Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
r THE SOUL'S SONQ. A rptlra la rw.lrtot.xl cell confined, Ky plrll man it, spite grim walla Hn1 liars And stnfrth when It ae, tho mystic stars, And ihi soft moonbeams, kind, aalanl ban ahmetl. Ad thongh mjr cloistered aonl they had divined. Whan ooolimr aephyrs herald day In east, Aud bird throata auswtr make from tree and To deera-r sonar my soul doth e'er incline And lone at matins to a-tst an tin., Alaa, I may not m the vooul feaatl Ulch clustered Jewi N iw my thought In train, luicb loM their order oro they roavh my tonitue : their shadowi-d form by me I sunn. t'.meelTwt In p!, told, alaa. In twin, ts some wild bird Is raptured, but when slain! Kot alway In a priann wall of clay l-hall 1 my poor ri-atrioted axing deplore; IVyoiid the itths etheroal clouds explore, When eunact Leaves ajar it opal d.air, I'll ama", uufetu-rwl, at tho dawn of day. Arthur Howard, nail. w'on th' Injuns conn ol.wt:, nlfta. low nil b'holdt ThoT hain't no Injuns t all, but some o' Uon'ml AuKur'a troopa -driviii in strap stock, iu lion was with Vin. "Well, o' rouran tlioy tackle- on f th wi.Mi-r's wapm an ho.-uls f'r Unvn Kiwr, mail a hull lot t' think a main oritur rnlliii 'iswlf a man M run away an lcavo a woman t' bo wnlra-il lv Oga-Li'.I.i-' an thrv all njjnv t' uiako it tlam I hot Tr liortiiiui i'f he's ki'telmlilo. Ihtti, ho tluln't say luuoh, but rmrty quirk V J riilcs alonirsxlo th'st-iyi-iiut " ivaks t' 'itn, real quiet, an 'foro limn ho s a ! chasiu off on a side trail f git intuh I Unou Kivor first, 'foro th' troonora i coitio. I "Sherman waa iu th' barroom o' th' ! hotol, tellin how tho'd be'n ambushed I au th' wiil.ler killed at th' first shot an how him au th' jftvunor'd tit an tried j t' save 'or body, w'ou in walks Hon, 'is face's white's Sherman ' au 'U oyoii a-blaziu. Sherman knowed iu a miuuto ' th't Hon wus ufior him, an ho remhed "It grieves rue all fired copious" ob-1 ' ' t'". but D'a was too quii k, an H'lred Uuclo Cy Clav, gravoly eontoiu- j 'vend 'im. plating the quarter vtiou of pancake I J " rj You ,1am cmn. . , w .... ; drvl, 1 oukIh t kill ye whero vo Rot, but pmaui on Uu end of his fork ' t e j au , fat tir th' flirtatious carryiu s on o this yer ( whwVl,r .th-t-vou a cur th't runs yallor hoadod sohoohuarm an D.xi Ev- away im loavl(1 a Woiuan f bo si-alHsl f rtt, mon osiHVial as she is al- au umrdoml by Indians, ' And ho ko ready sioko fir by Jimmy Duval, au ou an tolls th' crowd alnnt wh't Shor- WIXXIXGTHEWIDDER doc is kuowed t' be th' only husban an father of a' iutorvstiu lovtle fambly of 'a own, bark iu Ioway. But, thou well, well, thoy's no 'couutiu f'r th' ac tions of th' female soot, more like cf , thoy happ'ns t' be o' th' flirtatious Y'rS ' cty, an tlioy mewt all be. "I r'meiuber one female in p'ticl'ar, ' j he contiimed after sending a largo swal low of hot coffee in the wake of the do- I parted piece of pancake "I r'meiuber one th't was sho' 'uoogh sriuul'lous ' 'xiunpla o' what cur'us notions th' sect will take au th' ouaccountable things ' they all '11 da man haddid. O' couiNoov'rylxxly want ed t' hop in au do s'uT ropt-work, wi' th' jedgo flggvriu as 'It,' but Bou wouldn't have it, none at alL " Ko, gvnts,' siiys lu 'it don't go. I b'lieves iu givin all kind a fair shako. I gives it out th't I porposo t' git th' gvnt, but I does it fair, au gives him th' same show as me. Stop outside yore, dam ye, an tight' "Sherman begged an pleaded a hull lot, but it didn't go, an after gittin a few swift kirks fr'ru some o' th' gang, out he walks, wobuliu lots iu th' knees and shakin all over, an lines up in th' street Cheyenne Pikv was master o' Oregon City Market Iteport. (Corrected wttokly,) Wheat No, 1 inorehsntitlile, 55 cents per busliol. Flour Portland, $:I.10; Howard' IWst, $:t.0'; Kisher's tt, f:t.tH. t!s III ska, white, L'7 coiila ir bushel, grav, LV SIillstuttH Itran, lU.tHt per ton shoits, $1-1.50 per ton : chop, $1:1.50. Potatoes -Pg rents per pound, Kgfc-s, cents per doxon. Huttor Kanch, "." coats per roll. Pried Fruits Apples, iinbloaehtd, cents; 50-ound boxes, evaporated, 4xte prunes, L" to 4 la cents; plums, to 3 cents. liacon I lams, 8 to S'4 cents; sides 8 to 7 J slioulders, 5 lo t! ; lard, tl to 7, Livestock aud Pressed .Moats Hoof, live, 1'4 to 2 4 rents; hogs, Iive2'4' oents lios dressed, 3l cents; s!ni'p, $l.lH)to $1 '.'j per head; veal, dressed, I cents Poultry I lilckcns, young, Iroin $2; out turkeys, alive, 8 con's ptr pound. 1 oiiltrv advancing. Xurrelous Kesults. From a letter written by Kev. J. (inn iierniau, ol l'unuml.tle, .Mich., wo are iHTiuittod to make this extract : "I have no hesitation in rromiuonding Dr. Kiug'i iM'w I'lseovory, as tlie results were almost marvelous in the of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Hives Junrt'on she was drought dowu with pneumonia succeeding la grippe, Terrible paroxvsms of coughing would lust hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended lr. King's New Discovery ; it wus quirk in its work and highly satisfactory in results." Trial bottles free at Charman & Go's. Irug Store. Kegulur size .'xV and $1.00. 1 Twos back in Wyoming, in '67 ceremonies. 'Twenty paces, gents,' says time o' th' Sweetwater 'icitem'nt, ye he. 'Shoot an advance a shootiu. Air know. Well, me an my two pardners ye ready? One, two, throe fire I' 'd be'n miuin ont yen? in Califoruy i "How 'twas did, nobody ever even . ... U ; I.. r. .ll '..,,..,. I. l, , ' 1 O .. '. 1 - . V i k -i , i vr.;.... Rxr..-. .u. T. Iien-ever I am troubled up stake's witn us, same s a lot o oiu- , was, too; but he was so shaky they say er lool miners, an off we goes t tn ho c d hardly hold his gun. Anyways, A Pioneer's Keroiniiieinlatloii. Mr. J. .V. Yenable, of Powney, a pio neer of Los Angeles County, Cal., says: with a pain in the stomach or with diarrhoea I use Chamberlain's colic, cholera and di Sweetwater country, ole Bill Heatwole an me an Ben Ben Haskios, he wus : th' youngest o' ns, an chockful o' th' 1 ole Harry's ever any boy you ever seen. ! But white? That boy was white, he , sho' was, ef ever a white man lived. Ef 'e hadn't 'e 'a' be'n yere now, niore'n : likely. j "At Sweetwater, th" Widder Buck kep' a board in house, an we all boards i with 'er, an we fed high too. But, say, I that widderwas th' purtiest leetle crea ture ye over seen, w a n t more n 24 r a,an nau rosy cneeEsan eyes tn t a just boys? says he, w en he ketched 'is set y'r heart a-thnmpiu black's any j breath. 'Th' Widder Buck aud that Coal . au bright 's di'm'nds. Well, shej skuuk Sherman is spliced 1' wa'n't hardly one o' 'em th't wa'u't an snorts at 'iiu quite a lot, butho wild C be th' landlord o' th't there , sticks C th' story. 'Yessir,' ho savs, bean joint. Th' wnst o' it all was th't 'they was tied up an hour ago b' Jedgo they wa'n't none o' 'em but what, one j Billings. It's straight' time 'r 'nother, was dead sure he was i "An so it was. Pore Bon wa'n't even goin f s'txed th'lamented Bnck, which j stiff, n'r they hadn't got 'im laid out, was gouo b'fore 'bout three y?ars back b'fore that son of a gun an th' widder f'r ef they ever was a sho' 'nongh . was hitched duly 'cordiu C law. O' flirt, 'twas th't same Widder Buck. ; course th' boys shivereed 'em, and then She'd take up an smile swwt 't ev'ry give 'cm three hours C leave town, but new niau th't showed up, oatell she hud ; that didn't do no Bood. Jedirn Sherman im ou th string good on hurd. Then hal the widder on 'er wad. an nore ole. they was only four 'r five shots took i arrhoea, remdey. I have used it for then pore ole Ben throws up 'is hn's an drops Shermau'd got 'im in th' forehead, slick an clean. "While they was pickin Ben op an carryiu 'im inside, Sherman got lost in th' shuffle. Ef he hadn't, he'd 'a' sho' be'n killed. But he sneaks off an lays low som'eres an nobody sees 'iiu outell late that day. "'Bout supper timo one o' th' boys comes rush in intuh th' Eaglo Bird c'n sid'ble flustrated. 'Wha' d'ye think, years, know it to be a reliable remedy, and recommend it to every one For sale by 14. A. Harding. Houses JWde llrlglit. Marrow, the painter, has removed bis shop to Seventh street, near the depot where orders can be left fur painting, paper-hanging and calcitonin. frioo to suit the times and all work honestly and etliciently done. tf Undertaker and Embaliner. K. I.. Ilolinan undertaker and em uu.. iiru.lnaia rj kinliai tiling col lege. Full stork of caskets ami coffins at prices to suit. Undertaking parlor in Winehard block opposite courthouse, tf Legal Notices. Nhrrlll" Male. In lh (Mroiill Court ill lliasialaot Omnim, lur the I minir ol ( Uclnuisi. Oeorn IjiivII ami Thomaa Ouiu'sii, Kioeiiinn of III ll ol J. K. Ilnimuaii. ilimoti, plane IU . vi J. . Msy, Jauiva WlmUivk and M. J. liar, (Mutidiiiita. Stat ol Oroiion, i oiinljf iifrlarkaiiiM, . HY VlHl'l'K OK A Jl'lHIMKNf OltDKIt, dlHHW and au OKt'lllli'll. duly laalloil mil ol and mi.lor th aMl ol Iho atxiv uillu oourl. Iu iho ahor ..iiiiilvd rail', lo m i duly dlrvoto.1 and dalcl in Jritu day l J iiiii, Iv.xi, Uui a jii'lsm in rvu iiTi'd and in. ril iu hI.I court ou Hi 17ili day ol Juu : IS'M. Iu lavor ol liiorn Ulollv and I'Iiuuik. Ouuoaii, Ki'i'uii ol th Mill ol J. k, I . ii K ., -11. I'laini ila, an I anilnul J. W. Mai Jamvi Whll in k and M. J, My, illiulau i, fur llu um, oliii liiioni.t iiirnoii h th ral ol s per out. rer aiitiiitn (r m tho 17 h mi of Jiiih., Ivni, Ntid th furihor uin i'f H) a .nor. iivy't (.hi, ami th lurliitfmtim oLtUK cot t n and dlHliurau i imlii. and th i"lii if and upui Ihlt writ. O'liiininnililig in to litsli Mai ut I (ollowtiiK ,l.'orlN..I r.'al proMity Kiial 'ii tho County of I'lMi'kNiua., Nta. ot Ottou, liaii; AU ol hloik ti in harliiiKM mlilMo i 10 th vii n Orfim Cliy In tli 0"iiuiy i f Ciai kama. au mini of Ori'h'iMi, arroriliu in 'i ri' i l i ol Maid )r Iiiic'm nilditlnu, iiuw ou ft In th oitut ol th r.-eordr ol eoiivoynm'i'N lor a- county aud aial.'. Now. thuroiuio, lif v'rtu af nM xut on. Jii.lKiuant rtlr and d.-i'i. a i'l in iMoti!Unr with tli comiuaiulM ol -aid ril, I w 111 on S tur ily, th I'lda) of aiikusI, Im1. at Hi hour of io'i'liH'k I'. M mi th liom .lo.iruf Ihi l uiu y Court ll'iiuo lu th i Ir o Or nun I lly, In - d couuly and t-ito, r1i at tnihl v Mtuvlnii, tl' J I In rili'ini'il to In tuu!it tiuldi'f. I " I', s (old ion, i'ih in h in, nil i' runt ilil.i mul iiilar-t wnii-li i lie wl hlu umiii d I u iu "r oiihr o Ih.'ni, hsil ou iiim dai of Uu t arli iiieui ho'iu or 'Hi had In .. 11 1 lo in "o . .UiorllHil roil pro iv or any na-i t'uo il. in M'lil.fy Maid to. uu.'ii, Ju.U'iu il ord.'r, d iro. lull'l.'Rt, tM ail. I all '.ri'rillll( I'l'Mla. I'aud. Uit'ion I I y, O ., Ju .'. s V I r..l . MAKIIOCK. h'lrlTof I' ai-kiuiaii Couitl.. lir.'iiou. ny .-s. m. MiKuir, ipuiiy. 7 a, l() YOU Nlilll) ANY Doors, Windows, Moulding, Window Glass, Oil 0TIIKR IIUILIIlXli MATKHIAL? :(IO TO: H. BESTOW C. CO. Low Trices. First-class Goods. Comer llth and Main Streets, Oregon City, Oregon. Mlirriir'a Mule. f..r f r th nut. ! "But w'en our Ben jumps in an be-' gins znakin love in real ser'us sbapi', we all begins to ralc'late th't th' hlonniin : bidder is sho' ketched a lot, an reckons they's goiu t' be some splicin did in 4hat there camp b'fore Chris'mas w'cu ftll of a suddint, aloug comes a lawyer 1 Ben gits nothin but a bang1 up funeral an sis feet o' dirt t' lay in. "All th' ole gang th't went intuh th' Sweetwater rush r'members all about this yarn; an. say, I'll bet they wa'u't one o' 'em but what's b'en more 'r leas leary o' widders sonce then. They're mighty queer sorto' cattle, these women chap hailiu from bait Lake an puts up folks, an I gives 'em up. " EiebaUL'o. 't th' Hotel de Widder Buck, thereby causin a uuii loto griei in camp, 'cause he hops in immediate an begins makiu j love t' th' landlady, her makin no . 'bjectiotis as anybody knnwed of. ! "Yerx's where Bon makes a dead 1 VTong play; f'r, 'nstead of stiekin to 'is guns, 'e right off makes a jealous break 'r two, causin a row wi' th' widder. quite natural. Then off goes Ben au hires out t' th' gove'uni'nt f'r a scout 'bout tlmt time th' U. P. road was bein built, an th' Ogalalla Sioux was nmkin 1 'emselves real onpleasant, chargin round an liftin section ban's' hair an seen like playful leetle tricks. So, 'a I says, Beu goi off in a huff un leaves th' run-' Bin t' tlii.s yere Salt Lake maverick as calls 'infielf 'Jedge' Sherman au puts an a hull lot o' bfggus airs an talks book English. Say, it jest made us sick it sho' did th' way that there couple ' spooned round. They was sev'ral o' th' boys th't jest ached t' git Sherman intuh ; a argymint an kill 'im up a lot, but ', they nver got no chance th' Jtdge was too foxy, he was, an too smooth t' get intuh open trouble. ; "Jest about Chris'mas time th' In-j juns let up a few an lays low, th' weather bein some cold an too many sojers round them parts, an onemornin th' widder gives it out th't she lays t' 1 go over t' Greeu River an enjoy 'ersclf a lot she was fever beefin 'bout 'all i work an no play. ' So, next day, off she an th' Jedgegoes, with a greaser named Manuel drivin th' nmel team. They'd jtst got acrost th' South Fork an was, persoomable, quite comf 'table an happy, v'en, all of a suddint, Manuel lets out a screech an jumps out of th' wagon, hollerin th't Injuns was comin. Sher man looks out an sees a cloud o' dust 'bout two mile away (they wa'n't no enow on th' ground), an he jumps out; too, an in a holy second him an that greaser bad them muels cut loose an was aboard 'em hittin the trail real wift f'r Green Elver, 'Course th' wid der ;roeehed after 'em, but, turn round? none whatever. W'y, that tar sal skunk didn't even wave 'is hand! "Well, th' widder sits an weeps quite copious f'r awhile, an then makes tip 'er mind th't she don't pcrposo t' stay thore an get scalped none what ever. So she piles out o' th' wagon an i makes a sneak t git under th' bank an then travels np toward th' dus' cloud, flggeriu th' Injuns 'd be most likely t' 1 lr A.rwn lnataa1 ft nn lint Mlva uunu DMcaiu iiMKini u. u, mum I I'.rriilrliN .nltcc TOTIt'E I IIKREBY GIVES THAT THE I uuilur.iifne 1 has bvn animliiiHi hr ih HiiunrableCo'iiiiy C mrt ol'k irn County, OrtKun, x.'CUtrlx ol the l.t will of Conrad Ncl"ri, dvcd. All prniii hariu( cuimi aaluMt th e.taie of Iho inld Cnurad XelUirt, decaed, are hareby untitle 1 to pr.uiut th lain lor uaymuul, duly Turllle.l. to me at No. 7.1.1 .Mlnutuoia avnue, Mtailoa H, FurtUml, Or Kun or to my attoruay, W. II. Uohyni, at Cauhy, (ircKon. a-libiu ilx monthi from the Oat ol thia noilre MK3. C. NKIIIKkf. Kiecutrli. Adiuinialratsr'ni .ollce. OTICK IS HKUKHY GIVEN THAT THE uudervlKtied ha. been duly apioluted uy Hi H'JO. U. h. HiiyeM, Jii.lg of in Couuly Court of ih ott ol Urei'io for Clacliaiiia. i.ouuty, Admlulitratiix ol ill E.tato of A lain H. Dtranice, ilecai'-il. All pvraona haitliiK claimii airaiual aa d eital, are reimsled lo ru ii nit the ine. properly yuritled to me at the duUol tills notice. I.OKKN.l II STRANfiK, Admlnlnralnxof Estuiv ol Adain il. HitanK". I'acwaatd. Datwl at On-iron City, Orcjioii, tbia JOtti, day ol June, IH'Jti. S-al:7 ;il. Faahiona For Men. It will not be long now before fashion journals and plates for men are as firmly established as those for women. This, at all events, is the conclusion at whirii one lirrivfa nn mnrlino- rl... I...... , "fee Thoa. F. Kyan, ou Mam street, lu Ore . 7 o ' ..." j Ko;i cuy, Oregon, wilhlu aix mjutua from lu auiui are ui'ing iiiirixiuceu into iasiuou papeis under the heading, "For Men," or something similar. The rapidity with which "this sort of man" evolves a sjie cial etiquette do toiletto for various oc casions is truly astounding. For in stance: "Patent leather shoes may be correctly worn while iu mourning. Men in mourning, when in evening dress, wear ties of black silk, not black satin ones." Again, "Ushers at a wedding should wear gloves of either pearl or white kid, which match exactly those worn by the groom, but it is not neces sary that his should bo the saino as thoso worn by the bride. " And once tnoro: "Men who have grooms should see to it that they do not wear jewelry. It is bad form." One wonders what manner of men they are who must be told this lat ter item! Westminster Gazette. police. In the County Court uf tho Statu ol Oronon (or the County of Clai kuiuai. In the matter ol the tatati ol Lucy A. Bmlth, dcCimne I . TOTIf'E IS HEREBY filVKN THAT THE ol Lui y A. niiut'i, ha. fllud hia mint account aud report aa tucu admiiilNlrntiir, lu the County Court of Cliiraauiu.Coun y. Oregon, and that Mou Jay, ih 7m day ol H.-ptcuiui-r, lft'jii.atlO o'i.h;k a. in., hv the hi1 Couniv Court h in b e.i (Ixed aud aiipoliifd an the time aud plain; for in kettlouiont ol lu same aud tho ti'inriiiitand dteruiiuiiii of any and all oh Joi iiohm tnerei'i. EitEli T. hMl l H, JiHOWNKI.1. A Campbku, AlluilllUlriltnr. Attorneys tor Adniiulitralor. 7-21, s-'l The People of Madeira. They are as harmless as their coun try. The stranger meets with no snakes, and need not fear mosquitoes, neither has he to take any precautions against being molested in the most out of the way parts. Everywhere civility, polite ness and pleasant faces will greet him. Tho prices anked are grotesque oftaj five times what will be finally accepted. Some find the absence of lixed pricei abroad a great nuisanco, but the bar gaining in Madeira is so grxxl humored and can be made so amusing that tho chango of custom in this respect is rath er refreshing. There is one reason that may account for the comparatively few visitors to the island there are neither golf links nor cycling roads. All Madeira can do is to provide a very limited cricket ground and five miles of fairly level road. Most of the ways near tho citv are paved with "nubbly" stones and are trying to tho feet, but in the country this paving ceases. Good Words. Burprlaed. "Weren't you surprised when he pro posed?" "No. Why should I be?" 'Everybody else was." Harlem Life. for 'i tut ion. In the County Court ol the State of Oregon me i ouuty of iiiacxuniia. In the matter ol the estate ol W. It. Clayson, deceased. To Emma Jane Claynon, Frederick Clny.on, K'lward Clnyaon, laac Claysou, Jacob ( lay sou and Alfred Claysou, ami to all oth.-rs un known, il any such there be. YOU, AND SACK OF YOC, ARK IIKKKIIY notiiled and cited to appear l.eforu tne County Court of the Ktate ol Oreirnu. for the County ol Clacknmas, on Monday, the 7lh day of September, l"!i, at tn hour of 10 o'Ciock n. . of said day, at th court room of snld court. at the court home In OreKon City, Clackamas County, Oregon, to show cnuie why an order should not be granted to Charles Clayson, the a'lmlnistra'rir ol th e.tate of W. H. CiavNon. ilennaaed, lo sell so much of the following de scribed real estate as ihall be ueces.ary to pay the dobts and the and charges ol ad ministration of th eittate of the deceased; the real estate above mentioned being claim No. .'18, parts ol sections 7. H. 17. 18. 19 and 20 In town. h pi south range ii eat, according to official plat of survey returned to the guneral land office by the surveyor general, being bounded and di sorlbcd aa beginuiug at a point 2 chsliis and 10 links west of the southeast corner of southwest ouarler ol s.ction 8 lu tuwn.hin 2 south range 'I east, thence noith 4.1 degrees west M cnainsauu 83 lings; thence sou'h v degrees wist 77 chain and Ki links: thence ami th i:t de grees 45 mluutes oast h7) chains and 82 link-; thence south 2fi degrees east 20 chain, and 4'J link.; thence north l.'i degree east tt'J chains: theuc north gi degiee. 45 liiiiiut: east 4H chains and thenee noith 49 dugreea went 14 chains and 71 linka to nlaceol be.-iunlnir. un and except IM acres o( above oesenbed tract and being northeant quarttr section ol sld land claim, containing 4H0 acres, rfiore or 1 ss, a"d being a p riion of tho donation land claim of James McNary and Nancy McNary, his wife, situated In Clackamas County, State of Oregon. Hv order of Gordon K Hayes, County Judge of Clackamas County, btate of OrcguiL Dated June 2 ), 1HW. A. S. IiKKrioEli and E. MENKENHAU,, 7-24, 8-14 Attorneys lor said estate. Ill the Clr 'tilt Court ol h stau of Urog v ia aauia. comity. L I- Willi, plaliitllT. vs. E. M. Ilarlmsu. Mcli..a A. llauinm: J. r H as, . g ir f Ih ol E. M. Itirt nai', au Ins i vi ,udi o . Marv Jane liar. man; luni Wnll,-; Cli .il c. lliHh:,ui, Kdaar Ha'renaiid Fra k II. Ilougnlo i, p.rtur-,a. C. O. lluiwtit m A Co.; Hu tel. ii i sou F. S. Aklli, pamu'r.. a. Akin, Selliug ,i Co : M. 1 Cm in, Nu-k lihe g, J. lu.iiu'l ii and I. I. Ch i, partuerM,, Mi-koiMherg d; Ck; H soiM. suillu Com panr. aiMip-Talloii; A U M ni uaviii. Hi hi. iiullv du il o ipai-liy and as alniiand as r c Iv. r "I the ol K. M. liarliuaii. au In s.ilveul debtor; J. K. Mar.tiaui; 1 W Mir ii il. i iu; Ji'inli C. Young; Olhe I'. I. 'sail. I. A. Mrinaiii: Maiy J. Alhtunt aid ijioigo W. Mariiiaui, Uaioudaula. Slat of Oro- o, County of Clarkaina, ss. HY VIR1I E OF A Jl'lHIMKNT OlthEK. deur. aud vxecution. dulv im.iipiI uiii ol aud ui der I lo .1 o. Inasb ivvntlll. ro ,ri lU lu ab'V ulllld 0 UW. lo lliadlllv dlla la.1 ami daud in- n day oi Juu. !, mi a Jodiini ni reudervd and enli'rl iu aaid ruuri on in iwn day ul .uu. lnai. lu lavorof th abov UauteU liUlnlilT. and aaalnsl lha alKiva naniMl .Irf. ii tai l ., MiHUsa ... Hartmau and K. M. iiarunau, lor In sum ol ixua.iv nun Intrr- vst lu, roou at the rat ul 10 ir ciil. nor anuuiii Irom in .ih dav of Marcn. ln'Jrt. au.l tun fur. thor tim ol J.'l.i.J, Uh luiers.l lh. iruu Juu l.itb, 1-n.l, at th rat ol 8 nor cut. t-r an. nuui, aud Ih lurthi'r uin ol find, as atturno. s fe. aud th lurthar sum ol Ul. po-ta aud dl-uura.'meuis, aud in lavor "I Isam Whll and lut th alaive named defendants. a A. Ilartman and K. 11. Ilarliuau. lor Ih um of v'. II. wilh InUrroat al th raieol 10 per o..i. I air auutim fMni inrrttd day ol March. l'VI. an i the f ii r i her sum oi Ins), as attorney's few, and tn (urthur sum of Sio. costs and it. burs, ul us. ina in cods oi and upon this writ, com . iud ug iu to maa s no i.u iuii 4...... rel pruperlT .Ituate lu 111 County ol ll rsa in as. and Siau ol oregou: lleginulug at a point 3.10 chains smitnaud 48a chains norl'i f vsst rom th northeasi curnvr ol In Kotur . Alien I). I.C., in towns ilp a -nulh ulran-l east of in Wlllainvtt meridian, ruunlug iheuce north i.'j wrat LSI cnattis to a a nnu; he-u'v so till XI0 4 west 2 chains lo a aiuie. rit aolltn Bi- -. at rK.iu. I a, .r. I Me.lua A. llarlinau'a laud: Ihanr norm a.-," east 2 etialna rloui l lua a ll. i... .. laud to til Dlac of b 'tfintilllw mmlali.l., ...... lourthol au aer m .r or lr- ana aisolhal part ol th 1 1. I. C. ol Ksck'Vl ,lr crllMxl aa cl-iin No. to lu lowushina A a .,l a souin ran 1 taat ol in W...iuu. meridian, au I begu.iilug at a p dm ho ro is -nut ol in northeast corner oi sai l .a .d cla m, running ihonco Jn7't rods, then es um I r.-i.. uieoia ea.t i;i'4 r.i; llie .c. uorth 112 ro s. Ilii' Il.'r. d-ilh ure south ;I2 rods; the nr eaal SU mis; thence north so rods to in p ac id laming Ml ..cte. or less. Now, Uieiior, y virtue ol said ui ii ion, JU'lgmciii order au 1 dcr .-, and lu rompliano i wil l thcumina'iil inal I writ. I will, on aa urday, ihusihday of Augo.i, lawi, atth hour ot 1 o'clock V. M.,at tn iroiituiairol th Coil ity C'.uri lloiisv In th city of Oioguii Ci.y lu sail county a d slat, sell at pmd o auct oii, ui.lo I tiir.-ile upil hi, to tn h thesl bid :er, lor f, H gold ooiu, ca-h lu nau I, th reai prupertv flr.l anord' ril.d,and all iho right, till and In tero.l which the defend ml., or either of them, and which any pe.sou claiming under Iheui, or under any or alt.ier of ttwin, had on th ru uav oi renruary, i'.i;i, or have or lis. siuiw aiij u I red i hroi n or therein, and also the r al proiMiriy lastanovedesi rllied and all h.m rin, title and Inteieit .li e i Ih aaid defendants, ur either ol Ibem, aud whl h any parson elaliiiiug uudor Ihiiin, or uu ler any or either of the n had lharalu on tho SOth day of Nov. mher, Ink or have r had since aciiiirjd thurcln or then lo, tosatl-fy said BJieciilion, Judgments, urdu , dacree-, Interest, costs and all accruing ro la: the proceeds ol the sate of the parcel . f laud first aoovadnscrlb-il lo ho applied llrst to the paviuunt and divMiargoof th i ud.'ineilr covered by sai l I L. White aga.iisi the s nld V, M. Hartmnn aud Me usa A. Ilurtman, and the coats an 1 expenses of nt"klng such sale and mil, and ihu prnced. of iho sale ol the oared ol laud ast above described be aim Ih l, tho payment ol the Judgment in lavur ol th. said Iiam While againat the anil K. M. man mid Molina i A. ilartman and the cims an I exneusHs of making sucti sal i aud suit, an I sftur such Jtidguieiit shnli have b.'ou satislKd. then lo the tiavuicnt ol thi ludu-ni.-tit in iMv,,r ol the sal'i I. I. vthlte, until te siime snail huve bjen fully paid and dl.rnargtd, II sul fl"lllt 13 realised from such S'll". Uat d, Oregon City, Jul 8, Ivsi K. c. .UAnnock'. Sher'ffuf C a kamaa Couuly, Oregon. Hy N. 51 . MoobY, Deputy. 7-IU.8-7 QREGON CITY IRON WORKS Now mul KnlurKt'il Simp witli all nijiliiiiict'S for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. AU work executed in tlio licnt iniiiincr -nnili. tct'il on nil orilcrs. Promptness KUitriin- REPAIRING - -A. - SPECIALTY. I'riceH the lowest to ! lint in 1'ortlniul. Shop ou Fourth Street, near Main, Oregon City, Oregon. ROAKE BROS., Proprietors ATTENTION 4V Wo uro lieadtiuartcrs for Lightning ico Cream Froozcrn, ioru.Mi Doors. Window Smriis, UuIiIht Hoho. Lawn Mowers. Lawn Uakes, Wiro Netting, Lubiiruting Oilg f nl kindn III t 1 . tr . I 1 .is a. ' naonii .Metal ami everything in the hardware lino at prices to suit the times. Also sole agents for Sinionds celebrated crons cut saws. POPE St Main and Fourth StH., CO., Oregon City. WOMAN iTit'iul. It in unifiirinly ImcknrhcH IiimkIiioIh'h niul and filiorti'im a. wonnui'tf tt-Htify for it. It will L'ivo Tim very ruiniirknMu unl ccrtuiii P'lii-f piv ii wiiinnn hy MOOUK'S RKV I'ALKD ItK.MKDV has trivm it tho iiuiihi nf W HUi-ci'HMfiil in rrlouviiiK tho wi'iikni'HH whinh bunion lift). ThousaiiilHof women HtruiiKth, mul FOR health ami iiiake life a ph-amire. FOIt SAM': Ii V TI 1 10 YOU STEWART & HOLMES DRUG COMPANY. WHITE COLLAR LINE. Sts. Telephone and Bailey Gatzeit. Columbia River & Pugot Sound Navigation Company. Street Dock, Telephone No. .'S.ll. c. i:allllllsll 1 la.,1,. N. Gffllll PIONEER Transfer1 and Expi, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. If- 4 a.' -7 X . Eczema From early child-' bood until I was' grown my family. spent a fortune trying to cure me I ' ol this disease. I visited ilot Springs ana was treated Ijv the best medical i men, but was not benefited. When all things hadpfl A failed I de-j ' termined to b M 1 1 Ml try S.S.S. and in four I 1 1 U III months was . entirely cured. The terribh eczema t was eone, not a sien of it left. Mv II I.L I -,. , , general neaitn duiu up, ana i nave i i never naa any return ot the disease. I have mum I reoommonil- i eil SJiJi. and I have never , yiit known a fnilnin i cum. i.uo. w. ikwin, Irwin. I'a. Nevr fails ti pure, ' I even wimn an otnnr i rnrnpilitis liava. Our . trratlannn lilmaland , I skin iliat-aans mailed ' free to ny address. I SWU I SPF.LIMC CO , Atlaals, Gs. any return oi me disease, i CHILDHOOD Portland, Astoria and the Ocean. Telephone leaveH Portland 7 A. M., daily except Sunday. Teleph.m leaven AHtoria 7 I. M., daily except Sunday. Runs direct to train for Clatnop beach and connects with Sir. Ilwaeo for Ilwaeo traiiiH runnini? to all points on North beach. t T.ailey Gatzert leaves Portland 8 P. M., daily, exccjit Sunday; on Saturday 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria daily at (i:4.r A. M., except Sunday and Monday; on Sunday 7 I'. M. ConnectH with all trains for ClatHon beach and Ilwaeo beach. This lino has a boat connecting with both beaches, returning from Astoria every night in tho week. u q SCOTT E. A. SEELEY, ' " President. Agent. This Fnmnua remedy nnrna qulrkly, rnrmsnonllr alt iinrviiiis mai'iiaiia. w.-iik IMnin.iry, l.ii.a .if llniln i .h. Ili'llilllie. Wllkerilllllias. Vi . , . ! ' aioiia, evil Uriiums, liiiitmirr anil wurlluK dlnnaaea oiiiisimI l, Vufnfulrrrrirs rtui,,t. Ciiiituliisniiiii.liiuis. Usaervalnnla ...... ..I....U i.uil.l.T. liis.alhemli.aiiil,ii,iratri,iiaiiililuiiiu Ka ljr.iarrliiilliiyeatn.aki.ini pi.rhnu t f.,raj. Il r stin 1 1 . nrul pain iHrs uiimflrnru'irimr'aormimririiiiirfrl. Write na Irrs mr.llenl honk, sen lull plain wraptier, wltll teattliinnlala ami nnanrlsl atsnrtlnff. Nntl&TM hvr nL H.u.l. ..!." CluriS. Soldbf ttaraaaal..Ma4SMMBKHVKH.aii, 11 . aL...... i.',... " -orsalelnOregi,nCltr,Orog.,b CUAIIMAN X CO., liruaa-isu. 'i-a. 71 jm. .Ua asn.ABv1 a.s.1. Mutual, aa.f.1. an. b.i. ' v