Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. oorKTs. Clrenll court rnnvenea (Iral Mon In No ajvraiwr ami (hlrtl Monday In April. Prohate court In triulnn Unit Monday a tarn miiih. 'ramlMlinr court m!a Brut Wednesday fU'r Unit Honda ol each month. FRIDAY, NOYKMUER 20, ISiHI. To cure all old koi en, to heal an in dolent ulcer, or to seodily cnie pile, you need Dimply applv IVWitl'a Witch IIksimI Salve acvordinit to direction!. Its. msniclike notion will surprise you. C. 0. Huntley. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Cook Hkos it, Mistress likes it, Family liken it. You run return it if yon don't like it. ur .lava and Mocha Mend cotfee. L E. Wilimm. llie (:nuer. do to Albright's lor tine meats. Chair bottoms at Howard's, 10 cents. TSo. 8 copper-bottom boilers, ilo cents at Howard 'a. A tine selection of stamped linen cheap .at the Racket Store. ISarsains in trimmed and untriinmed iia's. Miss Goldsmith. Money to loan on good real estate security by A. S. Presser. Don't forget we can give you big tbitrains at the Racket store. Call on Howard for cook stoves and .heaters Seventh street, near depot. Howard bays and sells second hand school books. Second hand store near depot. A nice line of ladies' and gentlemens' umbrellas just received at Cbarroaa & Sim's. Dwelling house wanted Address Rent er, giving location and price, care of the Fmsrprisb. The Novelty candy factory has just re ceived an invoice of new nuts, all vari eties. Prices guaranteed. l'aniel Williams' store at the head of Seventh street stairs will be head quarters for school supplies, Blunyon'smetlicinesare the latest, and Cliarman fc Co., the np-to-date drug irfsts, have a complete stock. Pamphlets tree. See A. W. Schwan, Seventh street, near the depot, about your plumbing, tinning and general jobbing. Repair ing promptly done. tf. Children's hosiery, a splendid assort ment and of good quality at prices to meet all competition at Martin's, next loor to toe poetotHce. DeWitt's Saraparilla is prepared tor cleansing the blood. It builds up and strengthens constitutions impaired by disease. C. G. Huntly. Dkivks Best laid 7 cent per lb. (briny iail) starch, soda, dry granulated sopir 5 ii-iita per 11). Arbucklos I.ion orgfeencotfee 20 cents Hrlb. Carters ink 5 cents for 5 ounce t bring bottle). Red Front TradmiCo. Scaly eruption on the head, chapped hands and hps, cuts, bruises, scalds, burns re quickly cured by IVWitt's Witch II iiel S.ilve It is at present the ; article most usid for piles, and it always cures them, (i, C. Huntley. Absolutely pure, perfectly harmless, and invariably reliable are tho qualities of One Minute Cough Cure. It never fails In colds, croup and lung troubles. Children like it Ixvause it is pleasant to , take and it helps them. C. U. Huntley. It is a fixed and immutable law that to have good sound health, one must have cure, rich and abundant blood There is no Blunter nor surer route than by a course of IVWitt'a Sarsapanlla, C. G. Huntlev. PERSONAL NOTES. is visiting X dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. Pay np your subsciption to the Enterprise and get the the benefit of the reduction in price. A fine line of ladies' and children's ahoes at Mrs. E, E. Martin's, next door to the postoffice. School shoes that will stand the wear of winter ue. Hie Novelty candy factory's home aiade cream and chocolates are always fresh and high grade. Thanksgiving boxes out up to order. All sizes. When in need of groceries, flour, feed or family wood, call on C. E. Nash, op posite Seventh street stable. New, fresh goods at reasonable prices. Free de- livuMJ (strayed, a red cow with the end of -one horn broken. Giving milk. A re ward will be paid for information as to faer whereabouts. Address Oregon City Hospital. Tor a quiet place to liitch your horses away from the motor line and a place to get a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street.j Soothing, and not irritating, strength ening, and r.ot weakening, small but effective such are the qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills. C. i. Huntley. The finest line Oriental rugs ever brought to Oregon City, are now on sale at Mrs. E. E. Martin's store. A fine pattern at 8 cents per foot and finer grades at equally low pris. The length of life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of people die from lung troubles. These may be averted by promptly using Oue Minute Cough Cure. C. G. Huntley . Dr. White's new bair grower guaran teed to cure all cases of dandruff, and grow new hair on any bald head on artb. For sale by Farnsworth & John son, the leading tonsorial artists of the ily. Sewing Machines cheap. Want a sewing machine? Get a good one and pay $25 ; five years guarantee ; $5 down 45 per month until paid. See Bellomy .& Busch about it. Or. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kind of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. All operations guaranteed for 5 years. Call and get my prices. Office in Barclay building In the display of millinery goods at Mrs. E. E. Martin's, next door to the postoffice can find a hat or bonnet be coming to each customer's features. As fine a selection as to be had in Portland at Portland prices. The old lady was right when she said the child might die if thev waited for the doctor. She the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. She bad used it for croup before. C. G. Huntley. Grove'i tasteless Chill tonic is a per fect Malarial Liver tonic and blood purifier. Removes Biliousness without purging. As pleasant as Lemon Syrup It is as large as any dollar tonic and re tails for 50c. To get the genuine, ask for for Grove's. For sale by C. G. Huntley. sore throat. Any ordinary case may be cured in one night by applying Chamberlain's Pain Balm as directed ith each bottle. This medicine is also famous for its cures of rheumatism, lame back and deep-seated and muscular pains. For sale by Geo. A. Harding, druggist. Malarial produces Weakness, General debility Biliousness, loss of appetite, indigestion and constipation. Grove's Tasteless Chill tonic remove! the cause which produces these troubles. Try it and you will be delighted. 50 cents. To get the genuine ask for Grove's. For sale by C. G. Huntley. The Thanksgiving dinner at the Port land restaurant will please the most fastidious. Lawrence savs that lie has the finest turkeys engsged that will be brought to Oregon City and that they will be cooked to a turn and served with all the accessories that go to make up a dinner suitable to the day. Charles Albr'gbt, jr., the reliable and old stand-bye meat dealer, still leads in the butchering business in Or egon City. His old customers stay with him, and if perchance, they should wan der away to some other market, they al ways come back to Albright. Abright's meats are tender and juicy, and can be obtained either at the market on Main and Fifth streets, or at the shop on the corner of (Jenter ami Seventh, steets, next door to Dan William's. Even horses, now considered a drag on the market, can be sold if the owner goeB at it in the right way. Ex-county Assessor John Noble had a span of horses, barneys and wagon that he wished to dispose of. He placed a small advertisement at a cost of 35 cents in the E.NTEKi'Kise, which came to the notice of a man in the south part of the county, in need of a team with the re sult that a sale was made of the horses and outfit. Self-denial is the one thing most dif ficult to inculcate and always hard to practice, (specially when there are good things to eat within reach. But there is no self denial necessary if you take Simmons Liver Regulator. It promotes digestion, prevents Dpspepsia and a dose after a meal of delicacies will prevent any discomfort. It's the best good night toddv. Mrs. W. B. Meek, who resides at Camptonville, Cal., says her daughter was for several years troubled at times with severe cramps In the stomach, and would be in such agony that it was nec essary to call in a physician. Having read about Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoe Remedy she concluded to try it. She found that it always gave prompt relief. It was seldom necessary to give the second dose. ("It has not only saved us lots of worry and time," she says, but also doctor bills. It is my opinion that every family should have a bottle of this remedy in the house." For sale by Geo. A . Harding, druggist. George A, Harding, the druggist, will tell you that no one is better qualified to judge of the merits of an article than the dealer, because he bases his opinion on the experience of all who use it. For this reason he wishes us to publish the remarks of other dealers about an article which he bandies. Messrs. C. F. Moore & Co. Newberg, Oregon say : "We sell more f Chamberlain'! Cough Remedy than all others put together, and it always gives good satisfaction." Mr. J. F.Allen, Fox, Oregon, says: "I be lieve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to be the best I have handled."" Mr. W, H.Hitchcock, Columbus, Wash., says: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy sells; well ond is highly praised by all who use it. Mrs. Gordon K. Haven Salem friends this week. Kd Johnson, the barber, Is visiting Silverion friends this week. Joseph Shaw, Jr., of Pallas, visited friends in the city this week. Waller Johnson returned Iroin an over Sunday visit at Woodhurn Monday. Mrs. Judge Hayes spent last week in Independence visiting Mrs. Dr. Butler. Geo. T. Howard returned Tuesday from a visit with friends at St, Helens. A. F. Thompson, a rustling young farm boy of Needy, was in Oregon City Tuesday. Mis Jennie Griffith and Miss Alice Peebles, of Salem, are visiting Mrs. R. A. Miller. Mrs. Helen Cnrren and son Frank, of Milwaukee, w ere the guests of Mrs. II. S. Gibson over Sundav. Misses Father and Vesta Kiiight, of Canby spent Sunday in this city, the guests of Mrs. J. (.', Bradley, MiysAnnie Midlain returned to her Canemah home Monday from a three days visit with friends in Portland. Messrs J. F. Clark and Sidney Smyth left Monday for a few day duck shoot ing at Waupato lake in Washington county. Miss Dot lie Bowen, of Burns, arrived in this city this week to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. ,V. P. G radon. Constable W. II. Mattoon, of Viol one of the three republican constables elected in tins county last June, was in the city Friday. B. S. Bellomy, of Bellomy A Buesch, baa lost some of his wonted rustle and push this week on account of ail attack of rheumatism. Miss Edna Rugg, of the Portland University, spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. M. L. Rugg, in this city. J. Watermelon Redington, the homor- est of the Puyallup Commerce, visited his old-time friend, George Herr n of this city, during the week. Mrs. C. A. Wllley, wife of KldeJ Willey of this city has been quite sick for the past three days, but Isnow slowly gaining strength and will sooa be enjoy- ng her former good health. Miss Anna Armstrong, of Canby, has taken a position as clerk for L. A. Pat terson in the Bazaar. Miss Armstrong capable, experienced saleswoman, having clerked in one of the Urge stores in Los Angeles before coming to Oregon. As a result of the cold, stormy weather Major Thomas Oharman lias been con fined to the house since last Sunday with a severe attack of rheumatism, Helms been feeling some better the last duty or two and hoes to be able to be in his store by the first of next week. Mr. Fred H. Fuller, who was formerly ajmachine tender in the Willamette paper mills in this city, but who moved with his family to California last spring, has recently removed to Watertown, N. Y., where he holds a responsible position in the mills of the Watertown Paper Company. Thus. F.ggers, LID Florid St. San Fran cisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, ap proaching Consumption, tiled without result everything else, then bought one bottle ol Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks wan cured. Ilo is natur ally thankful. It is such result, of w hich these are samples, that prove the wonderful efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Cold. Free trial bottles at Cliarmim t Co's. Drug Store, Clinrimin Bros Block. Regular sixo fit) cents and t 00. Do You Hunt to Paint t An art class has been formed in this city by Alice Weister, teacher of ait il the Portland university, which mee's at tho residence of Mrs J. W. Not us on Thursday of each week from t) to 4 o'clock. A thorough course w ill U given in decorative art, painting on china, silk, velvet, mole skin etc.. A specialty of drawing ami painting from life and still life. The course for those who wish to U omfl teachers is tint Mine as the j best French art schools. Mrs. Weister studied for seven years i in Europe and holds certificate from two of the greatest artists o(;i'aris stul 1011111 of her paintings were admittud lo the great art exhibitions in that city. As a teacher she ranks among tho I est on this ; Coast and her pupils always nuke splen- j did progress in their work. Mrs. j Weister'i terms are very reasonable. For Iteiil Speclali. 1 Chicken and garden farm, 2 acres In Clackamas; frame house, spring water, valuable fishing privilege to per month, 2 Good larm, 103 acre, Ml) in cultiva tion, good buildings, 7 acres prunes; for rent or sale. :t Nice clean dwelling In Cauemah for rent or sale. Spring water. 4 Elegant dwelling 7 rooms, double parlor, two bay windows, pore moun tain water puined from the Clackamas, bath room. Rent or sale on the Install nirut plan. 5 Little cottage at Elyville, good well water, half acre garden. II. K. CROSS. "I have uaad Ayar's Charry I're. total lu my family lot twvuty yaaia, ml Kcuinmtm! II to olhua lor cough aixt vlit, and whooping cough. Itvt ucvrr known iluglt ca of whooping i-uugh llial It failed to rellava mid cure, when Scoff and Cough, Tho man who ooffn nt t frloiully tidvloo to "tnko nomothlnu for that cottuh, ...mi 1. .... 1. 1.... wr-r-rw-rvs wilt Ull'll I'll -Jtjlltilliiiht, until ho ctmnifoti his mind or ohunuort hln ourtlily roBl'Umoo. 8ln.'uliir, Irm't It, how many ntubboru pooplo jiornUt la gHiulilinig. with health uh tho ntuko, whim thoy mlktht bo offootually ouroj of cough, oold, or long troublo, by u fow Uobou of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This IratlinnnUt humlltd olhrra. I'ifa. will ta (cmiii. I In full In Ayrt'a ' Ailillraa J. C. Ayat Co., I.owrll Tntahouk" Willi a Maaa. ( Letter List. The following is the list of letters re maining in the postoffice at Oregon Cify, Oregtxi, on November 1H, lHIMi: wombs'", list. Hall, Mrs Hailiaway, Mils Droke, Maud M .' mst. An-UPth, John Kirtiy, V (' llnce, James l.rlninl. Jin k lirener, K Pol. Emeat Movies, Mirheal Whilion, O C Hu'shniir. E Whitcliill, A C Early, Ralph Wells, J If called for Btate when advertised. 8. R. Okkks, P. X, For Sweet Charity. The ladies of St. Paul's Episcopal church are making up a box to send to the Good Sauiaratin hospital of Portland on Thanksgiving day in accordance with their time honored custom. Poor people from Clackamas county are frequently cared for at this hospital and contribu tions of fresh vegetables, fruit, jollies, canned fruit etc. will tie very acceptable, Contributions can be left at the grocery store of V. Harris who will see that they reach their destination. Card of Thanks.. I wish to extend my sincere thanks to neighbors and friends who so kindly came to our assistance in the late sick ness of my husband and especially to the Masons who took care of his body at the ball and grave. MliS. A. M. WAHIIIirjiiN (test and Cheapest Insurance. Save money on your insurance by call ing on E. . Martin, who represents the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City. You cannot afford to keep on throwing your money into policies and pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad vance and then have the company fail. The Oregon Fire Relief association will stand the closest investigation. E. E. Martin, Agt. Commercial Bank Block, Two Lire! Maveri. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas of Junction City, III . was told by her doctors she had con sumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King'i New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Mow For Bargain. A bankrupt stock of dry goods, clothing boot and shoes, embracing a good selec tion in each lino will lie opened up for sale next week in the Schratn building, next door to K, K. Williams' grocery store, and sold at forced saWt. Auction everyday. This is no fake sale as the quality ef the good will prove and the prices cunnot be met as these goods must UO. People Wanted. To know that C. A. Willey, Heventh street, near the depot has a splendid line of shoes, best good for the money in the city. He carries the well-known slioeeot the Caen Shoe Co., every pair of which i warranted. Harness and saddles manufactured and sold at Port land price. Fine shoes and boots made . to order and repairing promptly done. tl. jNeuiStorot 3 Fresh Goods f Uotu Prices I flarr& Rndmuis, Northeast comer Seventh and Center Streets, One of the bout HeleotlotiH of jjroccrlcH ever brought to Oregon City. Give us a trial.sss- Fro? delivery to all parts (if the city. MONEY IS WHAT YE WANT NOT GOODS To get tliis I run giving 10 n-r cent, (lim-mint to cash iiirclmers from now on. I huvo a fitto assortment f triiiiinetl lint ami Unmet to chooso from, also largo lino of ril!oiiH. Satisfaction guaranteed or no triulu. MRS. SI.ADICN'S, Millinery Pnrlor. Main Street, one door South of M. E. Church. Knreku Hotel, Ha the reputation of setting the best table in Oregon City. The cooking is done onder pers.Mial supervision of Mrs. (iibliuo, and that victuals are epial to the best had in a private family. Rooms and bfiht clean and comfortable. Give the Kurt-k a a trial. Meals and bed Zr centa each, Special rales to regular hoarders. j A hplemlld niuiirr (.'lien. To all who dine at I lie Portland rra taurant, opposite, the sosension bridge, the finest dinner to Im had in Oregon City will be served. A Secialty made of fine meats, fish and game. Try our Sunday chicken dinners. Clean table service and ' efficient help. A iuiet place to bring your wife or ludy friuuds. Meals 25 cents. Worli:y of .Notice. The S. B. Medicine company Is the only ene out of nine proprietary medi cine firms IncorjKjrated on this coast since 1887 that has not made an assign ment. These hard times with new news paper advertising contracts lor two years, it speaks lorwlly of their merit. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Store your Produce. And wait for a raise in the market that is sure to eome. Ample store room in Oregon City for bay, grain, potatoes etc. at very low rates. Call on or address Jas. A. Wll.LH. I HAVE ;;8J : A :- Complete Slock -: of - Nuts, Dates, Figs, Honey, Oranges, j ! Jt Lemons. Bananas, Cranberries, l px i Kaisins, ana Home rviaue rviince i And nnytlilnn ymi titlutvt wnnt fur ymir ThmiWfHrivlritf Dinners 71. ROlMRWgON, ARR A HOBBRTSOfa, Osooara. 7th and Center Sts., (On the hill.) J taV.aS.afc. at. A afc-A s.AaA4AAAAaaVi A. A A A aV-A 4VAVAAA4, A. A A A. A.AaV V aVA J I3B I'or Sale or Trade. I have on my place for sale or trade, several fine milch cows and heifers of very good stock, ff you want a bargain call and see me. M. VV. IUnuau,, Kly, Oregon. 11 1314 Insurance. If you want to know anything about Fire or Life Insurance or Building and Loan Association, call on II. T. Bladen. Ho has it at bis finger ends. Wall Paper. Best stock of wall paper in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at K. L. Holman's in Winehard block opposite courthouse. tf. For Mule. Four A 1 fresh milch cows, part Jersey. Enquire of J. M. Tracy, Logan, Clacka mas county, Oregon. Wanted. 75 Wood choppers at Batdorf Bros.' wood canip, Oregon City. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Fred and Sale . Stable OREGON CITY. UJCATKO IIKTWIF.N Tlllt UKi'OT IIKIIM.K ANt Double and Singlo UigH, and mid dle homes, always on hand at the lowtJH pricrH. A corrall connecUul with the barn for loom) Btock. Information regarding any kind or stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Boutrht and Sold. Horses Boanlud and Fed on reason able terms. If You Wish to Prosper and live long you should buy your food supplies at HARRIS' GROCERY. We handle the very best goods in the market and allow no one to under sell us. W. H. SAVAGE, L. V. "XPRESS AND -DELIVERY Leave orders at tho postoffice with D. II. Glass, Oregon City. Mrs. J. H. STHICKLER, 'JYaehiT of tho true Italian mcthfxl of vnico culture, inclu diiK nielli singing. Harmony luui'ht privately or in clans. TP. It MS ; Two lesson per week in voice.. .$10) One lesson per week ill voice .... 75 Two lessons per week in harmony, per term 12 00 Two lessons p-r week in harmony, class of four, r term 0 00 Two lesson 'r week In harmony. class of eight, air term 3 00 JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of 'Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired ' FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE' IN Great Britain and America, Give me atrial. "THE &REA FORfr TWO -CENT STAMPS we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, H and a copy of'H" uTht Great Divide" to you can so what a wonderful journal it is, pro vided you name the paper you saw thi in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you.. ADDRIM PRICES REASONABLE. THI CREAT DIVIDE, D.nv.r, Col.