Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
Oregon City Enterprise.' tHimt clrKilr.l and reil lai (rone through I with preparatory the oftUi to ainnin: I lir Otitic ol utIlfahe1 Kvery Krldny. CUAS. MKSKKVK t'l BLIMlkK AM) I'KHI'KIKTviH. l'HMCKIlTION HATKH, Tua ilcciaiuti ot Jii.lire MrHride in the ca of Oregoti City attain'! t'la. kamas r.'Unty for the iiwscMinn of the road fund a nn.led for in the new oity charter, I an important one and Kill t far reachmit in Its ert'cel. Tire city charter provi.led lliat spirit or tiik tkess. As to what the policy of tint country I sliouM U tire Smi Krancloo Call makea lire following apt aiiitKwtlxii: Thciichata aluiiilil o inanaite it auto hleml tire Monro doo- trure, I'an-AnrerlraiiiKin and reciprocity ' into a miitfk policy ami nanre It alter J amen j ti. Illume. Tire selling of poultry ly lire mm ml rathrr H. W. JACKSON, . Orc-on City should have V ,r cent of tire I ,h, t,v nuil,lM.r j,',,,,, , ,,, ri.frm , 0 .- jer. B month. 1 i.l ulwcrlptlon two tnoatht. I.' . I Hi A illK-out t ol St'renta on all uhcrfr.tton tor M rear. ' null tor ix uoiittit, ll paid advance. MrrriUlnf ratM(lTn on application. 'mi at th Pwt OtTir In Oretoo City, Or., at econd cIam matter. KKIDAY, FF.RKVAKY 14, ISiW. 'iENTS FOB THE ENTERPRISE, Bearer Creek, C katuaa, I ttaukie. f i..o Mllta. k ailow Brook. Hrw lira. ...nvlll, f.-k Plc, 6 dtone, .ff .rd. at i.ido. C-i. k .11. H'-ipotra. i ....Tilt a -"rv rile. - Kvr e Creek, 1 jacu9, r ly, f 'ton. - ( nMnlle, I nyville, 1 moi. Pr T. B. Thomti Geo. Knintit A- Mxhcr Oicar Wiinrr ti ). Trullliier Chat Hoiman W. 8. Newberry Henrr Mile r F. L. rtuweil T. M. Cnwt J. O (itn. C. T Howard R. M. Cooper Annie Stubba. E. it. Hartmtn B Jenuinti EJ Muecne U J Perdu H. Wiltiern J. O. Klliott F. G-itarh W. M. Mclntvre Geo. J. Currin Mrs. M.J. Hammer Ailolph Aschoft Mrs VT The mtj to build op Orffron ( i to riff Oreroa ( Itj people jour P'-rmit?e. THE FBllT PROSPECTS. The indication now are good that Clack amas county will have the greatest yield of fruit 1'iis season of any ever known in ita hinory. Tbe dry weather of last fall riined the wood of the limbs In splen did hai?. so that the wood and fruit bads were rf-ctly matured, and the present winter has been an ideal one for tbe fruit jrmaer. The cool weather of the present rwil money raised hv lire county on tire property aithiti the city limits, and there being a question as to lire rich! of the city to tire fund, a suit was bronchi in the cir cuit court. The point raised by Pislrlct Attorney Harrvlt and Mr. Hrowtrell, the attorneys for the county, was that this sec tion of the charter is unconstitutional. Jndp MoPride, in a lengthy written opin ion, sustained this point, ile-iding that this section of the charter is unconstitutional, for the reason that it is a local law and un dertakes to control funds raised under the general laws of the state. Tbe decision now gives the county the entire control ol the road fund. Tut success of the new public loan is un exampled. The amount tendered was nearly sii times the amount aked for, and the rate at which successful bidders will be supplied is a trifle over HO.tV per cent for a 4 per cent thirty-year bond. Had it been generally known that there would have been such a rush for th bonds the bids would have been, so antious were many small Investors to secur some of the bonds. This settles the question of having to go to a foreign country to find a market for our bonds, and hereafter when the gov ernment falls into hard lines and is in ned Maciims AND -n Repairer. . the market that poultry breeders have been trying to bring about. That a great Injus tice, is done, ami a loss sustained by tire per son who raises a large, llrst class fowl, in ap parent to any one who Is at all fiitnlllnr with our markets. On this subject the Oregon 1'onltry Journal, ol Salem, has the following ! GunS, Sewing1 Mfldl intS, say: The recent shipments of live iHiullry WHITE COLLAR LINE. Sis. Telephone and Bailey Galzert. Columbln Plvcr & Pufjot Sound Navigation Company. Al.l. r Street Pork, 'IVlrplionn Nil ,'I.M. Bicycles, Umbrellas, Ami nil kimN of stnnll fltitii's tint itt omiI r work to ililVu'tilt to nnli rule. I'riivs rt'.isotmlilo. of cash it can go to the people instead of I , , .. . , . 1. . and are at lire top of the market demand. pay to the party twice that ol th other. This system of buying will bring the large poultry to the car; no other will. It strikes us the proper system to adopt li to buy by the pound. Then the poultry raisers will know they are getting value received in all sales, whether the fowls b large or small. A (Kiniid price can be plated on th differ ent grades of fowls, good, poor, old, young, etc. With this system there is no dece tion, and the poultry people will raise th heavy-weight fowls. some syndicate for help. The cuuntry would have been several million dollar J ahead if President Cleveland hail given the business people chance to purchase his j first bond issues instead of allowing the gov ernment to be robbed by the New York and London bankers' syndicate. GnviKXoa McKiKLii's stand for law and order has again been vindicated. I-ast sum mer a mob attempted to take a man from the county jail in Fayette county. Ohio, and on appeal ol tbe sheriff (ior. McKinley ordered out a company of the state militia, and on the mob persisting in their attack on the jail the soldiers tired and one or th mob was killed. The grand jury of tbe countv indicted Col. Coit, the commander i:tatIUhetl In carload lots from hngene and Hulein, has demonstrated one fact, and that Is, the busl tress is a success, and can, and will be car ried on in the futur as one of our perma nent Industrie. There is on fundamental Shop Oil St'VOIltll St., Hear !t'vt principle that the buyers will have to look to closely, and that is, in encouraging the IHiullry producer of this section to raise larger fowls, they must, to induce thi'iii to do so. pay the actual difference between a large fow l and a small one. For instance say a chicken weighing five pound! is what the Frisco market demands. The price on this Mb towl should tie about double thai of the on weighing 2'tJ pounds. The add lug of fifty or seventy -live cents per doien to the difference in the two weights will not encourage the poultry raisers to raise large fowls. If a person brings to the car a doien chickens weighing 2Vj Hiiindf each, pay for Hie lb. fowl. If another brings to Hie 1 ' .-." f fl t I r- 1 N. GreeimiaD, PIONEER Transfer1 and Expfe, Freight inn! parceli (lelivt-rctl lo all jutrts of ttit city. RATES - REASONABLE. Glen Ellen Wine Vaults Corner Front and Mailimui St. PORTLAND, OR. nionih l holding back, ttie triiit nua in nne i, lm..,,. ,.,.i.r ..,.1 h. hane and thev have scarcely started as j (ia5 ju ha,i llis ,ria) snd Ue ,n,ittd of yet The peach crop, which in favorable years is qniie large in this county, promises to ex cel all previous years; the two causes to jimince this big yield being the many jounif trees coining into full bearing, and the healthy appea.ance of the buds. The yield ol prunes all! be fully double that of ny p'evious year, there being thousands of join g trees that are just coming into a full bearing condition. Of the quality of our I prunes there is no question, they not I being excelled by any other prune el-! of American or foreign growth; audi there seldom being even a partial failure in I their vield, this crop will soon be one of I the charge. The better of the people asserted itself with the result that he governor and the colonel were upheld in their efforts to maintain the dignity of the law. If there were more governors like McKinley mobs and lynch law would soon be things of the past in tbe United States. The meeting of the populists county cen tral committee last Saturday was in marked contrast to that of tbe republicans held a short time since, in that its session was se cret, while the republicans, as is their cus tom, had open doors and any who wished could witress their transaction. The popu lists are always shouting about star-cham- the chiel sources of revenue to the county. ! floiiti(., aill mrrt meetings and confer Strawberries, another one of the bi crops , ellC(,a Yet w(ie.never they have a meeting orcixckainas county, will, if nothing tin- Lf t,ieir iar,v ni.agers it is behind closed InrMi pr--nls, produce the usual yields I d()(rj am, ,ie lirk!e,a per!0I1 ltiat atiempts our n-lds are noted for. The apple, pear. I , trctt ll 0I1 tl)e (l0v precinct of their and clierry crop will be np to their '"ml ! gathering place is fired out bodily and in atandard. though the yield of apple? will be ; forlIie)1 ml he is ot wa,ed. Verily, when anoiiiv hurt where spraying and goou care are not given the trees. In the whole, the fruit raisers of Clacka mas county have very Haltering prospects j jx vi(.w of tne Kreat ,,,,) ( consump both an l yield and a market. There is no ti,m everal ofthe eastern cities, through doubt that the coming year is going to I nieir board of health, have Inaugurated a one nf rising values, and the fruit market I ranl,algn a(,aill the habit of spitting on win reel tne impetus as strongly as tnat or .i... si,i,!,v r, i, nrm.o.ed i,, iL . The Philadelphia Times assert that at no tim in the history of the republic have there been so few ex presidents, ex vice presidents, widows of presidents, and defeated candidates for president and vie president surviving as there are today. There is only one living ex-prasident, Mr. HjitiMju; there is unlj uue li.ii.g ex-vice presiJent.Mr.Mortou ;and there is not a sin gle defeated candidate for president except ing Harrison and Cleveland, and the only living defeated candidate for vice president is Wlutelaw Keid. There are only two liv ing widows of presidents-Mrs. Orant and Mrs. Garfield. Quality and priim guiininttTtl to Ik fti(ifnctory. Choice Whiskiea and Itmndicn a rJH'ciHlty. A. Kline & Co., - Props. v 7T ' Portland, Astoria and tho Ocean. TeleiilintH- li'Hves Port ttiul 7 A. M , iliitv exei iit Stiiuliiy, Ira ven Astoriit 7 I'. M , tl.nly xm' t Sunday. K tins tlirtvt to tr.'iin for l'l.ilio) linn-It mid poiinectH with Str. fur llwjii'u train running; to nil Hiiu(H on North hourh. l'l.nlev tlii'jert lcnviH I'orthiiul S I'. M., tidily, oxerjil Siiinluy; on SHtur.lny II P. M. I.tuvin Astorin daily at i i't A. M., rxi'e't Sundiiy and Moudiiv; on Sunday 7 1'. M. ('otineptM with nil train for t'lutnn U iii'li mid 1 1 at'o U'm'li. Tins Imp Iuim a Unit connirtitic with Uith U'iipIioh, returnini; from Ti ll ilioil Ilwat'o Astoria efrv ninlit in the week. E. A. SCELEY, Ayont. U. D. SCOTT. Proktldont. FOlUIIil) TO THE WALL. Letter List. The following is the list of letters remain ing in the post office at Oregon City, Oregon, on February 12, hex a LIST. j it conies to lai k of consistency the populists I Hike the preudiini. Achartz, Anton Armstrong, U W Bruner, Clarence Brown, Jos N Crunihly, C Duirs K K Erb, K S iriep, Mr Henephen, II WORKS'S tIT. Bony, Muria Auglies. Mist Suriili lioiieaciie, Mrs (i Morun, Mrs (Mara j Iav s, Mrs Nellie TlnllipH, Minnie Hall, Miss Ollive If called for slate when advertised. S. R. (iliKKX, I. M. Howard, Wesley Iwis, C J Martin, Frank Moore, J 8 Orem, K H tiliiren, Kmill Tlinrman, Walter Wiwdrufl, Floyd MOLALLA -:-AVIiNUH ..STORE.. G. W. Grace & Co. NEW GOODS, Comjiloto stock of every tiling nmlt'd in tho home. -jELLOI J Niitl C;ish itiurt' that) tln pmhIm I now have. For lio iSVxi Thirty Days I will sell fur ensh, no tli-rciving, nil gootlrt in n.y stme Kverytliino goes. tnck Must W Hcduccd . 'I'll is uiH'.vc ptional opportunity for bargains will only last for thirty days, so JAS. IIOIMiKS, (UXIJV, OKEGOX a ,y other farm product, and our growers will receive paying return from their or ennrtis. ith a return of bt Iter prices there w ill tie a revival in the fruit industry of this countv , as, one year with another, it pays as well as any crop the farmer cuu grow. misdemeanor to spit on the sidewalks or in the hallways of public buildings. Even though there was no fear of disease germ decency and cleanliness should prompt the enforcement ot such a law. Tbe populists hot have ',',1 well organized clubs in this county, and claim a voting atre:igth of 2,000 voters not counting in doubtlul ones. They expect to have several more clubs organized before the close of! this month and are preparing to put up the airunge-t fiitht they have yet made for con trol of Clackamas county. The republican ) who thinks that his party is going to have a I walk-over this election will find himself very much mistaken when the ballots are I counted. While it is definitely known that ! the p-ipulista have fallen otF in some of the) precincts, yet it is apparent that they have gained in others, so that it is probable that their party strength is as great now as it was two years ago, and if the republicans are lo bold their majority they will have to drop their lukewarninesg and party dis cords and dissensions and put up a ticket of clean, nprigbt men on whom all voters who want an honest and economical administra tion of affairs can unite. Unless this is done we shall witness a repetition in Clack amas county of Kansas, and ot Columbia nd Coos counties in this state where popu list county officers betrayed their trusts, nd by extravagancies and defalcations taught the taxpayers the folly and danger of trusting the affairs ofthe county in their hands. Tcesdat the Senate confirmed the ap pointment of Judge Wm. Galloway, of Mc Minnville, to be receiver of the land office in this city, to succeed Hon. Feter Paijuet whose term will loon expire. The demo crats cou'd not have made a better selection, 11 r. Galloway being one of the most capa ble of all the aspirants for the office. A man of strict integrity and easy of approach, tie will doubtless make an officer satisfac tory to the people. Mr. has fulfilled ,lhe manifold duties pertaining to the re ceiver's office in an efficient manner and kept his books in such perfect shape as to be commended by the Inspector of the gen eral land office with being among the best of all tbe officers in tbe United States. In his transactions with the patrons uf the office Mr. Paquet has always been courteous and obliging. None were slighted or rre? lected. As Mr. PaiUet did not take charge ofthe ullice until April It, though his bond IY.RMDr.5T Ci.P.vr.H!tp has signed the bill lately passed by congress prohibiting prize fighting in tbe District of Columbia and the territories. Now with the rigorous state laws in force in nearly all the states of the L'liion it begins to look as though this bar barous and brutal sport would soon be stamped out ol the country. The supreme court of the United States lia decided that a worn or abraded silver coin " is legal tender as long as it bears the semblance of a ce-in." The decision affirms a judgment for $.'115 damages against a street car company for rejecting a slick dime and ejecting the party ottering it. AX UHURATEFUL FOREIGNER, Fnc Northern Crown Qeeds Will mature vegetables earlier than those grown south. Calalogueof Garden and Field Seeds mailed Iree on application.' Address, GEO. STARRETT, Walla Walla, - - Wabh. WE WERE TEMPTED j " The senate committee has reported fa vorably on a bill appropriating nearly f200, OnO.OOi) for pensions. At the rate the pen sion roll is increasing it will not be many years before every man in the country will be taking tribule from the national treas ury under the guise of a pension. The U. 8. is a boodle country, and the pension busi ness is the most disgraceful of all her boodle propositions. When will a halt be called?" Three Sisters, Barlow. My! what a whack tbe old soldiers do get sometimes. It must make their old gray hairs stand straight un, or the cork leg feel like limping, or the one arm feel awful lone some to have such an able paier as "Tbe Three Hi-ters" class their pensions as the most disgraceful boodle in tbe United Slates, the men who left their homes and all that was dear lo them lo go at their; country's call to make it possible for the J- itor of that print to sit in bis sanctum under the Hag of liberty and write and print pretty much what he pleases. Give ns a rest, ye strong young man. Per haps you believe what you write, but the people of this great and glorious country don't believe any such thing. W. TlIOMPSOS. Karl's Clover Root will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your bowels and make your bead clear asabf'll. 25c, 50c, and a dollar. For ' I eale by Geo. A . Ilar.ling. The mile of indiitH trimmed hats at the Racket elore, opposite) the Klcctric was dated February 20, it will probably he liof-l will positively laHt only a short that time before Judge Galloway gets his! time. i!y an opportunity to buy bibles at prices so exceedingly cheap that we forgot that it is possible; to get too much of even a good thing, and the renult was that we bought too many for our holiday trade, To reduce our stock of bibles we shall ofTer a limited number at exactly cost. Look at them in the window with prices marked in large figures, and see if we didn't get a nargain. A few of them : A complete bible, leather bound, Riltedge ;;7C A 12 mo leather bible, strongly bound ic An illustrated pocket bible, leather, with turned-over edges -... .II 05 Comprehensive teacher's bible, il lustrated, morocco binding 1.92 Ci'tiii'jciiiiive leachei'a bible, S.iia, I-vhiiI, silk sewn 2 20 Comprehensive teacher's bible, mo rocco, patent index 2 20 Teacher's large 8-vo, morocco, patent, Index 2 25 Teauher'a t.r On bible at :t no Teacher's $8.75 bible at .. 6 60 Family bible, illustrated, with record . 1 .22 Family bible, ornamental morocco 3 50 F'amily bible, padded morocco, self-pronouncing, very large, with clasp 6 60 There are also about twelve other styles at corresponding prices, but in most canes only one or two of a kind. Every bible in tlie latent edition of lingRter or Ox ford. nave ui com, out mien a numoer us will reduce our Block to the proper proportion. Huntley's Book Store. 1SOO niilcH of lnim din tuiice ti'li'ili(inii wire in Ori'pm titnl WitHliiiictnii linw in (MT:itinn hv the Ori'irmi Ti I' iIiciic ami Tel egraph cniiiiaiiy . riiitlaml, Sfuttlc, Spo kane, Tiiriiiiiii, Salem, Walla Walla, IVrulMtin, , Albany find '.Hint her townc . in the two rtatt'H on the! line. Quirk, accurate, cheap. All the Hatinfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear undcrr-tainling. Spo kane an easily heard aB Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portlund, - - Oregon. FOR- ABSOLUTELY "PURE QJJGS OO TO Q A. HARDING. NONE BUT COMPETENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfomsrles ni Toilet Articles. Also a full stock of IPIITTS- OILS ETC. NOBLITT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and Sale Stable ORECON CITY. LOCATED BETWEEN THE tIKPOT BRIDGE AND Double and Single Rica, and eatl- die horses always on hand at the lowest prices. A corral connected with the barn for loose stock. I.I.......I I.... - l.l.l it, i , . ,, i, iinui tiimiuii irutwu i K any &IIIU Ul Horses Bought and Sold. Horses Hoarded and Fed on reason able teriDB. And all AcfMiorlra, White, Standard And Othrra. r. D. U:i!:r k CD, ('or hlmu. The L. & Z. Swctt Co. Nf and Heron d llmt Boddlng Furniture, Carprta, and Stovra. StH. F. R. CHOWN, prttra if) Ilardwaro : and Stoves. m Flnt Stn rt, I'l.rilntid. Or. 201 & 203 1' -02 Taylor At the boat lundim;. GnCcii k KacLler. j or.E.c.Drown iwripti..n Eyea'Ear Surgeon. Iiniirtristi Ul alnl Main it. Family fli Country Trade Solicited. Jno L Cline Watch Maker. 221 F;r ': S v All wnrk nri ; Price Low. Denver Kilchcn. Il" ' I'V im I- il. i Iwxi l.lnoi . K.Ui'il aii'l'1 ICJ Kl'l -tri-i't FORBES k BREEPEN ! f . ro CllLiiiJ. Carpets, Shades, Lace Curtains, Portieres, etc. 174 Klml itri-ft, 175 Front trn-t. E JbTiS Drv G ... Tllllil A Wn.lilllKlnll D;:s.. rmr' I t'A lhlr.l ril. Ltrtii ok Low Hmcrs. 22 I'i N.M- l : I', .... i .I.- 'nr. ! -I Mi OLDS & KING Offer Hft )irtr(cliil CAPLS AND... JACKETS- 5th A WanhliiRlnn ill. "Good Wages TO 11 "O Cull VH-SU ttt-irt-m with Pficifiic Baptiwi r'lm ti. BUftr TITLES AUstracted Xai (uarantatd by He Title Guarantee & Trust Co. Chim'ier of Com i, - Bieroi Rullrilnf Hooks 'srnar & TUcmpson Co M orrition Street Portland. LADIES' Wigs, Switches and Bangs. AhoGentB wigs. i Oct our Prloan. Paris Hair Store SOS Washington iU I . Tlir mimes of t lie Portland (W,-t Side) Business Houses here given are for reference unit p'lid anc.e of country mid s'llnirlntn hiiyeis. They arc recommended as relia ble firms to deal with. Lit; ri .'IS, I "Ml . S'ffMll!!1! Hardware Avery it Co. BIH KAMONA Ihiivph Oipii..ii i lly tt A M 2 aii'l S P. U. I'nrtlmiil 7. ll im A M hii.4 V, M. g0 Third St KAHTHIHK KI.KCTIili'CAK-l U-nvf I'nrtlninl 'v n . miui Ori,fff,ti I'll fvurv 411 til It.llloM trnm 7AM I 1,111 W'HW Books nd Stationery GIL1AS. AT 3d and Alder Bit. Finest Photos o Per Doz. at Mesarvey's Gallery. 105i Third fit. John S. Meek Co, 82 Sixth St., Photographic A Magic Lantern SUPPLIES. F.E. Beach & Co 1) alen .il I'ura i PAINTS AND Oil An.l UHtiaral llnllill M t .rlai. . E. C .rn-r Kir-t am' t irk H Oppimita li.dt and Tlitoi'a linna. Newtal Thiuaa Id Wall Paper Prices to suit 1 the times. feftnflald A Morgan in Third SL ftand lor (Umploi I). C. lll.'UINH G ROC I: It 147 Ihlrd St. Fine values in Teas it Codecs. E. H. Koorelinose ACo WALL PAPER ROOIJ MOMMIES, FallUtS. Oil!, Brushes, Etc. KM Aider Strnat. Book a Nought, Sold and Kx elmnged at ' the Old T.ook Store mi Vamlilll 8l St'.ir Third. POTTER, Artistic rimttira jdiL-r. 'Ji'. Klin St. riiotos ll.fjO per d'W- Kmlnk Wnrk. '2.13 First St., Where car stops Tlio hest place for a good meal. Keasonahleprice Chfapeat place fnr Piourcb, Frame, Artist's Materials. Demstdn'B Art Store. aOT WaahliiKtnn St., lictivecu Sih &tth FOR SALE OR TRADE. JJouhh and two acres near I'nrk Plncc. J. K. GIIOOM.482 Fast Pine St. Port In nd, Oregon.