Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
ONE. ON CITY ENTKRI'KISK, FRIDAY DKCKMHKH !.) 1002 G Una JMln i Wo .'V: 1IOMH FUUXISIIKU 1 noinj; to move Into the hirc,e Spacious yuailiT I'mlrr THE METHODIST CHURCH CORNER MAIN AND 7TH STS. in nnnnnn n n ! S ti Btl 1 till . ; 1 0. ORCRNS I MASON & HAMLIM Chicago Cottage All will by mlueul at this sale. Many other artiolos to muuVrous to mention. I -,m-.MnTa'' Legal Notices. .imtiov. In the Circuit Court ol the State if Ore iron, for Clackamas Coun'y. Cdise Knutson, plaintitr.j TS. F. M. Kiiut.son,defendahl-l To F. M. Knutson. the above naiueJ de fendant. In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you are hereby required to appearand answer tbe complaint tiled against you in the above entitled court and caue on or before the 15ib day of December, l!V.'. Inch is six weeks following the first publication of this summons, and it you tail to appear, the plalntitr will apply to the court lor the relief prayed for in the com plaint, which is for a decree of divorce from you upon the grounds 0I willut-deaertion. continuing for more than one year prior to tbe commencement of mis action, and for the future care and cost xly of Lana Knut eon, the iuinorchiM,i?suetf the niarriaKeof piaimifT ind deleuditnt, and for such other reiiel ss may be mete wiih eiiity. This summons is ordered published in the Oregon City Enterprise, a newspairof gen eral circulation in this County and Stale, by Thomas F. Ryan. Judge of the Coun'y Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, return able t the above named Circuit Court. The onter of publication made Octotwr 2 '', liW. First pubdeaiion, Octotx-r 31-t UWJ., JAMES OLEASttX. , Attorney fur PliiniitT- xi' In the Circuit Court of the Stite of Ore run fcr riackamas County. Elmer K. Shipley, 1'lairjtitf.l vs. Maude L. Shipley, Defendant.) To Mamie L. Shipley, the abore named defendant In the name of the S'ate of Oregon, you are herebv required lo appear and answer the compliint H e I airainst you in the above entllltd court and cause on or before the 2ltii ilay of De'-einber. l!rJ, which is m weeks following the tir-t putilication of this sumnions. and if ion tail lo anear, the plaiiiiilf will apply to the court for the re lief rayed for in me rompUii.t, which is for a decree of divorce Irom you lrpon the grounds of wiilul desertion, co ilinumg for more than one year prior to the commence ment of this actiun, and for the fuinre care and enstody ot Alrnarene Viola Snipley, the minor cuild, issue ot the marilaire ol pliiiititl and defeuilaiit. and for such other relief as may be mete wiin erpnty. Tins summons is ordered published in the Oregon City Enterprise, a neaspai-er of general circulation in this Coun'y and State, be Thomas A. McBrtde. Judge of the Circuit Court ol Clackamas County, ('re coil, returnable to tne above named Cir 'Hit Court. The order of publication made No vember 12tn, Fir-t puhlication No vember 14lh, V.rl. WILLIAM KEID, Attorney for Plaintiff. Notice For Publlralioai. United States Land Office, Oregon City, Oregon, October 14tli, 1002. Koiice U hereby given that in compli ance with tlm provifiooH of the Set of ContreKS of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of timber lands in the btates of California, Oregon, Nevada, and Waebinuton Territory," as exiended lo all the Public Land Mates by art of Arjg ast 4, 1892. John E. Blazier.of Portland, county of Multnomah, .Slate of Oregon, baa this day bled in (big office bis sworn statement No. 5929, for the purchase of tbeNofNWJ and YVJ 01 'Nh'' Kectiun No. in Towunhip No. 60, Range No. 4 E., and will offer proof lu bow that the land sought is more valua ble for its timber or stone than for agri cultural purposes, and to establish his claim to said land- belore the llegister and Receiver of this office at Oregon City, Oregon, on Monday, tbe 12lb day of January, 1903 He names as witnesses: Thos. De vine, of Portland, Oregon ; Isaac Vaugn, of Molalla, Oregon; Albert Paaold, of Molalla, Oregon; Frank Paeold, of Mo lalla, Oregon. Any and all persons claiming adverse ly the above-described lands are re quested to file their claims in this office on or before Raid 12th day of January, 1903. Ciias. B. Moohks, Register. I'Inal police. In (he County Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. In the matter of tbe E-tite of Hiram Fellows, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed my final and supplemental report as Ex ecutor of the Estate of Hiram Vedows, de ceased, and the Court has set Tuesday, the rlth day of January, I'M, at the hour of ten o'clock A. M. of said da to bear objection! ij any there are to such reports. ELI FELLOWS, Executor of tbe Estate of Hiram Fellows, deceased. GORDON E. HAYES, Attorney for Estate. Dated tbii 14th day of November, lIXr2. u-i.. - f ESTEY t A FinQ i .i i-i . Ni .i ; ; J- - In the Circuit C.niri ol the Slate of Ore irun for Cl ickacna." Conn y Thekla A. Schneider, l'laintilf, 1 vs. liri F. Schneider, Defendant. J To Cotiert h. Schueidir, the above named defendant: In the name of the Slate of Oregon: Vm are here ov fonred lo up. -ear a d aner ihe con'plami fiieil iikju.-.: on in the above mlitled court and co re r i.'re Mnn- dav, the 2nd day u' Kei r ry, ll'.'t. which If fil vrrks altrr U l',r- the date ordered the li "t ptm'ir.tion of this notice. a:nl if T.u tan 1 1 ap.- ar and an ser the plait till dt ai-i ly tor the rthel prave1 lor in the c ..i 1 on:, to wn: for a decree dissolving tne bonis of loutnnioiiy uow existing between almve natned plain titt and defendant, li r the restoration of ! titr maiden named name and lor such oilier and further r liel as to the court seems ' meet and just. Shis suiiimonsis published in the Orgon I City Enterprise by order of the Hon. I fnomas A. McHride. judge of the above I ained court, made and entered ot. the lMh l day of December, W. 1 ' Li-.-rfD 11 ciiin Attorney for Flainutl. In the Circuit Court ol ttie State of Ore gon within and lor the County ot Clacka mas. Maynie Egstnn, plaintilf. ,,,, d t. I William H. EKkleatnn. defend To William II. Egg.eson, the aoove named deteudaiit : Iu the name ol ihe -t ite ol Oregon: 1 on a e herebi r-ipiireil to appear and ansa-.r me complaint lile.1 a ainst y u in the above enutl d suit in said Court, on or belore Kn dai, t e Hitli ol January. Ihe same beinif six weeks Irom the lir-t public-alum of ibis summons, and il von Uil to aiipear and answer aid con'pliunt, piaiotilf will applv lo the Coll'l lor t e re let demanded in siid complaint, to it: I'l at tne bon is ol matrimony exi t ng tx-tween youtsel! and fie i lain'io tie ti Ive I. This su nun ns is published by orler of Thus. F Kyan. judge ot the county court ol the Slate ol Or'Koo, for tne Colli t of Clackamas, in toe Prvnn Cry Enierpii-e, a weeklv neanpaper id Reioril circtila'ion iu ( lddiamai i-iunty. tirst pohlp aiion he ii.Kon Friday, .Mh Deceniher. !2. JOHN PITCH Hl'KS. At'omey lor flail till. Ml MJIO.M. In the Circuit Court of Ihe State of Or. gon for Clackamas County Maud Ella Whittle, plaintiff.) vs. -Ed A. Whittle. ' defendant., To Ed A. Whit 1-, the above named de fendant. In the name of the Slate of Oregon, you aretureby rupiired lo appear and answer the complaint hied against you in the above entitled court and cause on or belore the Kith dav ol January, Ifi3, that being the day prescrib d in the order of puhlication of this summons, ami if you fail to o ap pear and answer said complaint tbe plalntill' will apply to the court tor tne relief therein I rayed lor, to-wit; Tout the marriage ex isting between you and plainutl be dis solved. This summons is published for -ix consecutive weeks by or er of Hon. Tno-. F. Kyan. Judge ol the County Com t of me State of Oregon, lor Clackamas County, in the Oregon City Ei.t rprise, a newspaper ol general circulation in this county and ttite. Order of publication mad" Nov. VJ, I'M. First publication, Pec. 5th, I'Sl. ALBEKT B. FEKKEKA,. Attorney for Plainlitf r,i:.n.Tio.iw. In th3 Circuit Court of the Btate of Orj gon for the County of CI ickamaa. Clara L. Goodmiller, Plaintitf.l v. E. C. Goodmiller, Defendant.) To E. C. Goodmiller, The above-named defendant: In the name of the State ot Oregon: You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed agsinst you In t .e a'wve-etititled suit on or belore the ' tion of six weeks from tne date of the lost publication of this sumnions; and if you tall In so appearand answer said complaint, plaintiff will apply to tne Court lor adecree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing between plaintiff and de-i,darit, and for the relief prayed lor in said complaint. This summons is published in theOregon City Enterprise bv order ol Hon. T. A. Mc Bnde, Judge of the above-entitled Court, made and entered on the l-'lh day of No vember, l!to2. The date of the first publication of this summons is the 14 h day of November. :U: the last publication tbe 2tb day ol December, l!r2. GE iROEC. 8TOUT. Attorney for l'laintilf. .tlre of IlHolaitln of I'art uerwlilps The firm heretofore existing under tbe name and stvls Wallace it Madison, con sisting of J. J. Wallace and F. H. Madison, co-partners in tbe mercantile business at Highland, Oregon, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts of said partner ship will be paid by F. K. Madison, and all hills due said partnership are payable t) him. F. I!. M DfSON', J.J. WALLACE. Highland, Oregon, 2otli November, VJ2. I inn going to fiifritiiv my xtuik UiY'ii"l'ff' ofltn to mtvo tin expense of moving llouscktvpors now is your time to save money mid fumiwh your home witli new I CARPETS RUGS DRAPERIES LAUE UUHTA11NB FURNITURE STEEL RANGES CROCKERY Lot of Holiday Gooas A (ireat Many Ronuiants in CarpeUto bo for your patronage in the past and hopinp W. L. THE MJ - Sj.$ - ? J ! j ! f J !' J -J Ml .II1IO..N, In Ihe Circuit t'ouri of the Stale of Ore Km hr the County ot Clackamas. ( Jr. ice Uexroad, l'latlltill. Vs. John A. Ih xroad, Defendant.) T John A. I'oxroad, the above named Pelf lldatlt. In Ihe name of the State of Oregon: yon ar In rehv rt quired to appear anil anr the comiilaiot bled against you in the alMive entitled suit on or belore the luth day of January that lielng the last dat prescrineii in t;ie order ol pulilicaiion ol this summons, and II yon tail so to ap pear m) at ser "aid complaint, the plans ntf will apply to the Court lor tne relief t term prayed, lo wit: a divorce Ir on Ihe bunds of matrimony existing bitneen you and plaiulill. This summons Is published for six con secutive weeks by order ')f Hon. Thos. F. lit. .it ihe Coontv Court of tbe Slate ol Oregon, Ihe County ot Clacka mas, ma'le oil tne .s n uny oi .soTiMiiner, POJ. the tirst iiubllcaiiou being on the 2Slh day ol November, r,r m. .ii . i. r ok a. Attorney for I'lainilll. Niiniruon. In the Circuit Court of tbe State of Ore gon, lor the County of Clackamas. Annie Clifton, l'laintilf,) vs. Samuel Clllton, Defendant.) To Sainuil Cllliuu, a.ove named defend ant In the name of the Stale of Oregon you are hereby re-pored to appear and answer the compliint lil-ij against you in Ihe anove entitled suit in the above named couit on or be h re Friday January 2, the ame being seven Keeks Irom Ihe tirst pul l ca'inn ol tins summons, and y .u will lake nnllie that If vou tail lo so appear and a er said com I tint the piairitill aill ap ply to Ihe court h.r tire rellel drluainlerl III sairl complainl t wit: tnat the Ixinds of mairiuioi y existii.g ts-ineeii you and pi oiiiitt he dissol.eil. This summons is published by the order ol Hon. Thomas F. Kyan. Coiinlv Jiplge liT Clackamas County, Male ol Oregon, in the O eitmi t'ilv Entert rise, a Weekly news paper ui gi neral ci -dilation in Clackamas C iiiniy, lor s yen succeasive weeks com mencing r riday , Noveiober 21. I:l2. and cm tinning to and including Friday, Janu ary 2, I'.si:;. tiKO. C. Hf.iiWNKI.L, HOWAllP M. lillnWNKI.L. Aitorneys lor i'lainlill. 11 1111(1 .l. In the Circuit Conn ol the State of Ore goli for the County of Clackamas Clara M. Dunn, Plaintiff, vs. Thomas V. Dunn, Defetidan To Thomas V. Dunn, above named de fendant. In the name of the State ol Oregon yon are hereby reiired to appe-ir and answer the complaint tiled against you In the above entitled suit in the above named court on or belore Friday, January 2, 1!JI, the same being seven week) from toe tirst publics tion of this summons, and you will lake no tice that il you fail to so appear and answer said complainl the p aimill will apply to t.le court for the n liel demanded In said coin nlaini. to wn: that the Ixinds of matrimony no existing between you alio pl untill be dissolved This summons i published l.y the order of the Hon. I'nos. F, County Judge of Clackamas County, Sta e of Oregon, in theOregon i;uy r.r t. rprie, a weesiv :iews- paier ol geneial circ ila iou lu Clackamas Count . . tor si veil sin-ces-ive weeks com inencp g F'ri lav, N'oveiuoer 21, lit"'- and Continuing to and im hiding Friday, Jatnl ary 2, 111 . CEO. C, BHO WELL, HOWAllP M. r.KOWNE'.L. Al'orm ys for Plaintiff. vterator'n .Xotlee. Notice is hereby given that the under signed have been appointed by the Coun ty Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, k Tunuinra of the last Will and Testament of William Oliver Hawtell, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of said William Oliver Hawtell, Heifsserl are hereby notified to nresent the same, duly verified according to law, at the residence oi tne undersigned, at Molalla, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six months from date of this not ice. Dated, October 28, l!)02. Margaret J. Sawtell. Ralph II. Hawtell. Executors of the last Will and Tes tament of William Oliver Hawtell, de ceased. AdMiiiiitrulr .oliet Notice is hereby given that (be under signed bus been Bp.rolnied, by order of the conn. y court of the utate of Oregon, for Clacknmss i ormlv. a in inisiraior ol I lie esta'e ot J. 14. K-iliv, dec.ea-.ei. All per son having Himg au'aiiial said estate are berenv in tided lo pre-ent Lheui, aith Ihe pro er vouchers, w i'hio six months from the ua'e of this notice, to the undersigned. at room hOH Chamber ol Counneroe Huiid lug, Portland, Oregon. r.. r. ui i.e. r , Administrator. Dated N ov. lMn,2. aro inciudod in This Salo. I Sold nt Any OKI Prion. Thanking to see you toon siuin. BLOCK, HOME FURNISHER Ml tPHl In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Ore gon, lor t lackamaa Count). John 11 Uutiiin, I'lainlill, vs I'h'tebe E. llontin, deteudaiit.) To I'horhe L. lluiillii, Ihe aiaive named deleiulant : In the name of Ihe State ot Or gon you are hereby untitled lo appear and answer the complaint befell IPr.l ail'dn six weeks from tne date ol tne llrst piH'lh'M'on ol Ibis snuimona, vi : on or la-lore the .Ntu day of DeremiH-r. I'Si. You are luriber hereby iiolitlerl that iinl n il do so an pear and ansa, r the l I iloilll aid apply to Hie C .nrt lor Ihe rellel prayed ror In Ihe Complan t, tiewil : lira dicee dissolving ihe marriage relailm now exhting between you and t ie plalnlilf. on the g,iind of wll lot desertion lor a period of more Uian one year. This summons is served on yon hv plibll rstiou pursuai t to an order ot the lion. I . A. Mcllrlde. lodge of Ihe Clri nli Conn ol 1 Ihe Slate of tiregon for Clackamas t'oup'y marie ami er tered on the l.'rli ite ol .No vember, par.', directing publication l.ireol once each week for six conwiilive weeks In ihe Oregon City Fnteri rle, the lirsl pillilli-aiieu lobe Nuveuibei It, lutrj. KID, Attorney f r l'laintilf. NI'IMOtN. In the Circuit Coor' of Ihe Slain of tire gon (or Ihe County ot C'ackamas. (irrirude Micnael, I'laintill j vs Ralph Michael, Di-tetidai t ToK ilp.h Mlchiel, The a'sive-nirineil tie feinlaii" : In the name of the Slate of Oregon : You are hereby rnpiheii lo iippear and answer the roiiiplsinl tiled af iin-t vou in lire Hbove eiilihl su t on or t-b r the expira linn of x weeks lroti t ie daln of the lirst pnhlicalicn id Ibis summons; and if yo'i tut I lo so appear and ans-ver -ai' compl-iinl. pi illinll III apply In Ihe Conn lo' a decree dissolving the b inrls ol mairnoriuy e.t!sti.ig bei seen plainlitf and th femfint, and for tne rebel prayed for lo sai I e-i p'ntnt. Till" Sllln I noil s IS pi I hi 1 - li 'il II I Ire I Iregrin Cuv Enterprise hv or l I I Hrule. J "plge of the alio oP ma le ami entered on tbe !2 veinher rr.'. The date ol the tirst p'.bl .'s, summons is Ihe Mill av ot I Court, .1 N.- ol thia 'a ol I'll-.'; Ihe In-1 publication II..- o 'a I)eceuilH-r, l')2. OEolKiK c. s rot' i . Alromey lor I'l uiriiil fl'.Vl tlOai. In the cireiiil c nirt of t'ie Hraie ol Ore gon for the County of Clar ka-ua Annie ttmlth, plalntill, .... nit I vs. James H. Smith, defeinlai To James S. SmiOi, the above named de fendant : In the name uf the St lie of Oregon, you are hereby require I to appear and answer the cnini faint Hied against you in Cw above entttleil iiiit. In the above named court on or bek.r- January hth, I 'ml. the same being six weess from tne fir-t publication ot this srimii.oiia, and you will take notice if you I ol so to appear and ausao-r said complsint t'ie plaintiff will apply lo the court lor the relief demanded in said.couiplanl towlt : that me bonus or matrimony existing between you and the plaintiff be dissolved, for an unnivived one third imere-t in and to the following proireny, to-wit A 11 of the S. ol tbe ti.W.y, of sec. 2X. T. 2 S., K. 4 K, W M., lying N. of the Handy road: All the N M of the 8 W.i of aald sen. 2.1, T. 2 H., K. 4 E. lying N. ol the Handy road ; All ot the K X of the H.K yt of tec 2I, T. 2 8. R. 4 E. of the W. M and also ail uf that portion of the KM of the H.K.U ot sec. 29. T. 2 8 K. 4 E. ol W. M. lying N. of the Handy road, in all containing 1.17 acres of land. Also the undivided one third of the defend ant's interest In and to lot one block live in Sunset addition to Oregon City, For the care, custody and control of the minor chil dreti, Benjamin A. Hmlth, Idella Smith and Ernest 81111th, and for her costs and dis bursements herein. This summons is served upon you by or der of the Hon. Thos. F Kyan, Judge of the County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly newspaper of general circulation, in Clackamas County, for six successive weeks, commencing Friday, Nov. 2Hrh, I'M, and continuing to and including Jauuary 9th, lira. U'RKN 4 8CHUEBEL, Attorneys for Plaintiff. MherlfT Hale Police). Vntice is hereby giwi I bat on Saturday, the 20tb nay of December, I'r2, at the hour of 9 o'clock A. M.of said day, at the Court House, at mv oflice, 1 will oiler lor sale and HI to the highest bidder, for cash In Ilui.iI. all of the property that Clackamas County lias bought at tax sale., to which it has ac'l'dred tl le. Tne sale will coinu ence at the lime st td and he adjourned from lay to 'lay until crmpleted. Dated this 2lt day ot November, Ifl02. J. Il.SHAVEK, Sheriff. By E. C. HACKKTT. Deputy. Tbe Enterprise 11.50 Pr year. I i -J- i; 25 Drop Hoad I 4 ' 25 t WEBFCOT you police ol' tr't litirtniiriil j Notice Is hereby given thai I lord a reel frorii 1 be F.aslei I line of Mam Hi reel lo ihe Westi rly line id lb O A I'. It. It t ght id, ol IV im Itallmerl Avenue mill l-e Im. pr rved with crushed rock and by Uilig c rii, rorner him ksaie. si. lea alks, together with necessary dtaina and gradings. It v 1 - r I er order ol Ihe I'm Council of I 'r gon Ciiy, O'e,.on ma 'e PeeeiniM r 17. ps.j nill't'E C. CI KHY, II. c rler. Itlda lutlirl for 4 Hy I'rlalliiK Sealed hi Is wl Iw received al the olllre of r e irnirigiied mild Wednesday, Jaims an 7. I'ml. at 4 o cl-s'k P. M , for i'ne env printing of Oregon ntv for one year. All bids must Mate the me per in u ..r a I pnhlishtd nonces ami on'ia"ces, log. pu t riln Ihe sit" of lire tvi and t'e nu iiher of htiea t tbe loch. Itight lu r Je- any or ul bids Is he'reby iparried llltl t'E C. Cl ltllY. liecorder. I'.trrufor'a police 'lo K'rvA liars. Notice Is hereby given that lbs' the 11 -ilerslg'led has been alUMih (ed KleCuto' llie Fsl tie of M ichasl Ijing. ilerv.e I br the Couipy Court ol the State of Ore(..i for Clscksmas County, Al p riotrs having r urns agalnt sa I E-la e are hereby mini) j 0 pre-e t the same to me for nayine'd 1 r o-rlv v rdb'd, at ths lllllr'e ol Gordon E. llnyea, Or gon t'py Oregon, wlthiu -l m .nrbs from tbe d oe of Hub notice, nr they sill lie hpever barred Paled this Pith day ot pers-niiu r psri DAVID I.OMI Fi 'ilor of the est Oe ol Mn lisrl Long, deceased. tiiilliniN E. II AYF.-s, Allornev lor Estate. ton ne ny-iiny column of The Killer prie coti'iiins uiativ rendnra of In'erest to the general public. Something new every week. II Voll want employment or ruipiirH help, if ynn want to hor ow money or have iiiom y to loin, if you lltive iinvtlong to sell, lixe the liew lo day column. I401I0I lsysM'iali 4 ' re. Digest all classes of food, tones and 1 irciigthena the atomach nn l digestive organs, ('urea lHnpepia. Imligesiion, -doinitfh Troubles, and inakea rich le.l ilood, health and strength K'slnl ie 'nilils wornoiit lis-m s. purifies, Hlrength mis and sweetens the aioinm h. (ioc li, 'V. MkiiiHoti, ul W. Vu., says : I have llsetl a number of hollies of Kodol and have found it to he a verv rlliTlivo all I, indeed, a powerful teioeil lor elotnacb ailments. I recommend it to all my fiieiula, (ieo. A. Harding Ssan tie ) ,r" 'BU Harj h3rs BOUJW CCOO OOOO coco ccco cocco o o SELLING 0UT! Owing to my poor health I am compelled to retire from bunincHH, and "hall dinpoBo of my entire stock ok 000D8 at COST during the next HO days. Every one can make great ba vino by patronizing the : : : RHCKET STORE 8 Wrapper?, Kiderdon Sacks, fiinghanis, Cali coes, Toweling, Children. Hose, Ho. to 21c, a bargain, Table Linen, Hhanker Flannel. Outing Flannel, Ladies' Underwear, Colored and White Aprons, liureau Scarfs, Stand Covers, Ribbon for fancy work, all Laces to be sold at cost. - - O o Racket Store! ccoo coco coco coco cocco Drop Hoad SEWING MACHINES j FORMER PRICE $35 00 NOW $19.00 I ... an long an they lust. Tlny ore warranted for K yearn. It will ) you to look a then OABTOTIIA. Boars th f Iti Kind You Haw .lean BougM jx.r.T.T.T.TTjir.'r.T.'r.T.T.r:: Family Wines pai irnnwiA lj . . ULlf UIIISIM . 1 , HWINE HOUSE Jrlsiii S r e', Hi t inland Mb Cii!ifori.ia I'ort 1 m . lUlrn Tiiwny Kxtra OM Tort 1 'J5 I liellcalr and Mellow Superior Olil Port and Sherry I Hrlrrlril for Mrilnal rutiiisra ICxtrit Olil Ciiliforniii Sherry. 1 ()' Mrdluin, I'nlr, I'rlbalr ami Pry CuliforfiiA Toknv 1 !'( Itsrellrnl Table Wine Svri'ft MiiHi'iilil , 1 2" l ine Whir ! Sweet Ciitiiwlui 1 'J.' Kich ' AiiKi'lii'it I (V I holt. Pull nml l ine j I'ixlnt Olil ('iililorniii Aiicjclifii 1 2" ( Hii.eih old ilrsrrl Mine KxtmDrv Cfilifornin Fiimotm Wines Sjiarklinie I'.iirgttti'ly Nfic A i-lrnr sparkling to me Sollllllit! ('lurct HI. li, fruity wine C.ric 7c Kxtra Stiiiiiinit Zinf.nuli l . None liettrr.M well niatiirrd nine ICxtra Smitiiiiii Kn'Hliti(f T.ric A w-lnr thai will please you SollOlllll Hoik (i.'c tjuiihty unstirpassrd Soiiomit SatiteriH! 1 (H A line old while wine Fine (tl. (Srapn Ilrainly. ... 2 7re The geiniliie, good ns Imisirtrd Pj City Orders Delivered Free. 1. Or ler Through Your Grocer. E K. A. HUADY bj;iiiJ.jijiH'i'ji.t; 8 O O