Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1897)
(J W-v Or EGON I I I JDjIN 1 'JiJJttr KIWJtjJ. VOL.32. Ntfl, OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1897. ESTABLISHED 18C6 (JJ K,0, LATOUKKTTR, AKoRNEYH AND COUNSELORS AT LAW VAIN STKKKT OtlKUON CITY, 6KIC00N. Ptirulah Ati.tracta of Tltln, 1 ,0ml Mousy, Poro- MiiriirnKio, mm irannaoi tlvlivral Mir MiihIdkh. J J K. CltOHA, ATroUNKV AT LAW. flU. PSACTICS IX A IX COIIKTI Of Till STATS Ileal Kilata and Iiiinranre. OHlfeoii Main Hlrrnt tint. Hlith and Horonth, umuuM CITY. OK. J. K. MA UK 4, ATTOltNKY AT LAW, Will i.rnlli'P In all ths courts of the ! Olliiit (iii()llit nmrl limine In ChiiIIi'IiI building. C."- DYK, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW Will f rHiM mlvx(iia, mats nbatrsPla. loan mutiny, .a () ii. mi l tauiaii a g oimral In lm-ieu. OIHiw flrit fl'ior adjoining Hank uf 0 egoit City. OkiuuH riTT. oaioo 03 CO IB 12 m m a P a a 4 (t FT 5 n o j fi.3 8 2.3 tr.,?.B, "3 SB 2 w o 3 03 c CM o B B 3. D tS . mm?. SE 3 2 2.S, v O "99 ! mm op-legs'-5 ft. 7 o 0 r m r o a o 3 3 Q. m x r-f 1 P fU Q 3 O CD HVDHKX AM) AW'FL'L UKATII. Tiro Men Drowned hihI Nfrenil Injured bj IhB (,'ollflpe oft Dam. ..ivy a o. urowhki.u IKOWNKI.I. A CAMPIIKU. I). t.KfOH.L. ATTOKNKY.S AT LAW, OkiooK city, Will prarllr In all ttio couru of tha aula. 8 to, lu c uA 1 1 lii. ilhiu. OmuoM. 01- Fresh Fruit-Best Quality Fine Table Groceries None bettor in tho city. A pplondid selection and all frenli, rrices as low as to lo liad in tho city. i FREYTAG'S GROCERY, Corner Main aud Fourteenth Sts. The nuilfli-n coIIhi of s coirerdam, rutalniiiK bxly of water L'8 feet higli, In Rlution B cancl of the I'ottlan.l Gen eial Eluctric compttny on tliH Went Hide atll:D0i m.TupiwIay, buried 10 men, who were working benealh it, in a weth Inic mini of WHter and flying timber, in which Jacob MuComb and Anton Nat terlin, IohI their live and five other were more or lem ieriously hurt. The injured are: Thomas Hiniih, njilne Injured; W. W. 8milh, ritflit et broken; Harvey Little, left arm enm men were put to work repairing the j damage and by 6 o'clock Wednesday t evening water waa turned into tiie canal and the vartoua ' indnntriea deriving pfjwer from the canal were enabled to rcdume operation;. Ol'RCITT LAWS. The Flrntl han kicl vine Dinner. The firctThankHuivinK dinner waa cele brated in thin country two hundred and wventy-aix yeHra ai0, at Plymouth, MaKeachuHettR. The whole American army wan present it num'oered twenty men, Mile Stamlinh, the backward lover of I'riacilla, tat at the feait, while Priacilla nerved at the tablet). The Rtory bed and ' " l,fmT t,,e November inane of The RctImIoo and Codification of Ordinan cl Sow fkdnr Mude. J. If. MILLKK, liKXTIHT Pevrhth atrent, near Houthern l'acitlc (le)ot, Oregon C'liy, Oreifun. c.n- ISOM. CIVIL KNOINKKIt Acn DKI'UTY COUNTY 8UHVKYOR. Will le at court houim on each Saturday and on irnnlar woition daya of county court. J J T. 8I.ADKN, h'OTAKT pimua foaiiranpawrlltaolu the llarllnrJ.ot lUrtfurd, Palailoa. lUmburf of llmtuan c I.ACKAMAS AIIHTI! ACT A TKfBT CO. Purnlah, Alxt-arta, ( halna of Tlt'o. Dc-prlp- null, MMiia, iniiirxi m. rar lain rcricci Tltlaa. (10., no. IMIipb ovi r Hauk of Urvcu iriijf. . r. I LAKK. Prai., au.1 Mcr. oaaiinH city, - - - - oaaudH I). W KINNAIliD CIVIL, KNUINEKH ANli HCKVKVOIl. Kallway laraltmi and ponatrurllnn, lirMgca. ami atlinalva for walor aiiiily Drain and alrrot lmrornicnt of towna Special allniillnn flri'n to Araughtliif and blue prlulliiK T W. WKLCII. DKNTIST Willanietto Hid., oppoHito ToHtolllce. to 12: 1 to Air-Til in We are headquarter for AirTiuht Heaters largest slock, loweat pricea. We are uIho agents for the celebrated Canton Clipper Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Alao (or the Slmonds Saws. Steel Ranges Cast Ranges Stoves all prices. We carry a full iitock of everythinn in (he Hardware line, wagon wood, iron, steel, piimim, iix, etc. numbing and all kinds of jobbing neatly ami promptly done. Estimates furnished. POPE 3t CO. Corner 4th and Main Streets, - Oregon City. ...REPAIRING.. Having secured the servicos of a firnt class workman we are pre pare, to do mending and repairing of all kinds at reasonable rates. KRAUSSE BROS. The Shoe dealers. Olll hours from 8 a. in. 6:30 p. in. rL. I'ljUTKK, J- ATTORNEY AT LAW aaaraACTior raraaTY rraxiaiian. Offlo next to Oregon City bank on Oth itreot. O. T. WILLIAMS. KKAL ESTATE AND LOAN AGENT. A good Una of biialnna, rcmMviiceaudauburbati 1'roporly. Farm Property In tracta to ault on eaay termt. Cnrreapnnilnuoe promptly aniwnrcd. Oflloe, oiio oo'.r ainitii uf"lli cniuoli. J. W. MEI.DRUM. 8URVKY0R AND CIVIL KSUINKKR. All orders promptly attended to. roalnlllue add reaa Oregon City. Ileniilence at Meltlrum I'luce, on Runt tilde Kleclric line two Milieu nortli ot Oregon City, BARGAINS m Summer Goods Fall Goods To make room for complete- stock of ' a largo and rJMIK COMMERCIAL BANK, OP OKEUON CITY. Capital, .... 1100,000 TRA NaACTS A OSNRSAI. lUNKIHfl RIiaiNiaS. Uinna inmlo. Hllla illaeountoil. Makea enl lootiona. Huya and loll exelinniie on all polnta In tho United Hlatea, Knrupe aud Hung X llupualta reooh'cd aiihjeet to cliock. open from R A. u. to i r. u. V. 0. LATOUKKTTE, Prnaident. P. it DONALDSON, Caahler inns Haul JJANK OP OUEGCN CITY, Oldest MM House Id the City. ' Paid up Capital, 150,000. Hiirplua, .M,HM. rasainsNT,' - caAii.aa h. cacfisld. aica rKiaiuiNT, ao. A. hardinu. CABIIIKK, - 0 CAUriILD, A cenornl banking bnalneaa tranaaoted. Oopualta renolved iubuoi to olieuk. Approved bllla and notes dlaoountod. Count; and city warrant! bought. Loan mvle on available aeourlty. Exchange bought and anld. Oolleotlom mailo promptly. Drafts solit avallaulo la any part of tho world Telegraphic exohangei sold on Portland, Ban FranoUao.'lhloftgoaiid New York, utorent paid on time deposits. from the East, soon to be in at Thos. Charman & Son's The Pioneer Store. face bruised; Carl Norberg, head cut; Jacob Weedic, slightly biuised; while Alvin Richardson, Jacob Keim and W. M . Lewis were unhurt. Tho Electric Company had recently uiiilta bulkhead at the foot of the new extension to the nower house about 100 feet below where the old bulkhead stood with the intention of extending the feed canal the whole length ot the power station, and day and night for a week the work of taktrg out rock at the foot of the old bulkhead had been going on, until it was thought sufficient rock had been removed to permit the taking out of the timbers which wss to have been done Tuesday nihl, after the water had ! been allowed to fill the space below so as to equalise the pressure of the dam. Tuesday moruir a gang of nine men under Tom Smith, as foreman went down to cut the bolls that held the bracing timbers preparatory to removing them in the evening Hut the timbers had evidently rotted more than the co m pany was aware of for just before neon they gave way under the strain with the rvsult narrated above. Fred and Theodore Miller, P.O. E. Co. boys, emplojed in Station B we e among the first to arrive after the acci dent and, ailliuut slot ping to consider the consequences, sprang Into the water among the timbers and did heroic work in rescuing the unfortunate victims. Dr. W. E. Carll, the company's physi cian, P. F. Morey, president, and II. W. Goode, manager, of the Electric Com pany, anived goon alter the accident occured, and did everything in their power to alleviate the suffering ol the wounded. The Portland General Electiie Com pany, immediately following the am Ladies' Home Journal. Here the Indians and whites sat down together by the tables set in the wood, and enjoved the roasted turkey, beechnuts, clam chowder, fixh, salad, cakes, fruit and other delicacies provided. It was at this historic dinner that the first oysters were served. The illustrations of the article show ortaiU of the Pilgrim fathers. CIRCUIT COURT. dent, drained the canal and put all ttiei hands at work to find the bodies of the missing men. Supt. Pierce of the Wil lametta PtilpA Paper Company, also generously sent thair men to asist in clearing away the debris but it was in such a tangled mass that it was irampos sidle to do anything with it with the water off, so it was turned on again and the timpers taken out by means of arge derrick. The work of clearing the basin was continued without interruption and at 3 o doc a. m. Wednesday morn ng the body of George Natterlin was re covered. The search for McComb's body was prosecuted until 7 a. m. Wed nesday w ithout avail, when Supt. Pierce, on behalf of the Electric Company ollered a reward of K0 to anvon who would find the bodv of the missing man llie water was again turned out of the basin and a hole made in the bulkhead in order to drain it as low as possible and the search continued until 2 o'clock when McCorr.b'a body was recovered by Joseph Rennet, who had been exploring the uneven Burface of the busin for seve ral hours. The body of George Natterlin Kegolar Moremtier Term to be Convened Next Monday. Hon. Thomas A. McBride, judge of the fourth judicial district, is in Astoria this week holding an adjourned term of court for Clatsop county. On next Mon day, November 1st, he will commence the regular fall term for Clackamas county. The docket contains 244 ca-wi, 03 of which are law, 130 equity, and 10 crimi nal. Of the equity cases 23 are suits for divorce, in 15 of which the wife appears as plaintiff, and in eight the husband, showing that women either do more kick ing or have more cause for complaint than men. For all the docket is so large but few :ases were carried over from ' last term. When Judge McBride ad journed court in the different counties of tliis district lat July the dockets wjre nearer clear of all than they had been be fore in years, but hard times and other causes have had the effect to multiply litigation. There are five persons in jail awaiting the action of the grand jury. Charles Thompson, for horsestealing and Richard Kubisch, held as a witness against Thompson. James Fay, a hobo, held on a charge of sodomy, and Walter Prudence, a wit ness against Fay. Brace Minkler for horsestealing. Pele Younger, who is serving a six month's sentence for indecent exposure, The city council met In specil session Friday evening for the purpose of revis ing the ordinances, no revision having; been made since 1H80. All members were present except Uault and Caplea. The ordinances aa revised include a number of changes, I he most important ones being as follows : Drut stores, gro cery stores and restaurants, that sell liquor to be drunk on the premises, are required to pay a license of f "0 a year eai.h. Astrologers, clairvoyants and spiritualist mediums, who do business for money, are required to pay $3 s day for a city license; cirenses must pay between $30 and fl5(J before being per mitted even to parade the streets; pawn brokers must pay $3 per quarter; auctio neers of jewelry $15 per day, of horses or cattle $1 per day, of real estate $5 per quarter; canvassers, except for Bibles, must pay $2 per day licence. Poultry is added to the list of creatures not per mitted to run at large, and any person is authorized to take offending animals to the pound. The use of sidewalks to display goods, or for advertising an nouncements, is prohibited. Property- owners are required to k(ep the streets clean in front of their holdings. Smoke stacks or chimmeysof mills and factories are required to project at least 10 feet above near-by property, and to be equipped with spark arresters. The regulations for public health are enlarged and made more definite, and the council committee on health and police is given plenary powers. Scarlet-fever flags may not be removed until 20 days after they are placed, and diphtheria flags must remain at least seven days. There shall be no public funeral for those who die of smallpox. Children afflicted with whooping cough, mumps or chick en pox must not go to school until ther shall have completely recovered. The same committee is given jurisdiction over nuisances that threaten health, and a long list of nuisances is legally defined and specifically prohibited. The bicycle ordinance is modified so as to permit riding on the sidewalks where streets are muddy, upon the formal con sent of the mayor and street committee. Assault and battery and other misde meanors, that have heretofore been cov ered in this city only by state law, are now made offences against the rnontcj pality. The regulations as to vagrants have been made more specific, and "dea- WSS anntliar trial ha Km. Ira n.J ...... taken tnthA l,n. nfl.l. Ww.!.l.. M"" J"" n" w"f . .... . . w v- v. ma y uinvi iii'ian 10 YOU NEED ANY Doors, Windows, . Moulding, Window Glass, OR OTIIEIt BUILDING MATERIAL? GO TO c. H. BESTOW I CO. Low Prices. First-class Goods. Corner 11th and Main Streets, Oregon City. Oregon. ruck htorich and the funeral held at the Catholic church Thursday morning at 10 o'clock, conducted by Rev. Father Hillebrand. The deceased was a young man about 22 years of age, unmarried and held in high esteem in the commun ity. Jacob McComb was removed to his residence on Ninth and Monroe streets, where the -funeral was held Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rev. M. L Kugg. Mr. McComb was 21 years, 5 .1.- 1 no 1 l iiiuiuiin ami aays oia ana leaves a wife and one child, besides his aged parents, to mourn his untimely end The interment was in Mountain View cemetery. The Portland General Electric Com pany bore all the medical and funeral expenses and will doubtless follow their UHual custom of paying all reasonable demands for the losses sustained by reason of the sad accident. Immediately on receipt of the news of the accident Coroner Godfrey and Deputy Prosecuting Attorney Porter empaneled a jury consisting of G. R. II. Miller, J. G. Porter, II. S. Gibson, W. A. White, Esra Hutson and Daniel Lyons and re paired to the scene of the accident to Investigate the causes of this unfortunate affair. They remained until the body of George Natterlin was recovered, wnen mey went home lor a little rest and returned in time to witness the recovery of the second body, when they adjourned until Friday, October 2i), at 10a. m., when the formal inquest will be held. After the bodies were recovered 60 will complete his sentence the first of oUle.. whom the printer ol tb me .cca. There are also ten other cases de manding the attention of the grand jury, bound over from justice courts, the prin cipals being out on bail. They are: M. Brayton, Otis Shelly and Clarence Williams for indecent exposure. W. (ji. Allen, James Kernes and Charles Lescor. for assault with dangeri- ous weapons. n in. Westburg and H. J. Lawler, for obtaining money under false uretense. Robert Gardner, M. J. Walsh and George Austend. for burglarly. E. E. Martin, for forgery. The following indictments were re turned at the April term of court and continued for this term : CasS U. Bar low, for embezzlement. C. Phiffer, for practicing . medicine without a license. Walter Wyland. for horsestealing; was tried some two years airo. but the jury disagreed and while waiting for recaptured a couple of months ago. Something to Depend On. Mr. James Jones, of the druit firm of Jones & Son, Cowden, 111., in speaking of Dr. King's New Discovery, says that last winter his wife was attacked with La Grippe, and her case grew so Berious that physicians at Cowden and Pana could do nothing for her. It seemed to develop into hasty consumption. Hav Ing Dr. King's New Discovery in the store, and selling lots of it, he took a bottle home, and to the surprise of all she began to get Hettei from first dose, and half dozen dollar bottles cured her sound and well. Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is guaranteed to do this good work. Try it. Free trial bottle at Charman & Co. '8 drug store. Money Tor Fanners. When it comes to buying harness. saddles, whips or robes the prices and work to be had at Willey's harness shop cannot be duplicated in Portland. Re pairing done in good shape and promptly. Full line of shoes carried and sold at bed rock prices. Shoe re pairing attended to. Willey's locgers and farmers hand made shoes have no superior. Call at his shop on Seventh street near the depot and see how big a dollurs worth you can tret. prepent ordinances put among the va grants, are to be rescued from jeopardy. and the dissolute put under the ban. Telegraph, telephone and electric-light poles may not be erected, except by per mission of the mayor and street com mittee, after written application shall have been made, and they shall not be permitted to interfere with the use of streets or private property. All snch poles shall be painted a dark color to a height of six feet, and above that shall be painted white, and the city may1 re move them if they be not so painted after 10,days notice to the owner. The final vote on the ordinances as revised will be taken at the regular meeting in November. Lockhart, TexAs, Oct. 15, 188d. Messrs. Paris Medicine Co., Paris, Tenn. Dear Sirs: Ship us as soon as possi ble 2 gross Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic and will not have any other. In our experience of over 20 yerrs in the drug business, we have never sold any medi cine which gives such universal satia facsion. Yours resnectfullv. J. S. Bkownb 4" Co. For sale by C. G.Huntley, druggist For Young Men and Young Women There is nothing that will arouse the re of a young man or woman so quick aa to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a secialfy of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. There can be no better work than is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Farnsworth's arber shop. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quin ine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c . Hooks Cheap. Everything required in the school room, books, slates, tablets, sponges. ink, pens, pencils, etc. at Daniel Wil liams, corner Seventh and Center streets. Full stock of nuts, candies, notions etc.. fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas onable prices. ' Croup Quickly Cured. Mountain Glkn, Ark. Our children were suffering with croup when we re ceived a bottle of Chamberlain's cough Remedy. It afforded almost instant relief. F. A. Thornton. This celebrated remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay up your subsciption to tha Enterprisb and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. j Dr. Miles' Nerve PtastersSc. at all druggists.