Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clacknirms cot'Vi Co. Directory., OIrk of Courts. Sheriff, Recorder. TroMiiror. Amtsusw fteuool iiHriiteie1.Mit Bnrreyor Coroner. CnnmlMlonero, Gordon K. lUy Hoo. F. Morion K. C. V,l,l,vk 8. M Kmnlr M. L M.r J. I', llrs.ll.-y II. S tlllwon P. W Kliuisirtl K. I lloimsti I Kii-hsnl (iron Knttik Ji-ysr FBI PAY, Jl'I.Y IN. IS!'.. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. HEAPQl'ARTEKS FOR Oranges, lemons, bananas, straw berries, dried fruits, vegetable etc. K. E. Williams, the Grocer. Silk umbrellas for $1 tore. tit the Racket Second hand school books at Howard's near depot. 2t Phosphates, all flavors at the Novelty Candy Factory. If yon want a sewing machine for $25 go to Bollomy A Busi-h's. The verv latest style shirt waists beautiful patterns at the Racket store No broken collars or (rayed cuffs come home from the Willamette Steam laundry. All work guaranteed. Mi. and Mrs. C. A. Miller rejoice over the advent of a hhy girl that appeared one week ago last Sunday, July 5th. A bicycle for $5 00 cash and $2.00 per week; new or second hand. Have a bicycle talk at Huntley's Book Store. Pr. Ball does all kinds of dental work which he guarantees to he first-class, and at prices to suit the times. Office in Courier building. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear s a bell. 25c., 50c., ar i a dollar. For ale by Geo. A . Hardin. Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a specialty. All operations guaranteed for j 5 years. Call and get mv prices. Office in Barclay building The bargain at E. E. Martin's store will only last 15 days. Rugs, slightly damaged by smoke, will be sold at half price; nuttings, slightly damaged at half price, and good matting at two- Uids of iha rognlttr liriee Cabbage of tflis year's growth, fresh and crisp, peas that cook up tender and juicy and vegetables of the season de livered daily to all parts of the city from Tompkin Bros', gardens. Goosberries in quantities for canning at very low price. Leave orders with the delivery wagon or by mail. The University of Oregon at Eugene is rapidly becoming the foremost insti tution of higher learning in ttie North west. Tuition is free and the literary and scientific courses are equal to the best. Free information may be ob tained by addressing University ot Ore gon, Eugene, Oregon. The handsome large scale maps of the United States and of individual states, that are seen frequent on the walls of li braries. anl public offices vary in price from.&OO to 15.00 and upward. By special arrangement, involving large numbers of these maps, the American Railway Guide Co., WO Adams Street, Chicago, is enabled to offer one of them free with each new subscription to the Kand-McNally Railwsy Guide. Anv one who has ever had an attack of inflammat ry rheumatism will rejoice with Mr. J. A. Stiimm, 220 Boyle Heizhtn, Lot Angeles, over bis fortunate escape from a siege of that distressing ailment. Mr. Stiimm is foreman of Merriam's confectionery establishment. Home months ago, on leaving the heated work room to run across the street on an errand, Ut was caught out in the rain. The result was that when ready to go home that night he was unable to walk, owing to inflammatory rheumatism. He was taken home, and on arrival was placed in front of a good fire and thor oughly rubbed with Chamberlain's Pain Balm, During the evening and night he was repeatedly bathed with this liniment, and by morning was re-1 throwing your money into policies and lievedofall rheumatic pains. He now pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad takes special pleasure in praising j vance and then have the company fail. Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and always I The Oregon Fire Relief association will deeps a bottle of it in the bouse. For I gale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Oold Medal, Midwinter Fair. CREAM Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. m m Flfdrlr Hotel Arrivals. R B Walker, Willamette Falls, E E Wilson, Corvallis, Mike 1. 1.ynn, Salem, M C IVmahiio, Sandy, J Robertson, Browor, J H Robertson, " M l.atoiiielle, 1) Mayery. J II Gans and w ifo, " P II Ward, 1'ortUnd, J II Ward, Frank Anrys " Roswell Ilibbard, Niagara, Flank Riihhideai), " P G llihhard, " John 0 Fox, " J I. Toole J L Stipp, " Chas. 0 Slahl, Slate Reform School, M Allen, San Francisco, Mrs L Pauskin, " Catherine Pauskin, " C A Pauskin, " F W Cadorian, IVnver, C K Grilllths, Portland, G II Gould, X Y J F Case, Port la ml, Kd Thayer and wife, Corvallis, A L Rogers, Portland, Frank Jameson, Onutu, C Wilson, Portland, Mrs E K Chanuan and dtr, City Sidney Clack, Menlo Park, E E Charman, City, Miss Hattie Jones. Salem, M Fredenthal, Portland, H E Posoh, L J Adams, Silverton, C S Shockley, Highland, First-class ia every resjiect and every body stos there. Resolutions of Condolence. Wiikkkas, It has pleased the Great and Supreme Ruler of the forest to re move by death the beloved wile of our esteemed neighbor, Charles Meserve. be it Resolved, That this camp extend to Neighbor Charles Meserve the heartfelt vmpathy of the members in this hour of his sad affliction in losing the one dear to him and who was his faithful companion in life, and be it lurther Resolved, That these resolutions he spread upon the minutes of the camp records, a copy sent to him and a copy to the Oregon Woodmen for publication. G. Ol:s, J. K. Mokkis, W. S. Maple. Committee. Oregon City July 20, 18tW. Harriet Ilverher Stone's l.t Letter. The last thing written by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe, only a few days betore her death, was a loying acknowledge ment to the public for fond remembran ces and tokens and expressions of affec tionate esteem, on her 85th birthday, which she sent to The Ladies' Home Journal. In the next issue of this maga zine it will be published in fac simile. It reflects the beautiful nature of the gifted authoress, and by her death has become her last message to the American public. The Portland. Re-opened near the corner of Main and Seyenth street. Clean, bright, well furnished dining room and private rooms elegantly fitted up. Have one of the most skillful cooks on the Coast. If your meat order does not please you, just let me know. Best dinner in the city including a glass of wine for 25 cents, 11:30 to 4 p. m. Oysters served in every style. Open day and night. Give The Portland a trial. L. Ri'coNicii, Proprietor. A Laboring Man's Home. For a person, who desires to stop pay ing rent and to raise their ow n vegetables and fruit, I have a splendid piece of land, one acre on Abernathy road mostly im proved, house, chicken-yard, good well and some fruit. One mile and half from Oregon City. School house and church 4 of a mile from place, tiiree brick yards and saw mill near by. Price f 250, part down, balance on time. Trade or work in part pay. Inquire at place or address G. W. Waldhon, Oregon City. Best nnd Cheapest Insurance. Save money on your insurance by call ing on E. E. Martin, w ho represents the only Mutual doing business in Oregon City. You cannot afford to keep on stand the closest investigation. E. E. Martin, Agt. Commercial Bank Block. For Young Men and Vonng Women There is nothing that will arouse the ire of a young man or woman bo quick as to have inferior laundry work put off on them. They may dress ever so well, but if their shirt front or shirt waist is mussy their neat appearance is spoiled. The Troy laundry makes a specialty of ladies' and gentlemen's fine work. mere can rje no ueuer worn man is done at the Troy. Leave your orders at Earns worth's barbershop. Bay A Home. I have a bouse and 4 lots for sale only 5 blocks from Main street, a good well with pump in wash room, 25 young fruit trees that will soon be bearing. Will sell cheap, part down, balance on easy payments if desired. S. F. SCBIITI'BK. PERSONAL NOTES. . Mm. O. P. Austin, of Sulom, Is visiting her mother in this city, Mis. Jones. Mis. A. Cook, of Portland, snout Sat- unlay and Sunday w ith her cousin, Mrs. II S. Moody. Editor A. W, Cheney, of the- Courier, spent Sunday with his wife and child Scnviow, Long Roach. Mr. and Mrs C. 1 Story, Miss Mar tin and Miss Myrtie Taylor are spending the Hummer at Newport. T. J. Jonsrud, justi.-o of the ihmico and a well known resident of Smidv, was n j caller at this ollloo Thursday , Mrs. J. P. Howell and son, of Cor vallis, are visiting Mrs. Howell's mother in this city, Mrs. M. N. Howell. Mrs. C. A. Williams and son, Clark, and J. C. Tavlor left for Now port Mon day w here they will spend the summer. John Thomson, who rcM.lcs near Molalla avenue, is prostrated from the effect of over-heat ami has been very ill for the past work. Mr. Sidney Clack, bead florist of thr j greit Menlo Park grounds in California is in the city, a guest at the hon e of Mr. j and Mrs. E. E. Charman. i i. i. . ...... . . juuge i. a. Jiciirmo aim laiiuly are spending the summer at Seaside, whore they are sharing a cottage wild C. E Runyan and family, of Astoiia. Attorney E. E. Wilson, of Corvallis, was in Oregon City two or thiee days during tin' past week, looking after bus iness not exactly of a legal nature. W. II. Young, the livery stable man, accompanied by his family, left Tuesday for a few weeks outing at Silver Falls on the Abererombie, in Marion county. Mrs. J. W. Norris, who has been visiting for some time past with hoi daughter, Mrs. P. P. Shindler ol San Francisco, returned home Monday. Hon. Geo. O. Rinearson, wife and child left for Newport Tuesday, with a complete camping outfit, where they ex pect to remain until the first of Septem ber. Mrs. W. Carey Johnson, Merle and Ronald, left the tirst of the week to open their cottage at Seaview for the season. Nello will spend his vacation near The Palles. H. E. Poscb, horticulturl commis sioner for this district, has been in Ore Ken City for the past two days looking after matters pertaining to hi ollicial position. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lovett returned Wednesday from their Alaska trio ...,. three weeks absence Thev ,,,. ri most enjoyable visit to the icy waters of the North. Dr. J. W. Welch and Maurice E. Bain leave Sunday morning for the Silelr res ervation, where they will spend three or four weeks hunting, fishing and pros )ectlng for gold. Charles Humphrey has been granted two weeks vacation by the Portland General Electric Company. He expects 1 to find rest and recreation visiting ' Astoria and her neighboring summer rft. ( II ue expects sorts. Henry Hoffmisler, of Eagle Creek, a prominent farmer of that section, was in Oregon City last Saturday. He re ports that the hot dry, weather is injur ing late planted crops to an appreciable extent. W. L. Locko, of Denver, Colorado, traveling agent of the Fidelity Savings and Loan Association is spending a few days in Oregon City with the intention of placing a few loans on improved property. Miss Mary Duffy spent Monday in Portland the guet of Miss Minnie Tackabery. Mite Duffy will leave Sun day evening for San Francisco to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. J. J. MeGrath. Miss Delia De Le Fontaine, a leading teacher of Santa Clara, Cal., has been spending a part of her vacation with Mrs. 8. A. Packet and daughters. She expects to return on the next steamer to California. E. C. Giltner, of Salem, receiver of the State Insurance Company passed through the city Saturday on his way to Portland to meet his uncle, Senator George W. McBride, who had just re turned from Washington. MiHs Juliet Fullerton, who has re sided in Portland for several months past, but more recently Hying with tier sister, Mrs. D. II. Glass in this city, left for Alsea Monday where she will spend the Burnmer with her parents. Harley Woods, Roily Woods, Henry Jones, Ross Spencer and brother, are members of a party that left for Ocean Park on the Nestucca last Monday. Thev drove over in a four-horse rig, and expect to remain for several weeks. J. R. Day, a recent employe of the blind school at Salem, was in the city Wednesday, accompanied by his soa r r.. w . . ironi uamascus. jir. i;ay, senior, was was formerly a resident of Damascus precinct, where he still ownB a farm. Prof, and Mrs. C. W. Durette left Thursday for Salem where they will spend a few days taking in the sights of that place and viewing the beauties of the Willamette valley, this being their first trip up the valley Bince their loca tion in Oregon City. They went by the steamer Altona so as to enjoy the cool pleasant ride that is afforded by the river route. Mrs. Nathan Tingle of tuinoy, Oregon w'bo has been spending the past two weeks in Oregon City with her daughter Mm. II. F. Cross and attending tint 1 Chautauqua assembly, returned to her lower Columbia river home last Tuesday. Mrs. I, II Whitcomb and two chiLI ren, of Point roy, Washington, are visit ing Mrs. George Kuchs, sr., and Ex City Recorder, T. W. Fouls mid family. Mrs. Whitooinh is a niece of Mis. Fin lis. Master Reginald Fiiebs, of Portland, is visiting at the saiuo place. Miss Rosenberg of San Francisco, a cousin of the Misses (! ildsiiiilh.iiud Miss Myorstoiu of Ihe same place, accom panied Miss Colin Goldsmith to Eugene Tuesday for a short visit. Misa Freda Goldsmith, a niece of the latter, wont with the ladies to Eugene. Miss Mabel Carter, of Salem, ii on re quest of a number of fi lends, road ho (010 the Chautauqua assembly at Glad stone Park last Frduy. Her reading, which was encored, was one of (be principal features of the Chuutauqiia sytiiHium (or the year of " . Mr. and Mrs Cecil Ilandcock , of Chi cago, came up from Ihe t'liautauqiia as seiubly on the steamer Gray E.igln lust evening and are the guests of Mr and Mrs. A. T. Gilbert. Mis. Ilandcock conducted the elocutionary department at the Chautauqua. Salem Statesman. Mrs V. A. 'i,.ein iin.l lot!., Mil, I m:..- m .i... i i . . . i .'iH'i'i . iuiun uiiu .wis .Maim Juckson departed for the const yesterday. They w ill llx tin a cottage theie for the season and will lo joined in a few davs by Miss Blanche Alliert and Mrs T. W. London, of Portland Suloin Stales man. II. II. Gregory, of' Beaver Creek, who was a visitor to the city Saturday, state that the hot, dry weather will result in serious injury to late-sown crops, un less there should be some rainfall within a few .lays, and that Ihe shrinkage, in headed grain is already noticeable in places. II. B. Miller, of Eugene, was in Ore eon City Tuesday. He has resigned his position as one of the regents of the state agricultural college, as be probably ex pects to be elected president of that in stitution. Governor Lord has appointed Samuel Hughes, of Forest Grove, to fill the .acancy. W. F. Hubbard, susriutendent of the 1 Clackamas hatchery, slates that they are I getting everything in readiness for a ' P1,0"1"'1'" "eason 0f hatching salmon as I 'i 'he season begins. A lot of rucks I '1SV8 l,,H,n P"t Ht Salmon river, (rum ! "t U " " elcted to get an extra snj ply of spawn to replenish the Clackamas hatchery A Sew .Novel by Rmlyard Kipling. Rudyard Kipling is now pulling the last touches on a fifty thousand-word novel dealing with the Gloucester (Nber- men and their life on the (.rand Bunks. It is wrilten from close porsonul study of ' tlt U. flit (in. I till i.uiinln It A I - - the scene and the people. It is Ameri n,n characters, and in its iit sea faring and adventurous. It breuks en tiroly new ground. The title is "Cap tains Courageous." There has lieon a lively competition for the serial rights of "Captains Courageous." They have been secured for tho United States by TlieS. S. .L-Clure Co., and publication of the novel will begin in the Novemls-r nuuilier of McClure's Magazine. .National Populist Convention. The St. Louis populist national con vention seems to ho a convention of ro. cesses, at least, there was a recess last night, an I there was another recess until three o'clock, this (Thursday; af ternoon. It is possible that presidential nominations will be made Friday. Insurance that insures F. E. Donai.ijso.v. The cruiser Fhiiadulphia arrived in Portland last Saturday, and is being vis ited by a large number of people. Sev eral of the crew spent last Sunday in Oregon City, and apparently enjoyed a day on dry land. Ask tor Dairy Creek butter ami you will get the best. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. George Stock has been appointed ad ministrator of the estate of bis son, Hen ry Stock, who was recently drowned in the Abenethy. The estate is of the prob able value of f 1500. You don't have to send your laundry to Portland. You can have them laundered perfect at a reasonable price, at the Willamette Steam laundry of Oregon City. C. A. Nash has remodeled the old plumbing shop on upper Seventh street and it serves very well the purposes in tended for a general merchandise store. W. W. Stovall, the upper Seventh fiteeet grocery man, has leased the oil feed store stable and now makes a spec ialty of boarding horses and teams. Mrs. Anna Belshaw has been ap pointed postmaster of Rodland, taking the position made vacant py the resig nation of Mrs. L. D. Johnson. County Clerk Dixon has granted per mits to mury to Margaret Waters and Joseph Lenery, and Minnie Augusta Thun and John Henry Bottemiller. The U. S Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others, I The matter of Hut estate, of I'lrloh Payne, deceased, was up for considera tion before county Judge Hayes this week. J. C. Bradley, administrator, Hied his report upon the condition of said es tate, and iilno bis rc'igiiutioi) as adminis trator. Mr. Huntley claimed that he did not have time to look alter the. Interests of the estate propeily, and asked thai some otic else be npoiiilcd in bis stead. His report of receipts mid expenditures was Hied and approved, and an order made by the court releasing the suld J. C. Bradley as admiiiiMralor, and that bis bondsmen he exonerated from all lia bilities. Upon petition, Thomas Payne, sou of the deceased, was appointed ad ministrator of said estate. Free insurance blolleis F. E. Ponai IISON. Henry E. Poseh, hoitleullilial com missioner for the II H1 congroiotial district, has widened the offer and ex tended Hie lime (or coniH'titioii for bis medal to be presented for the best essay by girls or boys, utteniliug any graded or ungraded school. The time has been extended to November I , IS'.MI, and all hoys or girls belweeu Ihe ages of 1 1 and J H years, attending any country school j are entitled to compote for the medal. The essay must not consist of more than ! "IH1 words, ami must be accompanied by ! the author's full naioe, and state whnt I., i . i .... . .... ,"H" "" K'ennuig, ami posioin,,. I uddr.'M Our special oiler sale will moan a sav ing of 110 loss than 25 cents on each dol lar. We moan what we sav. Miss C. Goi hsmitii, Tho Milliner. While in Stockton, Cal., some lime ago, Tin is F. I.angan, of Los Banos.that slate, was taken verv sever.. Iv with . ramp, and diarrhoea. Ho chanced to meet Mr. C M. Carter, who was aim- ilarly alllictcd. Ho says: "I told him of Colic, Cholera and Pi- Chainlierlain' arrhoou Remedy, and wo worn to the ' Hot, Ion llmo .1,0.. .,,,1 ..r.u.,,r.,.l . iu,ni of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I can vouch foi itajiaving cured 1110." I-or sale by G. A. Harding, drug I mill Best insiuince companies F. E. I'ON Al IISON. Lawrence ltucoui.h of the Portland restaurant has arrangements made whereby he receives fresh mountain trout from the upper Clackamas river I tw ice a week for his restaurant. Mr I Rucorilch makes a sMcialty of providing ! " the delicacies of the season for bis ' guests and bis tables equal the best in Portland. The cooking and seasoning is to srfcclioti and the table service ull that one colli. I ask. His 25 cent dinners cannot bo excelled in the slate. Wo are dumb during this special nll'sr sale, our prices do the talking. Miss C. Goi.iismitii, The Milliner. ,.,,,, Sll.rviHr ,.; s lUltMi of Tu,.-l!:tv Hl.t in e, I !,.,:., , ,.. p.,,, ,,,,, tt.kllll. .....,: I)r a donation of 110) to aid in keening in order the pipe linn road down tho Sandy bluff, The committee ihvlino I to appro priate anything, as Ihoy thought Clacka mas county should keep this pieco of road in repairs. Largest insurance business F. E. DoNAl.lis.lS. The Cliaiilauipia closed at Gladstone Park, near Oregon City, yesterday. TI19 session has been tbu most successful one ever known on thocous, both for broad ening the mi (i'l and furnishing a high class seiies of entertainments. The . . I ! . . . . oniy tiling 10 mar the enjoyment was the heat during Ihe latter part of the session. The entire parly that went from hern i'l expected home by bout today. Corvallis Times. Reliable lire insurance F. E. Don a 1. iison. The Methodist church has bad the good fortune to secure the Horviccs ol Mrs J. II. Strieklor as choir leader and she is giving good satisfaction. Next Sunday evening in place ol tho sermon the choir will give 11 sacred concert. In addition to tho anthems, solos, etc., some of tho old time hymns will ho sung and a bit of interesting hittory recited. A cordial welcome to ull. Every summer hat must go at our special oiler sale. Miss C. Goldsmith, Tho Milliner. A representative of God'H American Volunteers, the new Salvation army un der command of Bsllinglon Booth, was in Oregon City during the lust week, trying to raise money to lit up a hall for their division. Ho however, did not meet with encouraging hiicccsh, and started out to seek other Holds. He succeeded in organizing a division ut Woodburn. Leading insurance agency F. E. Donaldson. The Oregon Pruss Association bus accepted an invitation to hold their an nual session ut Astoria on August ISt ti , l!)th and 20th. This is the time sot for the annual regetta and tho occasion will bo a notable one. Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. Any bicycle in our store, now or second band, can be bought for $5.00 cash and $2.00 por week. Only present stock on these terms. ILivo a bicycle talk at Huntley's Book store. The Independent. NEW YORK. Ill I mini s, I, lll ll UIV Nl rtsl'AI'l 11 AMI FaMHV I'ndeiioiiiinallonnl, unbiased nnd Impar tial. A puiHr for clergymen, schol ars, teachers. busines nu n and families. It discusses every topic ol lint .In) relig ious, theological, political, literal v. s.s hil, artisllc aini seioutillc, lis. on tribiitoil articles are by the most eminent wiileis of the English language. It employs mm billies and distin guished w 1 Iters as odi lot s of iU'I'ivknit- ON K hn'MIIMKMS A paper pin tii ill, illy lilted for lawyers, ih tors, clercyinou, those engaged In business, young people of both sexes 111011 and women ivbo read and think for themselves A paper especially valuable for thos.i Interested in I-ink A 11 1 s, S. ihNi k, M i sic, A "HT giving valuable l.foriuiitloii llsill I'lNVMK, I. UK IssllMMK, CoM vikli. K. A paper for Si sntv Si 11 001 Won urns, tlioso who have a Faiim, Gviiih n or IIoi sk I'l ik, A piper lor the lamlly, old and young. IMPORTANT. Tn K iMoTiMoxr announces to its subscribers, and to anv who may become j that It Is prepared to fmtiisli any papers nnd mag.ilnes published III tills country, England, France and Germany, at a verv large reduction fmni publishers' rules, This opportunity is open only to subscribers of Tiik I Mu:i'kMKNr. I poll receiving list of papers or uiagamno from individuals or reading rooms, an j "'" ' he given by relurn ma.l. lis yearly subseilptiou is f t 1 Ml, or at that rate for anv psit of a year. Clubs of live, (Ml each. " TRIAL TRIP " ONE MONTH. 2b CENTS. Specimen Copies Free. TIIH IXDHPHNDHNT. p. i . Box 27-17. I.Hl Fulton Street, York. Now CM ii .1 rv i itnrrrt I 131 vi rna m i 7 i. I u. -1 ill. is v- FOR CLATSKANIE Sli'iuncHi. W. Shaver, Commencing Anril 15, Ivxi, will leavn Portland fool of Washington street Tues day, Thursday nnd Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock Returning, leaves Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clis k. Will puss Oak Point alxiut 7; Stella 7.15; Muygor 7:25; Ruinier S:2U; Kalunia 1 : 15 ; St. Helens 10 :.'!. Arrive in Portland I ::il a. in. This is lint uourcsl ami most direct route to tho grout Nehulom vulley. Shavor Transportation Co. 1SIM) milfrt of 1 1 1 (lid. tiinco telriliiuie wire in Oregon hiuI Washington tuny in oiioriitinii Ii v tlm Ori'L'on Telephone nnd Tel 't,'raih company. I'ortlaiiil, Scuttle, S,(. kiltie, Tn.'tima, Siilcm, Walla Wnl la, lVn.lloton, Albany and '.Mi other towns in tlie two states on tlm lino. Quick, iiciMiratc, clicnji. All tlm natinfuction of a personal communication. Distance, no effect to a clear umlcrHtaniling. Spo kann as canity heard jm Portland. Oregon City oll'ico ut Hunt ley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. OAwara. TRADB M idvI. DISIQN PATIHTB. "I I-WII mouth, jAnMXm i i f, VuuLuuKut, aui llro.'U,,;1 l frig- II A.M i Solontifio American