Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME O. O.T. ('(. HTKAHKIIH, ALTON al( II MOW 4 1 mtwssn rnim.fii,i.K mi nuiariNiiam Lti rurllmid. Taylor tlrvrl dock at t u a. M ktl. Similar HID! a u I.....' On III Itr riKnivin H .au A, M. k iiy. Ktliirnliia leva Ori-unii Cllf lor I'mlland (t 14 a.a dia ami U , M. Hiliitlnr. fill lima, nrroiiiixUilniii noil low raid. Mo way framht handled, Miiwilal laUia uu lliruugli lrlUL HtlUTIIKH l'ACIKIC RAILWAY. HORTII aiii nii. California X inraaa (llmmali) Hoiaburi Un-al (way tuiluui) Malaiu I'MawiiMur south aoi Kn. Hiwatiuri Tallinn, r-a tiii( I I.tI (way lallima) la Kiiuaaa (llirmigUj ?-l. m. I Mi p. in. s.fla. m. t 'tl m t p. 10 4 tup, u. I'UiTAt 8CIIKI1UI.K. . pr anUTIIaaM fa' irio ajll.aoAH. Mall rloawa "ii North, I W p m. and 7 p. in. Vail oii.aa miiiia Houili, a M . m and 7p m. Mall iImiiIhiCimI Irmn Kuriti a. in., lu lu a, 111. Mail Ulalr.buKsl lium sutiib, t a. nv, I p. ui, T T l.;l.rint (.( r. B. Mall rlNaoa lor I'orli.nd ai.d duirll.iitlt ( Hlna, I' iiihiii, and 4 44 i. III. M ol nlo.aa tut Milwauav uuly, lilt m.. 4 ta u m Mall . fllVM lllllll foltla'ld, II H L II. Old 4 It f. ui. nil aoi'Tia. Or(oii City u Kir, (Jama, MiiUiin.l.llwra)kn) M'llalla Irataa al li m. aud arrive, al II 01. dally. iirenn City In lliver frark, Mink. (lark. Maadnw HrtH.k, I'nlon M Ilia, and ('iiliuu.lnva. Ilk. in. Monday, Madnmday and ruday, nil raiurna ou lollowtng ilava at 4 p. m tuition ( lly lo Viola, Infill and lle.llalnl laataa lirrou Lily Monday, Vtwliit-ailaf and Friday at l.w p. m., Icatlna Viola aalua daya all.0U.. Orn City lo Wlllam.ila, tafTurl aud W ilinl::a, arrlruaal lu aua. lu. aul . al J U a. in, da . y. (. n rl aalnratjr window li irpnd on kuudar li.iu, 10 lo II a. m. A i l.iur.dioi p'd ml" 'n. !. ai 1 na oHr la piompily a -l oft Hub lay, M ou oinar d .ya. An haai. ru mall that la dalaywl aull.llal" artlr. mi t mi a m ., B. I'. will 0 ia uo I o rlork or I IdaiM'iiin oar. Mll.l.AUKITK fAI.U MY. 1111 Litvi ltlrlloK a, in. I i t uu 10 m " 11 W II lo " I I i. m. I in - 1 m i i) ' g I 111 " tl Hi M 7 IS " i ' lu fl ' ion I p m In t rlwci on and I urn ami tiUA linn 7 1ft " llll l ' 10 m l 11 - 1 li p. m. i. 0 " a fi " i mi - U " 1 1, " 7 lai ' Ih 10 Ift ' y Ion , I n Jaon r t. Ik"l, c. A mii.I.Kh, -i rr. FKIPAY, NDVKMUKIl 20, IHikI. Tun lUai-icMunn. Tim lloaiinrmn clciy lu'l.l lla thinl iiivuiiiig UatKiiiUy cvoiiiiiK, tinilor vi'ty fnvomlilM clrriini at a mi-a Tim Atlniiiluitcu wa lnr mid tli niiflinu wait ilir(liTlriil "hy lint HtllllaiatiL' d'ilitl" liirlllm IllVfll tli lli'criaii amii'ly o lii;li I rank annnirf tlin nltiiT lilorary rlrt-U-a o( our i'ity. The IliiH-lliil! a t alli'il ti iml'T liy Hip iilplr li-ai.rtil Mia M .-I til Klllli'V win) in mill t'lliriotit imrliiiu'liUiiiui, Kilifitr Mitciihi riM liiol nut national nniiu " AuktU'II " Tlii j'llirnral, gi'tli ol linllintil Ktnl urlniK wil. u lln-n rea l liy tlni mlilur Minn Milil'l Nulilo, III a iIi'hhink ninl ttrrlivn iimnniT. The ili'loiln : iwilvi,"Tlnil Hit p'Mir iimiillnia ilonn nmrH fur llm world II1.111 llio rirli man" wan u!:ly diartmafil liy lint conlonl iiiil rarli. The allirniiilive ri'im-rieiili'il liy Ctrl Jovluike, Kri-d Meinille ami fltaa. lUliiorli wua tint virlurioiia phii liuix, I li iiouuii vn wiiit Niiiirld liy Kd gttr Meieani', Arlhur l'naay ami II . Al inn. Mim Kil t I'nrHidil rtH'itoil a imi 'lt Hirti-iitUt.l anliH'tiim. Tim urnanitiilinti adjuitrnuil after a li ivlnu llriletieil to pleuaiiiK reailillK hy Mi1" Mry I'lirHiftll. 1'iTH iim winhhiK to alleml thexe liU't'tink'N are ankeil to mt'itre Invitation front the ii;eniliira of llm aiH'iety. Thai HKita to MitKT. On SalnnUy ol next week Novemlier, 2H, the reuilhir ineetiiiK for Noveinlierof llio Clarkamaa nminlv Teurhera' Aamirliitlon will ho held at Concord ai'hool liotino. The aea niun will heiriii rotiiitlyat U):!tOa. in and a prorain haa la-en iremred that will inlcri-Mt alike hoth teacher and natrona of our school. 'Hit Concord neluhhorhood I fainoiw for it hoapi tulity and public apirit and a iiiorit cor dial welcome will bo yiven all who at tend thu niet-tliiK ml every teacher an well aa all other who are Intoreated in the educational work ef our county should iitlcnd. Concord school Iioiibo is on the I-'iihI Hide Elot trlc line about half 1 ay hot ween Oregon City and Milwaukee 4'int diHtant about a quarter of mile pfjtof the track. Thoae who do not goSy private conveyance can take the olitttriu cars and not off at tlio Concord rotiJ croHHing, which place it is good wul iiig to the school Ikiuho. wlili h It la lobs paved has been delivered. The lata rains have made the ground ao soft Hint no rock ha bimn hauled, the li'itma stirring up the earth to such an extent aa lo destroy the evennoas of Hut gradn. (iimii) Mahxkt pom I'othtoks Mr, K Itnati, a produce and commlttalon imir- chant of Nan Kranclaco, who Is wrll known tlirougbout Oregon, I now In I'ortland on one of Ills reifiiUr trfM throngli this portion of the state. Mr Komi's SMH-lalty Is potatin-s, and lie says that the Oregon product will U In great ilemaml In Han Francisco this coming winter. Ileaaystliat K)tU) cull tiro in California has been entirely trsiiNfurriied. The red potato that veara ain mult Hodega famous ias piam-d out of exist- ence, the flarnet Chile variety is prac tically gone am the Kallna product,' a fancy crop, 1 yery iKbt this ysar, and most 0 Hie potatoes wormy. The Bur. I bank, lie says, is now In tlm k-ad, bring ing from 76 to Ho cent per cental. Very little ol the Oregon Muto crop bus yot len fold, and, unli-na extreme cold weather set In, the furmers will have a good chance of making a fair profit on their crops. ... A Fax Mrtiioiust JUvivai.. The Free Mcthoiliats have Secured tho use of the new ball at Kly for church purposes ami cuiiiim-iu ed on Wednesday evening series of revival meetings that will lie continued for so long a period as apears to le profltuhle. The meetings will be under the charge of Itev. II. F, Hmallvy, presiding elder for this dislrlct, assisted bv Itev, W, M, Itarrelt of ronnyside and Itev, C. A. U'illuy of this city. This ilenomination lias ipiite a nieinlx-mliip in this city and Is steadily gaining In strength. Its church dln'ipliue is much more strict on the members than 1 that ol the sleihodlit Kpiscopal from whic h till denomination sprung. The Free Methodist people are Dot allowed to lute liipior or tobacco in any form or manner, or dress umiecesaarily flue or to adorn themselves with gold ornaments and precious stones. At tiik Imuwk; Owing to the over crowded condition of the insane asylum at Kulein the tionrd of trtiMtiv, through Supt. I'aine Iihs nolilled the county judges throughout the sttite that (nrHons addicteil to the morphine dibit will be promptly dischari-d, where it dues not aiipenr that itiaunilv accompan ies the hahlt. It baa been the rmtnin berrlofore to receive as palienls, pi-rnoim addicted lo the mori-bine, opt 11 111 and other hahita of like nature, (iovernor Lord, prealilenl of the board, la also much Incbne.l to atup the admiaaion of old aud ducrc pid persons, on the ground that it is not only utijunt lo the taxpsy ers, but prulically puis a public premium on llliaringratitudn. In Niew Knoi.ami. The man' friends of IU-v Koland l. (trant In Oregon City will bo plea-ed to learn that he has lost nutiti-ol I ho old lime flit luixi itntil since giiiuii Fast and Unit h is Mill moving large audiences in Concord, N. II. At a recent Christian Endeavor convention held In ll.trlfor l, where (here were some (MX) iled-gule and where the governor of the Htutit and I r . Waylsnd lloyt, of rhilinli-liiia, purlicip;ited, I r. (iriint made an eloquent aililnoH, in which, amiitig other thing, be said the "largest Christian Fndeavor socielv in the world is in a city in On-Knii." Dr. (trant "hutild have said Junior Kndcavor si'ty and thut it Wiis connected with an Oregon City church. Feeding an Acre of Corn. It being a disputed question is I" whether corn can be mulit a paving crop lor Willamette Valley farmers, the Klate Agricultural college of Corvallla has tin dertaknn lo demonstrale that it is one of our moat prolltablo crops when rightly handled, The following la one of the experiments that has been carried on this fall under the direction of Frof. II. T. French. Hy the figures given it 1 that he made corn raising pay. An t-Xierliii(iiit is being carried on at the Station to iletrrmine the value of an acre of corn when fed to ig. The statement baa often been made, that It is our belief that corn can be grown on the summer fallow, and by feeding to hog Just olf the stubble Held, will give good re turn for the labor Invested. The follow. ing facta may throw some light on Oils subject. Klglit plus, weighing 1440 lbs. when tuken oft the stubble, were placed In a en, wltli yard atlachxl, hepteuiber Hi, and the feeding began. The corn which was Jiit beyond the roasting stage, was snapped olf, weighed, and thrown to pigs without htiaklng. The hunk were green and oil e red little hindrance Ui the pig In getting the corn. Ai the corn matured more thoroughly it was husked before feeding. In 28 day the pig consumed fi.'Wrt pound of cor, the yield from four-filths of n acre of ground. The pigs gained in live weight during the 28 day 42'.' Kunds, or 52.7 Kunds each. At 1 2,',' cents per pound live weigh!, the current price for hogs on foot would amount lo $10..V or Die groins return from the four-fifths of an aero of corn. The coat of growing an acre of corn and feeding to pigs is reckoned as follows: Plowing ground Ilarrnwinij and marking... rWd corn I'lautiiiKconi ricking anil dunking. .. H'hkkt Ahnkhhmknts Dub. Notice has heel, published by City Recorder Ryan tint, the assessment for the improve niolit of Seventh street between Muiu strict iind the railroad track ia .'now due am if not paid heforo December 3, 1SIH1 wil bo declared delinquent when th cont of collection will he added. Tlio property owner who are Called upon to meet' this assess. Mont are: The Oregon k California Railway. HM! J-j'" WM, 8P-00' Trustee Methodist Kpiscopal church, U2d.57; M. A. Stratton e-itiite, f 153 2 8 ; and Klixiil-eth Fuclis, $13'). -W The grading of tho street has been completed and tho Bidcwalks and curbing put down and about half of the crushed rock with Cam. pok Waiikants, Citv Treastner II. K. Straight bus given notice that he has funds to pny olf all Oregon City warrants endorsed prior to Ilecemlier, 10, IH'.H. Interest ceases on such war rants after November 11, 1SIW. There has '.icon no call for Clackamas county warrants made since September 24, w hen County Treasurer Shade called in all warrants endorsed prior to August lri, lSi;t. It will probably be some time be fore either City Tieasoror Straight or County Treasurer Shade can make anot her call for warrants a tho delin quent tuxes are coining in verv slowly and the collections on the 181X1 roll will not commenced until about February 1st. Fok FoiiokhY Joseph Richardson, of this city, was arrested Sunday morning by Chiuf of Police Hums, on a warrant charging him with forgery committed at Salem on thu Friday proceeding. He purchased a suit of clothes and some other thing at the New York racket store, tendering in payment a twenty dollar check on hi uncle, F. Robertson, of Tumor. Chief Dilley came down from Salmn Monday and took the culprit to that city, where he was tried before Judue Ernies and bound over to await tho action of the urand jury. A ClTI.KNs',TAXPAYIiUs'C0NVINTI0N. There will bo a iiishs convention of the citizens and taxpayers of Oregon City to be held at Weiuhard's hall on Monday evening, November 23, for the purpose of nominating a candidate for mayor, two council men for tho First ward and two count-ilmun for tho Second ward and a city treasurer, to be voted for at the forth coming municipal election to be hold in Oregon City on December 7, 116. A Fuknihiikii Houhk. Will bo rented very reasonably to a family" that will Kiniriintee to take good care of the build ing and belongings. Tho bouse is new, plastered, of seven room and convenient of location. Apply at this olllce. l Z't I 00 Z" ,'iO . . . 2 No 6 moiitlia' Inii-rral at 8 rcent on land valued al $30 per sera II 20 Total SO Four-fifth of H,50, or $'S K0, would represent (he cost of producing the corn consumed in 28 days. The net profit would lie the difference between 910.55, the value of 'lie gain in live weight, and ftj.KO the cost of production, or f3.7&. To this amount add $3 00 for U lon of green corn (odder, fed to cows, and esti mated at .r0 cents per ton. This makes a total of '1.7." aa a net income from lutir fllth of an acre of corn fed in this way. The corn was a fairly go xl crop of I he variety known as the King I'liillip corn. The yield of corn was no bettor than has IxM-n grown for several seasons on the college farm. The crop was more ma ture this season, due to the extended warm dry weather. For Young .Men and VonnsT Woim-u There is nothing that will aroue the Ire of a voting man or woman so quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waint is intiaay I heir neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a s.ecialiy of lailics' and gentlemen' fine work. There can he no Is-tler work than is dune at tho Troy. Leave vour order at Farnsworth's barber shop. Hooks ('heap. Everything required in the school room, liooks, slates, tablets, sHnges, ink, K-ns, pencils, etc. at Ihiniel Wil liams, cornel Seventh and Center Btreels. Full slock of nuts, candies, notions etc., fresh and of good quality. Sold at reas onable prices. PURELY VEGETABLE. and H- family Mu-' Tha Oiupatt, Pnrm SV- etna la in world I Ax hrrftf yoai. Si-srinc for all diMaaaa of tha Uvar, biowiai h and SpUca, Ntg-ulala Ok Jjver and prcvanl ('hii.oi Amu ravaa, (101 fvvaaa, Itowal. CowrLAiara, Kmuw. hm, Javkuics aud Nauiha, IUI IIIIKATHI Nothlnf U 4V un pit unfit1, unthint to tnmmtm, u tWl UmiiS ; and la nwf vry (in if coma from tha iomv h, and :n t t aaiMly j ufrn td if f"U will laka hiHMONft iAVfM KuaUfkToa, ! not &kIci urt nmady ff (hit rcfmltlva tiiiirArt. It will also Unprovc you aptiu.ccfViplexfcsa aud gcMai baajib. I'JLKMI How many ntitr tnnur day atar day, makififf Itfa inirooB ana rotibinf tiiMenr al ail lcatur, tvin( to th Mtrvt auffcririK hum l'ilt. Vet rtliW m raady lu ih band nf alni"M atnr on wbo will um vftttinaii- icaJly lh ratiiady thai ha paraaaArwatly cured tbo and. Simmoni Uvia Ka'.ULAToa at no draucf tivmih purg t mil a (cntia asaiataui to natura, CONNTIIATION SHOT1.D b rexarflad aa a) trilling ailment in Ucl. aaiara dtmaixii tha utmoat regulariiy caf tha bowela, aitd any favuxym hum tbia demand pavaa the way ofi4 to aarviua aWfar. It quta aa aa uuy to rtrmova lanfMtra ifiaraulaiuiaa Uom tha buwal UNHl rat or aiaef, and o heahraran b c petted wher cuauva haUU U boly preraiia. . SICK BJRADACHEt ThU diatraaalna afflirtloa octra aioat frantMiMhr. Tha diMurlwnca caf tha Moma.h, anamff froan tna ImpcrfaciJy dicealad camanta. luuiaea a atvera Dua is 'fha bead, accompanied with diaarrcabla nauaea, and lata coosMittriea wnat ta potwiany known aa mcs HiMidacha. for lha relief of which Tam Sim mow Livaa Kbovlatur ob Mamciwi. MAMt'FACTVKBD OMtT tt . H. ZClXIJf A CO., niOadalpbi. P. Best and Cheapest Place in Oregon City to get MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS -AT- p-ELaLOH 1800 milcB of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Halem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and DC other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a fersonal communication. Hstance no effect to a clear undemanding. Spo kane as eaeily heard as Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. Ojposltt Hnnller'i Back Stort. All New Goods and Complete Stock. Call and examine goods and get price and le convinced that you can save money by buying of me. o When you bay Agents for Pure Prepared Paint A house you make sure the title is clear. Wher. you paint it une Pure Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free, quantity. Special prices in CHARMAN & CO. CITY DRUC STORE. .Telephone No. MONUMENTT MAREMORfEKDURIKC MoumeHtal bronze co. bridgeport. conn H. W. JACKSON, Indlgehtitirj Cured. n(irt'SHing time di-prps the mind ; the Jigpsiion is disturlMnl. Two or three doses of the S. li. Headache and Liver Cure will restore your health to a nor mal condition. 50 coots per bottle. For sale by C. U. Huntley, druggist. Houses Made llrlffltt. Murrow, the painter, baa removed his shop to Seventh street, near the dqtot where o'dere can be left (or painting, puper-hunging and cali-iming. Trices to suit the time and all work honestly and efficiently done, tl New I'liilertiiklng Kootu. County Coroner, V, N. Ocslfrey has opuned an undertaking room on Main street near Tenth street, where he will keep in stock a full line of coding, caskets and burial roboa. His prices will be found reasonable. tf Undertaker and Enibiilmer. . K. L. Holman undertaker and em balmer, Qradnate of Embalming col lege. Full stock of casketa and colfins at price to suit. Undertaking parlor in Winehard block opposite courthouse, tf For Sale. Thoroughbred Poland China Digs and thoroughbred CutWoltt bucks and ewes Also aline thoroughbred short horn bull 4 years old and In line condition. Inquire of J. M.Tracy, Logan, Cluckama county, Oregon. ' Spring Wagon Wanted. A seconddiand spring wagon wanted, cash or trade. Address "Wagon" care of the K.sTKuritiHK, giving price and de scriptive of vehicle. The Novelty candy factory 1ms just le ceived an invoice of new nuts, all vari eties. Prices guaranteed. Ornaments, all colors for fancy work at the Kscket Store. Mill AND -n Rpcr. Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewingr Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to difficult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufleld building Near Court House, New Goods Modern Prices. IinilTE BRONZE Monuments will not Moss-cover or black en. Are artistic, cheap and the most enduring monument made. White Bronze is no experiment It has stood for hundreds of years in Europe and is not affected by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of pot-tal card will be pleased to call and 6how samples and designs. MONUMENTAL BRONZE CO., C. R. DON'NELI., MOB. Sw. cor. Ash and East 10th Streets, Portland, Oregon. Tie St. Lu ii i : Cie-Onotra The Great - National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, , - - SATURDAY EDITION, 16 pages, - SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 piges. One Year, $6.00: Six Months, $3 00 One Year, f 1.50 - - One Year, $2 00 Weekly, issued in Semi-Weekly Sections,.8 pages each Tuesday and Fridav, 16 pages each week One Year, f 1.00; Six Months, 50c. v ( orner brocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.-s Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. FARMERS . a a Your team will have the best of care and I Full Measure of Feed - At the 1 City Stablea. W. H. YOUNG, Prop., Bucctaaora to W, J-J COOke. THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is universally conceded to be THE PEST of Amer ican newspapers, and at these REDUCED RATES it isalso THE C11EAFEST a THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pays for and prints MORE NEWS than any other Saper in the United Slates. It will be indispensable during the coming great ational Campaign, and the LOW I'KICE places it within the reach of all THE GLOBE-DEMOCRAT is sold by news-dealers everywhere at 2 cents for the dailv and 5 cents for the Sunday issues. Delivered to regular subscriber, Daily and Sunday, 15 cents a week, 60 cents a month. If your local dealer does not handle it, insist upon him procuring it for you, or send your subscrip tion with remittance direct to the publishers. f ar Tarticlar attentioun hi called to THE WEEKLY GLOBE DEMOCRAT issued in Semi-Weekly sections, eiirht pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it practically A LARGE SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue just fills the bill for the busy man, who has not the time to read a daily paper, and yet desire to keep promptly and tbouroughly posted. It goes to every State almost to every postoffce in "the Union. All America is it legitimate field. No matter where you live, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., St, Louis, Mo. WOMAN The very remarkable and certain relief giv en woman by MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY has given it the name of Women's Friend. It is uniformly 1, successful in releaving the backaches headaches and rllll weakness which burden and shortens a woman's life. Thousands of women testify for it. It will give health and strength, and make life a pleasure. FOR SALE BY THE YOU STEWART & HOLMES DRUG COMPANY. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. I J I J J J J J l"VV'J J I Vi'ftf'1 hu Faiwou I?emM 12 A J 2 1 a I IJiS LI IS I n'-rvou iiiwun, Win f TVTJTJ rrj 13 iVii,?v! i.t-wtiu.he, Vukefuiiit. ftrafcH fjLVV fimT V"la,,M'"' vVti J'"wB, ImpoU-ne Itomedy cures quickly, permanently all , wvan. aieuj'rry, Lrfiss ui urum nwbi, i h it.-, i.ot VUuiiM, iwitfuuy Kmim eiicr and wtirUitiit diit"HHn eansfu b . Cutitaiii9tioutttU Ia ntrvv tonic I and bitKMl bulllr. iinkethetiieBi)itptitJT'"iicand plump. IKiiMly cn n Tftporltt't. 1 p-r box; V rir. KTlunil. prv ikiM. with a written rmttrantr or m&nsvTefiivileti. Write ut,fW v: iiiKTV, rk- tM tiriini-ini nmnri tnt. Firharm fnr r'ifvltatinr. It' war of im1f imi, j ttuHM. boJJ by .urat"t,or itliTU BL1.0 CO., M asoaie I plt C feicak li'ursatelaOregoaCitylUivg.,b7 CUAtlMAN fc CO., Drutjgiau.