Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1897)
i I ! i CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ESTERI'RISK CORRESPOND EXTS SWEEP THE FIELD. Ilig ArreeorWln Htt Redland En forcement of the Compulsory Education Law Asked For. Rxm.uND, Oct. IS. The excellent weather of Hie pt four weeks has been made use of tiy the farmers, who have been plowing and owing fall wheat. There will be a large acreage sown this fall. Apples are being gathered and those that re not worth putting away for winter use will be dried. C. Stone has gone to Portland to attend the university this winter. J. Foollsm is attending the Portland business college. Charles Rutherford Is getting on nicely with bis school in district No. 75. A B. Herman, who is teaching at district No. 21 is having perfect success. Miss Alice Wil liams, who is teaching at Strickland's has a No. 1 school. Mrs. M.Tomblinson.of Portland Is visiting tier parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. tfprague. J. Allison also was visiting relatives In the neighborhood a few days ago. Mrs. Hrnsly of Portland is visiting her cfcter, Mrs 8. l.inn. , Misses Bessie and Mary Hay, of Portland were up to attend tbe ball al Logan and visited with Miss Ida Barrett. It looks as if it were about time that the law was enforced upon the parents who du not send their children to school. There are some children in this district. No. 21, who have not attended school three mouths in as many years. Because tbe parents did not get an education is no reason why they should reluse their children the opportun ity of attending school. Asa rule it is the children of such parenrs as these who are the kind mentioned in last week's Enter mist: in an article on runaway marriages and divorcee. If the law was enforced on such people and their children made to at tend school there would be less bums, drunkards, loafers, dead beats, gamblers and prostitutes and fewer divorce cases in our oourts. It looks as if those people who close up public roads had better look out or they are apt to get their "foot in it," as the saying is Miss Olive M osier, with ber brother, D. H. Mosier, spent one day last week visiting friends in Portland. A large crowd attended the ball at Logan Friday evening of last week. They eujoye J themselves very much, so they say. That's right youg folks, have a good time. F. K. Linn and wife were visiting Mrs. I. inn's parents at Tremont Saturday and feunday. Miss Olive Mosher was visiting with friends at Stone the last of the week. J. W. Linn makes frequent trips to Ore gon City. It is one of the fair sex that is aid to attract him, E. Barret has been importing hay from Portland. George Kotes. GaoBic, Oct. 11. (Too late for last issue). Mr. Henry gcbeel died at his residence, Oct. 6, after a short illness of but two days, He was buried October 10. the first birth day of his little boy. The funeral services were held in the Presbyterian church. He leaves a wife and child to mourn bis death, ;and who have the heartfelt sympathy of the whole community. T'.e Misses Helen and Lyda Paulsen .made a visit to friends in Portland. Our school opened October 4, wHh Miss Iva Hodges as teacher. Miss Katie and Hannah Johnson intend ; going to San Francisco this week, where . they will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. YVismer visited friends and trelativt at this place last Sunday. .Most of the fall wheat is sown in this- vi cinity. Potatoes are mostly dug, the yield being heavy and of good quality. .Mrs. Kowall and her two daughters came from Portland last week to live on their farm. Mrs. Kowall, who was ill last sum mer and went to San Francisco for treat , juent, is not well yet. Mr and Mrs Hans Paulson made a sev eral days' visit with friends in Portland ami Washington comity. Logan Locals. Log as, Oct. 12.-Mrs. C. W. Ilichey is very low with rheumatism. Farmers are busy plowing and seeding. The acreage of fall sown grain will be un usually lance this season. Jacob Oerber U hauling lumber to build a new barn. L. Huitiinton is making improvements in the way of new out buildings. Fred Gerber is remodelling his house. When the work is completed he will have a neat and convenient duelling. Mr. Ger ber is one if Logan's best rustlers. There was a ball at the Grange hall, Fri day night of last week. All report a good time. George and Madison Reed intend to start for California in a few days with the view of getting work. Their many friends wish them the best of luck. Miss bistzie Wilson spent last week with friends in Portland Rose Uumiston spent Saturday with Frank Humiston, who is at St. Vincent's hospital, in Portland, where he was placed for treatment after his runaway accident in which he was seriously hurt. Rev. Kizr, pastor of the German church, has removed with his family to Spokane, where they will reside in the future. Mr. Kizer and wife have made many friends while living here, and they will be greatly missed. Mr. M. Baker and family expect to leave for South Dakota in the near future. Mr. L. W. and Miss Grace Hampton of Slleta are visiting relatives and friends in this community. Mr. Hampton was form' eriv a teacher in this county. The Logan literary society will meet the first Saturday evening in November. An election ofoflicera will take place at that meeting. Miss Celia Garbison, of Woodstock, is staying with Mrs. McCubbin and attending Prof. Austen's school. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Strowbridge, of Port land were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. Smith last Sunday. Mr. Slrowbrldge is a well known capitalist of Portland. Willarxl W. Austen made a business trip to Oregon City Inst Saturday. Mr. Austen is vice president of the Teachers' association of this county and a successful young teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Casper Moore mado busi ness trip to the county seat last Saturday, Everybody is pleased with the work done on the Bush hill under the supervision of Supervisor Sprague. Mr. V. A. Frakes has returned home trom the Stale fair. Mr. T.W, Foster has been engaged to work at the hatchery this winter. Highland Notes. HioiiLaND, Oct. 18. A lew of our farmers are busy putting in their fall crops, but the greater number of them are waiting for rain to enable them to do plowing. Mrs. Jim Parrish, who has been quite sick is rapidly improving. Miss So'.iri May Held is engaged in teach ing our fall term of school. Tbe number ol pupils enrolled is about 30. Mr. George Harrington, one of most in dustrious young men is In Portland attend' ing business college. We wish him sue cess. Mr. Ping Jones has erected a new building in front of his house in which every Friday he is ready to chop grain. A. Harrington recently had a runaway which resulted in a general smash-up. A broken waon is the greatest loss. Stephen Hutchinson has returned after several mouth's absence on the lower Col umbia, where he has been employed. Similar school has again opened, after being closed for some time on account of the dipthrrin scare. The attendance promises to be good. .Mr. and Mrs. Y m. 1-ariow, former resi dents, now 'living In Eastern Oregon, are visiting friends and relatives here. We are glad to see their lamihar faces among us again. Smyrna ews. Smtksa, Oct. 13 The fine weather still continues. Joe Schwartx and Fred Watson have gone to Nestucca bay with the expectation of bringing borne some Hsh. A little child of Arthur Sorrenson's died last Friday morning and was buried at Rock Creek church at 2 o'clock p. m. Satur day. Perry Yoder left for Corval lis this morn ing, wbere he exacts ta attend the Agri cultural college during tbe remainder of the school year. A young man of this neighborhood started the other evening with his prospective bride and attendant bridesmaids in search of some one to pronounce tbe magic words, but when they had done as lar as the saw mill one wheel el their back collapsed, leav ing the party in an unenviable position, but the young man was equal to the oc casion and while the ladies kept up their courage by the erab fire, tbe prosective- groom went back some two miles for a farm wagon, after which they went on their way rejoicing. All's well that ends wells and when our genial justice of the peace, Ben Sfnhb.hard said the words that made theru man and wife they wended their way home again. We wish them much joy and hope that the break-down thus early in their matrimonial career may be their la-t. School begins in the Samson district this morning Miss Ida M. Toder is teacher. Borings Braes Bori:;, )ct. 18 -Farmers Wave been busy digging potatoes the pael week but are about through now. 0. VT. Boring, accompanied ay G. II. Pierce tame out from the Portland univer sity last Friday anil returned to Mhool Son day. TTiev reort a larye attendant at the univTsiiy tbi year. A surprise pnrty was given at the-residee of P. I'lijrers latt Friilav and took: Mis Ida and Mr. Alberly by Btorm. The evewing was spent in playing gaaies, after which light refreshments were served. The crowd adjourned at II -TO, all being well plexeed with theireveniiig's gathering. Those pres ent were: Misws Ellen Bvers, Ewella Richey, Kucena Richey, Rosa Yetach, Ma Ltigerani Mrs. W. II Boring ajid Mia. 1. Vefsch, Albert and Edward Ctiger ami Earnest Hit-key. Mr. M. Vetch's farm is progressing ivioely. O. Amisegger bas ereeted a hall on the comer of Richey street toil For Fennel: ave. It is known as the "Fern Hill Hall." The hall ring music far and near. Rev. Moore preached at the school aooe Sunday. BoitiNca, Oct. 1(1 limns and son, tbe building contractors, of Sandy, have-moved into our midst. They are bildin Ihe fine bam for Mr. Vetsch; the na.son will have the concrete foundation Unished hi a few days, the barn wbn completed will be a model of perfection, costing many hundred dollars. Miss Byers will close a successful three months' term of Mhool next Frtilay.County School Superintendent Starkweather is ex pected to be present and to deliver an ad dress. Orrille Boring came homo from school yesterday, to spend a couple of days at home. He brought Mr. Pierce, a school mate with liiui, Louisa Hedderman went to Portland to work a few daya ago. The family of Mr. Birdsall, who have been sick with typhoid malaria is recover ing and they will all be well in a week or two. lianiHcsu Noti. Damascus, Oct. 10, The weather ban been exceedingly good lor all kinds of farm work. Have had enough rain to keep the ground wet so that plowing can be done success fully. Considerable wheat has been sown. A large portion of the potato crop ia dug and they are of a medium size and a good yield. Owing to the large amount of app'es many are making cider. No one need to be without fruit this winter. J. W. Hilleary is moving the grange hall across the street from Its present location be having purchased the building and will finish it. He will move hla stock of goods into the lover part and use the upper part for a puhllo hall, lhimsitmu grange will continue to hold their meetings In the hall, A Free Methodist ladv preacher Is holding a series of meetings here and attracts large crowds of people on account of her Immense slue, she weighing 810 pounds. Never the less her words are right to the point ai-d well delivered. Fred Bochman Is In the Good Samaritan hospital at Portland, having been very low with the typhoid fever, but is reported some better. S. C. Young and A. 0. Newel attended the Clackamas District Pomona grange at Stafford which met with Tualatin grange. T. 11' Feathers Is busy drying apples. He is drying two ton for the Klondike miners. Walter Smith is out of the hospital hav ing been much relieved by the operation performed on account of an ahoeM. Rock Creek Union Sunday school contem plates purchasing an organ soon. Rev. Brower, of Uoseburg, a lormer real of Damascus, isvisting Irieuds and expound ing the gospel here. Mrs. J. Tong is in the St Vincent hospital Portland, having gone through a successful operation lor tumor. Her many friends look for her speedy recovery. B. L. Brown and T. II. Feathers are load ing a car with potatoes for M cents per 100 weight on board car al Clackamas station, Albert liohna is hauling potatoes to Pott land. A. C. Newel is speudlng Saturday and Sun day at Cams. George l'ilger of Portland Is visiting al A. W. Cooks. Stafford .Notes. STrroi), Oct. IS. The pleasant weather is still with us. A frost visited the low grounds last week The postmaster has gathered his pump kins. Oaees have gathered their corn rrop. The Duplex met Sunday and theoftlcers were installed. Scbatii's are dUging their late potatoes. The Pomona Grange met Wednesday the 1.1th, with the Tualatin Grange In Frog Pond. About 200 members were present An all day and evening session was held. Officers for the coming year were elected. Delicious refreshments were serve.) and when it came time to pay tribute to Miss Pomona, by a midnight feast. No pains or expense were spared. Many dollars worth of the best the city and country eould afford was spread to which Mi-s Po mona invited all present to partake of freely. The next session of the Pomona Grange will be held with the Harding Grange in January. Edward Sharp and Albert Turner have esch erected new houses. Dame Grundy save there l to be a wed ding this weekrand still another before She month passes away. A birthday rtv was tendered Geo-. Bieble Saturday evenfotf. Many couples spent the evening with him to impress ow bis memory his lOyeare was spent. Plows anr at it even thongi it be very dry. We Uks. How lo Find Out. Fill bottle orcomsnon glass with urine aaxl let it stand twenty-four bwint; a sediment or fettling: indicates am nn healthy conditions of the- kidneys. When urine sUins liner, it in evidence of kidney trouble Too frequent desire lo tirnvate or pain in the back, is-alno- tiwi vineing proof that the kidney and bol der are out of order. what to no. Tf.reis) comfort in the knowlwlijo-so ofte expressed, that Sr. Kilmer's Swamp-root, the great kidney remedy fulfills-every wish in relieving pain in rW baclt, kidnej a liver, bladder and every parte the urinary passage. It corraoW inability to hold nrlna and scalding pain in parsing it, or bad effects Sollowing" use of li'aor, wine or beer, and" overcomes that nnpleasant nwettsity oSWing cota-pelledto-gv-t up many times during tae night ro urinate. The mild and the traordinary effect ofe Swamp-loot is son realiwd. It stands the ti i libt-nt lor it wondnrfut etires of tie most distn-Hmnn cases. If you need a medicine yu should- have the bent. Sold by druggist), price-fifty tents amli one dollar. Yau may have a sample bottle and pamphlet botU sent by mail. Mention Okkhon City ENTEaj-riHK and send your addxtss to Lr. Kilmer & Cx, Bingbamton, H. Y. Tho- proprietors of this papwr guuraatee the-genuineness of this offer Xtra; Horse. Strayed from Willamette Falls about August lnt, a gray mare, nix years old, weight 1309 pounds height W,i bands, collarniark on Lack of neck, one hip slightly lower than the other, a little I stiff in the shoulders. A liberal reward for information leading, to the recovery of the animal. J. A. Mocunke. Beaver Cretk, Or, Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at K. L. Holman's, Main street, oppo site Court House, tf. TbU Is Your Opportunity. On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Cutarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon strate the great merits of the remedy. ELY BnOTIIEKS, 60 Warren Ht., Kew York City. Itev. John Keid, Jr.. of Great Falls,Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Halm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed." Kev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Church, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream I5a!m is the acknowledged cure for catarrh und contains no mercury nor any injurious drug. Price, GO cents. ROYAL Baking Powder, Highest of all In leavening Strength. V, S. Government Report ill There Are Rotfular Prlco. Our Prlco, Mellon' Food $ .'re M)o r0 .'5 Kohinson Hurley Maltod Milk... 1.00 80 " HO -10 i m perial G ra n u m "5 rf Nostlo'u Food HO -10 Early Kwor Tills 25 20 s Ono Minute Cough Curo HO 3 ' 25 20 ' Electric Hitters 50 35. Syrup of Figs 25 1 Don't pay old time, old fogy prices for your Drugs. ("So to a store that has now goods, now ideas, new ' prices, and keep up with the times, You novor know that you are getting the lowest prices until you have had ours. C. G. HUNTLEY, v Original Clump Wood. Ouk, ash, maple and fir wood deliver ed in any part of Oregon City . l'rlcea bed-rovk and wood Hrst-cla-M. ly pint imi your order now the brrt wdfctiun of seasoned wood can tie had, paying for It at a date aureed upon. CaH on or write R. (). Uoi.Mits, I'arkplure. For Kent. A seven-room honw, two blorks from tbe Barclay siliool, on street with side-i walk and electric lights and has a coin (Handing location BfTordtHtf a beautiful view of the Willamette river am) sur rounding country. Kent reasonable, Addrese "House" rare of Emtkki-hiki, Oregon City Market Krport. (Corrected" weekly.) Wheat No. 1 merchantable, 7-1 cent per bushel. Hour Portland, H'0; Howard's Best, $4.70 ;. Fisher's Rest, H; Pnyton ; HW: Pendleton, IS.'JO Oiits In nka, wbito, 30 ewita per biM, gray, W. Millstuirs Bran, $1400 pot ton. short, $15.50 per ton. Potatoes 40'CTmta ersak. Egg, 10 cents- per doren. Batten-Ranch, 35 to 40 cents- per roll. thvions, $1 00 per rack. Dried Fruits A pplex, onbleiMdieii, 5 cents ;50-pound bones, evaHiratodr 6c prunes, 4 to 0 cents; plums, 4!. Bacon Hams, 9 to ll cents; sides, 8; shoulders, 0; Url 7- to 8 Livewtork and Drenmd Meals Beel, live, 2 lo 3 cents; bs, live 3 cents; hoKS dreiweil, 5 to5' centals'. wp, $t lo$U.OO per head ; veal ,d reused 5 to Poultry Chickens, yonng, from $1.50; old $.'1.0r tmkeys, alive, 8 cents per pound. Library of the Worlds Best Literature. Prepared ider the personal direction of CluudcH Dudley Warner. Willi the assistance of HAM LUX WKIGIIT MABLK, and & large corps of Unions authors and educators. The choicest thoughts and literary gems of till ages and all mitions. The Library is to consl-t of 30 royal octavo volumes of about (K0 pages bach, printed in large, clear tvpe, on fine paper, Hu'jHtantiully anil richly bound in modern library style. The firm volumes are now ready and the others will follow rapidly. Each volume will be lavishly illustrated with full-page and vignette portraits o( authors, Advance orders on. special introduc tory terms, which prevail during period of publication only received through HAKPKR& WF.KKLY CLUB, 14 Mar ket street, Han Frauisco, Cut., or 209 Stark street, Portland, Oregon, ( all or send for sample puges. , PAUL J. SCHOLZ, Prop. Best Quality of Cold Storage Meats. Smoked bains and bacon cannot be excelled. Game in seitHon. Highest price paid for live and dressed . stock.. Seventh St between Main and Depot ltrndarhti ttopped In 20 mlnntmt by Dr. Ulk' fata 1'ill. "One cent a done." Others. Cut-Rate Druggist, OREGON CITY. 1 AGENTS WANTED. FOR JUVENILE HOLIDAY AND STANDARD SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS Br the W. B. Conkey Company, tbe largi'it puhlmhrpt ami nianilfitrtiirers of book in the I'nited Statra. Finest line of new holiday and other subscription books on tho mnrkct. Akto aiii'M wanted for "Trnt 8n.vK .!!." I he latest and best text-nook m the silver question by the treat silver leaders. frier Ilrlovr Com pet If (on. Exclusive Territory. Largest Coiiiiulsnlons. ' Write at once for oirrulari anil fpecial terms, stating your chotce of torrfcory. W. . tUNKEY COMPASf. 341 351 Dearborn 8t, I'biniff. Ahead of all Magazines this country tia tern. Albany Arjcus. I, TIK North American Review 71 KK IIiVJIYJi Fa.Il Tho Richt Topics, By the Rieht Mon, At tho Right Time. Tiik NohtAmkic.i Rrvtitir i rocoir nii'd on both sides of the Atlantic as the foremost Review in the Kni(lisli Ihiiuuki-, and no expenditure is spared in innin tutniiiK it in Its unrivaled position. Amonit features ol extraordinary Impor tance which t!e Ktviicw will iHiluin in oarly iiiiinbers may be mentioned tlicine: An artiitlu by the K1'''"1 bistoiian W. E. H. LKCKY ON Ecoont Pol tloal To&deoolel lb EoKland. UBPtJBLISHED CORRESPONDENCE mninlv rclntiim to tho isiues of tbe Atnericiin Civil War, between ;)H!f LOTHR0P MOTLEY and PRINCE BlbMAROK. Published with the Approval of Mr. Motley's dail2hter, the wife of the Rt. Hon. Sir W. Vernon Harconrt, lusiler o( the Opposition in the HoiiHoof Coinmons. A most important paper by JOHN HAY8 HAMMOND The American engineer so prominently UHHociuted with Cecil Rhoiles and Dr. Jamieson, on THE FUTURE OF BOOTH AFRI0A, A series of articles by BIB W. H. RUBBELb ('Iliill-Kun KuHnell") The famous correspondent of tbe London Times, in which be recounts his observations and experiences on THE OUTBREAK OF THE 0IVIL WAR, Two articles by the well-known states man M. 0E0BQE8 0LEMEN0EAU ON THE FRENCH HAVY. The North American Review, 2!) I Fifth Avenue, New York Subscription Price 5.00 a Year. Depot Sixth and J. Street TWO TRAINS DAILY ror All 1'olntH ICdHt "FAST MAIL ROUTE." Leaves fur tho Fust via Wnlla Walla and rxikanc, Uuily at 2:45 p. in. Arrives at 1 1 a. lit . Leave for the Fast vllt lluntlliloii and reiidliilon, daily at 0 p, tn. Arrives at 7 HA n. m. Tnit'tl'dll KlItHT-t -I.AHS AM) TOIMWT HI.KKl'KUN. MY.nS .M KIVKK M'KHUIiKJC. Oi-KAN livitiiN StinniHhip sail from Alnswoith duck K p. ip. For San Fran-i-ixco: State ol Ciilif"rtila sails Hunt, III, 21); Columbia Sept. :i COMIJ-IIIW WVKR DIVISION IKIKTUNII AND AM IOHIA SC.MMF.R 11 M K CARD STKAMKUS T. J. I'orTKR, K. U. TIlDMI'SDN T.J. Fitter leaves I'orlhiiiil daily ex cept Sunday at 7 a. in. ; retunilnK leaves Antoria daiiy, except Saturday al 7 p. m. R. R. Tboinpsoll leaves Portland dally OJceiit Saturdiiy and Siiiiduy at H p. in,, nd at 10 p. HI on Saturday; returning, leaves Astnria dat'y except Sunday at 7 .m, Willamette River Route. Ash Street Wharf. Hltfsmer Ruth, fur Sa'em ami war polikls, leaves I'lirtltind Mulidsys, Vei. neMlays and Fridas at tl a. in. Return Inn leaves Salem lor I'nHlund slid way (Mlnt Tuesdays. Thursdays and Satur (tsysat 7:11a in. st.Hin.-r tiyi-y for h -tic id and way points, leaves i'ortlalid 'Jurajuys, Thursday and Saturdays al tl a. ill, HeturuitiK, leaves S.ilelil for I'ortlalid and way point Momhiys, Wed neidayi and Fridnys al 7:15. in. YflJJJIILIj KIYKK I0UTK. Steamer Modoc, for I.iyton and way twint", leave l'ortlanilTurwIayn, Thurs days and Saturday at 7 a in. Return in jC. leave I lay ton for Fort Und and way point Mondays, Wednesdays and Frt dats at 7 a. in. Snake River Route Steamer leave Riparia daily except Saturday at 1:45 a. in, on arrival of train from I'orlUnd. Iave I.ewislon, return ing, daily except Friday at 6 :IH) a. in., arriving at Ripanaal rt p. in. W. II. HURLRL'RT, (len. I'ass. Aent. r Pract Horses!) orsestyocr Truck and Hoiel Work a Spm-iulty. Any st) le dlioi-it In irmi or led. iiit'in milk am) ri pnirlilK. Satislacllnu lliiaraolee.!. KIlDIi on Seventh -ti.-i l, next ilnnr to Nolthit'a alahle. $7,800 GIVEN AWAY To persons who inn lie the cutest number of wo-ds out of the phrase, "Patent Attorney Wedilerlnirn." For particulars address the Natiouiil Rec order, Washington, I), (!. - TASTELESS tni IS JUST AS COOD FOR ADULTS. WARRANTED. PRICE 50ct8. Oai.atia, Ills., Nov. 10, 1893, Parln Mndldno To., Ht. 1iiiln, Mn, rinnllniiien: Wo xilrt hint yunr, (VX) bnulna nf OIIOVK H TAMTKI. KhH Cllll.l, TONIC! mill hdTH botiatit lUrAa KrciHH ulruuU Una ymir. In nil oar fix-purlcin-e nf 14 ymini, In I ho ilrini biilMM. hnv nTr aulit hii HrMnla that gnvu mrh iimwriwl lalla tooUuu M yuur Tunlu. uum trnlv, AuMair.Caua 4 Co. Forsalo by C. Q. Huntley. teifer TO