Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise HATKN TO Rr.HKMUi:il, TiiFmUy, Nov, .- Nniiil-miniinl vlcnllon n( (illli'iT lnr MIImiiiih Kulli i- in , No, I IM, WoihImii'H ill llin Wurlil. Tliiirwlny, Nu, 'X -TIiiikIvIiik titty. Tliurnlay, Nov. IM.-I'nlilln niirlnliiiniiit hy Woodmen dl ilia World it WllUniell mil. Hatunlny, Nov W.-ItrKUlar inn-Unir of t larkNiiiM l omiiy I mjiiir' inxx lullun lit Coiicoiil m linol limit, Hutiiriliiy, Nuv. VH.-Hiwll turin of oounly iiiiirt. Tliiirwlty Ileo. -Aiinunl rlimllnn ol ofll- crr lur Mrilt Woman' ItHlof Corn, Friday, lc. av-('lirllinM day. HtlDAY, NOVUM UKIl 3), 1WMI. lOlNU (OMIT. The Kurcmlirr Trrm Unlet. And M no Una llllli Audited. I'rfNKiit (i. K. llnyt-n, Jiiilirn; Frank JutTKiir mill H. K. Mark, cummliwilumir. lHluty County C'lt ik K. K. Martin it tin clerk's tlimk. ltiiortof vlnwnr of IlinJ K (irlllile el l, rod tirviJ and exmiiH c count ordered paid. J K (imlium, Murt Kiililiiiix mill C (J lUliciick imiImIi( arier u( dmK. 1'i'tillon of It II Wlluiot nt ut (org county riMl, granted ami U W I'romuT, N K Ki'lloKK and W Vuk were -k)Iii1im viewer and ('lntn II I win ur vnyor. Application o( Jeme Hummer (or re relief yrited and $7 "T month allowed. IVtltlonul M II I'arnall (or appoint ment conntntila In Heaver Creek pre clnrt uranled, IVtltioli u( i V llarlu rt al (or road survey granted and Clou II litom, dep uly surveyor, pHiln1il tu aiirvey, HiiMrviiHir T J Irke ordured to re pair Ilntta Creek bildite. J'etitlon o( K Covey for relief (roin rutin cm lux roll granted and f 2 II!) or dered dedurled Iroin tlie iiiioiiiit of Ihr total lux. Clerk ordered to draw warrant lor 7 vr inontli (or relief of Mr I.I' Clark, ri'lntei. .MiU.'i' kiiiI per diem of coin hi I'll otirra tllcm ril an follow: V Jtfgur, i iluyn mil l: mile, $i:i.'.'0; H F Murk, t) day ml :'tl mile, J0 .(10. Court adjourned till L'miIi of Nuvein bvr when a M-miinii will Iw lie hi. iiii.iji Al.l.owgi, Orenon City Iron Works, road . f 10 M Courle' printing 0 S'i Ilellomy A lltti-rti, rt Iioiiiw acct. 2 00 A Mather. road 6 ("5 J K (Jill A Co,taliiiiery 13 (Hi J lin k hit, road 1 X J llm kner, roml 75 lloht K Cluverinn, coroner rip . 1 W) MillerHioi,roi.l 7 15 Nut v I'.iiKenw Vmilieruer, J ct 'Jf.l 75 " " Sum Umi hler, jet Ki (HI flmt tlirnu nmninl In rm li prunlnct nnrvod JiiiIk,,Ki Hi next two ulurk mi'l tlm lul nn ilrjiiily nhiirlllH. Tim inlleHKii illowuil wn for hrliiK'ng In the return ml hiillot lioxnc Ahernnthy J W Melilriim $ 3 00 (I A IloliiiHtrom II 00 (I M It JoneH, 4 inllim !1 40 (leorKO WMmi ') 00 W I. IIki kner 3 00 L K hnUllmiy, liny uxtr 4 (XI llitrlow H J OglxMhy, 24 mllim ft 40 W W Jeima 3 00 0 W Quint 3 (K) 0 U Iturlow 8 00 I. W InKmin. 3 00 C K niKliir 2 00 llimviir Creek K W Horimhuti, 18 mile 4 80 Thou DhiiIiiU. 3 00 J (1 CiiimninKH 3 00 Jul It lleiwon 8 (X) II T Kvum 3 00 Win llornii liuli, IihiiIIiik tiootliM. . . 4 00 Horlng W II liorlnic, 2D mile 6 00 J H lilrilHitll 3 00 Wm M Demi 3 (K) M I. I.nko 3 00 HK(inl 3 00 Cmiyon Creek CO lliililmnl. 40 rnllr 7 (X) IV K Itonney 3 (X) John H iIhii 3 (K) I. II Willlmn 3 (X) F M Kolxmon 3 (XI H( Jionell 2 1)0 Cnwmleii lleruiHn llrmm, 44 mile 7 40 Ole Mikeliioii 3 00 H I) (Win mi 3 00 TJJunnrml 3 00 J II Krvenim 3 00 (ieo KiierHon 2 00 Ciiiliy V I. Mack 8 00 J A (imlium 3 (X) Kre! Hamilton, 20 mile ft 00 IMaey i'hel 3 (X) J H Dick 3 (X) K.I Schiill... 2 00 Cluckauiaa J C l'..o. k 3 00 F W Yoiiniam 3 00 Daniel Tulliert 3 (X) F. I' Ionian 3 00 A F. Ilolcoiiih. 10 mile 4 00 W I. JohiiBon 2 00 Clieiryville C I' Wave 3 00 JT.M.lnty't) SIX) " "( ha I. Selx, Jet . . ... " " I'.lmer Tlioiima J cl (ilana A I'lil'lliuminr, alulioiii'ry I Ark. rnail 1 (K) 1 l:' 7') 00 1 li,'. 1 2 1 J rwiti -1 l"lint Co tliitioiiery 40 Ml ( law epi yrinij(i' electinll 3 (XI DiiukInn Seller A Kee, road 3 (X) J M lliiytlcii, mii. J.1 10 Wilnnii A Cimke, road C7 05 W II Yomm, team 8 fti) Fred Wm;iier, mud 14 00 Doni'lua Siefer A Keo, road 227 35 l.unlal.iy A Hon, road 3tH ft7 J K 4 3tl It KtH I. mad 23 40! J W I'owcll, puiiier. 20 50 Hliite va J11I111 Zi'ck el 1, jilnticti court 42 40 ;.l...... U......I I 74 (Ml 1 .. .. "' J ; " - Ml r..ici!.oll ! l II -I...I. I S llTi ' r, 11 liuinniiiili, i'i, I ,., C 8 F.ndcmhy, 70 mile 10 00 J W Hatty 3 0.1 W F. Welch 3 Of) J 2 (X) Canemah F. W Midlam 3 (X) It II Talor, 2 miloa 3 20 tieu UxelW 3 00 D M Klemaon 8 (X) O W Ki.lder 8 00 Win McCord 2 00 I u III am in J K Morton, 20 iiiIIh 6 (X) K II HiiiKliiirt 3 00 N II JohniKin 3 00 8 Ym11.1t 3 00 J II llilleary 3 00 W 11.x ik man 2 00 F.utfle Creek J J (iiliaon 3 (X) II lloiriiieiater 3 00 F. N Foster 3 (X) John II Yaiicuren 3 00 (i J Cnrrili 3 00 J I' llrachett 3 00 (iiirllcld 0 8 l'orler 3 00 JCTrucy, W mile 8 (X) Win Oatlleld 3 00 John 1' livin 3 00 D A J one 3 (X) 2 (X) W II UVHK", alieritr T II HuiikiiiN " Wm Hull T W Sen ir " L M DuvMnon, " Fred Wyder, " 28 25 M (KI 15 (XI 4 IX) 1 00 1 (H) J C Hrudley, Beni)r 188 (X) Yui A Co, ct hoiiHo acct 71 15 I Sclliiitf, ihiiht 8 85 J KidiiiKa, election 2 00 G W (iraco.continuent exp 12 50 C W Nol.htt, roud 2 IX) W O'Connor road 28 (X) Wm Deeaon A 8011, road 31 00 Judge, clerk mid deputy alio rill's for election 700 00 E E William, pauper 4 15 Stuto v Clia Tamilian, J ct 8 88 " " Kohl Cleiulonlnn Jet.. 15 36 Mr I. A Wineactt, pauper acct. . 12 00 Oregon ThI A Tut Co et Iiouho. . . 1 25 . J W Akin roaJ 70 D I. I'ainu M D, limano 6 00 Win Delia Moaier, pauper ft 85 ) V Smith, clerk acct 6 00 l'ulvr Nehren, road 3 00 I V Klnnalrd, road 4 00 Colli llro A Co 4 03 (i W Grace, board of prlnonors. . 43 84 " " " " . . 71 48 W N Godfrey, coroner 8 50 It F Diivi ft 00 Win Knilit, election 2 00 HIM. LAID OVFIl. A W Cheney, puuper acct 5 00 T J U-uvitt, John Hriiiinon acot. , l.rj 00 Edward llolmun, pauper 10 00 ChI I'ow.lor Work, road 4 85 Cha Nohlilt, J ft 0 20 Mndnliiy A Hon, road 401) 22 1 111NA1.1.0WRD mix, Htate v John Stiicklin, j ct. . . . 2 f.5 Kl.kl'TloN 1111.1.8. Following account ol judge, clerk and deputy sheriir were allowed. The J 0 Smith 3 00 JCD1111 8 00 FUalli 3 00 l'eier 1'aiilHen 3 00 Frank Alinert 3 00 Hurry Johnaon 2 IX) Hiuhliind Henry Jewell 3 00 Henry Klinamith 3 00 Stephen HiiU hiiiHon, 30 niilu. . . . 6 00 J 1. l'uriali 3 00 E Harrington 3 00 Anion Harrington 2 00 llardinga (i C Armstrong 8 00 Jo (iill 3 00 W E Mum power, 22 mile 6 20 Fred GerUir 3 (X) W P Kirchum 3 00 Clem Clark 2 00 Lower Molalla A II Willi;, 32 mile 6 " J R Cole 8 00 Win Yoliun 3 00 Orln Wrltflit 3 00 Albert Gribble 3 00 John II Duly 2 00 Upper Molalla II H Katmhy 3 00 Hum Entile, 34 mile 0 40 JlIiii Alexander . 3 00 OD Eby 3 00 N T Kay lor 2 00 John Kvurliurl, 1 day truiiuforriiiK boolliHI 5 00 Milk Creek M Mamiimj, 22 miles ft 00 M Mnllvey 3 (X) F J ItldliiK, 50 mile 8 00 J T Drake 8 00 Gilbert Itobbln 3 00 Ililn Garrett 2 00 Mllwaiikie It H McLmiKhlln 3 00 F llmkcmelr, 1(1 mile HThei..n 3 00 T HiiKi-nherKer 8 00 (J W Itialey 8 00 J It Oatlleld 2 00 Maple I.ane M M McGeeban, 4 miles 8 40 A Maul 8 00 N W Richard 3 00 J II Darlliiu 3 00 Clay Green 3 00 Cbaiincy FurKrnon 2 00 Needy (J Hair 8 00 H Wolfer 6 20 Alex Campen 3 00 II F Hmilh 3 (X) (ieorun W Owing 3 00 Walt Nohlilt 2 00 New Era David McArtlmr, 12 mile 4 00 II II Gregory 3 00 John liuigoyiie 3 (X) (ieo II llrown 8 00 II A Waldron 3 00 I'll Mead 2 00 OaweKO A II llllllnck 3 00! 0 C llorlan.l, 12 mile 4 20 HC llaker 3 00 A 8 Chin-fatter 3 00 0 W Kruae 3 00 J Jobnaen, l1-, day extra moving booth 2 00 Oregon City No. 1 Tbo F Ryan 3 00 R I) Wilson 3 00 J A Ktuart, 2 mile 3 20 J W Boatman 3 00 I) E Hhephard 8 00 J W Grout 2 00 Oreuoll City No. 2 J U C'biiiiiMI 3 00 C N Greenman 3 (X) G II Ileatow, 2 mile 3 20 WRWIgulna 3 00 II J Thome 3 00 T 8 Lawrence 2 00 Oregon City No. 3 J N Harrington 3 00 J R William 3 00 W II Savage, 2 mile 3 20 J L SwafTord 3 00 0 8;-liubel 3 (X) T II Hankin 2 00 I'leaaotit Hill Wm Bcott, 34 mile 0 40 E L linker 3 00 J N Wook 3 00 Wm Young 3 00 II E Wood 2 00 Sievera Henry Yonhehn 3 00 ETl;eak SIX) J W Kyler 3 00 Aldolph Aachoir, (X) mile B 00 R D Alexander 3 (X) M It Tinman. Soda Spring; II J Thomas 3 00 J G Illeakney, 48 mile 7 80 O 8 II..) le E T Carter A Y Davin Scott Carter 2 00 Springwatur Jin Dulioia 3 00 J A Reed . . ; . 3 00 A Lacy, IKi mile 0 60 W J Levelling 3 00 I J Lewelling 3 00 G W liuird 2 00 'I milutin It F We.ldln 3 P0 O V Sharp 3 00 E A Woodruir. . . 3 IX) limner Knite 3 (X) II Iderhoir, 20 mile 5 00 Clyde Evan 2 00 Onion J W While, 32 mile ... 0 20 Jacob Miley 3 00 A Yergan 3 00 A Criawell 3 00 W A Criswell 2 00 Viola W II Mattoon 3 00 J M Heheyneer, 24 miles 5 40 D C Richardson 3 00 J M lluyden 3 00 Dell Walker 3 00 J T Mason 2 00 West Hide J Tompkins 3 00 J 1' Logan 3 00 Jobn Berry, 2 mile 3 20 E A Smith 3 00 J Humphrey 3 00 S 8 Buker 2 00 Warl Wart Wart The one arm artist opposite Marr k Robertson' grocery Seventh Mreet mean biisines and I making first claa cabinet photograph and guarantee every picture to fade nor spot and will 4 U0 ! make over for nothing any that ba or (I'm-. No other gallery dare make thl oiler, One sitting, best finish per dojs.. .$1.00 Two or more sittings, 1 50 Arislo-platino, something new,... 1 76 Card si,11, any ttyle or finish 76 No extra charge for group. E. N. Wkuj, 1'hotographer, Oregon City. (J rand Hall. There will be Thanksgiving dance at the grange hall, Logan, Oregon, on Wed nesday, November 26. Music by the Osceola bras band. The beet of oyster iifimr. Stable room for horse. Quad rille music by I'rof. Randall and Mink. Manager, C. L. V. Clark and E. L. Arthur. Dance ticket Including supper $1.00, spectator ticket, including supper 2-6 cent. Come one come all and have a good lime. Esiray. Came to my place about three week! ago, one 3-year old, red and white spot ted heifer, with rather long leg, with hole through each ear. Owner can have tame by proving property and paying all expense. W. M. Randall, Ely, Or. 4t Where to Pay. To the member of Willamette Fall Camp No. 148 Woodmen of the World: Due and aHseineiit must be paid in camp or at Ilellomy A Buetch' or sent by mail to box 375. J. K. Mohhi, Clerk. For Kale llirap. Drug store and fixture at Canby Or I Good location. J. M. Evans, 41 Canby, Oragon. New York Tribune. Leader of the Republican Party. 1890. Are Too Wllllis to Listen to i lumW. 3 00 3 00 3 00 Dont think that your livor need treat ing if you are bilious. It don't. It's your stomach. That i your stomach is really w'.mt causes the biliousness. It has put your liver out of order. See what's the matter with your stomach. Sick stomach poisons liver and then there's trouble. Shaker Di gestive cordial cures stomach and then all's well. That's tho case in a nutshell. Shaker Digestive Cordial is no secret . Formula's on every bottle, but it's the simple honest way it's made, the honest Shaker herbs and other ingre diants of which it's composed, that makes it so ollicucious. Any reul case of indigestion and bill ousnes can be cured with a few bottles J 0 Gordon 3 00 of shaker Digestive Cordial. Try it. E L rrullinger 3 0U Erickson 3 00 E II Cooker 2 00 M.iriiuum A J Y oder 3 00 J Labour 3 00 Sold by druggists, price 10 cents to $1 per bottle. Tu Niw Yobk. TRinrxa's broad column and large print make it the easiest paper in the country to read, either on the cars or at home. Henry Romeike, proprietor of the largest Newspaper Clipping Agency In the world, teatifiea In a published card, that hi clippings for over 4.000 client shows that Tim Thiiunk contains, "day by day and week by week, for more origin- 2 00, al matter than any daily newspaper in I New York City." He proves the fact by figure. Tux Weekly ranks the same. Business men find the market report of Tux Tkibi ne absolutely without an e.juul. Tiik Thibi'Nk is the only new paier in New Y"ork City whose reporters actually visit all the different markets in person. The Tumi's k now prints the best and frepheKt humorous pictures of the day from the comic press of two continents, and supplies plenty of other entertain ment. By its social telegrams and corres pondence, its able editorials and high literary character, Tiik Tribi'nk main tains a splendid position in ttie regard of Republicans and lovers of music, art, and good books. The Trim'sk's society news is known everywhere for excellence. Its fashions have always been of special value, and changes of style are, as a rule, foretold in Tiik Thiutne sooner than in other newspapers. Tiik New Y'ork Tkibcnk is recognized officially, as the leading newspaper oj the Republican party. As for Farming and Labor, Thk Tri bune has for 50 year demanded, and yt demands that very possible dollar' worth of food and commodities, con sumed by the American people, shall be produced by the American people. For this cause Tiik Tribune labors in its various additions 305 days in every year. A man is judged by the newspaper he takes. He who reads Tiik Tribune is wide awake, progressive, respectable and capable, worthy of the confidence of business and social friends. If you are a young man you will live in a rut all your life (except by catering 10 that which is , base) if you feed your mind upon new, papers, full of scandal, vulgarity and in anity. Think for a moment of the people who read newspaper of that class. On the other hand, The Tribune has prob ably the largest clientele of the very people who can help to improve a young man's position, of any newspaper in the i United States. Associate yourself with 1 them. Mr. llorr continue to write for The j TllIIU'NK. v -'' j Sum pie copies free. Dailky, $10ayear ! Sunday Beperately, $2. Hkmi-Wekkly, j f2. Wkkkly, $1. Tribune Almanac for 1800, 50 cents. THE TRIBUNE, New Y'ork. j rrof. W. O. take, who male aicwliy at Kpllrpay, ha without oo jt.i ir-!l and cur M more than any llrlng Hhjfalclan; hfa ailC:a la atfnnlihlni. Wa have heard of cat vl to yrara' alarming curia ii bim. H puhllftheft valuable work on thl dla. eat, which) he lend with Urire bot tle of hi aUolute cure, One to any eiifTerer who mar tend their V. O. and Kxpreu ad'lrea. We advise any mil wlahlnr arure loaddr rruLW. b. ma, 1. v., arxurst., jew lor ITT rllS Cure V A penphlet of taiormetlon ao4ab. 1 atraetol the lew(,(binr Uowtnif er le Piou. Caveaii, Trado, V Marka. O-prnifhu, Mil t'U. J SVi-i wlOalsl & GO- V 31 tire ,-ar. f The U. S Qov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. Wanted-An Idea l Prntflct vnur (drag! thdv mav brtnff you wealth. Write JOHN WKUDEHUURN k CO., Patent Altor aeva. Waablngton, D. C'.. for their fl.iui pnae oaer and lilt ot two huadred luventloua wanted. Who can think some almple thing to patentr ! Webster's International ! Dictionary Tht On firt HtKndttrd Authority, J Ho wrlloa flm. h 4. tirvwr, ) Julw V. ft. MiLKTik CfmrL HT"5n(J poul for Sped man Vagw, 1C. fiuctriuvpr of thi "laubrtdgeti." Htandard otlhl' H (loT'trrtrt trr(ifnr. ihm V Hn ytnm f mirt, all II binUf HiiprPiTp i'nnVB, il l of nnarlj U U Vrttilr loinmcntlrd by ut fVpntTi nt- tit M tw-f'lii, cim! WlUtOUt ttUOltaSr. 9 THE BEST FOR EVERYBODY z eicauec A II l eaey It find the word wanted. X It la eaiy to itctrtmln the pronunciation. X l la V te trere the (rowth ot a werd. X It la my to learn what a word aocana. V T!)K Chimin Tlwm-llrrnlit unvm O lVellr ,ri,.nmi,..m I t-. ...nwrv In II pfirf C O Mt.o iih'-.,ii n ji'iU',.- IV on eve--.hlnr prlen :pk c Ai' ftirwir. ev of .-W"r.riT. .iftl'fr , X lf -MID ,WV. 111,1 ,lrtrM.Mll. I II HW V W. . r .',frM. ttf iiM-fwt r lim-e BrtaHfllrboUr. ) Y v -m 1. uyt ':. C. MFHKI i.M I It , rilhUnher. A .t'trilllllll-lll. ,v.".., I X. A. m . THE 9? ws llostrated V3 Edited by ALBERT SHAW n h h "If h cur mafatiiu (am it tali, we would fittest th REVIEW or REVIEWS, at tmering mm ground than any tthrr magatint." Board of Library Commissioners of New Hampshire, 1S96, lyTHIS magazine Is, In Its contributed and departmental ley' features, what Its readers, who Include the most noted names of the English-speaking world, are pleased to call "absolutely up to date," "thoroughly abreast of the tiroes." "Invaluable," and " Indbpensable." It is profusely Illustrated with timely portraits, views, and cartoons. la original articles are of Immediate Interest, by the best authorities on their respect ive subjects. The Editor's " Progress of the World " gives a clear, rightly proportioned view of the history of the human race during the current month. The " Leading Articles of the Month " present the Important parts of the best magazine articles that have been written In every part of the world. The newest and most Important books are carefully reviewed. Indexes, :hronologlcal records, and other departments complete ths certainty that the reader of the Rrvirw of Reviews will miss nothing of great significance that Is said or written or done throughout the world. Send le Cents la Stamp lor Specimen Copy THE REVOT OF REVTOTS CO, 13 Astor Place, Newr York. The Inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican Newspaper of the West and Has the Largest Circulation. TERMS BY MAIL. DAILY (without Sunday) $4.00 per year DAILY (with Sunday) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean C i .00 PER YEAR." P I A a Newspaper THE INTER OCEAN keens abreast of the times ta all respects. It spares neither pains nor expense in securing ALL THE NEWS AND THE BEST OF CURRENT LITERATURE. The "Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. fJT-T-'It has something of interest to each member of the family. Its U-fcr YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT is tha very best of tu lcind. Its LITER. ARY FEATURES are nnequaled. It is a TWELVE PAGE PAPER and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT 18 REPUBLICAN, and gives its readers the benefit of the ablest discussions on all lire political topics. It is oublished In Chicago mi '. in accord with the peop'.e of tho West in both politics and literature. Please remember that the price of THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN is ONLY ONE DOLLAR FEB YEAK. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chlcajro. Qfegon City HogpitaL, ..GLADSTONE PARK... Conveniently of aavcs and pleasant located. Free from the noiee and dust id the city. Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first clasp hospital. Ample room tlmt patients may have quiet ness and rest. Special rooms . lor ladies. Services of the list physicians of the county in attendance.. TEUMS UKAHONAIII.E, Address, MISS E. LIIBKEf?, SU?T. OUKCU.N CITY, OK.