Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
Oregon City Enterprise. OMCtlON OITV OKrK'KIIM. Mayor, ... JtiMMinliT, Hlll'l ll I'llllclf . Trrmiiiritr, City Alinrimv, -Hiri'iM ('iiiiiinlioliiMi'r, Hii.t. ol Water Wotkn, City KniitiifiT. Culliifllnimi T. ! (Jatill, L. C. (!ii.i-, J nil it Jtn Inrr, It l. Wllmm. It. KiH-ruir, Ju. ItoKkx, il, JO, Jlrrl, Frank llu.cli, Uiimir.ll nirclN I! ml Wmliifailay of each munlli in t'liy It wll. 10. U. ('NMlll'ld Tlma, I1'. Ilymi Chun, K. Hum 11. 10. HiniIkIiI - !, II, llyw (V IUIh'ih k, Jr W, if llowi-ll I. W, Kliuiitlril FRIDAY, OCTOUEU 22, 1HD7. CHAT ABOUT TOWN. Lowtii'y'a Cliuculalo IlnnlionM aro llio iM'Ht, Nhiiih on i-very plccn. E. 10, Wii.i.mmh, tho grocar. 1 1 mil Icy' book alura in litiudijtiHrto m (ur hi'IkhiI nii)i!(n. Money to loan on k'kxJ real estate ccurlty by A. H. Dresser, liliuik. iioIh, rut.-oipt Miid order buuki at tlui Enthhi-uihk oIIIcm. Hlllliol hllpplll l lll'llp Hi C'tlUtlllHIl & Co. I lie t ut cut ruin ItiikihI , Kvi'Iikiihk wlili mi udilreHi on "The Trutli," Ml sit. l'uul'i church, thin even- Thorough breed J wavy bull fur ilo, 3 yvurt old ; will take ludit. (iladntutiu Haw Mill Co. liliii'Htuini otl fl.iHl; tri-itii or ruaol collctt lie r 11;Ariii A Hammer aoda in U. It I'd Front TradnitfCo. Tor plmtoa that will I'Icuimj you, try tho Coluinliiit studio, tint up-to-iUto gallory. Main utrrt't, ojjjiio Wulli Frnu tx- ilvaaoihc, Humll pill, tuft) pill. I if Hi pill. Dt Will'i Mule l-'.arly Risers cum bllloii Iit'tM), colinti put iJli , Melt ht-adnt Int. liwo. A. JUr.lliiK. J You Will IIOl I1C8IUU1 ill llliviliu thotili room ifni'ifd whi'ti you look ui tint tyle and price") of wall iwMr tarried by U. I.. Ilolmitn, Exclusivem-aa) in styles, ttiM ri'irliy in in tiiulity, maryt'loiie loiit-a in prices aro lla chief characteristics of Mich Goldsmith's millinery parlors. You can't euro consumption but you can avoid il and cure every other form of throat or limit trouble by the ime of duo Milium t'oimli Curu. Geo. A. Harding. Fend the Kktkhi'mihii to your friend In tho East and tb u ulvu liiin an Idea of wbl is going on in Clackamas county, Il iimy indiire liim to locata with ui. If you want tiling up to ditto at leas enable pliers ami mlhiMe, call at Mr. 11. T. Hlmliii ' tnilliiiery parlora where everything IH bu lone to aeeuin module you. Slop Hint cini(rli I Take warning. It may lead to consumption. A hot tie of Muloh's ('urn iimy save your life. Sold by ('barman X Co., druggists, Ore gon City. Disflgurrmciil for li(e by burns or scald may lie avoided by iisihk lKi Wilt's Witch lliuel Salve, the K"'t remedy for piled and for all kinds of aurtw and "kin troilbleo. (ieo. A. liiirding. Knrl'a Clover Itool Ten, for CoiiHlipa lion il 'h the bent and if after UHing It you tit nt 'i Niiy no, return the purkiiKi ami get your inmii-y. Suhl tiy Clmrinuii V Co., ilriiL'giatN, Oregon City. Icuthcr glovei l'.r)i', Il'ic up, heavy top Hole plow NlioeM, nolo leather cimnlem l.U'), hldicH heavy Nl.neH 75(7 11 V latlieg HiHt gruile riihlnTH HO.!. Itivet ur tuck Hhoes free. Uil Front Trailing Co. Firnt cIuhh hIickI iinmiu at 6n Jer copy ia not ollered cycry day: hut they are cloHiug out their atock of mumc tit Hunt ley'a ltuok Sloro and you may get your choico lor 5c or UHMorted Iota of 15 eoplcH for 5(c. Ir. L. L. I'ickclia, dentiat, dneH ill klnda of deuttil woik. liohl cronna, porcelain crowna uml liritlgo work a specially. All opcratioiiH guaranteed for 6 veaiH, Call ami net my iincea. Olhce in Ihirclay biiildinir tlrovu'a tiiHtelcHH Chill tonic ia u per fect Malarial Liver tonic ami blood ptirillnr. liemovcB liiliminncxH witlioul purging, Ah tiluiiHant iih Lemon Syrup. It ia it a large iih any dollar Ionic and ru tailH for ft()c. To get the genuine, ak for for (Jrovu'H. For aalc by C. (i. Huntley. What uu in thcro in eating w him fond (Iowh you no good in fact, w hen it doea you more barm than good, for audi ia tho ciiHi) il it ia not digged? If yon have a loathing for food there ia noiiHi) of forcing it down, lor it will not be digcHlud. You iiuiNt rcxtoro the diges tive organa to their nut mill atrengtli and ciiuao the food to be digested, then an nppctilo will voino, and with it a rulitdi for food. The tired, languid fueling will givo place to vigor and tmeruy; then you will put floah on your bonea and liocome Htrong. The Shukor Digeativo Cordial an nmdu by tho Mount Lebanon Shakers contaiiiB food ulieiuly digoatetl ' nmllaa diiroHtor of foods as well. Its aclion ia prompt ami its eUVcts permanent. Doctors preacribo Luxol bceauHe it hss nil tho virtues of Castor Oil and is palat able. ' Monthly Tttlna cured by Dr. Miles' Pain Hlta. Saddles ami Iiuiiichh at Young's neuoiid biiml Htoru lit your ownjirlce. One price tonll and that the lowest of the low at Miss (JohlHiullh'H millinery parlors. Slovea, spilngs, beds, mulresses, tdo, at way down prices at Young' a second bund store, Kfiiooi, Homes at J'ortlaml prices at Cliiirmun A Co.'s, the origionul cut-price driigglMta., window Tlmy Insiect those adjustable scrmuiN at lielloniy & ftusch'i. are certainly the right tiling. Try our Toboggan Maple syrup and you will use no other. K, K. Wim.iamh, the grocer. Ask your urocer for Gold I-caf linking I'owder. Take no other. A trial can will convince nil housewives that It has no superior. You can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cold t develop into pneumo nia or consumption. Instant relief are ullorded by One Minute Cough Cure, lino. A. Harding. Catarrh Cured. A clear bend and sweet breath secured with Shiloh Catarrh Krmedy; sold on a guarantee. Nasal Injector free. Hold by Charmaii A Co., druggists, Oregon City. Something new at the Sulvution Army hull, Sunday evening Oct. 21th. Faith Iiojsi ami charity will be represented In charcter. Iok out for the jiarutle. A cordial Invitation is given to all. hlilloli a Coiisumptioli I uro curea where others full. It lathe leading Cough Cure, and no home should be without it. l'leafuut to take and goes right to the apot. Sold by Cbariuan A Co.. druggists, Oregon City. It is rejKirtod that Jacob Kober, after having sold hi bukerv on Seventh street, descried Ida w ife and children ami skip cd out for California with a womsu from I'arkplace, leavinu bis w ife but I'.'O of the I.VKI lie received for his shop. Van Camp' I'ork and Ileuiis. A tri umph in rookery ; 10c, 16, !!0i j K. 10. Wii.i.ums, (lie grM-er. ' If the tlrft tain daya caught you with out suthcicnl prolet lion (ioiii the ruin and left you with a cold cure it promptly. Il is easily and pleasantly done w itli Kud Cough Cure. 25 cent Uitth-a and every one guaianteed at Huntley' drug store. The Sal vat ion Army's new olllcera have come to take charge of the work. F.nsign. K. Osbern, from New What com, Wash, and Lieutenant Scngerlier iter, from Albany. Thing are moving and soul are getting saved. llalloen every muht. F.verybody welcome. The stal Jineiit niitdo many yean ago that "man cannot live by brea 1 alone" ia as true as'it ever was he must have a nice Juicy at ak or a roast of meat to go with it. Itichurd PeUold salway ready to furninh hiA customers with the best of freidi and sinokeil meats at either hi Main or Seveifiih street market. J. M. Thirsyend, of (irosWk, Tex., suyj that wlit'i be has a ssdl of indiges tion, and feels bad and sluggish, betakes twooflM Witt' little lOitrlylviscrs, at night, and lie ia all right the next morn ing. Many thousands of others do the same thing. I'oyou? Geo. A. Hard- iB- PURELY VEGETABLE. 'I'h (.'li.iMttf . I'tireM ijfc .nil llrl Family M.dl. t (fin in tit. worM I An I rex tiiALSrucinc for mII tliMt.iM?. i4 lit. J.lvnr, biuittiit h itnd ftptmn, NfguU. ih. I.iver Ulltl IrliiVIMll f'no. ani Jrvm, MtiAKi ' fi-vm IIiiwki. 1 IIHH.AINIO, KWI, JUllll AND II A I) HltlCATIII N'lthlnff It tjnitfMMjtnl, rifithiriK to cnmmim. m ; Mnd In iiomly .wry chm It conic, from fli bioiiimi It, mihJ mn li. to .tily corret.t.fl if you will tlt. SiMMont l.ivm ato. Do no) n.fl.'l ttire r.nit-ily f.r ihit rcpultlv. dtttirilir, It will .lo Uiipruv. yuui Mj'(rtia.,toiiiplctufi .ud g.ueriii ii.Mlth. I'll.KHI lto many .nrTr tortur. day f"iw day, malting lif. tuirden and roiiltiny t4 all ileatiir., vwiny to til. Mt:rl ttifl.ritiK from I'll... Yt relief I. ready to lh. hand of alfnMI any una who will ut. tytt.m.lf. cally lh. r.m.tly that hat permanently cured lhiu undt. hiMMoxa l lvna ki.ei.Alca la no drattic, kjIii( ur(., but a (.ml. at.iu.nt to natur.. CONHTII'ATION RIKlt'l.I) not U reearded a. a trifliriK In la:t. nainr. demand lh. utrnjt renUrity of lh. bowelt, and any deviation from thlt demand trave th. way iiftert to tertout (Lnjter. It fa qua. aa ne'ettary tu remov. lrriHir an iniiiii.tiona from th. at it It to eat or aleeji, and no health can tie esMf, ted when toatlv. hahil of Ixnly r.vaiia. HICK IIKADACIIEI Tllil di.treMlntr afilitiloil orrura mt frroiienllv. Th. illtturhani t4 th. ttomat h, anting from In. fmM-rfe ily diifetled cmtenlt, t auta a tcverc Min in lh. head, ar l ulriianled with dltattrqeahl. nautea, and tint contntute. what it Kitnil4rly known at Sm k lfeada,ii. lor th. relief of which rtti hiMMuna ljvta kai.uLAit'R an Maomxa. MANI'FAt TVK.II OMI.V T J. IL ZKIUN CO., Jl.Uad.lia, I'a. The Change In Hie Lund Ofllce. Jlon.Cbas. U. Moores, the newly ap pointed register of the United State land ofllce in this city, will assume the duties of his ollice next .Monday. Mr. Moores has the legal training and business quali fications to enable him to discharge the complicated and didlcnlt duties ertaiti ing to the ofllce in a manner that will give satisfaction to tho department ar.d honor to biuiMelf. He is a verr ju;eom motlatlng and painstaking man and those w ho have business with his office will fl ml him at all time approachable and willing Ui serve them. The IOstkuckisk ia willing to give credit to a man when he fairly earns it, and of Col. K. A. Miller, the retiring register, it can say that he ha made an c indent officer and that he has always Ih-hii very courteous ami obliging to those having hindncs with his ollice. Col. Miller will reum his law practice ami will open an ollice in this city, in which building hn has not vet definitely settled, though it is possible he may occupy rooms in the Oregon City Bank building in conjunction witb Mr. J. F Clarke. My landlord v,ill pay for that paper," said a business man to Holiuaii, the wall paper dealer. Ilolman said il was for the room. "U that all? Well, I will pay it myself," yeplit-d the Iiunuicss man. You will he surprised when you find how little it cnMs to paper your room when you see Holm, in anil see his up to-duto Mylex ami prices J. C. Ilerry, one of the best known cili r.ens of SMncer, Mo,, (estitiea that he cured him.Hidf of piles by ning a few box es of DeWitt's Witch llat-cl Salvo. He had been troubled with piles for over thirty years ami bad mcd mimy difiVrt'itt kinds of so called cures ; bin) lo Wilt's nucklen's Arnica Salve. The liest salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Char man A Co., Charman Bros. Block. COUNTY Y. P. S. C. H. CONVENTION. Following is the program of Hip con vention of the Y. i H. U. E. of Clacka mas county to lc held at Milwaukiu, Oregon, on Ot tobcr 2lflh, liOtlf and .'51 hI: KHIDAV KVKNINU. 7:.'50 Song and Praise Service, led by Mrs, M. A. Wilson. 8 :00 Apixiiiitmcrit of Committee y the jircHidcnt. Address of Welcome, I!. M. Fish. Ill-spouse, ri. T , Fisher. San Francisco Convention Echoes: "Wayside Observations," Miss Edna Jtugg. "Decorations." Miss Ana Haird "Dr. Clark's Annual Address," Mi Case. "Consecration ami Koll Call at Close of Meeting." Miss Minnie Cast: "Ir. I'ierve' Unique Chalk Talk," Mrs 1'. fi. J'onal'lHon. "Junior Kally." Mr. Gilman Parker, "Dr. Chapman's Meetings," W. W Jirooks. "The Tenth Legion," F.E.Imnaldsrjn aATLIIUAV MOHHIKO SKSSIOK. 8:30 Song and Praise Service, led by Oregon City Presbyterians fl :00 President' Addres. Secretary ami Tn;asurer's Kejsjrt. Kejortsof ( ornmittccs and hlct tion ol Officers KciHirts from Kocie lies. 10:00 Minister's hour Relation of the Y. i S. C. E. to the church Revs. Stryfeller, Sellwood, Montgomery, Jtuifg, Jiutler and others. Keliition of the Church to the Y. P. S. O. K by the Endcavontr. 11 :00 Psier, "Do We a IOndeavorers Ift ()r Light Shine Before the World," by Allrert Frankhauscr ArTKKNOOJI SBSSION. 2.00 Song bnd Praise Service, lol by Mrs. J. M. Wells, Uiackamas 2:'!0 Five Minute PajK;rson Committee Work. Prayer Meeting, Wro, Bissell. Isikout, Miss Eunice DonaldHon. Srndal, (Mrs. A. S. Dresser?) Floral. Missionary, (Mrs. Ohlson?) (lo.xl Literature. Music, Mrs. J. E. White. Pais-r. "How to Keep the Mcmlier ship from Decreasing," by Mis Belle Jones. Pain-r, "How to Increase the At tendance of the Society," by Misa Jane Lewellimr. Paper, "Past, Present ami Future ol the 1 . r. a. U. Ji ," Kev. A. J. Montgomery. Pats-r, "The Junior Y. P. S. C. E.." Mrs. W. A. White. KVKSINd SESSION. 7:30 Song and Praise Service, led by . Mihs Nannie v ilkinson. Address of the evening. SCNDAY MOKSINO THIKn DAV, Sunrise Praver Meeting, led bv Mals-I Miller. 11 :00 Regular church services. St'NDAT KVENINU. 7:30 Song ami Praise Service, led by Jseaver ureek. 8:00 Rally, led by the new president. lloll Call and Consecration Services, Miss Married. STA RBI RD-STONE AtCathlamet, Washington, Octolssr II, 1897, Miss Kllst E. Stone of Can by, Oregon to Charles E. Slarbird of Stella. The cerem ny took place at the Columbia Hotel, Justice Graham officiating. Cathlamet Oaxette. KNOW THEIR POWERS. was the one that ditl IIm wok :r.. .i.:.. a vtiu veiny ttitn rilllt'llieilL 11 wmhIich to write him. (.ieo, A. and he nny one Harding. Van Camp's Macaroni and Cheese. A new delicacy. For sale by 10, 10. Williams, tho grocer. A few weeks auo the editor was taken wilh a very severe cold that caused him to he in a most miseuthlu condition. It was iindoutehly a bud case of la grippe and rocngnixiiig it as dangerous he took immediate steps to bring about a speedy cure. From theadvortisoment of ('hum pcilain's Cough Remedy and the many good recommendations included therein, we cnncludeed to make a first, trial of the medicine. To say that it was satisfactory in its icsuIIh, is putting it very mildly, indeed. It acted like magic and the result was a speedy and permanent cure. We have no hesitancy in lecommonding this excellent Cough Remedy to anyone alllictetl with a cough or cold in any form. The Banner of Liberty, Liberty town, Maryland. Tho 1!5 and 50 cent sizes for sale liy (t. A. Harding. To Cure a Cold in One Bay. Take Laxative Biomo Qnin iuu TtibletB. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. i!5c . Willi ted. To rent an organ suitable for use. Address ENTKItl'HIBK. 'B" care family Okkuon City Th Eternal Womanly In tho Hough Glrla of Nrw York. In the girls ot the rougher tenement house districts the eternal womanly wears such n disguise of the eternal gamin that it cannot always be recog nized. Their pertm ss mid sanciness aro only sharpened by their precocity und their tomboy habits of street Arabia. A reporter recently had occasion to visit lower Washington street to ascertain the facts regarding tho murder of a boy down there, fie was obtaining his in formation from tint buys of thu neigh borhood, u ho miulit ha vo been play mates of the dead youth. A circle of them, together wilh three or four girls of 15 or 10 ycurs, wus gathered around him. A bg, bulking youth' ubout 20 years old arrogated to himself the place of spokesmau. He was evidently tho ty rant, the bully of the street, a young "Bill tho Dvute," who hail not yet uc quircd u wifo to bent and was conse quently an object of great interest to these misses, whose skirts had uot yet grown down to their ankles. With his big, harsh video he silenced every inter ruption of his tnle, saying: "Shutup there I I'm telliu this yarn." Of course this adjuration, which forms n part of the ordinary courtesy of the neighborhood, did not quiet tho girls. They chuffed linn and tho report er and giggled until at hist tho speaker said to the up iter: "Don't inii:il tlii'Mi. ThtT'ie no 'count. They're iKiiliiii but Kids. " "Of course lie'ii mind in, nu:niy," instjuitly lrtoilrd ti:n o! the girls. "We's tho niuLiu's 1 1 J;;ci. -. " It was the it i tii;l iw, ).i.:tiy f.f snvct Arabia. New Yuk Mozart. Mozart lived 87 years. His first mass Wus composed hen ho was less than 10 years of njje, and tho enormous qnnntity of his compositions was the work of the succeeding 27 years. Mo zart wrote 41 symphonies, 15 mnsses, over 80 operas and dramatio composi tions, 41 sonatas, together with an im nienso number of vocal uml concerted pieces in almost every lino of the art The eggs of a grouse vnrv from 8 to 14 mid are of a reddish wbAte ground color, almost entirely covtWl with largo spols of umber brown, RIDIN'GS-H AUOH On Tuesday, Octo ber 19,18l7, in the parlors of the Elec trict hotel. Miss Ann Haugh to Frank Ridings, Justice Schuebel officiating. The newly wedded couple are highly res(K!t:ted residents of Marquain, where they have lived all their lives and w here the groom has a comfortable home pre pared for his bride. Tu lliuutnuqmuis. The president of McLaughlia Chautau quans circle wishes to state that the lesson for the coming week will be chapter 7 in Imperial Germany, instead of chapters 7 and 8. The place of meet ing for next Monday w ill be at E. E. Cliarman'a. La Grippe, Followed by Heart Disease, Cured DR. MILES' HEART CURE. 1 Feoplo ucver think of whistfing in Iceland. It is u violation of the diViuo law. Great Britain's territory In Africa amounts to 2,615,000 square miles. ' r s i ' ji&nxX1 Silt rt r o. c. ran $2000- at in prizes to make twice as many people ask their grocers for Schillings Best baking powder and tea. Schilling's Best baking powder and tea are Jbecause they are money-back. What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schilling's Bit! baVlnf powder and tea art aafe. Cet Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers'; take out tfia ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking powder; yellow ticket in th tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gels I2000.00; if several find It, $ 2000.00 will be equally divided among them. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 1898 pocket calendar no advertising on it These creeping babies and pocket calendars will be different fiom the ones offered in tfce last contest Better cut these rules out. SKI Address: MONEY-BACK, SAN FRANCISCO. -a- The Beehive We have received in the last few days over 50 cases of New Fall Goods.... All our orders were placed before the advance in prices and our customers will find us as low as Portland's largest houses and much lower than same goods can be bought for in Oregon City. If you want Shoes Ladies or Cents' Furnishings Fancy Dry Goods or Notions be sure and visit 5- -5- The Beehive If You Want Flrt-cla Job printing At Lowest Rates. CALL, AX THE ENTERPRISE. TIig St. Lin Gifi-DsmoM The Great- National and Representative Republican Newspaper. S, of YTIntcrset, lor:, w inventor nnu rr.anuracfjrcr c: vrltrs of IT. tZlla' Heart Ctro. "Tto yean 1:0 au attack of L.-.C.-lri'O left, c.o with a !:iart 1 lied run Corn la CcjU to r.cro 6:.:a und tcno. I cor.IJ cotclcrp!"'.r.; i!own tor E:3t'jcr!nu rpc!bj t rorjnent sharp clarJlns f.z'.ns and ra!"!tr.t!cn car.;cJ a con stant f ;cr cf 6uc3 Ja death, noti'Jns couM Induce cio to romaln nvrcy frora homo over n!ht. Tl7 local physician prescribed Dr. Tibs' Heart Cure, and In a few daya I wrj oMo to deep well and t!io pr.lrj rraSntlly lessened, and Cnal'.y ceased. I reduced tho the closes, having rained CTtcca pounds, and OTa now feollnt better In every way than I have for yoara, Mii'oa1 aro sold hy all drug Clsta under a positive Cuaranteo, first bottle benoflts or money re funded. Boole on dis eases of tho hoart and nerves f roe. Address, DR. MILE3 MEDICAL OO.. Elkhart, Ind. & ,Roatorea( .ari-i.rttiataWi Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, ... One Year, fG.OO: Six Months, $3.00 SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, One Year, 1.00 SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 rnges. One Year, iCO Weekly, issued in Semi AVeekiy Sections, 8 pages each Tuesday and Frulav, IB puges each week One Year, 1.00; Six Months, 50c- THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to be THE BEST of Amer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalso THE CHEAPEST THE GLOBE LEMOCRAT pnj-a for and prints MORE NEWS than Hny other paper in the United States. It will be indispensable during the coining great National Campaign, and the LOW TRICE places it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the dailv and 5 cen ts for the Sunday issues. Deliveredto regular subscribers, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a week, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY. ACTIVE t cemlempn nr lnriipN In fravpl Inr responsible, eitabllsheii house In Oreiion. Monthly $Ck5 00 ami expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelnpn. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chicago. 1ST Tarticlar attentioun is called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eight pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly and thouronghly posted. It goes to every State almost to every postofl'ce in the Union. All America is its legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO St Louis, Mo