Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, APRIL 12.1895. OREGON CITY OFFICKR8. Mtro", il'.rnra 8triht L. L. Purler Ciloloirallc - Trouurer, CtJor Mloriicy, 8ue (mmlinnr, Ckfta. K Burin K. 8 'lm R. U IlKlmmi K F. lrl--C. rlK' Biipt. oi wwr worts, . n. riowni Cny Kmlnwr. P. KliinlrJ CoOmUlniMi II. C. 8trvm. 3ta- Bmuhlii, J.J. Cooke. Hfn). Jr, Murk Howll, L. L Porter. Heurjr Mtldrum, J. W. Moflittt. tundlmetflrl We.lnlii ofcn month to. oft- lull. Lc(rl Advertising;. Heroafter no local advertisement will be inserted in the Entkki-hiss nnlom payment for the Mine is made at the time the affidavit of publication is ren dered. This rule will be imperative and dead-beat litigants, who make it a prac tice of working the court, lawyers ami newKpapers will have to look to some other paper to get their notice published. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. Drink Japoolo Tea. 4-i cents per pound, Marr& Robertson. Wood wanted at once this office. Go to Wilson A Cooke for Oliver plow extras. Lace cm tains and bedspreads at the Kackct store. County and cily warrants wanted by the Commercial bank. Rosebuds 15c, 20c, 25c, and 40c at Roberts & Hamilton. Money (o loan on good real estate security by A. S. Dresser. Read the cast of characters for the Extra Session and note the talent. New lae, special line for children's wash dresses, at the Racket store. Special tale trimmed hat9, Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next wek at Roberts & Hamilton. (iet your reserved seats without extra clriree for the Extra Session. Tickets o i sale al Hunilev's. Don't fail to here Miss Carrie Ru dolph, Monday evening, April 15th, at tlie Congregational church. Matt O'Pell moved Monday from Third and Center streets to a dwelling on Madison street near Thirteenth . The home of Mr, and Mrs. R. L. Greaves was made happy by the advent of a haudsome twelve pound girl last Friday. Easter festival at Armory hall Thurs day evening, April 18th, under the aus pices of St. Paul's Guild. Admission including refreshments 25 cents. 1 Capt. John Kelley has retired from the Oregon City Fish Market, and is now watchman in the Crown paper mills. 8. E. Kennedy is now in charge of the the fish market. For C5 cents you can get a good am brellt. at the Racket store. All styles and prices. Tins line of goods will not be carried over which means that bar gains will be given. Special Easter services at the Con gregational church next Sunday morn ing, with extra music and sermon ap propriate to the day. Children's Easter concert in the evening. For tootwear you can get babys' shoes at 25 cts j ladies coarse shoes at 89 - cts ; men's boots at $1.75, or you can get the best grade of eooda mads at bottom prices at the Red Front. Don't forget the entertainment and social at the Baptist church Friday night. Club swinging, umbrella drill, mind reading, "songs of seven," music and icecream. Admission 10c. Walter Lyon, who conducted the Oswego Iron Worker lor a short time, and afterwaids was connected with the Salem Post, has retired from journalism an d entered a law office in Albany. The board of trade failed to have its regular meeting Monday evening, a quorum not being present. The presi dent, Mr. E. E. Charman is always zealous in his efforts to secure a suffi cient number at these meetings to tran sact business, but was too ill this week to attend to the matter. - Don't forget the firBt grand production of Frank H. Ray's sparkling comedy dr una entitled "Joe Bailey, the Black smith" to be presented at Slavery's 0era bouse, April 10th and 20th. You can't afford to miss it. Mr. Frank II. Ray in the title role will shoe a horse on the stage. The piece will be presented by an excellent company of players under the present management of Mr. Theo. Krerner. Don't forget the dates April lath and 20. The McLoughlin circle and other Chautauqua circles of this city have re ceived an invitation from the Historical Society of Portland to be present at their meeting, Monday evening April it, at which time Mrs. C. H. Dye of this city will deliver an address upon "The Hudson Bay Company." Many learned and eminent men have delivered lectures before this society, but Mrs. Dye is the first lady asked to addrees them. The Chautauquans of this city are making arrangements to attend this meeting which will undoubtedly be interesting and instiuctive. Today, (Friday) being Good Friday, there will he services in St. Paul's church at 10 a. m., 8 ami 7 :!I0 p. m. On Easter Sunday the sacrament of tho Holy Com munion w ill be administered at 8 a. m., and also after morning prayer. In the evening al 7:110 p, in. appropriate Easter recitations will be given by the children ut the Sunday school and the chnroh choir will render suitable Easter music. The follow ing members of the Sunday school will rviitu pieces Roy Station), Roma Stnllord, Harriet Smith, Lucy l.ovehice.'.lUyard Lovelace, Verdi May villo, Leah and Mildred Fairchild, Chas. Fairehild, Donald Shaw, Neita and Hen Harding, Fred Charman, Annie Dnngey, Lis Whitney, tiny Reddick. Ira Dnngey and Maggie (ioodfellow. Through the kindness of Mr. l'oe a magio lantern ex dilution will be given in Pope's hall on Wednesday evening, 17th int., to the children of the Sunday school. Prospects for the Oregon Pacific rail r)d appear to be brightening. The owners, Bonner A Hammond are pre paring, should the sale to them he con tinued by tho supreme court, to put the road in first -class shape and give it out that they wilt extend it through Eastern Oregon to a connection with some trans continental line. They will reorganixe the company and will incorporate under the name of the Oregon Central A East ern Railway. Oregon City will shortly have the best telephone Fervice of any town in the tate. The Oiegon Telephone and Tele graph Co. have a force of nien at work putting up return wires for the instru ments and installing the new telephones. The instruments now being put in are the latest improved long distance Roll telephones and they will give perfect satisfaction at all times and under all conditions. Oregon City is fortunate in s vuting so efficient a telephone service and wi'h the extensive system now operated in Oregon and Washington by this company, this city will now be on speaking terms with all the leading towns of the two states. County Treasurer Moore remitted Wednesday the balance of the tax due the state, the total of which was $15, 074 (W. By order of the court he will set aside for the school fund the next money coining into Ins hands for ap portioning bv Stipt. Uih.-on to the vari ous districts of the county. As the school levy will yield $29,555.51 the school districts will have ample funds for school purposes for some time to come. The apportionment w ill probably be made about the midd e of Mav. The steamer Ramonu curried fourteen tons of fresh salmon to Portland Wed nesday morning, the fiit day of the open season. There is 'not a shadow of a doubt but what those were all caught after twelve o'clock Tuesday night, though it was apparent that many of the Bsh had lain in the w,ater so long await ing the coming of the fishermen that they were so soft as to be l.antlv fit for food. It would be well for the Halmon during the next close season to bury themselves ia the sand it is said they keep better that way. The pupils of the East ham school have bv five-cent contributions, raised a fund of ten dollars with which a fine flag has been purchased for the school building. The ceremony of raising it will occur on Friday afternoon of next week, when ap propriate exercises will be carried out by the school. It is expected that the members of the Grand Army post in this city will assist in making the event worthy ot the patriotic motives inspiring it. County Assessor Bradley has commen ced the work of taking the census for Oregon City and it would be well for people who may have forgotten, to re fresh their memory as to their age, place ot berth and several other facts that is necessary to fill out the census roll. It is the intention of Mr. Bradley to make this census more complete than hereto fore taken and to show the exact popula tion of Oregon City . Mr. Thos. Allen, father of Mrs. E. C. Hamilton, is rallying in splendid shape fiom the amputation of his leg which was performed at the Oregon City Hos pital some three weeks ago. His ad vanced age, 67 years, made his case rather critical, but he bids fair, through the skill of his physicians, to live to en- Joy in health several years more of life. Mrs. Robert Porter, of this city re ceived news last week of the death of her father, Wm. Patterson, which took place in Dayton, Wash. Mr. Pat terson was one of Oregon's earliest pioneers, living in Oregon City many years, afterwards going to Ktarbuck, Washington, where he has since re sided. The Young Peoples Society ot the Baptist churches will observe a week from Sunday as a grand rallying day in the interest of the young people. It is expected that the Baptists of Oregon City will make the young people's woik a special feature of the services of that day. The building Otto Dente is having erected on Seventh street between Adams and Jefferson is nearly completed, Vonderahe Bns. and Zinzerling doing the work. Mr. Deute intends having a store on the lower floor, which will be conducted by himself and wife, and the upper part he will use as a residence. Cupid's Work. The marriage ot Miss Sophia Louise I.ogus, and Harry Smith Moody, was tolwmniied Wednesday afternoon April 10th by Rev. Uaau Dawson, rector of St. Paul's Parish, at the home of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Warner, in this city. The affair was very quiet, none but relatives and Intimate friends being present. The bride wore a handsome traveling costume. The residence was artistically decorated with flowera and house plants, the dining room especially presenting a very charming appearance. The happy couple received many useful and extensive presents. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was In dulged in by those present after w hich Mr. and Mrs. Moody took the overland train for Albany, where they will spend several days visiting relatives. The bride is well known in society, having lived here all her life, the groom, being one of Oregon City's prominent business men, and they both have a large circle of friends in this city who wish t!oin a happy journey through life. 1'omliig. Shively's oera house, Friday and Saturday nights and Saturday matinee, April 18th and 20th. First grand pro duction of the sparkling comedy-drama entiled "Joe Bailey, the Blacksmith," written by Mr. Frank H. Ray, of Oregon City and produced under the personal management of Mr. Theo. Krerner, of I-oiidon, supiiorted by his company of excellent players, Mr. Frank II. Ray in the title role. Special grand matinee for ladies and children Saturday at 2 :30 p.m. Prices of admission (or evening, 50e; gallerv, 25c; matinee, 10c and 25c. No extra charge for reserved seats. (range Meeting. Multonomah District grange met with Oswego grange No. 175, April 10. A day and nigtit session was held and officers all present. Eleven of the granges of Clackamas county, one of Multnomah and one of Washington county were represented. There were about 10O members present. The 5th degree was conferred on a class of 14. Oswego grange as usual did most royally entertain the visiting ineinWs The next Pomona grange will meet with the Tualatin grange on tho second Wed nesday of July next. J. C. Cams, April 11. 181)5. Literary Notes Among the notable article! in the Argonaut for April 15, 1S!5, ate: "The Intercepted Letter: An Episode in the life of a Successful Man," by Annie E. P. Searing; "Benefits Remembered; A Sketch of Army Life," by Gwendolen Overton ; "America's leisure Class," a review of Charles Dudley Warner's new novel, "Tho Golden House;". and letters on "Abandoned Babes in Paris" and the opening of the outdoor season of coaching and bicycling in New York, Marks Prairie school report, April nth. The following named pupils in district No. 38 were neither absent nor tardy during the month : Grace Trover, Wade and JViola Gribble, Leila and drover Graves, Fred, Henry and Tina Peters, Calvin Kocher, Samuel Dozierand Avon Jesse. Whole No. of pupils enrolled on register, 3,'i; average daily attendance, 28 ; visitors, 8. Patrons ami friends are kindlv invited to call on the school and note our progress. William IIankins, Teacher. The Extra Session of the Legislature, to be given at ShWtly's opera house Sat urday evening scored a great success in Salem. The legislature adjourned to attend and on all sides it was pronounced the I test entertainment of the year. Ladies take the parts of men and among other questions discuss a bill in favor of men being permitted to vote. Willamette Falls Camp No. 148 Wood men of the World at a regular meeting Tuesday evening initiated four in the protection degree and received two new applications. This order is growing very fast in membership as they have on hand eleven to he initated who have been accepted and will be admitted as soon as their certificates are returned. Cupid has been slow about getting in his work during the past week, only three licenses having been granted, thev being to Sarah E. Murray and J. V. Stapleton ; Katie Feathers and J. W. Hilleary; Sophia L. I.ogus and II. S. Moody. The full bill of fare, well cooked and well served, is placed on the table at the Farmers' Home hotel. The best the market affords is provided' and Mr. and Mrs. Sumner endeavor to give full value in all meals served. Remember the place, opposite the court house. A number of members of Columbia lodge, K. of P., of Portland, were present at the meeting of Achilles lodge Monday evening at Cnstle hall and conferred the amplified 3d rank on two candidates. Report of joint district No. (I, Pleasant Home, for the month ending April 2d. No. pupils enrolled, 51 ; average daily attendance, 37; cases tardiness, 10, dif ferent pupils tardy 8 ; No. of visitors, 3 ; No. of pupils belonging at end of month, 50. Estkm.a SiirvEi.v, Teacher. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entkkpmhb office. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Award. A Reminder. The following ictlllon was presented to the county court ut the last session. Tho signatures to It embraced nearly all the road iiKirylsorsln north and mid die-east part of the county It would appear that the Into Otegon City com promise Is agrivatiug inther than allay lug the diction bet ween the city and the country. TO TIIIC IIONOKAHI.K Cot'NTV Co CUT ! We, the undersigned, supervisors of road districts of (Msi kamas county In behalf ot the taxpayers In our respective precincts, resHH-tfully represent to your honorable body, that Inasmuch as Ore got) City lias obtained full und complete control ol the road funds collected Inside the city limits of, said city to the extent uhit) per cent of said road funds, and tho right to designuto on what Mad or Mads the remainder of said road funds collected inside of said city shall he ex peiided, it seems that equal und exact justice to all the county precincts would require that tho county court should make an order directing that all tho road funds collected In each of said country precincts shall be subject to the control of the siiHrvisnr in said precinct and as much as tit) per cent of said road funds shall be expended within the hmitsof said reciuct, slid I hut there' maiiider of said funds he exciided on such road as shall lie wdocted by tho supervisor. We would further represent to your honorable body that llm principal market for our precincts in tt city of Portland and if any o the road funds collected in said precinct bo ccnded outside of said piecinct, It should be be upon the principal road leading fiom said precinct to the city of I'ortland. WiiCHKroHK, in behalf of the tux pnv ers in said precinct we pray your honor able Uiily an onler directing that the expenditure of tho road funds collected in each of the precincts of the county be under the control of the Mirvior of said precinct as heretofore indicated. Static or Ohio, firv or Toi.kimi,! Litas Coi-Nrv, ( M- Frank J. Cheney inukes oath that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney A Co., doing business in tho city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said linn will pay the sum of one hundred dollars fur each and every case of catarrh that can not be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure FKANK J. ClIKNKV. Sworn to !cfore me and stihacrita-d in my presence, ttiis Uh day of DoceinUtr, A. D.,1SI. A, W. Gmuimin, Notary Public, HK AL. I Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testi monials free. F. J. Ciiknky & Co., Toledo, 0 ftiT'Sold by druggists, 75c. Dissolution of ( o-l'srliiarslilp. The partnership heretofore existing between D. II. Rees ami J. W. Stewart, as D. B. Rees A Co. is this dav dissolved bv mtitol consent. J. W. Stewart re tiring from the bimiuess. All accounts due the firm are pavuhle to D. B. Rees, who asumes all liabilities of the firm of D. B. Rees & Co. 1. B. Kicks, J. W. Stkwaht. Oregon Cily March 30, ISM. SHILOH'S CUKK is sT.ld on a guar antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. It is the best Cough cure. Only one cent a dose. 25 cts., 50 cts. and $1.00. For sale by G. A. Harding It will he an agreeable surprise to per sons subject to attacks of bilious colic to learn that prompt relief may be hail by taking Chamherluin's Colic, Cholera and Diarrlnca Remedy. In many in stances the attack may he prevented by taking this remedy as soon as the first symptoms of the disease appear. 50 cent bottles for sale by (i. A. Harding, druggist. SHILOil SCLni; the great Cough and Croup Cure, in" in great demand. Pocket size contain twenty-five doses only 25c. Children love it. For sale by G. A. Harding. Most people can not afford to experi ment. They want immediate relief. That's why they use One Minute Cough Cure. A dollar saved is equal to two dollars earned. 1'ay up your Hiilisapt'on to the Entkhfhisk midget the the benefit of the reduction in p. ice. J ant ice blanks, real estate blanks, and all other blanks ut the Entkki'HIhk of fice. Portland price. Awarded Highest Honors World' Pair, DR' CREAM Hi tytHHfi MOST PERFECT MADE. K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei lorn Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. wm NEW LOT OUTINGS, FLANNELS, YARNS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoos Etc. CASH PRICES. 1 buys. 20 lbs. rion, 28 11h. white Immiiih 11) 11m dry gran. Hiigar, 20 llm. extra C, 20 lbs, irtuitH, iileM or plums, 10 llm. k"1 lunl, 10 llm. dry milt input, IS yd, cnlxit w., 20 yds. nutinK llannol, anil In shinm. 1 ImyB a pair good oxford UHuafly l.Jii, or ladioH mdid button bIkmih usually l.r0. Another nbinieit, "indie" dong. hIioch, nt, tip, great value for tlM, broken loin hIioch at cost or loss; boy or limn h warran ted plow UM and 1.35; ladies heavy Hlipw-r cut to 'bio,; hIoi-I wire nails. 0 to 8 at 2..r)l) keg, or IV.) llm, 1.00; 10 to 2 enny 2.2.r) keg, or 40 lb. 1.00; ;10 to (10 in-liny 2.00, or -H Urn. 1.00, ltcductioii in ovory department. ...Red Front Store... omcnoN city. MUST BE In order to make room for a largo (dock of Gents' Furnishing Goods The t'litiro htiH-k of dry good at the BOSTON STORE MuK0UT COMMENCING SAT.. APRIL 6, AT I P. M. EVERY THINC MUST CO. 7VfOODY St RINERRSON. ...Harness and Saddles... AT COST, F. D. BALL AGENT, At the Armory Building. J. JONES & SON, DKAI.KK IS Doors, Windows, Mouldings, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMES. Cabinet Work, Fitting up .Stores and Repairing of all kind. Jobbing Orders Promptly Executed. i-iim'i:n thi: i.ow:mt. OFHIioi corner Fourth ami Vtr tri-tii. buck of Poi A Co'., Oregon City ...NOW OPEN-.. f4ecu Shoe Store KRAUSSE BROS, Next door to llurnn'tnter & Andrm-n. LATEST DESIGNS In guarantf-d to be given on all go to 3 Save M oney. And Encourage Home Industry Qregon Picture Frame Company Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . and Picture Frames New and Novel Designs Easels Pictures bTFVFI "' It;'f IKS Vf. ML assortment of fashionable jewelery and silverware ia very complete. DURME1STER & ANDKEHEN. CLOSED OUT FOR CASH. good. A trial in anked, before you I'ortland. kAU. THE 108 Second Street Near Washington M. J. MORSE, Manager. and Art Material. TIJJE WW NO JOT, and thoHO who watch and wait for time will only diweover Kb flight. You can dificover an elegant collection of timo pierog in our Htock of ladies' and gentlonien's gold and silvo watched, which in all canes are modelg of ac curacy, keeping time ho well that they don't loHe it. We can confidently rec ommend our watches and clocks, too, as entirely trustworthy, and meeting the needs of the hour to a Bocond. Our