Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Aug. 29, 1902)
ENTERPRISE FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1902 OREGON CITY a -v .-. .V -o. .-CS .-CS fCv rOv i Black Hair oorresiiotulent will please oivl in articles before Vfdmdi a of earh week, otherwise it reaches us loo late for j publication. XolHlla. A decided ohunse in temperature (or the nast ten ilavs is very perceptible Instead of rei?if terintf around 100 in the j filiate, we now navo ?u lor me iuumu number. Cirain is about all harvested, with threshing begun in earnest. The yield e. ma to be fairly good in well tilied fields. Molalla now ha three firstclasg thresh Ir s outfits, "Advance" separators driven by Kussell engines. Vick & Sehainel have been making a run near Hubbard, the Cole Bros, from here to Aurora, while the Shaver & 'Harless outfit con fitu 9 itself to this locality. The exodus to YYiihoit keeps the air full of dust. Molalla will soon have a grange ball. The outside work will soon be completed. It will be ready for No. 3U to move into about October. W. 0. Yaushn burned his 100-aere slashing last Saturday ; likew ise Anthony Muorer burned his l'JO acres of felled timber, and many clouds of smoke were n ticed ascending skyward from severa1 localities; thu9 niiwy acres in one day were shed of their virgin covering, to be replaced next year with grasses aud golden grain. Our merchant, Wavne Robbing, ha? ju-t returned from a two week's trip to the Hot Springs. Bert Terry had the misfortune to have v,;c imrw oirnv off in the mountains. He and bis father have gone back to look for it. x Mrs. Stewart and son, of Seattle, who hive been visiting their uncle, J. D. Joi dm, for two weeks, returned home Mon day. Hoppicking will begin September 8. Pickers are scarce here. As usual, it is the fad to go off from home on this occa si n that the whole family may have an outing of pleasure and profit. John Bagby is on the sick list at John Stewart's with the "shingles." Miss Belle Du;herty started for Cali fornia Monday, where she expects to re , main. There will be preaching at the school house hall next Sunday at 11 o'clock by an able man. Mrs. Bagby has gone to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Sandford, of Glencoe, 'Washington county. Miss Mattie Leavitt expects to leave next week for Vancovuer, where she ha" been engaged to teach in the schools for the year. Mrs. Marv Brown and family, ol II waco, Wash., are visiting at the home of K. R. Thomas. I have used your Hair Vigor H for five years and am grcatiy pleased with it. It certainly re stores the original color to gray hair. It keeps mv hair soft." Mrs. Helen Kilkenny, New Portland. Me. Ayer's Hair Vior has been restoring color to gray hair for fifty years, and it never fails to Co thin work, either. - - - - Vm. nn rr unnn It 1UU wan vii for stopping your hair f from falling, for Keeping f! your scalp clean, and for -a making your hair grow. ll.N i fcxilt. All dralU. J If jour tlrmrcint cannot mipply ' ontl u one ilolUr aiul o will txyf.-i vmi s tattle. He euro mid give tho nim ' J. C AYEK CO.. I.ow,'.. s, Oil, M.ISS. 8 ain' IHiver. Two young men from Portland, Yerl Kit.miller, were out hunting, when the former was acci dentally shot through the foot. Robert PeShar.T and company started n( iih iliHir tbrosbinu machine. We ish them success. Mr. and Mrs lniesenberry are looking for a home. We hope they will settle here, as they seeiu to be the kind of peo ple we want here. Mrs. Price and familv were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Strobridge last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Bowman and Giandpa Bowman went to Salmon river last Tuesday. While ou their return home they stopped at a stream to eat lunch. Their little girl accidentally fell i tl,u or.... luit ai her vrraudoft was clobe by, he rescued the child. Rev. Esson will preach his farewell sermon here next Sunday. Central Point The people are all busy at Central Point harvesting and threshing grain. This fine weather stimulates every man to put forth his best efforts. The wheat iron is not vieldnikt very well. About two thirds ot the usual crop. Kartlet pears Bre almost a failure. The apple i-rnn IB fairlv liood. The dry weather will cut the potato yield short. Hups are very fine. Your correspondent was through the eighteen-acre hop yard of Geo Kandall & Son and found the hops in splendid condition. They are bright and large and the vines well loaded. There is every chance for pickers to make money. Randall A Son are expert hopraisers. Picking will begin the l!ud of September in the Randall yard. John and Millard liillett returned Sa t urdav from their trip to tno mountains in search of hucklelwries. They report a pleasant time, bagged one deer and ob tained all the berries they could bring home. Melvin Snmlley and family and Don Dickey returned from the coast Saturday. Tlnyciimeby the way of Salem and stopped a day or two to visit Mrs. Small ey's father. Air. Hoard and family arrived home Saturday evening alter a week's very pleasant camping Bt Clear creek. The Billiard biothers and Carl Freder ick returned Monday fiotil a successful trip after huckleberries at .Mount Hood. Strenuous efforts sre Inung made by different parties to engage hands for a number of hop yards. The regular meetings of Maple l.ane Grange have been changed trom the lust o the first Saturday of the mouth. Mr. Seeley has his new house up and expects to have it enclosed before the rainy season. Mrs. Seeley, Sr., and Miss Carrie Seeley have returned from a visit to fiiemls and relatives in Tacouia. Mrs. S. A. Giltett and Mr.S. V. Fran cio went to Tualatin last week to attend the funeial of their father, Mr. Francis Charlie Albright aud his mother aud Mrs. Frank Hullard are spending a lew .lays in the country Smrjua Slashing fires have been the ordur of the day and night the past week. Fred Watson's barn, with five tons of hay and Borne oats in shock in a field ad joining, were burned last Wednesday. The fire caught from a slashing fire near by. Miss Ida Yoder returned from Seaside last Wednesday. She had been enjoy- ng the sea breeze for the past six weeks. Mrs. !-adie Scholl. of Hubbard, was visiting Miss Ida Yoder last Thursday, returning home Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Yoder and daugh ter, Etiie, of Lexington, III., are visiting the formers brother, A. J. Yoder, and other frienrJa and relatives here, arriving laHt Wednesday morning. This is Mr. Yoder's second visit to ClaokamaB county, lie having made a tour of the coast in March 1HH0, right after the big wind etrra of January 9th. He is very favor ably impressed with the progress made in this part of the county in the time in tervening between bis visits. A party of all ages and both sexes lelt here Tuesday morning fur the huckle berry patch at High Camn, expecting to be gone the remainder of the week. Of course they don't expect to leave a berry on any of the bushes nor a fish in any of the streams. "But we shall see what we shall see" after they return. There were eleven persons, old and young, composing the party. Heaver ( reek. W. M. Shannon has just returned from Chinook, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Thomas received the sad news of the death of their daugh ter, Hanna Hanson, at Salem. Fred Hughes is here on a visit from Chiuook, Mrs. W. M. Thomas, of Bullrun, is visiting T. B. Thomas, o( Beavtr Creek. Threshing is almost over and hoppick ing is at hand. The Beaver Creek soon be completed. school house will M n B mwr wait. IT you knew how SCOTT'S EMULSION would build you up, increase your "weight, strengthen your weak throat and lungs and put you in con dition for next winter, you would begin to take it now. ihI Tor free sample, airl try it. SCOTT & BOWNE. Chemist. 409.415 l""' Strert, New Yurk. ntidl no: all dniei?iM. Alms. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bramhall attended the .Soldiers' Reunion at Pleasant Home. Several of our people will go hop pick ing, owing to the high price reported. L. C. Lowe cut oats on his ranch here, that stood nearly six feet high. Mrs. W. D. Thomas will leave here Monday next lor an extended visit with Mr. and Mis Dr. Thomas, of Beaver Creek. Mr. and Mrs. Siylor, of Latoiirelle, are running the boarding house for J. V. Bramball. Mr. and Mrs. Newt. Jones, of Aims, vistted their daughter, Mrs. Earl Eliott, who was quite sick at her home in Powell's Valley, last week. Railway ties and railroad wood con tinues to float down the f-andy river, and there is still timber enough within reach to keep it full for years to come. Union Mills. .Miss Addie Cbristensen and Miss Morie, of Liberal, visited Mrs. Dell Trullinger durir.g the week. Mrs. Albright and son, Charlie, are visiting friends here. Dell Trullinirer and family started to the mountains Monday for berries. Frank Shaw started for Eastern Ore gon Saturday. Kir. tockerlir- .1 F. fiilbert and W. H. Heald. ol Lents, were up the Clackamas fishing recently. John Tncholke, of Clackamas passed through here recently from east of the mountains, where he had been at work. Thomas Riley, o! Tygh valley, has a band of sheep in thu mountains. came down for supplies a short time ago C. A. Philpips and John R. Landed, of rim-ltainas. nassed this place on their way to the mountains a few days ago J. W. Roots and T. A. Raots, f Clackamas, were up looking after timber land last week. Max Klartseh and Paul Klartsch, of Portland, were camping on the Nortl Fork last week. J. C. Braiiham ami J.N. Buxton, of Trcmtdale. nassed through hero a few days ago for Clear Lake, and Mount Jefferson. They expect 'to be gone about lour weeks. John Straight and family and Paul PriieL'er. of Parknlace came up last week to work on their homesteads. Anton Ware and family, of Park lace, were up on their homesteads building a house and digging a well recently. W. H. Creighion and wiht came ii from Portland on the 20th. They expect to go as far as Hot Springs. The only good printing in the county ia fniiiiH at the Enterprise olliee. Price right. Stock, style and workmanship unequalled. Prompt printing. Grand Clearance Sale of Millinery. Miss Goldsmith. THE ST0KY TOLD BY TIIK SEA (in to Hie Bench Via A. it C R. P. and Hear H hat the Wild Waves Say. The story, "What the Wild Waves 4av at Suuuidp" DO KtrikinL'lv toll ill tllH attiai tive pamphlet recently iss I by r 1 . 1' II A lu I.. ...- J. O. iayo, VJ. 1 . n..t nflujim, m iifiipi appreciated after a trip to the now popular Clatsop Beach, via the A. A. C. R. R. Cheap round trip excursion rates and unexcelled transportation fu DAIRY NOTES. Good butter should be solid from the time It Is put upon the table. Any excitement In the dairy cow tomls to lessen the llnw of milk. Falling to get all the buttermilk out causes butler to become rancid soon. To obtain the best results in cuurn... thecrcuin should ne ouij !!. - ... .i 11,0 oioniil should ! wiitui- ,-d up to iihout lid degrees before put ting In the churn. Hue advantage lu brine muiiuu . that It almost entirely avoids stivuK-u or mottled butter. ti. mill; Hhould always be skimmed while sweet 11 ml the cream then nth-w ed to turn slightly sour. Sometime butter hits white specus diatiibutert through It. This Is caused by ovorsouniesa hi the cream. 1,, looter milking next to coutrolimg the temperature Is to chum often while the cream Is In good condition. With temperature under control aim churning done at the right lime me butter will become solid and be easily handled. (in the farm to imiko the most out ot the milk and butter some or ine cn U,,.I.I ho lirod In come fresh III the uprlhg and some In tiie fall. -St. Louis Republic A Simple llrKiedy. The readiness of some people In send for a man to do those little tmukt about the bouse which the smallest amount of enterprise tr iuieuuiij would enable thcui to U" for them selves Is Illustrated by an Incident re ported In the Chicago Tribune of a family named t'lnn kster. They had bought some new gas burn ers with mantles. For a week or two the light whs satisfactory: then It grew dim and dimmer until Mrs. Chuckster sent for the gas titter. It grow worse all the time, she rx- pIiiliW. When whs It put I11J asked tno unit). "About a mouth ago." "Ah, yes; I see." Then he lifted the chimney off, took It nut to the kitchen, washed It with soap und witter, and the light burned as brightly os ever. "Fifty cents," said the man. a month, more or lees, enjoying health-giving breezes of the ocean. the rates and unexcelled transportation 111- x? 1 ,.nt Mra Vv fnr Xnwnort I ir. 1 ...... l,.rlK,n,l ,,,,! II. 1 . A. "V "... -v- I I.I I ilien Wlltri ' UlJtCll ' vim.... .I-, mn Monday morning w here they will spend I beaches continues to attract largo crowds .1 I tt. Ilowi.l loarlmrl anil Mpnuiflf. Pfilllwl L1 1B.I.I, Vluiiilti. . .. ......... trip excursion tickets between Portland and all Clatsop and North Beach points are sold every Saturday at $12.50, inter changable with all boat lines and good to return Sunday evening. Trains leav ing Portland at 8 o'clock A. M. daily runs through direct to Gearbartand .Sea side without transfer, making cIoe con nections at Warrenton for Flavel. Portland-Seaside express leaves union depot every Saturday at 2:30 p. in. and runs througn direct wltn vransier, arriv ing at Astoria at 5:50 p.m., Gearhart. 6:40 p. m. and Seaside, 6:50 p. m., making close connections at Warrenton lor tiavei. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of c N. tain, PIONEER and &gine, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. O RATES - REASONABLE An Araoment Kor BorUl Frke. It Is Lent to be sincere, as a family In nermunto'vn recently found out. They had been elitertiilnlng a distinguished novelist from abroad who was not alto gether Beqiuilntod with society's way of saying things It does not mean. The time ciime for her departure, aud its the host was handing her to the car riage lie said very courteously, "I am sorry you cannot stay longer." To which came the uulooked for re tort, "Oh. but I can!" There was only one course open. Ths trunks were taken down, the carriage sent away, and, to tho consternation of her hosts, the lady re entered the bouse. Phlladelphln Times. Red SmiTV. In the arctic regions early explorer were astounded to find Inrge areas of rod snow, but the phenomenon Is now familiar tc men of science, who know that red snow, like a green garden fence, Is due to the presence of unicel lular nlgn the only difference being lu the coloring mutter of the protoplasm. It Is said that acres of snow are fre quently covered In n single lilht by these tiny plants. Good Words. The ( lluinle. "Don't you think you have n very changeable climate?" suld Mo stranger. "No." said the native. "It changes fast enough when It's pleasant, but when It's disau'reeiiljle It li.'ingH on like Brim death." Washington Star. Jlilliieenl barciistlc lather - J11II11, that young man Smily has been hi re three nights In succession, and It has been nearly inldnlidit when he left. Hadn t yon better Invite him to brlni; bis trunk and make his home with iih' Intioeent I laughter - Oh. papa! May I? It was Just v.hnt ho wanted, but In was too bashful to ask you. He'll In delL-hteil when I tell til III this even lug. go I.eitillriK Itlm On. He Would ;.our iimllu r let you to the theater without a chaperon? She Not ikJi.vs I was engaged. Brooklyn l.iiv. No Such I'Jner. "Safety" expresses (in Idea. It Isn't the name of any place ou earth. Bos ton Journal. Flowers, silks, frames, fancy Iritnmit special offering. Miss Goldsmith. lints and pants at cost at G. W, Giao's store, head of Seventh street. Individuals Money to Loan. At 6 and 7 per cent. Call on or write W. Loiikk, Oregon City Oregon. Stevens' building. Drs. R. B. and A. L. Beatie, Dentists, Weinhard Bldg. BsMitl Tln Kind In Hart Always Bought Bigutut U4 IVVU - ' Tl Ivlml Yon lu iiso lr 'v It:.i AhvitVI llotltflit, Anil thleh lmi(l n-r :U jciir, liiw liorno tho hlumitiirt . iiikI Iih 1,,h i'tio uiuier hi xX una iii' ' " ' miner ids jyj, T"' .a niiiUlil'rlsloii ulnco ltslnruiirt, )Tf Sift Alt'. Allow no to tloci-lvc. ynu u .'(. if. lis. Imitation unl ".lt-nM.k'o(,d"rbiit V-xpcrl.ncnls that Irtllo will. nn.I r.lan.T Urn I,,tttlt Infant und Children-Km"''" K"lnt l.pcriicu.. What is CASTORIA fWorlii I .l.stltur, for Ciintor Oil, ,ri,. Drop mid Hootlilntf Hyrii. It I I'lnisant. U tonta!.. neither 1'. Mr.hln nor other Narroti, M.hslanee. It B lt" l -'"troys lm i,.,d nlhM It run- llnrrh...H nnd Wind 4. ,. i r.-li.-ve Teellilnir Trouble, euros t'oiiP.llMlm ,l i'h.tuleiu y. It ..-In.llnte M.o I'oo.l rcgtila, tht Stomach nnd llow.-l. KU' henlthy und nut .. rid .Utp, Tho C hildren' 1'uniueu-Tho Mother' I rlend. CENUIHE CASTORIA ALWAt) Hears tho Signature of si UuxSrt. r -cue W w i The Kind You Have Always Boi In Use For Over 30 Years. , n I,., imninni ttt" " "' 12TH SEASON 12TK YirA ami t"ur of tho , OKIXIPN CITY IN THE BIG TENTS- Cor 7th and John Quincy Adams St, Friday Sept. 5, '02 OWE IVIGIIT OlVIiY WARREN & DAY'S BIG NEW YORK II III S till line b SHOWS A ( J rami Ki-vision f Harritt Unclicr Stones r-r;uitifiil Story of tho (Jt'iiuinc nl'l jilantatioii ( 'mm Ilunti rs ami l!i'k Iamcr. (!o(nl Sinj.'in ami Iain-inj,' Diiuiniitivu I'oincs, Tri k lhinkck.H ami UIimmI huHiuls I'riii' llw chil.livti ami mm' tlic sweetest Kva, tho fiinn L.tuTer Marks, Aunt ( ijilieliu ami most faithful I 'liele Toiu Clever specialties will he iiitroilueed hetwecii the arts A rarnl I'ivi; Street Parade at noon Coinf'irtahlo feats all. ( lentlcmanlv ushers. Tricen so low all can attend Enterprise and W. Oregonian $' Tim ni-w li-ihiy ruliiinn nf 'J'lm Kuti-r-iriHn ((.uiaiiiH ninny ri-iiilciH of Inlfp-Ht tu tin- yi'iii-rul (iiiblic. SmnftliiuK miw eviiiy vnrk. Il mhi want iiiilnyiiiriit or ri-iiiim help, if ymi wiint to Imrrnw iii'ini y or Iiiivh money to loim, if you have anything to hcII, uho Hid now-tu-(hiy column. K NEW GOODS ARBIVWG at th Dyspepsia Cure Diacsts what vou eat. This preparation contain all of tho d instants and rJlK;sLs all kinds of fowl. It Rives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. Tlieniostsensltlve stomachs can take it. I'y its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It jS unequalled for all stomach troubles. It can't hc!p but do you good Prepared onl J by E. 0. IikWitt k On., (Jlilciuto Ilwll. buttle ouuUliui2tt time Uie&Octl DR. TENNER'S KIDNEY and Backache All dtReni of Kidney, Bladder, Urinary Organ. Alwi RhsnmatlBm, Hai:k acha,HeartDlnea (travel Dropsy, remala Troublei. CURE Don't become discouraged. There li t cure lor you. If iiei:i.nury write Iir. KnnniT llu Iiuh Hpi'iit a Urn tlnm curing JuhI ucli cuHCHiutyouri). All coiiHultuUoue free. "I bad envernrAHfl of kidney rllsoom and rhi'iiriiatlem, dlitcharglng liliMHly matlnr. biKTuri'il lnlcnue puln. My wife was eerlmiHly affei-ied with Imnulii triiul)li!. ir. Kfiiner'i KlUuey and Harkivhn Cure cured ue both, V. M. WUEKLKU, ltiuidolvh, la." T)rugglBtji.S0o..ll. Aik forCook Book Free. ST.YITUS'OAHCEJraffl Foi sale by C. G. HUNTLEY. FAIR Sf lt In li 'J M .StruiKht I'roiit Corsets..-- skirts " .u La,li,-H'Sum..H-rU.uU-rvy " lllack How. ' .. nu.lChihlrc'.; hemstitchc-.lHMk' M Ladies' "hile AI,ro,B9';'''!- ' Ready j,; Tailor Mode Suit 41 Girdle Corsets Torchon lAice ' Vah-ncennes Laces l , Ruflles ... Naiisook Embroidery M Bone and aluminum mj M I''"9 lilUc3ci gj Tearl Shirt Buttons,