Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 19, 1902)
OUEC-ON CITY KNTfclil'KlsF., FRIDAY, PECKMIIKR ID, l'JO'J Okbgon City Enterprise. CI I V VM lOlNI'V IKFI'11. l'VlTli. Published Evny Fiiday Subscription Rates. Tjr.T .r.T.T.T IT .T.TJET.T .T.T .t.t x :.-.. -v -vi $4.00 SENT FREE! One year Six month!" r.;.il ciilwKi-mriiin two months A discount of f0 cents on all subscriptions for one year, 2" cents for six months, if paul in advance. svstem is extetnled, more country postollices will b. closed. Tim country put oilice has been a character- . istic feature of American life. The fanners have been Tin' Well Kui.wii Spi'clulUt, KltANKMN accustomed to drive in 1'ront their farms to sit around ' Mll.t.S I. I I- , tH the stove in the country store which was ajso the W mill of III t oiiiMe lrtimui post-ollico and discuss tlif affairs of the nation. Few j Yrrt U nr licnler. of them saw a newspaper from one end of the year to i -- ... , .1 . . ... . . i. . t. . . , i ii..-.r mitri hettiir iiiiimrluiiitv the other, ami tlm town oracle tue one man wno nopi , .. . , ' ' .,, t , , ' 1M IM-lf""" r i n'fc - ... ..... .if'J tX) j track ot outside happenings was a inigniy powor. , i,.rt, mv"t, liver, momm-h or iropv i m i i.i.v... ii .i.:.. :.. ..l I MM... f.. -'in iknI. (iko. d II tried hii.1 I'mtiiilt'tw t v-.'. wn rnriLi lie vt'rv mi inn is. i.-iiiini;.'ii. m.- i ... t- . . - i (.iiiimint lor UU' iiihoiiiitk. .t, aiiii'h has the citv piper delivered diiily ill the box at hi8 j ;n kmiAii io lie irilinn mei lt in gate. Hektnnvswhatisgoinsou and ho forms In-I iHOLilDAY APVKHTISIM5 KATKS ON A1MM.U AT10N. PnhscriWrs will find the date of expiration stamped on their papers following their name. If this is not changed within tw'o weeks after a payment kindly no tify us and the matter will receive our attention. Entered at the postotliee at O cjion City, Oregon, as second class matter. own opinions. When he cues to the country store, as ; ,v every tltirtml reader. The Servant Girl Question. Ft r Fome three thousand years King iuvzar has had the sympathy of nil tender hearted folk. In that comfortable frame of mind which a dinner distended stomach induces, many gentle hearts Lave doubtless felt the panijs of pity for him whose sole and scanty diet, during that long hebdomadal exile, was the grass cf the field. It apjiears that this c nipassior. was altogether undeserved. For now conn- the "advanced" food experts to tell us that our baked, boiled and frid dietary is nothing less than an outraav upon nature, while the N'ebucliadnezzarian iii"iiu. though rt.-trieted in variety, was on the right track, and highly healthful. Ti.e raw -food idea is bv no means a new one, but it has seldom been expounded with more cogency audi point than by a writer in a late number ot Health Cu'.turt, who presents reasons why even a Thanksgiv ing diner should ask f..r no more than liberal helpings of tzrei-n leaves au naturel, fruits fresh from the tree, hard-shelled hickory-nuts, and good red wheat. The Health Culture writer's first argument is based on the fact that man. as everybody knows, is first cousin to the anthropoid ape: the undegenerate an thr.'poid (subsists on y upon fruits, nuts and succulent gnen leaves which grow close at hand: he is innocent of appendicitis, never has the gout, his natural rulers do not shudder at mention of perityphlitis. Therefore we who a'e -very tdightly changed from the semi-apes who ranged," as Kipling assured us. ought to forsake the disease-breeding cot.k-.-tuve, and return to the f ii -responsibility of a 'natural-food diet." This pounds as logical as any one could wish. The riiW-fiHid man doe- not, however, rest his case on the ?pM'al to physiological and anatomical testi , ; . . i i i ,.i iiKpy. lie calls ctiemiriry io ins am. ami snows thertbv. to his own satisfaction at least, that, in the procts- of cookiiig, profound and undesirable changes in the character of food- take place. I'roteid elements 'are coagulated by cooking ami thus rendered indi gestible." Certain carbo-hydrates become too easily di-'e-til l'-. and tic system i- oversiipplied. Some salt8 "arc so .t!'.cp d by coo'iirg a to beeoine entirely inert and u.-. ics s for food." The mineral constituent be comes Si t.arated from its organic combination, and can not possibly I dig.ed. Milk, through similar chance, ln-comes. by boilina. ';"juite useless as food." Rut i eith.-r the argument from the simian analogy, nor the learning displayed in discussing the chemistry of food, is likely to impinge upon the feminine mind with half the force'of this short but pregnant sentence: 'Tncooked food means the emancipation of women from the drudgery of the kitchen." There you have it! 1 his is the thought that gives on" For he must still do for his trading, he has ideas of TAVlSS "TS-KX ...v., f i ., v t.ii. ji iiiiil m linliiin rin oracles ociuina- ....i.n.rv .....thcl It m. In. lei tion isirone. Moreover, the farmer's childrtui crow :,B",,,,lly T'l'l 7!! ' R ' . .. . Wi that its inlluence upon the heretofore more or less iso- i,,;,7 M mMM " ,,,,u' M .1 . 1 l..,..)) ...i iK.k Tifiu IJ lr .. itf ritmu t It Mr lit ( km H 111 i itl i .i trt ' M I from niiutnnt tui will l "nl f rt. ; JJ j I hift Hiitiw Pr. Mih'tilil ht on ol IIihT, Thk tragic death in Paris of Mrs Flleu IJoro, theiW-V . i . . : . .1. . ..) 1 ... o i . . i i ... .j . .. 1 1 .... . 1 . ! Mil P raiUMSCO SUlHeill Ol music, suo um iuoi o u n in n- : stnnes i.i'i;, wn . .-nn .le., pi fi fii . ...,. ,,,.; .....j I'nl.. . I'r. JIHHi .speenil Irenl ing io oiuers oi ner icuo., toumi . mu.uw.. ll,lli1.,,11,u ,,,,, , lll r...n'g t.on is gone. .Moreover. I no .armer s c mm rvn Krow , ,;,;ViVl..l U U.n ...v ..nir.Mn.t. t. It.i.ifin.r iMirrttnt nll'tir il!4tn44tttl rtt ! i.a.,iu tn wmiv ttt U .UTinHMlicij wsr n.i. vv. . v ... J ' - - home and learn to form opinions for tlW.-ol -; -- iST rT 7r.-u.,n,, i-" i WhotluT th rural hlivory will havo a ytt widor in HiH(nu( mirmiv lixr, tonii uuirm, Huence, and stem th, current ol population .rom ino i ;-;- cWly .1 country to the citiis remains to be seen. Certain it id lHi (r. Milmi fri! iimui I nUsler. Kx I.MIIOIIKI I HtO l' It'ltHl 1 1 XI IHIUI n who know the continent of Kurope through long ex- lee wiun hII eln i.oieil. I (hI V ,1, ,,,),., I . . i t , l tlif " Hie. ii fin mil lui.l sin'iil .Neiuicliait- .. i, Hon ite.l nut tri'.itifiit v to naren s and , . .. .V ' . , .... ... ii. ...v .... r. i . i l.'.llOO III "11.11111. I iM-iit'VH lie in guardians the dangers that lie in the path of unsus- ,.iuI,tIuI n.i.eiHiist. I e..nsi.lor ii my , ' , i . .i . i.i . .i .i i .liitv io reoiinnfii'l him." "I'or yi'n petting girls wlio go irom nere io ine r rcuci; i-apuai ( , w,t(1111 ,,, , l. ..!.. 1 1, ., i 1.. .1.. 1!,, I. ..,,.. !u ; I...-.I ....... .1.,... .,,t IO IIVC 11 IS UOl llien ii unit i.- .iv ... ....... ....j i both seductive and perilous (points out the New York Sun). There is another risk, bachelor girls who at home have gone aUnu according to their own sweet will forget tint the conventions arc different abroad, and that the most ininHrnt acts are likTly to 1h mis construed. The male students with whom they are thrown in contact do not havo the same notions alxnit women as the men they knew on this side of the At lantic. So what would lie considered here to be only a slight indiscretion, if an indiscretion at all, may lay an art stu I ;ut in Paris op mi to insult or worse. Some time ago an American woman living there begged of girls who proposed to cross the ocean to study not to go alone, and impressed upon their more mature sis ters the necessity of caution and circumspection. The tragic event of the other day would not have occurred if the victim had Wen a little more wary ami dis trustful. Thk Cot iiiEii has eomething to say about the tax list in its last issue. The list is long but the Courier makes it worse than it is. If people will plat large additions to Oregon City and Portland in lots, like Shaw's Addition, Minthorn, Gladstone and I'nn Villa, V, it, I. llli II i V Hiclii.i. h. . I' my lieit.l, i.iMiinlK'iit, miikiiitf upelli) mi.i ; jyj ilnv. Your trenlmelit entirely rami y me," write Hon. W. A. Warren, ol y Jllinesti. ti, S . Y. t j Mr. Julius K.'isler. ol li'iO Mieliimn rj Avenue, I'llli imo, le-lill.- that t r. .M ilex ' iMireil liiui ier leu nl.le .IiVhh-iu lut.l i K uili.l. Mm.'tiiioiii'r. ol lieen.r.iiu, V, I'.i., win cure.' wl'er ni.uiv pliyHieuiiH liml t.ronennceil tier CH "lionelesr.. 1 nil h Itlit-tt il'M nmv have 1 1 00 '. Li wonli ol Ireiitiiient ei.irrial'y a.lup'i'.l to ' 1 . their case, tree, we w.iui.i miviw iiiein io sen.l fur It at oiii h. Ail.lien lr. Kunk liti Mile, -.V:i to '.' '), Slat.' Sireel, I In eaiio, III. When writing ..ini'i iihmiIioii tliit ' er GOODS Vre now IikIiik mip.ieke.l and hIioii m our wimlnwr .,,,1 .iiW .-... Itv earlv ami careful Imylnif we li.vti.ucceeiliil 111 olilabunu i-oinn apeelnl l.ariiln (or you In tl.n way of ClirlHlima- ilainUeH. Helnit our llrsl year in liuine w nsvo no (ml n woin juim ui wot kulf on vmi. but every aillelw In lie, nolo.) ami llm very lat.isl. A line Hn of lierlumea, lanei itatlonery, toilet aoa.a, InailiiT oo.Ih, fiauieil ami inflamed pioinrea, aliavlnu ita, Imliy ta, inaiiliur inti aeta, allium, ilinloiirili Irauifa, isill.rainl cull !oxtn, neokii.i tiiH-n, li.u.n. ttlovti Uoxea. In fai l all kin UoIkoihIh at all kindaol irnef -exe'l hlvli. W here Is there n hcttcr place to buy Kllts than at n Drug Store. iVIien aie it.Hi.lH o vii"l, ao .l.iinty, so Impri ssive o a.vei'lul'le" We woul.l lm willlnil Io mien III l every Kilt Iniolit from Una I-IU'O H"U will iea. li ll.n reeipieiil'a l.earl. You caii'l K auii f yon rlioosii here, fooie III ami let Hi lu'lp vmi Willi von -lectb n. Our limr i y. lir. HOWELL & JONISS Reliable DruKKi5ts I INN I!. JOM S ClltMII K HOW CI.I. tf, l o i ... " ..... j, lam Hj Wiur. ! A Ure ansoile.l lot of wine liai jiiMt I arrive. I III lowii Irom the Kliinu K.irin, ' Sonoma, I'ul Seleele.l for nieili. liiai ! pnKnea. For aaln at K. A.'a, ; Main Rtreel, liet 4' h an. I otli H i liiiliil.luuN Minify to I.oub. I At (I ami 7 per cent. Call on or w rite Jno. W. I.oiikk, Oregon City I Irivoii Stevena' liiuMiua. NutdI h( Jrte' llrluU. "I know I woul.l loin; Hk'o I" vi- I Hie n In tn v tfrave," write S. II. NuW'otne, of li.'i utiir, Ala., '"if it loel iH.t Imvoi for .'!....ri.. I'.tlti.rii Knr llirt'e Vfa.M I Hllt- fere.l untnl.l aitoiiv fr mi ttie womt form MURROW'S BARRED ROOKS Are at the top. Have won at two of the largest shows in tho Northwest, l'.lOl l'.UJ, also at the statu fairs. Look up their record. Some fine breeding from our prize winning strain f-JAHl and up. Also a few white rock eockrels 2.l)0. Kggs 2.(H) per setting. j. murrow & son, Oregon City. Ore. . . nrilitl and not pay the taxes the list is IjouiuI to lw long , o( i,,,!,.,,!,,,,,, Stomach -PI - 4V...1. I . ....I 1 .. 1..,.. .-,. ..lln.i.rd l.ltt lit liCllltli. M...1 RllVl'1.1 I lie lauit in ini in a" i'1 i..i.--. ... (.. .... platting land for sale when there is little or no de mand for it and then not paying the taxes. Clacka mas county is getting its list published -10 per cen ..... niito.t i.iitliv itf llit p.iiiiilies nf the state tllCi I'l I I.IBII "HIV . . ,, . . , , i i i .i i ( i ,. A, Hamuli; h lir iu h.uie. I tie courier nau a cnauce to inn in hi is. usi, k.i. ovi,l,.ntlv thnllL'ht the list Would be short and did not Ie Hioino l..ix (or eoiwlm. fol.lH ami i" ... r i .. i i ...I,;.. I. ; i In I rice L'.'i tenis a box at Care IO U) II lor m.iii uic j.ies. i. ...... u. .....v.. C'l;r rn.n Si Co. . w ,w sw iT 1 T J.T AT AVjTATAT'A ami Howel Ovflieiwia. tin excel lent in.lii'iiiH itnl inn a worl.l ol voo.l. Since mum il I '" eal heartily uml have U.lilleil ;t.rl Miun.i." For Ill'llKfillon. I.. ma of Appelile. Sloiiiui'li, l.lver ami Kiilney trouhlea Klectric llitlera are a noHitive. miariiiiteeil cure. Only W)i! at ? Dnilf n Fir 4hp Font in l .... .(. f.. I'.-l. I...V MIll.l'.'M ill in.r cent less than merchants of Oregofl City pay i von lo one iiuesi on the tfiiaranleeil ii'.lil for similar work. Four concerns allowed long listsi of j wn l'- j lots to go with the taxes unpaid. Under the law arid U'nrrl ol file, trier Forty run j the decicions of the supreme court each b.t has to be Mr. C. Ilamiv. of G va Ohio I....I i mi, ici if i i tlm pile fur forty tcur". Il ictur uml described separately if the purchaser gets any title. (nHrH c ,Mi. I .Io him no lastii.n ..!. j If iH-o.,1.. do not pay their taxes they must epcet tott j PeWnfa Witch llawl slv him , jn.npi J l " i i ! perimineiitlv. Invuluahle lor ci l, i nnv the iMMialtV. The county do.'S not ill the end pay I i.,ir,1M. hruiw-a. anrnins. la. erMion. ec- i I I .. I ,. ...!... Zciiui, lener, aan rn. -11111, nun no uim-i ( ! nkin lieaeH. Look lor tlm name )m-i Wilt on ihH pin a-i all others a e clietn. worlhlfH counterfeits, (ivo. A. I llauliiik' - . i ulili liliMfn1 comfort. Come 111 COIIIIMIIIHK riji - ii,, .1 and look at our summer footwear. I.ate styles and bottom k pric'-s. . T,-nTi -nT-in jrATATATjCrATATrA W A ATA A' 'Af AT 'AT A A A Af 'A AA AT A V Z the bill but the deliniiucnt taxpayer. Thk E TKJirKisi: 'r.i'ni-isiH iMi Comimky has become incorporated and will take charge of the property the I ,n. - .. . t O T 1-..,.....- ' . I next issue. 1 ne incorporators an; it. o. ii;.-s.-i, v-) SchueVl, C i. Huntley, F. A. Sleight, Knos Cahill,! Henry E. Stevens, J. U. Shaver, J. V . Campbell, TlmH. F. Ryan, 0. I!. Dimiek, Ceo. C. Ilnnvnell, Hans 1 aul- wou Id woman find too great to pay for i s(.n (j. J. )ye, Tom I. Uandall, II. A. Webster. F. T what rif everlastin a dav-' in the metnorable words of Mrs. Stetson that (she spet:!s on food? What self-denial ought not man to practice to escape the curse to which Mrs. Stetson gives voice in that same vitriolic poem to escape having ' the slow finger of Heredity" write on his fore head, ' strive as he may, 'His mother was a cook!' "? Picture the scene that must unfold to the rapt vis ion of the raw-food enthusiast! Tyrant Bridget the Forty-Third, deposed from her cook-stove throne leaves never to return, and never to be succeeded. Annie the scullery maid, (die of the fishy eye, and a, . predilection for the butcher-boy bodeful of ill. follows in her wake. The kitchen isabolished. The stove is demoli.-hed. The pot and kettle hollowly murmur to each other as they together pass into the hands of the joyful jonk-man. The gas-bill is halved. The coal bill no longer terrifies. The penetrative aroma of boiled cabbage no more greets the nostrils of the home-coming flatite. The raw materials for the mill ennial u.eal, we take it, would be stored in an orna mental cabinet, neatly labeled with euch appetizing iitles as "Cracked Hutter-nuts," "Beardless Barley," "'Choice Red Wheat," ."Hand-Picked Rye!" Only a trice would be required to scatter upon the festal board these simple and savory dishes. It is claimed that the devotees of raw food number several thousands in the United States. (ieo. A. llar.lniK. I'rrr. liul Irlinmril fir linirlm- iiifil Hi it (trciil reiliK'lloii. .lliix 4', (aoMimilli. If you feel ill ami nee.l a pill Whv Hot piircoa-e the. licit? IleWilt'a Karly Itinera Are little H.irprincrH, Takf one they ilo (he rest. W. II. ll'JW-ell. Houston, 'lex , write!! I hive iihhiI Little Karly KiHer Pill in my family for consiipHijoii, nick he, . ,ii,.. ,i ...... b. i j !ui, ... .-j 'i i etc. lo tlieir use i am'ii ior ine .. , .it . . . .. ir . f. r T 1... I 11. 1 ...... , ri emancipation Irom those -six mortal nours i ( Jrifhth, U. f . llorton, .-5. m. r..iinsny, ,( . .u.iu.iii, in i i.eaiiti oi my lanuiv. . . . . . "... . . , t . I I ! l . 1 ..I L. L. Porter. H wiil tie seen ny ims u-t oi names that the paper is to be run in the interest of the whole party and not in the interest of any individual or elioue. This joining of the leaders of the party in this undertaking will tend to unite the party and al lay any feeling more than any other event that has taken place in some time. Clackamas county is re publican by more than a thousand votes and there is no reason why every county officer should not be elected by that majority. We believe that the party is stronger and more nearly a unit in Clackamas county than it has been in years. Brunswick House & Kosi.uinmt Newly Furnished Rooms. Meals at All Hours- Prices Reasonable. Opposite Suspension Bridge. Only First Class Restaurant In Town. CHARI.KS CATTA, Proprietor The Red Front Thk rural free delivery system was established for the convenience of the farming communities; its de velopment already proves tatit is to have a wide .enrpad inrI'.ience'unon American life- Last year 190(5 post-offices in country districts were discontinued, re sulting in a saving in salaries of fllr,807. As the Books as Christmas Gifts. wv.on in doubt, trive a book. Give one of real in nv. " 1 r terest and value one that Iocs not consist chielly of .... 1 , t 1 . r 1.1. a handsome cover. 1 nat useless Kinu oi gin noon, thank fortune, is nearly extinct, but not quite. It helomzcd to the same class as the pretty but useless o bric-a-brac on which people still spend ' untold sums every holiday season. The money wasted upon per functory gifts that must soon lie relegated to the attic constitutes a problem which every sensible man ought to sit down and study prayerfully some day when he has got through his annual busy season of sinning in that direction. But. the giving of a good book never calls for repentance. The space for bric-a-brac, rugs andfurniture in every house has afixed limit, thcladies Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. ft I J v. W '.fr1 F Kidney troubln preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cncenuincss soan disappear when (he kid neys are out of order or dhearied. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that It b not uncommon fnr a child to be born ? afflicted with weak kld- nevs. If the chl d urln- at loo often. If the urine scalds the flesh or If, when the child ; reaches an age when It should be able to j control the passage, it Is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant ! trouble is due to a diseased condition of the ! kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the Immediate effect ot Swamo-Root Is soon realized. It Is sold by druggists. In fifty- ceni ana one . ouim r '-tt . "'" H .Ues, You may lera aamole bottle by mail U3 free, also pamphlet tell- Bom at awojRont. COURT HOUSE CLOCK OREGON CITY, OREGON. Useful Christmas Presents ii.,. k r - . I . .11 kA..t l nMtiAntf mantf of the ' ing u wwu , - ---- to the contrary notwithstanding, but there is always thousands of testimonial leuers received w ' J ..ill 'rom sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kllmel room for another Iwok without making the home look & Co., Einghamton, N. Y., be sure and like a department store. mention this paper. We invite you to call and see what we havo to offer you for the Holidays. Our goods are well bought ' and we are able to sell at very low prices. Our stock comprises anything that your heart desires in useful Holiday Goods. Huch as Ready-made presses, Umbrellas, Silk Handkerchiefs, Fancy Linen Handkerchiefs, Dress Skirts and Waists, Kid Gloves, Fancy Work Raskets, Crockery, Glass ware, Bibles, Rooks, Jewelry, Dolls, Celluid Goods, Fascinators, Laundry Rags, Hofa Pillow Tops.Hats, Fancy Sweaters, Shopping Rags, Purses of every description, Neckties, Toys of all kinds and lots of other articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call before going to other places " as we feel confident we can save you money. The Red front G . T. HOWAffD, PROP.