Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
OrCfOn CtI I'nfrHriCn KriilulnM on tlwir rmw m-IkmiI liiilldliiK, lJ ''"M'11 M well m MN'iirlnK Hid wrvlii of mill SCHEDULES OF" TIME fl.C. T. CO.'N NTMMKIlN, Al.ToNA l llAN'iKl, maN tun iMiaraxuKNii l.OHVit Portland, Taylor lri diH'k m a 4', A. M. ony., rummy vim a. u. .,,,1 iv. in. (..iii Hy ..t hIi in ,ki a. M. ml In tu n it ikm y. JCfiitimltiit vo (iikkiiii niy lor I'mllaud m it IHmi il,iy.aiiil II HI l Hllliiluy. Ka.l Hum, Bond ai'iiiiiiiiHlailuiia and low ralca No way Itciahl hamlM. Hlal laUia uu tlimiitfli (might. mi Kllii ii'iil filiicHlur u a I'rof. HlrwiKH, Tllll lllllllllim will Imvil H llUHHIIIKIlt Hil l tlm riiiiina will I in iiiMimi.i, Tlmrii will In four riiiniiH iii nt.ilra hihI two on llm lower llixir. KlllMIKIl.N I'AI IKII! KAII.WAV. HiiHTII Nill'NII, (allliirnla Ktiinu !0irniili) I1mi.mii .. (way elation.) Malum p. ..anger aoi'TM B-maii, Hichiir I . 1 (way lalliin., ( allliirnla r.aprr illiiniili; VaUiu !'. iiiaar IIivkk NitHH. Wiiiliu'wliiy iiioniiiiK' KImIi'miiiiim kU'i'b llm (ullnwinii cuiiri'riiiiiK l In1 iiiovi'iiimit of ImiiU on llm riyi'i : "Tim AIIhiiiv niiiin iluwn (r i mi Curviillia IiimI i-vi'iiliitf mil! f!. IIoiik urrlvixl ln-rii Hi llm Huinii Hum ruin I'orlliiiiil. Tlii-au two Inula will, linii'ufli'r, rem mi t Iiiti', Him former tiiiikliiK roiin l triN between thin fit v Mini ('orvnlliN, llm lutliT plyiiiK between Salmii u ii I I'ortliiinl Tim iry I'!hiI Hunt iluwn tint river yealerlny inoiiiiiiX, rotini'rtiiiK willi tliu Allium I 'iiue iliNlitm n holuw here. Tlii'an two a. in j ,.Uta will iniikii il.iily trip on tlm river, u 4 i p, In 4 Wp. in. Im'Upi'ii i'urllfili'l mil liiilepnliilmi, half 7 II a. in. . rui p. hi. v ; a. in. POSTAL HCIIKHUI.K. ar aui'TiitKM facirii' aiia.AH. Mall rlmna iili.( Nnilli, J ail p. in, ami 7 i. m. Wall filu.r. hhihii Houili, a ii) a. m ami 7p nt Mall iliiiiliiiiii Irinn North a a. in., lu l.'i a. in Malt dl.tnlniied In. m hciilh, a a. in., 4 . in. aV kaar eiiK;'iaie una. Wall rl'itiia Inr Portland di.trluullnf polol., I' noon, anil 4 4T i. in. Maili'lwM fur Milwaukee only, a 43 a. m., 4) 4ft a in Mall arilvaa liutii i'uiilauil, II DU a. in. and It p. ui, aim kui'Tta. Orison Clly In Kl jr. rami. Mullnn. Liberal am) Mulalla leee. al It in. anil arrlci al W m. dally. Oregon Clly In Heaver Creek. Mink, Clark. Meadow UriMik. I'nlnii Mllli, ami ( nlinii , leave, al a a. in Monday, SNr.ln.lay ami Widay, ml mum. on following da at 4 .u ii. m Oregon I lly In Vlia, b.n ami lledland Iravra oirimi ( lly Mnmlay, Wiliicalay ami rrhlayai I.MI (. m.. Icalu Vlula aaiua daya alT.UUa. rr (ir.nii Clly In Wlllamalla, HI(T..r4 ami W 'iIumk III... arrltua al lu Wa. hi. ami laaraa al II au a. m. dally. UatK-ral itulivary witnlnw Ii nn nil Hiimlay linn Hi lu II a. ui. AH ! Ik.iii. dinir la I'lomi'lly icnt l.ff Hnuday, aa un niiiar iUya Ail K.uli rn mall Dial la dlayo1 and lalla In aitKaun I i i in , I'. iau will on U u rl.n a i.r 4 :, oiim'UIo rar. w it. k n k rxi u II V, i aaa taava Ii ir imum aaiixu ILI.a HUTTK IIUJ XI a. ML 7 lf a uu H ,ai lu w " II 4 1 ' I ! p. m. a. "j j i 4 II " 5 M M 6 .'. " 7 ii " Ira ' 10 li a 'l a in. 7 " V il " tu tu II Jil " ' I" " I l'i. in. I I i " m ' 4 oO I ll " I l " lu 7 U " IM ' WiO " Hiindny rara Irave arof y hnlir Until t n'rlnrll Ii lu. lu iltart un anil allal Jamimt lax., t. A. aa i l.l l. K. ni rr. KltlHAY, Jl l.Y U. I'.MI. To Mmxr llunn'g Simkit It oiii'M ruiiaiili-ii'il lo l urml utiilertukiim to aiirceaafiiliy iimkn tin M'tMlt ll( Mllllllt ll'HI.I, . Ill ill tlll'MI IhI- i r tlayaof ti'i'iit urliii'Vi'iiii'iilN, it it mil ai.lrrr.l mi onlinary ovioyiliiy iiiullcr. Ial Momliiy .rly o( iip tnllry umIh, who wii atlionliiiK ilir ('liiitilaiiiU -H'ltilily, Irll IIihhI river to renil Mmiiit II'xhI. Ai a 1 1 1 .irty were 1'reaiiti'tit I'. I.. Ciinniliell, o( tlm Stale Nuriiml a. Ii.hiI, Mian llililmnl, Mi Millunl llililmnl, Mian KIU I', of Siili'in, n.l Mia Anim Powell, of Allmiiy. On Ut Mumlny it putty li ft Olefin Ciiy iimler llm roiiuintinl of ex eminty Hiiirln trtlilelit U.S. (iiliaoll, wlio will crown tlieniaelvea with luurelH l.y ileoilitlll their tiiinie In tlm almnK box nt tlm B'X of Ori'Kn't fnviiril ieiik. Tlm oilier linMiilnrof tlm mrty ure Miaaeit JVml Slrvktir mnl K in Uhhh, of Mil . wnokee, Miaaea JiMiniu Unwell, ol Heaver Creek;. Miaa Minnie Jurr ii ml U.S. (iilmnii, ol (lieon City, Meaam lieo. L. SUiry, 1'reil Meyer, hihI I-. K. Amler Hon. Tlm Siilem SliilehiiiKti itivcn un niToiint of othera who left thn Cluiutail (jtnt iiHaemhly lor .Mminl IIimiiI an follow : A. M. (irilley, K. I,. WoimIiii mnl C. V.. Koillin, of Sulein, Ml Oremm City Tueailiiy inornintt for llm iurio"0 of cliinhiiiK Mt. llooil. Tlillrttwo nen tlmimii miireeilml in reni'liiiiii tiovnin meiil inii tliul evenliiK, Mr. ltohlin jlivini: onl twelve inilea helow llm i-anip. Wi'ilneHilnv (irilley uml Woodiu liiHile thiiMw eiil ly 1 o't link, at whioli time they received u lieliiii;rii.i ineamiKH from the raiiiu mnl rtiliirneil onu. They Hrrivtnl hai k loeiniiplnt II oYloek Bftur huvliik! h pleiiHiint mid exi'itiiiK trip unci nuxt day relurimil to Sulmn. Later ahoiit 11 o'elixk laat iii(lit Mr. liohlln culled at tlmStutorimitii ollice and atalud that on ThnrHilay he ruaelmd Hood's peak willi but litihi (lilllcdlty. lie re turned to Halem laHt eveninu. Conthait Lkt roB School UlllLIIINO. At a HjHtctiat nieelinu of the hoard of di rectors of tho Willuinulle Falla nchool diMtrict Tuoaday evauinn tho contract forereciiiitf the new hcIiihiI Imililinu ac cordimj to plans and Hpeci Ileal ions suh mitted wait uwardtiil Kinney A Koaum of that place for $11100, and the plnnihinn to Tope A Co. for 'J4S. The followinu I. idH weto Hiihmitted: A. Cronn, $ltil)j A. D. Thorn, $LMl; K. H. Wall. Wl I). K. It. Winnilord A Co. 170 ); T. 8. Lawrence, fl'.Xift; Kinney A Kenins, $Hr00 JackHon A Scolt, LV45.a2. The follow ing bids were received for painting : Kimrtin liros 17:1 i M. M. Olnen, $J70; T. 8. Lawrence, 1!00; U. II. Vote, flMO. The new buildinx willhe completed by October 15th and it will be the Hecond bent school building in Clackamas county, outside of the county seat. I'rof. II. 8. Straimo has 1mii eniied as principal of the Willamette Falls school, which will befin in a temporary, room about September J5. The residents of the new school district are lo be con- meeting- half way, where freight ami paaaeiiKcM will he eii:haiied. The Until went down to Portland yealenlay iiioniiiiK ami will coiun up tonight on linr way to Corvallla, Tlmtiypay cams down from Corvullis yeatenlay. She lonk on a r-tritoof flour at the Salem mill, and leaves for I'ortlund this morn hiKitt 7:.'K) o'elm k." Ai i iiiKsf Ai. Iirowmno. Another houm was inn. In and in OnvnCity ,y an aeeideiital drowniux laat Krl lay evening (ivrald Haley Winm'tt, on of Mrs. C. P. Wlnaett, kih about six Venn, went to tlm river opMaile his limlhvr'a ruaiilenee about elulit o'cloc k to K In bathliiK with his iIok, which was bia uaiial rtiiifom A Im did not re 'iirn it was anpHiie. that lm lisd accom panied a.itnn other boys to the Chan t u in i ii iiHaeiuhlv at (iUdxtoue urk, Wiii-n he did not return at a lute hour, atir. Ii was iimlituled and bin clothes went found on (he bank of the river. In (lie iiioniiiiK bis body wus found iimler aoiim hiiwIohh in seven feet ol water. Iln was a inomherof the ( on unvutiniial Siinduy school, and his liineral services were cinidiicled at that cliiiri h Sunday afternoon at '2 :'M o'clm k by l'r. J. W. (')wan. The remains were inlerreirin the city ceiilery. Ktkamkh Tul.KllO IIaii.imi (iUAVKI.. I Tlm aleainerTnh'do nil Tileaday, bioilithl i up llm llrt scow loud of uravel lo Iki j used on llm Mrit-ts of McMiiinville. ITIiuiiravel willle taken Irom hereto 1 r M ill ll VII li (7 tnilea) liy team. Here afler llm Tnledn, on her I rum up I fie river will liniiK a baritu lul l of uravel line, until llm require, I aiinniut con liucled to Ih llaed on tlm streets of Mo Mililivllle this year, it brought up. It nnw a..wia thai llin alrt rlaof llm e ilsl of Yamhill comity are to be made in K"l coiitlilinn, nod the citv inalead of heiii a mud bole w ill become a Ireuil tiful and pleaaant city. Wa commend the c nlcrpriae and picdi of the cilit 'iia of our neie,hhorliiu city, and lioj it will laii oiiie cnutnioiis ibrou'lioiil Yamhill count v. (tood roads and si rv'ts llironli the wbohi count v is what is wanted There is plenty of (ravcl to make them. Iiayloii Herald. AsuriiKH Y. M. C. A C'osrKsr. Sec retary Levi Johnson and the board of directors of the Oregon City Younu Men's Christian Asaociation are making arraiiueineiils for an interestinit athletic eonleat, TberonteHt will bo lietween Ihebaltle-scarreil "Hods" and "Yellows" and teams representing each color will meet on the athletic field to do them selves honor in a matched name of base ball and bicycle and foot races. The event will litke place at (iladritoiie Tark on the first day of August and the re sult will decide the championship be tween these teams. An admission fee of 10 cents will be churned which will form a nucleus of a building fund to pro vide the association with permanent headquarters. It is intended to make this series of athletics an annual event that will become prominent in the his tory of the association. A I.ivki.v Hi.A7.ic. Lust Sunday about one o'clock in the afternoon the flames blazed up from tlm tall, dry grass in the enclosure between the sidewalk leading lo the paHr mills and the river near the west end of the suHHnsion bridge. For awhile it looked as though the (Ire might do serious damage, but through the ef forts of Cbief-Kiigineer (ireen, C. A. Miller, K. K. Williams and others, the further spreud of the flames was checked. After this was dono, they biought over a hose cart and put out the remaining smouldering embers with water. Some one had evidently thrown the lighted stub of a cigar or cigarette, Into tho dry grass, causing it to ignite and the flames traveled with lightning-like rapidity . For Tint Statu Faiii. The executive committee of the Oregon State fair held a meeting at Salem last Saturday to ar range preliminaries (or tho State Fair to lie held in October. President Will Ham Galloway, of Oregon City pre sided, and among other arrangements, Thursday, October 8th, was designated as pioneer day; Octobor 12tli will be Dairy day and Tuesday, October 13th Ladies' day. On the latter day there will be a milo horse race for ladies bloomers not barred for a purse of f 75, The following Oregon City poople were elected to olllcial positions on the grounds; Ticket ven tiers, railroad gate J. G, rilsbnry and II. C. 8teven; ticket taker, railroad gate, Max Schulplus; ticket seller, grand utand, Charles Galloway, EST A IT THAWF-HS. Fin ulalieil Lvrry Week by Hie ( lacks in it .Helmet k l rii-t Company. I L Willie to.! II Morgan Julv .1 Ml 1 C tract 17 "iik tirovn -"'" H M Mcl'nwn to John Graham Feb dlt 'IHI W l tola I!) and 20 blk H Gladstone M W T liiirney lo Charles II ('aiilb ld July LI, '!"! W C !j of a!,' of n.1, and s'w of aec IKI, I 4 s, r ;l f ; and it'u ol nw'4 and w'g ol lie '4 ' 'I, u'i ol s'li and sw '4' of aw '4' sec .'!, e'n sec 4 ; all of sees (I and lo ; ibe nw4' and w'i of sw', sec 10, the vt'i of w,'y of sec 11, w'i of nw'4 and .' of sec '.'I, nil in 1 5 , r .1 IV) W (' Johnson lo J fleVore Johnson July II, 'WH-l C blk fl" Oregon City 1 WillainellM Falls Co to liat No lOi June If. 'IS! W I) lots 1 lo 1'.' blk 11 Willamette Falls 1 Tlieo H1I111111I11 Ut lioratjulnt June :i0, Milwaiikw WO T L Clmrmaii to Micbeal Minarik June Zi 'Wl W I) lots I'D and 21 blk 7K, South OCily No 3 225 Paul O .un ne to K F It i ley July 17. '07 Sheriir's deed sw' sec 11,13 s, r 1 w Wi JCItowmun to W J Miller July 14 ".Hi W I) l") acres of see 110, t 4 r I e K M Atkinson to J W Noble Apr 11 ir W 1) lots I, 2 and 3 blk 17 Park add " Paul Kichards to F It IMg July 10 M Slmrlirs deed se' of ne' aec 31 t 3 s, r 2 e 3!i'. TIIK CLACKAM S AliSTKACT A TUL'ST CO. are llm owners of the copy right to llm Tbornij syalem of abstract indexes, for Clackamas county, and have the only complete set of abstracts in the county, cull furiiirdi infotir.alion as to til lu to land at once, cn application. Loans, inveHtineiita.real estate, abstracts elc. Ollice over Hank of Oregon City. Call and investigate. Address IhiX 377, Oregon City iregnn. Fire. Policy holder of the defunct State Insurance Coiupunv will llm! it to their Interest to see urn belore placing their htiMncss elsewhere Sa-cial induce ment oir.oed for the re-writing of such risks in old and reliable companies. A return premium allowed on unex pired term of Slate policy to apply on pieinium of new policy. Save money by calling Uion me before placing your insurance elsewhere, Amihkw G. Mai-ktix, Ollice in Jaugar lildg. opit conrt liousi', Oiegon City. I lectric lllllers. Kleetrie Hitters is a medicine suited lor any season, but ierhas more gener ally neeiied. when the languid exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use of this medicine has often averted long and per haps fatal bilious fevers. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. Headache, Indigestion, Consti pation and Ihxiciness vichl to Klectric Hitters. fc and 1 1.00 per bottle at Charuian A Co's Drug Store. The People's Favorite. When you are hungry and want an ap eir.iiig meal one that is well cooked to your taste and well served try the Nickel Lunch Counter, This is no second-class raslaurant, we feed the Ih'hI Hoplo In Oregon City and they al ways go where they get full value for their money. Give lis a trial. Gkokok Hrob. Proprietors. For ladies, gents and children's ho siery, good grade and lowest prices in the city, go to the Kacket store. NOBLITT'S STABLES Livery, Fnl and BiileHUible j ORECONCITY. IXJCATKH IIKTWKKN TIIK IUUIK.K ASti j tiKI'OT I Doulilo im Hingje KiH, nnd Had die liorHi'H nl ways on liiuiil at the , lowest jiricr-H. A corral I connected i with tin; bam inr loose stx:lc. ! Information regarding any kind or ; stock promptly attended to by person of letter. Horses Doutrht and Sold. Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason able terms. YOUR RESPECT is worth more to nio if I haven't got your business than your tratfo. Without your respect I cannot hope to pet your trade. Unless I sell a pood bicycle and sell it at a fair price an honest price that is the same to everybody unless I back up my guarantee honestly and fairly, I cannot hope to get your respect OR YOUR TRADE. For five years I have sold bicycles in Oregon City, each year increasing my sale9 and each year reducing my prices, till today I will sell a better wheel for $ 50 than I sold fivo years ago for 1150 a wheel that is not eijualed by any other wheel that I know of for les than $75 Our guarantee is un questioned. It is supposed to be limitod to one year, but no customer of mine has ever been asked to pay for a piece to replace a defective part on any wheel I ever sold, whatever the length of time after the salo. W. A. HUNTLEY, Rooks, Stationery and Bicycles, CAl'KIKI.1) BLOCK. P. S. Old wheels for sale and taken in exchange. Boys' and girls' wheels $40, new. MOLALLA-:-AVBNUB ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Complete Ktock of every thing needed in tho home. Shingles The best on the market. In small lots or in car loads. Iliuiension shingles cut to order. Cedar Posts I'y carload or mined car lots with shingles. W. H. & L. S. B0XXEY, Al'KOKA, - ORF.GOX New Goods Modern Prices. T(v-seS Qorner Grocery. Complete stock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.s3S Richard Freytag. Main and Fourteenth Streets. pARMERS . . . Your team will have the best of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. W. H. YOUNC, Prop., Buccaora to T H COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. JOHN YOUNGER, IEWELER, Opp. Huntley's Drug Store, All Kinds of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired FORTY YEARS EXPERIENCE IN Great Britain and America. Give me a trial. Cross Husbands.... Are largely the product of poor burliers. A SORE FACE Is a Just cause for profanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Po many men look after their hair has been cut by an incom petent barber. TRY FARNS WORTH.... IMS i IJlRAHTi A,-V SECT FOR orsictfs&pnicis MOUMEMtAI, BKOflZE CO. BRIDGEPORT. CCNW WIHTK liKONZE Monument ' will not MuHH-eover or black en. Arfs artistic, cheap anil the moft enduring monument made. White Bronze is no xieriment. It has stood for bund reiU of yearn in Kunx! and in not affected by the weather. Correspondence soli cited. On receipt of postal card wil! be plen-:i to cull and show Humph and 1 i n h MONUMENTAL liKONZE CO., ('. K. IiONNKI.I., MOI(, Sw. cor. Ah and KiiHt 10th Streets, Portland, Oregon. Having the Invcf-t Expenses of any Merchant in Oregon City, I can UNDERSELL THEM ALL In anything pertaining to GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS New Good, Latest Styles, Dest Quality. Corne in and examine my goods. 0;j3sl!c HcitlEj's Bock store Most Goods for the Money Haanl lul Ilimltlra. 10c ji. Ferrala. lor Wai.u, ae, 11c. 2i". Kaar de.idi., Feraiao affacu, j to 10r a yd. Airra Lu eoi. ao aiyll.ti onw. plenty bere. New aorimot prntv print.. Utuirht direct. Klne lot Ijtrm and Kmbro drria cioa.; prtuaa. 'I rimming Hiillona, t'onluroya lor blndinir. lartcia.. lira-. UncDi, Kiura C.uih, fcrcallnea. hliaala. Camltrff-a. Kina lot Hhl't Wal.ta, cut prim, IV np. Nice a.Bortment Uudorwffar and tindery. llaudkorchM., Tc, V, ic, luc ml U. ,r bura I ball tx-.l Wh le Knltt n Cotton, 24 Y ahneu uota papr. 2 buorbea nianlili anva loi, bottla vaMill'ii;, ink or mucilage. 1 pr curlluv Iron., 12 ptna, 12 Dtb ho k.. r ,,1 I, U Mii.llo, Mnaaer F anncl, Print, y, J Ll (luting fiaune., Cae e CIjiu, Bultar u Cloth. CmVirellaa from maker1, floe lot A 1 go -di, bed rock prlrea. MaudarJ patiern.. .elect .to'-k. rduced prlcea. , buy. 2 Uad pencil, or oim with rubber tip, 1 I paper naedleaor pio., car I bk.aad eyvi pencil tnarpener, 4 .laie ptucll 1 awL MILLINERY. trimmed hat., real brautlea, no fancy prlrva: I auMo flat. 10"; Ladu-.' Bailor., lOe; aiik iaur ribbon. lr: w.-h .lia, (worth 2c a .kain: rape, hat, b -be booneia. r.blxins veil Iiik. tlnael, corbel cotton, knitting . tc. , FUHNIBHINO GOODS. Hnndreda of manufacturer' .amplea, (el, wool and itraw bate, big nn( In p l'-e, -traw l ata bo up, laundered perra a ahlrt. 60c up, .weatera Zc and Hie, new linen eillara 10 a d )5c, waterprool collar, luo up, good ocaa 5c up. HHOKH. Cut prtcee. teaonr good, bcforeburlng; boy.' plow., I u , 1: boy.' button, 4 to Ik,'i; child', canvaa. "He; men.' aud lallee' canvaa lop, calf trimmed, II; baby ahoa, xdu mmi . 0 to 2. ISc. 2;c buy. t lbe. of allbnr Sago.Taploca, or 10 lb ol Germea, Corn Meal or Rolled Oata, 1 lb. Mrbepp't beat Cocoannt or 1 lb. pun ground Bplceior21ba. whole Pepper or V, lb. port) lrd (bilng a pall), pound. R ce. R.I.I in. Pried anpl "r Prnnea, per lb 5 Even Change Tobaz-co, 20e a pound. Coal Oil. per gal.', i gal., !rV. (bring can.) Fine "alt, 40e a e k:eio-k aa I, frOc per 100 Ibt. 2 it a L'ucoiorei or 21b. On .powder Tea, 7.Se Kqnal to 60c gride. Tea Nib. I'jc a pound Lemon or Veuilo, per oi. be, tar. one-hall pnoa. (bring bottle.) I Hewing Midline Oil. 4 ox. for Sc. (bring bottle) I'J lb dry granulated Hugir, L O.llou can Ani le- or So,uaan. 20c. Tab e Fruit, luc; Fie Fiu l. 8 Caua for 2fc. Tbta Iruit la worth nearly dounle. Heat 8 lute, .ale per gal. (bnna can.) Keg. f 1.3a. Molau a. 4.'c a gallon. Pioneer Baking Puw ler, be.-, per pound 4fc Ixt ol 10c Hplcea, cut to Sc a can. C otbepiu., 2c a dn ; Lbimneyi. t nn. Bel ax handle., 2V; rleige handle., 10. a la, cut, 44c; wire, (penny up -Sc. Holla, lc, 2o and 3c; Bar leai V: per pound. & tm tcaai oou. &c; Jail bx-ka. up. M.Ik Mral:ier. lbc: Ou.t Pan, 10c. ajn P.n . 5- un; Tm HI in 20c. Wni ewa.h Hrub, I0.-; lootnplek., 4c a box. Wni.k Brooin, 1 c;C othHB -1-. VI lu, SnaTlng Soap. 5c; 6c. x and 5 c Mt-tl' is a, L nimen a, PiHa. Sooth ing syrup. Eyv ati-r, etc., al tui to lDe. flhoellir aJ, 7c, -ilele-he-,, etc. !4 pouud sorted lacki, 5c. each 1 dm. Clotheaplna. .klmmer. chlm ney cleaner.can opener.aoan dl.b,gate nook Irade lor Hay. Oat., Hail, Be-on, Chicku, Wool, Egg Butter, Pntato-t, -hingica. etc. run m;k rAuuAa rAiais. very oeat pal il. aud loweit prlcea. Be.l oil. due. Red Front Tr-o-clinfr MAIN AND NINTH STS. OREGON CITY. Burmeister & Andresen, Are selling handsome Eight Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. When you buy ... fi-nnii 1111 Agents for Pure Prepared Paint A house you make sure the title is clear. When you paint it use Fure Prepared Paint as it makes all the difference in the world whether the paint is genuine or not. Color cards free. Special prices in quantity. CHARM AN & CO. CITY DRUG STORE. -Telephone No. 13. After the Winter is Over. After your feet are sore from wearing rubbers and overshoes, and the ottier choes are pretty well worn and out of shape, you want to fret a new pair. If we are correct, then come to ns and we will please and ease you. We have received a fine stock of all kinds of goods for the spring seasan.and not only that, but to wear throughout the otlior seasons. Our shoes are well made, comfortable and low In price. .Krausse