Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Oct. 4, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. Clackamas Co. Directory. COr.NTY OFFICERS. Jiilao, C erfc of Courts, K 'Onnli r, TroMtrof, " - A nir. (i-h.iol tiitrrliiton1oiit, Biireyor. Orouer, PERSONAL NOTES Gonlon K. Hy t. t. Huriim K f. VKtlMk 1 . M. Kair.sny M. M.r J. r. nrvi;.-y 11. s. uil.n D. W KiminiM R. L Hmmrtli i Ki-hr,l Spihi 1 Frank Jiu'Kar C .mmlMiinir, FKIPAY, OCTUlU'.K 4, lv.).- SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Chairs at ocooml ham! Btort? from 25c. TaMots ami composition booka 4c at The Fair. Money to loan on pwd real estate security by A. S. rnsser. A new anaile or shovel at Parker A H' ard'a store for 50 cents. Fresh vegetables from Maplewooti farm delivered to all parts of the city tou will save monev by buying vour slates, tablets, school bnn, etc., at The Fair. C. 0. T. Williams is now prepared to make loans on good farm property. Write him. Laxi-s. New stook of all kitxl just received. Fine hanging lamps for $2 23. See Bellomv & Bnsch. If you like something sweet get a cake of the Wilhoit honey. E. E. Williams, the grocer. F'inest catchup, Worchestershire sauce n.J other dressings used in the oyster cocktails at the No wit v. Mr. Freytag supplies his customers th ee times a week with all varieties of fine vegetables. His prices are very Children cutting teeth, and suffering from the various disorders incident thereto, need SWduian's Soothing Powders. Albright has just received another lot of choice cattle from the mountain caies, hich for quality cannot be excelled. Mr. Freytag is ever on the alert to supply his customers with fine crisp veg etables. Have yon tried his string beans, cauliSowei and beets? In order to puaii their sale the fine election of lamps at Staob's grocery has been greatly reduced in price. Some surprising bargains are offered. A full line of tricots and dress flan nels at 35 cents per yard. Call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. Thomas Charman A Son. W. W. Irvin, the owner of a fine farm near Harlow was in the county seat Monday. ('has. (iNllogly, of Willamette Falls, left Thursday on a ehoil business trip to Sheridan. Mrs John Gihnore, oi St. Helens, is in the city visiting her daughter, Mrs. lieoige Ilowaid. ) Mrs M. tloutiham, residing near Niw Era, where she owns a fine farm was in the city lust Fiidav. Pr. K. tiottchcr, the well known physician and fii'mer, of Moltno, was in Oregon City last Friday. S. R. I.umpkins, head sawyer in A Ikins Bros, sawmill near Cunby, was in Oregon City Wednesday. M is Edna Kugg, a student at the Port land university, sent Sunday with her patents, Rev. and Mrs. M L. Kugg. C. C. Hoopes, prosperous farmer and well known republican of I.acey, was In Oregon City Monday doing some trading. Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Brayton, residing at Maple Lane, where they have a com fortable home, were in the city Wednes day doing some trading. Clyde Evans, a bright yeung farmer boy resiling near Wilson ville was in O-egon Citv Wednesday and was a caller at tne Enterprise office. Miss Anna Hiciubothen, one of Clack amas county's best known teachers, will commence a winter term of school in the Garfirtld district next Monday. iliirley Stevens and Herman Jones rode to Salem Wednesday on the tan dem belonging to the former, to attend i the state fair. They will return Friday. I Kobert Kelland Jr., returned last Thursday from Los Angeles where he has resided for the last two years, will hereafter make this city his home. J. C. Newberry, the accommodating Marriage Rolls. RiNiio-CoNOKK One of the most en joyable events of the season took pliie on the 2:id of Sept. at the msideuce of Mr. Tom Orace, near CUrkes. It was the marriage of his sifter, Lucie, to liolwrt I.. Kiimo Jiist after the mum hour had pissed the splendid looking couple entered the room, attended by Mr. Jack Kinim and two nieces of the bride. Squire Schuhcl stcpptnl forward and In a beautiful and intptvssivtt cere mony united them in the holy bonds, which no mail can break asunder. The brtde was tastefully attired ill a lovely dress of grey henrietta, dimmed with steel beads, velvet and lihboii, with bonnet and stovos to mutch ami the itroom looked very handsome and manly in a plain black suit. After the usual congratulations, which were more than hearty the comany were invited to dinner and after partaking of all the good .things, the bridal party left for their new home, where they found a large number of friends and neighbors awaiting them. After hearty congratu lations and the sound of melodious i music, such as horns, tin pans and many other instruments used on such occa sions the groom Invited tlu'in to a grand treat of delicious vianils wli'ch had been prepared previously for the occasion, j l lie time new- by on eages wings us laughter and feasting chancd it Away and all united to make it one of the most enjoyable evenings tbev had ever spent. On tin following vVeduv&tiay Uiure was a reception Kiven at the ie-Mirre of 1.4 . W . Urate of Ely, brother of the bride, which another ooeab.uu oi I pie cure and feasting. A low intimate j ' friends were invited and all spoilt a very i pleasant time cae long to be remem- tared bv thoe w ho were there. The (couple who thus so auspiciously cntur iu ... ... ,. me are among our very oesi. ltio giuoui MstS mM. is a son of l he late Herbert Kingo, well jt,. 1m da of both utt-n and mwmn whoso dally Ufa la nmkliurativtiruUrufU ou their vitality, require aouiiiUilng thut will bring now material to the worn out normt Cvutvm. Tbla la Jiut what Dr. Ullea' torailre Nervine dwa. "I had ben MffMring fmr yrmra tnva heuilnctiita, nouralsla, alnepliwaniwa, and Ki'ueriil imrvoua protratlou, uiillttlng mo tor uncial, houneluiltl aud bullion duties, and, period leally, waa Coiipl-trlj prmatnttrd trith pmiH. I tried auvvral pliyalclana and a nival iiiuujr nmHsllea, but reclvml no boneflla until I VurU tr. . Mtftintlt Xri-rin, when I found almost Inimodlato relief, and ham hccoino qulto my former self and am Agmln flbfa t mttrttd rM bust r am, whh-h U thut of a brush manufacturer. 1 ham rtH-oiumeiided the Nervine tool hen who have used It with the same good nwulu" illlwuuki-o, Wu. Mrs, Anna Pr:-itR. Tr. M'loa' Nnrvlno la .ild ca a p-Jltlve fiianinu'v vii. the first hoitln will u nllu All dni'Kisi sell It at II, ( bottle 'oritur It will 4Hi"t. ii palel, on receipt of prire ny ue Li;. AUoa aioak&l Ooi, Ind, Dr. Miles Nervine ftoreenJth Tile ((regno Illy .Schooln. The following is the enrollment of the Origon City schools, as sboan by the roll ot Wedneadayof this week: The Park Place store of R. L. Russell now carries a better assortment of goods than ever before brought to that place. Five pairs of socks for a quarter. Pale, thin, bloodless people should use Dr. Sawyer's Ukatine. It is the greatest remedy in the' world for making the weak strong. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. It is a truth in medicine that the smallest dose that performs s care is the best. DeWilt's Little Early Risers are the smallest pills, will perform a cure, and arp the best. C. C. Huntlev. For a quiet place to bitch your horses way from the motor line and a place to gat a first class job of repairing or horse shoeing call on S. F. Scripture's shop on Fifth street. Diseases unfiiendly to women are positively cured by Dr. Sawyer s Pastil les. Ask your druggist for a free sample package. It heals and cures. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. ' The healing properties of DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve are well known. It cures eczema, skin affections and is simply a perfect remedy tor piles. C. G. Huntley, druugist. Albright buys only the best of stock, andof course, has the best meat to be had in this market, and he sells as cheap or cheaper than any other. It will pay anyone to patronize him. Why descend those tiresome steps when you wish pure drugs, chemicals and drug sundries? "Time is money" Save both by getting your prescriptions filled at the Seventh St. Pharmacy. Nothing so distressing as a hacking C0U'h. Nothing so foolish as to Buffer from it. Mottling so dangerous if allowed to continue. One Minute Coujih Cure gives immediate relief. C. G. Huntley, druggist. In clothing, R. L. Russell ol the Park Place store, can give lower pricea than Portland or Oregon City. The reason for that is, rent, insurance and other charges, are lower than bis competitors and that he buys for cash. Just exam' ine his goods and fee the bargains of fered. During the past summer and fall many kind persons have remembered the Ore gon City hospital with donations of frnit and vegetables, as well as many fine bo uets of flowers. They were all grate fully received and appreciated by both the Management andHhe patients and to the many friends who so kindly gave, Miss Liibker and Miss Utter, on behalf of thcmiclvos and their patients, desire to return their thanks, trusting that they may do good enough to the deserving poor to repay the gifts in the spirit they were .given. postmaster of New Era accompanied by his daughter, Miss Katie Newberry was in the city Monday. The Entkbpkise acknowledges a pleasant call. W. O. Dickinson, accompanied by Mrs. Dickinson was in Oregon City Wed nesday on business. Mr. Dickinson is the owner of a good farm home at Maple Lane. T. F. Ryan, one of Oregon City's live real estate dealers, drove to Salem Wed nesday in his buggy on a business trip to that city and other places in the valley. I He expects to return to this city the list of the week. i Supt and H. S. Gibson drove to Woodborn last Sunday to spend the day with Mr. and Mr. G. Storts, old friends of theirs. Mr. Gibson returned to this city that evening, bat Mrs. Gibson decided to remain and spend the week with Mrs. StorW. Wro. Barlow, founder of the town of Barlow and one of the earliest pioneers of Oregon, was in Oregon City Monday, The old gentlemen looks as hearty and bale as be did twenty years ago and at tends to his business affairs with the energy of a young man. Miss Marguerite, the youngust daughter of Rev. H. Wall, B. A. recently arrived in Oregon City from London, England, and will hereafter make this city her home. The young lady and her father have rented a cottage of H. L. Kelly on Eight and Adams streets and have gone to housekeeping. Mr. and Mrs, D. II. Glass returned last Monday from Alsea bay. Mrs. Glass had been there for several weeks with her parents, while Mr. Glass only spent last week there, bis clothing store in this city requiring his attention to such an extent as to preclude long va cations. They had a very pleasant trip. Fd. Newton arrived home last week from a two mouth's trip to Minnesota Dakota, and Iowa. He took his wheel along and traveled over much of these states. Minnesota and Iowa be thought good states but not to be compared to Oregon while Dakota he declared was only good as a great bicycle track. Mrs. Miller, wife of Capt Bass Miller, of Canemah has been quite sick for some time but has now so far recovered as to be out of danger.and with every prospect of regaining her health. Mrs. Miller, with her bueband are pioneers of Oregon and to her belongs the honor of teaching the first free school in Oregon City, and during her long life has done much to advance the cause of education in this new country. CJack Frost and Win. May, local sports, ran a loot race ot Z-U yards on upper Main street Thursday afternoon. The race was won by Mr. Frost who carried off $200 in stakes. Eastern Concord grapes, bananas, cranberries, new figs. New saur kraut. E. E. Williams, the grocer. That 20 acre tract, level road, 1)1 miles out, plenty of running water, only $050. C. O. T. Williams. Notice of Meeting. Notice is hereby given that the county board of equalization of Clackamas county will meet, at the office of the county assessor Monday October 28, 1895 and continue in session for one week. J. C. Bradley, County assessor. Money to Loai. $500 or $600 to loan on Improved real estate. Must be gilt edge. C.H. Dv. 8. W. Holmes. f. M.WedduU. known as one of the oldest se. tiers in the county, who was one nf the very few ftllefVA't'ill farmer anil ulini ia-m.m1 of more than ordinary iu'elUiuce nJ J-i'l! FiriUy industry. The bride is an oplv daughter of Prof. D. L. Grace of burns, Oregon and is a sweet lovable woman. May llio uuion he uo iueui one, t;ip plemntlii4 and romplotinj; eirh other's lives. Communicated. HAHt'LAY SCHOOL. . . .2 classes, 37 pupils. Miss Monroe. . . Miss tVelhurull. "!s Cochrane. .'. . .2 Miss Kelly 2 Tuesday the mail route between Os wego and Aurora, by way of Wilsonville, was discontinued. To replace it and to give mail service to Wilsonville and Stafford, as well as the new office at Willamette Falls, a service was com menced the same day from this city making daiiy Nund trips. This service is far mure satisfactory to the people of the southwest part of the county and to the business men of Oregon City than the old and adds to the efficiency of Clackamas county's mall service very materially, Jaa. Lamirof Park Place, has been appointed by State Fish Commissioner McGuire. as guard at the fish way in the Clackamas dam at Gladstone. It is Mr. McGu're's determination that the salmon shall have a tair chance to pass through the fishway to their spawning grounds on the upper Clackamas and will rigorously prosecute all parties found fishing within the prescribed limits, which are 600 feet below the fishway and 250 feet above it. Mr. Lamar is a reliable young man and will do his duty in protecting the fishing industry of the Clackamas river. E. E. Martin has bought out the stock of goods lately handled by Moody & Ri- nearson in the Commercial block and is getting things instiape to add an en tirely new stock of general merchandise. Mr. Martin was lormerly employed in the Red Front store and is an energetic young man who has had long experience in handling goods and should make success of his venture. Mrs. Martin, his wife, and Miss Laura Johnson will be as sociated with him in the store and will handle a full line of millinery and ladies goods, Jfonej to Loan. Parties intending to borrow money on their farms this fall will find it to their interest to cali and see me at an early day. Plenty 'of money on easy terms and low rates of interest. W. II. Buboiiarot. Drs. J. W. Welch and F. P. Welch have opened a dental office in Courier bldg, near depot. Frank P. Welch, son of Dr. John Welch and a graduate of the dental department of the University of Pennlysvania will be in the office Thurs day of each week . O. H. Ohlson, conductor on the Glad stone car, who was so dangerously hurt some weeks since by falling from his car, has fully recovered from his injuries and on Tuesday resumed his position with the East Side Railway company. A. G. Bartley of Magic Fa., writes : I feel it a duty of mine to inform you and the public that DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve cured me of a very bad case of eczema. It also cured my boy of a run ning sore on his leg. C. G. Huntley, druggiat. Total. 56 211 31. !il 2,' 45 2tW Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Seiler, living on Fifth street, had a handsome girl baby arrive at their tome Tuesday, Clothing. Sold at greatly reduced prices by Charman 4 Son, to make room for an immense fall stock. A full line of gen tlemen's underwear just received. (AHTIIAM SCHOOL. L. W, McAdarns 1 class 40 pupils. Mrs. McAdams 2 ' 41 ' Miss Lawrence 2 " 47 " Miss Baird 2 53 " MissSpangler 2 " 28 " Miss Hankins 2 " 43 "t Total 257 It will be seen that the total enroll ment for the two schools is 515. At the beginning of the term last week the enrol ment was 487, showing a gain of 68 for the week. It is expected by Piim ipal Holmes that there will be not less than 50 pupils added to the schools wi'hin the next ;ten days, as many families are moving to town lor the winter, and a number of childrtn are kept out at work, who by another week will be able to attend. Owing to the growth of the town being largely to the east and south, and the sidewalks being much better leading to the Eastham school, the six rooms of that building are badly overcrowded, while the eight rooms of the Barclay building have ample room for all that attend. Some dissatisfaction has been expressed by parents because their children have been transfei red to the Barclay school, but Principals Holmes and McAdams are doing the best they can to accommo date their pupils. If a sidewalk waa built through on Jefferson, or on one of the adjoining cross streets to connect Seventh street with the sidewalks on Eloventh, there would be much less dif ficulty in getting children from the south part of the town to attend the Barclay school. As it is they are compiled to wade through th mud in the winter time or walk more than a half a mile around in order to have a sidewalk lo walk on. The school hoard should take the matter up and get the city council to order a sidewalk put down. This lack of a few blocks of sidewalk is a serious drawback to the efficiency of the schools of Oregon City, besides it causes need less exposure to the children, for many of them are not provided with rubbers and gum boots to keep their feet dry while wading through the mud to reach their school. For the many accidents that occur about the farm or household, such as burns, scalds, bruises, cuts, ragged wounds, bites of animals, mosquitos or other Insects, galls or chafed spots, frost bites, aches or pains on any part of the body, or the ailments resulting from ex posure, as neuralgia, rheumatism, etc. Dr. J. II. McLean's Velcanic Oil Lini ment has proved itselt a sovereign remedy. 25c, 60c and $1 per bottle. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. Bucklcn's Arnica Halve. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores,' Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. For sale by Charman & Co., Charman Bros. Block. The home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Deaver of the West Side, was made happy by the arrival of a baby boy last Sunday. LUUI lclti,,.$'1 All right then imo to for a our storo a n v time aftor you hpo thin noiioo mul you can luy a $5 shoo for a if I. Kcinomhcr wo don't promise to lit ever)1 hotly in those goods us tho numhors aro hrokon and Iho sizes and widths aro not full hut thoso that can got a (It will got tho Biggest Bargain over had in their lifo. thov This is no dry goods fako. Como and soo lor yoursolves. lltrtt, "ft Sboe ft" Next iloor to Oregon City Hnnk, Oregon City, Ore. rrrr Coraer First & Yamliill Sts. ...Grand Opening of the... RAGER jjROS. P0 In Their Now Location Corner First and Yamhill Sts. On Monday morning, 8ept.30th, 1805, we shall open our new Establishment corner First and Yamhill Sts., and in order that our friends and patrons of the Farmers and Mechanics Store And the Prager Ifros. C;0., May acquaint themfolvcs with tho different departments of their Storo IUiilding Corner First and Yamhill Sts. ( A Thirty Days Special . . . ) ( &zzn Department Sale ) Will be Given. Our object is to make you department and with tho Attractions at homo in every foil wing list of in tho various departments of our vast Establish ment. Wo aro sure to attain our object Go Over Every Item. Do you intend coming to Portland (Juring fair time? If so pay our new Establishment a visit. Prger Bros. Co., PORTLAND. Corner First and ramhill Sts. . - OREGON. Mo.? J' State Normal School Monmouth, Oregon. Training School for Teachers Complme Klirlit-flraile Training Ieirt luent, and tliorotiKli 1'rufuHnional Coiimo. The Diploma of the School Kntltlcn one to tench In any enmity in the male without further examination. Board, Longing, Books, Tuition. $150 per w. Bcautirul and Health Location-No saloons Tlmro Is a gixxl ilomand for well trnined teach : There is an over mipply of untrained leaehera. Catalogue cheerfully nnnt on application, I'. I.. Campbell, Pren., Or, W. A. Wann, Secy. 0. 9. lyiyina- IWKKY VfBBH. WMB & JAMES CAltKIAUi:, IM04 Olt tTIXJ, AM iioi ni:, PRINTING. Carrlaeo Painting a Specialty. Paints of all colors and shades mixed to order in large or ' small quantities! Main Shop at Storv Bro's. & Co'b. carriage and wagon factory, next to Noblitts Livery Staoles. Also next to the Oregon City Iron Works, Oregon City, Oregon.