Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
Oregon City hntcrprisc. OltKlMlN city ..kkh i iih Ma)or. KiwiihliT liiilor if l-ollfa Trimmirttr, (Illy AllnriiKV, Hlntitt Ciiittiiiikiiliitiiir. Hiip'l. nl Waiiir VVurka, (illy KiiKlni-or. IJoiini'iliiiaii-T. '. I r , intliia-, i. 1 ('ihiIiii, II, lor, Henry Mi'Mium, J II, rum Hnaiiflit I . . ' unit Chiii K, lliirnn K M lallll II. I.. Ilnlinmi K I, in III h ('. hnlH'iirk, ,lr. Vi II. Iliiwull II. II, I..I111.1111 I.. ' 1 i u, Jllllll K' nri.iir, I,. I'nr W. Mnllmi. Iioiim'II motilii fl r.t M'niliic'iiUt ofvarh month Ill (iy hull KktPAY, JUNK 2ii, ihimi, CHAT ABOUT TOWN. M; MM Kit DltlNKS,- II inn' Knot Hint I'.xlract Hire' It.xit lli-er Carbonated Wright' 10 ci-iit ldtot Hrnr California I.imiiiiii Nyrup Wllil Cherry rimphitt I. him Fruit Juice Chitinpiiuno Ciil'ir, K K, Wii iuuh, the grocer. ir. White' lUIr grower for sale ly I''., 0 , I-sruaworlh. Money tu I01111 1111 K""1' fal I'Htiili) security by A. H lresacr. If you'ar troubled wlttt ilmnlriitr, ko to Kanisworth, bit run rurH you. Use "PCri'I'lNK" fur floor. Char limn A Co., agent. Clicular free, Tim Kri-alcat haruaih fvtr ollerm! in millinery nl at Minn (iohlainilh'. Charumn A Sou will pay tlm hl)(hit lnrkii irlrti for hiIh(im'. dried fruits, tg, I'M. I r . W, Walton I now assistant to lr. J. VV, Wctl'll, llltllllilt, 0lilU )(lt- olllce. 41 Tlm Nuvi'liy Candy Factory la tlm ili'e to (it pure ice errant In any iinlity. Th W. C. T. V. will iih-H at the r.l-dl'in-e of Mr. I.. ('. Prim; on Friday, Juno '.'il at 2 :.'). Kreah ftah on Friday and haturday of each wwlc at Pan William' brail ol Svyrntli tirl lt. Hhlrt waist in all dosiKti ainl ii at tint ltarkut atom. F.arh out. la a bargain of llsclf. Come anil we them. "Wake up Jacob, ilav la break Inn 1" so said Je Witt's I.lllln Karly Kiatr to the nian who hail taken tlittin v aroiiae bla aliiKvUb livttr. C. ti. Huntley, drunk-lit. Munyon'tiuitilicinttaars Ilia lalrat, and Cbarman A Co., tbu iit-to-dalo tlriijt KiaU, liavs acuiiililo atiM-lc . i'auiliUtla frwj. ' Hlrawlicrrii-a witli awevt ircuiu and tlio rlioii'ful rakra will Im aervcl in aeaaon at tba Novelty Candy Factory for 'J.') ecu la lr. J. W. Welili, ilenliMt, dua rf luovoii ma oince irom me l otirier nuilil 1 1) .C to the Willamette blink opwltt tbu K)ntollli'e, tipalnira. Io you lurk fuitli and lovfl beallli? 1-et tin t'Mlubllali your faith and rt'Htorn your heiilth with lo Wilt's Suraiipurllla C.U. Huntley I'niKKiHt. A dollur aavttd la eipml to two dollura cm lied. I'ay up your aubwiptlon to the Kntkhi'Minr and gul tb tbe benellt of th reduction in price. Ir. Wbllo'a bnir grower, 15 rentHon aiiplicatiou at FHriiBWorth'a. Cluani your head and erailicatea the duiidruir and niakea your bair amootb and aoft. The Southern I'licllio rullroad Com pany have bad a force ol men with a pile driver putting In new pile under the rnllroad treatle In tbtt lower part of the city. l'uaa the good word along the Una, 1'ilcH run ho (prickly cured without an oH'rti"ii by limply applying In Witt 's Witch II.1.0I Halve. C. ). Huntley, druggiat. Klir.Ahelb Stuurt I'lielpa will publiHh in McCluru'a Mugiixine for July Iter rec ollection, which are very inlimulo and iiitcri'Nting, of Ingfellow, Wbittier, and Holmes. Tho bonne ol councilman Roomer on the corner of J. (j. Adama and Seventh MtienU, bna been undergoing repairs the niHiweuk ami la niucii improvua in ai jR'arance, Sewing Machines cheap. Want a Nwing niachiiio? Gut a good one and pay $'.r; five year guarantee; f5 down f5 pur month until paid. See Bellomy A. BubcIi about it. Frank P. Welch, dentist, graduate of tho University of reniiHylvHiiia, will be in Oregon City ofllce Tliuradiiy of each week ; remainder of each week In Port land olllco, room 77 Dekum building. Persona who have a Cuiigbing spell every night, on account of a tickling sensation in the throat, may overcome it at once by a dose of One Minute Cough Cure. C. O. Huntley, druggist. "Lincoln as a lawyer," an illustrated paper made up mainly of reminiscences and anecdotes from men who practiced with Lincoln at tbe bar, will be one of tbe features of McClure's Magazine for July. We are anxious to do a little good In this world and can think ofnoploasantor or hotter way to do it than by recom mending One Minute Cough Cure as a preventive on pneumonia, consumption and other serious lung troubles that fol low neglected colds. C. O. Huntley, Drnggist. For a ijulet pliicn to hitch your horse way from tlm motor llnu and a place to fit a II mt cIiihk joli of ri'i'ulriiiK or burse siiocliPir mil mi hi. I Hcrlpt iiro'n tlini on I'll t It Blu'Ct. ( 'Illinium Hon lutvo a splendid lino Ol HIlilH Of t'lolllilllf of till) IlllKHt lylH, ml those desiring new suits for Perora tion luy, will ho allowed a 1(1 percent discount oil I he regular pi ire for cash, Tim N'ovitllv OmiiiIi' Kui'Lorv'a lilt , i , . , . , , ,. , folllltulll III rillllllflK HllliOHt llliy Slid flight and the iiroprintoia are aervliif their viiMtiimiira will) the fliii'Ht Icuclitum am I a, Arlli! am la, Wlllioit mineral water, root boor and rarhoniilnd orange, cider. A great aUiighter aalo of giioils alliditly ilamuKttd by miioku will be on for the next I.') day at K. K. Martin's caah aioio in tint old MelhodiHl t'lnircb 011 Hevmitli atrecl. Many of the goods not in the leant ibimiigeil, will be told down below cost. away It would I i bard toronvinco a man ailflerlug from bilioua colic that hlsiiKony is dim to a microbe with an uniironoiiiii: able liiioie. Hut one dosit of IV Will's Colic A Cholera Cuie will convince him of Its power to allord instant relief. It kills pain. CO. Ilutitley, druggist. When w consider that the intestines are about live time as largu as the body, wh can reali. Hie inteimo siiiroring ex perienced whitn tliey become inllsmed. lie Win's 1,'nlio A Cholera Cure siiMucs iullamniation at once and completely re moves the dilliciilty, V. U. Ilunlley, druggist. Hill, Lumber City, l'a., writes, "1 have been aulfuriug from pile for twenty-five years and thought my cane incurable. 1 Wilt.s Witch 1 1 ami halve was recommended to me as a pile cure, so I bought a box and it rlormod a M-riuauent cure." This ia only one of ihousaiids of similar esses F.ciama, sore a and skin dineaaes yield quickly when it is used. CO. Hnnlley, drug git. H. V. Curler, rou I foreman attheCa nemah district, dtmervos credit for put ting tbe road In excellent condition from tne city limits to the bluff eolith of CV liemab. The rosd l was laid with broken rork on tbe hotlom and covered with loose gravel, and li pronounced by old Inhabitants to be in better condition, than ever Mure , Oregon city people when in Portland ran get a good home-cooked (lmt-claas meal at The Froulinac, 2o3 tSixtli street corner of Madison, apelUing dinners being a specialty. Kooma by the day or week very reasonable. Those attending the great celebration from July 1st to the 7lh w ill find this house a unlet home-like place lo slop. f Messrs. HtirmeisterA Andreaen havo received a sample piano from the II r 111 of Krakauer Proa., the celebrated mimical instrumer.t manufacturers of New Yoik. ll ia an elegant Instrument finished in antique oak, and is one of the prettiest musical instrument ever brought to Or egon City. The stool, too, ia of unique design, and more durable than ilia ordi nary make. For tbe past aix week the Western Wheel Works have lieen turning out of their immense plant 610 finished Cres cent bicycle every day, an 1 yet are be bind in order. This equal the output of the two largest bicycle factories in the U.S. Crescent aie popular and since they were put on the maiHet at honest prices, the price uf every other bicycle in the V . 8. has been reduced. While in Stockton, Cl., some lime ago, Tho. F. Langan, of Los Panoa.that stiiUt, was taken very severely with cramp and diarrhoea. He' chanced to meet Mr. C M. Carter, who w sim ilarly alllicted. He says: "I told him of Chamberlain' Colic, Cholera and li arrhoeu Kemedy, and we went to the Hidden Drug (tore and procured a bottle of it. It gave Mr. Carter prompt relief and I can vouch foi its having cured me." For Bale by O. A. Harding, drug K't. 8. K Holcouib of the Portland Pack ing Co., was in Oregon City, Tuesday, arranging fot early fruits for his cannery. Mr. Holcomb, with big father and bro ther, who are well-known fruit growers of Clackamas county, have operated their cannery for the past six years and have built up a splendid reputation for fair dealing, as well as turning out only first class canned goods. In addition to fruits, they put up all kinds of vegeta hies, and their cunnpry has come to bo 1 large consumer products. Sick stomach ol Clackamas county means sfkk man (or woman). Why not be well? Sick Btomacli comes from poor food. poor nourishment; means poor health, poor comfort. Shaker Digestive Cordial means health and a well stomach. If we could examine our stomach we would understand why it is that to little will put it out of order. Put, unless we are doclor,, we never see our stomach. We only ieel it, We would feel it less if wo took Shaker Di gestive Cordial. Shaker Digestive Cordial makes your stomach digest all the nourishing food you eat, relieves all tbe symptoms of In digestion, acts as a tonic and soon makes you well and strong again. The more you take, the less you feel of your stomach. At drugiilsts. Trial bottle 10 rent. U It AND AKM V KUdU'l 10.1. Dopiirhnriit llrlb f ( uriia Officers (l a lllgliljr llonoieil. One nl lint most ploHmuit gut hei lugs Hint has lakoii phicu In Oregon City for many days was the rm option cf tint new departiumil ollirurs ol I ho W. It. C, i r. H. M. McCown, presuleiil; Mrs. .lunlilej II. I larding, aoi ri-iaiy, and Mrs. Fannie I. . Cochran, treasmitr. The people of Oregon City giuiurslly, and the members of Mi'tdit I'uHt and the local Iteliel Coip in art!culiir. were highly grati II ml to know that this c'ty bad secured the 1 'genitive ollicers and the headquar ters of the stale department of I lie Women s Ifelief Culpa. A a result, the luemlM-ra of tlm Pont and tbe lteliei Corps, (-(included lo giy tint honored la dle a reception. First on the program was tint nubile installation of Mi. Hard ing as department secretary by Mrs. McCown, department president, Mrs. Harding having left Iniliqs'ndence la: fore the Installation ceremonies took place. The new ollicers occupied a place on the platform, and Mr. McCown pre sided. Commander C. A. Williams said that he did not come heie to talk, but com plimented the Corps on Hie elevation of one of their number to the place of ile partmeut commander. Ile desired to exprcs the pride and saliafitction on lie half of Meade Post, No. 2, In seeing the inemlatrs of Meade Hehef Corps, No. 1H, o highly honored, and tendered the congiatulation Irom the former body to the department president. K. T. (irider was next called upon, and said be wa well plesstd with tbe encampment, and Meade Itelii-f Corp. Ile vpoke of the good feeling among Hie veteran at the atate encampment at In dendence, resulting in pleasant mem ories ol that occasion. HeaUted that be bad recently read that the Women's He lief Corp bad handled more money, and relieved more needy, suffering people, than any oilier benevolent organization in the United Slate, taking the number of member into consideration. Mr. (Jrider then gracefully presented 'he de partment president, secretary and treas urer, each with an elegant hoquet, which were thankfully received. When Capt. J.T. Apperson wa called upon, he slated that be had not been in formed that each speaker wa expected to present the now department ollicers wilh a boquet each, and consequently was not prepared to compliment them in that way, Ile thought the selection of the department eflicer would result creditably to the Helief Corps and tbe i. A. K. in general. He ixke of the iniortance of learning to oliey In mili tary matters; that we must work and otwy, and said he would only be too glad lo obev the wishes of tho new de partment ollicers. Comrade Oscar F.uton, of Oswego, was the next sneaker, and he mentioned friendship, loyalty and charity, as the cardinal principles of the Helief Corps. He told how, when be thought of en- listiiiK as a soldier in the army, that his wife kindly and patriotically enlisted to slay at home, run the little farm and look after tbe two small children, while he went forth to fight the battles of the country. He paid a tribute to the women of tbe country, and said it was their loyalty that saved the country. As Mrs. S. M. McCown, the new depart ment president, was mistress of cere monies, and presided, she did not have much time for speech-making, but her remarks were always timely. She makes an excellent presiding olllcer. Mrs. Fannie Cochran, the new depart ment treasurer, said that aside from anything else, she was very much grati fied wilh the tlugs that they brought with them. She further stated that it was not all honor with tbe Women's Be lief Corps; ibey had to work for their honors. Mrs. Jennie P. Harding, the new de partment secretary, when cullod upon, made a few appropriate remarks, and excused herself from any speech-making, as she bad to look alter the com missary department. Mrs. T. M. Miller, one of the dele gates to the Independence encampment, was called upon, and suid she pre sumed that she had been taken along to escort the O. A. R., and that she ought to have a boquet in recognition of her services. Her remarks were spirited, and to the point. Soon aftrrward Mr. Orider, also presented a boquet to Mrs, Miller. Mrs. Kditli Clouse made a few appro priate remarks, and expressed her grati fication of the honors conferred on Meade Relief Corps. Mrs. J. Doremus, was called upon and expressed ber appreciation of the honors conferred upon Meade Relief Corps. Comrade Dayid McArthur related some war reminiscences, and told of the homesick fooling of many of the soldiers, while resting from the work on tbe bat tlefield, and how he was inspired to courageous efforts by tbe words of a young lady nurse, when he wag sfck In the hospital. Miss Botta Fonts delivered a patriotic recitation in a very clever way. George A. Harding thought Meade Relief Corps, No. 18, should be specially complimented for securing the deport ment headquarters for the ensuing year. He was especially gratified that tbe executive officers were from this Corps, and pleased to note that the secretary Higheit of all in Leavening Powers Latest U.S. Gov't Report Absolutely puce bad Ih'oii llironirli the war with him. O. A. Cheney, in hit inimitable man ner, gave some Iritetenting stories of sol dier life. Mr. I.ulz verv accsptubly sang a mlMl , W). Miss Clara Warner delivered a recita tion, that is worthy of favorable mention. liy request, Oscur Katun, of Oswego, read the oem which he had previously (lellvoied at the Htateiineaiiipineiit at In deitendence, A banquet was served by tlm ladies uf the Helief Corps, which accounted for the excellence of the repast, and was com pi i met lo the excellent cooking of those who prepared the feast . Alter dinner speeches were made by Judge T. A. Mi I'.ride and Lieutenant J. P. Diuiick, of llubbatil. Tbe Confer boys furnished some good music, and some song with Mrs. Harding at the piano. There was another sdj by Mrs. Lull, also a song by Hickman. It wa aliout midnight when tbe inter esting feslivities were brought to a close. Following 1 a corrected list ol those who answered the roll call from Clacka mas county at tbe O. A. K. encamp ment at Independence: J T Apperson, Oregon Cl'y, E 1st Og'n D Williams, Oregop City, U 3 Wis. B II Stone, Oregon City, A 50 Wi. J A Stuart, Oregon City, E 12 Iowa. Julius Prieator, Oregon City, E 2 lo. Clms F Horn, Oregon Ciiy, K 7-1 Pa. M K Willoughby, Oregon City, E 121 Ohio. A Maul, Oregon City, D 0 Ohio. David McArthur, New Era, E 1J III. J Martin, Oregon Clty.T 9 Minn. 0 II Dauchy, Oregon City, B 3 Minn. William Russell, Oregon City, K 1 Minn. E T GriJer, Oregon City, A 27 Ind. L Forbes, Oregon Cilv, K 110 Ind. O Eaton, Oswego, A 20 Mich. J B Califf, Orea-on City, K 38 Mich. C A Williams, Oregon City, I 9 Ver. J Doremus. Oregon City, U 27 N J. The following members of Meade Relief Corps So. 18, were in attend ance: Mr Sarah M. McCown, Mrs. Jen nie B. Harding, Mrs Melimla Stuait, Mrs Fannie Cochran, Mm. Marion Miller, Mrs Henrietta Doremus. Bids Mauled. For 2000 cords first-growth seasoned fir wood suitable for factory use. Wood to be delivered in our yard as wanted. Payable in cash. Bonds will be required for i!.e fulfillment of the contract. Rids will be closeU, July 15th, 181XJ. This company reserves tbe right to reject any or all bids. Okkiion City MANcr.ciTBisa Co. Oregon City, June 24th, 18.H. Cares Croup. "My three children are all Bubjit-t to cioup; I telegraphed to San Francisco, got a half a dozen bottles of S. B. Cough Cure. It is a perfect remedy. Ood bless you for it. Yours, etc., J. II. Chozikb, Grants Pass, Or." For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Ten big insurance companies F. E. Donaldson. McClure's Magazine for July will have an illustrated paper by Cleveland Moffelt, 1 howing the exact sta'.us, at the present moment, of the horseless carriage, and indicating the immense revolution that impends in traveling and traffic, now that the horseless carriage has practic ally passed the experimental stages. Red Seal spices are the best. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Harry Sloper, w ho has been for some time engaged in the draying business of thiscity, on last Monday sold his interest as drayman to Frank Durham. Mr. Slopor hereafter will be busy for two days of the week in the barber shop of Mr. Shark. Leading insurance agency F. E. Donaldson. Last Saturday J. Tompkins while driving through the timber on the west side of the river was accidently thrown from the wagon breaking Iris collar-bone. He ia resting easy, and a speedy recov ery is expected. Second-hand bicycles, fJ5, at Hunt ley's book store. McClures Magazine for July will con tain a fine series of portraits of Long fellow, most of them from rare origionala furnished by Miss Alice Longfellow, the poet's daughter. Saratoga Chips fresh and crisp. E. E. Williams, the Grocer. Judging from the number of Crescent bicycles seen in Oregon City in compar ison with other makes, Crescents are the popular wheel. Reliable fire insurance F. E. Donaldson, A large assortment of garden hose just received at the hardware house of Pope k Co. Powder A Laboring Man' Home. For a person, who desires to slop pay ing rent and to raise their own vegetables and fruit, I have a splendid piece of land, one acre on Abernathy road mostly im proved, bouse, chicken-yard, good well and some fruit. One mile and half from Oregon City. School bouse anil church '4 of a mile from place, three brick yards and saw mill near by. Price f 250, Dart down, balance on time. Trade or work in part pay. Inquire at place or address (i. W. Walukon, Oiegon City. How to Care Rheumatism. Araoo, Coos Co., Oregon, Nov. 10, '93 I wish to inform you of the great good Chamberlain's Pain Balm lias (lone my wife. She has been troubled with rheu matism of tbe arms and bands for six months, and has tried many remedies prescribed for that complaint but found no relief until she used this pain balm, one bottle of which has completely cured ber. I take pleasure in recommending it for that trouble. Yours trulv, C. A. BtLLOKD. 60 cent and $1.00 bottles for sale by O. A. Harding, druggist. House Made Bright. Murrow, tbe painter, his removed his shop to Seventh street, near the depot where orders cm be left for painting, paper-hanging and calciming. Price to suit tbe times and all work honestly and efficiently done. tf I J StrattoH. Ha placed in his store, corner Seventh and Center streets, in addition to bis fine line of GRocERiKS, hat, rxio etc., also a full stock of LEAD. PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISH, which he will sell as low as THE LOWEST. 4t Assessor's Notice. All property statements for the assess ment roll for Clackamas county for the year 18, must be in my office by July 1st or property lists will be made up from the roll of last year. J. C. Bbadley. Assessor. I'or Sale. A fine sewing machine, in first class order. Just as good as new. Sold at a bargain. Capt. John Kelliy, Dr. Vauderpool'i Physic, the S, B. Headache Liver and Kidney regulator, takes the lead with us. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druguist. Price's flavoring extracts are the strongest and purest. Book of "Delicious Desserts" free. E. E, Williams, the grocer. Ten Dents per pound will be paid for clean, while cot'on rags such as ojd sheets, pillow cases etc. Apply at this office. Wanted, furnished room, or room and board by a young man. References given. Address, 'Room" caro of Enter prise. Karl's Clover Koot will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., 50c., ar I dollar. For sale by Geo. A . Harding. A. F. Rogers, representing Blake, Mc Fall Company was in Oregon City Thurs day. This company has a large and growing paper trade in this place and their dealing has been so fair that they handle nearly all the paper used by the printing offices and merchants here. .The IJRE TWO -CENT STAMPS E we will send you a Brilliant Gem of unusual color, Mn and a copy of TH" " "The Great Divide" so you can se what a wonderful journal it is, pro yided you name the paper you saw thi in. It's a real Jewel we'll send you. ADDRESS THE CREAT DIVIDE, Denver, Cola FOR CURES SCROFULA, BLOOD POISON. THE CURES CANCER, ECZEMA, TETTER. BLOOD A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. . Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Social rates given on hauling to and from Gladntone and Park place. FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Commencing Aoril 15, will leave Portland foot of Washington street Tues day, Thursday and Sunday evenings at 5 o'clock Returning, leave Clatskanie Monday, Wednesday and Friday even ings at 5 o'clock. Will pass Oak Point about 7; Stella 7:15; Mayger 7:25; Rainier 8:20; Kahtma9:15; St. Helens 10 :30. Arrive in Portland 1 -.30 a. m. This i the nearest and most direct route to the great Nehalem valley. Shaver Transportation Co. FOR- ABSOLUTELY FDRE DRUGS BO TO Q A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED me PerMB and Tollst Mclet Alio a (all stock of IP-A-IITTS- OILS ETC. LJELLO ? 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in - Oregon and Washington now in operation by tho Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Salem, Walla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 96 other towns in the two states on the line. Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a Srsonal Communication, istance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard aa Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - - Oregon. To the Public- WHAT THE GAMBRINUS ....TOILI. DO.... DELIVER AT YOUR not'SK: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at 11 50 California White Wine per gal 80 80 50 50 00 " Claret ine per gal. " Port Wine per gal. " Cherry Wine per gal. Best " Grape Brandy per gal. lOyear old Whiskey, Nonpa reil per gal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever offered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman, Mgr. For Keg Beer lea v. your order. EiitabllMhed 186 J. CI. PIONEER na TMfei1 and Epre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE.