Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
I OREGON CITY ENTERTRISK, FRIDAY. AlT(!DST 'J., ll'J Legal Notices. (liniiillriilr h .Villee Notice i hereby given tt at tlu under. NllllllllOIIS. In the CiriMiil I'ourt of the State ot Ore- , gun lor the t'otinty of Onokiiiiias, Charles lUnch, I'luinMl.) vs. luoe.v lUnch, Iett'iilant. ) signed hits been appointed adn.iiiistriloroi i To Koev Hunch, the bme tunned de t ti estate il .1 11 1 1 i v . lice, diveas.vl. All i ((.niinni . persons linviiii claims Busiest tin' t s- I ' ....... i . title are t.. r. hv ... tll..t to .r,.M,,l the same ! "'' ,"""'"" " "'"; -s,:"' ,,r"" " d..lvvMiti., and a.v. . iwehorihy riviuircdt,. .,..."ar ,.ml nsor pstned hv ll.e proper vouchers. In t'.f nn ! rsiitiiod Hi I'mihv, t'ts. kamtis Cotintv. Oregon, it at I he otlico ul lieo. t". Hiovvticll, Oupin t'uy. .'rev-on. niilun m months Iron, the date "I this notice. Hated II. . 1st .lav of Aiu-d-i. 1' aI.mxanpkk Tin:. Adininistiator. GKO. ( r.r.iHVN Kl.l.. Aitornei d.r Administrator. VittVp Tor Publication Notice is hereby given dial In ooniiliiiioi will. ll. net tit Congress ol .lime .'I, IS7S, en titled " An ii.'t lor II. i' sale nl timber lands in Hit Stales o( Calloridn, (ir'Kn, Nevada, ami W i !) i it it Ion doiy,' ai ouoiiiiod to all Iho ruolii' I. ntnl .""Hies hv art nl Ail misl I. IS!';!. Win. K. lv.ii,. r, id r.Hilantl, Counly ol Moltiiv.iiiiii., xn i.t meiam, lias tlila dm lilcd in II, is olllci' his jnrn stHteuienl. Nit. ,'.s s'.. (oi t''t purchase ot Hie tlu'ivi.i..aii.i lilr.l aainl vnii n. Iln'aivi i MO, ,. SW ... ,s., ,. SW1,. ami SW, l ! cutii.ivt suit in tin- above naiiii'ii Curt on M ,, nl Sconon No. J'i, 1', i S, U. No. .. K , 1 or In -li'iv September l'.'lti, 1:0'.', II. amnc aiul .ll iMlrr crool o show llml tin1 land ' being seven iTka Ironi the lirsl n l 1 1 ! 1 soughi is more aliiuhlo lor its timber nr ! tuMi ol I his sum nions ; tliul vnu will lake J Moot ltii. lor ii,:i iculiural putposos an. I to ! establish Ins rl:imi to sai. I hind 1 1 1 STOCKTON'S KIND HEAHT. HE GOT THi: GOODS. A iiislr l iiliio r " 111, I'M 1 1 I.I.I HI' ' ' 1 I I too .1' 1 I ' I om I I notice thai il ou lail so In appear ami an swer said coinpl nut. I he plaintill ill apply to the I'nurl lor the reliel (lenianilrit in sanl ron.pliiiiit, tn wu : that the homls n( malri i.u.hy now exisiii.j; tul.Meii ni ami pliim lill ho ilissnlve.l. I'Iik mi in iii.ixs i (uihl. sheil l.v or ler ol I'lioinas A. Mi-ISri.le, lu.lcenl the oil. jn ilu ial lirru t ol the Slaie ol Oregon, in i ne Oregon I'.ty Knlerorise. lor e en am-is.' ve weeks, coin iiieneiiii! A.n:u-I I t. I'''. '''l coiilniuii.i; lor eai'h week nnreallei lo ami HH' iuluii; Sei'leu.i'. r I J, I:"1'.' ;k. i'. lUiinvsKi.i,. Altorm v lor I'.ali lill'. police tor I'ulilli'Htion. Timher l.a".l. Ai'i lin.e '. ISTS. i rnili'.t t-tales I ami .'lliee. Oresinn 1'ilv, Orviton, J tine 'J7. l'y2. Noln-e is hfrel y jriven that m oonipliance ilh the provision . f the acl t'l CoiiL-ress ol i J ill e :!, IsTS. etit'.lU'.i " An Hi't lor the sale ' ol tmihei lamls in the S ates ol Cahlnrria. : tir.p.n. Nevada, ami Vahi' i:t.'ii Tern- ; tory," as exieiule.1 in all the Puhlie l.aml Slates I v act of An.:".-! i. IvO. I 'koSAHKI. (1. OSHOKS, I of ro.ttami, coi.oty of M i.'t noniali. Slate, of lr'Bin. has this day liieo in this ollice i lii? sworn fia'iM.ient, No. .isi 'J, lor the pur- chBse ol the , ol Section No. ,;o in Town- ! ehipN i."'S. Kiii'se No. I K. ami wnl oiler' jirool to show Unit the laml soucht is more j valuable torils ti mix r or stone t ian forturi- : rnln.ral purposes, ami to establish his claim lo sai.l laml helcre the Kemstt-r ami Keoeive r ol this otlice al Oregon City, t're- p" Tues.tav, the !'tn tlav of Septeinhrr, ! lWi " I lie names as witnesses: j J C. Burke, of Mola la. Oregon : Kohert . Ij.t.Omi. r.l.r,i Unrke Kohert t'shorn. ol I l'ott ami. ' continuous resilience upon ami cultiva Auv aii.l all jrsons claiininu- a.iverselv tion ol sal. I laml, viz: the ahove-uesenhed lands are requested lo I Krank Haker, ol Colton, (rei:iiii; John 11 tile il, eir claims in this otlice on or before I Applet, of i'olton. Oroi:on; John 1". lrvin Ki'Ki'ter and lieeeiver ol I his oltlci' al Hre Kou t'.iy on Salurdav, the III. day ol Ocin her. I'Hi.'. He naoies as wi nessis: llenrv ll'.person, I'alm. t. '-r. Ado pli MiiU-r, Ch.i-. C. Miller, ail ol lor In Id, Hie, Any and ai. persons eimmin n-herselv ill.' tli.o e Ol s . tin d I Olos liVit re U .' s led I o hi ii'eir . ' urns in ti. is i.llt.'e mi or hetoie Mild I n oav ol (, I 'h.-r, tlio.' Cll AS. II. Mix Mi i;c:islir.. duller I'or l'ulilniit Ion. Peparln.ent of the Interim, Oltlce a' Oregon City, Oregon, Julv '-''it'., I' Notice is hereby niven thai the following named settler has liieil noiii e ol his ii.ten lion to make liual prool in support of his chum, and thai said prool will he made h. lore Uc-ister ami Kece.ver at ."recoil City, Oieitoii, on Sept. S.h, l'.k'1.', i: SKI'H At'STKS Pre. I S. No. 7!.:;. lor the SK' , of N K1;, sec T. il S., H (i K. ami .' A SK1, of N W'( A SS'' of N I'.'t Sec. X. li s., R. 7 K. lie names the follow im witnesses In prove j ni:icii'i"s nii.i:. In llic Circuit Conn ol t ie St no of Ore i:on lor the futility ol f lackuiiias. I Maiv Mader, I'laint.ll. ' " vs. ! I Thomas f barman ami So- j nl. in f iiarnui.i, his lie .lames 1'. I.ovelt ail I Mary l.ovett. Ins wife, Uei jainni I Jacar and .lames M I IMCV. l'eleud.ints. ' Hv irtlle ol a lu.lcmenl . r er, ilecree ami 1 an execiuion, duly issued out ol and under Hie seal ol the above entitle I court in the above el. lit id c luse. to me duly dire.ted : and dale.l the III) duv of Ain:usl, 1 : k ', upon I a judgment rendered ami ei ti reil in said jcoiirl and cause on Itie Jnd day of August, l''L'. in lavor ol the aaid Mary Ma.ler, Tim inlmr'a Pr.if.nni.1 llem. l'l tlie I'l'i-llnua IMlier. In Iho old il:ia "Inn l'f.uil i Siocl.loii :is my iissooliilo In 1 1 ( i 1 1 H lliuilh mid Homo ho Invchlod " 'i'' j ..,.,.1 .. i ,r. .w tun. Hits of tils o II III i II, prison of mi Hum :Ii.mi "llloo hoy. v ',,. , ,r, In' would llll n loliilim or ' 1 .l!i il ;:rnlcs,,io mvoiint of llm ! " " .nines Hint KIMh.:s of Ills llolllloita , lo H.U Mai-.-ns iir.lins.. A I ln-t ' 'M' '" 111 Irnioil. our ii. lmil olll. . hoy. ii M-ntli j of uniiMial soiioiisnoss, o.iiosl. .1 him i to slop tlio M.'lions Aiilolms liiiiuoi'. j "So .mi li:no t ilo il II sol i.ui- li r1 ' tis;,,d r. Siockiou. o'l, joii hoc, llll 1 1 1 fro o.N ' ihi-'i nl me uhoiil 1!, mid It linos" iiiisvor.d ' the ol.i.' 1 oi. I i , . .....rv " mi hi Mi. Nl 1 " klon. , -Voti nro u (;ooil, Inmost mid f.nlhfill , , (', c I...J . I liail no llioir. hl of liiirtini! I I M ! voiir fo. ilin;-. mid 1 r-li.'ill vitllo no morn , i ,1m . ithoitl Mmioiis Aiil'olhis." Iloio vmis tin in.lbulloii of llio rarv l.enl o'd i ;, i Iho pi ho li a 1 ,..i,' : , 'i , I,., III. 1 1. 1 ileal ami h i ' i , . . 1 1 1 1 1 .: i, l.n .-. '! : ; id I' I la la id lorn I ,1 lelerM rHr ,1 . i'. Mri'Ml't- ,f hi- cll II -il." hllll "C r iliner wna , , ne.,., In Chh-iiK.., , r and Mai '.I,', 11 I'h'bl , I, in I' Cm. I' "iisii I oil I e I il 1' 1 ,,1,., and ho .I'd'l I II .,.( vv . ho railed on I (,, ,. i oli.o C. Il I Hi.: III. Mi le, d ll ilui.S' i limit '.ltd 11"'! .,!,, ,,ili.l ttoitli I ,. hill III. Ill Slelllllt . , ; ,.im,; I',. lim l' "Ol , lml.d I" Hi-''"' "'" no III Iho m il eno Hull do d II l!i character ol Iho feelings Ills tend. I I inost lot llhle lie IIKtll. 1 1 1 l'es ,f olhois whs pi .s tow ai d lh, in linr.aelel i: said '.llll dav ol Sei temher. 1 : "'. fllAS. B. M J0KKS, Register. NI.MNO In the Circuit Court of the State ol Ore gon, lor Clackamas County. Bargalin A. Kmirhton, ) riaintnl, vs Marvilla Knighton IVfeiulant. J To Marvilla Knighton, defendant herein : In tne Name ot the State of Oregon : Yon are hereby required lo appear and answer the comi'laiiit tiled against you in the above entitled su l and cour', on or before the 2l'tti day of September, V.f2, beitiR six successive publications ol said summons as ordered by the court, the first publication thereof as ordtred being on the 2itti day ol July, lUirj. and which is the tirat publica tion of this summons. And il you tail so to appear and answer said complaint, and for want of such answer, i laintitt will apply lo the Court for the reliel prayed for in the complaint to wit: For a decree of the court dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant and for such other and further relief as the court may seem meet with equity and justice. This summons is served upon yon by publication in the Or-eon City Enterprise published at Orecon Cny, Oretton, once a week for six successive weeks, the first iiublication thereof being in the issue "I uly, i.. 1!Xj2. by order of Hon. Thos. K. Ilyan, county judge, of Clackamas county, in the absence ol Hon. T. A. Jlcliride, circuit judge, duly made and entered here in, this iJd day of July, lso. J.A. STKOW UKIPOR, Jr, Atty. lor I'lauitiU. Last publication Sept. 5. nl tiarlteld, Oregon ; Harry K. Austen, ol Oregon Cilv, Oregon. Cll AS. 15. MOORKS, Register. AilmliilftlrHtor' tl-'. Notice is hereby given that the under sik'ned has been appointed administrator of the estate of Sarah flack, deceased. 1'er sons having climis against said estate are hereby notified to present them at the of fice ot my attorney, in Oregon City, Ore gon, within six months from the date of tins notice. Dated this Uih day of Aug ust, 11)!'. El.MEK K. I'lUKMAN, Administrator. 0. W. Eastham, attorney for administrator. Aoliee Tor l'iibli'Ulioii. Timber Land, Ai tiune 3. Is?-. United States Land office, Oregon City Oregon, August 'J, V.)l. Notice is hereby given that in coir With the provisions of the Act of Congress Of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act lor the aale of timber lands in the States of Cali fornia, Oregjn, Nevada, and Waihing'on Territory," as extended to all the Public Land States by act of August 4, litt2, ROSS H. PRATT, of Portland, county of Multnomah, State of Oregyn, has this dav tiled in this ollice bis sworn statement No. 5-70, for the pur chase of the nw'i of section No. '-'A in Township No. 3 h, Range No. ." E, W. M. and will oiler prool to show that the land sought is more valuable lor its timber or stone than for agricultural purposes, and to establish his claim 0 said Und before the Regi-ter and Receiver ot this ollice at Oregon City Oregon, on Saturday, the day of November, l!i. He names as witnesses: H. Epperson, R. (j. falmateer, Adoplpli Miller, C. C. Millet, ail of Garfield, Oregon. Any and all persons claming adversely the above-described lands are reque-te ; to pie their claims in this omce on or before said bth day of November, lli.'. C'HAS. li. MOORES, Register. Uimriliuii'M Nale ol Ileal IXate Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a license of sale dul v issued out ol the County Court of the State of Oregon, lor the County ot Clackamas, in the matter of the guardianship of Irwin Leslie Gordon, a minor, and dated the 'Joth day of July, I will, on Saturday, the tith day of September, 1)02, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m., in front of the Court House door, in Oregon Citj, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, at the day of sale, all the interest f said minor in the following-described real estate, situated In the county of Clackamas and State of Orenon. to wit: Lots ll', 13 and II, block SI, i:i Cambridge, in said County and State, subject lo the life estate of Dr. John Gordon, llated Aug. s, poj. A SHREW GOKIb'S. Guardian of said Minor II. E. Cross, Attorney tor Guardian eel for ..found, was a stlo of tho in. in. It rail throiigli nil Id conduct. !! n. it wlllindy or knowingly hurl Iho feel lugs of ntiy human I'.'im:. for tin' t'-' S.OII that liis soul was nil. si w llh nu lil.oiiiiiling charity nn.l hoe for nil Ins fellow linn. 1 corgi' il IV Lh-doii 111 Collier's. W celJy. Tin I'rr.-clK rOllrrr. It has l oii,- lieeli n coiniuoiiplaeo that llio elTeets of M It t lt.-ry nl'o tuainlv moral." luit for nil Unit llio lull. .due tion of Ili'H' cplosi es, lyddite e-pe-claUy, tintl of quicker lliing guns li-nl Inselisildy revived 111" belief In Iho lees and Hie further sum ol cosls ami I ..r,.,,t in:i tri it I viiliio of lilt illerv. II dishur-einents and the cost, of and upon , , , Krtl,H , H,1V ,l:,t nrtll this w rit, eoinmai. ding me In make e.ile ol M the I, liowmg described real proH-rty sll.i- Icry luia l.iul II grout dow nfall In gen ate in the County of CI ickaitms, Slate of mil i-kIIiiiuIIoii iiinong tlioso w ho Oregon, to wit: have iilw n vs tukeii a kiiii view of lla 1 he "south esl '4 of Sect on ; the est . . , i ,.f,i..v,.,n,..,i'..i. it. i.. i. -t ii-es do not think It has but wo S . ... . .....- , .... Iho I spill I lis he l, He of 11 I, qll l I i , Id I lip M w h ,. lie 1 1 II. Ill of I' hi.; bill f hoi, .11 ill I qu.l. . plaiulill, and against I bo I sill. I ilotendanl. l honias Cbiirman, tor llio sum i! il, tngttliox w llh lull rest fie.'eon at the rale ol j S per cent per annum I nun August '2, I '.Hi.'. I u..,l , i.u In rt I, so:., ill 4 Ltl IHl il ill I . r 111 l s' ! .,ni.:hl l.el.lo I'-'ll II ,. , s I, d le . ! ;'.i.t . .11 II li,. I' lh ,1 In' ,: .ii.i f. . I o 1. 1,; Llll oil el, I'aii . i' ,h ii. 'v, the s.,!e I'll lllu c pleeled I ,,l I in Ii.lll'l . .1 , t'l l:i. i n In I he ,,l-, u.uli, ill I'. .'..CIM. ii-iti, and h llll, r lie of g I' ll ,1,11,'t that W .11' lo w a , ail. deehl ,. llil, , I ill el oimiiy dial a I'U i d II 111 "O"!! Illllliedillto I I Imuglit I'alllier llll, I p.iliielllallv THE bOUND oTT '"W, Telulim llrlroli ' I,,, y. i.arrtur ". ill "I A pluiiu. aul, I i, ,i.-tl r..r ..m Ilium ilovi'lop r lliiw In Noun. on,. ,,(,. '"'t r j,,,K; I'.drloll.l,,,, . ,. K h.ollia I, i I'olne ,,,ln ,h(, "... r-M'"y '.io r , Olllshlo Of It. """ Any glMit W lie li II II.,.a line, a ii e. i laln iiu:nt. r- ( llio .ecml. Ti,,.,,. ,,,tl y H, ""! ...h.o ol.ji. t that u ,,,, 'N with .on... piuiieular iite, .,!';;) W 111 lie ne! lii limit, , (... .,' "'' tlol, U holllldi " I lie ow Iht lill," 1 1 , 1 V 1,1 "f ' 'mo I, in,,,, .n.ii in,... . oiow - f "Ot; il 1 1. . 1 1 1 n Iho nun ni Ml llllph llsiinl lu ll I heal, the ,i III olieo 1 1 , 11 1 the i; lien ol I, II.. llh,, ul K't!it i i 'Itilll t,.,, Umi ' 'i ml !,, .. '.llll,r "'Krie,!, II Mm ,1 liny d. f. ct In tl, ,. d thing ,.iin-n h, ie ai,,,,,- v a ml. link in u' On, I , .1 . i . . -.-. oeeilslolill II v. I Notice lor uhlieiilioii. Department of the Interior Laud i itlice at ' iregon Cilv, "regon. Julv 1.'. 11".'.'. Sotice is hereby k'tven that the loliowing i I. aineil settler has tiled notice of bis inten tion to make liual pro, , I in support of his claim, under Section J-.sli, R. S., and that said proof will be made before the RegiB ter and Receiver at Oregon City, Oregon, on Augu-t 23rd, viz; Al'Gl'STl'S E. ALSPAIGH; H E. 11J!(, fur the lx.ts 1 i 2 Sec '1, T. 3 S., It. 4 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence and cultiva tion of said laud, viz : Augustus H. li irnett, Edward liurnett, and Joseph P. Wooole. all of Eagle Creek, Oregon, and Granville li. Linn, of Currins vilie, Oregon. CtlAS. B. MOO RES, Register, j Solice. Notice is hereby given that my wife, Princie M. Linn, has lelt my bed and board without cause, and that I will not be re sponsible for any debts don traded by her. T. W. LINN. N I'M JI O.Ki. re- and In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore. gon, for Clackamas County. Arthur L. Woodbury, Plaintiff.) vs. , Nora Woodbury, Defendant. ) To Nora Woodbury, the above named defendant. In the name of the State oi Oregon yon are herebv rorjujred to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit In the above named Court on or before Enday, October 3, 1!)2. the same being seven weeks from the first publica tion of this summons, and you wi 1 take notice that if you fail to to appear and an swer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint to wit: that the bonds nl matri mony existing between yoo and plaintiff be dissolved This summons is pub'ished by the order of the Hon. Thomas K. Rvan, County Judge ot Clackamas County, State of Oregon, in the Oregon City Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation in Clackamas 4 bounty, for seven consecutive weeks com mencing Friday, August 22 and continuing to and in lulling October 3, l!fi2. GKO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney for l'laintilf. In the Circuit Co'irr of the State of gon for the County ol Clackamas Wallace W. Avers, Plaiulill,, VS. r Ma K. Ayers, Defendant.) To Ida K. Ayers, defendant herein. I n the name ol the State of Oregon : You are hereby required to appear answer the complaint nieu against you in the above entitled court and cause on or before the 22nd day of September. 11)02, the said dav being more than six weeks after the tint publication ot this summons, as ordered by the court, and you will lake no tice that if you fail to appear and answer said complaint, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in the complaint, lo-wit: that the bonds of matri mony now existing between you and plain tiff be dissolved and that the plaintill he awarded the custody anil control ol Charles Ayers, minor ciniu ol planum and attend ant. This summons is published by order of Honorable T. K. Ryan, County Judge of the County ot Clackamas, State of Oregon, made August 8, '.rl, and which order di rects tue service ol said summons by publi cation not less than once a week for six successive weeks. The first publication ol this summons being August 8, I!i02. J1KDGK.1 A GRIFFITH, Attorneys for plaintiff. and ol Section '.V i.ota I and 2 ol Section .13; containing li.'s 'i." acres. Also the fol I .wing cos, nte,l tract: Coiiin.oiieing at the Northeast corner ol Southwest t ol Section 27 and running thence Norlh .!( chains to me renter ol Oregon City and Holcouib road ; thence w itn center line ot said road North 7.i degrees 1.') minutes West 5.70 chains lo a stone ; thence South T 1 1 cbau s to slake on North line ot Jacob l oner lb I.. C.j theme with t tie North line of said Toner claim East ,Vol chains lo place of be ginning, containing 3..Vi aires. (Excepting from the above descrloed lands the (oil i itig portions thereof ; lleginniug at a point on the East line ol said loner claim .', chains Norlh of Southeast corner tliereol; thence North l. chains lo the Abernetby road ; thence Westerly along said road 12 chains; thence South I'l ll chains; insure Easi 11.40 chains lo beginning pond, con taining 14 aires. Also: lleginnlng al section corner between Sections 33 and 31, thence North 5 chains; thence Eat 2". chains thence South 6 chains ; thence West 2b chains to place ol beginning, containing 10 acres, Also: lleginning al tne section corner between Sections ."si and 31. running tiience North .'. chains; theiiel, East 7 chains ; thence North 1U. lit chains to the Abenietby road; thence Vot -rlv tilling center ot said road t i the West l uindary line of said Toner claim ; thence South (o the Soiithwi st corner ol said claim; ti emc East on Sotltn boundary liiu ot said claim to the place of beginning, containing 2'i acres.) Allot the Iioiis ah,,vo de, ii'.ed living in Township 2 South, Range 2 East ot ill.imette Meridian, the lands herein described containing 21 5 acres. Now, therelore, by viriue of ni, execu tion, judgment order and .b-, r-e nnd in compliance wttti tie coinmaiols ol the said writ, I w ill on Saturday, me i:.TH DAY HE SKPTLMREK, r,2, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the said day at the Iroiit door ol the Count) Court house in t:ie ci.y of Oregun City, in sai I County and Slate, sell at public auc tion, suojecl to redemption, lo the Ingtn-st bidder lor cash in bund, all the right, tnle and interest which the said ilelendatits. 1 nomas ('barman and Sophia ('barman, his wile, J hies P. Lovittand Mary l.inert. us wile, lienjaiiiin Jaggar and James M. Tracy, or either ot thein bad on the -int.- ,o the mortgage iiienlioi.od in sanl judgim-m order, to-w it : March 7, 1 "I", or since had in or to the abov e described real r ,.eily or any pait thereof, lo satisfy sni-1 exi-ni Hon, judgment ( r ler and do-re, interest, costs and 1.11 accruing c,,-l-. J.R. SHAVLlJ. .Sheriff of Clackamas Count v., Dated, Oregon City, August 5. I'm:'. may fnlrly nay that lel.ilh oly to ni tll Icry the rifle tins gained In repiilatloii. We know now- that lyddite, iililu.ugh It limy iiinke abort work of n muhdl H toinli, Is of Huh- use ngiiliihl earth work k, especially when II falls on very soft ground, and (hat Iho Morion of men whom- Houses left (hoin mi. I whosn tooth hhook III their bonds I imso they li:iiH'tieil to be within il ,iiarler of a mile of an explosion of lydditu worn mere uiooiiHtilne,- Kpcctiiior. they fall "in whom fialoou I.l:en-e. Notice is hereby given that at the regular Beptfmt'CT meeting of the City Council of Oregon City, Oregon, I will apply to said city council for a saloon license to (ell spiri tuous snd malt liquors at I lie Hub saloon, on Main Street, between Fifth and Siith. Fbask Kihukw. tiuni inons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore gon, for Clackamas County. J. W. Kilgore, Plaintiff.. vs , Mercy Kilgore, Defendant.) To Mercy Kilgore, the above named de fendant. In the name of the State of Oregon you are herebv required to appear and answer the complaint tiled against you in theabove entitled suit in the above named Court on or before Friday, October 3, VJU, the same being seven weeks from the lirt publication of this summons, and you will take notice that if you lad to so appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint to-wit: that the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and plaintiff be dissolved. This summons is published by the order of the Hon. Thos. F. Ryan, County Judge of Clackamas County. State of Oregon, in the Oregon Cny Enterprise, a weekly news paper of general circulation in Clackamas County, for seven .iccenive weeks com roericii.g Frilay, August 22, and continuing to and including October 3. 11)02 GEO. C. BROWNELL, Attorney (or Plaintiff. The Seal and Ibe Hear. The seal cIoch not Htop liis search fot food until he bug completely sutlsllod liii excellent appetite; then lie takes a good nap, lying upon the very edge, of the lee or as clone iih possildc to his breathing hole. Tbe nl!ght-st Hound will awaken blm and, without waiting to find out the source or direction, he rolls Into the water. He can stuy un der for only thlrty-flve minutes, but where he will come up none onn tell. This no one knows better than the bear, and If the bear realizes that It li impossible to steal up on the leeward side of tho seal, having bis black nose covered with his paw and bis bloodshot eyes closed, when the seal has his open and on the watch, ho looks about for a favorable point of departure, dives un der the lee, and If he rightly Judges the distance and direction he comes up nt the very spot where the seal lias ex pected to go down. The seul's fate la thus settled, and the bear's shrewdness, earns Its reward. St. Nicholas. Tracing Hrapiinalt.llllr. A woman bought a cloth nklrt reinly nitlde of a reputable ti r til . After wour lug It for several days she illscoveud damaged spots In the front breadth. She took It back to the shop where she had bought It and una told that the or r,,r would be eared for. "It Is not uiir fault, however." said the foreman, "and we will have to sen, I It to the fac tory from which wo l, tight It. It U lip to them to make It g I." "Ami upon whom wl,l back?" "tin tho iiianiifa, liir, r fr they boll'.rht the el, .111 " "And he?" "Well, I suppose there Would 'io llo (die but the sheep for him lo I, I. Hue, Hi lie will have lo boar Iho h.v-,."-Ncw York I'ri ss. Also I in iiort.t nl. The Rev. Defer 'ni l rii'lit, the fa muiis pioneer Methodist circuit rider, while traveling to an appoliiliueiit one day saw two young ni'ii of bis a, qtiallltaliee silting Idly on the I, link of a small stream lishlng. It was a line spring day, and the went of freshly plowed lliMs was III the air. "Hoys." be said, "I am sorry to see you breaking the fourth ciuimaml merit." "Why, T'nele I'eter," they said, with a laugh nt Ms expense, "this Isn't Sun day:" "I know If," he retort, ,, "but you are I, n aklng the fourth comma inlm, Yoll forget that part of It says, 'Six days Minlt thou labor.' " A I on I u re of Ilia llli,.-s. "I thought sin; was a woman of un breakable will." hjii.l the man with the bobtaile.l coat. "And so she was," said the man with the Incandescent -hlskers. . "Yet you l.-ll me that she Is com pletely subservient to her husband," went on the lirst man. "Well, you see, she married a lawyer, and he broke the will."-Hultlmoro American. 1 1 1 . . 1 1 :-: 1 . t di, In t , unlv a f i w "' I " 1 I I., lix Ihlu.s I" h s sal w oiiid simply I' 'I I'al was S..II.I. but thai bo ; be coll, I hi'll such 11 ei. ,lit, nnd as In- I. new Hull ! , ,,. ,- Iho Inline hi, ihil ,,iil, I in, I II. and l.etM II' off Well. ,01l.g ailed early, and Stow art ii in h.s ery nl. I opt. s( mail tier, lolling Idm I'"1 ""'- '"' ""' ' but really he .l.dii'l lh hk It w Uo bust n,.ss to cMci.d iidil for "mil ail amount. 'Just lioW I! Il dees II. e lull collie to';' said young I'lilim r, seemingly sor row fill like. " 'Jlpt Jl I".1""1.' Slewill t replied, 1111,1 then ho nlial;hlw al gulp. , I f,,r breath lis young I'.iiiii. I 'lie" an Imin. no p, hi II I. flolll h." Inside Vest pocket ami. opening II, counted out 1 11" ll.oii Mind dollar bills ntnl. laying Oo in ijiil. I h on Steii al l's d, si., said 'If lo" " 111 kindly cunt tl.eiti and glio me a re ce'pt. I'll I bilged, lis I luil-t take the. hct irillll holiio Ship the g.s.ds a.s.ll as joii inn. ami when you're mil our way drop In Always glad to see our friends." "-New ork Times. AROUND THE HOUSE. If iiuirkH liml alnliis are on piipcrod walls, try French chalk oh n piece of dry bread gently rubbed lit. To keep hardwood II, sirs smooth and clean rub l lu lu with waste ami warm pnrnlllii oil and polish w lib dry waste. Muslin curtains limy be rendered loss liillanim-ilile ,y riiisp.g Ko u. In ilium water two Illinoi s of altiiii lo oho gal loll of W a I.T T'o clean iiorr.'i s ,l., a e. I !i In i.o : hy I. il,, I splnis nu, rub on the m:ir..r "ail , d iir.1111,,1 n. . to k, If I col,! I ,.. ,. r's "I'llsslltg net, ro'.iu n tintl ale II, It. ""le , ,. i .-.,.. ..r ii -J " ' "" J'" 1 "'P. aeeiii, I It w aa ills,', ii , i , "irimnlb- i aim wai fuj.., J cum fr,l0. j I""""" "f 1 f ii." ii:sw V,' ; lh" hainlolii r o , 1 1,, .,, " j ' The ow in-r of tl, ,. pna J i Incredulous its to thin, !,c Boomed so plainly t , , piano Itself, Hut iil. , B " J kl,.. l I llo.l.r II , , ' .'aii.l. ..n u a 1 1 lien iiie noli' llienl. "1 ion, lii Hot! ,-h.l.M I ,. - s i.1 llll'll stl lli k Hie Hole on the 1,1. , nnswer wriB i-li-iir and w.-r.J "So. J',,11 see. Iho so u in) of lb,,, may for one thing depend nasi j Its Mirroiitulliigs, nnd wlutttijt.J lo i,e a iii reel in n pin no tint l 3 amy ittirii.iiiahio lo "omotlji-j ttpart iroin tue pinuo Ktulf. "And thus It might eaia; la 'i; aoiiu- imlde liislruinoiil tbiltujs., id lo bo deellnliig or u U dm failll ou, iippnn nl cUi-m cluiiigo of i-ui lioniii. nl or toscij cltlo outalde cauiK" and tuiltra' a good n ever, n would hi;; ( dis. w hoiioTrr lln Itjir was iignln brought under lotidllloiiB."- Chlcngo Ittlrf Om", POPULAR SCIENCE. A I oil before p, si, .t! f.f Used ,le. up., .!, in, US ill diking 'I he me II by the of tine p.,,..h nl.e oil. s,, UlS , loth ,ft bv 1.110 . I.f 11 lid Khellrjr. Khelley rend with close attention all the works he could find antagonizing Christianity. He thought he was on atheist, but was mistaken, 11s there Is not a more spiritual writer In our Ian guago than he. He read the Itible with Kreat care, and some of his linest Im agery Is borrowed from Its pnges.-Llt-erary Life. Itojrnl Ilrpnrli-r. It la related that once, when the Earl of Lauderdale was at dinner with King Charles, he remarked to (he king, "There Is a good saying (hut fools mnke feasts and wist, men eat them." "There Is a not her as k'skU' replied the Karl of Shaftesbury; "wits mako Jests and fools repent them." And the king advised I.nuderdule to make sure of his man In future. W II to 11 .,rt On -1. r I la I , iniied Iron p; water should imt be coal Ing Is I , p 1, Hi ll al, r. f . ini'ig a p. II, o. 1 .live II t-plelnl d run, ta I, lug 11 w in. ...-las'-f ul of of i Im-gar n ml two 1.1 Me lib oh, . I, npplv With polish Willi flannel. Uugs, hints or carpels run be cleaned lb,, roughly by generously sprinkling di then, yell,, iv coriim, nl thai has been well dampened n clean h,,ap.n,ls or weak ammonia walcr. Sweep off In a few lliltiufrs. Seiianlurjr T ru rt a In I , a I n n . It lias been f.omd I hut sensation Is not absolutely Instantaneous, but that a very mlnut I : me 1 la ps.-s nsll Iran-Is along the in i-M.s. ti ,, ,,, if p, ,-. sol. put bis hnej i- ,, a lo ale, I inn, ,,r III the bla.'e of a , all, lie (hole Is II I I f tain almost I icon, ,n a 1 .1 v small space of tune, say Iho ,. I hoij-.,, lull h part of a hoeolid, liefoi-o 111 e , a. Know H of the burn, .,w, suppose a mini wlih tin arm long i-iiougli lo roach the huh. 1 ...oi nil- i.nown rate or sensatiry tniiisinission thai man would have lo more 1 1i;i 11 lisi yi-iti-H nftor touching great luminary before ho would Hint Ids llliL'ors had been scorched; live the know The microbe of the tulsrca; t live on a book I'tt Uaj, 11 bu .J ahown by rtHrliui"tiL Of I.isiO purts of the mootir!.' Visible to tla oil dm ortli, CI h-js main hidden absolutely toniLicsl Without Its tuiophon-.h!"tr-vj aa n coverlet to protect II ip.' fearful cold of spii.-o. (Im itirfiniCi o.iilh would ho froti n lik Ititl 1! all less llio, ,n. A certain duration of I IuicId-j . prossiou a iioeossjiry 10 prudu e : f, , I 011 tin- lelilia lleiicr II ll ' do not see 11 lory rapl llj ow'.'-l Jed, such 11 a bullet llml (rvtsif. If lids globe were riM.tcil doB !i degrees l.oloW' 71 ro I'f fftitlP Mould be colored Willi SKI ve iled gas (hilly five f.-ct disnof1' lil-iul seven foot would I UoJ gen. Illoo.l trnvela from the beirt tlrxl the arteries ordinarily l n'' about twelve InclieB t leroM. . 1 through the eaplllrlll-,!- ralti of three one huudredllUBti--por sis'ond. I l.l.ln Tl.ri.aah lrt Qnttl In Wliii'hoslor. England. It l coininon thing to '' through the slreet grnlliilvi W J llli-'h slr.i't there (low si'iff.1 " which iilllmalcly dlsclisrff l :j rh. r It. ben. a noted trout , Tlioso streams receive tl" lur!I" ion r, w iit.-r from (he shwt 1,J"" of Iho niillmiri sir. -el grilt'l T"' Is dropped Ihl oilgh ntnl'" ,e ' 1 ...l ,.t n llek small I'll'11 " : 11, r ii,.. i-eiit... Winn lla" t,! ! 1 1. ...1 .1... 1 si Irk 11 df-v. 1 i ovioivi'll, 101- on.- ...- yr i througli Ibe ijiatliig. ami lb "" rushes In iho l.olllt w here tlw 'y' I e tor the ilrw- .... ...... .... there able to recover lill im his fish. flonir'a Aqoedneta. The eight ii.iio(liiets of nnelent Rome broufcht 4-J.O)0,i.o fc'.'illotis of water a day into the elty. Had the Romans been aware that water al ways rises to Its own level these huge erections on arches seventy feet hifh need never have been built. I rlali In the Ilahamaa. The Irish language Is spoken In the Ihihamas among the mixed descend ants of the Hibernian patriots banished Ions ago by Cromwell to the West In dies. One can occasionally hear negro sailors In the east end of Ixmdoti who cannot speak a word of Khglltdi talk ing Irish to the old Irish apple women who gather around the docks. London Chronicle. Shuned II (lv-nrlr. A man who was called on to address u Sunday s, hool In a J'ennsylvimlii town tk (he familiar theme of lb.. children who mocked Elijah on his Journey to Itethel-- how the youngster taunted (he poor old prophet, and bow they were punish.,) when the two she bears came out of (he woo.l ami atu forty-two of theni. "And now, chil dren," said the speaker, wishing to learn If his talk had produced my moral effect, "what doe this story how-" "I'lease. sir," came from a little girl well i,vn in fr,,nti ..t H)lllWH mvv many childr,.,, two hIh bears can hold!" The I'hUnntliriiplat. fleorgle I'aw, wot Is n philnnlhro pint? Father An easy murk, my son. Ohio State Journal. f3 T O n r y Beantha It si Ta N,. :- fct-rr-i It Is remarkable bow rich n girl's father always becomes In the dispatch, es right after she has eloped or gone on thestatre.- Ix-trolt Free I'ress. A lllnii-iilt (nr. First. Lawyer- How did you come out In settling up old (loirox'H estate? Second Lawyer- It wan u burd strug gle. "No!" "Ves; I Imd bard work to keep tho heirs from gelling part of the estate." Ohio Stale Journal. Jiixt llio Word. Youiigwed (on l.rhhil toitr)-I would like rooms for myself nnd wife. Hol.'l Ork-Siilte, I suppose? Youngwi'd -That's what, tihe's the jrrealcHt thing that ever happened. Chicago News. . Kor iBr.lK.. Her I'lisior-Ho you not what Jod hat Joined Ww should not put asunder? The Divorcee-1 1 win not -M our case. It wa a milliner. "A wl"'tr m, A milliner. iou p-. ,i said he'd rnlher pay allmonj'" J bills, a It would be cuol" long run."-New York Tlw Uh .0, do lore la to a blWCf w blee,; philosopher, tue "in." - ,.rl wise, the good and the P " ,,J ..e... ... l.i.l ...,l millCTHM 111 ' i Wl.eil HIT 11, U MM- - tlrtO t'l Ian. which a proper ,ur''.r'j l,f.v ,IU'(erred and brouj?" w I Addison. . Kr t-bl. jj; "Which do you l)r,'r, ' cufr friend, "classical uiunlc playa?" m' t "Classical music. awered Mr. Cumroi i.olso enoiiL'h In that awake. "-Washington Star. every " ti 'i ta tl' I . . irheia Not U.rd & rnrrvl"hollV llCVCf "' - J .a I Maye-A..d why now be,. r'r,-vviiv. he la """" I Carrv-Wliy. he go to Ida hcdd.-Judga- Nearefnm, the admiral of Alexander the Great, not. si (he growth of the atig- j r cane In India Ii. C. aj. I I'nirliiK this Teacher. He-There is nothing like experience, after all. (sin is our L'renlest leneb..e Khe And there In o I, ..1,11.... 1 1. .. - locloslni P'" - ------ .....v..,,w uuv irom 1 11 ct i .alt ler salary, eitbcr.-Brooklyn Life. extent la about 420.000 'l-111 ,rld K The greatest bay In tW j of HcngnL Measured In '