Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
9 Oregon City Kntcrprisc. SCHEDULES OK TIME (I II. T- I'O.'H MTKAMKIIN, Al l. ISA M lUUilNa, MTWHN I ri.NI. BAI.KM ANII I NliK IHN IIKNU. 1 nn I'nrllaii.l. Taylor alri-el (lurk at II t 'i V M. i" k ilni., H Inr U in A M, mill hmvi'a (In K.itil 1 1 y ( ri mi,., h A. M. Huok iluya ml In M Hiimlny, tlnliirtilni l.avn (irKuii City lor I'n'tlaiiil at ) .' in ..i). mill il ; I'. M, Humlar. Ml Mini', i. ...I ai'i'iniiiiilatlniia ami low ralca. No wny Irrmlii 1 1 k I 1 1 I . H.oi'LI mu.B mi thrniiiili ftrliflit. WH'IIIKItN I'AI'IKIC RAILWAY. Month p.u hii. allfnnila Kn.n'.a (Ihriiuiilil Itun lMitu Un'al (way alatlnua) Hululll raaallgr BOOTH WIIINII. Ituanliuri l.ncnl (wny alalliinaj lalllnriila Kiprraa (tliri,iia,li) Halain f -aa.'iiKar T 1.1. m. ' Mi i III. V a. III. t 77 a. in V 4 . i. Ill i HI p. III. I'OnTAI. HdlKUt'l.K. ky wii'tiikkm rai iric mn.inuti. Mall rliiaca Kollitf Nurlli, It 'Jtl i til. ainl 7 i. Ml. Wall rli.ana hhIiik Muuili, a fi7 a. m ainl 7 p. in. Mall iliiiillmlnl Iriim Nnrili na in., 10 I, a. ui. Mail OUtnliuiti'l tfom hmilli, a. in , i p. in. tit rr am m.inait i.inr, Mall pliima Inr 1'i.rllaii.l ami ilitirllititliif (iilnta, IVl.iHin, anil 4 4.'i i. III. Mml clopa Inr M 1 Iwaiiara only, Mil t III.. 4 k in. Mail arilvra lium I'otllaml, II :1 a. m. and 4 It p. in. in mil Ta. Ori-Knii I'll y In Kly, Carna, Mnlliin. I.IUtiiI and Mulalla ti-aira al VI in. ami artlvia at Ii til. dally. otrKim rily to Heaver rrn-k, Mink, I'lark. Mraitow llliMik. rnloll M 1 Im. ami rnllnn.lravra at a a in. Moii'lay, tv.iif...tay anil rmlay, ami rviiiiniuu lollowlni ilaya al 4 Ml p. in DrrKuii City to Vloia, Ijitfan ami Iti-illatnl Iravra llragmi t:lty Mnmlay, Wi-ilui-ailay anil Frl'lar al I 111 p. m., iravliMj Viola aama ilaya ai 7 da m i & a. . ""nn jiin ( lly in V illamrlU, fitarTor'l'aiiil Wilauulll, arrlfoa at I Hi in. ami laaviu at II an p. in. ilaily. (ioiii ral tlaliv.ry winilow la opn fill minitay (nun loin II a. m. Ail latura tlmppwl into ilm Imh ai ilia u.ior la promptly aoul nlT tfuu'Iar, aa iiu niliof il.ya. AH Kaalnrn mall that la ilclar.'l airl lalla t nivalin tl I in., K I'. Ilalu wall oulll. uu I.' o'fluca ur 4 L'i.IwiiIo car. WII.UMKTTR KAIIJI I tl LkATI RY. rat-ami.. nih"a 6 ri & m. 7 :i a in " 10 io o 11 W " IJ IU " I l". m. j Id " uo " 4 (l " a un " I to " II IU 7 IS " auu 10 ul ' Hiimlny rara laara avary hour until n'rlork p m. lu altaol ua anil allai Januair la'A C. A MI'.I.KH, M IT. KUIHAY, H;itUt:AKY ll. IHiHl. n.i.irte ri.u A v. a. ra 7 l " D UO " m " lu ;i II .t l IU p. IU. J.uO " a i 4 at ' t 4 " ii j :h ti ih io u Mt. IIooii C' atk - lv. A.J. MoiH U'linrry ri'ct'ivivl U llrr lew ditya int!i from I) C. Yix'tiiii, no i n'i'iiliiiK llif wltitxr.itt (iovt-riinii'lil Catnip at tint Iihh o( Ml. I IikxI, In wliirli Iih (ivi'l HIIUI nmry u( Urn weullirr uu tlu "iimnilt ol tlin CuM'tliltl til oil II ( ill MM. Till) I'oliloat ilyt lin utiili-ii rrr IVpi-hiImt 1 7 t , taltfii the tlii'MiioiiifiitiT rrinlrn-il 7 (lr'ro" iiImivii r.i-ro ami on .l.innary I.') uihI It) il ii'KiHli'rt-il 10 ili'n-i'" iiliovt'. Tlio hiiiiw ') lout '! inrlii'it !-1 a nliiiiil tlmir yitr.l nml clmri t i i n in vioiia il liml lircii II d-i't I tin lim in ili'i'li A lotul ol Ml inrliiM of ami d'li 'Imimi Jaiiii.iiy. Mr. Voi'iiiu in mi oliwrvi'i lot I'liiiril StutoH Wriillirr liiiri'im nml kiT nn no iiruti ri'i'or.l of tin' niMlrol.iit il'lll t'OlnllllOIIH tllllt lll-VlllH ItlKlllt Inmry ulil iiioiiiit.iin. Ills fljliuii h mi of tint lii'hrnt in tint roiiulry Hint (o vlcn iri', JoIim Krlilmon, Ohwio; mirri'liiry, M. liii li ihIm, (lri'K'n City. 'I'Iiim 1'iitml Ixmril In coiii) ohimI of MA. Miiioon nml W. II, .fimiiiiiKN nml J II 1 1 1 .I'm , of Ohwi'it) 'I'lin Iliiiini'liil iiU'iiirit of Urn iiHHiii iiiliiiii la in thi'ir Iiiiii'Ih iiimI 1 1 1 y iiIho ur) nn n l.u.iril of nrliilrutorit to miii mv ililliiMilty ln'twi'i'ii tliu iiii'in Ki'iH Till! unaoi'iulion clurli with fliil loilUK iriihj'rt for i t h Min i i-HM mnl iIm iroiiiiiltirH Iiomi to imikii it it k nn it in ii t lliturii nml t'iiiiililu ol iIoIiik imiii Ii hhj In llin llhlinnni'ii. Kihkmkn'n Ham.. TIih Urn ludu ol Oii'Kon (.'lly mu iittiariiif to uivo K'iiimI IhiII uu lim iivriiniK of 1'i'lriiury 2! ul SVoiiiliunl'i liall, Unit licin iliu (loilii'iilory evmil (or llicir lino new Imll, Mr, Wt'iiiliiinl luiviiiK nlvnn lim ficn uav of it lu llio lire in en lor thin orcunlou, Tim Imll in oiio ul llitt liiifat in tin) city mnl Im cutiiiiiixlioim l r i-hhi mnl loilvl rwiim mnl a llim ntuuu mnl tlm II. Kir Hitu will m't'oiiinioiliitii all who winli tu il iIich hiiiI will Im v ry auiootli ami fiiny fur tint ilaiiii-m Tlin iiiUHit: will b (iiMii-lind by I'ivt'ri'nt'n full orclii-alm, a KU.irinilio) ol Iih fli'i'llciicB. lirki-Uarn IU ri'iilM u ii I aio in 1 1 id liulnlH of tliu iiii'IiiIiith ul tin' ili'ntrtiiii'iit, Tliu gri'ul v i n m will Ui I'Xi'rt'iiu'i! in liavinx only tli' In'llnr I'lua .ri ami nu iiiil c.;in liiK cou.liii t will Im alloAi'il. Tho .ro ckimIhwiII I ii Inr tint lit'm-llt uf Iliu lire (liimrtini'iit lu mini" I in payiiiK tlivir ri'Kulur fXit.ifa. Uuvivai. Mkktiniin i'i.U'K). Friday evi'iniin liial t tin m rviruit of ihti myivul inttiiiKii thai havn lire n IihIiI lur the mI four wi'nka in Hid liuliil vliiirch wore clo-tJ. Thin revival wan a Joint f Hurt ol thn t'nliM'Kiiiiii)al, Han. ml Mnllidial at). I CrfnliyU'riall el ill re una ami 1'anlora I', Hiikk, Slryknr n. I MoiitKoniuiy pro vi el llii'inhol vrn a nlroi) loam and thi'ir tiiTiiioua WMre flint elTortn and ( iri'i'lutod liy t tin i r conKrrnutiunn, The atlnmlahcu wan quit lurn ami mui h intcrnnt waa uiaiiilt'nteil ami llie Kuod elT uta ol thi'M miKiliiiK' will he frit in tlm rt'litiiuiia work in ilri-on v'uy for uiuu liu.t) to t'o ii io. "I'lirlf Jva'i ,.. it "I'nclii Joih lirtK'iliy ' cuim-i to hiltivi-ly'a ojirra hoiiw 'in- ninlil only, HaMiriluy, I'Vhruaiy 1ft. I In- uld la.iln iunt'd ''luiHkin wf. na i-onnty dant'M and harviat ffnnviiiva, otiiiIii one art. Thti Hi'tinti i- I n. I in I' in lo JukIi'ii i. arn, on tlm u .Muiim lurm. Tliu In nin ol yt'lluw I'lini, ill- nlm ka of U'iKIpii itiiii.kina, tlm n.own kIuIIihI to litimtlim with hay ana imnli-r, all pro claim that tlm Imrvt'ni ia ovi-r ami i tie laitni'r'a work ia (loin. lim tountry inni'ln, dri'HaiHl in llmir in-.i, lni.k corn iHwiiln tlio rural nwaio, io, t't'd out in hin "Siilldny U-nt." Non an t tlirn a ivd liar ia fonml- A ki a. tliu tixiiul h i.t', in ili'inaiiilr.l ami 4ivu wiilt a nhow of ri'lili"um e on lim irt uf Shiiihu- I tint liml wool. I lu i'umIu lu .i nly IhiIIii Alu-r tlm ti iikU i ii at coun-n tin' niiiinr nml iliu ilniirt', W'liii li in ki' t up until thu jinnlin,! hlrijih Im'IIh hi llif il'mr r iK-!uim t 111 linn' lo di'iii't. Spprlal nn nrrv and fllri'lH will In' inlrodiii'i'il, in. hi.liiiu the thrilliu.' h.iw mill nri'in' I'll ninny tr'l mu.ii ul llio "hnj-i i'd" lutinl Will tnki' iluri' Saiiii'lity nl ii" ui. Ttin timid iIm'K, w liili uf miii li lii tm t'lililii-r lli..n llio tritvi'liux ji t a urn , ia al- AiinlhiT Altfmiitfd llohl-lii. TI i wita anolhi'r huld ii) "ii tlm i:iiTtrli' linn Sitfunliiy tii(lit, thla timn lim iiiiforliiiiitlH t ur In'iliu; tint ono h'av liiU ri.rll.iiid at I0;.'l0, and wlmn It rmii hi'd a olnt uiipoHilt' Itihlry'n, lh niuiKi ftiiiiia with K'nin ihriniKh with b o i tlm n ivnt oi'i'imioiia, a llxltt Bp'ttr iiiK on tlm liark, tile., mid wIiiti tlm far ri'iti hi'd I lin formiilahlti apot a K'alinif iindi'im'ath cmKi-'l viioim of dynamilu to whirl tliroilkfh tint IliinatllittlioiiH uf tho frlhti-iii'd iMHiriKitrM, who erupt under Benin mnl inndit thi'iimi-lvi'll bb amBll an ponMihlu. Tho inoloniiHn hroiiKlit t'"' cur to a bIuiiiIhIiII mid a panne unniiud, The w-j'il'l-hu rotjlMTH boldly tdiinli') out, nn. I a fuuliiiK ul happy iiirjirino gn-uifd Ilium whim il wum auun that they with oti r p.. pul n r towiiHinuii, H. N. HtiaiiKti, J. U. Caiiipliull and T. I. IC.iml.tll who wure junt ruturmiiK from a citmpuiiiiin(( lour. An tfiuiitliiiv cKr ami a t'ltnu hml I'Hiincd the pmiii', Nnxt liinu our politiriana k cumpaiKnini;, they would hi'llur curry a whilu flan. 1 tin IV'.plf'B Fatorllu. When you aiu hunifry and want an Bp-K'' nn ul one that la well i-ooki'd to your Uln mnl wull aurvnd try the Niiki'l l.umli Couiilur, Thia i no w i dikI clnin runUtirant, we li-ud the hunt M.iiplu in Ori'Kon City and they at wayn no wliuru thuy gut full valuu lor thi'ir muiii'y. (iivcuna triul. (iKoiiitK ItnoH. rropriftom. Jlunujr to l,o in I'artiun intumlinK to borrow money on thuir farmn thia fall will find it lo their intercut to call mid mm) me at an early iluy. I'leiity ul money on cany termi and low mien ol intercut. V. II. IU koiiahot. Mr. T. H. Hawkina, Cliattanootca, Tumi., BayB,"H!!iloli,aVitaliter'HAVKI) MY Lift?.' I consider it the liuat remedy for a ilc hilitatuu aynluiii I ever uiw.d." For I)'HH-pHia, I.iver or Kidney trouble it exotiN. I'rioe 73 cents. Fur Sal env 0 A. Hurdinir. Nu uxcune fur eluuplena nixhla when you ran procure One Minute CoukIi I'uru. Thin will relieve all annoyance", cine the movt huvciu eolith and give you rest am! lu.iliii. Can yoj h(T. ir.l to do wiihoiit it? Fur mi!u ly C. U. Huntley, drU.'KiBt. Minn CVlia iuld-inilh Ima opune.l a m .liin-ry ilupartment in the ltackut tore where i .e will carry a lull line uf 1 yhnlt hatn and buimuta. Jiki. Collins ut the l'aikilace green-hom-e b in a H'iud Collection ul ronea and puticnl pi .UN for sale. Ir. White's lUir Krufr fur sale by K. (J K.iriinwurtli. Liberal lurma for l'aik ad lutnj'.x l:W. iSow York Triiume. U'luKr if t'tio Kt-'jiublitan Fart)'. I SIM'.. Are Yea Willing ;o Listen to a ScccestioQ? a . 11 I ... I . I . . iron, mm,, m,vu oi int. yen, ,,,, (H iH t(1l, inilia.Ml,.p jn ,lt. vUariu, Im iii t'liiiiiiliitit 1 V m! i ut iilF fruin tint itnl. , . f . . , ' . ' , turiNiiciirei.hOHiiti.xwr. KHimi runlic, ,MH., ,.Mt.r j,, tl10 ,.mnilry to , nnii with l.itclo Jonh Itiuini'll lit iliu lead, , eilltui ott tint earn or at liunie. ablu the neitrent Helile.i.i'..ti.oiii" ....,.,.,,1 ....,1 ,.,riM.. k,.,.l i.. .r. ; Hmrv Kotiiuikp, proiirietor of I Tim Kkw Yukk Tkiiiink's broad icoltlinnn all. I liii'o print linike it the read, the lU'llllll' III1I III ll.MlltnT llllll llld.ll I IM IlilUal a . ' " " ihIon the jtr.iic.jKil HtreeiH and k.voh a lirgOHt Nt'WHpHtr CIiipintf Agency in tlin tt-i ii-lil tt'tttilinu in it iiiililiMliHii I'urd. COIlt'LTt of hlH rlio.PH Ki'liH-LiiiMM. Snv ui.... i.:, ..i:. . i r... i iwi titkutip thin i-nlnicd "po1 t,, H,,0 -tlr ittcti nro among tho mi.K- show Unit I iik Ti.i.ii ne contnins, "day for Inu heiiellt of bin henlili, he baviuy 1 jt. ttl by day mid week by week.fttt more or'uin- cunsuiiiplioii Such in the purity of tin utuioHphuru Unit toKoihcr witli iliu hitih altidude he linn allium recovered (ruin thedineiihu Ilia wifii went into thmi'kilc Willi 1 1 1 1 it it nil bravelv (Im'S tier part t bit UK ciiiitnnlmt'iit Ti,kl'"' saieMt.,M,oBtt,m store. ; - V, - Slnlu Insiirancu ('onpiiiiy. J'- 1 "B NN K;;K,;V ,rn T, "wrl ' ' ItiiNiueKS mun liml thu market report Thu remainder ol tliu poli' i s imw , of Tiik Tkihcnk tiliKolutely without an otitHlniulinK of defunct Slittti Inniiiuiice ' equitl. Tiik 1'itlHi'NK i thu only uewn- mi.l h,.iit,in..HH i I .,,., i, .,, v- ill Ii .n.l i ti,,. V..i..r I'"l'r' .'H t o. K t iiy wiione ruportera - I " ' ......... I ,. i ..II t .1, tl..x.t niiirL-nlu in a I 1 . I I I . . III lllttll) irl (111 I Hv 11 lUt I t II I llllunvlD ill their lonely nioiiiitiiin hoinii, IIioiikii lor Asstirsncu Compmiv ol Toronto on inoru ' ,.rion inonihn ut a time alio tines no' sen n (uyotahly terms Until has heroloforu Tub Tkihcnk now prints the bent and sitim" human liciiti; oilier tliitn hur been mttd.t in any oilier romiany. Hold 'rcnheHi hiiiuurons pictures ol the day lM - your SUto p, .icy ,i. y . ,,re- . iX;;;;' o7 XrTnVeS Fink I'oiii.imv. Thmo artt now no ! senliitivo of tho Wusteru Aisuiance m,Mii, lens than llltciiu ptirnnnn in the vicinity Company . Hy iU t-pecial tuleitiama and coires- ol Oregon City breudintr llnu poultry and Aniikkw G. M Lstkn, pondeuce, iU able editorials and high ..I l ... literary clutruclur, Tiik Irihcnb mBin- with tl... interest now iminiluntml it will (ur tluckumas county. HaJU jn , tl.tMii ot not Iiu Iiiiik iinlil CIliickiiiihiH county wi I Olllco in Jittfsur Imildinit, oppostto ( Hoptihlicuns and lovers of music, art, liuniiitol the li'iidinn imultry riiinintt i court house, Ori'ifon City, Oregon. and (food honks coil nt ion of the sltj and instu'id of iiu- Till.. Tlillil-KL''n cni' nut'B la linnwn lu a recent editorial, the balent. Ure- 1 Uu..r..i...... r Uv....n...i ... ita i..uhi.,na poivinu as is tiiitin none to una cuy, iron. Independent savai "Tinieand aifitiii have alwavs ix-en ul siieciitl value, and etfgs and chickens, we shall become ex-1 .,lVH WB ., , i1n,hrl..ii,'n inm-li ichanires of slvie ute, as a rule, loreluld porters thus add another source o-' ! Umt,llv irM ttm, neV(,r wilholIt the I , ,J"K TH",,'N,t BO0,,er U,M 0,her most satisfuctory reiutHiy results. Tiik Nkw Yomk Tiiiiu nk is recounted, Whenever we see a person alllicted ' ollicially, as the lending newspaper of with hoarseness, with a bungli or cold,! 'h Ki'i'iutiliciin party. i j.. . , ., . .! As fur Fnrminir and I.nbor, Tub Tri we invarlnbly advise, them to get, ,,, or fl()Plirs Hemanrie'i, and Chaniburlain'B Couglv Remedy; and i yet demands, that 'every possible dollar's when they do, I hey never regret it. It i worth ol lood and commodities, con- alwavs does the worlt. and does il well." i "V '" American people, snail tie revunuti to our comity, tine ol the pioneerH in the poultry business in Clackamas county Is Justice Dixon, oi this fit v and ol the standard his flock lias atliiincd, the Oregon Poultry Jour nal ban the following to say: "Klmer Dixon of Orogo.i City is certainly tho champion Singlo Comb Iirnwn Leghorn breeder of the Northwest. Ho exhibited 27 specimens and 1!,'! nut of that number scurod UO points .and over. AitiOorf tliuuu wuro soino especially good ! ivhito Langshana. Mr. Dixon under stands how to breed for tliu bust results and his stuck shows for thnniaelvea." Fibiikkmkn OnoANizg. The ilrtlutrmon ongitgod in fishing in the Willamette between this place ami Portland have organizud a union of their own, Inda pundunt of the Columbia Kiver Fishnr mun'g Protective Association and its mouther and the securing of better ForsalobyG. A. Harding, Druggisi. can be rol('ied on and his prices are the lowest. Finest dried apples or prunes 5 cents pur poaiVd, stock salt 60 cents per 100 pounds', fine salt 80 cents per 100 pounds, market advantages to the fishermen o( : l'Un(ls ro led oats 26 cents More sickness ifid deaths are caused from disense germs carried in shoddy : tatt,B mattreases tnan poopio are generally aware of. Bygetungft home made all wool maUres.8, you have one that is , , ,., . i . .ii . t i yuiiiiic iiinn von win iivu in n nu an t.'ui both healthy and comforlable to sleep , fjfe (XW), hy mlwinK llmt wllich ta on. McUreith, opposite the post ollice, base) if you feed your mind upon news- warrants lus work, anil Ins mattresses: papers, tun ui scaminl, vuiganty anu in- produced by tho American people. For thin chUmu, Tim Tiiihunk labors in iU various aditinns 3(16 days iu every year. A man isjiiii)ieil hy the newspaper lie kee. Ho a no reads Tim fBiBi'HK i" wide awake, nroizressive. respectnblc and capable, worthy of the confidence of business und o'eiitl fiieds. Il vou are a young man vou will live in a rut all your pOpULAfi gdlEffllE News, Nature, Invention, Botany, Elec tricity, Chemiitry, Medicine, Hygiene, Health, FormerlJ BOSTON JOURNAL OF CIIEM1STBY ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. Contains a largo number o' Short, Kany, Practical, Interesting and Pojiiilar Hcieiitiflc articles, that can In- appreciat ed and enjoyed by any intelliget.t read er, eventhoiigh he knew little or nothing ol Science. Profusely Illustrated and Free from Technicalities. Newsdealers. 10 cents $1.00 per jear aWMmitiou this paper for a astnple copy. Largest Circulation of any Scientific Paper In the World l'l Hl.milKD MONTHLY BY DENJ. LILLARD, New York. pARMEKS ... Your team will have the bewt of care and Full Measure of Feed At lhe City Stables. Young & Davidson, Props., Huccaaaora to H. COOke. Livery Rigs on Short Notice. Telephone No. 42. New Goods Modern Prices. Qorner Grocery Complete Btock of Fine Family Groceries, Try my extra Choice Tea.,s Richard Freytag. Main ami Fourteenth Streets. JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER So. L'70, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stand? without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him 1 the Willamette, The orgnnixatinn hat' Red Front Trading Company. some 3"i meinbcrs and exiects to have I A dollar saved is equal to two dollars between (K) and 75 ninmbers when the I earned fishing season opens. The president is Fntkr Johnullian Humphrey, of Oregon City; the rei'luction in price. fay up your Hubsciption to the risk and get tlm the benefit of ' mr j anily. Think for a moment ol the people who read newupapurs of that class. On the other hand, Tim Tkihi'Nic has prob ably the largest clientele of the very people who can help to improve a young man's pn-itinn, of any newspaper in the Cuited SUtca. Associate yourself with them . Mr. Hon continues to wrile for Tub Tbiiiu.nk. Rumple copies free. Daily, $10 a year. 8i:niiay separately, $2. Sk.mi-Wkkki.y, $2 W'kkki.y, ifl. TitiuuNK Almanac '5 cent". IMPERIAL GALLERY Oregon City, Crayons, Enlargements rhotography in every branch. Children's Pictures a Specialty Gallery over Mrs. Prior's Store Main Street. Cross Husbands.... Are largely tbe product of poor barbers. A SORE FACE Is a just cause for prolanity and irritability. LIKE A CONVICT Do many men look after their hair has been cut by an incom petent barber. TRY FAHSVifOit7H.... Jobbing and Repair Shop. TIIK TKIBUXE, Now York. it. ii. D7rag, Will do all kinds of shop work, repairing and general carpenter work promptly. Store fitting a specialty. Saw filing dono. Simp in Old Metttorilaat Cliurcli n. v. taJW. ', . 'A A taf a'A af rive MONTH ton $I.OO. "AU THB MAGAZINES IN ONE." t-Review-Reviews Edited by AI.BHBT SHAW. name impliei, gives in readable form the best that appears in the other great magazinej all over the world, gfnerally on the same date that they are published. With the recent extraordinary increase of worthy periodicals, these careful reviews, summaries, and quotations, giving the gist of periodical litera ture, are alone worth the subscription price. Aside from these departments, tlie editorial ami contributed features of the Peviiw or Reviews are themselves equal In extent to I magizine. The Editor's " Progress ot the World" is an invaluable chronicle of the happenings of the thirty days just past, with pictures on every page of the men and women who have made the history of the month. Tbt Ulerarr World says: "We are deeply impressed from month to month with the value of the ' Review or Reviews,' which is x sort ANNUAL UBBCRIPTION $2.50. TMREC CCtNT AM PLCS 25 cents. of Eiftd Tower tor tne survey 01 tne wnoie field of periodical literature. And yet it has a mind and voice of its own, and speaks out with decision and sense on all public topics of the hour. It is a singular combination of the monthly magazine and the daily newspaper. It Is daily in its freshness ; it Is monthly in its method. It is the world under a field glass." Sold as all News Stand. Single Copy, s cents. Review-Reyiew5 Astor Place. New York. Agents find It the lost Profitable Tagazine. ttttttt(ttttttttmtMtttttmttftttttiii )))!!)) vri r w.e v Va VA1 v w.ei ve w. Vi .! 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