Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
OREGON CITY ENTERPRISE, FRIDAY, AUGUST, YO, 1902. New To-Day. 1 ", .,, .,HI1 t '"'" , V i: A Sli MIT MUIT ' i'c . i . i ii, Ou-gnii (My. ,.. v I'l I "AN A'l' . 7. ANii li ,il III " ? ' in Ht. ll h. .-Hl' I 'Ml lil.M - i . i v. ...... - I H I M 1 1' 1 I u n w hi . V ' if .1 I I'Wflli'ii, H;iiingiitcr, t Ii . j iit '"1 ' 'u, I - i ' Ii 1 1' ! I I II, (..Hi,.., in II,.' fl : ' ,., iiiiihiii'K.1 '"'l' ' ,llrl l"! .v tt 1 1 I'llVkl Cjj . AM . ' ' " ' ,' ' lf., .hi mill o, tilmt. Mhcn in 'vli'l' I'l""1" Main m' Ciilln lilicteil ' ni ll I y j, or H't! ' tvi.v r i n on ickai. l i: i- ' ...,1V .ll I, "T f ill, ttU'l I'll II 1' '' .. , II. li II I) Ml. U imIIV ll II. I Mil k Mi vrim Htllhlnig (lie- r('"y in MY ri.At'K AT M.I liY. 1 v . . I "i! l.l... L , . hi: ii: nl"il "'" -; , i,U I, l.lllll'll"! i'l nil Ml lli'. fl' ,i i u ....I. 1 1 1. v i. (.linn, i:,, uiiiii.'- ' , . I . V . .Mll'llll. I,S Y I'll iMS-l IIAVKf-KYI KAI. iiun"i ii."i" y in-i'm;iiiij i" c'iviiii- i',,vii,iii. nlil'li I inn Bullion-,"! In ; ,n. on l""' ' " " '"'r M .int'ul I 'll" ''" VI" V fil'll- ;,!,r II. T. t'H""". attorney at U. V,,l WAST A IH M V. T-TWO 1 r,,iM Uicgoli Cily, IK'ir Jones J I oil K ""l I'"1'1'1' '"'' '"'"r u'li,,,'l f.',j iini' ' 'i'. Iii'ii'i" . I'irii ii'l well. I i, , luimlri-l mid liHy dollars. A. J.n ti. W . VSaU'II", owner, icg"tl Personal Mention j Mil Jennie- My 1ih gone t I.rtlniit ( rriiUc. R. S. h I.oiighlin, ol Milwsnkle, wm ::Uiiiniy Monday. C. A. lUki", jf Sherwood, In Ore I nl'ity lii. I ri'Uy. ln.r. H. M'xiri'ii nj'i'iit Hmi'luy in filrm vintinK riltivi. A'n TLmiiiwiii. i,f l'lm-kmim, h in J-rrjoii Cily WimIiich'IkV. j M m in y TIhmiib li'lt Mmi'lny on vit to lr:i-iiiU in hull-in. ) Mr. i,.l Mr- Tiim MiUrr l.'H f"f lf 'l.ivrr l'i i ' ,i 1 1 1 1 , 1'ir u iii'lfliiiili' linn'. ! . m l Mm. Kfinik .Ni lirrii lmw w !l , I I:. t fur n two .tU'm viit. j Ilr. l iml ii'liirniMl In 1'n1 rily yl' T- ' !, r mi iil'Hciiri' ij( H'Vrrul rfk. 1 J. W. "I t'.irrnithvillt', Imiii"- ... I'tiu,: Imi-i " iii I lri-K"ii City I liiirK.luy. Kx t ' t. ii .-. I Shili H Pii-tiirl Atl 'riii'y Iuii Mnt l,y, h in tin' i-1 ' y lift Siilur Jiy. A. IMi." k, i,l Iliul'li'H'l, " '"' ronnly i upiliil IuhI Sntut'liiy IrHiii-in lini! bniiii'. (j. II. WYUtiT, priimini'iit (urnii" olt'ln -k.tnt.iH, whh ill Oti-H'in I'iiy l'lHl 4li;r,uv. Mr. mi. I Mrn. C. A. NumIi fflnrm''l Frnl, v Iri'mi an oxli'inli-l vinit in F.i-t. ilr. mi. I Mih. T. J. Clri'l'in. llii'l. n- in II.iii city Sumliiv a!l'"ii"'i T:itlliif ll 1,'inln. U. A. llanl.HK bii.I 1'iivi.l riiMli'-l'l fell 1 u.--, l.ty 1'ir Hi-null'. Tim luriiicr ri'in.iiii nliuiil It'll iliivK. Minn ll.itii,. WilMoii rttiiirni"! Mon.lny Irom, nli(,r nlm ImJ I " viHitinK IrieiiJh i,r nilinu limi'. Mim AiMia Clark, nrlnripul of tlie BtrrUy h IiihjI, I'ninediiwn from Sali-in Mumluy to Hllt'nii the irmtitnte. Chrlin C'atla, propni-lor ol Hie Wiiihwi, k ri'HtHiirHiil mill loluH i"'""". pent f, w duya this wrfk at tl. coaHt John Fairt:loiiuh ami f-A Kolierln m tornfii Ih-i Sutur.Uv from Mount Hood, ' J liere tin y m,l hi'tin rimtiitinU for two Wet-kn, Rv. Philip K. Haminoiid ami family returnt',1 Weilntimlay from Sfaauie, wimre 'ley upt'iit a tlelikclitltil thrco wouk h v Cation. Mi. a..... c ! .,,,1 Mine Krma UurfticM, of l'ortlaml, were vinitinK 'f.'in City friiiil Wediu-aday ami riiurmlay. B. F. I.inn. Dronrintor of the Mnn "ni'l. wuh in Orison City Monday at- lemliil. to inattBra of an important fcuHiiH'ca nature. C H. Caun(..l and family relumed Mmt Huii.r.i.... i vi it 1 1 noil, wlntre -"....inj ilii,,, .nun". ll"7 had tliimtiiirhlv enjoyed two wt'i'ks l camping 0t. x'rH. L. Hun.riker and dauht. r. of ff'nlli tnii, and MrH. V. Hunariki-r, of Wl.a Walla, wt-re the gneHlH of Mm. A. I" Hfulie last Friday. Mn. In ne Strong, of rulermo, Cal., vi"'te'l in this city this week with t'' family of (). W. Kaatham. Mrs. strong ni an orange and olive farm of lidy erea io the land of everlaating iunahine. Mra. i Whim hu I iluiiKhti'r, Ji'itn, aii.l Mihit N,.i ,sw,.,, rrni., v,., lii'i.liiy ninriiiiiK lii'iu a iikihI i.,j,,y,il,l niilliiK at Hi ani.l" Mm. H. i. Vuii'ii iiikI tiunily, n TIB P'tllin, nlm llllVH hi,. viMlintf ii'liiliviit in C'lifiiiitli f,,r II,.' ,i,t m ,.,kH, rn- tllllll',1 I'.lllll. IiimI S,ilnri,iy, Mr. an. I Mm :,,1., hi-ull, of II.Miii k, l"ii, iii In in ,t f,.w ,,,v, w,., Vlilili llli, IiH'IhI uml 1, 1,1 II, ,, lllll, I- itni ", I'i.hIiii iNi,.r 1 1 . . 1 1 oti uml family. MliK-i'ii. ., HlnH'ord, hum In ll.i. 1'1,'inlv !, nl T'i. --il. ,v, Mr. :ilik'i-n ik mil' "I lli nl,) tin,,, ii Mili'i'tn i, llul vii iinly. uii, I n ", i'm ,'ii,, I'oti.litjiMiN vt'ry f ..). I!. I. Willlmii,,, h f . ir r 1 1 cr iiiiTi'lintit i,f fity, I, ul i,,,vi ol I . r 1 it ( 1 . viiih lii rn I ml S ,ii iimI.iv an, I Shi,, lay Mi t ) . - iiili'ii-"t .,1 l,m In in, I iiiii; Ci., kIihIi-miU' i'l"'"" fin. li. W. I'.liiiii-hitid, of Ni'A F.ib, mum in t"ii Wfiln,.a,,iv Mr. I'liitiii'lnii.l kiivhI hiilV"! In lim lur.ililv 'null, nit i'i,liilili'l.', mi, I llul ll.i. yii l l ul wlit'iil in iii.t upio Mi,' nrr.i'" Mi Mtri ' T.irlor mi I Mi"M Jvii liar niiiM'iii r I u ,i. , I ui'i'lav on" iiiiik (mm tlii-ir niiiin,.! ",,lii ' nl II,, -all I'uik. U'anli. ii,, ih,.,f H.,y I,, iiim t'u-y vihittid lili-n ln :m AliM.i. Mr. v , i ii I M,, in.., fur many year ln',1'1 r. ,K in II ii Iiii.'h ilru nlori., linn nni'1,1' i l,i ,,iii ,ii itinl mil t'litrr tin' liii'iln',1 i , 1 1 1 . . in I'miIUiii.I tin.' Iii "I of iii li In r. Mr. Mii" Inn a hunt ol frifii I" In iini i'iiy Him winli luni mi- hniiiM'il in. i'l-" in Inn ilioKi'ii pr'ili'H'.iiin. t Coiinly JudvB ltynn c)i"'i l to linvt aliniil tint llliti or Scili'iiilnir fur an ex ti'inli-'i tmir 1 1 1 r . i) 1 1 lim K.inli'rn Htnli-i. Hi' Hm'N llrnt tu fii'n Miint'", low it, an r.-i'ti-MMiliilivi' of lim Ktitlnl loil'l of Odd Follow nf linn domain, llcuillliu ah- unit alioiit a month. Mm. I'.. ('. lUmilt'.n, a fnnncr n-ni-il. nt ol thin i-iiv, Iiitm lttt Friday on hiiitiiit-m, having Jimt arrivud from Suiii,ti'r, wli'-rf mi l I, it IiiihIihiiiI have Im imi Iii himiiii'"" for at-vt-rn! moiilliH. Mr. Hamilton hart gone l Alimkato look afu-r iniiiinii inti'ri'nta. Mra. Hamilton and family will rt'luin lo Onvoli City to rfnldii. Caluh Cm wan in town lat Friday from hi inini'rul pncH out on the Molalla. wht-ru h and hia non am iliiv- in. a tuniii'l. Tln-y have ptMititiali'd the moiiiitain to the dihtunre of over UK) li-i-l. and will continue the work until they iMciuiinn the i-xti'iit of the lead and the value -l the ore. Il in about lifty mil"" frmii thin i Ity to their pronpeeta. W. II. Wvldf, ol Onwi'nu, win in ''i- ...II Cily Monday atti'ii'liim (o luiHii.t'Mn iiiiitti"". Mr. Wyl'lii in J'll rtMieiiiiy (miiii Chimi!", where lie him been en k.aL.',d in the wheat-rdiipi dntf lumuie"" (r a creat many yeaia. He pnrrhaned ,, t. ii iu re trai t of land al Onwt'ijo and --n rsr rr.? r.n n23 CCGD Cf2Q CCCO CCCOGOCD iT W tf ttt HT aV 'aW -W -WW- ' 1500 o o A GOOD TIME TO BUY r y j- S. A f 0 GO Wliilo tlio carnciitiTS ami painters arc bu.y converting our two stores into one, wo will do busy cutting' tlio prico on every outanle article in them. We have always had what w considered two od stores, and how we propose to have ONE a i.d deal hotter. The antique front will he altered and the partition taken out. While this is going on we propose making such prices as will more than make up to our customers for inconvenience caused by these changes Kubber Goods Writing Paper Silver Ware o o o o o o o 8 8 o o o C) o F:v,.ry,.rli,-lin,llf KubU-r n,o, departmi-nt I,,, l-aper-one i.uirt: o, paper with envelope, J'J in rut so .h ep that you rail allord to throw .way to match,- the , fl . thfoHlh uky tiling and buy new ones. !tiVoV 5oc l7oxe" mr'. .35 Silver Vare cheaper than it has ever been sold for Hot Water bottle .4" ,. ,.t tier iiack aire .01 in this city. Kememlatr that it is all quadruple I -On nt in ii Syringe -41 ' ' plate and every piece fully guaranteed. We quote g Vt. I rown Loiiiinnaiion r' s" a few prices, hut everytniiiu is reduced. ' Marv.-J Whirling Spray- - oo CrepO Paper y Dozen Knives 98 O A (,oi,il Aloini.i r ji , T)o,CI1 Tea Sooons 08 Tl I" Thr nr. kind for "9 ' t. r,..,. c . , B, V o llttby Syringe I Inu'er ol-, f ir Hop Tit ker 2 5c per dozen You Get An Idea Of the extent of the Alteration Sale by noting tin ne discounts from prices alreadyjlower than our cotinietitors. These discounts are to he figured off 1 1 1 . our regular murneu pntva. I'liMimtltt Sttitm ..... Huir, Tooth. Nail, Lather and Clothe Hnishe- Tlie 25c lice-orated kind for. 7 4 Dozen Desert Spoons f I 87 y I'U'CJl MCSCJ l FUIIM X 0 Hammocks and Croquet Sets 4i;ieTSeu 5 as i 1 Cake Dish 98 J Have a few left. Take your choice while thev last, at Umbrellas Thur a rm Urt'aA Trars V.t-rrv TIcTmc mai and l-OI'rice Cream Sets, Bon Bon Dishes and all kinds of T-.11. j t-: o Bicycles . pt-'ter anticipate your wants and get your winter 25 per cent J ' You can save just . 1-3 e ne the 9Pace thJse good9 and-1tlhf y 30 percent u"""c" "u J must go at any price. No reasonable offer will be refused. All our second band wheels at 'i their value, and many new ones at the same sacrifice. Knivra. Razors. Scissors. Manicure . . For instances: o o o o C-Kids 33'A per cent The new stock of Ii.bles, direct from the bud- j Ladiet chainleM Cressent) Mirrors 25 to 6O per cent Hsht-riajnstin. It seems a shame to sacrifice them. Regular price f 50 00. Now $35.00 hoapa 10 to 25 per cent but they must go. They range in price from wc t B crescent Mouth Harps, Musicallnstrument , to f 7 .00 Take your choice at a 4iicoii Regular price t5o 00. Now $26.00 Strings 40 per cent ( 20 P cent f Coiumbia Roadster Toilet and Manicure sets and cases 33'j percent Regular price, $40.00. Now $26.75 Kodak Albums 20 to 40 Pocket Books 1 Crescent Roadster . . 1.1 Regular price, $35.00. Now $ 9.95 JeWelery ... f Books and Card Cases is ' All our stock of Cu, buttons. Collar Button,, niuch Ur,-b-tth.t 1 ' l ; we All Base Ball supplies, excepting League Balls 1-3 at 1-3 Off All our stock ot Cull Itullons, (.oiiar duiiohs, mui.,i .a --- - Shir Studs Scarf I'ins.liroches, Charm., Lockets, vou to find something desirable. They are al S, lrimUouMiaO'ins, belt buckles, Brace- re..1y priced low, but from the marked price we letH and Watcn nains ai on ujhu O O o a a o C. G. Huntley W. A. Huntley p )r1 ropuiar rriv nU 9 Qqq ' Drueeists and BooKseners OOO ocoBcoco coco occo G00O CCOO CCCO COCO 0050 cccosooo For lirnt-i-hiHH, Htnetly up b data I'l'o tograpl.y, SnodkfraaB has no superior. Ity reiinon of bin knowlfdgH of the art 1 .1 liiv ,.( noiterial used, he mer- II I'lll, 1 I' i,n' " 1 It I II 1 1 L it- iiiii.j 1 will improve il t once. Hm uii""i"n U ()lH r,.,(llttttioti he bits for turnitia out! , ... ..i.i,.l,i 1 ..... ... ,. I a good qiliillty 01 worn aaa tasMBSEatai 111 Oregon City Moinhty wa lo (ibluiu attit-iiii-iH to to build a house lor turn II,. Iiio, ileei'leil to iiinkii Oregon bis Inline, hoine. Local Evci;l In JiiMtiee Stipp'a court Wedneatlav an .. .......! ... .u..,'Ur on a liroill- aelloil wan Bianeii iu 1. - , it V VokIit is the idainlilT 1 mroi y nun . - - in the rane ami I. Huggin" "d Mack HnggiiiH are the defendants A fee of fit) ia asked for the attorney. :L a a ,1, ah-i -- Mr. and Mm. I'tuirle Mnir have a vouiig daughter, who arrived Mon.lay. Neit We,hie-'hty the regular monthly ai'MHion of the comity eon.iiiinnionerH will be bi'gilll. e, i ,-l.oU isHiii"! a marriage ; h,st I'riibiy to Henry K. .Iord.,11 lloiiHton, bi'lb ol this eouiilv. Ti,..r,. will be a special mimical pro- iv.. at the Methodist church on Sunday evening, under the direction ol Minn lliirdmg.,l Kancher. ol Mount l'leaHiint, is parrying hand in a sling, being un fortunate enough a few days since 10 tain a broken finger. 1 i' I'rv atarted an action in the Jus tice Stlpp's court yesterday againat (!. A null on a bay contract, me m-' of money at iwue being $74.25. W. M. Winkle, who Beveral weeks ago sit Vincent's hospital to have ft operation performed, has relumed to this city, greatly Improve. ...-"" i n Calmer and others have peti tioned ihe county commissinnera for sn extension of the Urailley ana nimr, roml, w Clackamas atatiun. Kecorder Curry was doing business in his department Wednesday morning. Matt Full'l'iisl was given four days in jail for beii'k- drunk and disorderly. The mechanics are making good pro gress on the Sol (iardo brick building, corner Seventh and Main streetH. The building will be ready for occupancy about the 1st of October. u-;iln,Htte Falls was the scene T'hurs- , 1 -1 ninvab!e time, the occa- Hion being a picnic by the members of . ...i..ui;u Hnmliiv Sihool. A lurtf crowd attended and all upent fl most pleai-ant day. The School board has rejected all bids for painting the Karuham Bihool. The chairman was authori.ed lo see that Ihe necessary painting was done. Next year the building will likely receive a thor ough dressing up. Attorney Dresser is of the opinion that j not a great deal of damage was done by the recent fire near Dodge. He Bays no ; green limber was destroyed and the dis trict burned over wan of such a character ; that the country is really benefitted. j (ieorge W. Wiley, who has been a res-1 i, lent of this county for the past seven-. veitra. was taken to the Soldiers' Hume Tuesday. Mr. Wiley ia ,0 years. i4d. and during the Civil War was a member of a Michigan infantry company. Alexander Cooper, the temperance ; Kvanelist, of Michigan, will preach ,,. Knti.lav morninii at 10:4o a. m. aim give a lecture in the afternoon at 3:30 at the M. F,. church. fcveiyDouy in- ited to come and hear this noted speaker. FRANK BUSCH THE IIOUSEFUKNISIIER Only by Hood fortune was a most ser ious accident averted Tuesday evening when an electric car crashed into a buggy on the roadway between this city andCanemah. George Quinn, of Cane mull was in the buggy, but fortunately he escaped uninjured. The buggy was considerably demolished, however. Stats ok Ohio, City of Toledo,) s. I.urAS I OUNTY. 1 L',,1,,1, I rhenev makes an oath that he is the Benior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said lirrn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED POLLAKS lor earn and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrah Cure. FRANK J.Ciif.ii Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of December, A. P. ISM. A. W. GLEASON, jKALj Notary-Public. Hall's Catarrah Cure is taken inteH nally end acts directly on the blood and .. ,!,.,... a nf the Rvstein. Send IIIIll o, in for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY, A CO., Toledo, v. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Fills are the best. The Enterprise $1.50 per year. Trimmed Hats. Great Bargains. Miss Goldsmith. Hot Weather Cooking Can Be Pleasant WROUGHT STEEU SMIPNPVI if you have a CHARTER OAK STOVE that gets the meal in a hurry and lets the kitchen cool off. Can't you see what advant age it would be? Hero's a Charter Oak Range . . that gives you a perfect fire all the time you need it, and cuts down your wood bill. There is no better made. This Range QiO f)f) with large copper reservoir Viwvv WW I! Mffa 'a , 1 ' 1 1 in . 1 mm aTiffn" BREAD RAISERS Making bread looks like an easy job at the Btart, but the disappointment at the finish gives Vip&rtfiches and aecravates the labor. The easi est and safest way is to purchase a bread raiser, it costs little and you have no dis appointments. Price for anti-rust ware, Others Cheaper :; $1.25 Warranted Pocket Knives 25c. up i. 1, l'.'H 60C. Table Cutlery 6 Knive and forks