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About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory OOt'NTY orru'KKs. Ju.l. r.mii at Courta, H..eoiler, Trea.urer. t 'hil rf'ipcrlifc'udrut irrer"r. C inwer, C imrolloniri, 'onion K. Uy lieu, r. Morton K t'. VaiMoi'k ti M. Kmi)r j.r.'rtri.Hey I n. wkiniiaml It I. llonum Kichanl Soo'.i Krank Jir.r FRIDAY, FF.UUUAK Y U. lStti. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. ClifaoM plawiii the city to buy valeti tines Tbe ket Store. Smoke the Krmesse I'iiir. E. K. William" the grocer. Sold by Great reduction in ladies', gents.' a:id children's wear at the Kacket ttore. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on tfoixl farm property. Write him. M.imv loTrTtnl "cTrT farms or business rMi. J. K. Clark otlico over On'rfon City bank. j NeVt)r sally, slwavs sweet, Kayler.s " li.i.i k.. k v Wiiliiims the grocer. Ctieney art gallery, situated on Main Itreet near the court house, is now ready for business; A lot of $2, $1.75, ani 1.50 hats cut to $1 ; also fine towels at half price. Red Front Trad i nil Company. Sea Uncle Josh Soruceby himself in i He lead, carpet.tuck in hand Parade, Saturday, February 13th. Lakps. New stock of all kinds just received. Fine hanging lamps for $2.25. gee Bellorny & Busch. J. W. Welch, dentist of the Chicago College of Dental Surgery, office in the j Courier bldg. near depot Pin.t eivtiuD. Won besii-rshire sail; . and other dressing's ued ockta:!s at the Novelty. in the oyster Free! Free! The street parade .iv. February l'tli t noon. A ;atur great ahow free. Come one. cme all ! Pt Witt'sLiuie E-irly K.sers for bilious ness, indigestion, constipation. A small Bill, a prompt cure. For sals by C. G. Muntiey, drugi-t. WaDt nl une or two gentlemen 'o ( tWard, w'.tli comfortable room. Keason able terms. Apply to Mrs. R. Olass fool, Green Point, Oregon City. el;-!, trl. I -ii r to 1100:30c nscutto2"c: slightly soiled all wool . n., . miu mhhers (heel) sizes 1 OVV - li. 1 and 2 fori'K.-. Red Front Trading UO. For a quiet place to tiitch your horses anav from the moto" line and a place to jet a first class job of repairing or horse ejioeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. The Fair i3 closing out its entire atock and fixtures. Now is your time to get big bargtias in glassware, tinware, motion and stationery, as everything must go regardless of cost. Sewing Machines cheap. Want a Mffing machine? Get a good oiie and pay $25; five years guarantee; $o down per month until paid. See Bellomy A'liusch about it. Dr. L. L. Pickens, dentist, does all kinds of dental work. Gold crowns, porcelain crowns and bridge work a Bpecialty. All operations guaranteed for 5 years. Call and get my prices. Office Barclay building If you need anything in the line ot f.otograr'hs, crayon, water color or :istl portraits, city views or picture , frames it will pay you to call at Cheney's art gallery, situated near the court house n; Main street, Oregon City. If you have a job of repairing that will ntr justify your letting it to a regular contractor at contractor's prices, then see Dayis, the repairer. He will do it in Sr.t-class shape and at reasonable fricea. Shop in Second Hand store building. If you suffer with piles, it will interest you to know that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Selve will cure them. This medicine is a specific for all complaints of this character, and if instructions (which are implej are carried out a cure will result. We have tested this in numerous cases, aud always with like results. It never fails. For sale by C. G. Huntley, drug tut. The exposure to all sorts and conditions of weather that a lumberman is called upon to endure in the camps often pro duces severe colds, which, if not jirrinptly checked, result in congestion or pneumonia. Mr. J. 0. Davenport, ex-manager of the Fort Bragg, Red wood Co., an immense institution at Fort Bragg, Cal.. says they sell large .quantities of Chamberlain's Cough leuiedy at the cempany's store and that he Iiaa himself used this remedy fur a severe cold and obtained immedi ate relief. This medicine prevents any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia and insures a prompt recovery. For ale by G. A. Harding, druggist. The V. 5, Gov't Reports show Royal Baking Powder superior to all others. PERSONAL NOTES. I. N. I,kin, the jimlico of the pom in the MiUmikoe ilixtriit, nM this ollioe a cull on MotnUy. Mis. .Kgw Walt of Portland tiiHMit rvtral il.ivs in thp city this wk tlio ju8t of Miss NViU Harlow . HolHTt (.'atlu:. oiu of tlio rising voiinu uttosiicva of l'oi'laiul whs in Orison n . .. i.. i i . . .1 i.... .. .Mrs. Alex Thomas of l orllaml, was in the city Tiieitdav, visiting her areiits, Mr. and Mis J. U. lMsbiiry. 11. 1'. Uostow inadea trip to lltlhlmnl ' I....I L'i-i.liu i. l.biL Imiititir tit lint in his tash and door factory, reluming Sunday evening. Dr. W. M. Welch of Silverton arrived ! in the at v Wednesday and will spend several days assisting his son, Dr. .1. W. Welch, in his dental ollice here. Mrs. Leslie ll. Cowing who was troii(.ht to this city from fouth J'rairio, Wash., several weeks ajto autierintf from severe attack of la grippe and nervous prostration is slowly recovering. Miss IVllu Jones, teacher of the I Pleasant Hill school, and who has the unusual honor of bciii on her sixtli con- secutive term in this district was in Oregon City last Saturday the guest of Sum. and Mrs. H. S. liihwn. Kev. and Mrs. A. J. Montgomery left WednesJay for San Francisco. They went by the Southern Pacific train and will return by ocean route. They expect to be only gone 10 days but will endeavor to see as much of California as possible in that brief time. Kev. C. F. Cutter, noted as the leader of the famous Fulton Street Noonday prayer meeting of New York was in the city over Sunday and conducted the services at the Congregational church last Sunday evening. After spending a few davs with his niece Mrs. K. B. I Andrews, of Falls View, he left Wednes day bv steamer for San Francisco on his way home. I'opulUt Meet. A meeting was held last Saturday at Justice Dixon's ollice in this city ot the populist county central committee. Com mittee men from 27' precirels of the county were present lesides a number oi prominent party workers. In the ab sence of U. S. U'Ken, who was sick, II. Tbiessen of Milwaukee acted as chair Kliuer Dixon was secretary. The basis of representation for their county convention was based on the vote given II. S. Starkweather for state senator, and was fixed at one delegate for each 20 vote9 or major fraction cast for Stark- weather. This will give 148 delegates in titter convention. The date for hold irtg it was left with the executive com mittee, who will probably call it about the middle of March, as their state con vention is set for March 26. Vigorous and hopelul speeches were made and the republican party was consigned to ever lasting damnation, and a great victory prophecied for June. Ilophonse Burned. A. W. Sh'pley's fine hop house near Hazelia school house was burned last Saturday night. The loss was about $1800, with $t!00 insurance. The fire was incendiary as the building was enclosed and no one about it. Just as the fire started, which was in the upjier part of the building, it was noticed by the mem bers of the debating society in the ad joining school house, and thev saved the hop press and some feed, and by hard work saved the barn near by. Mr. Ship ley and family were in Oswego at the time attending a Grange meeting and ar rived home juntas the building fell in. Why it should have been set on fire is a problem to both Mr. Shipley anJ his neighbors, for he was not known to have an enemy. Board or Trade Meeting. There was a fair attendance at the board of trade meeting Monday evening. President Charman apointed the stand ing committee for the ensuing year, re appointing the former committee. The road committee was ordered to take steps toward having a good roads con vention held in Oregon City at some future date. No report was made re irdiii.; the proposed new road south from Oregon City as a complete survey and estimates had not yet been made. Several other minor matters were con sidered during the session. An Old Standby. Clarence Porter is so . well-known in Oregon City that he needs no further in trodnction to those wanting blacksmith work. His work always speaks for it self and his prices are always reasonable. Remember his shop is opposite Pope's hardware store, corner Main and Fourth streets. t' Another attorney has been added to the bar of Oregon City, Mr. J. E. Hedges having the honor of introducing the new candidate for legal honors. The auspicious event took place at Seattle, where Mrs Hedges is staying with her parents, Monday morning. As it was their first born and the young man weighed 10 pounds, Mr. Hedges was in the seventh heaven and set up the ci gars with a lavish hand while waiting for the evening train to take him to Se altle. The Racket Store. The best place for bargains in Oregon City. Call for what you want. Awarded Highest Honor World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. DR, mm ni? Ami nvmn Most Perfect Made. 40 Years the Standard. V Notable Mending The O egKii'an of la-t Sunday O'limiivil the following announcement : " At r lie residence of J. P. Ilemnger, I0S Hull street, at t u'clork last Mnml v evening, the Kev. thai lea I'.. I.m-ke ui.Hed in marriage Mrs. S V. Kusell. nl Salem, and Mr G. W. IWsit, . f O-wego. Mr. Prosser is one of ( hii k mxs cmintyV prominent hiiMne men. and is will known throughout the valley. Mrs KilHsell was, until recently, matron ot the Oregon ins me a-vlmu Mr. and Mrs. Prosser will make Oswego their future home." Mr. I'rosser Iw a Irwi of friends in Ibis citv wh each he and his stiualle bride all the joy and happiness possible Keputilicau ( Inb Meeting. The meeting of the Oswego republican club last Saturday evening was as rn tbusiaiitic and well attendidas is usualh the cas when this live chili undertake to have a rally. The meeting was ad dressed bv II. S. Str.iiwe of Oiegon City and his effort was said to have Imh-ii able and convincing one. Several chort ad dresses were nude bv home talent an 1 viitor from Milwaukee. Tin hit i the leading lai tor 111 miking t)wego one ot the banner republican rlnlw of the county. ew Kesurl A cigar store and billiard parlor ha been op-ned in the Weinhard buiidiug by J. Parke and J. N. Bean. The new establishment is finely iiiinirbeil throughout ami will be a pleasant and comfortable place in w hich to sp nd the evening Three fine tables are 111 the parlors and those who enjoy a game of billiards or pool will tiud this a quiei place for 110 disorderly t ersoiis w ill be al lowed about. A very pleasant surpri-e party was given Miss Lizzie Stover at tier home in Bolton last Frid y evening by some 25 of her young friends . The young people brought candy, nuts and otlnr refresh ments and served a splendid lunch. Dancing, games and music constituted the evening's pleasures and a most de lightful time was bad by all present. A fifth daughter was added Wednes day of this week to grace the home of Mr. and Mrs. U.K. Cross The l.ttle one is doing nicely, but owing to a severe cold which preceded the event and which has brought on pneumonia symptons Mrs, Cross is not doing so well as hoped for, but she is now rally ing and no serious consequences are anticipated. Kev. C. H. Curtis, uf Portland w ill preach at the Congregational church next Sunday morning and evening, lie exchanging pulpits with Rev. Cowan who will occupy Mr. Curtis' pulpit for that day. YEARS OF INTENSE PAIN. Dr. J. Jt. Watt, drutfKlst and physi cian, Humboldt, Neb., who sufTered with beurt dlueaao for four yearn, trying every remedy and all treatnieiita known to him self and fellow-practltlonorH; Isjlloves that heart disease in curable. Ho writes: "I wish to tell what your valuable medi cine bus done (or me. For (our yearn I hud heart dls.easeo( the very worst kind. .uey eral physicians I consulted, suld It was Rheumatism of the Heart. It was almost un endurable; with shortness of breath, palpita tions, severe pains, unable to sloop, especially on the left side. No pen can de scribe my surTor- Itngs, particularly during the last wmmiWM or mono tfzzZgVh&Z" (our weary yean. .DR. J. M. WATTS, I finally tried Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, and was surprised at the result. It put new life Into and made a new man of me. I have not bad a symptom of trouble since and I am aatlsOed your medicine has cured me for 1 1 are now enjoyed, since taking It Three Years of Splendid Health. I might add that I am a druggist and have sold and recommended your Heart Cure, for I know what It has done for me and only wish I could state more clearly my suffer ing then and the good health I now enjoy. Tour Nervine and other remedies also give excellent satisfaction." J. H. Watts. Humboldt, Neb., May 9, Dr. Miles Tteart Core Is sold on a positive frimranu that the iirst bottle will lx neliu AlldruKKiHtHHollitalll, bottles for W, or It will benent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Vt. lilies Medical Co.. Elkhart, lud. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Society Directory. Hie .arils lor sll o"'t'le ami lnil.'l ill I'laek m 1 i'minty at luililnliml I ea ol I'liamo 11 I Kmiih ll ! iw I it lliai I in' elllcora I Ilia arl"iia l"l-e. II aiiiil Ilia oin . liona Hint may li iii-Mary 1mm I 11m In llmr. IKK11ON CITY IUIaKII OK THAPK. kleelaai Cnml lleiiaoon Heennit Memlay In eaell m, mill Vlallnra Belenliiiv J. M. l.Att IIKM K, It K. CIMhMAN, Seerelmy. frinlilent. HAVKI. I.OlUiK, NO. ,V A O. I1. W Meets M'Oiiml mi. I (niirlli Satunlav eveiiliiic" al Kunln -l hall. Canhy. VI.Uliin liriilliera mailo welt'olllO. K K tax K . Miiiiim a,'t Mauler H.iikiimii rut litoN i.oi'iiK no. 1:1a, a o. r. w. Meet a everv Tlliirilay eelillni at (Mil Kollnwa tiall, oawiuii. VIUiu lirelliiii alwsya ! ,.,,. T Mai Mil l in, Kaki ,M ota. Uecimler M W. CATARACT HUSK . Nil :i. Meet" aivetiil Tuiiailny nl eaeh iiiuulli al Cat aract KliBlmi llii""!' tt Il"ll I'rea il II liKsruw. rtee'y. J. w o 1 iiNsaix. K ru MYUIT.K I.OlUiK NO. : PKtlHKK OK IIO.NOIt, Meela everv KrWay III A. O V. W Mall. Via- Itlllil iiieinls'ra wriemnv. Ms K I. IUMIiiw, C S. A. (linnrr. lieeonler. ot M. KAI.I S CITY I.OIKiK M 'H A O t'. W. kleoi every Saturil ty eveulUK uf eaeh moiilh I III A O I' W hall Till M All anJiiurillUI brellireuoiinllall) lnvlle.1 In alteinl MIX -CHI 1.1'iC , M. W. liavi Cu.irr. Keeunler. HKAliK I'OSl-, No t il A. It.. PM'AliTMK.NT OK oUKno.N Meets Aral W . iln .,iv ol raeh mutilh, at Wi lam. lle Hall. Orenu I II) MIUti 1" mr ilea ma le aeleume. C. A. WTI I.IAMs, I'euiinau.lor. J. T. ArrnasoK, AIJiiiant KCOMI'ANY. KIHST KKlllMKNr.O. N.(l. Armnry. Thtril ami Main. Keaular itrlll nUlit. Moii.lay. liesular Imaluvaa merlliiii, flral Moiulay ol each mniiih. nrru aaa. r s Ketly. ... r'a.ialn I- U riekelia, - - Klral l.lruleliaiil W. A Hunt ry, - - Bnenml l.lemriianl K. OK V. M AK ICli'iK NO i J. T Klley C. C; Thmnaa Nallanii, K. nl K. ants Meria pvery We.lti.-a.lsy evetiltn ai ociiH-k In Ca.lle hall. I. O. o K. tmllilin. Ilrnlhera lr.nn mher I'. Iislcea Invlied OSM KUO UlHiK NO. I. A. K A A M Meeu the aeeeinl ami (niirlli Saliinli ytnleaeh mcilllh al 1 p tn All Ma."l III Kix-I 'lali.lllU are llivlteil tn atleml. I). II Krks. W. M. K J. Iti i.l . Sec y. OSWKliO l.olniK NO. vs. I i. T Meets ever) eveulli( 111 lll new hall III Old lean J C. IUisk. C T. Jon n Kac. Hee y. llt'TrK 1 K K K K liHANiiK. No K. f. l ll. Mwta at their hall III Mariiilam. aeeeml Kal- memiier.alwaya welenme. J. K. una. Heeretarr 1.. .....1. .....l.lll Ml II. 1 ,mm a A. V. Pun. Maatrr, AliKKNKTHY 1( KilK K A It PKiiKKK 1.0IH1K No ;u. Meeta tha tit I ami niird Y Hay In lha minith at 7 m 1" M.. In I. o o Y Hall. Ma. li. 11 ;ii s. Mas J. M Mci.toti a. .Seeretary. N- l. tr JOHN'S) HKANCII. No. 1, C. K uf A. Meats every Tuesday pveiilnir at their hall corner Main ami 'lentil Jttreeta, oreami City. ,.,Hrc j. lUanaar llsris. I'r N. C. Mu -iiai. WAKNKK OKANiiK. N11 117. f of II. Meet fourth Saturday of each mouth at their hall lu New Kra. liavld MrArihur. Master Mra. Mar Waliln.ii. See'; CLACKAMAS CHAI'TKK. I'laekamaa Chanter No. X R A. M. Ileeular Convocaliou third Monday ol lha month al 7 J-i P. M. W. K. CAKI.L. II. r. II. . HTKANi.E. Hai-'v. OkKdON l.OliiiE. No. 1, I. O. O. Y. Meeta every even. ..a at 7 Mn'rlia-k f. M . In tho O.'d rVlloara' Hall. Main Ureal. Mi.mlra ol I lie order are Invited in atleml A. IIKHliM, N. U. Thm. Kyan. Secretary. oswEoo i.oi.iiK. so wi, t.o. o. r Meeta at Oild Fellnw'a hall. oweo, avrry Momlav evenilK VlallllK brethren maile wel ne. C. II. NIXON. N. O. J. K. Klal.Y. Hec. ACI1II.1.KS I.OIKIK. NO. 5, K OKI. Meeta every Friday night at the K. of I', hall. Vtaliliif KnlKhu invlteil. Jo-(VII I.ym 11 C. C. II. J. T Hems, Kul Hand-. MONKKK CH API Kit NO. Is O. K. Mevtaavioul and fourth lu-ailiy l i e rh m h al Mi-o l- tan p ,. V 1 ia slwaya we c .11 e. Miss M. L Misa Hattk WrTiK id 1., M. W. Hee-eii.ry. W. C. I. U. W. C. T. V. m it montlilr at hnma ol l:n m- mte.ra, nolle f dale (Iveu In local C'duniu A.i Ir.etel. f U'j c 11 - uiv U4 10 atteul. MK.H A J. M"NICK. M.u HKKii.H, rr nieiiL rae-etary. HKItMKt I.OD'IK, NO Ml. K, OF P., Mee a eva v Fid ay eveoln .a 7 30o' Us-k. In K. 01 P. hall, Aurora. Vu.iliu km hla mails welc-mia. M. (i. SM.TH, C. C, llKNav 8SYIKR. K of K and 8. KI.KCTKlt; l.OIK.K, NO 'i, A. 0. U. W. Meet aceond and lourt 1 aedneadny of narh moot 1 at A. O. V. V. hall, Voltlng hrowien made A. M. CII(N(Y, Tuna. r. KVAN, M. . ItJcorJur . COURT ROBIN HOOD NO. WOO A. O. F. OF A Meet the M and 4th Frldaya ot each month at K P Hall s un I' M. I, K I.AWKKNI'R, OXO. R. W1I.RIURT. Chief Ranker. RueorilliiK Heo MEADE BELIEF CORPS, No. 1. DEPART MKNT OF ORKOON. Mra. F. L. Cochrane, - - PrealdcnL Mr . T. W. Kouta. - Treasurer, Mr.. (:!nuR.. - - - Hecretiarv. Meets on first and third Tuesdays of each month In vY! ame le Hall. Member! of ciarin from abioad, cordially welcomed. WACHENO TRIHE, NO 13, KKDMKN. Tiw.hilau avi.riltiir at A O. tT. W. Ilj.ll. Via ItiriK membera Invited. A. Asmcs, naenern. CHAI. Kd.LY, C.of K. CANBlf LODGE, NO 60, I. O, O. T. Meeta flrat and third Saturday evening of each month at Kulxht'a hall. Canny. Visiting membera always made welcome Ell Knuiiit. 8eo. Oao. W, Kkioiit. W, C. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. Willamette Falls Camp No. IIS, meets every Tuesday nleht in each month In Willamette hah. Vlsltliin nelKhbora made welcome. E. E, Maktin, Clerk. J D Taylor, C, C. WILLAMETTE REBKKAH DKCiKKE IX)DOE NO. 2, 1 0.0. F. Meeta the accond and fourth Kndar In each mouth at 8 o'clock p. m. In I O. O. F. Hull Mrs J. 0. IIhadi.kv, N. G. Mm. M. G. Charman, Hen. COLUMBIA HOOK AND LADDEK CO. Meets first Friday of each month at Fountain engine house. C. B Pillow, Hec'y. Chas. Athky. Pres. Chas llrr.KK, Crm BtJNItlHK 1.0 DOE, NO. 13, A. 0. II. W , Meets every second and fourth Halurday of each month at Wllsoiivillo, Oregon. M. C., M. W. John Tyler, Recorder. pop the Boys Wo will I'litcc in our hIihw wimlowH next week it full lino of HOYS' I'l'-'I'O MATH lino nl s. Hoys wulcli our hhow whitlows next week you will Him Honii'lliitiK tlmt will iiutko your hearts kIihI. Tlio buys liuvo litM'H ikkIci'IciI lii'iftolon wo hIiiiII sen t lint they tiro not mlcclm! in the futiiri'. IJtTKoop your oyo on MACK'S show windows noxt wook. McKittrick, "The Shoe Man," NEXT DOOR TO OHECON CITY HANK. trf N. B. This display of shoos is for boys oxclusivoly. BurmeistiT&Amlrcscn, Are selling handsome Elht Day Clocks at $5.00. Other Clocks proportionately low. OH GIRLS! CHARMAN WOULD LIKE TO SHOW YOU THE FINEST SELECTION OF TOILET ARTICLES IN OREGON CITY. "Tjjere I? Mo place Lie Hoge" Especially if you arc grcctcil With an appetizing talilo, Whose cooking is from groceries, The tiiality of which is (iiiaranteed hy coming from Tho well-known house of MARR ft ROBERTSON, The Seventh Street Grocers. Manufacturer's Prices Hy having a Hhon of my own and manufactur ing liVy own Btock of Lounges, Couches, Upholstered Chairs, and Mattresses. . I can nell tluun at whoniilo priwH and yet inako a profit. I guarantee tlio work to bo firHtclann. I Furniture Kepni.ring done Promptly and at Reasonable Pricen. J. J. 7vtcGRKTH, Opposite Pibstoffice, Oregon City.