Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME 0. (!,T. n.'H HTKAMKII. Hl.xmur IUMONA. I.AV linmlllK CITV. I.KAVKH K)HTI.A HI). ' ni, ii mi. Ul V i 11 i. in. - Tim Kl I'AHHANiiKH HTKAMKH, Al.TONA, miTwmiN fiinTi.Axrt, and iNiiKi'UKi.miri. I,eav I'orllulKl Taylnr tri-M ilcuk Ml fl IK A. M. mill h'avi'. lirrguii City ..r Hiilrm 7 Mi A. M. 1 iKoilny, I liuriilay ami Hatiirilay, I.PHVii lii....oiM.'lnti 6 .HI A M mnl Mulnm 7:4(1 A M mnl Ori-rmi :uy I im M fur I'nrl laml Mnmlay, NVoilnumUy mnl KrMajF. Kant IIiiid, nM h, tiiiMlniliTiii mnl low raid, Nil way trfiH lit limnllivl, Hpi'iilal ral iiu lliriiiiali (rvllit SUI.TIIKHN rAUHl) RAILWAY. KullTII a.ll'KI). California Kiurn.a llliriiUKli) HtiAuliurH lH'al (way alalluu.) MjUui rafaugair 7 liU. m. I M i. Ill . V V7 a. ill, Sol'TM Hue Ml). Kotnlitirtt a (way alallMia) ( alllnriila Kiprrm (thtuuibj Hil m l' aa iui r? a. m v i p. iu 4 ..Vi . in. II IK. MA U.K. Mall i'l'" ("Hill Nutili, 1'J iu .1 . m 7 p Malik rliiiniilu Hinilli, V a. iu., 7 . lu. III! Knt'TM. Ori'imi I'll T In rurilaml uvi-r Ka.l Hlile Hall way, Uatna M i I'. M. ami ft I' M.arrlv II ir, A M. ami 4 VI I'. M l arrlKi t'orllaii.l, Kaxrru, WnatRMv, Handy ami Highland rvutta' mall. (irt'Kim CHy In My.Carm, Milium, Littoral anil Mnlalla Iravva al Ii in. ami arrlvna al W in. ilally. ort'Ruti City In llnavar ( rr, Mink. Clark. Mraitiiw llriHik, I'nliiii Mill, ami I ollnn, Imvra al a in. Munilay Woltioadair ami 1 1 day ami rvlurn. mi lulmwliif ilava al I a4 p in ort-gnii ( lly In Vlnia, l."gaii ami Itrdlaml loavra or(nM t'ltv Mnmlay Wnliirvlay auil KrliUy al I no I', M , leaving Viola aama 4aya al7 li A. M, NT A OK LINK. Ornt'Hi CIly-CUrai-a-MulliiO Mnll Kcmte. Ishvm Orrifiiii ( lly I'. (. liulMlilK l A. M. Monday, WnlniMiliy anil K. lilay for Hmver Criwk, Clarke, Mi'alt)W llrook, Ciilnii Mills ami Milium. Itnliirn'iiK, lav'a Miillno t H. A. M., ITiiliin Hill. II A. M., Mcjadow HriMik 10 A. M., Clatki-a '. noon, anil Jlcavtr ( rrk .'1 I'. M., Tuewlav, Tlmrwlay ana hainnlnv. A I'liiiifuriahlti ray ruling- liai k, raawn KT roll . rro.unalila. Hmall iarrla rurrlrtl, 10 rnnla In 2,'n'elita. Any order li-ll with mv III I irointiy Mtmlftl to. J. M. Ci'mminu. FHlltAY, OCTOliKIt 4, IH',1.'.. Kukt Hckakkwm n Friday wnnlny of UnI wwk Ilia II rat rctfiilar liifntiim of the Forum I)itnig club wan hflJ in JimliiM Dixon'a ccurl nxun. Tlio iithjocl umlur dmcimitlon wm "Slmll Hie Nicarnim C'unal Iim Ituilt an I Con trolltMl ly llin UnltwU KUUi.?" The alllrmolivn Makiirt were JutMili Rice. H. 8. Strni, A. 8, iwwtr, C. H. lye, Mr. Cantwnlt. The iifailve aa repre enle'l ty K. F. pritfiri aut J. K. HedKoa. The (ideation fully ami tliurounhly dlacutiteJ ami ohoweil cunalilnrttbln re rili ami iritaratlm on the art of the ii!'Wa and many atnxiK MlnU wore brmiKlit out by them for llwir re Rpectlve bhIcm. J, U. Camliell wa rjioacn rffen-e anil he carefully noted the Mtitii made by eai-li h leaker and on iiiiiinlim ii fouixl that the Micakera for the iii'Kiiilve had made the IwhI allowing and IhciWore ihridod III their favor. V. It. Hyde waa the preaiding ollkerand K. V. 1'rlnK nrled an aeuretary iq the abaem-o of F. T. (iriHitll, the rt'ular eccrt'tiiry. The iiKalion (or diNtHiiMlon. at the niwlinu on Friday evening of next week in "That Public Money Should nut be i:xH'mti'it on Hixher F.duca tlon?" The atllrmaiive will be lud by 0. II. Dye and A. S Draaaur and the ni'K(ive hy Mr. Cantwell and V. It. Hyde. KVANIIKLICAL I.l'TIIKRAN Cosr KIIRNTK. On Tueaday of next week the annual conference of the EvaiiKidical Lutheran church will convene al their aKHemby room in the Shivoly building. The conference will oontiuuu until Friday evening. Delegate and vinitorti from all pari will be preaenl and the withering will he a notnble one In the hintory of the ehun h. Hev. L. Orey, paMtor of the church in thin city extendi cordinl Invi tation for all to attend their lucotingn. OnTiieMilny evening the aerviee will be conducted in the tr.rmun lungungu at the clone of which tlie conunnnlon will be adminiMtored. The aermon for the evening will be preached by liov. A. Krauae of l'orllund, who la one of the in oh t elixjncnt pulpit orators in the atate. On Wedneaday evening aupcciiil Kngliili Mervico will be held, the aermon will he delivered by I'cv. (ioo Kuckncr, one of the church's hriglilenl ipeakera. All the evening eorvlcei will convene promptly at 7:110 o'clock. Bicvgmko Made Eahixk. An inwn tor in New York baa deviied an electric power uttachment for a lilcyclti that is aiiid to work periectly. In the trial trip hia wheel moved etcadily along (or blocks, up hill and down with no dimimi ation in power. It waa under perfect control of the rider and could be made to go f&at or Blow as deHire(. The bicycle, with ita electrical equipment, weighii 04 ponnde anJ ia capable of carrying 160 pounds for twenty-four bourn at the rate of thirty miles an hour. The power is derived from an accumula tor storage battery placed under the Buddie, which ia connocted with a small motor. The motor ia joined to the rear wheel by a woven lilk belt. The cur rent la controlled, by puxh buttons located near the handle ban. It is alao equipped with a powerful electrio lamp and an electric bu.zer to warn pedes trians out of the way. 0R Nkw Flag. Another star, the forty-fifth, is to be added to the flag. The new star la to represent Utah, aad the order for ita addition to the national color waa UimmI by hdrrelnry I,Hiii"iit, The alar Will be plm eil lo the 'right of the fourth row from the top, Tim tinier forthn tt'M lion of tlie Mur la Hi Ill- paiileilby lino cliiuiglng tlie lino of the colon. Ileretofoie the NtHmliiril liaa Imen mix feet by five, The new order iniikim the regulation Ki.e live feel nIx Ini hi'i by four feel four im-lica, The new order firovlden for tlni new colon lo be Immiii'iI to nil Infuiilry, anillery "ml the Imttulliom of engliieeiN, and alo for new NiaiiilurdM for ciivulrv. Tlie new fliign will be very liaiidHoiiio. They are lo ho luuile of the flueat Auierlcim iiilk. Utiih will nut attain alutehiM.d until July 4th next, hut all the H,ik hereulier con Iracted for and ifnued will contain the Mlur hnriilillng the ii'linUHiuu of Ihut territory Into the I'nlon. MkMKNToof tiik I'amt, F.It Charumn of the linn of Thou, t liarman A Hon, while overhauling mine old peckiueN that had been atored away in their more found a purl of box of wtille cotton thread thai once coimtlttiM a part of the alix'k the old lludam Hay Co 'a tore iu thla city which wa manuged by lr. McLaughlin and In which Major Chariiian clerked before engaging In buaineei for liliriM-lf. Thia thread wait apaitof theatork Major Churumn pur cliaaed of Dr. McLaughlin and in of Kng linu muke and waa prohulily iuixrted into Ihiii fount ry aome time In the '40'. The apoola are long and narrow In diam eter and look much diirerent from the modern eixwila. The thread retaina cou Iderableof lie etreugth even after ita V) year retirement from the himlle of trade. ' A Stbanok Ai cirKNT.To drown in dried leave apeara strange to many hut It apiear that looae hupi In bins large enough will eullocate a eraon who is no lucklrim aa to fall' into them, m quickly aa a pool of water. The follow ing from the (JervaiM Star Ii the account of the narrow escape a hup dryer had in one of his bins from l'ing drowned : "Joseph Kennedy, while at work around the storeiiouae Sunday accidenlly fell from the loose boards Into the mass of looae ho. He was rescued by Ilia brother who bad bard work to find him and brought him to the surface in an un cuiinctous condition. It waa fifteen minutes bclore be was brought to life again. It may seem strange but dried hop! are as dangerous as quicksand and worse than water to fall into. Grant Manning bad similar accident ." Nxw lUiLauAn 8wiT(4i. The work o putting: a awilchf at Gladstone on the line of the Southern Pacific has been coiiiiiioni'ed and will be completed by lh last of next week. The grading is being dune by II. F. Croas, who owns the townsile, and the raihoad company will furnish and put down the Ilea and rails. The switch will be some (UK) feet in length and will be on the east side of ihe main track. The put'ing In ii a switch at (jiadatouo will be a great con venience to the shippers at that place and shows that the railroad company is cognixunt of the growth of liiadstune ami ii looking after the business lo be had at that place. A I'uomotiox ron Casiiy. The town of Canhv baa been promoted by the Southern Pacific comiwny to the dignity of a telcgrai h station for ill road. A semaphore has been placed in posiUon and a telegraph operator Installed and hereafter tralm will receive orders from that place the mine aa from Oregon City and other telegraph stations. Since the umpuny have placed more trains on their lino and running them at a faater speed, a telegraph olhce tietween Oregon City and Aurora became necessary as tho distance between the two places was too great to allow trains to alwavs be annulled safely and without delav. (IllAND Ol'KNINU Sati'hday. On Sat- evening will take place the grand open ing of theTurtland Industrial Kxpoaition .in Portland. Frum the way exhibits are coming in, it promises to excel any x positlon ever held in Oregon, The musio will be one of the attractive fea tures of Saturday night's opening and will be of a very high class, Tho admis sion has been placed at LT) cents and special excursion rate are to be given on all lines in the state so that all may attend and do it on little money. Obituary. DIED-Near Hubbard, Oregon, Septem- 14, 18115, William Cecil Tulley, infant son of Marion and Jane Pulley, aged 7 months and 10 days. Little Cecil suflered a great deal dur ing the laHt three days of his life, until the Messenger came to call him home to that land where sorrow is unknown, and where those lelt behind hope to meet the lil tie spirit in its llnal home. The funeral service was conducted at the Hopewell cemetery by Hv. Scohorr, at 2 p. m. Sunday September Lr, 181)5. It Saves ( hluli eil. LaHt summer, we bad a child Hiill'cr ing from bloody flux, when we came into .possossion of a small bottle of Chamber- I 1 I 1 M... I M..-l lain 8 .one, iniuivra anu i'mi i una Remedy. 1 gave some of it to tho child I according to directions It afforded al-' most instant relief and effected a per-1 Dianent cure. I can chourfully rccom- j mend it. Gko. Jsnkins, Cedar creek,, Taney county, Mo. For sale by (4. A. I Harding, DrugglBt. Second hand school books bought a:id sold at Parker A Howard's siore. Near tlie kle pot. Tim la Cot flraln. All (rralu should Ixi on t before bewiro lug dead rijM). Whilo the stalk is most ly gnsin, with only a little turned yel low, all the nourishment that the plan I will got from the root la then in the Stalk. It will he bettor nmvl for filling out tho grniu. This ia (wpocially true Xit the barley crop. Wo have an'ii a differ ence of two or threo jKiitnls weight p;r bnshel iniide tMitwneti Iwirley rut enrly and Unit which waiu-d until (lend rifw. It Is very (lifltc-ult t timke tho six rowed barley hold out to standard weight ex cept when cnt while green. Lat cot barley ia nJao nnn h moro likely to be si allied. F.vcn the dews will stain bar ley when left standing tintil fully rlpo, wliile barley that was cut while green took scaro0y any stain if the rulu fell soon after cnttlng and before It bad dried. The only use for grain where it is reckoned lx-st to leave It until it is fully rlpo Is for seed. That la because gruin out green Ii asunlly put Into mow or stack In-fore It ia dry and heats too much either there or in the bin after thrashing, and thus injures its ritality. Winter grain that has to bo sown in the fall 1 better to be fully ripened before It is cnt, and even then it is hard to get it thoroughly dried lieforo sowing time. American Cultivator. CoDoarolng MllUit. Following is a brief summary of tlie contents of a bulletin from the Michigan experiment station on millet: Millet ia used chiefly as a "catch crop" for bay, slnco it can be sown in spring whenever it is discovered that a seeding of tho permanent grasses) has failed, or that a hard winter or luancra have destroyed the olover. It may be sown when too bite to plant corn. Millet requlroa gsal soil, preferably sand, and la especially adapted to new land. How half a bushel per acre for bay, one pnek if fur seed. Millet hay is usually cored by cocking it up when partially dry and allowing it to stand for several days before being hauled to the bum, as ia often done with clover. Millet hay ia strong feed and should bo used with caution, beiug al ternated if practicable with other fod der, especially if fed to bone. It is aafer and more palatable if cut before the sel begins to ripon. The beat variety ia German millet, providing tlie soil is good and it can have the entire leason. For late sowing or poor soil use oommon millet Hun garian grusa on fertile soils in a moist mason will give a largo yield of excel lent fodder. KMomimaM by I own Farmer. At a meeting of tlie Delaware County (Ia.) Formers' club not long sinoe a rotutiou of crops was recommended as especially suited to the northern section Of 4hat state It was decided (1) that grass ia tho beet crop on the farm ; (8) to maintain tho fertility of the soil without grass is practically impnaaible; (8) that no more than one-third the form should be under plow at one time; (4) that a six year rotation of crops is beat for our section; (5) the rotation should be aa follows: Two years in torn, one year in oats two years in meadow, one year in pasture; (6) a pasture that will uot pustnre one grown animal on IS' acres ia incomplete; (7) tho level enlture in corn is beat; (8) shallow cultivation recommended when the land ia first in good order. Iterrlor Mrthod For Chinch Buga. Evidence of the unusual abundance of chinch buga and of great injury caused by thorn over a hirge port of Il linois accumulates. Whilo evidence of contagious disease among them is found in many places, tlie dry weather ia not favorable to the rapid spread of this. It ia the Judgment of those most competent to divide that it is unwise to rely on this disease, but that the barrier method should be used to keep tlie bugs out of the cornflolds. If allowed to get into the corn, it is almost or quite impossi ble to destroy thera. Prairie Fanner. How's This. We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that crnnot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure I F. J. CHENEY A CO., Tr p., Toledo, 0. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yews, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness tiansnctious and financially able lo curry out any obligation made by their linn. Wkst & Tkuax, Wholesale Diuggists, Toledo, O. Wai.iiino, Kinman & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, uctuu directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75 cents iMr bottle. Sold by til Drug gists. Testimonials free, Ch'oiur Dlan Iim a in mmiIIi Idea. For mi l xix Year 1 was eMi-tant auir-ier iro n ehi'Oi ic iliairlioe i tried A gret Mile dies yet (on ni re lief, lly ch. ii re, I noticed a rMse menl in 1 1 - ni'iv-impei I . I u ion to Cliiiin'ii't hi'i'm Colic, I Iml I Di arrhoea llene'tlv. I t m i utile, ami , ( ,, i, ,f ,,( it Ii ,, ' . ken 1 W.IN C II lei IV illti-d. K I'. IflKu. V rt e liui l, Id uige Fiee h ' S , Af rica i - I" hv li. A. II r ' n. ti'iisr-1-ii.i eiiev. IT. s !)c,o, . "dy v.- Miind I'r.ceriOc. I ul : "' hi oh's C i Im tlie III t e llcille I Ii i v Uihi w 'iild do me any For s ile lv (i 'o. A. llardma Disorders In I ho liver an kidne s are respoiirilile for many of ihe al nieols of 111111111' iv, which, when nenlecic!, de vo'op i n r erii'U- and often at mala dies I'pidi nee would tiig. the pioioi t u ni Dr. J. II. Mi l-e.i " I.ivcr and K i'li ev Halm to remove 'h i ilor h- " t.nlie, and " 'lie r1 ' , :iii! 'o heid'hl "lis deli' per ho'ile d" by o y, dniggisi WITCH HAZEL SOAP Ih nothing but Hoap and Witch Hazel. It cleans the pores; stimu lates their action; anil thussoftenH, mnootlicH and whitens the skin and improves tho health. We don't try to get 2'r)C. for it; the UHual price. We Hell it for lens than half what we could get for it and Xiect to eell a thouHand times as much. 10c a cake -2r)c a box. C.G.Huntley, Prescription Druggist. THAT MULE is stationary at the wrong time and in the wrong place. But our remnants of Hood's stationery will move out of the way this week be cause we have cut the price in the middle. Evorv bodv knows Hood's writing paper. If you want some first quality fancy note paper get in this week at half price or less at Huntley's Book Store. Oregon City, Ogn. Huntley's Book Store is a state sub-depository for school books. Old books taken in exchange, all books sold at introductory price. The new Chautauqua books are now on sale at Huntley's Book Store, stop and have a look at them. Postoffice-:-Store, MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh . and of the best quality. InPricesvremeet Portland Competition. O.WISSTNGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. r.ntabllfthed 163. PIONEER Transfer1 and Expfe, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. Va scientific KnmaEgflRyBy preparation oi " Cold in (he Iwailrk'. Hitil m Ihe h CaurrMmfucss and Sort Eyes. It natures taslCiiisnicU RtfVWtS RM)TMTtv' UNPUUANT.BRtAlh. For sale by C. G. Huntley. 1. lil d 1 1' w tiiA - n PumER O r v 1 1J-E.CAL. I Tim T File Dress Ms.... s2gQmm J JJjHSEj'' Artistii A Millinery 'U' . Large Assortment of Latest Parisian and New York Designs of Trimmed Hats. Ostrich Feathers Dyed and Cured. Kid Gloves Cleaned. Hair Work in all its Branches. JR. BECKER 220 First Street, Save Doctor Bills... g$ Full Sock SCHWAN & PUTROW sit D O YOU DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H- BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. r Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET. OREGON CITY. The Argonaut. Is the only high-class political and literary weekly published no the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post office every week, remailed by Bnbscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of of the Pacifio coast. ' Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. Foe sale at Hunt'ey's Book Store. C P LOON BY, ... Dealer In .. . CHOICE HAY, STRAW AND FEED. General Express. Job Worlc and Movlnsj. Stand opposite Suspension Bridge. Juat received for fall waer, and elcgantTrimming Silk's ofallstylea. Our new stock of Clothing-" for fall and winter wear will soon be in, all of the latest styles and fashionable cut. If we cannot fit you, we will take your meafmre, and have a suit made to order for you. Tlios. Charman & Son. Portland, Oregon. PUT IN A STOVE PRICES LOW Main Street near the Court House. NEED f I v s I A I t