Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (April 12, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME (. C. T CO.'MKTKAMKK. Nlt-mimr HA MOM A. HUV.ailrtKli'lN CITY. I.KAVM fOHTI.AKO uu in, 7iw n I ' p. Ml. II HO. 111. go iii, UU l, III. - 'I'll Kl PAHMANIiKIl HI KAMKK, AIIONA, IIIITWIiaN hiKtl.Hll.l.l(K A Nil INI,HNI)HI'I, Uti 1'iirllainl Tuylnr alrtti-1 duck torn) A. M, ml orc' i;uy Inr H.Ikiii 7 I'i A. M. Iimailajf, Thiiratlay anil HatiifiLy, I..v lii.l.-poii'lrin a ml A N and Hnlnin 7 46 A M mnl Ori-KMii vny l uo V M lor fuit- Uiul MimcUy, WliiiU)f mid Friday, KmI IIiiik, 'mI iiiiiiiiiiiihIaIIiiui and low ralna. No way Ir.mlil Hpeclal rnU'l uu Ihrciujli IrclgliU Ndll'IIIKKN I'ACIKIC KAII.WAV. HTM )NU. Calllnriila (llirnuihl Huialiur 1-ooal (way alalloua) Ml . m. I 'M p. 111. OIJTH KUUKII, Hull-Una l,m'l (way national Calllornla fcapraia iiliruugUl V III . m 7:1 p. ui V.1I.I.AMKTIE HUM KI.K( TMIU 1UII.WAY, Tim I til, l-eavt Orruii I lly. : V A H. (XI " II m " 1 '' P. M, I OS ,uo DMA. M. JUDO II 00 " I w V, M. M ' I Ml I (HI I : ' 4 uu 4 SU " fc.iu " ft u " t.uu " Wlllaiiintl. Kails, e 41 A. II, a Ml " I) t " I II r M. I .W " 1:11 ' IVMl.T TIM. 11 A. M. 10 1.1 " 11 Ml ' I ISP II. '1 4 M 4 l " II to " I. la " M ' 4 16 " 4 U " 6 14 " 6. ' 1:11 " (!. A. Ull.UK, Hupt THE M AllJt. HIU rim iiiiui North, U lu . I p. m. p hi. M.iln Cll l"ll' Hlilltll, III., C..' p. IU. Ill a-ii'ina. nrriiin I'll l I'lifllaml iiit Kl Hide llall wa. W't U HIV, H aii'l ' V M arrlvri II AJ A, M an.l 4 to I" M t.rrlca I'nrlWwl, Kn.trru, Weal Kldu.Haiiily ami lllslilmid ruiil.a' inall. im-iem I'll y to Kly.l'.rua. Milium. I.llwral and Mnlalla, inu'i al li ill. ami arrlvua al I'.' m. dally nri-Kiui Cliy to Hmvtr ( rrrlc. Mink, Clark. Mt-ailnw llriink. I nliill Mllla, ami l i.lli'U. Ii'atra al IU a in. Monday Wvilnrxlay and l-relay and rt-iuiiia uu lollowlui dav al 1 .41 p. m (iicfini I lly In VI. .u. Iitan and Itrdland li.vfi iirpfnii l.'lty Monday Vt'mliivadav and Friday all uu I'. M., Uvlii( Viola aamo daya al 7 Ml A. U, FKlltAY, AI'KIL 12. IHH.V STIIKKT I'l.KANINII. Till) fit V I'Olllllil Iiiih Nt Irt-t I ukc li Kti'I'B low it'll 1 1 a V 1 1 1 if M.iln street kept clean. At llmir IhhI iiiL'tilinn llu-y niillniriieMl Slrti'l Com niiaiiiuiiiir HulK ix'k lu Imvu lliu Hlrwt cIiibiiimI. 1 1 i lu kt'i-p n kwciiiuti ae ciiunt of III i'"t i'( ili wink uii'l nt tlu lirxt mi'i'linic o( lliu ruuii. il miiiip ur rmnji'iiiinilH v. ill Ik Brrlvivl wt rtirnriliiitr It fulniti i iiru, Two iIhii Iihvh Im'iiii pr(iiwiil to iiH'ot llitt cxi'i'iiw, out' lo pay It out of 1 1 ui (ti'iiiMiil (mill uiul llm mlior to gioHH llui rit lo tln ii.ljni'i'iit M,iiii Httvrt prnporly. Tin) alii'iit ia wucily ki'pl cli'iin wrro It not ihimI iimrli iih al it in ai n place Inr htori! HWi'i'piiin- nml Ollinf riliiliiali. W'lllMI I'li'illl, Willi till' HiiUHitli lin.'k pavvmt'iit, M.iln M '! ptl'm'lllH UN Illlll'tnOMlO till lipp 'llllllll'l HH iinjAlrt'i'l in rorlluiiil. Hki ioiiu h CtiNni ri. Tliu i litiri l.c co-oTrttiii for union woik in Ouvn City will lif(ln a rmivn of llm rity next Hi'i'k to outlier infnrina lion rcuiinl iiiK llio I'liurrli iilliliiilionn of tin) pi'oplu of tliu cily. Tliu imipoiMi of llm rimvmri la to ho li urn llif rvliK'uiiH I'un.lilioii of tl city Unit eai'li fliiiri'h fun intulll-Ki-ntly tin i t h own work iiikI t liat no family limit bo ovi-rlooki'd. It la Iiojh-1 Hint llui people will uit Hit) cnnviiHg ei8 liy ri'iilily givinu llu-in tlio li'nireil Inforiiintion. Tlio HiiHwpritiR of tlm qiuiNlion rominilH no ono toanyclniri'li ; U uliiiply Hhowa thoir prenotit cluin b r UtioiiNliip or prnlcriince, if any, ho Unit the rli(ioiiH couilitlon of the city limy tiu known, Mihh Caiiiiik S. Iti'i)ni.i'H'H Character iinH'rhoniili'iiiK nri plriininn in llui liili BHt ili'Kri'H. She l tally uitiHiic, and uh an uiiU-rtuinur lia no eipial in thin country, nml no Hiipcriur in any otlmr. Hit roHtinnes are eHHi'lally dt-Biunod for tht) (liflitrtMit I'harai'tairri usiuimnl and liiir bounty and chitrm of manner uniko linr at onoo a favorite wherever nhe ap jienra. Iliir proj;iiiiiinii'n are varied and HtlriU'llvt) CODHiHtillK Of Hulot'tiollH ill (iprinun, Scotch, IiIhIi, Kiitflinh, Ncuro and Yankee dinlei'tri, und tlio numbers will be inlerpoMpd with vocnl nml Inctrn nientiil miiHic by local talent April 1!, at the CoiiKri'itHtioiinl ebiirch iindor the BUHpices of the Y. I'. S. C. K. AdmiHnion 15 and 25 centH, A Nkw Tki-kciionk Wiiik A HohIoii invunlor him putonted a wire w ith iiHpirul groove running through it which is auid to he Kelf-liiHiiliitmu, nufe to hundlu, free fi inn leakiiKi and able to carry the voice thoiimindri of niilim. It doliveiaeleclricily on the water-pine piinciple, and Ltouion pnpera expect great reHiiltH from its uppli cation. Our bettor halve Buy they could not keep hotine without .Ohanibothiin's Couuh Heniedy. It iB used in more than half tho hoiucB in I.t'flilri. Simr Hiion., Leedri, Iowa. Thia ahowa the OHte em in which that remedy Ih bold whore it ban been Hold for years and ia well known. Mothers have learned that theie is nothing so good for colds, croup and whooping cough, that it cures theno ail ments quickly and permanently, an.l that it is pleasant and mifo for children to take. 25 and 50-cent bottles for sale iy G. A. Harding, druggist. niAl'TAnjUA A1S0CIATI0JI. HtM'oml AuiiunI Aaiinliljr at (JlaiUtiinp 1'iirk, Urrgoii (ity, July 10-111. (Contlniied from lat work.) Why la Oregon City the natural home of (ho ChaiitiHaa AaMcmtily? lU'Ciinne Ita iiiuana of Iranaportailon ore unex celled ; becaiiae it lie under tlio shadow of great city ; because it is in the heart of a Kipiiloim valley ; becaiiNO It la lamed for Its aeenery, lu bluffs ami fulls; be cause (xeiirsion parilea ars constantly chooalng it for outing plcnica; because no visitor from the l-ast feelo that ha haa aiHin Oregon until lie views (he Falls of the Willamette, the only Kit In the world where the aeatide cornea up to the foot of a mighty cataract, DecaiiMt) Ore gon City hsa a larire body of thoughtful, studioua people And because she lias en Uirprising and aagacioua men who are willing to work In I'a interest and give tho Assembly a home. Hera use of un rivaled facilities lor accommodating all who come will) camping privileges and rapid transit lo great hotels, l'ortlund prefer the Aiseiulily at Oregon City be cause her hualneas men can run up for day's otilinir and home again at night. Halem, Eugene and Albany prefer it be cause they ran do buHlnesi In I'ortlaiid, attend the Asaemhly and get home again without (he loss of unnecessary time, lteablenls of the Interior prefer it because It give a coveted oppoitunity to visit Cortland at cheapened transportation tales, ltlch people prefer It because It aaves time, poor people prefer It because It saves ex'ii-4), Oladstone I'ark em braces 74 acres, uiUhh from Port land. Oiand old irena and mo-covered riH'ka (mike it an id"iil spot. Southern I'aciflu Co. 'a depot adjoins the grounds. In every depurtiiieiit arrangements are In progieas for the largest edui iitional gathering ever known in the S'ale, ad- j dresaed liy the ni'ict b:illiuiit nrruy of! tnlent Maaeml'li-d to iiix'rui't the eple I on topic of general public intorcst. The miinuement ie in corn-rip ndence with other speakers ot national t ime, w hoe' names will lie iitinoiinced fnun time to ! time. Kvcry day piewnls a progr.iin complete in itaelf of frienee, iihihIi', art, wit, orntoty, aierioptican views, athletics, cle. The wise will briiiK t'li's, prepared to enjoy tl e entire n-iiod on llm be.uili ful Ch:iutiiii'il.t I'.inipiir.' ground. The whole Chiiut.uiipiu idea is tli outgrowth of an etrort to meet the demand for means of sandiiu: the vacation period of miuimer in healthful rest and at the hiiiiiii time in recreation tint improves and Inspires Instruction in all departments is free of i liiiriie except in ait, where I'mf. Ivey, of San Francisco, givs a cours,. for f 1! . 50 that in II r gular oludi., . onN f .'.'). I'n.f. Ivey 'a wurk bus been fiequently en graved lie in the author of far i n ut ing'Miuiile to l.itiidHcipe I'uinting and Sketching from Nn'Mre." that ought lo hp in the huinls of eveiy student of art. On the morning of July ll'h, I'mf .' 1 vcy gives hi tirt lertil'l) on III.' "Fie'try nf Ait," .MiwSaiah N. i'.l o n. f. om Ihe lito school of oratory, now iiiHtrllclor at Willamette I'niveritv, Salem, bus Hppeute'l la'fore l irie an. I eir IniKiu-tic I ainlieiicea ens! unit wet. II. r iinn r soualion ol Juliet scored great k;iccchsc in Hixlon anil in IVnver The Oreis.m ian pronounced her reading in Portland as "trillv admirable." All lovers of ShakesiH are will he glad to learn that President Chapmiui has promised lec tures on I-eurundon MacBeth. On the afleruoon of Julv loth, Dr. OunHiiiilua, of Chicago, will give his great lecture on Savonarola. Nay the Chautauitiii Assembly Herald of New York: "(inhsdiihis' firebrands kindle the dullest to heroic purpose and lovul life " The Chicatfo Inter-Ocean: "Ply mouth Church holds 3000. Every pew was filled. For one hour nml thiity minutes the young doctor held every soul to his rH-uking. It was such an addrens a nets tlOiK) to $1")(K) when miui-terinl talent applies itself to money making fur church and ueneral purposes." Chan tuuqmi Huacnii ; " I'ho lecturer who has stirred the assembly beyond comparison with any other is Huv, F. W. OiiumiuIus, of Chicago." Following is tho committee on organi tation: President Thos. Van Scoy, Portland University, President C. 11. Chapman, Slate University, President P. L. Campbell, State Normal School, Mrs. President J. M. Hloss, Suite Agri cultural College, Rev. (t. A. Hhii'-, Cum. PieHhvteriitn Church, Portland, Uev. Oilman Parker, IhmtiHl State Missionary Kev. J. W. Cowan, church, Oregon Cily, Col Robert A. Miller, dipt. J. T Apperson, lion. II. K. CroHH, Chuilus 11. Dye, huiles Meserve, Mrs. Siireliu G. Miller and Mrs. C. Dye. The Assembly bus been incorporated lindei the laws of the state of Oregon with a capital stock of $0iH), divided into shares of fr each. Stock has sold well so fur as presented to the public, and it is tho intention to complete the organization and elect directors during the Assembly, Olllcers of temporary organization, Col. R. A. Miller, president; C. II. Chapman, vice president; Mrs C. II. Dye, secretary ; D. C. Lutouretto, treas urer. For further information address the secretary, Mas. C, II. Dvr, Oregon City, Oregon. . Further announcements later. Highest cash price paid for second hand goods of all kinds at second hand store, opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th St. IlpNiilntions. The following resolutions were adopted by the Kagle Creek literary aocloty: Wiikiikas, It has pleased God to re move from our midst our Krother mem ber of tli ia society, Thomas Forrester, therefor be It Iteaolyed, That we mourn his sudden and untimely death. And that we revere bia memory aa a good citizen, a faithful christiun and a social member In this society. Resolved, That these resolutions Ihj spread upon the minutes of this society and a copy of the same be presented to the relatives of the deceased. , Jamks Bki.l, Secretary. goMKTiiiNd Nsw. A suggeation In flor iculture tnd printing combined Is to be found In that alwaya welcome catalogue known as ','Vick's Floral Guide." This publication (or 1806 is out, and (sprinted in seventeen differently tinted Inks, with beautiful color plates. It tells much about flowers, gives points to those wbo love the garden, and present a full list, with description and prices, of everything one could wish for vegetable, fruit or flower garden. Many pages of novelties, incased in a chaste coyer of silver and gold, are given. Unusual and astonish ing offers, such as f.'MX) for a name (or a new double sweet pea, etc., are made. Those who are Interested in seeds or plants should send (ur a copy of Vitk's Floral Guide to James Vlck's Sons, Roch ester, N. Y., and learn the many bar gains which this firm ia offering. The cost of the Guide is only 10 cents, which may be deducted from the first order. American Stationer, Jan. 31, 1805. Discoveries Mure Yulnitble than Geld, Are Santa Abie, the California discovery for Consumption and Discuses of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, and California Cat R Cure, the only guaranteed cure for Catarrh, Cold in the bead and kin dred complaints. They are sold at li per packuge, or three for (2.50, and are recommended and used by the leading phyicians of the Pacific Coast. No secret Couiioiiniln. (iiiara'i'eed by C. G. Illllltley. Trial bot'le fV) eentrl. Will's seeds are gnod; Likewise hia trees and plan's. Twelfth annual cata logue now ready, is full of things that will uiteiest you, among which are sucaline the new foruire plant, Great Northern Hen, seventy day corn, first of alt peas nml golden queen onion. Ilanly fruit and forest liees at hard times prices $25 in prizes for best yield of coin. Oscar II. Will, liismark, North Dakota. Two l.hi-s Naved. Mr. I'licM-txa Thomas of Junction City, III was told by her doctors she hud con sumption slid that there was no hope for her, hoi two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it. saved her life. Mr. Thos. Kirifers, l.'i'.i Florida St. Sun Fran cisco, MiflVri-d from a dreadful cold. ai prouching Consumption, tried without result everything eUe, then bought one bottle of Pr King's New Discovery and in two weeks was cured. He is natur ullv thankful. It is such results, of w hicii these are samples, that prove the wonderful ellicicy of this medicine in Coughs and Colos. Fieu trial bottles at Charmiin A Co's. Drug Storv, Omnium llros lllock. Regular size 60 cents and $1 00. Are Veil lining KaMt If so, it will pay you to write to A. C. Shehlon, general agent of the "Burling ton Route," 250 Washington street, Portland. He will mail you free ol charge, maps, time tallies, and advise you as to the through rates to any point, reserve stepping car accommodations for you, and furnish you with through tickets via cither the Northern, Union, Southern, Canadian Pacific or Great Northern railroads at the vtry lowest rates obtainable. Tho Kurlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in tin worid for all classes of travel. We might toll you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but yoit probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used it. It is a perfect remedy for coughs, colds hoarseness. It is an especial for children, being pleasant to take and quick in eurim,. C. G. Huntley, drguist. A beautiful woman must lie healthy, nnd to remain healthy nml beautiful she should take Dr. J. II. McLean's Slrengihing Cordial and Wood Purifier. It imparts tone and flush to the skin, vigor and pure blond; Is equally adapted for h'I sites, from Ihe bntie to the nged, of either sex. For s.ilo bv C. G Huntley, druggist. To (iond Ti-inpliirs. Do you know that Moore's Revealed Remedy is the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol; that the mode of preparing it is known only to its diicover; that it is an advunco in the Science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth century; that its proprietors -offer to forfeit '1,000 for any case of dyspepsia it will not cure? Appetite and sleep may be improved, every part of the syBtem strengthened and the animul spirits regain their huoyanev by the use of Dr. J. II. Mc Lean's Strengthening Cordial and Blood Purifier. For sale by C. G. Huntley, druggist. For Sale. One 4-year-old mare, weight 1250 lbB. Address Lock Box 354, Oregon City. 2t Red Seal Barsaparilla is not a Cure-all, but it is a good spring medicine. The formula is tho best one we know of, selected from many famous ones and we can recommend it in all cases where a Blood Puri fier is required. C. Q. HUNTLEY, Prescription Druggist, Oregon City, Or. r- THE WATERMARK in writing Paper always indicates high quality stationery and is never found in cheap goods. Every sheet of our M. & II. line has its watermark; and each style we carry 20 varieties has its individual and appropriate work. Did you ever notice it? If not we have a sample book free for every lady. We have all the items necessary to complete the assortment for the writing desk gold Pens steel Pens sealing wax inks erasers, etc. We make a specialty of Copper Plate Printed visiting cards. Huntley'8 Book Store. Oregon City. Postoffice-:- Store. MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -:-GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions, Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries aie Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSTNGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. 1'iatablWlted IN65. PICNET1 Tfanglei1 ndEpre, Freight and parcels delivered to all parts of the city. RATES - REASONABLE. . swnti'ic Ji- j-wess; preparation of . AlidineBalsaia ) U r,u-liiriirriir 'i-N - x . J I .nr ii vii t. IV hTA t old m the IieatlTTvi . I'V L ' . Va n.-jiTOW-.di,v y H RrrWMRt.TTFMl':'.:""V V ' UNPLEASANT BREATH.1 '.. Z roRPwnau OK.OYIIi-E.CAL For Rale by C. G. Huntley. Dress Goods THOS. CHARMAN & SON. -SPRING-STOCK The Pioneer Store. ' A i Spring Cloaks.. directly nd Indirectly, liy people who cannot do their own figuring, write their ow letters, or keep their own book; and who do not know when businesand legal papers which they rourt handle every day arc made out correctly. fWM these things, and much more, wo teach (.'lomiiv-'i'v. Hundreds of our graduates are In good positions, and there will be openings for hundreds more when tiiie-i improve. Xav Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a business education Is worn nil It cosM,r oru' own ute. Send tor our catalogue, to learn tchat tnd hint! we leach. Mailed tree to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armitronc, Prln Portland, OregOn. J, A. Wesco, Secretary. D O YOU DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Building Material? Go to C- H. BESTOW- Lowest cash prices ever offered for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. Also combination wire and picket fence, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And best farm fencing made. Prices to suit hard times. Shop Opp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY. SOHWAN & PUTROW. GARDEN Complete Stock, FOR ASTORIA-FAST TIME. Steamer Bailey Gatzert A Leaves foot of Alder st., Portland. Leaves Portland daily, except Sunday, 7 A. II. Leaves Astoria daily, , except Sunday, 7 P. II. Tug Ilwaco from Ilwaco connects at Astoria with Gatzert every night, for Portland. Tickets of all other lines good on Gatzert. Outing zFlannels Beautiful 4 Rugs. are lost annually, NEED f TOOLS, Prices Low.