Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise IMTKi TO B KM KM 8 SR. KaliinUv, Keh. l.V-lUlltr of Kagl Crw-k republican clu') ( VVilburn' imll al I :.W p. ni. Salunfav, Yeh. l.Y- Knlly of Mila"kce re lul l ln Imll at 7 .30 '. in. f-aluriUv, Kehrtiar? ?i-K.i.l.all corneal at lilmlsUIIID .ar twHHfll IfllllH trwii III Hart-lav ami Kantliani mliltc avhuola. WninrMtar, l'el). Si-Joint meeting l I'leaaant' (Ml ami S'ietain.1 tvi'iitihcaii cliitis at Wiilila'a hull. Mierwixwl. Thuriutajr. Keh '.'7 Kireniaii'a nmml ball al .Meiiilianla liall. Monday, March 2.-Anniil avhuol im-etuiR lo t liel I in eai'h m'IiimI iliMriit. Salunlav, Marvli it. lCciutlit-ia primaries lnrt.liiokr.niaa rounlv lo be heKi in Hie various prei-incta. SIikmIv. Mnrvh ;s.-Ki'iulillon cmntv convention lo he hel.l in 1 i'h- Hull, ore - TliiirMlay, Msrcli '.V Pi'l ule-t sU!e co , Trillion meeia al Salem. i Ttit'day, April ".- Kcpiitili.-an tliairi.'l con vention lor the In comirrsMonal ilmriol meelii aa Albany al 3oVlock p. ni. j V'fdiiOMlay. April S Kopubllrnti ili'rii't j cnttvenlion tor Ide m'imiuI coiij-TaMonal limine! meeta at l'orilainl. t Thur.nlav. April '-lo-piilm. an ' '' Trillion nireuat Porilatiti al II a. in. Monday, June 1 - General eltvtion for stale i ami enmity othoers. I KKH'AY, KKIiUl'AKY U. IS Hi. For Huiiirv Mm Mill). (i op; r stuej I y I' m lo- Austin B .tea ) More lliiii(i outer into ilv"rtiinji than are uonerally supposed. In fart, everything tliat connect a name and a m-miess in Hople'8 minds iaadvertiMng. Membership in cliurclies and cln) and bix'ietie, the Riving of sooul enter tertaijiiueniH, pulilic charity all tl e things and more are advertising, hut greater and broader, and better atul easier than all these is newspaper adver tising. Yuu mar think of that without thinking of the other plans, but no i a heuie of publicity is complete without ! ihe newspaper. Properly prosecuted, newspaiH-radver- I tisini; will always pay. That here and there is a nian who s.iys: "Advertising djean't pay, I've tried it." proves notli- j ing hut that his method was faulty. j Advertising is business news. It tells of ihipgs which are of j;rea' tliiilv impor- tnre. It is of more account to the fru-1 gil hi.iis-tti'c to kno where he can get certain ne.v t y commiKlitie at a less price than than are all the; troubles in Siam or Alaska. ! The news should he news. It should not be allowed to grow stale with repeti tion in the sau.e old wav If you c tn only advertise in a small way, pick out the liest paper in vour territory and spend all of your advertis ing money in tlut Don't scatter. When your business grows, and volt can spend more money, buy more space in the aame paper, until you are sure you are ming all you poiiUhly can. Then add another paper. I would rather have one good "ad" than half a dozen poor one. When "loading for bear" I would rather take the best gun I bad and load it prop erly than to scatter my powder in half a dozen poor guns and so "make a flash in the pan.'- Merely publishing your name, address and business will do some good, but there's h better way. Be dif ferent from the others in your line. Find some point in which you excel ami tiarp on that. Uive prices and special ties. Try to make the advertisements interesting and readable. Make them characteristic of your store, and above all things, maite them true in letter and inspirit. I)on't say that you haven't the time to attend to your advertising properly. Keally, you haven't time to do anything else. Advertising is the niOBt imiortant thing about any busi ness. It is the vital spar'. What good d Jes it do you to have the very best thing or the greatest bargain on earth if people do not know it? In ruqning a newspaper, James (Joi don Bennett, sr., said the important tiling was to "get the news and then m.ike a dom fus aliout it." First get the right kind of goods, in the right location, at the right prices, and "then make a dom fuss about it" in the best paper you can find. The trade will follow. Cotidi-iisetl Testimony.. Clias. B. IitAxl, Broker and Manufac turer's Aifetit, Columbus. Oliio, certifies l ' ' i tLat Dr. King's New Iliscoveiy has no equal as a Couh remedy. J. D. Erown. Prop. 8t. James Hotel, Ft. Wayne, Ind., testifies that he was cured of a Couh of of two yeais standing, caused hy La Grippe, by Ir. King's New Discovery. B. F. Merrill, laldwinsville, Mass., says that he has ue l and recomuiended it and never knew it to fail and would rather have it than any doctor, be pause it always cures. Mrs. Hemminj;, 2"JE. 25:h ?t., Chicago, always keeps it at hand aud has no fi:ar of Croup, be cause it instantly relieves. Free trial bottles at Charman Si Co.'s Drug store. A most desirable article with which to decorate the wall of your office, library or silting-room is one of the incomparable wall maps of Uand-McNally A Co., (of United States or any individual state single copy $1.00 to f.r.00 which are of fered with every new subscription to the Kand-McNally railway guide and hand book. Address, American Railway Guide Company, Wi Adams street, Chhago. Circular uiion request. The Racket store opposite the lc'ric hotel is displaying some elivunt hats at rcdiculous prices. Wo ould advise you to go and see them. (UAL KSUTE TK4KSIERM. FamUhcd Kitr Wt-rk by th (Urki.. mux AbMroct A TriM ('oniriiny. J P toj K Pn kson. May W W ) lot lit hlk South Oswe.'o I PopoA Meldrumtolhat 1M Sept 11 "!H W I) S, a in Uswellcl !H) IX) 1 IH It Kilo i t"H Kt'li MoSi-l," Ki," "filvi'r rUinm ', o Volaw A. I'roiiiih 1 ''M deed "Grand "Keystone," "Ked "Highland Chief," ijiecii," mining interest 1 00 M K Young to A W t'henev Keh 1 'mi W D lot 8 hlk '' Sunset City KoO 00 , A),ne!, J.p,,,,,,,,,;!, l( J M Mc- poiiiuigh lVc -ti ''X lots It Si 4 hlk lis l) C Kiigland Williams to Olive Williams Teh;! 'M W 1 blks ' ;t. :; . lo:s i to lit in 4(H) 00 hlk Jo, I to ti b!k .V Mill thorn Geo Stryker to 0 M Xtrykcr Aug '.' !") ti 0 b!k S Setwood's a l l Milwaukee Alliert Jan .1) '!ti tj l' lots 5, 5, 7, 8, l, 10 II hlk 1. lots t i ft hlk '.', lots It. 4. 5. ti, 7, S, It, 10, 11 A li hlk It. all hlk.') Ml View add i l..0 00: . . ' 1 I'D to Of 5, til!? 45 (ieo C'oilins et al to Clackamas t'o Oct 10 'its deed rotdwty in Mintiiom. slr-et vacation C F WiMHliuir to F H White head Keh 5 'M W I e of the Wallenstine cl t It A 4 s r 4 e 3 .2iK) (X) Fredrick Fredrick to I'et-r T. Johnson Feb 5 'tui W V 15 a in sw 1 . of ).e 1 ; sec lit t 2 s r 1 e J 0 Shannon to I.enorH-V Plum mer Feb i W 0 bite 4.1 Shannon's add to O 0 F M Sutford to F A W a block Jan :". "it i W 0 10 a in lie '4 of nw '4' sec y t 1 s r - e . . . X I Her cam i-uie ting assn to Fhillipiu Fre hick Jan H ''Mi W I) hit 14 hlk 'Jsubd of It Si e 1 . o' 1' ( I trove :;tJ so 400 oo D7" 70 iki ! Sun-ei l..tnd t'o to .1 F Iter.'er Feh 7 '!' W l lot It hlk S . sin set I'ity Sunt't I. tnd Co to M F lt.Tger Feb 7 'it W I) lots 1 Si -2 hlk H Sunset Oily Sunset Lind Co lo Cora U Uni son Feb 7 'iKj W 1) lot 3 b.k 1 ") Sunset City L L I'ortt-r to Louis A Noble Feb 'ilu W 1 ti'-4' a of a ... cl ti 'J i 2 a r 1 e !.;;t oo 1,(HK) 1)0 -'10 01 1 1.2o0 (X) Have your titles examined and ab stracts nitdebythe CL CKAMAS AB STRAt'T St TKl'sT Ct). who have the only complete i-et o! abstracts, of title of all land in Clackamas county. Accurate and reliable work hy a restoi.sihle linn. Ull'ne UislaiiB in the Caulield building. 1 he Molalla Dairy. Having established a dairy at my place mi the MolalU road I am prepared to fur- ir-h pure, f'eslcmilk delivered to all pans of Ihe city at reasonable prices. Ad.besa by postal caul to Fly. A. B.U'MASS. Legal Notices. Khrrlir'M Male. In t!i" Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, lor the Comity ol Ciacltimin. John Clark. plaJntlfT, va. Wlll'arn M Wallace uil M. II. Wal e hi. wlfa, duleudnuU. Sistr of O- K n, Count' of Ciicaamai, -. XTOT1CE 18 HEBKBY GIVEN THAT BY .a l tau i'f an i-x-C'Ut.ou ud orUur of aai la in, d out of t e circu.t court ol the Htaie ol O'egon for th County of C ackamni, bearing rta'sine S-il day ol February, lww. In a aim wh rein J hn C ark Is lalut If, au'l William M W 1 ao ana M. IL bli wlla are deeiiilanta (o-iimandtii mi', In the tiame of the Htate 0' O e'on. that out ol tha r al eataie he-eiu fte- dwcnoet, ioaea.lxe a -urn .ufile e:it to i ti fy th demand, ol -aid docree, to w t: ? IK) and the (urtiier sum of 10 a attornoy'a a, a id ! further aunt of $H.9S cmta. toifith r with I nu rent on tha aame -luce April l'Hli, at 1' rwr ie iL par annum, aud a no the cut of a-id altend uf; tui . aale. Nkut, thert-fo e, In obedirnca to auch docree, I d.d, on the Itb nay of February, lBUD, duly levy uron, and will, on Hatiird iy. the 7ih day ol March, !, at the hour of 11 30 o'e nci a. m. of aa d day, at th fro tdOTo the court hou Id aaid couuty, orTer lorailo at publ.o auction, an i aril lo en- hiirheat and tjt bl idar, for ca h in hand, all of the right, t tie and Interest the aid d.feulai.ta ou t ' 3rd of July, IMS, had III and to tbo fo loliiftdt.'acrlid r al property, ti- ": i"; a"'""""'" trt r 1.1 itw iiiiiptAr r.f k. ft In i lfi. in tiWIiHni L ill til n: nit 2 ea t ol the Vtillamet meridian Cl ckitniaa ' O'.n y, Oreimn. IMe 1 th.B 5lb day ol Fuli-utry, A. D. E C. MADtHtCK. 8h-rlfT of riackamas county, Htate of ct eton. By N. M. Mood, Deputy. 2-7, iMi. Mherlir'M Ml-. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County ot Clackamaa, M. ieiy. piamtltr, va J. ('. Reaaoner and Amanda A. Keaaoner, defendants. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, aa. NOTICE IS HKKKHY OIVKS THAT BY virtue ot ao exicutiou and order of aale l-.ucd out of the circuit court of tha Slate of OruKou lor tl.e County o! Clankamaa, bearlnir date the 14th day of December, 1W5, In a ault wheroln SI. Uclar la plaintiff, ami J. C. Keaaoner and Amanda A. Keaaouera mnndloir me, lu the nam-of tbo State of O -eg.m, that out of the real e.Ute hurdlnaiter decrlb;d, to a aum aultlciaut to ant ify the demand, of aald decree, to-wit: 1271.10 and the further aum of tlltco.ta, UiKHther with Intiireit on toe Rama alnoa aald dcoruu waa auterml at S per cant tr annum, and alto tue coat, of aud at tending thin aie Now, therefore, In obedience to inch decree, I did, on the 2llh day of January, 1H96, duly levy upon, aud will, on Saturday, lb 2Vth day of February, lH'JD, at tne hour of two o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the ooiirt houre In aald county, offur for aale at public auotlon, and -ell to the hii;heat an I b t bidde-, for c iah lu hand, all ol the rlehi, title and lifer ent the aald defendant, on theHOth day of Nov ember, 1MI5, had or now have lu aud to the fol lowing deacrlbid real property, to-wit: The north at iiiar'er of ecti'iu 31, In low nahlp 4 aou.h of rauife 1 i:at of Willamette meridian lu Clai k .inaai ouruy, Oiea-ou, and all that part of tue uo tlie iat ijii irier of nvctlon sn, in towunhlp 4oiHh o'ran 'e 1 w-tf Willamette mcrMUu, lyl-it a id twin" In Clncaarnm couu'y, Oretfuu, JJatul this 27th da ol January, A. I). K. C. MAlJliM' K. Hhcrlirof ('la'kamna Couuty, Slate of Oregon, By N. Jl. Moopy, Deputy. 1-31, 2-2S Notice of rubllratloB. N'ltlii'K I HKKKHY (ItVKN THAT TtIK uiiUiUn.l ailmimi radix "t uw laia ul Jaeob t. Miller, tlioKat, hat fllvtl In Ilia calmly courl of tha Slalv M Otcio t tor the t'uunijr ot Claokamsi, hr final report ami ac count, ai iieh nduilti trntr x, anil thai on Tiiva iNt, lha Th ilar ol April. ISA al lha hour of 10 ooiiTta ni.,atthsroiinir eourl room, III the (vuuiy c 'tin hotuaol mIi! i'lackamaa iHiunly lit Oreon t'UT, Oreai'ii, ht tn iluly tlx.-it stnl a.'tsi HUM by ! i t-inirl a Ilia Pma ami tUe ,1 au'l ae for iltu tittli'itti.iii or an! Outl ri'ia eotinl, ana thit hrarlna ami iU'i.riiilnlua ubiieiiiiii . tiieirto, PaieJ, Oreaou I'liy, Oreuon, Keh. 7, 1SH1. N AUIKI1A I'll IT AilmliilMraUlx of llmrslaieuf JmivIi P. Miller ileeeated. '.'-ll 8 l;l Miierlll" NmIo. Ih Urn Circuit O nri ol Pie Slut Ilia I'ouuljr of CUi'knn" of itrcaoti, tor Tboma rhanttNit, oUitii'tT, v. I'errv A. (at-a ami Klitia C Suriaca, ilelvu.tanli. Slate ot Orriion, I oiuity ol (Na ktntHN, aa. Sur- HY VIKTl'K OK A .U lHiMHSI OKIiKH. . ilaer. eanil an t-iet'iitloit, iiuU Uaiic.l outl ol ami tuilvr t;ia til of Itio atiovo eiitltle . ..orl l. II. . A ..... .,il,U I ,.. ,.. .ml.. I ,llr, .'lu.l ,i.l . lh Mill .l.i 'ill K litn.,, IS'.ai, iitMtn a J nlitiiie it nu ler. mi I i ll rvii m Nhl eoiirt on Ilia IHh ilay of Nov.-mimr, lv.7, m lavor of Trioiii. Charm in, piamtllT, rtu. a.'Hlu Kerry A. SnrtHoe ail I Ktina C. S.irl'ii' Uatil. for tlv inn of ttlll, with luton-nt lliera u t the rain of in per tvni. P'-r aiiniitit f ont ttte 10th dv of Nuf rimer, lsr, ami (lie (it Ihi r aunt ol IVi aa atl iriiey'i le , ami Ilia furl it ttl of IIS, eoa s ami iliatm'a uiumim, ami lit eoata of ami U)a.u lint writ, romnt Ulna: me .i ma aa.e ol the fullowiui oe rlli l r al pniartr altiMla In Itw Colimr ot C aokaitia , Slat of Ori'o:t, to Kit Allnf .otNil 4 of Ii oi-a & ill Ihe County a.Ullioii lo tlrettoit l it) . 1'iai'k alllaa Coiiuiy. tlroiIO I. Natr. t'leraiore, tiy v.ruio ol al. execntton. Jll-la tueul or ler an I lei r-'a. an I III coutillaii.-e with tue -o'timiiidt o' aald will, I will, mi at nr.iay. Iha lltn day of U .I 'll, IS-Xs at Hie hour of I o'cliM-k p. in., al I ho Tim I Uoor ol the romuv court lioiia in the eilv of o-euon City, hi -al l county and ataP, .ell al puhil.' anrilou, attlij cl to r.Hli'tiipilou, lo Hi i hlritU'i Miller, f r ra-h in hand. a. 1 ma ndit, till and lulereat whin . had mi th date of the more .-ait tivtein or .m'e I ha I 1 i and to Ihe ab iradi acrilafd ietl p otHtrly irauy part Itu-renl, to aallt.y aatd rie.'.itiou, j JuiUmeiit order, Ueoree, lutereata, t'.iat and all o. a. laivJ, Or.'oo City, Or., K'lhruar pi, y. K. C. MAPIi.lCK Sheriff ol Cl'ckamaa c.iuiili'. ureifou. Hy X. M. Mooiir. Ueputr HI, ,-l:i Xiherlll 'a Hair. lu the Ciri-iill Cou-t of the state ol Orojou, fr Iha I ottnty of Clacnauiaa. W. f. Hubbard, plaintlir. . Char V. l'raH". Ma-v K PraiKir, C ara Kie.tla 1'rua.vo au i K I. Nllttlua, del. Ildauta. State ol ta .anil, Couuty of Ctramaa, i. HY VlKTfK tK A JClHiMKST ttltHKIt. dei-iee aitd an t'ieill on, :uir la-uel ol and under iti- aea; of the aihiveeniltle ootir . tu Hie aUive oniitied i-aiMe, to me Inly dtrocid and datinl th 'rtlll .lay u. )u iar, lta itpo t a JmUute it remiere.1 and -more I in al l court on the e h day ol N.-v.-mtf-r, l".'A In lavor ol w , K. Millibar I, plaint If, all. I mlnl I a -lea Y. Or -tx-r. Marv fcl. liai- . I' a. a Kiei U Trual ... t O .! T V. Nu'ti u. I le id nit-, I r he i u ! I.'IO vV wish tute'eat t e e.-n at ih -rate ol leu per o nt. p.-r a nun iii lui I . tiih oav ul No v.' in I iwr. l-'.e,. and t"e iiiriher an n ol r.i alio' I n y a I e. and th lurthrr aunt 1 I f lo. i'd 'or : lie ail u ol PM. wnli pile-, a: piere m -I 'he r "I 10 p-r e m p r a nm n 'rom t e ."J h d y ot en-t-.-nib -r. 1-iM. a-'d l"e fur h r a nu o: iaa a lor-net-'a lee ami toe licthe'-utn ol .i, il ,. it I .liatiuraotll'lllla, au I the t' ill 'ill 1 lip" I t ila tt rtt, t'o nut in ttiu me 1 1 make aal j i he fol l.iwi ia (i.acrlh d real pr.pvrly Htiaie ni Hi" Coirite ot C.ark on-. Slat 't tlri-e .i, l.-ttll: 1. .1-5 a .irto rt...n . lu lownaitt,, -oiitit nl ranee I e-iat m W il.ain.-ite meridian I Now, I'leremre. ny vlr.ue o -a.-i exieirinn. I I. ,,1.. nri..t ....(Mr an. I , iti.1 til e -iiiii lain' ( writli the riiiuiiiaud"l aald rl . I wl.l.on Mou-1 I day. tiu- 'Jl It dai ol renrnary, lta. at the hour . f I o'elnc p in . at the (tout deor ( lu- Couu W Court i.iua iu the i ity ( ii'H'nu c.iy in I . H. ol.l full, CMNti ii linn i. mi tlf tun , Ml mwi liHreit which tho with in u'nnl it fe't Untir eun'r of the h, htt tui tn- Unte ol iti mort;u hereiu or mictf hud In tvnl t - th ab vt d "MTtiM.! rjni pn-iwrly or iu' jm t ill'rw ot, tn nntl i v J execution, Jud- ine it orlcr, decruv. iiitervdt, conti ud All ao-nil -r rom.. K. C. iJAIMKJi K. SJt'HfT oi CUcmnfi c muty, (' n. 2-21. Br N. M. MiDi-r. D tmty. iMtetl, Dffifou City, Ofi'tfOn, Jrury Kherlir Mulr. In tha Circuit Court of the Stale of Orexon, for Ihe County ol Ciaraamaa. Grant Fh.-clcy. jiUltillir, v.. Jaolli Viil.on. au irdiau, and t'.arauce M. Woauu a, dafendauta. State ol Oreirnu. Coun;y of (".ark im.ia. aa 1Y VIKTI E OK A Jl'D'iMKNT OKIiKK. 1 decree no I a i ex. cull du y lam d nil ot and under tlie aeai of the aimvg vutilli-d court, lu th.-aiove e itlll"t caiie, in ma on y ilirect il and daiuu tn. 2ilh day of January, v.w uiaio a judijmeut reuilurtt'l ami i-iitereil In .aid enitrt on tn h day o January, 1H in favnr ol tir ml I'D. r er, p a n ill, and avain.t Jalii.h Wil-nu, and C.areticr M. In, a in:no .defend n . f ir tin aum of ., n. t. with lutere.t thereiiti a: Ih'. rate o' II) ter ce it. tier annum frnu the 'ft'i d y of Jiuiii t. .a-al, au I tha lurtlier .inn f fin aa atuiuev'i Uv, -ill tue luriher aum o 15io t. and ui.nur-eiiK-nt., and the co.t oi aud up nti a win, co ma und ng m -to make ai f Ih lollowluir ilea rib- t r. al property aituite lu (he County nt Cl ckam i-. -law ol Or g in. 1 wit: 11' Klu.ilng a: the auuih weal come-of tU'i Donation Land Cial u, Nu, 4'J lu tuwii-blpl aouth o ran e I east of WUianieite meridian, tneuce n rtli 1U.11 cha n, then 'u nurih M- ca-t 7.Mcnalua, t eu -e amith 2I e ai I2.M cnalua, ttieuie IHh 7n0 15" weat U!i c lalin to the pla' e of beg uiling, ( uuialuiug 1214 acr-a, more or lea.. Now, th-.-refor1, by virtue of Raid execution, Juilituien'. order aud deer e, aud i i cuiupllaiicv with t e command o: a.d writ, 1 will, ou "at unlay, tie 2 h d iy of Kobruarj, !'.;, at the h ur of 11 o'clock a. m , at the front 1 , ir ol Iha County C'jurt II lu.e in the cily oi Ongou Cliy, lu aald couuty and Htate, c 1 at pun 'c Hiictton, subl-ct lo reiiemp.lon, to the niifhi-.t Milder, lore 8. gold olu, ca.ti lu h lud, all the right title and inture t wh ch Iha wlihiu named de fuuda .ta or eitherof them, had on (he date of th i mortifaire herjlu or Rinc i ha 1 In uii'l to the aliove dcarrlbed real property or any part tliure of, to aalixfy inid execution, Judgment order, decree, lnlere-t, coata aud ail a. cruiug coata. K. C. .HADDOCK, Sher If of CUrkunaa C unity. Ore. -on. 1-11, 2-'J lly N. A. Moofir. Deputy, Dated, Oregon City, Or., January 21, In'Xi. t4li-riir, Nul-. In the Circuit Court of the Stale uf Oregon for ihe Couuty nl Clackamaa, lyevl Straua ii Co., a corfairatlon, plalutift, va. M. Hoaford, '. A. Hoalord aud loul. J. Sle- b.-rllck, defendanta. State of Oregon, County of Clackamaa, at. "IY VIKTL'K OK A JL'DO.MKNT OKIIKK, J deciee and an eiecuiliin, duiy inaued out of and un er the "! of the above eut tl:d courl, Id the abovo entitled cau-e, to me duly directed and dated the loth day of February. ISM, upon a Judgment rendered and en ered lu aid court ou tha 4lh day ol November, lau.'i, lu favor of Ie I Htraii. & Co., a corporation, plain tin", ami againat M. Hoaford. C. A. llo.ioid aud Iiuli J. Sieberllck.ilalendant, lor the aum ol 1',2'i.uo, with intereat thereou at tha rate of 10 percent, per auuiim from ihe 4lh day ol Nuv ember, IH'J'i, and Ihe further mm of $10, coata aud diaburaumauu. and the co.ta of and upou thla writ, commanding me to make aae o! tha followiug deicrllwd teal property alluate lu iha County of Clackama , hta'e of Oregon, to-wit: Uegiuuiua at a txiiiii at the creek ou the HI) aectlon l nedlvld ng ihe aoulbweat of lec tion 4 ilit'i eaat and weat halve and HSjochaiua aouth of tlie aoutbe-iai oorue'' of the uurthwe.t '. of the north weat i uf aald aectlon 4 In towu ahlp 4 aouth ol range 1 eaat ot Willamette meridian; thence aoutn on Raid 1-IOaectiou line 14.S0 cualiia; thence weat 10 ebalua; thence north 24.H5 chalua to the creek ; thence ,u.b 4.ri eaat along tha oreek 14 14 chains to the place of beginning, aud containing IktiTj aorta more or leai. Now, therefoie, by virtue of aald execution, j ;dginet o. tier and decree, and iu comii.laune wlih tlie c immaudi of aald writ, I will, on rat unlay, f e 14iuday of March, at the hour ol 2 o'clock p. m at the inmi dour of the countv court huuae In tbe city of Oregon City, In raid couuty and atate, aell it p mile, urn tl ui, auliject ti redampuou, to the Mhet bldd -r fur onaii In huuil, all the rl hi, Lt oand iutireat whlcii the wahiii named d feu InnlH or either of them, limlo i the dale of hi mor'gage herein or .luce ha I In and to tlie above ilea r lied real ; prop rt or any i-art th re il, toant ly aald ex-, ecu Ion, Ju guierit or icr, dec.e , lutor.-at, c inla i and all cC'Tiiing ui fl a. lint d. Oregon W'y, Or., Pe r-ary 11. K. C MAIHiOCK, Hh -rtffol Ciackainua Coiiuiy, Or -gnu, ily N. M. Moony, Uoi-uty, 3-11, 3-13 Mherlll" Hale. Ill Iha Ori'iill Conrl ol lha 'alu ' Itranou, Inr the I'oiiuiy f t'li H.rl.x Will M-rfliallllla I' iV""l . """" n. hi. pMiilhl, U.oiai'W.N I iylor. dn lamla't Siai of tln imi, t'oui'l" "I CWckam, m. XTOTU'K IH IIKIIHIY IIIVKN THAI' HV l flitimoi u mio ami "'nt r aa.a i ih ii ilroiiil t'oii'l "t I" 81 ! of rmon f..r ltu I'oimly l Chiekam .a, li.'u'liw Jat'lhe .-I u day -I ; !. . '" w i..,r..l.i llar.OM Wl I II n-tmin'i" i , impors lo i, plaliiini. ami t"i 1 " N. Tv i..r . .i..lui,ilitiil. e.'tiiiutn una in . in me iianio ol Hie H H' o On iioii. Ilisl oul "I ' I1"1 '...lalnlifie nailer d'.iT'lie I. lo itnle a aunt nm lent lo mill Hie d. inalnla o a d .l.-cr.. i pi all $w is, ami Hi In luer -inn ol ilMSA e i ,li'K l e w Pi ml re mi Hi.' alii e j .a .l .l.i r.'i'' euler d, ai.d .n Hie eoa.a ol a 11 n Una Ih al'. , , j Now Ihe e ii'. in ..l"lliiiei' n a i it itjh, I i ill'l, on III.' S'll day ol K.'litloiri, ls. dull let) i it. o i. an I will, on H.III'd', l' Jill nay ol M ie i IvM, ti ilie h-iir of II o It a. m. I vail av, a. the ronl .nor ol i' e coll . Il .a III a tv. mil), oil r lot a t .1 puldii am'iln aii.l .eil I ' ilie 'iin'iral a...i tw 1 1" ul lor ah I ha .d. a I "I iha n "' " 1 ""' ii taut on l"e .'lui m jannarr, i-i"., n.i i ii alld In HID ottiiia .1" em-1 ri a. pr " vit, o-iiil C .in in 'ii. inn ! me on ii.ti.-i ' in ' '! aeclli. n .Uln loauaii p I " "I ' I 'an e I eal ol Wi. am lle imrl I an . Ilnli.e no. I i l"V i ml-. ea t I.'1 rol: Hitlne an. H i In S r ! Iltenee we I I.IUolal.' Hie pine "IP itllllll"l, eonla n n I 1 ae a nio.e r e a. .nil I. en. a .liuaiu III CI- lis " ei'iintv. Hi .! I tr "ll i.f..i ii... M:i ilai ni re r is r V l I- K. I MAIHiOCK. SHorlSolt lae.amaa I'ouni), tl .. o. renit. "It N. M. M.hiih, li puli '.' I. " liirlH " Hlr. In tha t otin'v Court ol llw :ale ot tir.oti, lor Cotiul) ol t'la' aainav John earn he a, p a nl it, va Mu'liavl shaiar ami Coid lie, Ui lemlaiiu sta e of i'r...n,l' niniy ol CUckamaa, a. Ol'li-K ! IllllitUV iilVKN 111 A I' II Y virtue ol an l 'Villlou and oriler ol ta.e ilea out of toe t' inii.) Co it I o the Hula ol ti Koti, .if tue ot c ai'h una., Iumi ilia la e I e IHtlt .lay of Keluilarv, In a -ml a hera.ll Joint Car-'lh -ra la piwllllitl.ali.l Mli it .-ha er an I t'aio.iuv S ml. r ar. -n le. d oil . cum 1 thai out ol ilie r ul eia e luTtiiia.ler lerr.tieil, ut toiic 'MH M ' a iTlO Hill I In tl.I' tiw i , m ( J rvt. t w it i mnh u.t rvt tli rM i klui'j ih-i.i vf t. l.vaj, , h f-tf uf it) . poi r m. ft an .utn, Niid Hi' fn tlior -tau i( I nt Ado n ( Miht thu (uitlivr n il uf 1 10 i NW. th 'frfd. Ill oli-il i to atirh tMrtt. I , oil tin lit i d i t fi U iujf. tlujr Ivr y ! up -it, h ! will, on p.tirM), th It'll Uy of Mro.i, li, i tlti hour oi .1 ti cUi , in. ot (I i , l tiw r !! Ut ( ihi tiurt io i tu l l ! t onnljr. 'I " ' 'f ' l I'Ohllo tli-l,i, m I toll Iti Ut ii g.i"l m itl Inm( lutl ii-r, nr U n lin 1, j all o Itw rtft'. t'iU m t hiipri'Kt tnit ti ) li-ii'l'in.N t t mul tn nut (ullowliifi Orient) 4 M'wl Ofo ojrtr. 'o w t. tc I 'in I titf nt ilu wiulv cA-at i.trii-r ol the uordi of i:ip tt r t u v vi uf i im'(Iii 4, tMIUH0 . th I vt Ul ' ti krtii i nn ty, (i v.'iii; running ih" r went lo r iHitia. itioit ei nil) :a cJitn, ilt itt'o cl to ct lu to (hi iiori.'Wc t - or t .h rnt , r.mi.i h l4 f ! -r 'tinn 4; tlieur , Ollt'l ll tllC t I V 1 III I III' .tWl,Vl, ) M ,,.( M, .'( liif "l ni l oiirniui 4, tu rtu n ; 1'ieiir.' ii li.vr iit 7 ;i niinli.a, tut ! ni ' h lli Drt't .'T.aiO O I. IIS l'O.I'" "Ulll tvj vl V II ki I R lit h ftiKitn ti ni ii mrv nt niii iiy rm f tun nhh-'i rl tir i itiii? lu iimnct-, Iwriti loir It t iJ went 1 til uit 'i 1 1 u - . ttu co uoriri 4 o'lilut" io lit o i tic llvi-ltm I ItMC tltltMtf. lt til ' V Itl HI') W.l llHlv A il (' ; UO-tU"H t 1 4 Ot ' I .'( 1 1 i i t. tklihti f illit in uln A 2 tf.' chain ft u a jl t t-l ' Hit). i br i r ) . iini'i" ti r h itl t tv a uih (t ol in-) utrtti oi iht ii 'tUiwr-t '4 of atctl u t. li i-no iirt i '; cimHi - to a il o tit I . chain twut'i of kn j u t he-fat coriii r ilu' uorl i uf l.n unr h ' wr l. of an M'ctl n 4 tnoncd to'ito 1.1. ttitii. iu the plac "f tcKiuiniiK. 1'tutt : a i nt ".'.4 acrvi mo "f lr Oa i nit Util ity of K.-f-ni rf, A l. t"V V.. C M.UUMick, Ht.enff of Clncaim ti ouut., M.mol tlr joo. My N. M Moon. i.uty. :-, .( u failicrllPat Mulr. In Hie Circuit Cnurt ul ih' Mawol Orngou, , for the I ounty ol t laekatilna. Fantilu 1. Luring, aa guard a t of th i eidte of It. i bar I S. ll.iw..rii, plaint It, i. J lui W. Neu. .el, K iiuia K. Ne del, (t-nrf II Ni -i.e. and Dura H. Nen lei and Llxile Niind -I. a k-umllan id Hie e t item Jnhu W, N. lulel, Kuiiui N lulel. II nrg.i II. Notid I a d lK.ra 11 Neud I, hi dreii of tue aa d Luna Naudel, Uefeiuliiina, State of Orcnti, a.ounty of C ac.amaa, a . Y Villi IK OF A Jl lili KM' (Hll)KII dec te and an tfxc-utl ii, 1 ti 1 y -ti j. iuii of and under trie aeal of the almre eut tli court lu the a aiv entitled cau-e to m d it-y d recie i and dated tna .11.1 da- h J unary, l-.'.;, ui'iuiajii urn in re iderv't ai d ent -r,..i (n .aid ciiiiii on the 27th day ul January, ival, lu favnr of '.be ab ie itauie-l, cial tiff a d akelua. lb above nam d, defendant., f r t . .tru uf $1.2 LIS, with intnre I thareon a' Hi" rale o Id p r c-ti . per anii'iiii rim tue 27ih da- uf Ja ' uarv, lav , and the lurther Rum o l .'. a. at ..r j ney'i lee, ai.d the mrth r aum 'd (VS, coata ' an I ili.bur .eulellla, tld II e c Rl. oi and UUin I Ihia w r I, C"iuiiianiilug me to 'I'a.a aale d the Iii.IiikIii d cr.iaid re.n prnany a t-iate I t th" Com t. i f Ca kamaa. St i'e ui Or gun, lo all. ,teifl''til' g at the e.tiibllah dionuf a-f-tl"tia A. b, :il ami 12 iu t ue ' e w i n tuwnah p. 2 and i a uitn nf rantre 2, iiinn t g then e aunt t 2 cnalua: lneiii-e i-a.t v cnal ia lo t ie duter o- (nn M l III a id Oicju , Lily vt ag iu f iad. iheucuuoitu ;ri weat 7.. 4 chulua to the a. titli eaa: c Tiler "f J. J. Hlnderm m' tan i; llieuta we.i Medial a; th nc-.i.iit , 2Vea t l.iVcliai .. thence ea-t iraelna tha .oulh bouii'iarr Una ol a -i t "iCtl. 5-44 cnalu 1 1 Hie place uf bu I tilling, containing 7.21 acre, nv'ie or leaa; i-in ptlng tiierefr iui a ira' l ul land di -ecrihed br t.iglu. nli g at a 'U n at the auuih o i ner bi'lwven er ll ui. 31 and 112, iouih p 2 aoiilh ul range 2 eaat ol the VVilWin.-ll i inernliau; tu .i.loit thanca north Iff .'I ft ro 'a to a t ol t: tlience we.t 1.ra-M;t riMla lo a point; thence amilli ln:!& toa lo a p 'Lit; the, ceen.l tracing ih' anuili houn dary Hue of aat I ecli"U :il, I J 1 mil. in .be piece of tiegluii'iu, containing one acre oi land. N 'W. tiiere'iiri, bv virtue of .aid exec iilnu, Jiidgiueiitonlei and decrei, and In coui' llauco with the cotnuiau I- ol rail writ. I will, on Sat urlay, Ihe 7lh day o' Maron, la'Jti, at t .o hour ofouoo'cioca p. m al l ie front deor the Couuty Court Il iute In tue city of Oregon City In aald county aud alite, aeli at pub 1 c au lion, auhjeut to redem I. on, t the high eat ludder, lor C. S. gold coin cnah In hand, all the right, t tleaudlntereat which the within nam,' ed defeudaula or either ef tliem, had ou the uate of the mortgage herein ur alnce bad in and lo the anove deacrlHid rea (iroperty or any part thereof, to autiafy Raid execution, Judiriueut or der, deciee, Inter.. t, culR an i ad accruing K. (;. Maiuhm k, Sheriff of Clackamaa Coiiuiy, Orugon. lly N M. M'ioIiY, I'ci.nly. Dated, Oregon City, Or., Jan. 31, IMi. 2-7, 3-6 Postoilico-:- Store. MILWAUKKK, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the bi;8t quality. In Prices ve meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. no YOU NEED r DOORS, WINDOWS. MOULDING, Or nuildiiiir Mnterinl? Go to C- H. BESTOW. l.owi'bt cusli pl icPH ever nll'i'ivil fur ' iik'st - class - goods: Aim i fiiiiiliiiiiil imi wii'p iiml jiickrl Ipiii'p, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. Ami bent farm fnicinn nimlf. I'licrri to unit luiril Uiih h, Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. V. HARRIS STAR M GROCERY Donlor In GROCERIES, CROCKERY, FLOUR. FEED. ETC. ! TREES j Tlio must fttinplfto stock ttf FRUIT ' Tret's ever liml in unr mirsi-rv. ORNAMENTAL i Tires in every variety. SMALL FRUITS i In all tlif latest ami let varieties. ITRUE TO NAME 1 All trees plainly laheletl. T?TJ T?T? T?TOTVr TMOl? A GT? Sjieeial eare fiuin jiests, NURSERY is limit ril Imnk ttf CATALOGUE OSWEGO NURSERIES F0KKST K0VK POULTKV YAItDS The Oldest and Most Rollablo on tho Pacific Coast, WVAXDOTTKS, I'LYMOCTII KOCKS, f.KJIIT ItKAHMAS, IlKOWN und WIMTIi LKCIIOUNS, and IMI'KOVKH I.AXdSIIAXf. Thoso Are tho Very Boat Varieties Known FT pays to ki;c) only the !ewt, and no litnuiirHH juiyu ho well un thft poultry indiiHtry. It iiyn licttcr than whciit, lings or citttl". ONK MUNDKICD HKXS of tlio Lent laying vnrii-tirs will yield a yearly net income of !f'J()0. Thin neiiHon our Htock in liner than ever, and wo uuanmteo H.itiHfaction to all our patroim. Send Stamp for Price List of Fowls ami AddruHH, Lock liox .'t.'i.'i. .1. jM. Garrison, - - - Forest Grove, Or. QREGON CITY IRON WORKS i'ew and Knlarned .Shop with all applianceH for MACHINE WORK & CASTING. All work executed in tho bent manner poHHiblo. PromptneHH guaran- teed on all orderH. I REPAIRING - J - SPEOIALT "Y". Prices the lowent t ho had in Portland. Shop on Fourth .Street, iWiar Main, Oregon City, Oregon. J. ROAKk & CO., Proprietors. iMh. ItVll itVI. HUMI, auull,,,.,. Korsuloln(i(t'k"iiJILy,Orr.1by CliAKMAN & CO., DruKnlntn. ESTABLISHED 1883. is taken to have all stork frcu mill's In-low On-pin'City u west Williiiiiftto liver. sent on njiilicati(in. lVtstonico !ullres.i ()swep, Ort'gon . WAJ.UNd S: JAKISCII. F. T. Harlow nt'iit fur Oreptii City. Thl Fomnn17?nirly rtimn quickly, finrmnnnntlT H ititrvoiiii iliHt'uMtrt, Wuuk Mumury. Ikim tit Hriiln I nwfcr, ll-'iul'u ho, WukvriiiiiCHK, I,um1 Vliiilllv, NlKlillr Kiidin lIlllUIIIH, llfllHl(Ml(:y nilil WflHltlllf (llAimHDS OlttlPIMl Iw yimtttfnti-rrtr or cj;cr a . Contain tin niiluM'ii. In nnrve twnla .ml ViUmmI Imi tlilr. MnkMMtli mliiti pmif rt r rir n ml plump. KriHlly Mirrtixlln vi'HipiHhi'1. Wl p-T ttitxj fur toft. Mr iimlUtro finlil, with tl wrtttrn vwirantrt ttrmotiryrffvnUU. Wrlt un. Ire .m-illt-iil iMinfi, pen IimI plum wrnnpr, with MRtlmiilnls find M nn iiflo I Mt 1ln(. Kit rhdf-rrt fnr rt.nvitttittinna itrnmr tit jmifn Iio.i. bwlutruNrscniurs''dreMfih;ltVllNI.l' Iit'0.t HieeulslitltCUaaM