Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
1 Oregon City "9 i l-ii. rrw n rv "ir r rN n i VOL. .'(). no. r. OKK(JON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1890. ESTABLISHED 180G eoi'iUM, lllrotilt court rtonvmiea Itrat Monday In No f nmiwr (ml llilnl Monday In April. rrnlwta outlet In snaalou H rat Monday In each nuiiili. (Iniainlaalimerseniirt mi-ala flral Wednesday after Aral tlnmlar of each ninnlli. II T HI.AI'KN, NOlAUY IM'III.IC an,l CONVKYANt Ell. A HBTH4 Ta ur TITI.R MIR Ilaal ealaia handled. In.uraiice written In (hn Ilariliinl, ii llarlloril, lala'.lne. Haiti bur tif fireman OrBcii iiii iMiranulli nf MHliodlal Clillri'll. JIiAl'K AMAH AIIMTUAt'T A TICI'HT CO. furiil.h. ai'ia, ( halna ul Tlt'e, lle-crlp Him-, Utaiia, liiaiirai i'n. 1'ay Taaea I'erfenl Titles, olii., uln. (illii'D nvar Hank "f (imi n ( I y J, F. t I.AI1K, l'r.., mill Mur. naiiiiiN city, ... - iiimiiiiM. (1 II. KIMH K I. ATOUINKY ANIX'Ot NMKUlll AT LAW. Will practice In nil cwiiiria of Iht Hill, Ali.lrarla mail. Tl'ln- riamlned ami (iiierI ' Ua ui.alneaa transacted. Hffloe wlih I. I. I'urler. j N jllllNaux I) W lhlll J'lNNAIHII A JUIINHIIN. ! CIVIL KNUINKK.IIH AM' HIKVKYOIIH. I Kallwar location miit roiiatrnctlim, brlde. ! (ilana mm .atimaivs lor water supply Drains anil slr.el Improvement ul owu Special tloiillon glen l Aranihlliif ui bin printing Tlv welch." ) DENTIST Willamette HIil., opposite I'lMtulllie. Office hours from 8 a. in. to 12: 1 to ft :m p. hi. r LPOKTKH. J' ATTORNEY AT I.AW lininii ur ra..faTT ri aint Orllee iwt I" Cllv bank on nth street 7l 0. T. WILLIAM. HK.AL KHTATKaTii LOAN AOKNT. A nod Use of biialheaa, residence ml suburban property. Farm Property In treru lo lull on easy terms. Cnrre.pendenre promptly answered. Office, ail door tu Ceufleld lluuller a drugstore. D.i U. C. LATOlkKinK, ATTORN KYrt AND Cl)UXKF.IX)KS AT LAW MAIN VTHXir OKKUClN CITY, OMKUON Purnlah Abatrarla oi Hue, una Wnaer. Pora- Oloa Murl(aea. nil trauaaot ueucral Lav llualaaea. II l t'HOHIt. ' ATTOKSKY AT LAW. Wiu. rm'TH ia All t'ocar or thi Btatb Krai Ka'ate ami Iniurmnre. Offlr na Main Hi nit bet. Hlith mill HeTenth, oRiniia city. oa. a o'mttt.u a. w.THoarana . a himi. r T. aairriTH O 'SKILL, IIKIK1KH, TIIOMI'HON 4 0KIFKITII ATTOltNKYrt AT I.AW. Oltlcctln llarkley lliillilliia. rnn City, ami A U U. W, Temple, I'ortUnil. PnOrnoral Uw iilneaa. Iamo Mouey, I'rie rnilotliina. Knrerloae inorlKKe, l'rtitiale prarliM. c I II. tYR. A TTl) If V V V AND COUNSK1.0R AT LAW Will f'lrfiflxaa mi'U-i'. make ttrola, man money, ae.tie tata.ea n l l auam t tueral la bil I eaa. Offlne Aral floor iJnLii ( Hank ol 0 egos City, oaiaoa city. oooi aiao. RRnWHKi.L. J. n. CAXrnu.L. -I1K0WNE1.L A CAMI'HKI.U ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 0OK CITY. 0KOOH. Will vraotlce In ll the roiirta of the state. Ol flee. uiTt ilmir to Caiiflokl A lluiilley'a lrii tore. vr. II. HOIIYNM, ATTORN KY AT LAW, ( I A If 1 I'L IILIU CANHY. .... OKRUON. Will practice In all courts of Ih aiate. IinnirHiine written In all leaillnic oom patilua. Ab'lniota ol title Inrnulinl. Co lemions a spuilnlly. 1 KO. L. HTUKYi ATTORN KY AT LAW. Upatalrs oppnalle Court llonao. Titles ensnilned and abatracta maile. Money Loaned, Murlatea (orrcloaril mill a general law bimluuaa. milK COMMEKC1AL BANK, OP ORKOON CITY. Capital, ..... 1100,000 TRANSACTS A ORNRRAI. BANSINO RI'SINKSa. Ixisna mailo. Hills (lISROiiutoil. Makea col letiiinna. Huya and sella exclianite on all points In the Iltilten Htatea, Europe aud llnug Knnir. Dvpoalti ri'oul"cil subject to check, hank open from A. st. to 4 r. u. D. C. LATOUKETTE, Prealdont. V. B DON Al.PBON, Cashier JJANK OP OKEOCN CITY, si nmn mm in w iiir. Paid np Capital, ttt.OOO. Hurplus, fAJ.tUXJ. YRRSIDRNT, - - THOi. CHARMAN vtcR rRRBioaNT, eao. a. HARniNQ. CiUHlIR. - R. O CAI1FHI.D. HAMAURa. CHARLai H. CAUNRLD. A general banking bualncsa transacted. Deposits received aubjeot to check. Approved bills and notes discounted. County and city warrant bought. Loans mvla on available security. Kiohsnie bought and sold. Colleotlont made promptly. Drafts sold availanle In any part of the world Telenrnptito exchanges old on Portland, San J raaelaoo, (Ihloago and New York, niereat pal J on tune doposlta. 15.000.00 njrrt pnierty in Clackamas County. ANDREW C. MALSTEN, Jaguar Building opponite Court Houno, Oregon City, Oregon. Rofrlorator are mIioiiI llm only eH'itctivii lioimi pro tection lltflllllMt tllll WIHllllIT, lliiltor, meat mill other iiiilli' wnii'l keep with out Ire when iIim mercury in the iiIiiiUIdm, nnil ilin ritfrixcrator la Ihu iht fcctlnii ul tlit Icebox. Tim Iihmi from spoiled mi-ulit ami other 1 1 1 I i i-h In a l ii n In acaiton will conaldoralily exceed tlm cunt of iiiiii of tliKHn household no ri.naitim. Willi a rufrlKiiratur Hvury tliinit Ik VaHlly ki'il fri'Mli mnl liolimomii, mIiIi-Ii wltliout oiiii would tin iiilrkly imIiiIuiI mill unfit for ihmi. We nIiuw tlwin In II vo illlliiriiiit mIki'ii at from U to $2:1 70 i'iii'Ii. Have inoni-y by ifi'tUng' oiiu lin iikm! lit I l y . BELLOMY k BUSCH, The iioDscfiirnlsbers. KICI'HKMKNTINDl- UDYAI. OK I.I VKItl'OUl., iliH-t laritt-at bului-a in (lie w irlil. NOKTII IIIII TIHII A M , Ur(el 'Hii In Hie aorlil. Ht'N OK I.ONDON.olilrat purely fir Liauranre roiiipiny in lli world. .KTSAOK IIAKTKOKI). laricil ami beat Aniprii an Company. CONTINKNTAI. OK NKW VOHK. one of the beat American rompanlfi. AND OTIIKIt KIKHT-t'l.AHH COM CAN I KH. Cm 1 1 on me) for Ratlnua, tvxd F. E. DONALDSON', SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS The latest In TTTfTTT" Neatest Styles Shirt Waists, etc. Novelties in every line. Pioneer Store Thos. Charman & Son, Oregon City, Oregon. Edoiards Bros., Successors to ELY BROS., 099 Molalla Avenue GENERAL MERCHANDISE NKW GOODS .m qpWEST PRICES Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Wheat, Spuds. Etc. Cash Paid for Chickens and Eggs. LJow you Can Save Money When your children need a laxative or stomach and bowel regulator, buy BABY'S FRUIT LAXATIVE. Fifty doses for twenty-hve cents. The season for colds and coughs is upon us. In order to be pre pared for an emergency, get a bottle of i Baby's Pectoral Syrup, The best in the market. Price 25 cents. For sale at the CANBY PHARMACY, Canby.Or. DR. J. H. IRVINE, Proprietor. Leading Agency in Clackamas County. nlao for Hlnttarai and Cnlandarei At Cwnmercial Bank. CLOTHING and of Dress Goods, DEFIES JiUItGLAUS. (I(KA I' H IKK HUT IM A MK( II 4 K iL ( LKIOHITV. Thr Hunk of Orcifon City limtallaa Ke ci'ptnrlf for ChhIi, Clalmi-d to lie 1'rnof AiraliiHl any Attni'li from Tlili'tfn, MoliHor lijimmlli'. Tlii'r wi a i.'iirioim Hiulit on Main atrueU lt wet-k, ami it can be atated poaiMviily iliat not ttie oldi-iit reHnlKiit of OreKoli City evnr aaw one aimilar in all it detail. A Ihu crowd Katlmred that day on the nidewalk in front of the flank I of Oregon City and watched with appar ently ahaorhinif intercut the arrival of a truck drawn by four powerful liorea. ' The inybrioti article, w hich waa evi dently of ifreiit wei(ht waa carefully wrappe I in haittjinK and aomtimled by a queer look inn liar neat that added to its myateroui apiearance. "What is 't?" waa on everybody's lipa, but no one could aonwer. Speculation ranged all the way from a "gigantic canon ball" to a "monument of unique design." When the great wagon with its ponder our aad mysterious load was driven in front of the Bank of Oregon City and atoppetl there, we learned that the curi osity ill an immense burglar. and mob proof ill's of original design made by William Corliss of 1'rovldence, R. I., one of the brothers of steam-engine fame. Upon making inquiry we learn that this particular safe is over four feet in diame ter, weiitbs seven and one-half tons, and is built upon lines that make it as im pregnable to attacks by burglars and mobs, as the Spanish once tound Gibral tar to be when they attempted to wrest that furtress from the British. Having thus had our attention called to this tuliject we have taken some trou ble to inform ourselves and And that the Corliss safe ig wonderful production, and, like many other radical departures from usual methods, its conception and perfection is the result of a trivial cir cumstances that entirely changed the life work of its designer and gave to the world a unique and very valuable inven tion. Some 20 years ago Mr. William Cor liss, then the treasurer and manager of the famous Corliss Steam Engine Com pany of Providence, R. I. (ot which his brother, the late George II. Corlins, was the founder), while acting upon a com mittee of the Merchants' national bank of that city, was called upon to purchase a burglar-pioof sale. Upon investigating the system of construction practiced by the leading safe and vault manufactur ers, Mr. Corliss pronounced it radically wrong and inherently defective. Realising the importance of the sub ject and comprehending the mechanical defects of the prevailing system of con struction, Mr. Corliss' mind dwelt upon it so much that in the course of a few yeais he conceiyed what is now the Cor liss safe, and finally embarked in the business of manufacturing it. During the past few monthB a start ling report has been issued by the gov ernment upon this subject. We refer to the report of tlie treasury commission upon safe and vault construction ; this commission having been appointed by act of congress. This report confirms the position taken by Mr. Corliss when the subject was first brought to Ills attention, for it prac tically condemns as worthless the stand ard and usual method of safe and vault construction. The report is profusely illustrated with photographic views of safes (made by all the prominent build ers) that have been cut through, torn apart or opened with explosives. The Corliss safe was the only one that with stood all attacks made upon it, and its adoption by the treasury department was recommended. In speaking of the Corliss safe, the commission says : "The whole is a well contrived, ingenious and novel system, as essentially a type by itself as is the Corliss steam engine in its class of inven tion." The Bank of Oregon City people are more than pleased with their new pur- Till NKW SAP! IS BANK Of OKKGON CITY.. chaan and take great delight in showing It to their cuRtonierft. One of the olli cials, when anked about the safe, said in substance: "This safe solves the burglar-proof queotion. Thi, to my mind, 'is the only strictly burglar-proof sale manufactured and I dffy any one lo get into it by mean of explosives. Why it would lake" The sentence was not finished nor was it neceaaary. The con struction of the safe precluded all ques tioning. We congratulnte our neighbors npon the piMMtesaion of such a safe for their securities. It i only another evidence of their enterprise and prudence. We prophesy that their example will be fol lowed by many. lilgjland Kent. j IIioiii.and, June 20. The weather is beautiful. We ack for no better. , Mrs. Kmily Burk of Oregon City, is Veiling relative here. Miss Lena Seihold of Oregon City, was home visiting her parents last week. Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Story and two chil dren of Oregon City, are visiting relatives of this place. They exect to remain for week. Mr. I). A' Miller will dote a very suc cessful term of school in three weeks. Geo. Kirk and Geo. Wallace, who took I lie contract for cutting 20 cords of wood tor the school, have the contract com pleted . The road aupervisor of this district haa been working a force of men on the roads for the past two weeks. Many im provements have been made under his wise directions. Miss Minnie Harrington, who has been teaching a nine months school at the Cascade Locks, is now at home to spend her vacation. Many of the people of this place are looking forward with great pleasure to the Chautauqua. It surely is place where all should go to broaden the views and enlarge their intellectual facul ties, as well as come in contact with the bfst educators of the state and county. Help Home Industry. The true foundation upon which to build up the prosperity of Oregon City ia to patronize home industry and thus keep our money at home. In laundry work every dollar paid to Chinamen er to Portland laundries is practically lost to Oregon City especially when just as good work at the same price can be had at the Willamette Steam Laundry. This is a new home institution, employing only white help and is supplied with all the latest improved machinery, and using the purest spring water is able to guarantee flrstclass work. A trial of our work and prices is asked. Delivery wagon to all parte of the city. Down town ofllce at Wilehart's barber shop. Did Yen Erer Try Electric Bitters as a romedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medicine has been found to be pecularly adapted to the relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to- the organs., Jf you have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleepless, excitable, melancholy or tioubled with dizzy spells, Electric Bit tirs is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at Char man A Co.'s drug store, .Charman Bros, 'nlock . Whooping Cough. There is no danger from this disease when Chamberlain's Cough Remeday is freely given. It liquefies the tough mucus and aids its expectoration. It also lessens the severity and frequency of paroxysms of coughing, and insures a speedy recovery. There is not the least danger in giving the remedy to children or babies, as it contains no injurious substance. For sale byG. A. Harding, druggist. The People's Favorite. When you are hungry and want an ap petizing meal one that is well cooked to your taste and well Berved try the Nickel Lunch Counter, This is no second-class rastaurant, we feed the best people in Oregon City and they al ways go where they get full value for their money. Give us a trial. Gkohqs Bhos. Proprietors. A Recommendation from Los Angeles. 632Castelar St., Los Angeles, Cal., -After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining re lief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost Immediately relieved. I highly recommend this as the best medicine known. D. M. Hamilton. For sale by G. A. Harding, druggist. Druggist Wanted. To occupy the Seventh street pharmacy building fine location and good trade assured. Rent reasonable. Address D. Williams, Oregon City. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. KK1TIUICAX PLATfOKX. Plain Knunclalloii or Hound I'rlnclp'e So Straddle on Any Subject. The full text of the platform by the national repulican convention at St. Louis is a follows: ''The republicans of the United States aHDMtiiMcd by their renreaetatives in national convention, appealing for the popular and historic justification of their claims to the match leas achievements of 30 years of republican rule, earnestly and confidently addresa themselves) to the awakened intelligence, experience and conscience of their countrymen, in the following declaration of facta ami principles: "For the first time since the Civil war, the American people have witnessed the Calamitous consequences of full and on restricted democratic control of the gov ernment. It has been a record of on paralleled incapacity, dishonor and dis aster. "In administrative management, it has ruthlessly sacrificed indispensable revenue, entailed and unceamng deficit; eked O'H ordinary current expenses with borrowed money, piled up the public debt by $202,000,01) in time of peace, forced an adverse balance of trade, kept a perpetual menace banging over the redemp'ion fund, pawned American credit to alien syndicates, and reversed all the measures and results of successful republican rule. "In the broad effect of it policy, it has precipited panic, blighted industry and trade with prolonged depression, closed faciories, reduced work and wages, halted enterprise and crippled American production while stimulating foreign pro duction for the American market. Every consideration of public safety and in dividual interest demands that the gov ernment shall be rescued from the hands of those who have shown themselves in capable to conduct it without disaster at home and dishonor abroad, and shall be restored to the party which for 30 years administered it with nnequaled success and prosperity, and in this connection we heartily indotse the wisdom, pa triotism and success of the administration of President Harrison. ( TUB TARIFF. ( Vb reuew and emphasize or alleg iance to the policy of protection as the bulwark of American industrial indepen dence and the foundation of American development and prosperity. This true American policy taxes foreign products, encourages borne industry and puts the burden of revenue on foreign goods; it secures the American market for the American producer ; it upholds the Amer ican standard of wages for the American workingman ; it puts the factory by the side of the (arm and makes the American farmer less dependent on foreign demand and price; it difuses general thrift and founds the strength of all on the strength of each. In its reasonable application it is just, fair and impartial ; equally op posed lo foreign control and domestic mo noply; to sectional discrimination and individual favoritism. " We denounce the present democratic tariff as sectional, injurious te the public credit and destructive to business enter prise. We demand such an . equitable tariff on such foreign imports as come into competition with American products as will not only furnish ad equate revenue for the necessary expen ses of the government, but protect Amer ican labor from degradation to the wage level of other lands. "We are not pledged to any particular schedules. The question of rates is a practical question, to be governed by the condition of the time and of production ; the ruling and uncompromising princi ple is the protection and development of A merican labor and industry. The coun try demands a right settlement and then it wants rest. RECIPROCITY . "We believe the repeal of the recip rocity arrangements negotiated by the last republican administration was a na tional disgrace, and we demand their re newel and extension on such terms as will equalize our trade with other na tions, remove the restriction which now obstruct the sale of American products in the ports of other countries, and secure enlarged makets for the products of our farms, forests and factories, "Protection and reciprocity are the twin measures of the republican policy, and go band in band. Democratic rule has recklessly struck down both, and both must be re-established. Protection for what we produce ; free admissions for the necessaries of life which we do not produce; reciprocal agreements of mutual interests which gain open mar kets in return for our open markets to ' others. Protection builds up domestic industry and trade and secures our own markets for ourselves ; reciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds an outlet for our surplus. . SUGAR. "We condemn the present administra tion for not keeping faith with the sugar Continued on Page Seven.