Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
Oregon City Iintcrprisc. oKKiiii.N cu r nu v u h Mutiir, Hi'nrtiir. . ll'ili I ill I'lillm Assiitsiir, Tmssurur. liny AHnHll'V. himm'I riitniiilii'liiiiiir. Hiii't. iif Wsii'r Murks, ('II y KlIKllirl'l, l finiHihnrli II, !. Hint Illrniu hlimiilii I. . null ('kin k. Hunts ii 'i.. m.m i'i'll"jr (' llnlM'i W II lliiHi'H II. II. I I II 'inn. llriniKliliill) tliii'll HiiHrll, l J. J ronkn, liiitil t H ir k n r I l'...l..r M..I.I I U' 1.1. .It-It 1 1 n..i In i lly hull I KIIiAY, I Kltld iMtY II. IWMI. 1 1 AT AHOUT TOWN. ( inn- Hi'i'iU, liiiiili'ii h In, Mm "r h'i-iIk, In I ii i k uml iuihmh, lli.l hi'i iIm fni Irani uioiiry V.. K. Williams, Hi" cr'Hvr I'm t k ml In I- l'-'fi; mm fHNI. Wiiiiii'.l-Wooil at tlm :ntkiii'Ik of Ii... If you witnl n m-wlii iniu liitm for Ko o lli lliiiiiy Hiinrlt's. Moni'V to loiin. Aiilyto('. II. I . lii'Koii City, ( lii'iion Itliink noli', ri" i'i'l and onli'r hookl I till' V.N I K 1(1)1 InK llllil'l' Miini'V to loun on K'mhI rriil I'nliitn niMMirilv ty A. S ln r. Chair Ixitlmna lit l'urki'r A lluward'a (nun III i'i'iitn up, Inrliiilliitf imiU. I'nr nil kiinlii ol vtili'iitliii'ii foniic, lair, t'liv o to tliK Itrn kft Hlon. CloiliiiiK will l" wiiil t nntuiil runt at t'lmiiiiun A hon'ii for tlu m-xt :iU ilnyn. (imxl hiumI I'li-uii, wlili, cotton riiv wmitnl t tlil ollli i fu ciim per Miiiinl. KuvIit'h Moulin limn" Kivn coinili'tn nlilm linn. !'. K Williinn tlm ro ccr. Koilinl, ilr ol polil HIMTllll'll'" III IfHllll'r C4W. Cull Hi H' KNIKHIIII'lt olliri'. Tli" "KiTini'i"f " in tli" t't clr ever m.l.lfor imklf. K. K. Williami tlm Kiihyt. M.trliinn oil III ri'iilH a lioltlf, ttU'i lii'.'.ll.'K lor all kui'lx of miui hilii'H at '.. i; Mai tlii'. I'.aily ti'iniilo, i li( iik-n ami ali klinU of viifl"1'''' lant' ili'livcri'il to voii from Jot' ColliliH, I'ark l'liiii'. I.iilu a bx.k in at tlm Itai ki't atom iiH)alti tlu I'.li'. trif lioli'l ami 't tli" iiici' liutu urn afllliiK for nlwml not If lute ... (Hip MiiuiU-CoiikIi l'iir la M..ulur ri'innlv lor cioiip. Sf lor cliiMrfn ami llt. For aaln ly V. i Huntley, ilrncitinl. 1 o not lail to md tin funny atni-t parailc of tlm " llayaivil" linml, Satur ilay, IVIiruaiy l.'nli at mam. I'nclu Jimh riirin-i'liy at Sliivi-ly'a. l'rii'i' in nooliji'i l. It ymi want a U cotuiiiK ami li-'aiitifiil tiiiiiiui'tl lutt, voiiih ami try oiik at lh llackol atore uiioailo tlu Kli'i'trir lintt'l. l'lll'D of H'llil' liiivu pili'H, I. ill IV Witl'a Viti hlia.fl Siilvf will euro llii'in. WIiimi proiK-rlv Hpi'licil U ctirca m lil ml liiiriia w itlioiil tlm xliKlitcal ain. Vi ai'll I'riiu'a Crwaui liakinu hwiW for HO ceiila ir I'ouml. Tliia ia not lr. Prim' I' ream linking )wil'r Iml prob ably jiiNl at k,1""! K. K. Wii.i.umh, tbo ttrocor. Tlm Fair ia anlluiK milk mila fur X coiiIm, milk puna from 3 ccnta up, copxr bolt. mi coiri-e pota 15 ii'lila, No It coppt-r builcr for fi.W, (iruml Hapiila carpel awecpora lor 2 115 Freali, crip lettucu ami apriiiK oniona tliu N'nt urown aroilinl Ori'tfon Cily for mile by .lo". Cnllina, rarkpluce tirtM-n-Iioiimi'. Drop liiui a rani ami bavu it iloliveretl to your iloor. Frank 1'. Weleb, ileutiat, (irailuuUs Of the lTniveraity of IVntiavlyunia, will be in Oreiton Cilyollli'e Tliiirailny of each week ; renialniler of each week in Port land olllc.e, room 771ekum bnililinn. Wifo Hero'H an account of a man who nliot hiinHclf riillier than aulTer the paii(M of inili(iiation. lliiHliaml The tool I Why didn't he take DoWitt'a Littlo Karly Itinera? I uaed to aufl'er ua bud aa he did before I commenced taking thexo littlo pills. ForHiilobyC. 0. Huntley, dniKKiat. In the ahHence of I'aHtjr Montgomery the pulpit of the I'reabyterian church will be occupied next Sabbath morning by the Uev. W. C. ForbeB, chaplnin ol the ltetlutny miaaiun to anilora, rortland, and in the eveninu by Prof. Arthur P. McKinley, of the Portland hitfh acliool. Mr. MontKomnry expecta to be back in time for the Borvicua the followinx Sun day. Died, at the homo of hi paronta, at Tualatin Friday January 31, 181M1, Mr. Win. F. C. Moelinke, atrod 2t years and (i months. He was burn in Canada, moving hero with his parents about 18 years ago and lias mnce made this county his home. He lived a Christian life up to the time of his death and will be niianed by his circlo of friends. A inothor, father, two brothers and throe aisters mourn his Iobh. The interment took pluuo in tho Mink comutery. ROYAL Baking Powder. Highest of alt in leavening Strength. V. a. Oovrnmcnt Report fOI TV 001 UT. I'nlirimry tnrm 1H00 frsssgl, Judge. 0. II. II i Jf i ll (In m mlu'liinnri. K. Hnott, '. JCKn (Hi rk. (I. ii. V. Ili.rtnni Hli.rifr. II. C. MslM'ilik. ... 1 In llin 111 ii t t of riiinrt of vIi-vmth on : l"'llil"H I't J. I'. Illuir ! ill fur h mud, I "l,l'r"V,"l t,'l'IIBI! lU'l'IIIIIll (if flll.'.'l) itllimi'il mill Mini onlnri'il ii.iinl, In llin iniillr of ri'"irl of vii-wer mi ii'llllini of J, W. ('niliniii ft nl fur a imiilv roinl. ri'iiorl approved, mad onliiil oirmi wiiH x ni i mi- in riilllil ol f.'ll iillowi'il In tin' iniilii'r of llii-i'IiiIiii of J. (ii"liiT Nr., nt ill fur diiiiiuifi'a I'V ri'iiHun of in i lili'i.t mi futility rniul, iiiiilluHi'il. In tln in itli r ol tin) i ols in I'oiiiiiin vn, CIitIi uiimh rmiiiiy, 17" iiIIuhiiI in nt i i i t of iiiii'lliiiit'i4 cohIn aiil onli'ii'il tlutt llii' jiii'iiciil H'iiiiimI I iv Hill I ..r. Minn Idi JO In-imI 'J lit t .hi ii I v ' I'd-' ImviiiK Ih'I-ii I'lii'l hI ii iirnvioiiH ii'im i., court. In tint mailer of tho iitil!HN for tlm vin ulimi of HtiiM'tH in Miiilliorn, runti-d. In llm inuttr of tint M'tilioii of K. Miluiyni ft ul fur vimvura to a mad, oiilcn d lliut W. W. May, J. K. (iriiliuin llllil I'lllllS Clllllll III) HiKlillt('l vil'WlTM, I). W Kinnaird, county aiirvitvor to hiii vi')' iii. I roinl, l'o!loiiiK HMi tlm cUiiiiM Hk'nlinl Clin ktitiitH roiinly : Conrii r, printing, fit H I f tl 111 II KCriH krr, A ('u record (iliiHHiV Smylli pHUfwr net 1Z 7") INI 00 12 M 8 2 r 21 IH 3 00 I 40 Mrs F.h,a Walla " III IK) Itobbiua A Son, " " Charinan A Hon " " Adulph Miller road " Itobbina A Son " PalmaUi-r, l.iveruioie A iaiKa, road act () C Iron Works jail (ieo (' Sear ulimiir John Jlrearher jmiljuT . . Nubliti'a ulalilo aheriir act (.' W Xoblitl " " F. (' MudiliM'k IhI of primiii- era Jury IIhI diat No. 13 " II I. Kiicouii'h miiala for jury ( 'I h i in pi for jiimra t'laluiH of K'and Jury wit- tiei.M'a State va K S Slucklefuril " " M F lloylea . . . " " Frank (ihi-riiiK . " " ('. C'urnther .... " " Jiihn IIukIh'H . . . " " S K Junes liinuiie " " D J Kiint and (i Jaikaon KC Mmldia-k aherill' act. . W A 1 1 nut ley atatiimery Wales ItiiKiM'll pautier act IV) H7 27 00 3 00 3 00 (I IN) II 3 ) dinul'd 2S 7 IH) 7 oo ii 7.'. 413 IHI .Ml M) 2D 20 11 K'. 2M SO 2S 30 10 35 2H 20 4!) 30 K2 (W 3i r 0 IK) 211 HI) 2t 15 13 S.'. 30 II II Jiilinnon n'-eHtalili"h- liiK guv corners 1(1 50 V. P Itands same an alaive (100 Morteuaon A lUnnon road 0 40 J II Weavei road act II No Frank llawley " " .Ml Ml J M llayden " " 3D 04 Slate va ltiifua Peae . .. S 70 7 " J C Ilriidley asemir act . 210 00 (ioo liunlavy road act ... 12.1 Mm A Knight " 3 00 In tlm mutter of the road aupcrviaora reports for Januaiy, lS!Ki, or lured that aid rep.irta be approved uml i'XM)iihe accounts paid as follows: Uoad district 1, fur labor 15 50 " " 3, " " 7 75 " " 3 luinber. ... 25 40 " " 5. " lala.r 4 M 10, " " 13 50 11, " " 12 75 ' " 15, " " 4 (K) " " IS), " " 1H 75 " 25, " " 20 0(1 32 " " 11 00 Total I37 25 In the muttorol the care and keeping of David Arthur, the allowonce made for laid purM)se is ordered reduced from 14 to $10 ht month. In the mutter of the petition of H. Stuub for viewers to a road, ordered that M. Mctieehan, J. II. Darling and Kims Cuhill be npiiointed viewers and D. W. Kinnaird county surveyor, to survey iu id road. In the mutter of the petition of M. Y. Donley et al for viewers to a road, re ferred to D. W. Kinnaird, road master. In tho matter of the care and keeping of Henry Lewis, ordered that tho al lowence heretofore nisdo for said pur poao ho discuntinuud from Feb. 1st 1H!I(1. In the matter of the euro and keeping of Win. White, ordered that the warrant be issued in fuvor of Frank Oliver. In the matter of tho application of Dr. D, L. Paine for the county to aid Mrs. M. M. McMahan, an indigent person, ordered t.hut $8 wr month be appointed for said purpose todate from Feb. IbI 180(1, and that a warrant for $S lie drawn fur immediate necessitirs. 1 In the mutter of the reports of ofllcera on collection of fees in January 18w! ap proved, i In the matter of mllesgo and' per diem of commissioners It. Scott, 2 'days and 10 miles $5.00 ;F. Jaggur, 2 days and 12 miles, $5 20. . 1 Itoductlmi of One Third On a lot of men's and brjiys' boots, and Indies' and gents' fine shoes. Kkd FkontTh a i) i n o Co . . The sulo of ladies' trmined hats will not last longer thiirv a week or so. F'arly cullers have tlo best eoloction ut tho Kacket store. Dr. Price's Creaifn Baking Powder Awarded Gold Mcdl Midwinter Filr, San Francuco. Higheit of U b Leavening Power. Lateit U. S. Gov't Report 1 Cs ygsz&D Absolutely pure A Mm restful Concert. The HI. Cecilia chorus' grand roi rt g''ven limt TiK'Hilay evening MSHamoHt iliiclileil siicroas and rcllccleil mill h creilil upon tlm siniieiH ss well as iiihiii the alilii iiiKtrili-tion and aiicci'SHful h-n l crilii: of Mia Ni'it.i lliirlow, wli'i pupils iiiadii up the peraoiiiiel of l!i; chorus. The 0mt,i lioune wiim coinl" t alily filled with an appreciative and dis criminating audii'iic. tlm hearty an- plant) which greeted each number i showing how well pleased everyone was J with tlio entertainment and tho encor t following each ap'icariinco were given in i a spiiit winch precluded the refusal of a; ' return The combination of tlieae voices , I in chorus work was a happy one, t li- ( I i-trong Hn(iritn4, the deep contraltos and j the lower intermediate voices inking; ' nerfect liariiionv and with (he excellent ; : time kept, brought their music up to a I standard unexrclleit before in this city. The apM'arance of the lailies in pretty j evening dresses of delicate shades added j interest to the occasion. The criticism of Mrs Walter Need, one of the best j I viM'iil instructors on the Coast, w ho was prencnt, was of a generous nature, she ' picdictilig a bright Inline for these sing ers who with so little pra.:t'e, made so ' perfect a sii 'ces'i and compliti'ented Mias Harlow hiuhlv . The (ollowiiu ladies are ineinliers of the choius and took purl in the concert: Sop.unon Mis F'loreiice Morey, Miss Kate Ward, Mibs Minnie Kuerten, Miss Yarn Pilslmry, Miss Mary Convers, Mr". W. (', Chenev, Miss May Kelly, Miss Mertie Stevens. Cfintrultos I Mrs. Chirles II . Caulild, Miss II ittie I Monroe, Mra. It, M. Doolittlc, Mis Ktta j PofH', Miss Maltie Draper. Their songs, w hich were intersposi'd w i h the clu. liil "In Spring," by K.irgiel, ".iuin- j mer Fanciea," by O M 'tr.i, " Last Night," tiy KjeniK K 'es, "(ireeting to Knrinj." bv Wi son mi I the "Cuckoo 1 s,-ng " Mi's Florcne.) Mon-y, one of the lead ing sopranos in this city, sung the "Spin ning Song from "Hie Knickertiockera in a sweet and unassuming manner uml , mg on fc. fc. .Martin, wlio reprewnia me responded with "Celeste" by New comb,! only Mutual doimi business in Oregon for an encore. Mrs. Alex Thoinus was I City. You cannot afford to keep on sull'criiiK from a severe cold and could throwing your monev into policies and not do herself justice but her song" When i pay from 3 to 5 years premiums in ad Yon are Here, Love," bv Vanrmh, was 1 vance and then have the company fail, sung in a well trained contralto voice j The Oregon F'ire Relief association will and was greeted with hearty applause to I stand the closest investigation, which she reH.niled to with "As I'd I K- Maktin, Agt. Nothing F.lse to Dj." M iss Agnes Watt'i Commercial Hank Block, solo, the "Walt Song" from "Homeoj nuckleu's Arnica Salve, .mi Juliet" was one of the best selections ( Tlie Wst 8alve in the worIJ for Cuts, on the program, her clear, sweet soprano, R snow ing spieiiiiiu ciiiuvaiion. :ie aaiix as an encore Wukerlin's "Sunrise." Miss Lois St )ers deep, rich contralto in her snlo, "Yio'.els," by Koma. was ex cellent and won for her an enthusiastic riuuiu to n iiiuii diiu v(-.uuir'i wiui ... .. .. x. ii- . it l.aililie Dv .tt'iniiiiger. .urn. (.ass v. i Barlow's selection from "Kigoletto" was eagerly listened to by the audience. Her high notes were carried with perfect eave and cloarnessand her encore, "The Sigh" was rendered in a pleasing, happy man ner. Miss Lou Draper acted as her ac companist. Miss Beatrice Barlow the child pianist, appeared twice, first with Chopin's "F'astasia Impromptu" and Inter with "Nocturne, Op. 31, No 1," by the sumo composer. She was re culled on each occasion and gave inter teresting selections. Nature has en dowed Miss Burlow with wonderful tal ent which will make a mark in the world for her some day. The popular string quartette composed of Pauline Campbell, VeraCuulield, II. C. Stevens and C. Campbell gave the "Mill in the Forest" by F.ilenherg, and returned amid a storm ol applause and played another selection. This ipiui tette is becoming one of the features of musical entertainments and shows careful practice and thorough training. Mrs. 1". K. Williams acted as accompanist for all of the singers, ex cept where noted, and did so in her uuul careful and artistic manner. Mrs. Williams did not appear for a piano solo on account of her time being so com pletely occupied witli her duties as ac companist. House Moving and liaising. Contracts taken on the most reason able terms to move buildings to any lo cation and distance, also re-silling and ropstrirtg. Fifteen years experience and never had a mishap or a failure and I can guarantee satisfaction. Call on or address J. D. Benner or leave word at the EsTKRi-Hise office. Oregon City. , tf Seeds. Timothy, clover, rye grass, orchard grass, millet, alfalfa, alsike, blue grass, etc. Bent seeds at bottom prices. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Dr. White's hair grower, 15 centson application ".t Farnsworth's. Cleans your head and eradicates the dandruff and makes your hair smooth and soft. "Bonnie Briar Bush" for 5 cents at Huntley's book store. Bakin Powder F.lcctrlr Hotel Arrivals. II. C (iriflilh, I'otilaml. J. V. HarlcNS, Molulla. JamcH Ituty, Molallu. M. I'. ililiT, Logan. J F. Kuiiilly, Portland. It. J. Abbott, J. I'linoi, lauipu, F!a. John F.lder, l'i rtlund. J. H. Ii.vv. Sun Francisco. M. H. Marks, Portland. Prol. SiiHpp. " A. C. Anderson, Astoria. T. Ilunty. " A. 1. Case, Olympia. S. A I). Purler, Portland. F. M. li'wlcy, Astoria. V. II. Mo-sing, Aaloria. J. I!. Cros-illeld, Portiand. W. F. King. Portland. A. I.. Carr, Olyinpia. F. I). Jann-s, ). Dakota. W. M. Wela r, Salem. 8. S. Waller, JomIi Sptuceby Co. 1). M. Cooir, Albany. J. M Pollard, Kan Francisco. James Midcalf, Kacrainnto. D. K. Williams, Chicago. Frank Carpenter, Chicago. Jno. K. Davis, Portland. F. J. Catterlin, Salem The Klectric always gives g'Kd meals, comfortable bed and the best of treat ment to its guests. Don't ToIuccd Spit I Or smoke your life aw av, is the truthful ! startling title of a book alsjut No-To-Iiac ! (he hurinieiw, guaranteed tobacco habit j cure that braces up nicutinized nerves, eliminates the nicotine puisun, makes ' weak men gain strength, vigor and man- i IhmsI. You run no byical or financial ! rn-k, a No To-I!.ic is sold by druggists ; every w here under a guarantee to cure ; or money n-fmided. Book free. Address Sterhnif Kemedv Co.. New 1 ork or Chicago. Charinan A Co , Druggist Kent ami Cheapest luxuranre. Save money on your insurance by call : Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup : tions, and positively cures Piles or no : pay remiired. It is guaranteed to give I perfect satisfaction or money refunded. ... . . ; For sale by Choi man A Co., Charuian Bros Block. A lleromniendation from Los Angeles. 032 Castelar St ., Los Angeles, Cal , -After having suffered for a long time from acute rheumatism without obtaining re lief, I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and was almost Immediately relieved. I luuhly recommend this as the best medicine known. I). M. Hamilton. F'or sale by O. A. Harding, druggist. HE WOMAN who takes the surest way to gain a beautiful color and a wholesome skin will not take the cosmetics, paints and powders which soon in i lire the skin. Sal- Xttyf low or wrinkled face, J 7 dull eyes and hollow cheeks, together with low spirits, follow the derangements, irreg. ularities and weaknesses peculiar to the sex. All women require a tonic and nervine at some period of their lives. Whether suf fering from nervousness, dininess, faint Bess, displacement of womanly organs, ca tarrhal inflammation of the lining mem branes, be.irinij.down sensations, or general debility, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription reaches the origin of the trouble and cor rects it. It's a medicine which was discov ered and used by an eminent physician for many years in all cases of ' female com plaint," and those painful disorders that afflict womankind. If women are over worked, run-down, tired or sleepless, if they are irritubls, morbid and suffer from back-ache, they should turn to the right means for a pennant i Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription his jusi sucn cases. for it regulates ana strenyincns mc pc functions, builds uo and invigorates the ecial en- tire lcmale system. DISEASE OP WOMB. Mrs. Con a S. Wilson. f CarlisU, Sniii'tiam Co.. Ind., writes : " I cannot say too much for Dr. Pierce'i Fa vorite Prescription. I feel it my duty to sav to all wo men who are surteritifr. from any disease of the uterus mat it is ine nest meincine on earth for them to use ; I cannot praise it too high ly for the good it did me. If any one doubts this, give thera my name and ad dress." Mas. Wilson. A pamphlet, containing a vast number of testimonials with reproduced photographs of those cured and giving full name and address of each, will be mailed to any ad dress free : or, Dr. Pierce's large Treatise ( 168 twees ) orofuselv illustrated with wood engravings and eolored plates mailed pst uiu on receipt oi 10 ccnis in slumps, du ress, World's Dispensary Medical Associ- I ation. i, Buffalo, N. V. Uatel? Uiidou Ami you will each wwk see Home Htaiile ami tiHeful arti-cli-H marked at jiriwH you never bought the same at he fore, lleinemher these prices hoM good for jut the one wefrk. Don't worry as to whether money is heing lost or made on them, hut grasp the opportunity and buy while you have the chance. PUTKOW'S TINSTORE, WHBRB PRICES ARB ALWAYS RIGHT. A QUICK BREAKFAST. Can be prepared with our self-raisinsr Buckwheat flour, (Jriddle Cake flour, Flapjack pan cakes. .Steamed rolled wheat. Tettyjohn'e breakfast food. Maple sap syrup. Creamery butter. E. E. WILLIAMS, The grocer. DO YOU FEEL BD? Does your back ache? Are von trouoled with constipation? Does your stomach refuse to digest your food? Do vou have malaria? Does every step you take wem a burden? Are you wakeful at night? Do you feel the need of a stimulant? If so. three doses of Moore's Revealed Remedy Will make you feel like a new person. It contains no alcohol or spirit of any kind, no quinine, no min erals. For sale by your druggist. BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO., wholesale agents, PORTLAND, OB, SEE Davies Exhibit And have your photos taken at the gallery. Third aud Morrison Sts. Entrance on Morrison Street. A. W. PHILLIPS, EXPRESS AND DELIVERY. Prompt attention to hauling to any part of Oregon City. Moving attended to promptly and carefully. Special rates given on hauling to and from Gladstone and Park place. ...The Prairie Farmer... IS THE Greatest of A" Farm Papers. It presents each week all that is worth knowing in current agricul tural literature. Each number contains more solid reading matter than any other agricultural paper, and covers a broader field, Subscription Price, One Dollar a Year. It is the Paper for the People. Sample CloDDlns Offers for 1895-6: T"K PRAInd FARMER I BOtl1 PaiierS W 1til Weekly Intkb Ocean for $1.25. Tim Trairik Farmer ) jjgj' ChicaooWeekly Times) WW for $1.25. Address The Prairie Farmer, Chicago. 1 i ERGURIAL POISON Is (lis rssnlt of ths nsusl trmtment "I blood (llxinlnr. 'I li- nyO'iii ( mird willi Msri-ury and Polish remedies morn Ui be dreaded than lh disesse sml In a short wlnlx Is In a far wirs I coDdillon than unlura. The common result la RHEUMATISM for wlilrh H.S,H. Is Hie most reliable rnrs. A few bottlx will afford relief where all else has failed. I suffered from a severe attack of Mercurial Rheumatism, my arms and leas beliiR swollca lo twire their nslnrsl site, rausins tho moss eirrunatlns pains. 1 sieiii hundreds of dolkira without relief, bin after Isklns a few bottles of I Improved rapidly son an now a well maneomplet ly cured. I can heartily rerommend II to any oow milTi-rlnK from tbls .sinful diseiuie. W. t. DAl.KV, hnsiklya Elevated K.B. Our TieMhs oa Blol t4 SH" mv IM s SOlllus. SWIfr UPfcUHt CO.. AUssu.Os. 1 jfTK 1 II . Ar-rrTi M r .1 u r - Lv if i '- - FOR CLATSKANIE Steamer G. W. Shaver, Will leave Portland, foot of Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings t 6 o'clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable route to the Xehalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. To the Public- WHAT THE GAMBRINUS TVI1X DO, DELIVER AT VOI R HOUSE: The Gambrines Pilsner or Bavarian Bottle Beer, per Doz. Quarts at 1 50 California White Wine per gal " Claret Wine per gal. " Port Wine per gal. " Cherry Wine per gal. Best " Grape Brandy per gal. 80 80 1 50 1 50 i 00 lUyear old luskey, Nonpa reil per cal 4 00 Our goods will be found the best ever off ered to the public at the price. Leave your order. We garrantee our goods to give satisfaction or will cherfully refund your money. N. F. Zimmerman. For Keg Beer leave your order. Beffiilator Lit PORTLAND TO THE DALLES By the fast DALLES CITY and com- d U AND steamers REGULATOR Daily boats, except Sunday, leav ing Oak street dock at 7 a. m., mak ing regular landings at Vancouver, Cascades, White Salmon, Hood River and all intermediate points. Passenger and freight rates lower to these points than by any other line. First class meals served for 25c. This is the Great Scenic Route. All tourist admit that the scenery on the Middle Columbia is not ex celled for beauty and grandeur in the United States. Full informa tion by addressing or calling on J. N. HARNEY, Agent, Tel. 914. Portland, Or., Office and wharf, foot of Oak St. FERRYS; SEEDS. Perfect seeds now 'paying crops. Perfect seeds " faraDotgrowD byebance. NotbA r Ing la ever left lo chance In arow-1 ' Ing Ferry's Seeds. Dealers sell i tbem everywhere. Write for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL , for IS96. Brimful of valuable I . lufunustloaaboutbeetandnew.. . est seeds. Pro by msiL . 0. M. FERRY A CO.. Detroit, Mich.