Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1896)
CLACKAMAS COUNTY TIIK KMKHTKISK COKKKSrOM). iets m:i' the riEi.D. Okworo Ilepiilili.ant lubhasa Rally ami Elects OflUvr Slore lttotntil A Happy Wedding. and the Water wi Prink," with chemical experiments by Mr. llsrgreaves of l'ark place. The Inlo editor of our aiH-iety paper, Jas. Matlieson, has resigned. The Kxposilor is now edited ly Jesse Kaiitiisn. rarkplace literary society has done excel lent work this winter. The ineiulers have held a aerie of meetings of a most interest liii; ntiil elevating kind. They never lack a I crowded house. It in intended 10 keep th 1 jbv 1UI01? VIKW NOTtS. For a Maiiiirail Hull Children Cm Married - Narrow Kseape from Falling True, lloun Viltw, I'eli. II -Miss MaildSeelyis now aide to nil up and is improving rapidly. The liunlly of Mr. and Mrs. Hints are Ideal with a new Imby-a hoy thin time. Mm. M. ('. (irnliaui and Miss ltoa were guests at M. 0, 1 ouug's Sunday anil Moo- , , , (society in good ruining order up to or Oswroo' reb. 12.-0n last Salnnlav even- : . . , ... ... ... ..... .... very near to the close ol school. Inglli republican olnbof Osego held quite i ,' , ,. ... , , ! . A very pleasant surprise as given Miss an enthusiastic meeting at the (irange ha I. , , . '. , , ,, , , , ., ,, r . Kddy at her home in l'arkplac by the The meeting was ca led toomer bv the pres-1 . , .... ,, , , '.. .. . . ... .. -.. ., . ,. . ' young peopleol this neighborhood on Tues- ident, K. 1, Min ie. The rs Hi tig in or- . . , ,, . . . . . ' , , . , ., .7 dav last. An excellent time waa reported oer was the election of officers for the com-1 . .. Mr. Mintie was placed in i ...... .-v social was given uy inv CMinuay i .lnu,l nil Vri.lui- L.I A id.r 1 1 , l.ip.t.1 i i. . wo....... iou.-ci tiiv llvilllliailV'U, ft I i'H a a reason therefor that be thought it heat I to make a change, but added that he in- i ing campaign. Mr. Mintie was placed in nomination for president of the club, but ( program was rendered, alter w hich a num ber of beautiful baskets, tilled with all sorla rtf tr,l.l,t tltllitf stfuM m. .1.1 t atli.ti..!. kv 1 ... tendeil to stav with the boy a of the Oswego i .... .' ... . ' , , . . , ... . se di liarrow. to the highest bidder. After all had been disposed of those who had republican club. Had Mr. Mintie allowed hia name to be used he would have been - elected without a dissenting voice. Mr. J. A. Tuft was then placed in nomination and elected by acclamation. Charles 11. Miller was nominated for secretary and elected by acclamation. John titiiganl was elected ice president, and C. N. Haines, treasurer. Mr. Tuft is a true American and a staunch republican. He proved bis devotion and loyalty in the dark days of VI by shoulder ing his musket and going to the front and fighting for the preservation of the 1'iiion. j All honor to the old bovs of the Grand ! Army. The other officers of the club are well known here and we expect to see the club ' take on new life under their direction, and j and get right into the work with both sleeves rolled up. I Alter the newly elected president bad taken bis seat the Oswego cornet band gave us several selections. Prof. Strange was then called upon and made a rerv interest- Knight baskets proceeded to disoseof the contents with their lucky partners. After a social and pleasant time together they re tired to their respective homes. We are all looking forward w ith interest to the Jld of this month when the Kaalbaui and llnrclav boys w ill contest a game of foot ball in the beautiful park at Gladstone. Mr. Puree 1 1 preached an excellent ser mon at the church in I'arkplace last Sun day evening. There w ill be preaching here Sunday evening next by Key. liray. Let us give him a large audience. The worthy mayor of Gladstone, Mr. HJ E. Cross, will neoil ample parlor room in later yaars wherein his daughters can en tertain their young gentlemen friends, an- : other girl having been added to hU house- bold on Wednesday morning. Mother and baby doing nicely. Miss Nettie Wood, Miss Augusta Schlick leser, Miss llorherg, and Miss Kiuma Haines are in I'orlland. Miss r'lora Seely has been home on a visit for the past two weeks, but expects to return to the metropolis soon. (ieo. and Herman Sa have gone to their old home in thn Kaal, (Irandpa l.oooey, an old gentleman over 92 year of age, has gone hack to visit his sons and his old home in the Middle states. There are a number of sick horses in the neighborhood. Mr. Schllckelaer has lost one, Mr. Wilson two, and several others have,iick horses on their hands. The wonderful event of a drawing for a nice lamp took ,dace at Mr. I'epier's slore at Wilsonville Friday evening, Frank Goa ser being the lucky man. The I. A. 8. club will give a maanueriide ball February '.'1st in Suss brothers' hall. All are invited, (innd music and supper. This place is noted for its good dances and I goon suppers, it you want to enjoy an levelling come to the I. A. S. cluhalS brothers' hall. Welcome. The friends of Mias Hose ltlanch and Mr. Arthur Hell w ill no doubt lie surprised to learn of their marriage w hich took place at the house of the groom's mother in Sher wood a few days ago. The young bride is 17 and her husband II). Mav their union be a happy one. The family of Mr. Atkins, formerly of Hood View, hut now residing at a lumber mill near Middlelon, who met with such a narrow escai from death a few weeks ago Ktdland Kipplta. Replakd, Feb. 10. The lew pleasant davs ing sech. J. V. Campbell (or as the boys i l.telv have started soma to gardenimr. al- aav, "our Jim' ) was called forward and though some old-fashioned sairea shake , a l'"lf across their kitchen just as their heads and predict a late spring because "1,y en "'l"M " ",r" "mner, are all in forsooth, "the ground hog could see his shadow on the lint ol February!" How. made a few remarks. Mr. Campbell was suffering from severe hoarseness, and con eminently was unable to speak long, but promised us a speech in the luture. Mr. T. ever, buds are starling, and we hope winter P. Kandiill was called upon but excused j is really past. himself after expressing bis pleasure in be-j W. l. Berky, o-ir leading architect and ing able to meet with the clnb. Mr. Han- j builder, is now at work on the M. K. church, nequin, the president of the Milwaukee j and will put o i the steeple and otherwise club, was called upon and resiwiuled in a j finish it up. i). C. Kichardson, we under few well chosen remarks. The meeting j nand, is to no he paper hanging and inte elosed with music by the band and three . rior tinishimr. cheers and a tiger for the Oswego republi-j W. J. Johnson haa just put up a neat can cluh and onr visitors. : h0Use oll An rl w right'a lann. G. W. Proaser has turned around a build- Matthew Kichardst.ii has been seriously ing that stood rear his barn and moved it , ill for a few days i at, but is some better at out on the comer and w ill for the present ! present. a fair way of recover', Kvery member ol the family received some bruise or scrateh. but no bonea were broken. The stove was smashed In pieces. Ams. , Carlton & Rosenknans, CRN BY, OREGON, Wo have iv largo slock of Winter (!ools wliich wo will clone out tit very lw prices. Ladies' Jackets and Mackintoshes. tl.ll) Mi.'s .liwkctM if-l.lK) l.mli.'s' " 10.00 " " f.MK) " Mat'kiiitoHlirH :t.r.o 7..M) j.:.t) Black Rubber Coats. ltoy'et 1.7 and 2.t ("outs l.:!r M.'n'n f.'.(H) dmtH l.."t M.'Il'H 'J.,r0 I'otltH 'J.IHI Boys' and Men's Overcoats. .fi.00 buy our fl.lXK'out; fl.OO luiyn our t")."iO ooitt itinl if.'i.'iO lutyrt our f 7.( ) eoat. Caps. A iiiul tiii'o lint' of Mcii'h itinl Hoy's rfk 7."o Winti r Ciiptt ttt 2V, Men's Wool Shirts. Hnth over and under at ri'du I li- urcH Mcii'h red Humid uudiTHliirlH, inadi' from clotli (hat would cohI from 10 to .10 coiiln ht yard, reduced front 1 .:'. to 11.00, and tin- II..10 urado to 1.2.1. Tho jirirn of ovi'i nliirlH will ini'et with your approval. Ladies' and Men's Fancy Slippers. Ki'ditoi'd 'J.V ht tair, t lint in, 7-V will ltty fitney vrlvi-t h I i 1 1 1 t -r r that con! 1.00 lirfurt' tin" lioliilnvH. Groceries Arc alwiiVM Hold ut I'ortland prii't'H or CARLTON & ROSEN KRRNS. Sew Era Newi. Xw Kr, Keb. !t Once more the wedding j bells have sounded in our midst. Mij Mary Ranch and Mr. Will. (".. Iiaudall were atives in this viclnilv. Jnlm Kraeft is quite sick. Mr. Slock, sen., is down ilh the grip. Mr. llesliaer, of Kigle t'rwk, made a hurt visit to Charles Live-ay's and lainlly last aeek. Mrs. Kellv, whn has lieen sick Intel v, is keep bis stock of goods there. C. H. Miller will be found behind the counter as usual. Mrs. J. E. Headrick is lying very sick at tier home in the old town. Mr. Peterson who has been sick for a long time is slowly recovering. The trustees ol the M. E. church held a business meeting last night and decided to begin their church building Immediately. A full description of the building will be given later. Our old friend I'roser surprised his many friends here last week by bringing home a bride. He was married .in Portland on the evening of ihe 31 to Mrs. Susie E. Kussell, of Portland. May the sunshine of pros lrity illumine their pathway through life is the Ub of America. Meaduwbrook Musings, Meadowbuook, Feb. 10. School Superin tendent Gibson visited Professor Eccles's academy last Thursday and fnund every thing in a. p. order. Miss Holcumb clof-ed (j the winter term ol school at academy with a literary program last Fri day. Prof. Eccles gave bis school a half ( holiday, and teacher and pupils went up to witness Miss Hukomb's clotting program. Mins Belle Hibbard closed a most success ful term of school at tbe Dickey academy on the 7th instant. Jim Hall is circulating a petition to annex certain territory to district So. 53 from the Larkins district, which will include lien Noyer and F. M. Naught. Ben Xoyer recently moved from Heaver Creek to tbe old Bobbins ranch. The roads are not so muddy but what an Oregon City livery rig is occasionally seen on our streets. Slierilf Maddock as out last Sundaj and arrested John Young on a charge of seduc tion. Mrs. Higgms spent a few days last week with irieiids'in Oregon Citv. Do not forget the lecture on the 2"th iust. by Dr. Gue, on "Mistakes in Education. Business and Marriage." The doctor is a most entertaining speaker, and we know this lectHTe will be really worth hearing. Admission 10 cents, the proceeds to go to tbe church. After the lecture there will be refreshments served, each lady bringing a basket. It being leap pear, the ladies will have tbe privilege of inviting tbe gentlemen to supper. There will be some excellent; music on the occasion bv local talent. Kevival meetings will begin next Monday in the M. E. church. The funeral of the late John Higgins was attended by a large concourse of frieudsand neighbors. The burial was under the aus pices of Meade Pout No. 2, G. A. 11., of i which deceased was a member, having I fought in the lle.xicun and civil wars. The 1 funeral sermon ws . readied by Kev. I s- ipr Itill..l.rM,.,l iilllr.,,.1, Cil,. ..i u..i . the C.dton I , . 7 . .. 7 ' . in ting, miu gallium; tiiuute lu uie ueceaseu I as u citizen, friend ami soldier. ! JUsTlC. j j married at the home of the bride s parents i on the 4th of February, Kev. Strykerof Oregon City officiating. The bride and j groom presented a very charming iwar ! ance. They entered a beautiful arch made Uf cedar boughs, decorated witli wedding (bells banging from the arch, while two : smaller arches were on each side for the ! groomsmen and bridesmaids. Thee were (ieorge Uauch and Halsev Phelps and Mias i Aiewia neipsanu .wisi.via Kanuall. Atler the ceremony the guests re aired to the dining room where an elegant repat awaited their coming. In the evening the young ! coutde took the train for Portland. Keturn- ing the next evening they were greeted by I about sixty of their young friends at the j home of the groom's parents. All enjoyed ! a pleasant time until midnight, when the ! guests repaired to their respective homes wishing the young couple a pleasant and prosierous life. Mr. Covey, of Crescent City, has traded I j his farm here tosomenne unknown to your j correspondent at present. .Mr. Covey owns a farm near Molalla comers, one at Canhy, ; end a smull farm on the Abcrnethv near i Mr. Jones's null. The debate at ('ninn hud will he vkiic. what interesting next Wednesday evening, as a joint discussion uill beheld hctuccu the society meeting there and some mem Improving, though very slowly. Tmiv. stliuuii Notes. I Mi.nox, Feb. S Weather is verv line i here iiiim and k:russ grow ing. ll it ruiiliu 1 lies as now spring dl soon tie in evidence, i Mrs. W'alklev went today to Kigle Creek to visit relatives, lii-r si-Ur, M rv Viiuciireu, ' among others. j W. K. Welch went to Sandy today, ai d Sam Welch Is stating at Mr. .MHinvern'", ;' near the old MiHire nlare where he has some hay, and is keeping feeding soiuevoui g j cattle there. j August llornei ker, has gone lielow for a visit. e h'jve heard that lie will visit I a j coma and the tiouiid country before his rr i turn. S. I). Hedges is at Sherwood in Washing ton county, for a short time. It. Kaiser will soon move from this pla e PKU IF ItC.U) AllS. Kdllor (Iruilj Presented Incimli lnhle I'roof r the Karl. I was rending Wullacti licd'e pleasant remliiisceiu-es of llonry lirady, ami It carried me hack to the Imnl days alien Henry waa atruggling against futn to mako lii naper a ncce The mer cliantu liitl not tlii'li Icuriio I llu Millie ni advertising, and Henry peaded in vitin for a more IiImthI patronage A I leading tneri'liiint who c Inline I to U Ins ' ; friend stuhliornly declined to give 1 u 111 1 big nd," ami hind it would le money throw ii away, for iioliiHly teml tlieui. I " I nn't lead them !" excliiiiued Hen !ry, " Ihui't lead them! Well, I w ill show yon." 1 Next moining'a piiHr emit lined a j short enitorlnl on cuts, ami told how cat fur had recent I v come into do j uiiiml In New York, and how the long, i imr-e Imirs were eliiiiiiuiled, ami the Yamhill River Route. Slcaincr Toledo, to a place he has bought below Sandy. He has been a renter here on the pla'e belong ing to John Iliickhol. Deiiiife.; Cannot by local applicnlioiiH, I'll' it. IIK-S. lie Cured 1IH thev ciltiliot reucli (lie iliaeased poiti'iti o' the ear Tliere is only one way to cure DiniIiioxk and that in by ret Iich Ilcufness is ciuiHed by an ilill.itnrd con diliotl of tho milcoiiH lining ol the 1'ilMil- Burinet Breezes. Borimos, Feb. 8. I see your correspond ent does not write very often; so I will send a few dots for the Kntfkpkh this week. Our precinct is very quiet and news is very scarce. Elmer Hickey is quite sick with the grip at the residence of VV. H. Iloring. His bers Iroin other societies. Hie iiestion to villM Xulie. When this tube gels in be debated is " Resolved, That the signs of ! ,. ,,,. u ......i.i... i nr i imperfect healing, ami when it is entirely i closed llcafncsa is the remit, and iiiiIchn of the times indicate the ilownlull of the ri- are others yet to move in. They are good : citizens, and we like to have such in our Sheriff and prisoner passed through neighborhood. We have too many bache- Meadowbrook late Sunday evening. "Jack" lors, but we expect some of them to take Young is a hard working young man ol L'5 I partners in the course of time, years. He has evidently been sowing some j Grandma Hickey has been visiting her wild oatsrecently in Bunch Grass, and now j son Will, of Clackamas, the last few days, goes to reap the harvest. i Peter Vetsch, who has been sick so long, Chas. A. Fitch, editor of tbe Herald, will ' is improving slowly, We hope to see him apeak at Canyon Creek hall on Saturday, I well soon. February 22, at 1:30 p. m. Everybody cor-J Death has again visited our neighbor dially invited. i hood, claiming for its victim our neighbor I he good people of (. anyon Creek and ad-' and worthy citizen, Matthew Aernisegges. affirmative and J. I). Wilkinson on the neir- atjve i the inflammation can lie taken out uiul Say, Mr. Editor, what is the matter with tll,M' rHtored to ita normal coll ide Clackamas county populists? They j ditiun, hearing will lm lost forever; held a meeting last Saturday in Oregon ( niuu cases out of tenure caused I ell City, and repiiniicans who wished to he tarrli, which in nothing hut mi iiilUmed friends hope to see him able to he out among spectators were in formed that none but pops i condition of the niiieuu miu hues, them again soon. I were expected to be there. Now were they vv ;ll n,,.. II,,,, lr,.,l n.,n ,ru t..r We are getting more settlers in this neigh- "l'"nied to face republicans while laboring' ,.aHe 0f l,.uf,.MH (caused by catarrh) I "rrivHl "' '',i,H' Al) aH ""'r borhood. Two families from Salem bv the fT populist cause? Or were they hatch-! ., , , ,, ,,, '.. chant drove olf onu crowd another tilled I iiicir pi.n cs reul fur Whn made into tippets and mutCx, i and eveiy fa-liionalde lady wore a feline, etc. Not fur nil- in iiniithi'i column aas j a displayed adveriiNement Unit said : i " Wanted- 1,1 'in I c.ils, oi Hi, nh .VI eta. each will lie paid." j 1 lie ihtTchunt'n name wan m,:!'.''.! ! :!. I'.y nont) the calx hegaii to roll in. Small hoys, white mid black, I r o i w-1 1 1 tlieui in hasketa and hns. I'm awhile the inerchiint enjoyed the joke, hut soon gut tired nud went awy to dinner. I'.y the time he returned the hoya and dnrkiea from the suburb were coining i in, ami the nidewulk waa hlia-kadi'd. Henry had laughed until ho waa ex- haiiNleil, and sal on a w indow sill across I the ntreet, threatened, lie said, with n j cataleptic lit. Neighboring inercliiiiiln j ami their clerka gnlhered around nud I Intigheil and Hhouted and cried at every , I.KAVI.S I'A YToN, j Monday, S'rdueiiluy and Friday lalliA. M., rearliin llregon Citv, lor Portland aln.ut 1 1 :.'(( A. M. I.KAVK.K Poltll.AMi. Tiirsiliiy, Thursday and Saturday at 1' A M. Salinoii St. dock, reacli inc firi'iiiui City, for npriver points aliout II A. M. Throtii-li trip to l.ayfette and MrMinii ville minis' wlii ii depth of water permit. Freight and pic-id libera raten rea.ional'le. JOHN YOUNGER, I ic w i: l i: r, Cjip Ml.ntley V 1'rtl Slote, All Kinds of Watches, Clock." and lowi lrv lii j Cure name of Welch have come tostay. and there i inK P 8,""e unknown " ring" scheme? I tell you a private? central comi.ntiee meet ing looks suspicious. Duthey " love dark ness rather than light because their deeds are evil'" The dance at New Kra next Friday even ing is expected to be a success. Send for ciiculiirM, ice. V J. CIIKNKV AiCO., Toledo, O. Sold by Driigglsls, Toe. Illil You I ver jatent precincts have arranged to celebrate Washlngton'a birthday (February 22d) by convening at the Canyon Creek hall about 10 a. in. and bringing their baskets and grub Duxes and spending the day in appropriate exercises. Music by Eugene Ogle and Geo. Ball, singing of patriotic and other airs, re citations, Ac. In the afternoon (about 1 :30) Cbas. A. Fitch, of the Herald will speak on "The Future of our Country," Mr. Fitch has Invited Senator Brownel! to a joint dis cussion, tn occupy about two hours and forty minutes. Everybody cordially invited to come. Republicans, democrats and pop ulists will eacb be privileged to the floor for discussion. Phoznix. Twin city Newt. Pabkpi.ace akd Glvdstowk, Feb. 11. The meeting of the literary society was called to orrt'T usual by the president on Saturday evening last. The question for discussion was, Keaoived, That football, as played to day, should be prohibited? The question was very equally discussed. The judges rendered their verdict in favor of tbe affirm ative. New officers for the literary society, to serve a term of one month, were elected as follows: president, Winnifred Dauchy; vice president, Winnie Williams; secretary Oe- ew Tf all ; treasurer, Wilhert Garrow; J ser-.a:.t at-arnis, lapi. w. 11 oiiiiui. Al ter the election of oflicers s very entertain ing piogiam waa rendered. On next Sat urday evening instead of a debate we will Jiave a lecture on "The Air we Breathe Deceased was a native of Switzerland; was born June 7, 1851 ; was married to Elizabeth Slagel, July 4,1870. In 1877 he emigrated to America, making Oregon his home until bis death which took place February 2d. Deceased was 44 years, 7 months and 2i daysold. Bfbs. Claries News, Clark kb, Feb. 9. David Scherruble lias gone to Oregon City to sork at a milk ranch. Arthur Clark who has been in the asylum at Salem for medical treatment for some time, died last week. A base ball game waa played here last Sunday between the Timber Grove and Clarkes clubs. The Timber Grove boys came out ahead seven to four. John I.. Gard has again been employed to teach the Marysville school, this time for a term of seven months. It will make his third term there. Bertram Jewell has caught three coons in his traps this winter. Mr. Smith expects to move next fall. Henry Jewell is going to build this spring at Gladstone. Mr. Moore expects to leave before long for Eastern Oregon to herd sheep. His wife expects to stay here with her mother. Adnlph Schuhle is cutting wood for Jo seph Elmer. Jack Hingo attended a party at Elyville last Saturday evening. , KIIa Willkpr tins fmim tn HmiNtn f'tfp I. ,. . o - " .vb.. ... j iv. work. Alma. lie arincil himself with a big stick, hut at last he closed hia doors in aheer despair, ami night relieved him from the presume. Hut the next morning the caliiHtroplie w.ih worse. The catalogue was not ended, Milwaukee News. I T... I, I., I : u .. r ...In l..r I i i ...? ir ..... ..... .. i...., i i , for tho country ihjopIo hail hoard the WOIIOII D II nub, )i-b it ooiiiu iiwn mill ; - . news; and brought cats in on their wag- get a L'et relief. Thia medicine ban been lotniil, Feb. U.-The Clackamas ,0 be im,Hrv adapted to the relief and county Sunday school convention v vme ( ,, f1Mml() H.mplainta, exerting semble here February 21, 23 ami 21. Those I . , h. ....... ..i.. . i . la wonderful direct iilltiunco in giving having received notice from tbe county sec- I 7 retary, Mr. B. M. Fisch, are requested to fitr,'"th to,"!.,') "'" orH"H- " 5,0,1 give it their prompt attention to enable him I ,mwo ",HH 01 appeiiie.coiiHlipation, 11 can to complete the report to lie brought before ache, fuilitmu sMdlH, or are nervoiia, the convention. A large attendance is an ticipated and a good lime is assured. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. (. Keller, Feb ruary 9, a girl baby. Mother and child do ing well. Mr. and Mrs. V. 1". Conklin, of Portland, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bon net Sunday. J. W. James is building an addition to his house which will add to its comforts Several members of the Milwaukee re-1 ,or ",Il',u to ""iuturo and icttJy umdu publican club, attended the rally at Oswigo 1 clothing hy simple. Very 1owt p'les last Saturday evening. They report havli g ' for host clotlitnif. Liberal oommiMlon a very enthusiastic time. tare paid. Knergellc soliciting agenta I be republican club of this place will hold cin niai(e ,o;ll (,n(: a grand rally Saturday evening in the toivn hall. Hon. George C. Brownel! will de Iver HleeplcHH, excitable, melancholy or troubled with diz.y hiellH, Electric Hit tern is tho medicine you need. Health and Htrougth aro guaranteed by ita use. Large Imttlea only fifty cents at Char tnan & Co.'h drug store, Charmun Bros, block. Sales-Agents Ha.itcil tor made to mcueure and leaJy one and under their buggy annta, a id tied up in cotton hasketa like chickens. Henry took Ins stand near hy and leaned Rgulnat a telegraph polo for mipport. I lu and tho folks who luyed fun nerd all there, and, while it was fun to the boy and death to tbe froga, it waa audi a rarn and racy joke that the merchant could not get mad. and finally surren dered. He made an appopriata little spjech to the crowd and told Henry that ii he would promiae never to do ho any more he would give him the highest " ml" ho bad ever had In hia paper. Henry promised, and tbe "ad" was given. Atlanta Conalitut ion. the address. It is expected that this will be one of the greatest rallies ever held in this place. Crescent News. Cbescmt, Feb. 11. Mr Covey has moved to Portland, and Mr. Rhone and family now occupy Mr. Covey's house. Mr. Yack Is building a large chicken bouse. It will probably be burglar proof. The dance at Jones's ball last Saturday night was quite largely attended. About 30 numbers were sold at ten cents each. Considerable stump blasting has been done on the new road between W. A. Wise's place and the Ahernethy road. Mr. Woods and daughters from Wood burn, spent several days lately visiting rel- diiJIa. a yiui ly . i.iualiLV'iii cuo- oiip ply tlii'iiinflvca without carrying stock. Semi for references. ' ' -,: W A X A M A K I . K 0i I ifcO S N , Philadelphia. To lllillti I'p b itli the flesh and the strength of pale, tw thrcu thouaaiid j iiiiiv,HcrofiilouM(:hildien, get Dr. Pierces Ouiighini irritates the delicate organs and aggravates the diacaxe. Inatead of waiting, try Onu Minute Cough Cure. It helpH nt once, makes expectoration eafiy, reduces Iho HorenesH and inflamatioR, Every one liken it. For gale hy C. (i. Huntley, druggint The lativt in w ilin.f r:'irl nt the Ks Tiiiii'iiiHK Okkick. Prices to srit vou. pitli'i d yi-:.ks i:.ri;Kii;cii in (imat Uritain and Aiuerii'ii. Give mo a trial. fCf -BLWli 1 nm a cs GJidcn .Medical Discovery. It'i the bi'Rt thing known for a wanted hiMly and a weakened aysteiu. It thoroughly pur i.,cs 1110 biood, enriches it and makes ef fective evety natural means of cleansing, rnpniring and nouriahing the system , In recovering from "La Grippe" pneu monia, foyers, or other other debilitating dianaHos, nothing can equal it aa an ap petizing, restorative tonic to bring back health and vigor. Cures nervals and general debility. An agreeable Laxative and Nikvi Tonic Bold by Drugglsta or sent by mall. l!oo,6Uo. and $1.00 per par a ago. Hnmplue free. Vn lin ThB FavmMUs I00TS POWSH IVU IltfforthoToelhaudllreatii,liOo For sale hv A Harding, druggin RUPTURE Instantly Relieved and Permanently CURED WITHOUT Knife or Operation. Treatment Absolutely Painless CURE EFFECTED From Three to Six Weeks WRITE FOR TERMS THE 0. E. MILLER CO. Orrnns: Kooms 'Ofi-'OT. Marquuin lliillillng, PORTLAND, OREGON. All iliaetiHca of the lower bowela, in cluding rupture and pile tumora, radi cally cured. Hook of particulars free. Dr. Price'5 Cream Caking" Powder I World's Dinpenaary Medical Aaaoeiatiun, World's Talr llitfiiut Alt iUI and Diploma. ''113 Main Street, Huff.ilo, N. Y . GHIGKEI1 RAISINQPAYS If yon u-e Ihe PtUlomS IncutisUn a BrMdcrt. Make money while others are wast ins; time byolil process!. Calalngtellsall about h,nd describes every article needed lor lUi poultry busiucu. The "ERIE inechanlrally the best wheel. Prettiest model. We are pacific Coast Agents, lllevcle cala- togue, mailed free.give Tirteen etc.. AortriTa wahtfo. FETALtrMAincUBAT0KC0.,retalnnia,Cal. IIkancii lloiihH, M 8 Main Kt., Loa Angeles. Hi lllu'uatedl I ww -s jm fault.