Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
Cull rr CuiifKiiiloiiN, A I(ihiIiII('iiii i'ipiivi'iiIIiiii fur the Ntiiin uf (licgon In culled to moot In Hut ,.y 0f I orlliiixl, mi l huradiiy, April II, K!lil, at II o'clock a. M., fur llm pin pose nf nmii luuliiitf cundidale for piosldoiitlal nine tore mill alatn nml n,i t oiling, eg- nil cnngiossmt mil n( 1 1 ( 1 1 r i (our delegates ul lingo In llm Kiipiililirmi ,N. tmiial Cunvnnlioii, itml In transact uei oilier hllNiiisxa iin limy r i i(-r 1 y come iMifuni llm convention. Tim I'linvi'iilinii Will consist of U:i7 dcleifitlcs, chosen ,y llio several counties as follow : linker ft I.Miiii "'ill'" fnl.liiii U Mut'kitiiiiti r.' l.liM'nlii ; Clatsop 7 Malheur .3 Columbia .i Mtn ion Ill '" 4 Morrow ,'l Crook .'I Multnomah. ducts us show n Ih'Iuw, nml being baaed i Sundiiy Sorvices. on one delegate m large for each pro- " " duct, , .,., doing,,!,, torevory.'IU vol... o,,.'...'-"' " "" or fraction of tlilrty votes niNt for lion. I KIIImt conoi. koa i Iona L clli'licil - III,,,,.,, i ,i. ...i.i i w.l.immu I'nxxr. Hiirncm at HI m a. J '""H"' "i 1 1 iitii ii iii i mi m,i I" TI on ami 7 .Ml lit tin' election hold J lino 'I, I KIM, Is "fry 2,1 'oik H I'ouglaa ii siiiTiniin :t llliant .'ITIlliiinook :i rant ft t'uuilillu ft llurnoy UTiilnii H Jackson " WiiIIiiwh :i Jis-cphlnn I Wbbio. 7 Klamath 2 Washington .11 1-uko :) YhiiiIiiII II Tl.n sumn being oiiiulocgiitn-al lurge from each counly nml onn delegate for I'Vi'ty 20(1 Voli-H uml for every fiuction over dim half thereof runt for tint rcpub lii'nn candldao.) for governor nl llm elee t lii In-Ill Iii this state mi Jiiiiii 4, Ih:H Tim committee. ni'oiiiiiipii.H Uml llm prliuaiic Ui Imlil on haltinluy, MHrrli HI, mul llm t'liiintv conventions mi Nat- j unlit)', Mitrrli "H, Ivsi. iinloae otherwise! ordered liy llm irnM-r futility Commit tees. All v j t r n In fuvor uf the republican principle of protection to American In dustries hihI American liilmr, Uih up building of home market, a sound lliiuiirial iliry ami a, patriotic enforce ment uf tint Moiiroo doctrine am cordial ly invited t'i unite, witli in. (iKUKIlK A. trui,, Wiimam Kaitn, Chairman. Secretary. I'nrlliiinl, dr., Feb ,1, IS'hI. HT. lOIIN'H ri(i:ll CATHOLIC-Kar. A Hii.l.tusiNii, r'.i,r. on Huii'U inn.! ul Kami li all a. M Kvtiry 'M'uinl mul fourth Hiimlajr '"iiiiii aerinnii alter iha a nemos ma.i At all oilier maaai-a aermoiis. MiimUr Sclnml at i m r. . Vnaprra, ai'iliellial Mihl.'i'H ami lli'iif .llctlmi at 7 'Mi t. M. MK'I HlililHT KCIHCOI'AI. CIII'IK'II -Klf N. n. Hi a v a km. I'aalnr. Wi.rnlii acrvlcc at II; HiiniUx Mi liiinl al l l. CMaa ini-lliiK alli-r tnririiliiK arrvlie. Kvciilim nrli at 7:l. I pwnrlli ln aam mriMiiiK Hiimlajr evmiliij al Vi'i-llnil Tliurila avcnlnr allao. iraimitra ciinllallv lnvllwl. I AO, iTajror 1 MijmiIhv Krlimil alliT fiiiiriillnr " rlli'ii. I'mynr iiii i'IIiik WiIiii'xIh iivitiiiij ai 1 'Ul ii !... L II. ii I V ....... I. I. I, . . . , i -.. nnm. I iiJfi i IIHi'illl HI I nil lt I I'HII I n-rliii'lM, t,tt, uf I)iii'Knli'a. Hurlvly i,l Kmlravnr evnry Hiimlaj AliKlliulliy 4 """..i..Q..i.r.Miii. . ' ; KlltHT IIAITIHT CllllitCII. - Hair. M I. ""'low I Hi "ii, Paaiiir Morn In, Hurtle al II Mninlai lliiuvnr f'rmik .1 M, ,l""ll 1 ll. Kvriilna Hi-rvli'lt 7 V), lli'KUlar imiivii viiih . .irilYr ,nt wiin-aia vMlna. Mnlith llorillfH .') I'ovminlil Mi'i'lllin nvxtf Wl-iliihiH)r nvi'lilni . , ., . irniri'iil( in Drat Hiimlajr In tha month. A iiiij 'ii i i rnrnai iiiviiaiHin to all. I..- r. I 'III" II1II-W 1 Candy ft ('lurkniiiaa ft ('Imrryvillo Cmiriniili ;j liiuiiUHriia 4 KukIii Cri'nk 8 Mnplii l.ann I) (iiirllnlil 3 ( iioiii ' llunliiiK !J IIikIiIiiiiiI ;j l.owrr Molulla 2 I'ppi'r MolalU 3 Milk CriM-k 2 .Mrtrijiimii ft MiUankin (i Ni-cily ft fiw Kra 4 OaWIll 7 Ori'ipm City No. 1 7 Ort'Kon City X. 1' 7 int(oii City No. II 4 I'maaant Hill 4 Hmvi-m , . . 'I Hoilu Spring. ,'t WpriiiKwiilrr 3 Tualulin 3 l.'nion 3 Viola 3 Wi'al (Invon t'ily A GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY-A The BulTet Car Route. lilHKMT roNVUMTIOS. Tutul iniiiilifi uf ilrli'Kiitca 1X1 Saul purtiia fur tliu puiNM aforeaaiil ur ralli-il In uni t at their rcHctive voiiiiK placra on Kalunlay, Murcli L'lal, IWNl, at ani'li hour an Ilia ilitfnrent roin laitli'i'ini'ii for M-vcral prormrla mav li'Hignuli, an I liy motion rarrni at a laic miM-tiiiK thu County Central Com- riHHT I'KKHIIVIKKIAN CIII'Kf.'ll.-Har. A I. Miuitiiiiiii'r)r. I'aalnr. Hi-rvieeaal II a.m. and 7 Ml r. h. Halilialh HcIiihiI at 10 a. k. Yoiinf l'Mitl'aHneiiii)r nl l.'hrlailaii Kuilravnr niu virr Hiiliilajr hvimiIiik al 1 W Wrdni-ailay vrnliia praynr HiriKIni al 7 .to. Kuala lre. KVANd-.I.KJAI. f'lll'KCII ftKKMAN II. K. IIiikxm inn ii. I'aainr. J. H. Kiiaar A-al I ri-ai-linn iHrleea ryrry Hiimlax al II A. M. "ml 7 Ml I' M Kahliaih avrry Hundar at IU A. M.Mr. ..,aii Hiiil. I'raynr Meolliif rrnry I Ii iirxlajr amiilin IlKOI I.AH KIIVK K" AT ir. H f'lM'Hril liiiiruliiK an. I vt miiyol l ami 3 I MjnJ,i)r o, varh imiiiiii. Hatiliatli ni'linil al 10, A, M. aacli halil.alli. J l. Hurl, i., hii,l, W II. M. ,l, I'a-l T. FV AN'iKI.K'AI. I.I'THKHAN C lll kr-U (iRKY, raatiir.lifrinan afrvleea every Hmi'lay al II o'eliK-k A M. Kimllah aerrleea al 7 .Hi V. M Milh.lay arhiHil al IU n'eliM k A M. lira Uinr Hinre rmnn lien ilimr In hakerr In Hhlv. ley'ahiillilliiK.eiirlierol Heveillll ail1 Maillmo Ireela ortegi and Quict Botwoen the Pacific Coast and St. Paul, Minneapolis and All Points East. TilliOCGIN I'ALACK an.l TOURIST SLKKI'KRS, 1)1X1X0, I5UFFKT-LI HRA RY CARS and KLICOAXT COACHES. For Service, iScenery Ami all comfort in traV-l, jiiirchnBf; your tickftH The inter Ocean Is the Most Popular Republican New up a pit of the West and Ha. the Largest Circulation. TICHMH liy M All-. DAII.V (!;::uut SunJiy) H.OOperyenr DAILY fwlth Sundnj) $6.00 per year The Weekly Inter Ocean C .00 FEK YEAR P AiaNnwnpaivr THK IVTEP OCEAN ker abrmatof th tlm In all riKiKiuta. It apar nuthsr pnlna nor eirwnn in Hecarinic ALL Tlin NEWS AND JJU LITERATLH The Weekly Inter Ocean As a Family Paper Is Not Excelled by Any. pTH ha inmethin'! of Intoroat to each membir of tho famHir. luj LwiJ YOUTH'S DEPARTMENT la th very beat of iu kin J. Iu LITKU- RY FEATURES are nnsqnaled. It i a T WELVE PAGE PAPEK and contains the News of the World. POLITICALLY IT W REPUBLICAN, and IU readers tha bonent of the ablert diacnaaion on all lire politic il toplra. It le cubllshed In Chica:r anJ Ii in accord with the poop e of the West In both politic ani literature Please remember that the price of THE M EEKLY INTER OCEAN in HXI T ONE DOLLAR ttH TEAR. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. VIA- A republican conveiilioii for t lm llrat j mitUt., all jinl.' mid clerks of prinuiry coti((real.iiial iliatricl. of tlin Stain of election alutll Im pKiineil by tliu com- Urcioii, ia hereliy calle.l, lo lufet in tlio inilleeiiuui of llm rHHH livo pr.trliii lri. city ol Albany, on Tucmlay, Apiil 7, IMNI, at .1 I' M . fur the plirmn ol iioiui liallliil a c.iinliiliiln lor CniiKira uml two ileleg.ilii lo llm mitioiml republican cnii Venlloll. The convclllioll will coliaiat of l'."J ileleitulcN, to lie t'lniMii by Hie never ul coutiliea, a fnllovta: llenton . A l.ako 3 Coos 4 Lincoln 3 liy onler of tlio County Central Com mittee. IlkMiv Mi.iiihi m. Cliuiriiiiiu. (iK). L. Srniiv, Secreliiry. Mllitmikln dub Uully. Thi meellnti uf (be Milwaukio liepob I let n club, itiiiiouiiceil for tin) Hi It iiiUl., a (Hialpomiil until Sulunliiy, Fell l.'i, ID lion, wen, II. Kiiieiirmn, ami N-nuloi III ; lino. C lirownell, uf llrenou City, will i adilreiw Hie meetiiiK. It will bo to the II inleicM of all Voter lo lie present. Lei 11 t lie Iiiiic, uIhu, cihI Iheii relluiii in Ifluenco over llir meetiii, by their pro- The ammi beiiiK ' 'lelci(lo ul larne elit e. A (iou.l tiinn anil perfect onler is for each county, nml tine for pitch JiH) auunl. Jo, (iiimos. Vole, or fntctinii over iine half thereof, Milw iukie, Keh. 1'.'. Sm-rutary. ciimI Ihe repiiblii sn iiuveriior lit llm j . , ,. 7 HAI.I.V AT HIIKIlUotil). plection hehl Jiiiiii 4, 1HH4, ,, , .. , , ., .. i .i . .i I he Lcpiiblicun cmb nl Mierwooil untl llm coiiiuiiltco recoiiiineliils that llm I , ' .,, .,, ... I icunuii inn uiii meei in joini hchhioii at Wniil.ii. Hull, Slid wood, on WcdiicH d.iy, I'eh I'lith, ut 7 :'M v. M. Hon. lieu ('. r.nmnell, known a onn of the 1 hI "pMker in the hlule, will be preMcnl lo .1 1 L 1 1 fHr. Ihi-j iiiil iiiepilnn on Ihe polil.' Currv 2 I. inn Clarkatnas 1'.' Marion Josephine I I'ulk Jackson . 7 nilaiiiixik I otliflu II Wn-liinu'oii . Klainalh 1! Yamhill. . . FIRE INSURANCE". Am hen A Miinirii Fire liiaiiram e I'nui. l am. nl In l.a l'lmiel e, liermanv, pinIIIh i I -i'l, eeia atiiKsiisai. Amen can Fire Iii-u'mh, r l.',iiii,an . nl I'IhIhiIi'I pni. i-alali .,ei JMIO, a-ela J.'.Aill.'i Vi.iri, V... nance l'iiiiai nf rnronto e.lNl.h. ,i, M-, I CI '.OI N.I. AMMtEW (i, M A I.HTEN, AkI. Jritfirar lliiililinir opKii: p Court llon-f, I Ireiinii ru , Oreirmi. The Great Northern. For information regarding ratco, ftc-, call on or a.MrefH A H Or K C HTKVKN, O W. P. A . Kt'ttli-, Waah. f. PKNXIrtTON. ti. PAT. A.. 122 Sr i St., Portland. Or. 4 Solenllflo American A Agency iofK I -aim primaries slid county cnnvi nlinliH be held ill iiccoril.tiii n with the recoiiimeti tlutiou of liio Stale Centra! Ciuiimittce. Tllox. II. ToMII'K, I'r-Hlilcllt. J. A. Wii.min, Seen titty IIMTIII.II'N I'lll'NTY CONVKMIii.N. Notice is hereby 'iven to ill! vuteiN who believe in llm policy nf llu Hepiib licit n pitity, mid who iH-lieve that the imlilHlriul avHteni of this county should not he tliwtroyed, uml who belii'Ve (hat thu lilFairs of tliu county, slut and nation should be uilniiiiitiered upon safe, Bound, conservative uml ecoiinmiciil principle, and w ho believe Unit the in terest of the. Iiix-pitver should hn seul oiimIv untiled by tbiie placi-il in Kier by llm people, nml that every public se'Vitnl should render a diiect account to the people tor bis nlliriul aria, nml lo thoHc whn believe that tlin liiianciiil sys tem of this ciivcnitueut should be Ho manured and comlucli'd uh lo meet w ith tint approval "I lioni'rl mul coiiHervitttvu CAVtAT. TBAOe MAKKI. OlaiQN PATINTt. COPVRtCMTa nr iniormaiinn ana rrra llanrtiwk wnts to 111 .NN A to.. ,l llliiMliHar, Naw yiiaar. fjl.irat Imr-ail an-urltia ao-tUa In Amirtra. rty iatrlit takin nut lr ua la tiruuaht iH'fuf. Ui pubac ly a uuuee k tven f ie uf chame la Ue fricntific tucrifiiii I rf "rt rlmila""n of any artmllSc paper In the 'irla. Hilein1lillr lllualrauil. Wo Inlrllliiant Biaa ihnu.a l slllmut ,U Work'-. .',otl t-iri tl.Walf menlha. AiMreaa Hf'SlS A (XlT lLuuuta,.till Urutdvay. Hmw VnrkUu. nil ifMirH of llm day, nil aie invited ie ifaiilleas, nl paitv alllliulions. J.uilics me especially invited. Tin riciixiiiit Hill Ki'publiciin clul will meet ut the old riessunt scIkhjI house on Monday, .Match I'd, al 7 :!I0 p. ll. II. Slruiiu'e, deputy county clerk will be tlio speaker uf the evening. Mr. StratiKO by his reudy fund of w it and forcible loic iilnuys druwa u crowd All lire invited. ClIACXCV CAI'l.l'INN, Sht rwood, Ftdi. 11. Secretary. A llnnicllkr llnlel. I'nriiicrrt uml tbti travelili! publiu will lind a comfortable hnmo-likn plucu to stop ut when in Oregon (Jiiy at the (li ielilul holnl. Tubln supplied villi mi hiii,n''ii'riiii,Mjii.piiiiii i ,iiifi- i iiii.u i - -ii-- men of all classes, und lo meet the it- bnndam o nf the bet the market tjiiirfimuil uf Die busiiiess nml lahorinir world, and to iIikskwIio Intend to vote for a cbaiiite from IVuiucritlic policies In Kepublican pnlicies, und lo llnmn who inlcnd tosupiKirt I lie ticket nomimitetl by Ihe Kepubliciin ennvention this year, ami they uie invited to participate, in I lie Itepnblii iin primitries, to hn held ul the usual voting places in the diUdreiil pio uincts lexcept in Milk Creek precinct, where thu voting place Is chunked to (iruii)!ii hull near Howard's,) Clittkumus Co., State of Oreunn, which are pulled for Saturday, Muich 21st, 1 S M i , for the pui poHe of rhnoHiiiK iliilt'iintea from their respective precincts to attend l he lie publican County Convention, which is af folds. Kooiiih mid bods are elean und comfortable. Our 'J5 cent meals are not excelled. John I)khciikr, Prop. Lost 'er Ely. (In the (illi inst., some elothiim wrapped in (jray blanket, tied with small cotton rope. Finder pleuse leave at this olllce and receive reward, Cons for Sale Two fresh milk ecwa for sale, at Fischer' mill, Ixigan Or, Also a good horse 1100 pounds weight. Tomorrow is Valentines duv. Cele- j hrntn it hut do not look like a valentine noreiiy calleil to meet in Uieyon uuy, yoiirseu, nut nuve your uair cut and a on Wediieseuy, Muich iftth, IS! HI. Thai ; shave In the proit r manner. Try said convention is for the purpose of i Kosera, he la proper. lioiiilnut.iiiK ciindidates for the following ollii'i's: Three ropicxciii ilivcs, euuuiy COiUitiiav-iouer, county cicik, county re-co-der, siierill', connly lieiisuiec, counly assessor, county school supei inleiident, county surveyor und counly cuionor, and for the nomination nf justices of the poace uml constables for the several jtmtco districts of the county; und for the further purpose of electing 12 dele gates to represent Chickamiia comity in the Kepublican Slide Convention to he held in Portland, on the inh day of April, 181X1, and 12 delegates lo attend ihe Re publican congressional rnnvention of the first cnngrcHsiomi! d'.i'ii. t lo 1c held in Albany, April 7th, ISihi. The convention will consist of :;;; ,1,1 eguies apportioned to tin: dol'dcni pr,- I Wedding stationary, flie liitest st y1ef 'an. I 11 1 it-si tii-nrlii'ient ever brought to Oregon City at the Entrrchisk olflce. TWO-CENT STAMPS ve will send you a Kriliiant tk-in kOraa of umisiul color, '""' and a cony of m "The Cient A',.,-," so you ran so wh it a wonderful journal it is, pro vitlcd you name the pax-r you saw tlii in. It's a real Jewel we'li send you. ADIiRKSS THE CKEAT DIVIDE, Denver, Colo EAST AND SOUTH THE SHASTA KOUTE Of the SUITHERX PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Soll.ll 'ai r. a. as r. a. IUI.Sa.m. Lv l.r Ar Piirllanil Ar Ortti-'inL'ily Lr H. Kranrlaen L iKnb. s IflA.M 7 a A.M. 7:110 r. MS1N0 CAHH O.N O0IIKS KOl'TE Pullman Buffet Sleepers. ASD Second-Class Sleeoiniz Carat Attached to all through tralnt ROSEBrilO MAIL (Dalln. The Independent. tEW YORK A Kki.ioiois, Liikiiaky Nkwsi'AI'KH. i li. it noiu n lioniil, unliiase.l nml n, , lial. pnH'r for clergymen, s. ho ars, . iieliiTs, hiismesH men und families It discusses everv topic of Ihe day relig ious, theological, po.lMcal, lilcrui v. social, arm nc ami scit iui'tit:. Itscmi Iribuied articles are bv ihe inns' eminent wiiteiaof the Lnglish laimtuiie. It empl ' speclalisls and di- n guislmd r (era as editors of its Twkvtv- ONK DKPAHTMKNTH. A paper ,iaiticulurly filled for U vhi-, luclor-, cl rirynien.'thosti pniia.iii n. business, ton g people of both s- xi- men and women who read and thi k f.n thetnseiV' A paper estM-ciallv Valunblp lor I me intereste'l in Fink Akts, Scikxck, Mr-ic A paper uiving valuable Inf.nini i iism HNts'CK, Lick Insckknck, Com- MKKCK A paper lor Sunday School Wohk, k- those who have a Kaiim. ()ahio Hoi'sk Plants, A paper for the fumilv. old and young. Ma. a. A. M. '.ii r. m lr Lr Ar Pnrlland Ar OreiinCliy Lt Kiiai'titir? Lv I 4 to r. a IS S r. u (eA.a SAI.K.M PtS K ll UKK. (ll.,i:y. . M S M. I 1. Al tiiec n i l y I.v I " 1. I ID li a. M I l ci r. a I a u a. a Weal 8lo Divialnn. IIMUKKN PUKTLAMI AND CORVALLIS. Mall Train, IhI- (Exreit Sunday.) t s U.l.'.l'. M. I.V Ar Pnrtlnllil (.'ortsllla Ar f'Sip.a I .v', r At Albany aiel if tire ,'..n lYii r 'nrvsllla cnnneel with train A K a , Ksiimad Train Hailv lExci'tit Sunday) ;.:sr. I.v Ar l'"rtlii,l Ar .McMliinvtlle I.v I :2a. a li:Ml.t THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IN Til It KASTKKN STATES. CANADA AND EPROPK Can be iiliialnrd st loweM rstea (rom L B Misire, AKent, Oregon City. K.KOKIILEK. E. P. ROtiERS. .Manager. Aai'l O. F. and Paaa. Atent. Qregon Citij HogpitaL.. a .GLADSTONE PARK... A ) Conveniently of access and pleasant located. r f ree troin the noise and dust of the city. f 13 Skillful nurses and every convenience of a first 4 class hospital rest. ix'ciai roojns for ladies. quiet- ii Ample room that patients may have K ness nnrl rest S V Services of the best physicians of the county rj in attendance. i terms heasoxahlf:. i Muurtaa, luioo wi. c LlioMin, cur i j UKhlJUN CITY, OK. a a For nmirneaa to aphnol, ebon inpns and view, the beat ia JI'ARK ADDITION. If you are troubled with dandrulT, go to Farnsworth,he can eure you 4 Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear y our complexion, regulate your bowels ml make your bend clear as a hell. 2?e., B0e., a" I a dollar. For sale by fleo.lA. Harding. Tin- sale the irket iiolel will lime . f ladies' tiiuimed hats at Worn, opposite the Electric povitivuiy lust only a short IMPORTANT. I ua indkI'KNdknt announces to IIS I 8iibncrihcrs und to any who may Kicomei aj that it is prepared to furnish anv j PHpera nml magazines published in ihM country, Knuhintl, Franco and tiermmiy,! al a very lare reduetion from publisher-.' ' rates. This opportunity is open only to! subscribers of Tun IndkVkndsnt. L'pon ! receiving list of tianera or mnmiK ne . f.., i...i:..!.i....i ...r iiKiivioimia or reutuug rooms un estiinute will be given by return mail. A ramphlet of Information and ath- If " JTI slrartnf ih lawa,iliowiu How toa Sf 'jV. imiam Philiim. t artvilt. Trade I munn a CO. .Jh i;-s3BI tirandwar, .JIT -one block from 7th St.- Its yearly subscription is $3.00, or at that rate for anv part of a year. Clubs of five, $2 00 each. '"TRIAL TRIP" ONE MONTH, 2b CENTS Specimen Copies Free. THE INDEPENDENT. . P. 0. I!ox 2787. 130 Fulton Sir. et. New York. The Queen of Fashion THE FASHION PAPER OF THE DAY. Superb, Strictly Up-To-Date T)slgns, Illustrations and Fashion Notes. Reliable, Bright and Clean. A year's subscription for Only 50 Cents, including, free, your chotce of any one of tha Celebrated HcCall Bazar Patterns, ind all patterns to subscribers Ouly 10 or 13 Cents. LOOK THIS LIST OVER. Opportunities for Investors and iSjjecuIators. No county like Clackamas no city like Oregon City. No man Mistest;d of even horse sene ever lost nionev by a judicious investment in Clackamas County. It would he nearly "impossible to lose money by buying in Oregon City. It's beeautiful "location great manufacturing establishments large and constantly increasing pay roll its great and nroinisinu future, makes Oregon Citv. incomnnrablfi me nesicuy on me nortnwest coast tor the investment of capital. It follows then that you may have an interest in the bargains below. 2 lots and new cottage in west side addition to Oregon City, 5 minutes from paper mills. Sale or trade. No. 1 building lots near Presbyterian church cheap part cash, balance on time. 4 lot s near Barelav school for trade or sale. Two lots on Main street, at Congregational church for sale. Best site in town for grocery store or piivate boarding-house. 'Will build for good tenant. Another good block of land adjoining Hiirciay school block in Oregon City fair house sd barn city water right in the heart of the city. Sell cheap, or -ado for farm. Wi'.!,tcar careful investigation. 1 lot in Darnell's addition on Wolalla road. Sale or trade. 1 lot in Park addition. Sale or trade. One block of land at Elyville, on main Mo!a!!a road; level and will subdivide into b Jots; two new houses, two burns, and two splendid wells. This property is delightfully situate.! and would suit the most fastidious. Will sell for part cash, or will trade for an improved farm. One new and pretty 6-room cottage; bard finished; cellar, spring water, with four lots, overlooking falls, at Cnncmah, for sale or trade. Takes some money. House cost 11000, One lot in the thriving railroad town of Tekoa; worth $300, or perhaps a whole lot more. Will trade this lot for horses, cattle, sheephogs or goats, or just anything to help you out. This is a good lot and in a good town, but I don't want it, as I have no need for it un der the heavens. 80 acres of Columbia count v bottom !:;nJ. niostlv slashed and burnei? off, and in gra.s. Two miles from Columbia river. Trad or sale. One of the best modern eonsfn;. !. d dwellings in Oregon City; whole block of land, level, and affording one of the most lovely view to be had in the city. New and handsome frame barn. N finer residence property in the city; one block from public school. Will trade for Al outside property. Will soil or rent for long term the best garden land in Oregon, on the Willamette river an.l East Side Electric Railroad. Will ub divide and sell in acre tracts, or rent in parcelg. 132 feet frontage on Main street, in Oregon City; street improvement made; on elect lie line. Will trade for good country property, or sell at a big bargain. men, loggers, Carpenters, plasterers, brick tna-oni, teamster?, mill wanted to bin Louies uiiJ jay Xii it in work. Send a j-cent stamp for a sample Copy to For further particulars, call on or address Tim M call nnicUM', ' 40 Ka,t I Uh St., ,ew York. H K. CROSS, Oregon City, Oregon.