Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
llm. dry 1 (M!N rent I, or cry (IKdir (OlIltT IIOTKKT. LAW. IMlli'lilioH'tir, A ('n,,vi I) M MuDim- lilil; tliiiiiliriiii llrixl mtoriii'V fur pltll. 1 VV !( vaJulin ami Wm l'lilllim' W l WalkiT fur J Ii f n it y, 1 1 ir -mi V. cxoiMilrlx. vi Huiniinl t Jlaiiinilen anil I Hlliurinn KuiiimIimi; JiiIiii- Mm A lillamnii tur 1 1 f I . Ali i Hwi'ttk VI Murlun mill Mnry John. ami; Waller F rirr fur ltll, Hurvry K. j ( rim; ('itilta it Ailing fur ili'fla. t t J turn jiuiiiiiirr va a ni niiiiiiiy; j u i JIkkiIi lur pllll. CI) A 1)0 i.iluiirnlli) ami t (Ipii (', llfiiwnnllfiir ilt-fl. i UK 1'errln va A M Hlillilcy; W (John. I poti fur pllll', l.uUiuri'ilii .V llmwiiHI furili'll. t l IWr A VVi'l vi A M Hlillilt.y; W C I .tuli n fur pllll, C 1) A 1) C l.atunrrtta A ' Jlriiwnnll fur dull. J i W II Ainu va N llowim; (1(J Antra I f or l I It . II T II WartliliiKUm, ( Hi, va Henry Tlilra. ami; I. I. I'urlnr anil (! ) ,t l)C l.alouri'tle lur iltll, K Moinlciilmll mid A H lirvaavr fur ,iln. ft Jolin K Coiirtiii'V v John Wolnliir; I) H i ll Mriiinni fur pllll. I ' it 1 ti i nl jt va Marlon and Mnry Joliiiaon; f l VV U Jtilinaon fur pllll', Jl K (Jrnaa and (,' if pica it A I It'll fitrilflla. f J 1) Conk va Miirinn anil Mnry Jolinatin; I; MIIIit ii Miller lor pllll', Caplaa A Allan for I drf la. I Jn-ei'liiia Tompklna va Maiwall lUmaliy; fl II II Nlrintlaa lor pllll. f W T lliirncy va llunry; W tl i 'I lliipiuy t.liir i r-ix"Ki imt niimii , t o, yi w a ACftfT- i. it man : l.ol, laal A .Minor lor Pllll, j ('r Yunkor va Herman TriM'Krr ! Jaiinry for pllfl, A Htliuu lor ilrll. J allien Crookulianka va llonura Davorey; , ' traiiacrl4 from J 1' uourl. i W II KlUpairlt k va ( lai liaiiiaa ('of I al; i i W K Hlwwera for pint, Win N lUrrcil lur i ' tlafta. I J J M UwrniiMi va 11 I.Hrlilllvr; 1. 1. 1'ortar i ( for pltll, K K UriKK-a rurili-lt. i ; Malar A r'rank Co va II I, Holilllnr; I. I. j '; Porter fur pllll. K K lrw lor (loll. I'i (iarrrtiMtii, Wnwlrull I'ratt t'uinpany va II 1. rVlilllnr; Cake it ( nke for pllll, K K i )ri!a for ilafl. , ; It I.HaMi. va II I.Hnlilllvr; 1. 1, I'orlerfor 1 pllll, K K OriKK" for 1I1-II. ! U I, M.i.lii rial a II I.Htlilllrr at al; I. ' 1, I'orlKr lor plllla. , John 1'arkt-r va Ida M McClollan el al; , Knmiona A Kiniiiona lor pltll. II Krreman va Clirlalopliilr Walib. ; It 1. Hnliln, al al, va II I, H lilllt-r ; llanar, Cakt ( akaand 1. 1. I'orU r lor plllla, C II 1 Dva for deli. J K Khrnk va A M Wallara and I' T Wal j lam; U V. Ilium and llaki-r.t llukrr for pltf. f limiluo (hitman va liana Joluivm. I Hum of OrcKon va Win Ja ami Frnl NkImiii; tranarrlpt from J court. I (Ivorxr Hiollli va l II !(' and 1 W Hie- arl; transcript Irion J 1' ronri, I Akin, N-llInK iV Co. va K M JUrlinan; W II Wlnllrld lor pint, ! W II linn. lull va Alli-n Hlmmona, C II Hawrramlli A II11111II1011 ; W (' Joliimon fur pllll, C I) it ll C l.alonrrlie lor deft. T Chariiiaii V Noil Va Chaa Krorgi-r; (' 1) t I) C Ijiioiiri'llu fur tutu. Ilimrv (ierw:i va nunuia .t Morrrll; A King WiImiii lor pllll. UmlaJ Hi'llirrlirk va Mill. in lloafiiril: W 11 IKiliyiia lor pllll; W I. NiiiiIiik for deft. II I) Juhiixoii va A I. Jaine- ami wile; (I C HruHiiell tor pllll. Tranai rlpl appeal J 1' conn dinirirt No, II. Clarence Karr va J H Wllllama; K K DrlKKi and (leo Hu lor pllll. K It Cliarman va 'l lioa I, rlaeger; C 1) ii I) C l.atouri'tle (or llll. Kreilerirk Kredrlci v Ori'ijon Iron it Kteel Co. John-iin, lilleman it Moodv for pllll , I lul .h. Malloryit Hiniun and Uronnrll ii Premier lor dell. A J KUner va Vt V llnrklinlder; C II Dye lor pllll, II K it (I W Hwo lor deft. rorlland Trunl Co ul (ireiion va Kill J Curium; Willlaina. WihhI t l.lnllili'iim anil It I. (iiLitn lor pllll, V 1) it DC Ulotirrue for deft. l'tirllan,! Trnul Co. va V K White: Wll llama. WihhI it l.intlili'iim and It I. ( for pllll. llronel .t l)ri"ier lord-fl, I'orllund Triint Co va Cnrollne M Mvera and Itohert II llraiie: Willlnioa. Wood it I .hit linn in and II l.lilinnn lor plilf, lluilev A- llallerv li.rih lt. ronlanil Trn-i Co va K lwanl M AlUnaon trnairr; Willlnn.i., Wol, l.lolhli 11111 and (ili'Hii lor pllll, Dolph, Mullory, S101011 lor ilvll. 1'orllanil Trnl Co of Oreiton, va Henrietta J Hiilliuiiv mid Unlit II lli-aint; Willlaina, Wood ,t I I nl Ii it'll lit nod tilinoli lor pllll, lludey it lliilh-ry fordi'll, 1'oriUoil Trml Co of On-Kiin, va Nancy II Aikinmin, IMwar.t M Alklnson and Annie M Warren; Willlaina, Wood, l.lnlliiciiin it lillauii lor pllll, Dolpli, .Mullory it Hinion fur ilefl. Tli )oh va J C IluiiKerlunl : tranicrint iroin j 1 i-oiiri. Ilmiorii Huvoren vi Aitnei Crookaliank trnimcripl Irnin Itiallcv cuiirl u m ii-iHirne ,v ru va u ititiiianl ; trana- Win I'lillllpa, Kmnil P Jonea. I, I) Jonea ami A Miitlier; J H Orant Maniiiain for pllll', II K llayaaaiid llrownnll Ac Draawrfor iii-iia, Mehala Ann Uulur va Haruh L Muck : II 11 1 roh lor pllll, J It W Hi-llwnnd va I' J lleiiniiman etui; llrnwnall it Dreaavr lur jiltll', Joliiiaon A Idleman fur dull, In th mutter of tha applii ntlon nl Annie llnilsii fur writ of hahaaa rorpua; looniona V f.mniona lur pllll. (i I: Hiivea fur delt. Klls 'riiompann va IIoiikIioi W Wllllama at at ; vt Minima, wood ,t l.liithicum lor idllf. 11 11 uiuiiiiaay l.iimtier Co va Jainea I liompaoii ; Kininiiiia A Kiiimiina for pltll' 1 neiiri-Kon JMitlonal llnnk or I'nrthiml va H W lUonea: Wlmlli-v. Hirnliaii it l'iH.nfnr pun, 1 11 rurn nun iv m Kaixer lur ili-lla. Thareaa Kramer va Itudolpli Wlnu-rer; llrownell iV Draaaar fur pllll'. Kllln Joiida va It I. Jonea; llrownell eV lireaaer ror pint, (I K llayea and (leorue 1 Hlory for dell, Kllancy Otla va W T KliiirtlelV, All. C Hhnrllidl , J A Anntnit and Paul A Oaniie. Helen M Montour va Daniel Montour; (J II Dye for pllll. Jatm-a II ll"KK'' va ltlchard W O'llrlen; Miller A Miller lur pltll. AaalKiiinniil of J'oiter A Rally va TI101 K Itvan, aaaiirnea. Cllv or i'ortlaml va C W flauon. aherlfl; J V lleai li and Ntruna it Walt for pllll'. Marv A Hindi va Henry Hill elal; Mil iar , .inner lor nun. C II Ma I. lock; Mud lock; crlpt troni JiiMice conn. 'I no Charuian va (ico M II Jnnea;CD it D C l.niotiri-tte for pllll. John 11 mi nit va Knoll Toc.lleniplcr; Irani crlpt, n 1 1 .fit I Iroin J 11 mice conn. Ouk drove Land it I inproveinent Co. r Inline Andcrann; W A Mnnlera lur pltll. Kdmard Hii(hei va Joint I) oyer; Miller it Millar for pllll', llrownell A Dreaadr for dclt. J K Anderniu v rortland KlimrliiB Milla Co; W W Thayer and W II Hnl a tor pllll', Willi it (tin. Wood am! I.liithicuni lor delt. Mnrv I-'redericka va Iternliart Fitllertand Anna Fallen, Ida wile; II K and (ico W Kwope f ir pltll. N F Zimmerman 11 ml J N Miller, partners na .liiimerniHii ttml Miller va John Coherv; IlriKk'aaml (iillnh lor pllll, C 1) nml D C l.ntonrelle for deft. F C lVrry vi Jnlm l'ltlmcr ami J11M11 1'almer; llrnnni'll und Dresner ami J I' (.'lllllphell lor pllll'. Chaa Allinnht v Jolin Dri'.incr ctl;I, I, Purler lor plil. I II A V"ll va Coiik'iIoii and Montour; triinacript, itppeul Iroin jiiNtice court. Joe I.eilUco va I) W Kuwanl: O'Neill, Jledp-a, Thompson nn.l 1 1 Id Hi for pltll'. K ( ChuIIi'IiI vi (I O Kin eii run 11 ct al; O'Nell, llcdh'i's. Tlinmpnon and (irilllth lor pltll'. W S 'tuniiiii va F M Rolierlaon and Suruli J Kohcrimiii; II K Crn lor pltll'. (i W Hi riiinlin va John H AlihottandC I.ori'ni; V D 11111I DC l.nlouiettii lur pllll'. (I W (iriice v John I, F.viina; I. L Porter fur pltll'. lllnmclte TrndinK Co va J M Nolln et nl; Dicltir nod .McucI.t lor pltll'. itnhhina it Son vs John Anjuolt ctul; C D it I) C l.atnnrettn for pltlf. K (1 Ciiulicld vi (inn Warner und Thus Chiiriniiii ; I, I, Purler lur pltll'. II C linger va W T I, inn; transcript from J P oourt, district No. I I. leo W'ehcr vh Fred 1 loll'miiii ; Motidt'ii linll, Wait it Maun for pllll. Htute of Oregon v Itnht. fiarthnrne it Powers. Kcjt'lTV. 1" I iset Dlrki-nson v John M Dickenson ; Capli-a A Allen lur pltll. TlioiniizliiM Fudy, executrix, v Thos Clinrmiin; .lolinsori A Idli'inun fur pltll'. J H .leiininira unil J Wehln-r. narlnera n JoiiitlnnH it Wehhcr, va John I'littuiiv; C D it D (; l.iiimirctte for pltlls, M (1 Mn'nly for dclt. W M Piiupncli va Paul Paupacli, execu tor' et al ; John.nin it Idleman lor deft. W T llnrney v H W 11 Jones and Hunk of Oregon City. .Iiimi'8 Alirnliiim va Mnrlon and Mary JohtiHon; W C Join hum for pltll', Jl K Cross mid Caplca it Allen fur delta. Willamette Transportation A Looks Co vs Annie M Draper nud W T llnrney; llrown ell A Dresser and Dulph, Mullory A Kiliions fur pltll', W T llnrney lor (lefts. Kltaabeih Lovejcv ct al va Portland Gen eral lilectrlo Co; W L Nutting lor pltll', Jlrnwnell A Dresser and J C Moreland fur ijv tlel't. , mnry a rauowi va Jiirs j ju runups, If Hlrhel A Mavur Vi (Jeo A Walllnir miner lor pun. Daniel N TrnlllnKer va Juliet K Trulllu Kr; llrownell A Dresner for pllll, 11 K C'roaa for deft. M II lliitist A Cd va (leo A Walling; Cecil ii nauer inr pun. Chaa llttiiman, at al Va Hhipley A Kruae ami Cellmla V. Krn;(l K iluvea, (ienrge I, Hlnry and llrownell A Dreaaer fur pllfa, Mil ler A Miller Inr delta, Anna II Duncan vi F.dward II Duncan; llrownell A Dresser fur pint'. Oak drove Laud Improvement Co va C II W T M astera for pltir, Miller A Miller lorilefl. Flaiacluier, MaverA Co va J J Fowler et al; Cox, Teal A Minor and Maurice Mi Kim for pill. T B Hanklna vi Win Ix'ijua; I, I. Porter fur par. Cliaa Itlalev vt J 11 Olds; Johnson A Idle man lur pill, Capleaand Allen lor dell. Win K CouKswell va Kn.lna 8 Cogswell ; deo C llrownell lor Pllll. 8 T Htephena ami Tony Hlephena va J B (jilieretal; Wauun, lleekiuan and Wataou and deo W Joseph fur pltll, Julinauii and Idleumn loruelt John P Coullerva Nancy J Coulter; llrow nell and Dresner for Pill. , In the inulfcr nf Hie asslf(iimeiit of II L rvlilller. 1 TluiaCliarmau va John Mulr.nn; C Hand j D C Latonretie for pllll. j Portland den F.lectric Co Corporation vn J Y lluiiiphrev elal; !lro 11.ll and Dn-sner lor t. ml, (I K llayea and W I Muir lor delt. ' II K (iamen va k W lianirs; llrownell and ! Dresner Inr pllll', J I' Caiupliell for di-lt. J P Itaninnaieii el al va l.adru Ituval; j Chan J HclinaOel for pllll, Starr, Thomas and , Chnuiherlaln lur dell. ; Hniie Barclay vs City of Oregon City el al ; ' F. F DiIkk lor .tell t ; Asnignmeiit id J W Tlioiuas; J I' Camp-i (Mil nr.lglle. , 1 I liv of Portland vs Frank K Thomas; 1 J O Uracil lor pllll. Thouiaiiie K 1 1 1 1 v . F.xeculrlx. va Win Vaughn ami K C Mu Idock ; C D and D C ' Laioiirelte for pllll. AH Drcer lor dclt. ! Mra. M. C. Wells, va. Mrs M II Wallace; j Wiialley, Hlrahan and 1'm-s lor pltll, Oeu W Hwot. and II F. Cross lor dell. J A linker et al vs Khoda A Ivies et al ; ! deo d llingliaiii and B-uiliain and Holmes for pltrl, Milton VV Ho. nli, Chan C Carey,' W N Barrett etc for delt. Trurleeaof Bnplisi College at McMinti vllle vadeo L Kavloraml Krnla F A Kavlor; C I) and DC l.atouretle lur plltr. Calvin Harrington and Hii-no Harrington vaHnrah Murgaret Miller; C D 4ml DC l.nloorclte lur pllll'. W II Hulmea lur delt. Ilnttie A Hellogg vn Win 8 Kellogg; llrownell and Dresser lor plllf. I.iwcie N Conger va Burl Conger; I. I. Porter lor pllll. W II Purilow va T llowland et nl ; C I) and D C l.nluurelie lor pltll, tl'Niel, lledgea and 'I'tnitii . -on for dett. W W II Samson va K C Brow neil m il Dresser lor pltll. W W 11 Samson vn K C Brovi lu ll and Dresser fur plilf. W W II Sbh 1 vn K 0 MaddiM k; Binvinell and Dresser fur pllll. Suite o Oregon vs lino-of Oregon CIU ; W N Barrett lor pllll' audi. I, Porter Inr delt. Suite or Oregon vs Commercial Bunk of Oregon City; W N Barren Inr pllll', CD and 1) C 1 .11 ton ret If lorded. F A Tnie!nian va W T llnrney et al; II K Cross for pllll'. J T Appemnn Vi W T llnrney et al; II K Cross lor pltll'. JnsperClift va Hoht J lleattlv. Trustee. Koliert J llealtie, Marv A Suule, deo. 0. i liihsou and ltd Miller: J It Stoddard lur 1 pltll. F.ila Mclilvfug va Krnest Koeliler and , Wlilielmiiia Kuehler; (ieo I. 8orv fur plttt. Adam (juick vi Annie K Quick; C II Dye for pllll'. 1 Francis La Mode va Major La Mode; James (lleason and Thomas 0 Thornton lor pltll', Mcdiun, Seara and Minion for , deft. Thos Charman and Son va P A Mttnpinni and (ieo I) t'anlew; 11 K Cross lor pltll, llrownell and Dresser for deft. Kohl Kellainl vs K W Kandnlpli et al; II F. Cross for pltll'. I, F Finn Inlils vs Win-Fiiirchildn: C 1) and D C l.atouretle lur pltll'. ( nun Moi'iinke vs jnsepli line; I. I,1 Purler ami .1 I Citmphell for pltll. Ilrldgelt Siiiiintt vs I. T llitiin Hiid lose. phine II Burin ; (ietirin. Silveslnne. Murnliv and BrodiH Inr pltll'. Adam Andre vs C M Andre; C I) and I) 1 L l.nlnureiiu lor pltll. I David Bloomer vs (leo E Illnonier; Kolit 1 Miller and Will I, Miller Inr pltll'. r C Perry va John l'ltliner and Julia Piilmer; llrownell uml Dresser and J V Caiupliell lur pltll. Julia Pulmer vs Juhn Palmer; Siont, Boise and Stout lur pllll. Herman lliiluuin, jr, va Leonard llei ker. Jretnl; John Ciillin and Hunt Catlin for pltll, John T Milner, J S inchester and A King Wilson for ileft. Melvnia dridcr vs Alvin TOri ler; Dolpli, Nixon uml Dolpli lor pllll'. KI1r.1t Koch vs August Koch; (iotdou F, Hayes lur pllll. In the matter of assignment nf S B a id (TiasCulitl vs C O T Williuins assignee; L I. Porter for assignee. II l.i 111 111 vs August Slnwnsser ami Anna Stnwasser; Mcmleiihall, Wait and Mann fur pit IV. Kdward Dahreco vs Caroline Dahreoo; llrownell ami Dresser lor pllll. (ieorge W Shaver vs W 1) Adumn; W W Thayer lor pltll. Kiilus Pease vs Allison A Pease; C II Dye lor pltll', C D uml 1) C I.ulonrette lor den. Adilie Wilbur va Chus Wilbcr; Ceo C Ilroniu'll lor pllfl. J A Snegnr vs W P Alkinson; (leo L Slory ami ( V. Hayes for ptll. H C Stevens vs Silas Wriuhtet al: II F. Cross for pllir, Carey, Idleman, Mays and W'ehstcr (or (lefts. Oregon City vn Fast Side Itailway Co. Jiinics Hodges vs Julia A Frost; W II Dohyns for I'll ft . W'H Seltzer vs .1 A Seltzer; C I) ami D 0 l.atourelte for pltll', Amelia Berretli vs John Ilerretli; II K Cross fur pltll'. 11 P McNarv vs Clarkiinift Co: G 0 Bing ham and W II Holmes lorpltf, Win N Bar rett and I. L l'ortor for delt. Preston Pendleton vs 0 K Bo man and Josephine Bowman ; 1J F and 0 W Swope for pltf. John D Lev vs Balthazar Kurr. and Maria Kiirz and U W llever; WO Johnson for pltll. And all AneMaurlea. White, Standard And Olliera. F, H. Leclltr 4 Co., Vt First Hi rant, Cur Haluuiii. F. R. CHOWN, PXAi.aa im IlanJwaro :- :- rind HtoveH m Klrat Hlrcet, I'urtland, Or. FORBCS & BIIEEIEN FURNITURE Carpctn, HIiikJch, Lik-(; CurtairiH, rorticrcH, etc. 174 Klrat street, 179 front atreet OLDS & KING Offer Heat llarxallii CAPES AND... JACKETS- 3th it Wntlilmtoo ala. Easier Cards Aud Novelties linn i THompsoa Coin puny BMkM'ltin Mini Hltl"iiitrt. m ftfi) n M.trrlMni Htrrn-t. p..rtli,u.l. TITLES ADsIracted And luniniitred by Tie Title Gosraalee 4 Tras! Co. Chamber of Cuin- merva lliilldina jo 11 a tl, WAHsra a Mocoa CoITet: farlon IKS t'hlrit HI reel, (ipp t'urdrny ilienire IlKHT I5c MV.AI. IN TOWN. No ChlueiH- Kriiployed Newest Tliinna III Wall Paper I'riecs to nuit the timcH . Hcllofleld A Morgan I rl I lord HI. Heud tor H unples The L. & Z. Swett Co., ( New and Haeond Hand. Furniture, Carpetf, Bedding and Stovea. 201 tfe 203 Front, 202 Taylnr Stn. At the boat iumlin. GraHofl k Koeliler, I'rcHcription DruggiHt 1st and Main at. Family & Country Trade Solicited. Llpao, Wolfe k Co. Third II Washluflnn. Dr. E. C. Brown Eye and Ear Surgeon. Olaatea Fitted and Furnished Iffll Klrat street Jno L Cline Watch Makr. 224 FirHtHtrpet. All work first clasa Prices Ixiw. bolierts Bros., Dry Goods lb Third Hk LtADCRt OF Low PRI0E8. The names of Die Portland (West Hide) Business Houses here given are for reference and guid- it ance ol country ana nuouroan buyers. They are recommended an relia ble firms to deal with GUIDE. DEN7ER KITCHEN. Real Meal -) On Earth '"l" 228 First Htreet Near Salmon. Meston Itygert Book Mfg. Co. The Blank Book Makers. Cor. Front and Stark. Ladies Shoppino Lunoheons Sweallanils Portland 248, 2.i0, Mnrrlaoo, near Third HIK HAMoNA leavea Oregon City (AM. 2 au'l ( P. M Purtlmiil 7, !! i AM anil i P.M. EAriT MIliK KI.KCTKICCAKS.Uava FortUnd and OreKou ( Itjr every 40niluiilesfrora7 A. M. Hardware Avery & Co. 172 1st Street Near Yamhill. Books "d Stationery GILL'S. AT 3d and Alder Hts. C H. Hoonltacse & Co WALL PAPER Paints, Oils, Brcslies, ttc. ! Alder Hi reel Finest Photos $1 Per Doz. et , Mesarvey's Gallery. IG'iJ Third St. reeman Cclee Boose t'uffe. lea r chiieuUte II. line ins'to (ilea and e ikes The ereim and milk is fr.nn hi rHiii'h. Iilmier fmnt 3 .Hi to a m . 2iieenls. Vnshliiiilmi street Ixil. 1st i. tut .M. V. C. UUKN8 GROCER. 1(7 Third St. Fine values in Teas A Coffees. Bun M. Harney, Medl a a Test meetings on Sunday mornliif and etreiilnr. also Wednes day evenings at 8ilr I Itnal Temple, Second ir.J Jerrcrson streeta Healileiit-e and office. Wt First Street LADIES' WiH, Switches und Hang. Also (Jents wigs. Oft our Prices. Paris Hair Store 3tW mhlliitliiu Si. Cedar Camphor For Motm8. Laue-Davis Drug Co. M& Yauihlll. Juhn S. Meek Co, K2 Sixth St., rhotogrsphic & Magic Lantern SUPPLIES. POTTER, Artistic Photographer. 2H First St. Photos $1.50 per doz. Kodak Work. Roral Bestaorait 2o.' First St., Where car stops The best place for a good meal. Reasonable price Cheapest plai-e for artiM a rusterUla, Plctnres, Framss, Etc. Bernstein's Art Store. 307 Washlngmn St., Between Stn 4 6th Books Bought, Sold and Ex changed at the Old Book Store 'jDft'i Yamhill St., fer Third. W. L.Douclas CI CI IttC ISTrlCKST. wriWkriTron akin. . cordovan; raXNCM a. 1NAMCUXO CALP. 43FlNtCAUKAaXIARIMl 3.VP0UCE.3 SOLES, ,2tf2.W0RKlNS!HEu' ' CXTRA riNt ,5. BoysSchoolShoei ladies BKOCKrorLAiAaa. Over One MIIHaaa Pcopla wear th W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our ahoca are equally Mtli factory They f Iva tha bt valua for the mtwr. her equal euataaa bhom In ttyle and tit. hlr wearing aualltf ta are nnurpaMe. Tha price ar anllorl. etampco on sole. Proai il to t.) saved over ottter aaakaa. 11 your dealeGumot topply you we cu. Sold by dealers everywhera. Wanted, nuenta to tmum crarciutiiv Ml for thlai vlcln Ity. Writ at ones. Reduction In Prices- ss. A' We are groin? to dispose of all our Heavy weight Underwear-8 Before warm weather catches us if Price is any object to you Heavy natural wool underwear, regular price $1.50 a suit, now 00c. Camels Hair, heavy, regular rz.W now n.50. Pure wool, heavy weight, regular f 4.UU, now ifa.Ot). FOK- ABSIHJjriit.Y PURE L) R.UGS ' 00 TO r A. HARDING. FOR PTSTORI7 A NUNK HIT COMPfcTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED irt-rr rTtX.-'JaVTaB-ajsrr-E. TlH Hue FfrfPivrl5i; i:i V.M Alleles Aln lull noot pf F-A-IlTTa- OILS If you use the IVtalomS Incabelora t lirooilcri. khike money while other are wasliiiK time byolil procrssea. Cslaloptcllssll alwut ll .and ileacrllirt every artUlenredil for the, poultry buaiueaa. ihCVlli i I .4 mechanically the beat wheel, ercttiestmotlcl. We are Fscitic Coast Aeenla. Bicvcle csta- logue.mailed trce,givea full description . tirlrea etc., aoknts wahtko. FETALCMA IltCUBATCR C0.,Ptalnma,Cil. BRANCH lloi hit, ju S Main hi., Loa AiiKclrs. 3TR. SARAH DIXON, Will leave Portland, foot of Wtihhington Street, for Astoria Sunday morning at 7 o'clock: Mon day, Wednesday, and Friday even ings at i o clock. RETURNING, leaves Astoria Mon day morning at 6 o'clock; Tuesday Thurnday, and Saturday evenings at b o clock FOR CLATSKANIE Mm Stumer G.W. Shaver, t s raire sj I 1 ii':it 1 n.ii 1 r it 111 leave i uritunu, loot 01 Washington Street, for Clatskanie and way landings, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday mornings at 6 a clock, and return to Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays This the most direct and accessable route to the Nchalem Vally only nine miles from Clatskanie. Shaver Transportation Co. iS I'aire 2.. . a liluatrutea ; '" FKKK. The ERIE" t M40 CENTS A POUND, $300.00 win pay far it. For particulars tr Vlok'n Flornl Juidw for 1W, which cmt h1 n a rnlnml jiIhU'i of Vlck's Ur.:"clinir Antor, Hwwt Iw, Vrtre tablin, miitdcu. ml Oold Klwer. UttnwitiUuntratinrtsi; descriptions tlmtdrwrtl,ntnilttiit; liiiiUon(iwlntran(1tmnwrilantln(t. Frtnt sl in 17 dlflt'iriit (Ntltirpal InbiL Mulled on receipt of 10 cents, which may be dwluctMl fruni tlntanlau-. Vlck' LUods "fc' tha nrn of Ufa Wr re j.. CHOICE SWEET PEAS mm$ V.,. I 'f. i--. PtwTAGK rxit). We hare srnwti tons of Swivt Vcm the nast aummer of a Terr fine I J.z mini IIy In lu ul.l. In nl a,,, r.j.n.l. a IrMtl 1'hllik ftf ll 9ft vn. & A . - rli'llra anil oolora mlxil. A nnnnrf nnlv JU psms t hnlfDound P.1 I! ui.i ........ u-.. '! r ? ...... iii .....' t HIM fl PI nWPP nsrrtT.OntnaiUMtder.CharmtnrPotPlant UULJJ riAJ VV LI. Eicilltut (or Bonlera. I'UuiU 25 u aacb ; two for Mcenla, COLUMBIAN R ASVdERRY. SElZKSSSrg. tremplTTleorous, reststlna dnmclit; prorsnnKI I'T H.nosucki.raj frullvery larfre. color diirk ml; lit U-rrT for rnnnliifr. rflalnlnff slrf, color and flavor; Imn srason of friilll'na; lilpli qiislllr of tale fruit; fruit silliirra to ItieBli'in, not ilropptup : do not cninititelit lU'Miift; exn'llrnt alilpperi oniterfiill pMllne.oTerawflquarlarwr nrm; vrry linnlv. l'rovod by vi'nrsol'lrial end tcstist by Kxtmrimnit Bullous and ImltGrowei. Single plains ISlcta.1 oueUoztu HautefS I 1 B 1 f t?a lf'l'J.S 6W A new line of latest style in At a popular price, 15c. Collars Glass & Smyth. mm Unload YourLiver Three Doses ot Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Does every step seem a burden? You aoe billions. Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. 4!JoiIUc i la ids Him mm s om A Sovereign Remedy (SrQjtjghi Colds. LaGrippe ami all Aftectiopj cr thtThroat. Chest and Lungs. 50ctS.$.22 8V.H0 TOR PRIWIH. For sale by C. G. Huntley. RED FK0ST MARKET. The fotlon inir market nnolations for Oregon City are furnished by the RiJ rront tore, an1 are corrected weekjy WH'lLESALE. T.k, per doz Butter, per roll. Chickens, per dozen, .. Old Hena, per dozen,. . . t ounz diicKB, per d u-n, Al'plra, pnr Imx. choice,.. l"e , ...25 to 50c f2.f)0fo i 75 3.00 to 3 50 3 00 to 4.fX 65 to 75j5 Timothy Imy, haled, per ton, $9 to '.3 Clover hay, haled, er tun, fJ) to t8 75 8traw, baled, per ton IS fc 1 Cahhage, per doi., Wto6'e Oniona, per cwt., ....( to l .W 1'otatoes, choice, 30 fo 3V; Wheat, per bushel 40 to fie Onta, per bughel : 26 to 2Jfc wool, per lb, 8 to 9c Kir wood, per cord i Drewed hoes, per lb 4 RETAIL. 19 lb. dry granulated sugar $1 00 Arhnckle aud Lion coffee 26u Good broken roam coffee 22 Liverpool aalt, perewt., 90e Kice, 2iillm II 0 Teas, per lb., 25, 30,37c Kotie )24 Coal oil, per ttal., 15c, 5 ?1., Vile Hams, per lb ViHc Bacon, smoked sides 1 Dry salt pork IOC Lard, 10 to He Shoulders. Sc Tea nibs, 2 lbs, 15c Timothy seed, Clover seed 12jC Cider vinettar 2 e Pickles, per kei; II, 07 Flour, per bbl., VI 45 Shorts. per sack,55 to 75c; per ton, 1 11.5) Kran, per sack, 40c; per ton '3 Wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, 2 5) Wire nails, 10 to 20 penny, perker.2.2r Wire nails, 30 to 00 penny, per ketr., 12. tO LOWEST CASH PRICES IN THE CITY Blue Front Grocery. Seventh St., E. P. Elliott, Prop All New Stock, -:- -:- Of Best Gluality. FREE DELIVERY. A TRIAL ORDER ASKED. E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE EH ST JOHN A. BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, ORTLAND, OREGON. IS MILL ON KAKTll. For general repairing he statute without a peer. For first -cla.-s, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. ItOCHESTER.NVY. STP TOLKDO IDAILIT -:- TRIPS. Down Leave Davton 5 A. M, r:.,: k on v.1.i n..i..' -: 4k i c iinreiuti u,uu. newueisru, iiu c- Gives the choice of a. A 'n,om,n Drit'- a.nn TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL j arrivins in Portland 10:o A L JEZ O "5LT "27 3E3 5 i Up Leave Portland 2: SO P. M, GREAT UNION Oregon City 4 P. M. NflRTHFRN RV PAPiriP RV ciage runs octween Jlcilmnvire v " UH.t.JV.K,, AAA VIA ! nection with the boat. The Bfao DENVER! leilve 1Iott' Yamhill, McMiniv- ville, every morning at :'SQ a. in., returning, leave Dayton every evening, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis . ST. PAUL. Low Rates OMAHA Kansas City. all Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. to Eastern Cities. OCEAN" STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dress, W. II. 1IURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast ti in e made. Tor freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody shoud patronize the Toledo and thus sustain a daily l boat. j Joel P. Geer, Owner, i Archie Geer, Captain. ! FOR SALE OR TRADE. f Trana nt CLACKAMAS KKtllT LANDS. t" Good house, barn, etc Also I O L0T8 IN 8LAP8TONK. J. K OKOOM. Park Place, Oregon. .T it t