Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
ff OA Hit Y THKIIt l.(i(.S. LAIICiE UlllOH DISCOVfclltD BY EX MLOMLHH THAT DO THIS. Tim Nrl ail h Atliiilroia anil Noma ml,. r la Wlicm TIik Hit Kiiwii An Islaml In III AnUrilKi llrgli'iia t.s. rlmca of AihIiiImmi Home I Hum I'K'i Mimll purljr (.f i t j lnii'M Imiiiiil mi iimc i f tin' iiiiii lilljr I'lin. n IhIiiiiiId J lint mi t lit' Imiilirs) if III" iinliin lie ri kIuih himI fniuiil It Inlmliili by it ri'iiiiiiltiililn ciiluiiy of liiriU (lint iiiiiK"l f n hi i Iiukii MuiImt ( 'mi y lilt" lilnU In ih'IikiiIiik if nil klmU uii'l (In Ifri'in 'J'lin IhIiiihI whs fulrly riiviTnl W illi tln fnil liinil InliiiliiliinlN, unci, iw llii' limit run mi to n rm k Unit itppitrt'iitly iilTiinli il n lit i 1 1 I lin In nl, limti'iul i if liioviiitf nwiiy, M iiiiil ill Irriiilnnl to riMiit llin Intrusion mill kIimmI tlii'lr Krniuiil, vlrlnimly iittiukliix tlm linn, Mini, IImuikIi tliry kiiokiil that lilriln imlilii Willi i'IiiIm nml niirit, iiimln no up jini'liililn liirtiiwl iijhiii llii lr miinU rn. Tim party tlii'ii fiirniiil a iHimpitct xly, mill, iiiini'il with iH'iilhiMik In PUnIi tlm kIiiIi kllitf tlirnii iilili', iiii 1V11I up vtluit iippiiri'tilly wii n utri't lirro unit tlu'm ilntii'il with singular minI likn nl.JirU nlxmt 8 ft In wlilih, Im kit lit tlm tun. TIhuo Wi th tlm inula nf tin' nlluitrinui, nml, m tlm nun wi ni iHrliiIly iliKinuiii nf olitiiluiiiK n m t nf -(ff". I't'iMTvi il tln iii kIk wry ran--fully, lut in cviTy liiHtnnrn tin' lilnl wliui nppromli'Ml ulnilll'il clumsily itwity, nml no i kk' with fniuiil, t tumuli tint Iiinln wi rn iiipioM il to mi fitting tlHl tllrlll. Finally ih mI wiw found coiituinlliR 'i KK. I'll' Jut tm tlm iim'Ii iln w iicitr tlm lnnl iiIikI'I'iI nml took Iht jdiiin u I ui It, ryiiitf I li - in with miMpii'lun nml II I l-rlflf It I'lirinllK Imlf MI Wlllllit. Tin y wnl' In il ln r fur n f w moniinis nml tin n fi m ill lii-r fn mi tln in-Nt, when, to llirir niiiiii'iin iit, (ho i'K luwl iliMip- nml tin omipli'li'ly ii tlmiiKli It liml jxi ti itwiilldw'i'il up. Tin- nint win fi iiiiiiiii il ri. lv mill llimlly lorn npnrt, tin' nu ll thinking tlmt KH.iliy tlm i liilk'lit Iihvi' nlipHil Into It iiiMHim tiivi ti rnilia war, lull Without stlri'iaa. tliii'iif tlm party iilti iiiptnl t c ntch mi nlluilriwK, nml wlillo lm wim follow ing tlm Iniil In n liiilirri'iio i Iiiim nvi r tlm tiili.i' mi i miilili lily n j -ur T, lr'p'l I r tlir riiiiniiiK lord, w lm-li Innl nil tlm linn' Ixi ii currying II, not timli-r ll'T W IIIK, lll(' U lUlpKlM l tlllllinl M'll hy ii'iiiiiiniii miilnra, Imt In it hi ti iitr mirk In tin- c k tit pniviilnl ly nutiiri' for linn vi ry 'iir'. Tln nlluitriM ii fiuiinl fi.r ijnvi r nf MiK'lit. fnllim iii(( Vi mm'In liiimln iIn nf iiiiIia Vrt win n ihniiiik It nppiiii iitly furifi lii tli.n II Iiiia viiii.-, nn tt rim 1' IhiihIIiiI nml punliril nl-. ut in tin' lu st, imikiiiK no ntti'lnpt to lly or uiovo uu i' ili ivi n nw ny ly Mow. Thi limy U ilui' to tlm f ,w I Unit tin- i'KK In Ul ill th" riiricin mi k nml tin' I'inl iu Hlliii'tivily known flint It can not lly ir witli it ; mi It n-iKt. Tliln y luril in rnllril tli limlly liiimk. Ami ilM I'lnmiii, tlio Kri'itt nllm trinn, liu it Hlmllnr Imliit, tlio rKK wliirli 1.i inrK'H ill l' UKlli, nlluiMl iui liitK" n" tlmt of 4 nwiin, U iiiK '"'hi In n rf'i l iiii'iiliiiluiR poiirli, Oil Mnriiui inluiiil tlir i xplnnTH fotiml tin' KMit kiiiK h ii'imi n til nl v lm li ftiimU Imlf iin liik'li ii n "nin, with it dill poiiititiK iliir. lly upwiiril iiiNti-ml of out, n W illi i it In r liinlH. An tin y liunll nml iipproiM'lH l tlm HiiiKtilur rn iitun'n, wliirli 1 1 in I Iki'U fitiimliiiK iilMiut, tlny lioppi'il nwny niowly, Imt not nn I'KK roulil Ih' f hi ml. n mt of wliirli vn tlic olijii t of tho vitiiL Tlm liiriU luwl n jxt-titiur movpiimnt, IiiBlniil of wolktiiK nml nioviiijt otti foot nftir tlm titlnr, or iiltiruntrly, tiny lii-Iil tlirin rlomi Ioki'IIht mill )hP"hL '1 ln rn'iti'il tlm ImiikIiI' T of tlio lin n, vim llimlly topplnl n liiril ovit, wln'n iin tlm I'KKrolli'iloiit iimiii tho miniL Tlio kititf M'iiKuin win nlwi nn ihk rniriiT, lint only IioIiIihk it w liilo Htiiml liiK Ml ill. lut nirryliiK tlio Mk'KK 't1""11 wiili it ly jilwiiiK ' i Hitii'li for tlm piirixiw, linhliiiK it in wild tli !roml wi'liUil fivt tlmt mi' krpt i-lom'ly to jjotliiT. Tliin i-xpliiiiiinl tin' curiium Imp piliK inotinii of thi' tiirilK, nn tliry roulil not move thi-ir fn't without droppinu tlio I'CKi l,ul "", limlimiil out' wiim fori'i il to jjivn up tlm priw it run nwny. UNiti(t both fii t, likn tiriliiiury bitiK Thin n niiirkiililrhithit dot-Nuwity with tho nivi'HHity of n ni'Ht, iin tho lunl cur rim ilH i'KK with it us it iiiovrN iiIhuiI. In thi'Ho iiiHtmui'i tin- liiriU rttr. ly timm Hirt tlm rug n Kn'"' tlin'i"""- If iliHiurlH'il, I hoy prohnlily rciiiiiin nlmut n I'ortiiiii locality, Imt tliont nro liinln which Imvo bii n known to transport their i'KKH trom ono jilitce aunt her, literally flying uwiiy w ith them. When Aiiiliibon llrnt lienrd thin Htory of tho iiiKhthnwk, railed Chuck Will's widow, ho thought it a utory of tho ni'Kruea Soino iimiMtod Hint tlm bird carriM tho egg nwny under it wing; other that it rolled tho egg over tho ground. To do tormino tlio truth Audubon concealed liiniNolf In tho wood under ft nent, hav ing Hint handled tho cggN, and wuitcd to moo whut tho old bird would do. Tho flntt bird to urrivo nppeared very do jocted at tho diHcovery that tho Hccrct homo had lu'en found, milling tip il feutheiH unci uttering a ninaning cry jiiHt audiblo to tho liHtener. Then tho iniito urrived, nnd, after varioim inoyo meiilH indicative of alarm, each bird took an egg in it" oapnciouM mouth untl flow Boflly nwuy. Io Vnillnnt, tho Fn-ncli nitturitllNt, obwrved tho collared goatmieker of tho JajM' of Good llopo oarryingolT it" egg in tho Hiuno liiiiiiuer it comparatively ciiHy feat, tw tho mouth of all thiwi birds in very cnpitciouH, it veritable trap when tho jaw aro oioncd for tho varimiH iu HectH upon which they feed in tho dunk between day und night. Many binU carry their young wliort (liHtiuiooM, im tho woodcock, which ha boon Hceu carrying off a littlo ono be tween tho claws, while it is well krown that tho wckkI duck carries its young down from tho nest in trees to the wa Uv, using hor bill for the purpone. l'biludelphia Timol A nlorl Kiillriinil. Iloiiiiyiinin, I -1 1 urt iV llli'lin, who i'in nwnrileil tint 1'iiiilmrt for liiilldlng Ilin Anlntlii ruilrninl, urn I'ligngi'd to ihiy ciihlcltiiiK I lm cniilriirl to 1 1 ll n-ri I purlieu. This moriiliiK lint rntilriii't for iirlux tlm ilgbl ol mhv, Ml uilli'i in nil, HUN loll to It, II, Allil'TMiill A Co Tho lidwiiN tint given out for pulillnilinn , This work Is Id lm i nintileteil In IK) ilnys hiiinll I'liniriielM, enrh fur it iiillo or ho, to do ruilriiuil woik wine let to ilill'itrent piirlies Mr, (ileiin hi lo Tiiliiinn reporter tlmt Hie cleniinir of Ihu riht of wuy whs tiKun iy Aiiii'rnii At'o, iifitr (loblii 1 1 1 1m iiioiliing. When the work l well miller Kity bi'tweeli 7(10 Mini I'HH) ii will be Kiiiplnyiiil, 1 1 in firm baM nothing lo do with tlm truekhiyiiiK, ami lm 1 1 mi nothing to Miiy sluiiil Unit purt of I lie wnrk, farther thmi Hint be iinilerHtooil the roml woiilil be cnmpli'tinl nml in op eration by the llmt liny ol next Juno. I'ortUiul Tribune. A nil mil lealiirn' Innlllutc The mmiiiii) Innlitutii for CliirkuiniiN nullity will bo held lit the KiihIIiiiih mi IiimiI biiiiiling, In (iri'Kon City, begin ning Angimt .'I'd at I o'clock p. in., ami I continuing for eight ihiy. All Ii-hi Iiith uinl otheiN inlerenli'il In Mrhool work hoiihl not full to attend. N-vrnl of th slilent ilinlrui'tor of the mInIa will be pri'M'iil, am) a very iutereating meeliiig Ii MNNIlri'il. II. i. Ktaiikw KATIIKN, Superintendent. Kktrny Nutlre. I "trnyi'il or Mtolen, one bay borne with nnmll Mtnr In forebeud, long tuniiv ami trimmed niintre lu front, bus cork nhoes on front feet, weight MK) Hiuii.ln, mIhiiiI tl yciirM old, prelly looking Miny ami cal lie liesd high Finder will rti-elve liberal reward C. (i. llolfmuu, Nei-dy, Orettmi, July 1, "-1MJ. Cmiiiiy Tri'MMiri-r'n .Nntlre. 1 I une now in my hund fumU appb i Hlile to the h 1 1 it-1 t of nil wnrrniitn en ilnrneil prior to Juno 10th, IH'i.'l. IntiTent will renM' Imin the ihite of thin not ire J ti mi S II MlK, Tri'iiniirer of C!m Itunmn County. Puled tlreuon Citv (iregon, July 'M, IMHI. :u Clipell Shoe ( nllipilllj. Notice ol Sim kholilern' Meeting Tin regular Mrinmil loeetintt of the ntoek Imlilrrn of (he Cupeii Slim- ('oiiipntiy will U' behl nt the ollii e ol niilil i-oiiumnv l I Villaii'i' rl-. melton on Tuesday, Auirn.t Ulh. IS'.si, at :i o'cl.K'k in Ibn ; ..... nitcrniMin, j. ii., Secfctarr. i llumr.llke lliilel. Ksrmcrs nml Ibe Iruti'lmg public will Hil l a ciiiiifottitble hniiie-likii phicc lo mop at when in rt-g'iii fit v at the (liieiitnl hoi"). Table supplied w ith an ilbiiiiihiin 0 of tlio li'M the liuirket a( Inula. ItiHMiis and bc'ls urn clean ami ruinf.irliilili'. Ibir "ft cent mealn ate not exi cllcd. John InthM iii.n, Prop. Horli:jr of .iillce. The S. II. Medicine company is Ilie only one out of nine proprietary inedi-! cine linns lncororiiti'il on this coast I nim e 1SS7 that bus not niitde an assign- , niciit. These hard times itli new news paper advertising contracts lor two years, it sM-al.s loudly of their merit. For wile by C. 11. Huntley, druggist. I.Ont or Fnllllll. A liU'rul reward will be given for every ono returning to me a sore dice or a bad hair cut coining from my place of business in the Hill A Colo blink. A clean towel with every shave and sat infliction with every hair out. See ling ers the burlier . Wood Snniiig. Get the steam wood saw to cut your wood is the eheiipent nnd quickest, pon't wait until the ruins set in and your wood gets soukcil until it wont burn. Will go to any purl of tho city or suburbs. Address or mil on T. It. Hankins. Hull Taken l p Taken up at my place ono mile east of New Krn,ono red bull with while star on face; Iibs Wn dehorned and weittbs about ItiOO pounds. Owner by pitying diimngcN can take the stiimal. TllOS. lil.AM HARD. ( nrd of Tlimiks. To those who bo kindly rendered me aid and assistance at the time of the sad death of mv littlo son Gerald, I wish to return my heartfelt thanks. Mas. I,. A. Winkskt. Avoid Consumption. by stopping that cough. We know of no bolter remedy lor coughs and colds thiin the S. It. Cough Cure. For snlo by C Ci. Huntley, druggist. Druggist Wanted. To occupy tho Seventh Btreet pharmacy building Hub location nnd good trade assured. Kent reasonable. Address D. Williams, Oregon City . Shoemaker Wanted, To occupy a shop. Ono of the best lo cutions in Oregon City. Call on D. Wil liams, Seventh street Wull l'liprr. Host stock of wall paMr in Oregon City latest designs and prices to suit the times at It. L. Holtnan's in Winohard block opposite courthouse. tf. TIPS IN ENGLAND. Two Wall luarll I'Ium Into Whlrh Tlir Out a Kmw Vnrkxr. "It Is niiin.lug," Hiiid a New Yorker, to mil what tt tip will do in ICngliiiid. When I wan younger nnd morti udvn- turoiiu lliiiu I mil now, being in Imloii 1 went down to Woolwich with the hope of seeing the Inside of the nrm iiul. I went with the full knowledge Unit a n- ipient from Urn minister of the United I tiites for a pnwi to the nrwuitl for a illNilngiiiNhi'd ollli'er of our own nmiy lunl Ini'ii deniiil at tho war ofllco, uxni tho ground Hint, a wnr lying then in progress, Dm nrw iiiil was closed ngaiiiHt vimlors. 1 hung around one of the gull's tiulil tho men ciiine out nt tho noon hour, mid, (Iniilly fulling in with a mini Hint I took for a foreman, Ilps-d a tip Into his hand and explained w lmt I was nfu-r. He mtint huvo found mo trust worthy, for Im explained that ono of his npind was not going bu k ufter the fioou im nl. nnd hiivlng procured me a work imtn's coat smuggled me in through the gate with tlm crowd. Once inside I was safe enough, and by the aid of the mini I had corrupted I suw nearly everything worth si-liig. "It was during the same visit to Eng land (hut a friend of my father's mine to take in in Into Urn house of commons to hear a debute. Ho bud Ui'U Ulinble lo obtain a pnnu for me, but I hurried down to the liou' of parliament, found a pollci'imin, gave him a handsome tip, nml told him I winhed to get into tho vinitom' gallery of the cominiinn. I hiinlly eiHtnl to kuiimi-iI, but that bobby diKiipn-iired and returned with a piiM hearing the signature of Jow-pli Cliiimlx-rliiiu, nml in I went. I iinvcti't the iilightent notion bow the policeman ohlniiieil it. I rrliaps it wa a forgery, but it hells d to convince me that in (in at liritnin m re things are wrought by lips lliiiu by pnyirf. New York Aiplra Ara IiihmI Miehlrapa. The iiile in mu h u commoii fruit Unit very frv tmihh familiar wiUt its remarkably (I i -. i i u i h iin-iliriiial propi rtn s, hluti M The l!u!li titi of 1'har luacy. Kvi-rj l Iy ought to know that the very bcit tiling In- cm do in to cut npples just before retiring for the night. lVrwiiiH uiiiiiitiiiled in tho uiyMli ries of the fruit are lialde to throw up their hands in horror at the visions of tlys l pnia which sin h u (.uggestioit tuny nuiiuiion uti, hut no liurui can coine even to a delicate nvi 'un by the eating of rin nml juicy lip;.!' jurt U fore going - , .t , . . to In d. The apple it i'X'-i 1!' ' I r.ii'i fc il, be. Ciiusii it bill pl.t ..hi'! IP i:i-:d ill ennly tligeHiil t! :.'i i i hi r (:;!'. ,ll 11 - 11. .. It excite" tl ,'u,,lil ii'.d In 1 t:. ;!r 1 . 1 V 1 1' i Ji l-.t:il i.H t-t''. 'ihin ' il.c 1 ... 1 1 1 -v ' I M.I !S i III Y . . i.l I te I.I- "", "'. is not till. 1 wi-retious i;i. i ; '. i : while it fin i.i;, - ii i tif the U-f.t Luo I . of the llii"l. !. . miliar with -i: i '" 11 a small Imltle of Misker Mgestivel Coldiiil d'H'S tull 110 Itixxl, don't bllV III . I ''"I"' "" 'I'rot enll things: hold fst that which IS goiHl." It's lint good for everybody, only (or the thin, pale, sick, weak, and j weary. Tor thime w ho are tinn ing for want of digested food. Tor those who c-it rttiut gi t fat and strong, because their stomachs do not woik as they ought to. Thene ate the people, millions of them, whom Shaker ligcstive Cordial will cure. I'ood makes strength, muscle, brain, blood, energy a fler it is digested. If not digestetl it will do you no good at all. Shakers Digestive Cordial helps your stomach to digest your food and cures in digestion permanently. When you've tried a small bottle, you can tell. Sold by druggists. Trial lioltle 10 cts. "We had an epidemic of dysentery in this vicinity Inst summer," says Samuel S I oiiock, oi itriceiiimi, mi, i nun i .. 1 , I. 1... I ...1 III .. .. tnkt'it with it and suffered severely un til some one called my attention to Chamberlain's colic, cholera and di arrhoea remedy. 1 procured a bottle and felt better alter the first dose. He fore one Imlf of the bottle had been used I recommended it to my friends and their experience was the snmo We all unite in saying it is the best." For sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. F. T. Rogers, the barber, has fitted up elegant quarters next door to the Portland restaurant, and now occupies the same. It is one of the neatest shops in the city, everything new and clean, and newly papered. It is as elegantly furnished as a lady's bourdoir, and looks cor.y and home-like. The best ice cream in the city at W. W. Slovall's Seventh street confectionery store, at the old Keddoway stand. Five cents a dish or '2b cents a quart. The very place to get cool soda water, cigars and candies. Give the place a trial when you pass that way. Trice's flavoring extracts are the strongest and purest. Hook of "Delicious Desserts" free. K. E, Williams, the grocer. The best value in thecity in umbrellas and parasols can be had at the Racket store. Fine nssortiuent to select from. A largo assortment of garden hose just received at the hardware house of Tope & Co. The latest in visiting cards at the Kn tkki'kisk Okkick. Prices to suit you. Use "DUST1NK" for floor. Char mau & Co., agent. Circular free. Blank note, receipt and order books I at the Entkri-hisb office. Howard pays cash for second hand goods. 2t Society Directory. I In- mod fur ml "ii " li rnl I'xls n 'Urkirn Ciiunly mu i.ulil.l nl I i"i nl u ii. n Ilia hit iru r. II I r' ' 4 "" rifllrpra 1 l'ia inrl'im l"i1 n w II ' inl Ilia i'iiohi t'Uiin liml n ay bi; iieumMr I hid t rnc Ui tlnif, IJOKINTiIMN A-t K'III.Y NO. 41, I'MIKI) A II I ! ASH. M '-' k r W ilmiMlar tnin nt Or.e liall. On k i. V nl h(inonr m.'.ew ini. rill.O .INKS' M4M, A I.. AYUiH. M "l.-lnif. M. A. Ml n.KT'K lilx.K NO. i; IKOKKK OK HONOIt, A. o. V . M ' t varf Tin tl r i-nl i nt Or n ha I, (iiwik.i. Vln 1 1 1 j at III II Iwri iniulo a cinne. IAM II Ml SK, JC.HXI llAVIHM'S H " unl r. i . ill II. KOI'NTAIN IIOMKCO., So. I. Iti-r'ilar mi'i-tliiir M-foiel WVilin-nilay In airh nionili at fiikIii Imii.i-, rnt tlila Main iin-el. bi-lwi ii Hi-vi-iiih ami Klulilh J. W, Htuwakt. Mi!. II Htriioiit. K'rm M. t. Qi inn, Kiireinan. A. If. A.i;ofNCl. NO, 4, Mi-i-ln on Iha Aral ninl t)ilr1 FiMajrn In ca-h nionili at K. ol f, hall, Vl.illnjt mi-nil.rr. al ) wi-li imie. J w Noi I.K. Prr. MOI.AI.I.A OKANIiK. NO. 40, P. ol II. Mint a' I Imt r hall nt Mul nn on tie e""ni Sru nay oi cull im lit i al 10 in. VI ltln in m'xrn a:aT wa.ioni. CJ. T. Ilowunn, Mjui How n. He jr. Tt'AI.ITIN OltANtiK, NO. Ill, P. ol H. Mi--t Inat Hatunlay ol rh month al their hall In Wllxmvllle. Uui Lanaax, I- Man Ki.i.iiinro, Sec'r. Matter. IIAMAHCI'H UIIANGK P. OK II. NO. Dfl, Mwta no the (I rt Hnlunlay In each month at 10 o'clock a. m. at the bninnnrm m-IuhiI hoiix. B C. roL'NU. Manler. T. II. FiaTHcsn, HecreUrjr. K. OK P. 81 A K IMl'.r. NO. UA. J. f. Klnler . C. C; Thoman Nellaon, K. of R. ii'l H. Muria ererr Wclm-mlar evenlnr at I opiiMk In (ramie hall, I. O. I). K. bull'luif. Hriiiliern from other H ot P. Iixlgi-a lnrllcd. OHWKOO boIMiK. NO. K, A. K. A A. M. Mietn the mtoiii ain) fourth HaturiU jrn ol oarb Rionih at 7 ii. m All Mauiun lu aood tauilliia are Invtteil to alteiiil. Ii. II. Kann. W. M. ... lti KLl, Kec'jr. OHWKtiO I.OIiliK NO. w, I. O. . T. Mi-fta evrrir Friday eveiuuKtu the new hall In (Mil Town. J. C. IUinu, C. T. Joiim KacnE, Bee'y. lli rrK CliKF.K lillANOE. No.n;, P. ol II. Mii-tt at tht-lr hall In Mnroiiam, utoiiI Sat unlnr In rm h nimitli at iu a. lu. Vl.tlli nii-iiilx-rialwayl weli'ouic. J. K. Wiiitk, A. V. lUvin, HiHTftarT. Planter. A1U.KM.T1IY ItKHKK II NO io. ltKliltKC LolKiK M.-e'a the Ar t ami third F Idajr In in. .mii at i :P M . in I. O o K IU1I. the ; Ma. Ii. il. oi.n. Mki.oki m. Kwretary. N. 0, ST. JOHN S IIKANCH, NO. 67, C. K.ol A. Meet. cviTy Tiimitay evenlni at their hall : ?".'" M"' "'! on-K"n ntr. . n. mii iiKLft,oec j. iir.anKKT OANAlls, rren WAHNEK (IKANOK. No. 117, P. ol II. M'i-I loiirth Snturdny olenrh month, at their hall In Ni-w Kra. Oeu. LiJ'.l. I, Matter 11. MKH MtH.lK. itoo'. CLACKAMAS CIIAPitK. Clackamnn chnpter Nn. 1 K A. M. Itec'ilnr C"iciiH'ailiiu thinl Monday ol the month at 7:71 W. E. CAUI.L. II. P. II. . STHAN'.E, Bec'T. OKHtiON UllKiE, No. 3, LO. O. T. tleein everjr Thurndnj. even ..a at 7 nn o'clock SI-inlM-r in tne o'r.iri'r? In A i.V Utti'ifd'. tt A. HEUULb, N. ii. Thiat Kynn. Secretary. ostt Kill) LOI.GE. NO W. 1. O. O. P l...t. mt O.I.1 Pcllmv'n lull. O.urivii. everT M Iny cvnnij. Vlnilliif hrcthrcn wi'l.-oine. C. II. NIXON, X. ti. J. K. UmLSV.BeC. t'itiiXMliiIHiK, '0. us. K OK P. M. ,v,r, Kri.Uy niiihtat the K. olP. hall, Vlnitln tovltnl. (, -, J'l'RrH II V. li'iRi, KolPaude. i loNEEK CILAI'I KK NO. lnO. E. Mi'ii '- nml 'id fjurih lu -.d'V In ech month at Moo .lo ten p -. V .t. 'n nla we c une Mom M. I.. 11. .Lure, Ml mi Hattii WlTllSlKII.. si. Vi. Se'-tUiry. w. c. 1 . 1: O'e.on Cty W. c T. V. m-it m n Ihlf at c. lumn a.i Ir.i'ii ! I the c .u-' my t.d t i iit'i'ii i .Hti.B A J. ai.'.n'T., .MliS It U PKICl.ri. I rj ldi-uL etiry. IIKIiMKs 1.01)0 E, NO .6, K, OP P., Mre ievf y Kid ay evenln .a 7:30 o' lock. In K. "1 H hall, Auro a. l. tluj knuhli made uclc une. M. 0. saiTH, C. C, IIrnhy 81YHKB. K ol K ai dS. KI.KCTKIO 1.01K.E, NO , A. O. U. W. Meet' ntH'oinl and luurt i neiltit'ndny ol each . ... 1 il IT U I..M Y',.a tr.,in.up. ,' ',- ma le wocouie. A. M. CHUNK, Thus. F. Ryax, M. tt. It -'cor K-r . MCLTNOMAII LOIHiK, NO. 1, A. P A A. M. lloliln Im rcmilar commuiilcationn mi flrnt nil Ihiril SMliirilitv. of parti month at 7:!tl) p. H. I Hrvtlirt'ii lit kihhI sIhiuIIiik are Invited to attend. o. i i.ray, n , M, T. K. RYAr, Secretary. OSWKliO liKANUK NO. 175 P. ol II. Meem the accoiid Sntnrdnr ol ench month tl 10a. m. L. A. Silii-i.KY. Muster. 11. U .-TKVKNSl'N, 8e"y. MOLAI.LA LOlHiE No.O, A.O. U. W. Mectn flrnt and third Sitiinlny In each month at M'hiMil house. Visiting meitiler made wel come. J. W. THOMAS, M. W. O. W. Kiihhins, Sec. OKEuON CITY HOARD OF TRADE. Uleets at Con it Homo on Second Monday In ench month. Visitors welcome. J. M. LAWRENCE. E E. CIIAkMAN. Secretary. President GAVEL LOlHiE. NO.M, A O. U. W Meets second and fourth Saturday evenings at Kiilxht'nt hall. Cauby. Visiting brothers made welcome. E E ts.L E. . M ADDOCK, Recorder. Master Workman. COURT ItOlIlN HOOD NO. 9, F. OF A Meets the 1st, id and 3rd Fridays of each month at tt inum mu Hull. A. W. Horn, Geo, R. W ii, f hart. Recording Seo Chief Ranger. MKAUE RELIEF CORPS. No. 18. DEPART MENT OK OREUON. Mrs. Jeii-i Ha-iiliig, President Mr . 1. W. Kinits, - Treasurer. Mr . Ed. Ill Clous-, - Secretary. Meets on first and third T' ursdnys of each mouth 111 tt liinnieite Hall. Members ol corps from at.ioml, cordially welcomed. WACIIENO TItIHE, NO 13, KEDMEN. Meets Tuesday evening at A,0. l W. Hall. Vis iting members Invited. A. AsMt s, Saebem. ('has., Col K. CANBY LOIHiK, NO 56, I. O, U. T. Meets first and third Saturday evening ol each month at Kulght's hull. Cauby. Visiting members nhvnvs made welcome. Ella Kniuiit. Seo. Oko. W, V, C. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Willamette Falls Camp No. IIS. meets every Tuesday night in each mouth in Willamette linli. Visiting neighbors made welcome. J. K, Morhis, Clerk. L D. Taylor, C. C. willamette rehekah degree lodge NO, a, I o. 0. F, Meets the second and fourth Friday In each mouth at S o'clock p. m. In I O. O. F. Hall Mas J. C. Bradley, N. 0. Mas. M. G. Charm an, Seo. Society Directory. I'll) IKON UilrtiK NO. IM, A. 0. V. W. I Mi-i-ln er Thufi'lar rvriiliia at drum hall, Onwi'K'i. Vlnllllif liflli'Mi alwaya w. i.'inri, W. W T'iIfIi. Jn . MaSNiN'i, K!irilar. M. W, CATAKACT MOHK . No. W. Mi-rtn nf'i'firi'l Tuily of vh moiith nt Cat arnft r.inrliie hoiiia. W II. HewKi.i. Pri-n (I. II. luarnw. Hm'r. 1. W O'ikinnki.l. t rn M Vlt'J I.K UjllUK NO. ii, IfKOKKK OK IIO.NOK, M'l an-rr Krllr In A. O. IT. W Hall. Vln- ItlriK rrii:mlrn nrimla wi-lcoma. M". K i. iURIvUW, C ol 'I. 8. A. OiM.rrr, Kecnuler. KAUJI CITY II)(K. NO A.O L' . W. Mi-ntn avery Haturlar arentrif nf wh mnnth If, A O II W I. 1 1 4ih h.. All I, ....... brethren euidlallr Inylo-d to nto-ri'l. M A A Ol.liri.t-iu i Ci.irr, Keconler. , . w. MKAI'K POUT, No Id A. K OKPAKTMKNT OK OKF.iiON. MpU (lrt Wf On' niT of enrh month, at Wit luimlta Hall. Or(ou City. Vlnltlng t. tar-ant maila welcome. C. A. WII.I.UMH, Commander. J. T. Arrr.nnoM, Adjutant F COMPANY, FIHHT KF.GIMKNT, O. N. 0. Artnnry. Third and Main, lobular drill nlrht. Monday, hrvnlar hiulnena meetliiKa, nrat Monday of each month. orricita. P. 8 Kelly, ... Caataln l h. Plchenn, - - Flrnt MeuU-uant W. A. Huntiey, - - Second Lieutenant JOCKXK Webster's International lDl6iionary The One Great Standard Authority, 1 ho write Hon. ! J. i'-rwr, Jnu-c ('. r hiipinia ContX. CSerul a PoUl tor Spciron Vmzc, etc fiucrrunr f$f the "Laabridgcd." IHtanclnrcl , i H mtis'i i i rrn ( Ml iitnii I oiJfl. i v of ii-H. :y at Hie COIllolCttdl'd I "ml.' S-rnnun't- r-.'i. .. H. )....:, ami in r J i,.-s.:..r alwtM , t'az :::t t BtCHt'tt , It Ii ctiy flnj he t'rJ wsr.tfd. , Il la tiv to n ertj'l tic r unun.irttrn. . II 1. tiw la l.u.o tt-.f croin fit a vnrd. . , it la tuy to learn hit a oru cicana. 1 T'" '"hfr-i-'o (i.-i -.s-jii .-(i!ff Mivs. f ..-.r' lri-mil' I I .ti:-"? li iTn ;.enl I 1 f.i-in i ...' . it ..-,( ru i - ii :i.t i-rt:.i:.ilin -t -e in II. ' iv I I f ' I "i' f- in. . . tl T ...-r. i 4 . f.. i I t. im, j ' J.-.-.I. If. ., i-. I L-nnit. italHlfcUlaf ) I'.l.- an njl .: II lirr, II. 1 ('. KKKKI Ml rn., r-hUshers, bpriufjielil, .'f iss., r..A. 00V--WXr.'KAO))W0)0 FOR- ABSOLUTELY FORE' DRUGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. 9 none bi;t oompetent pharmacists employed FlK PerrcKrtss asi Tolls! Articles. Also a full stock of FJIHSTTa- OILS ETC. SEE Diivies Exhibit And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third and Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. J IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a per. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! Closing out Sale of Millinery Retiring from Business . . . Largest stock in the city both trimmed and untrim med HATS must sell at any cost. Call early and take your choice, everything up to date. This means I have great bargains for the peopIeJBU, MRS. SLADEN'S, Parlor, Ono Door South Methodiat Church. V. HARRIS STAR -$ GROCERY Dealer In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR, FEED ETC. Geo. T. Howard, IiEAI.KH I.N Highest price paid for Furni ture, Stoves, etc., etc. (iood line of Tinware, ilnn ware, Crockery, etc., always on hand. 7th Street, Near Depot- ...ThePrairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of A" Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. I Each number contains mr j solid reading matter than any I other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Snliscrlpilo. Price. One Dsllar i Year. , It is the Paper for the Peopte. Sample CluD&Iiig Offers for 1895-6: iT"B PBAand Fak,,kb BsHPasers one year ; Wekklv Intee Ocean) lOf $ 1.25. The Puairie Fakmeh j m pjn u i Addreni The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. "T77iN COMET" ill "LITTLE GI1KT" Lavn Sprinklers. BEST MADE Uni'iue.cfliciont. labor saving. Will j pprinkle 4 times greater area I than any other fprinkk-rs made. i Highest Award at the Chicago Exposition. Can be seen in operntion at the court house yard. Heml for cir culars giving testimonials ami E.P TEBBINS MFU. UU. sole manufacturers SPRINGFIELD, MASS. For sale by all hardware and rub ber stores in the U. S. A5ENTS WANTED CAN MAKE BIG MONEY H. W. JACKSON, Bicycles, Umbrellas, Guns, Sewing Machines, And all kinds of small ma chines put in good order. No work to dillicult to undertake. Prices reasonable. Shop in Caufield building Nenr Court House. --BliB AND -n iHUV.