Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY THE ESTERPR1E CORRESPOND ENTS SWEEP TUK FIELD. Cnby Prairie Itecomlne the Great Krnlt tirowiwr District of In County Fields of Strawberries Caksy, June 2i. Haker'a prairie, on which tli city of Canny is located is now a veritable strawberry patch. The acreage this j-ear is not so large as usual, but the growers are planting new fields. Many tields were plowed up last fall on account of the age of the vines. Strawberries should be reset every third or fourth year to secure the best results There are hundreds of pickers here now trying to take care of the immense quantities of berries now ripe Among the prominent growers ol sirawber re A. J. Cox with about JO acres, A.Young live acres, D. V. Howard 12 acres, 0. W. Shank two acres, Fred Hampton five acres, W. W. Weed one acre, beside many others, aggregating about 75 acres In all Toe va riety most favored and most prolific is the Wilson. The Sharpless and Yick's are also favorite varieties, the last two being prefer able for table use, as they are not so sour as the Wilson. Strawberry short cake and strawberries and cream are no luxuries in Canby. The strawberry here is a sure bearer and a source of no small revenue to the growers. Many (rowers are anxious to get hands to pick for berries. The picker can get one box on the vines for picking two for his employer; or be can go to the Meld this week and pick them for 2 cents a box of one pound each, and have all he can eat thrown in. Alva Shank was kicked by a horse one day last week. . He was serio'isly injured and nearly lost his life, but is rapidly re covering now, and will soon be out again. The Children's Day exercises at the M. . church was one of the pleasautest affairs of the season. The program was very in teresting, appropriate and well rendered. A. G. Slogjdill and wife spent Monday and Tuesday ot this week in fortland. Miss Margaret Hesse, of Canby, was mar ried to Mr. Irwin Norton of Milwaukee, last Wednesday. They were both well known here. Their friends wish them all the hap piness and prosperity imaginable. H A. Yorpahi tried to collect a small bill one day last week from one Ole Andersen, a Bwede, and failing to secure the cash pro ceeded to " take it out of his bide." The Swede made little resistance, and paid the bill afterward in cash. Recorder L. D. Shank was called on to arbitrate the mat ter which be did by lining Vorpahl a small sum. James F. Deyoe and others went to Can yon creek fishing Saturday. Thev caught a few trout, but not as many as their fertile imaginations foretold they would W. H. Dobyns will soon begin the erec tion of a neat cottage in Canby Henry Knight will have another surgical operation performed this week on bis broken arm. Many Canby people went out to the clos ing exercises of the school in district No. 18, tiear here. They reported a good time. TbeClaikamas County Teachers' Associ- a ion ia to meet ht Union hall near here next Saturday. There will be quite a rep resentation of Canby there. The people in Union hall or Phelps district arenotslow in educational matters, and will no doubt make the teachers feel that they are wel come James Pbeglev, who has been down the Columbia fishing, spent a couple of days visiting friends ami relatives here last week. John Sims now officiates as foreman for J. A. Cox in the strawberry picking and pack ing. . William Hess started today for Eastern Oregon to spend the summer with bis son Samuel. L. D. Shank, the efficient road foreman of this district, has been doing a great deal of valuable improvement on the roads lead ing east from Canby. Mr. Shank is a rust ier at road work. Our neighbor, John Rief, of New Era, is reported seriously ill. Frank Zollner, the photographer, baa sold out to Wilson Evans, who will soon put in a fruit and coufectioary store; so we are ii. formed . Canby will soon have two blacksmith shops instead of one. J. Zeek will erect a new shop and open Up the business in good shape in the near future. The Canby base ball team will plav the Molallas on the Fourth. The boys are not practicing much and will not put op a strong game. The M E. camp ground ia being fenced preparatory to the July meeting which be gins on the 14th. Ten cents will be charged for single admissions. Cheaper rates for a week or for the meeting. Charles Lucke will build a handsome res idence this summer. Canby city dads will erect a water tank for supplying the city with fresh water and to provide protection against tire. Fred (ierber is building a granerv Mr. Frakes and son, made a Hying trip to Scappoose last week. a number ol legalities attended Children's day exercises at Springwater on Sunday. There is to be a ball at the (irange hall on Jul) 4th, Mr. ami Mrs. Cate of Portland, spent Monday night at P. Wilsons. l!rnv. BIIKKWlKHl NOTES. Oeod Crop rrospeftaThe Fourth to be Ob-serveit-The A. I. A. to I'lrnte. Siikhwoop, June it Farmers with us have been Improving the good weather ol the past few weeks to good advantage. I-ate seeding and potato planting are principally finished. It seems late in the season to speak of seeding, but owing to the I jle rains grain sown on swamp lands has been sown only a short lime. Fall sown grain ia looking well. Hops that have been culti vated are looking well. Quite a number have neglected their hops entirely. Fruit will be a short crop with us. Our town is Improving a little all the lime. The new opera bouse being built by Joe Morehack is rapidly nearing comple tion. Sherwood has long felt the want of a new hall which will be supplied in the build ing now under construction. A grand ball will be given In the new building on July 4th. Bryant Itros.' orches tra of Lafayette, will furnish the music Mrs Sidney Catching and Miss Susie Her of Portland, were visiting relatives and friends in Pleasant Hill Sunday. A celebration will be held at Hood View on the f ourth under the auspices of the Sunday school and Endeavor societies of that place. A grand A. P. A rally will be held In the grove near the old Pleasant Hill school house on Friday, July 17. All are invited Iter. J. M. Barber and wife, of Hood View, are visiting friends and relatives in Michigan. Their many friends wish them a pleacant visit. Mrs C I. Calkins is visiting friends In Wood burn Politics have died down somewhat since the state election, but with the nomination of McKinley old liners are cricking np their ears. We feel that McKinley's nomination was a wise choice, embodying as it does the principles ol sound money and protection principles that must be upheld by the Amer ican people. Smilax. NEW ERA NOTES. Populists Beer Distribnted-Potatnet Acreage Short-Wheat Looking Fine. Logan News. Looas, June23.-Afleragood long rest, we are again to the front with a stray bit Mrs. Marion Young and two daughters of Curriusville, have returned home after a lengthy visit with relatives bere. Fred Brown, bad the misfortune of hav ing one bone of his arm broken by being kicked by a horse, but it is improving Miss Matelda Reeds term of school in District No. 8, closed on the 12th . A surprise was tendered Miss Hettie New kirk last week, it being the occasion of her birthday, there was a good crowd and all present had a most enjoyable time. Mrs. 0. F. Wolfer, was quite sick last week, but ia well again. Mr. and Mrs. J. Toner, ol Lincoln, Polk Co., were visiting at P. Wilsons last week. Mr. George Trotter, who bas been in Eastern Oregon for the past lew months, is visiting at M. W. Bakers. Work on the road is still under headway. The Clear Creek bill is being graded in fine, shape, and there will soon be a line road to Oregon City. There will be a picnic at Logan Park oo Monday, the 29th. Hon. Mortimer White head, of New Jersey, ex-lecturer of the na tional grange will speak on that occasion. Naw Era, June 21. Last Tuesday even ing the New Era boys serenaded William Pagle at the residence of bis uncle, Mr. Bremer. Mr. Pagle was married to a lady of Portland, and undoubtedly came here 'to escaie a serenade. Miss Ada Randall has returned home from Portland where she has been going to school, from which she graduated last week. She is now prepared to teach school any wherein the state. John Molian bas been running his meat wagon in this vicinity lor some time, and will no doubt furnish the camp meeting people of this place with plenty of fresh meat. The Spiritualist camp meeting com mencedbere last Saturday. The managers have placed a fence around the grounds and will charge ten cents for admission thereto. Fifteen gallons ot beer were disposed of here soon alter the election, and it must hare been populist beer, for the pops had charge of it. G. H. Brown, the newly elected justice, will soon be prepared to deal out justice to all deserving the name Frank Oliver has sown about thirteen acres of buckwheat. The wheat crop of this locality looks promising for a good yield Oats Is doing fairly well, while garden products, especially corn, are doing exceedingly fine. The. potato crop will not be as large an acreage here this year as last. Mr. Grilbrick has completed a new and substantial granary on hia premises. It will hold about 1200 bushels of grain. Mrs. J. G. Foster is at present very low with sickness and is not expected to recover John Rief is very sick at the present writ ing. Warner Grange will meet here in their hall next Saturday at 10 o'clock a. m. All Grangers are cordially invited to attend. Hurrah for McKinley, the beat American in America! VIOLA NKWS, Cltxe of a SndiMwfiil School that Had a Live : leaoher. Lire Scholars ami Live IMrertors. Viola, June 21 Mrs. I. Zeivher was in Portland one day last week 1 Krvd Walker made a Hying trip to Wood burn last Monday. Mr. and Mrs J. It. Healer were in Port land last week. Mm. C. (Sale, ol Oregon City, was visiting friends in our vicinity last Monday and Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. George Coulter, of Port land, are visiting with J. M. Hayden and family. Miss F.dna Mattoon Is visiting in Oregon City this week A. J. Wheeler, of Grant, will make his home with Judge Phelps this summer. George llowdish and family and Miss HI siellibhs, of lodge, were visiting friends here last Sunday Several of our young men are now engaged in splitting rails which will be used for cor duroying the lewis hill. We have been Informed that Newton Walker is on the sick list, Hope to see him around again soon. Any one wishing to have a really enjoya ble tune on the Fourth of July can do so by attending the picnic at Viola Park. I Children's Iay exercises were pronounced . by all to be a grand success. The church I was literally packed. The children bad been well drilled and did their part in ex-j cellent style. School closes next Friday after a success ful term of nine mouths. Our school is In a nourishing condition. Aside Irani hav ing a nine months term several purchases 1 have been made by the district : a Webster's ' unabridged dictionary and dictionary hold-, er, a teacher's desk, window shades, and an j excellent wall mapol Oregon. Several mot toes for the wall, supplementary reading cards, a kindergarten table, kindergarten material lor busy work for the primary I class, have been provided by the teacher. ' A nice large Hag was purchased with the proceeds of an entertainment given by the school during the spring vacation. Vioi.rr Carlton & Rosenkpans, CRNBY, ORECON. Millinery Wo havo just rocoivotl a goods ninl can furnish tlit'in to order on short notice now lino of sjiring milinory vou triinmod hats or trim Men's and Boys' Clothing Our hoys' and mon's clothing has just arrived. ! not fail to soo it hoforoyou huy, for wo Can save you more money than ever he fore. CARLTON St ROSSNKR7XNS. Fehlerville News. Fehi.ebvilli, June 22. At last the wea ther has settled and once more we swallow dust. A gentle shower would be welcomed. Will Pruitt.of Salem, is visiting with his sister, Mrs. B. W. King. L. A. Forbes attended the G. A. R. en campment at Independence, and reports a good time He also visited friends at Salem before returning home. B. W. King ia cutting wood for Mr. Franklin of Maple Lane. 8. D. Benell has commenced hauling wood to Oregon City. Miss Laura Williams, of Maple Lane, was the guest of Miss l.lllie Fehler Sunday last. J. Turner and family, of Frog Pond, were visiting friends in this vicinity one week ago last Sunday. Fred Wourms has built himself a horse barn. He has also purchased another wag on, and intends hauling wood with two teams. The Maple Lane school picnic which was held here was largely attended. The large folks as well as the small folks enjoyed themselves finely. Last Saturday evening the young folks gathered at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wourms and spent the time in danc ing until midnight. Then all went home thinking it was good to be there. B Haist is spending a week at Portland. Henry Miller is clearing land for John Huber. Will Harris is now at Ogle Creek prospect ing. We wish him success. E.Evans, ofStricklin, was In our neigh- borhood Sunday last Fred Bluhm bas been clearing a large tract of land the past winter, wbicb im proves his place very much Cams t'ul lings. Carus, June X!. Victor Ericson bad a barn raising last week Twenty -seven men on Monday and about thirty on Tuesday were engaged in the work. The Vondarhae Brothers have it in chaige and l.indsley and Sons furnish the lumber. Many men and teams are engaged in work on the Molalla road at Wolfs hill. Pretton and Archie Cooer are doing some slashing on a small ranch near Milk creek, belonging to Mrs Crowley. About thirty-five ai-res, we are informed, Is what they expect to slash in the specified time. In this vicinity the apple crop is a fail ure, and all other varieties of fruit are short except berries. We are informed that Oscar May and bride came home yesterday on a short visit to his parents. We wish the happy couple success in life and all the happiness allowed to mortals. . Mrs Humphrey Jones Is exiting tbe arrival of a sister frem St. Paul, Minnesota. It will be a pleasant occasion, as they have not met in twenty years. Mrs. J. J. Guver returned from Molalla last Monday where she had been visiting friends and also receiving treatment for a swelling on the knee Henry Wagonblasl, from Eastern Oregon, made a (hart call on friends Saturday and Sunday. He was on his way to California Mr. Rogers and son Willie left Carus last week. They will visit Mr Rogers's daugh ter, Mrs. Qualm, in Vancouver, B C, and then go East Mrs Annie Williams, of Portland, is the guest of Mrs. H. T. Evans. Miss Lula Harward returned with her brother and cousins to Castle Rock, Wash ington, where she will visit among friends and relatives until after tbe Fourth. Cil.LA, Smyrna News. Smyrna, June 22. Mr. Milton Hacock,of Springbrook, Yamhill county, Is visiting old friends and neighbors here this week. I. B. Hien has been on bis ranch near Clarkes plowing summer fallow the past week. Quite a number Irani here attended the campineeting yesterday at Gladtidings. Jim Watson attended tbe entertainment at Needy on Saturday evening, and while there some one untied his horse and rode it away, turning it loose again so it came home about seven o'clock Sunday morning. Boys that do such smart (?) tricks ars liable to land in a place prepared for them near the capital city. We are glad to see the Enterprise taking the stand it does against leasing tbe Clacka mas river to a Portland syndicate. We are of the opinion that it will be a chilly day for the county court when they sign away the people's right to that stream. , Can it be that Portland's silent candidate for mayor was working a boom on his own account in Clackai.ias county, while his deluded fol lowers were yawping themselves hoarse at republicans in general? Jura. Mink News. Mink, June 20. The entertainment given by G. W. Beatty in the grove near the Bea ver Creek school house last Wednesday was a grand success The well prepared pro gram, which was a credit to our teacher and pupils, was well rendered, followed by a dinner. After the dinner Superintendent Gibson made a short address which was very pleasing to tbe audience. Rudolph L'ainrulh, larmerly of this place, but now of Silverton, was the guest of Carl Studeniann. Mr. Camruth sutlers much from lung trouble and is unable to work. David Thomas bas been very ill with a fever from which he is slowly recovering. Bill Moebnke is building a large frame barn lor E W. Ilornschuch. After its completion he will go to Gladstone and erect a house for Henry Jewell. John Heft has the contract for building Grossmiller'i barn it is reported in this neighborhood that McKinley is to be our next president. How does that strike the pops? Cycloke. Dr. Price' Cream Baking: Powder Awarded Cold Medal Mkdwinur Fair, Saa Fraacttca, Kurlngwatrr Moray Sriii!oTB, June '.tt. In keeping with the practice of the lail six year. Children )ny was appropriately observed! here Sun day in the Preshy terian chlirchV A large number of children were present With their parents. The house was tilled a number having to remain outside. The program, entitled "The timid Shepherd." Was Very effectively carried out by the children and tin Sunday school, which la In Ihecharge of Mrs. J. A. Shihley as sueriuteudent. The church was appropriately decorated with pictures, evergreens and Mowers, the pic ture of Christ being the central scene, sur rounded by others, in keeping with the pro gram. The decorations were admired by all, and were under tbe siiervlslon of Win. Cornett, Mrs. Jennie I.ewellen, Mrs. Char ters, and others The ollrring for the Sun day school was good A rery successful ten months term of school will soon close bere under the care of R. Hargreaves. Soon after James A. Shlblry and family returned home Sunday from church their house was found to be on lire, but by prompt action the lire was soon extin guisned with but little damage. Nm.i ix. Eureka Hotel, Has the reputation of setting the beetl table in Oregon City. The cooking ia done under personal supervision of Mm Gibbons, and the victuals are equal to the beat hail in a private family. Rooms and beds clean and comfortable, (live the Eureka a trial. Meals and tied 25 cents each, Special rates to regular boarders. Pure blood means good health. Pe Witt's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, enres eruptions, ecxema, scrofula and diseases arising from impure blood. C. G. Huntley, druggist. Blank note, receipt and order books at the EiHTHRPHiHi office. TVTT Jilo E. McNeill. Receiver. TO THE EHST Given tho choiro of TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL EAST AND SOUTH -VIA- THE SHASTA ItOUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily, Hou.b I urn p. st. t M T. U. O:0A.M. Lv Lv Ar Portland At OravonClty Lv 8. Francisco Lv l North. ft;IOA.M 7 a A. M 7:00 r.u The above trains stop at East Portland, Oregon City, Womlburn, Salem, Turner, Marion, Jellerson, Albany, Albany Junction, Tangent, Sheitds, Halsey, Harrisbiirg, Junc tion City, Eugene, Creswell, Drain, and all stations from Rosehurg to Ashland Inbliiaive DINING CAK8 ON OGDF.N ROUTE. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached to all through trains. ROHKHUKO HAIL fDalln. 9:80a. M. I 0:27 a. M. Lv Lv Ar Portland Ar Oregon City Lv Hoseburg Lv 4:40 r.M l:Mr, a ( H :00A. U BALK.M PAH-ENOEIl. (Dally. 4 -iiii r. i. Lv I'ortlHim Ar 1 10: IS a, m 4 :4tf P. H I J.v uri-pi u ,tlj I.T V.l a. n:irp. m. I Ar ri if in uw . West Hide Division. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVALLI8. Mall Train, Dally (Except Sunday.) 7:80a.M. 12:16 P.M. Lv Ar Portland Corvallls Ar Lv t : p.m Mr.u 1 . . '1...... nnlt tvltVl frill,. of Oregon Cen ml & K-mlorn Railroad. Express Train Dailv (Except Sunday) I 8:21 A. U I 5:60 A. II 4:4'. r. a. I 7:li6P.M. I Lv Ar Portland Ar McMinnviUe Lv THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS. IN THE EASTERN STATES, CANADA AND EUROPE Can be obtained at lowest rates from L. B. Moore, Agent, Oregon City, R.KOEBLEK, X. P. ROGERS, Manager. Ass't O. T. ana Fast. Agent. GREAT UNION NORTHERN RY, PACIFIC RY. SPOKANE DENVER Minneapolis OMAHA ST. PAUL. Kansa3 City. Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. Traina arrive and depart from Port land aa follows: No. 2 No. 8 IlKI'AMT For all Kaatern poinlii The Dalle I -oca I 7 :10 p.m. No. 1 No. 7 From the K.aat From The Ihille 8:30 a.m. 0:00 p m. For full details call on or ad dress, W.H. HUKLBUKT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. RIPANS TABULES aro j;ootl for headache, hearthurn, Hour nt inach, helthing lulimiHiieHH, torpid liver, drownim-HH, Iiihh itude, foul tasto in tho mouth, had hreath,e(M)Ktijation, indi gestion, dpjx'pBia. Tho formula hy which they aro nuitlo in in use in tho greatest hospital in tho world ami is proscribed daily by nino doctors out of Ion. Threo times in live when a physician is called ho will write a pre scription the items in which will almost exactly correspond with those of tho Kipans l'ab ules formula. Your druggist can supply Kipans Tahulcs in little vials for 1") con ts or in a box con taining six of theso vials for .r0 cents. If ho will not get them for you, address, with tho price, THE KII'ANSCHKMICAI, CO., ID Ki-HtTn Sr., Nkw Youx Davios Exhibit And have your photoH taken at tho gallery. Third and Morrlfion Sts. . Entrance on Morrison Street. The St. Lonis Gie-Dniut The Greats National and Representative Republican Newspaper. Reduced Subscription Rates, by Mail, Postage Prepaid. DAILY AND SUNDAY, - - - One Year, 0.00: Mix Months, .'! .00 SATURDAY EDITION, 10 page, One Year, U3 SUNDAY EDITION, 28 to 40 pagoi. One Year, $200 WEEklY", ImmkmI in Beml-Woekly .Section, 8 patten each Tueeduy and Friday, 10 pages each week One Year, $1.00; Hix Monllia, 50c, THE GLOHE-DEMOCKAT ia univerHiilly coneednd to lie THE II EST of Amur lean newHpiipere, and at Iheae REDUCED KATES it lealm) THE CHEAPEST THE GLOBE DEMOCRAT pnya (or and prints MORE NEWS than any oilier paper in the United Slate. It will he iniliapeiiHahle durinu the coining great National Campaign, and the LOW TRICE places it within the reach of all THE G LORE-DEMOCRAT in Bold by nnwa-doalnrfi everywhere at 2 cent for the dailv and 6 cents for the Hunday indues. Delivered to regular anbacriliere, . Daily and Hundny, 15 cents a wek, 00 cunts a month. If your local dealer does not bundle it, iiisint upon him procuring it for you, or send your tion with remittance direct to the pnbliidiers. gjT Particlar nttenlioun ia called to THE WEEKLY GLORE DEMOCRAT practically iHHiied in Kemi-Weekly sections, eiirbt pages every Tuesday and Friday, making it A LAIlliK bl'.MI-Wl'-l'.KLiY 1'AI'Mt 1'Ult UNbY UMK DOLLAR A YEAR. This issue Just fills the bill for Die busy man, who has not the time to read a dnily paper, and yet desires to keep promptly anil thotiroiigbly ported. It goes to every State almost to every poHtoflice in the Union. All America Is its legitimate field. No matter whore you liye, you will find it invaluable as a news paper and home journal. Sample copies free on application to GLOBE PRINTING CO., Bt, Louis, Mo.