 and up Vlolins, Banjos, Accordians, Zithers, Autoharps, Harmoohaa and all other small instruments. ntiniirirtTrn 0. a Ht r n rr n m tJ BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN O o vyw'vvys fygyg?vssrwg Svvv