Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1902 5 cgon City Enterprise jOLD IN SIDEHEADS. Urn tin- 1S1J, ,u Ta lm:.-t'n.l-.r ' ..... . .11. .1. i.l l.i.. 3 I Uir" '" "" ,l"lll"ll",,t ,,,'r Imm.mUv l Orliilmr. Tl.ii imnHv f ' lUVI, l.imliiti'ly II". J. hi in f pinni-"''. ''" ""' l,4V" ,I,H "X1'1 i'lln..!""!'"''1 ","l,'r ,,M i .,iii.U llm colli'itdm '-( l.i,. t ,viii"'i'l "' ""' ,"',''l",, 'I"1"'- iiH.'' Ai'iil lt, but '!' "iiiiiy Li hi ..ti' "ily '" "'' l ioin"! '" W'",'U l" "",k j allium '" ilmoni'il .rnNT. Ilnl i ,,,m,iy it ban '" l"T l U In fl. irlall''" I,,r "'" '""W t t ....... il.tlillllllMl.t Mfh.r ll.l. , IIIM 'Ml.- I - M ..!. v iii Oclobi-r. Twii 1'oi-tri.AM Hkah'inn. llHxtilKit lHini I Mr. A. (ininn, of Macksburg, mot IIhi ..iihii!! ..ii,i, thin b lmrv.ntw.H- with mii uwi.lmil fw day ago near "'ii. 'Ilii. kln.l ..( lulling . ,,ri,i,.r gi,m I ,tir Iioiiih. KIhi was silting in tlio rear '""" days ih linl!y in keying m-.t (, wKn witli a child in her arma. Hli llic, uii.iK hi-iim'iii. K,mri,.,. or ! Tim liiMvy motion of Ilia wagon which IIIIitii hours of I.hi. w.,ik a day in not ! struck an obstacle, threw Imr bimI her ''iidiifivit lo thn same kind of .Icih.iii.. j baby out, and she full heavily to the V II." smnti tiiii... ii.iIiiih lm, , ,ii I itroiiii.l. Mm. (ii-nine's left arm whh liiuvii.t ki'iihi.ii ihhI Hki iiiiijll( season broken and two of her rib injured. The r uin. I..i tlii-r Hinl mini ,hv lesriiid to 'child whn uninjured. Mlk III.. ,.nt I.l il. ',.hll.H till'!., IH inn. in.... i. wink hii h iiihv lm (..mi I TriiMKO on tiik Watkh . Kiid.iy blued with thi i.Ii'uhiiii'h ol llin no it ii mt , '""ruing tint iix-i'liuniid hail o fur It ATI V JiOY It MSlMi. Mjnl.rioii'lj Disappeared In t Week From III II inn n nt ( anliy. I,al HiimUy Wan J 'l ullll 1.1 I'M s"' n -II-I..H for u I'll! t ' I'V II." ' ,-illlU "I I ill'1""'- I'-i'it'll-" tl." I", ul nU r" II"'"' ''"' I'"1'''""'" I" '"I- I ii unicr n. nil l irii.iii. ii.'ix, ,,. M iii I uiiimiihIi nuk. I' nun m tin- nii'ii."iii in ii" I" ii." nay . . . . ... i . . t I i.ila. II... I II V I . V 1 I IP V A I I tjlll I""1" 1 ' ' .ni.'ui." . I liiiii"ll'.li"ii iinlll great j ,1,,! Ul aimed. Tin- day w.m ill L.J 1" inuii v kin. In i.l miiii-i ini nt ; Liitf, C1") !''.. 't''. 'I'1"' I"11" 'I'lll iur - II'" H""" ltw.'"ii I In1 i! l'or'''.'" '"' "'" l,,"t'"1' ,,i,-i ii iin, tin 1 -. I .Uvi-r ili'd iit- 1 1 . r, umIi.i ly i worn "I "I Li M I" i r-v ll.ul til h.i. H( kirn; I'.y mum It in liniki-.l ' rirt?MHt:ii with thn work of placing the (" l In hihI Hi ii'iili1.! hh niiliMtiliitii. I '"' I1"1'!11' loili.Uin Hint it whh aroml It In lii'ulllilnl, iiiviifuiuliiiK mill i.'iiiiin-! '" K'v" ,h" IC'ii'i'l ImilliiK iu" to tint I'lUlll'K llll'l llHH IIIHIiy htilthl Nilll'H to it. W.niH os Sj MiMiwum UoAii.-Wuik wan Imyhii .Mumluy morn iti on thn i.(.r. I'K1 rmlwny linn Iroiti I'ortUml to (Jn-n limn, kii'.Mii t Urn (inmliHin H.rlm( li.r liiiiii. li ii lhi-(lii.((un WhIit I'ow.-r Hinl H.iiUiiy C..ii,iiiiiy. A ((.liHiihT.ililii lor... u ini'ii wim initio work in tlu vi ii.lty ol l.ftttM. hihI thn work iihIk-i1 willi hII .'wilili. IiuhIi-. Kur hivi'IhI iiiiIi-h tin1 Kiii'lni i.l Mm fiinili-. will In- rimy, Hml I'l-yii..! Ilifin ih ii'n o iiiimi hi woik hit i ii i ii if nt ti it. i.h Hinl liinlii.r Hinl nllii-r-Wlm- rl.'.iriiii1 t ) l.ui l iri'iiiHtoi V to K'.i'lniK It i" uiili. Him cil Unit llin i-ni- ""' llllVII llfl'll hI'Ih t'l lillll u rHHy " " l ii'ii- iii I'm sk,. Muiiiiucr lli.lii'lt J'lhllH.'ll, 'J ll.n l:.-l'iu Cuiily l i'ihi' l'.inii4iiy'H liitt nn hiinl ii.utli ol t iitviillm, ilui'H nut tnki1 H iilirln o "Imk in tin- ii'ii.irt tlmt Hutu will lm HiHi.n i,'i .. r i -imiI ol a iMi ol iriiiuH t.iry LenvciiH In oiidruvoriiiK to urraiige Hiroili'Hit tin. Wilhiini-ltii vn;i.-y Hn i iiiHltmii no that cIhhh woik may lie re- .or. j.iniiniiii K'lVfB II HH Ihh oii;, I hiiiui'iI by the mi.l.lle of imit month. A i yi-ar. Ion ll'it (mt ill will l.n a Had-r v- Mm. (iitoiw H. liatty, of Canny, Ih lonrli coiim-riiiiil over thn iliHBiicarnre of Iht Hun, Kolii-rt Jami'.i liatly, who lull liia homii h1 week. At 5 o'clock on; that moriiiiiK lm went into IiIh mother' room ami lol.l her lm wan K"i "kC out to lake a picture of thn niiii, ami wonM re turn in about an hour. That wan the lu-t Been of thn boy in Hint vicinity. When he left he t'ok a laily'a rcl 22 in.ii fiHinti bicycl.', with a 4x5 camera ami hoiiiu clothing Mtrappo.l to din hack. He. wore a hlim aertfn Hilit, dh jrt trotier J mi'l a yachting cup, with a reif oinati.enl in fionl. Kohert ia H yeara old, his ilaik liHzel eyea, ilailk hair, in about 6 feet 1 inch tall ami wi'i(ha about 100 ' poi'iiiln. lheru ia a while mark about an inch in length on the right ai'le of bin neck. I A rumor Ih current that the boy left IiIh home to join the army itoitig to the I'lnlippiiiea. A rliort time ago a volun teer retiuneil to (Jan by, anil after he hail been tin rn hut a few ilnyn hail filled the 1 hinall hnyH of that place full of thrilling Hiilippiiiii HtorieH, him a in u n k Hiohh who heard them whh th minHini; boy. Thrill--,l ;ii. ii.,.- i i ....! .. laHle for' ...v ouvcuiijiuun dwi irn, iiiuii) oeiievo tiial the hoy lell bin liome with the intention of jjoim; to Manila. Attor ne)H IIihIchA (inllith, of tills city, who are the li.-iil adviHera of Mr. ami Mr. ISalty, hiva leen doinic everythinif to locale the boy. Hearing that he miltlit join the army, they have notified the pimla at Vancouver, Seattle and tian rianiiwi), mayor to picm-nt l.imKelf at the alreet corner and turn on the water. With all the dignity that M.yor lliinick could iiuiHliir he perform. mI the work an r.f .uenli!., and a cunoiiH and Hpeculutive lot of folka were pleaned or iliHpleaned, hh Hie cane may be, at the manner in which the new fountain would operate. Whether through ourionity o: belief that it whh hia duty, the mayor wan the lirnt to iliink of tl e pure, aparkliiiK fluid, aa it kuhIiciI f.,ith, hut no coiiiiiKintH upon Hie ipiuhly of the article were offered at tlnit time. Later, however, other ti'Hled Hie water, only to hurriedly apit it out, with the exclamation that it wan oily. 1 he innyor had held bin. lomj'ie, , . , , I i I , ,, , , , , , i ! e.l with these a.lventii I a..'. -..'. inn i tun ii iijii.'nnn ii v mrir 1.1 Home inomeutH, junt to nee othiiiH caught j at the Hume khihii. May Oi-ks om tub 1Tt ii. Thone fKtr- aoliH iulureHled in the Y. M. (J. A. will no doubt be pleaned to learn that Keens- r What It s Name Implies SECURITY STOCK FOOD REMEDIES . r . .. . r t'uti iii . Iti'iinniiiL' , xt c-k the ii .hem ol '"'''i ""' lM 'i.'ubllnl if it will be Hint. Hecured by that time. The inemberHbip .. v -.i 11...1 "" "'I'"11" that in crrUin loraliliea Imiu () Hie anociati.m now nuinbtirn 150. but ....KllV A. I'. -. 1,1 I 1 ' . . . ' ,'ty In iiiii Hieumclve bv 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 I i. .. null ! Ill 111.' 1.1 ' I iniiiit' .... ....U in II... .. .II.... II I. .1.1 il! becii, e .iiiite t'liiti-I "" "-m ' m . i,..i .. i in t ..r .. ..... .. 1,1, will be aaai'b l ". Iiml jeitr. l.ait year the bin ore bard hf relilct el on, , trk'. t am lnuna1 placeii, aim in- ri lln' "iKri. inliy lor acpiiiiiin pin nil v th. re ill lm in. n il amui.'iu. nl ',r II..' iim-iiiIhiih. Hie 1'i.itliilU there Will lm H.111111 fair I II... ii.i-ii.ihii i-u n. .,i,,..l...r u-ill 1.0 yield, ol ptimeH, but he nuyn Hint in ' xreutly inereaned an aoon an an irintructor can bo obtained. W ill I'll 1'hynical instructor will undoubtedly r Another thejry in that when the boy left home lie had two pasHea on the Ore Kon Hhort Line, and that lie wan on bin way to Chicago to meet hia father. Mr. )ear. 1 yiel.le I 'J i.ll H) biiilii-ia of dried pruiiea fur xliipiiuiit, but Mr. Join, nun naya that he will lm il bin company in enabled to nh 1 i -.000 IhiiIi.'Ih thia year. Faiu H.-....'-Ci1H.-Kr.l U-ga-. "I r.N.llHrAMI.l! Cithai n.-TI.e foul .kill...1... the proud (.......-..'.r of h jB(ni'ftH of men in dmplayed In the num ..VHk, a lire piece 01 iiieci.nuiNii. j,, , mu le in 1i.1r1n.1ny. i-arved out .'I "!i-l in-.e .'! I'l'iuu Wiii'.l, Ii infill V p"l- il iil mtiiii. .illy ili-xi i.:m-. mi'l lie. - i!nl by niiini I'lUHeiiibelllHliiiiclitii, the l'l of a very iiiiauinntive and in ikiu lliili-l. I ll" lime pu re iirnw-d f I.l) . li.H.11.' I Hi I -pen ;n IUiii'iuu "li Hie l"'-li nl J me. Il 1 i.-.iii. I 111 N'.'W in k H.iii- weekh il Mr. II ..mi l I- iiii'ili-d t:. .1 ri' $, .inly i Iihi K'"l op .i "ii t it ( I l!r 1. 11 ill. up " lorw iirb'!. II. i-. m M Hint III i-l'li'ie 1 . Ii . re- isl Imiii II," 'il l cuiiiilry mn. ii bin ar il li.-i.- I"iitt.'i-n eiit iiii 111" l lii'l mi I c;n'er were the ilmierH in 111 llllfilll' i 1. Th ! n i i i i; Cum I -- I he H.ivea i.tft iinitii r i nut nellle.1 al'.' t. Slum' "I Hie ean-H which w.-ie ti'lniii ai r'- I . have been lie.ird III Til i.'k City .Hi the ITith nl tint piceiit 'Dill, I'llt W lu ll ll.n en Hinl hill Htl.'l- Kou a Memoiiial Window. We desire aiiuin to call the attention of the people ol Oregon City to the fact that if there in any di-mie on their part to d"inonntrate their iipprt-ciution of the eirorto put forth in behalf of the early nettlera of thia coiintiv bv I'r. John Mcbiuuhlln, the opportunity now firenentn llself. An ef fort in beiiift made to mine funds, with Griffith nayu he haa iii.tiired at the rail road office, but no panaea have been in Blind to the boy. (u-orgB H. liatty, Ibe father of the boy, ia cuerinlendent of Streets Western kitable Car Line Company, in Chicauo. ft wanjunt three iimntlm 'ajjo when the elder Hatty boy stood at the edue of the Molalla river, a abort dmtnnce from bin home, and bent g bullet through hia I body, at the same time throwing himself in the streum. uutrv w lio contracU'd their Imps at a l..n price, about ball the pieH- j hich to purchane a iiieiiioriul window Mm. liatlv ia much worried over the . nl price. If them in ai.ythiriK to be ".' I'l"-''''' in the new portion of St. j .appearance of the boy, and any in made m hopa, the producer in entitled to; JomYs church, and the peoplo are 1 of hia w h"reaboula should be (! he.t advantage of the maikel. liven I neatly reijuented to contribute to the j Kivell , ier or lo ,,r HorI1Pva Hed pg il then, in a .Imp it l well for the pro- I A aul'"cri.tioii paper can be found j & (;niiiUli at Oieon City .lu'.' bm own burdena The ! k of Oregon City, where any: Ifo, matiuu iiaH been received from diHnfounieMill of Hie early cuitriict in an.ounl can be aiKned lor. It IH hoped Salem that he wan Peen in that ritv .n,l ,.ru ilial ut leiat 75 can lie rained for this ! in Hubbaid on the day he dinappeared. ... mn, i.c null, nil U.I VLie HI nhnwii I bit tear. Nine ciiilrmia UMile in l.iini cuiily al 10 cenlH, and I I'Urpone. Subncriptiona should be made oihemal a nielli in. ream.. Now lic.pM 1 Jii"t? Hie Iju i t cl i n t ia bearing com ale 1'0 i ciitn nl lennl Hii. I iM'rhapH inure. 1 11'1'''0"- The eii'ii iniiiin niiiii in all in f.ivor of the Oliver lu lli: ciuiily hI'idh llie fanner will l"ne . -oiihiderahle by bin imlincretion i if i "in-'-, .me i-. ii-n in the need ol iniiii.-v lm en knif, but, lo hfi'ttie it, it Is nut iii-i onury to make the c.uitract i-ev-i-i,i I iii'inllin i-iiily. In Lou1 i oiinty pleiilv i 'I p i kink' iiiuliey In neciiri-'l Willi . ml tin -"e m... ni'l. d contra. in, and the raine c.'i titllily call be dull., in thi" . ountv. After an alwence of over four months Mrs. Kva Kmeiy Dye, of Ibm city, re turned liomu Monday nilit from an K utern trio, made in Hie interest of a publication she is now prenaritiK on Hie Lew ia and Clark expedition. Although I. aiii.i: Lmi I'rii.H, (IrcKun 1'ii'ilic ,er vinil was one of ureat interest, sho ia I y i')i-ar.-d in Hml cily il wan learned 1 ,,,uu iiwu Cuinpany, a Minneiuta cor j i0 return to Old Oregon. She says l the uilin-r b.-fiire w hum the hciu im; I nai inn, hint week- puniiuncd liOiliHI : much in hein talked ill Kastern siateB 'In he had Han nut in the cily, bence ' , ren of land iii Henion and Lincoln ali iul Uren'in and a ttreat tide of iin- iSjtiir.bii a until. ii wan liled in Hie ti. iniiipanv liana ' mitfriitiun will turn thin wav in a very short lime, the lirnt nlace I'liriLVK AL IIIOIt ItEITKNS. Mm Dye (iiilhern Much Valuable liif.inniitloti. pi"l i III' e li.-i iikiiiK' Ibetentiiiiuny ;.(,!, ,,( jimijuM, hut will nut nt.ile the tU ran I... ri. .!. It dev.'l"N'.l uni. unit pai l bit tli" Inn. I. The tracts Mlii'i'iiintv i h'ik uf TillHinn' k cunnty cuinpriM1 the hul.liiiiin of Hie "I "iie ti-hiiii; iim'ead id reinaiuini; at I foaHt i l.iventock Coinpiiliy, ol A 1 1 in ri v . ' t 'rt.'i- nl ln;i.ili'hh. i ul al.iuit IL'.OOO. of which H,0k( to Hl.lXKI i .... ... .. i .. acicn nr.-in liiiiM'll Hinl me remain. ici Tilt Siu.iuKf'a I'iivmi.hmiMV. II there ny uiie ihiiiK Shei ill' Shaver could I irnluiie lu iiinii' Hlnkinuly liicieane "ri-i-n,li.iii,i. tuthii Muiver family ill ' l.y tlnn in-; nil' Inn iiiunnlai lie, winch ' 'W.I il-.iie a lew daVH lie... Soiini of I Irien-I . and fellow olliciiilH failed lor "li'irl tin,-, t,, recunnin linn after he " ') i nai'ir. ii inn aiipeiiruuce, "Ul liner ti(l ( H( liiiil.-.l pt.itest.itioiiH Iiml il wan Hlill "''""l.'I'Uly, yet half ibnlbtilik', li llillly ""nitled the nherill ' lo miter Hie cine "lj-i(iinr.le. oiiiirlera bebind Hie ollice f '-iriir. However, uiatlern were a.liunle.l II"' liil. i, llicer in aiiccci ilim; faiily '" liin einleavnlH to ciintinue to do wat the old Miami. Mm. IHe visited after her ilepaitno from here in April was Topeka, Kansas, where she visited Hie library of the state historical society, and examined the coirennun dence of William Clurk. She was in in Lincoln cnui.iy ; Hie holdinjin of the 'liat city about ten days. She then vis I lieiioii AiiM. iilliiral Company, cnnsislint! i ted the public library in Kansas City, u O.OiKI acien ill the two counties, and the liiH-k cr. ck I'lii' h of Wahis Nash, in Lincoln coiinly. Save I lie latter, the li'iin whence she went to Coluuibia, Missouri. There she found much valu able data. IhiriiiK her stay in lint Kust I laii'ls aie n ipruved. 1 Hey lie III B . Mis. I've vislle.l in nl. l.ouia HI me j si rip si miles wide, alniiK the line of the j home of J. O. Clark, urandson of William Ya.piiua I!, and comprise most ol Clark, thence to Madison, is,, where she remained seveuil months. 1 1, mt ill the belt. I hey are Hie rci'liie of tin' original Krauts ly Hie liuveiniueiit to the Ya.Ulna Wan.ui liond Coinpany, made years ago for Hie coiistrii.iiuii of a Wilson road fiom ('nival lis lu Ya.iiiua bay. Thepiiceiit which Ihe properly chaniseil hands ia not known. The Nash ranch has been held at $:!5, (HH), includitiu Hie livestock and imple inenls. An AmiKar Ciiahtai qcas. Dtirini! one ol the hot daya last week, County Superintendent Copeland, of Coluuibia county, wan out visilinK schools, says the St. Helens Mist. While making his rounds he called at Hie Uoble i.d.ool Iioiibo, and found not a mini in the Imild- . ... 1...:.... 1 I, a .liuenv- Mill. AltlT WHIIUCIlllH urrTu Hue Hki.i.s. '1 be exmlus lo ;eli"l fields has beiriin. nd by lh first ""it e. k the Hlemnera plyinii on Hie ::ifr rim will he (rtirly alive with Miople " '"Ule to the hop fields. There is yan iiidui-ement for .enile to -"Pltu-kiiitc, hut this year there is a spu tlranion. The price fur plrkini! wlx.'en placed al an attractive future, ;,,fthei promlseH to Ih' fair and the Lred the teacher and pupils under some PWrlunily fr an online, which ' t'"' "ni lime will I . Funiiiniirative. ia at- 'cling KrPllt rroW(H iy the middle Oext week there will lie a (treat amount ,lrveliipthe river. fiMT b. a I N"t l'leas4iit, in now n inmate of the ''Jluin, having been coiiimitted to "toitilntion last Saturday by Jiidtf" j;f,n- Nelnon wan taken into custody loreniKin by SlierifT Shaver, at i nt I'leanant, upon a complaint , by a number of resident of that Nelnon bad been terrorizinic the 1,e in that vicinity for aeveral days, i "fetcr, hia ofIencen were nothing more Mban peculiar sets, nevertheless '"i'lentg feel more geenro sin. I " l'Jcke.1 up. He gave liia bk as , leen yearn, but lm is thought to be I1" tlmD that. shady trees intennoly applying i'""' selves to tlieir books. The Uonle school house is no situated that all the tlleets of hot weather make endurance w ithin its walls burden. At Ibis particular time the beat was oppressive, and it wan ut terly impossible for the pupils to apply themselves to tlieir studies. Mrs. Col lins (nee Miss Kinley) is an ardent Cliau tamiuan, and she carried the idea into elled at tlil time. The change proved practical, and was benefit to both teacher ami pupils. John Sparks, of Keno, Nev., will not show at the California State Fair this year ureferring to ahow at the Oiegon State Fair instead. He lias one of the finest herds of Hereford catllo in Hie United States ami will fihibit 20 bead at the fair thislall. Mrs. Dye stop'd a few days in Chi cago on her wav home to arrange for the publication of her new hook, which will he handled by A. C. McClurg id Co., the linn which published her "McLoughlin and Old Oregon." An agreeable sur prise greeted her in Chicago by the news Hint her "McLoiigblin" had gone into its fourth edition, and her publishers are already planning for a fifth edition, which Vill be illustrated. Mrs. I've made very satisfactory terniB w ith her publishers, and will receive the best per centage ever given by them for a histor ical work of the kind she haa just com pleted. Her manuscript is in the hands of the publishers, who expect to place the book on sale before Christinas. They will commence work on an edition of 15,000 immediately. lein and took passage on tile overland train in Ihe evening. The police of the Hay Cily have lieen notified and if the hoy enters that city he will probably be appichended. VEUY preparation sold on a guarantee. If not satisfactory your money returned. We carry a full line of these remedies, including: Stock Food Poultry Food Gall Cure Worm Powder Hoof Remedy Heave Remedy Oarbonized Disenfectant Distempter Cure Etc. DO YOU KNOW Of any place you can get your prescriptions more accurately aiiu , v i.u ui j iiivu ,"ui, a., uui Store. We are making this our specialty, a n d give it our personal attention. Any and all Doctors prescription filled here. o o CALL and get a booklet. It costs you nothing. Also sample packages free. We are glad to give them to you. The New Store. HOWELL & JONES, RELIABLE DRUCCISTS. Chamber! Howell Linn E, Jonni DO YOU READ O THE ARGONAUT i Send For Fret Sample Copy. It containn ttroniflv Ameri can editorials, bright, foreign letters, striking stories, art, drama, music, society, and army and nary news" The Argonaut Pub. Co. 246 SUTTER 8T. Sun Francisco - Cal. We Sell and Repair Watches OO CGCO 00 OCOO COCO CO OGOO 00 G00O w -wr "V V V V V "V '-r V "V- "V V F.I302 COOO CO OOOO 00 0000 00 0000 CO coco To My I'rlrndK. It i with joy I tell you what Kotlol did for mn. I was troubled with ray stomach for several months. Upon be ing advised to uae Kodol, I did no, and words cannot tell tbe good it liaa done me. A neighbor bad dyHiiepaia bo that he bad tried most everything. 1 told him to ue Kodol. Words of gratitude have come to me from him because I recommended it. (ieo. W. Fry, Viola. Iowa. Health and strength, of mind and body, depend on tbe stomach, and normal activity of the digestive organs. Kodol, the great reconstructive tonic, cures all stomach and bowel troubles, indigestion, dysiiepsU. Kodol digests any good food you eat? Take a dose after meals. Geo. A. Harding. WE are constantly studying quality, style and prices of all the different makes and know them from A to Z, we are therefore able to furnish the best in the market at the least possible price. We are busy, but always find time to wait on a customer and show our goods. We have received another shipment of those new thin model Boss Fill ed Watches. They are guaranteed to preserve the exact appearance of an all gold case for 25 years. If through any fault in making it should fail to wear 25 full years, we will give a new case in exchange for it. It is not gold all through, but you would never know it; it is stronger, as beautiful and much cheaper than an all gold case. We would like to explaiu its construction to you. How about your watch? If it does not give satisfact ion, or if you would like to have another, show it to us. We allow full value for it on a new one, and if you are not able to pay the full amount at one time, we will sell it on the installment plan. In case you cannot afford a new one at present and are in need of a good time piece, leave your old watch with us for repairing. We do good work, do it promptly and at a fair price. We guarantee it for one year. We regulate Watches free of charge, whether you bought them of us or not. BURMEISTER & MDRESEN THE OREGON CITY JEWELERS. OREGON CITY, OREGON. J J