Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1895)
OIK NKW MWH. (('(iiillniii'il from Hixlli pHK",) , 'onviyuiic(iii or county clerk, an tlm eo limy In, 11 1 tori lint rtt'iiliiii)ii to lilin of any hiii Ii notlrM of lien, lo II In tlio kmiiih In III iiillcn ami to Index tint hhiiiii In a hook to I io kt't ly liim for Unit imrpnmi mill callt'J "JihIcx to Ilium' Mum l,lii," ami liu mIihII Im cnllilnd to a li'tt of !M cunt for 10 doing, Any iM'Mori nmy fllit mn'ccurlvfl linn uhiii tlm Mint animal, or tlilli-rDtit crn' for oliottliiK the hhiihi, and liu muy liicliidii In any una claim of linn Ida clmryrH for any niiinlHtr of tlinca of ulioe Ina miiIi ttiiliiml, Imt no lien ahull lx )mil for any nIiocIiiu of any mirli animal done more than alx in htlis rlor to the fllliiK of tin) notice of Hun. LIctiM may ho rvleancd by miiiahle entry of claimant on tiff l-icn Index. Tint limn may l forvcloiwil hy mil or by advcrtlMtmitnt flail wile In the follow liiK nianiiur: The icrHon tlralriiiK to forttcloe i u I'll a lien by advertixFtrient anil aalealiall deliver to the Hliurlir or any coiiHtahlo of the county in wliiih ucb animal ii aitliuiml, reft Moil copy of tlm notice of liitn with the reiiir"t en domed tliereoii forthe fom-lomirr of audi linn, Tliereiiin nu ll ilutrifT or coiiHta bin hlmll ittku nix ti animal douTlhcd in audi notice Into Ida poKMHion anil hedd the mi mo, and Khali advprtiae the name for ale to mtinfy aald lien, once a wrck (or two miTt'Httive week" in a dully or weekly newitfapcr juililiHlutil In 4id county, ami after kIviiik audi notice ahull ell audi animal at public auction to the bib! I iet bidder for caith to autiiify aald lien and accnied intermit and iIioiobIh of tukiiiK poHiteMiion and holdiiiKanilai'llinK the animal, doliverilK the overpliia of money arlnlnn tixn audi aalu, if any, to the owner of audi animal or bin author iled AKi'l.t, Tliia act ahnll be liberally conatriicd. In cir.rl May '.'.Mh. IIOI'M HILL NO. ISM. To prohibit minora from vlititiiiit evil re aorta: It ahull be unlawful for any minor to go into or vim! under any pretext or for any purine wbatevei, any Iioiimi of pros titution, or any room or place inhabited or frequented by any proeiitute, or um-d for purHea of proatit'llion. It ahall tie unlawlul for any ieraon, firm or corporation to procure, request, order, or to in any wiae induce any mi nor to go into or visit any inch bonne, nteadiid, or for any Iomn of aoinn two! truwHirem. Tbla bill ru'imm the salary acctlons, there will bit wdecled lieu IhikIn of the county treanurer from W0 to room or place, dcfcrllied In section 1 hereof, for any purpose whatever. Any ieron violating any of the pro visions of lids act shall, upon conviction thereof, le punished by fine not less than $100 and not more that 12-00, or by Imprisonment in the county Jail for period rot exceeding one year, or both ; and any corporation violating any of the provision of this act ahall, upon convic tion thereof, te punished by a fine not less Uihii RO0 nor more than 1,000. Any minor violating any of the provis ions of this act, uhiii conviction thereof, nhnll he punished tV a fine, not exceed ing f 100, or by incarceration for a period not exceeding six months in the state reform school. In effect May 24th. noi st hill No. 321. For employment ol state convicts : The governor is hereby authorized to contract with and Icsso to any person, firm or corporation upon such terms and for such compensation as he may deem advisaole, not less however-than thirty five cents per day for the labor of each convict, the whole or any part of the labor of the convicts at any time con fined in the penitentiary of this state, for ny period or periods of time not exceed ing ten years. No convict shall lie compelled to work while tick or otherwise incapacitated, and no convict shall lie comwlled to labor lor a longer tunc than ten hours each ibiy The superintendent, warden and other proper otlicor or officers, of the penitentiary shall have generul charge and custody of the convicts while they are engaged in ?udi labor. The nine ponsutiiin received for the luhoroflhe convicts hlmll he puid to the treasurer of the state of Oregon quarterly and be come a pnrt of tho general fund of the atalo. Tne labor of convicts Ahull be performed bv tliein within the peniten tiary or within the yard or enclosure thereof. All contractu made for the labor of convicts shall be in w riting and a copy tbereol sluill lio lllcd in the olllco of the itecreturv of state. livery person with whom any contract is nimlit for the labor of convicts before he slmll be entitled to the same hIiiiII execute and deliver a bond to the state of Oregon i I such sum as the governor may require Willi one or more suritios to be approved bv the governor, conditioned that such con tractor will pay over all sums of money which muy become duo on his contract. VVhon any convict, by reacon of sickness or inability, shall be unable to perfoim labor, the contractor shall not tie re quired to pay for the labor of such con vict during the time he is unable to work. In effect immediately, TIIS SCHOOL LAND. The Daly bill has been approved, and stops all sale of indemnity school lieu land for two years. The bill does not affect the sale of about a million acrea of other school lands. Whatever sections 16 or 36 are not found in a fractional township, or In reservations, or have been home- by a comiiiiHsloner, to be appointed by the governor. These hinds so selected will ho wllh-held from sale for two years, until they cuu be listed, located and price (fixed at not less than ft. W per acre, The olllca of commissioner will be one much sought a'ler, and it will be a Hard one to llll. One man can nlver do the work. It Is doubtful If a doxen men could. The best timber and farm lauds only must be selected. It will be a task for the next legislature lo fix the ptice of these lamia. NKNAH HILLS. No. 45 Creating Oth Judicial district, comHiited of lirant, Malheur and Har ney counties, governor to apolnt prose cuting attorney, Morion I). Clifford, elected one of the Judges of tha sixth dis trict, to ba Judge. Approved February 2()th. No. 41 To appropriate 140,000 for ex penses of legislature. No. 136 To authorize certain corona tions to appropriate lands for railroads, skidroads, tramways and flumes, for 0M-rating mines, quarries, timber lands, ele. Approved February lH'h. No. ('renting oth Judicial district out of Umatilla and Morrow counties, Judge Fee lo be Judge, and governor to appoint a prosecuting attorney. No. lll( To protect native song birds, making it unlawful lo kill take, injure, destroy r have in possession, sell or offer fur sale, any such bird. The bill names every song bird that inhabits Oregon at any season of the year and Axes (lenalties. Approved February ld. No. 31 Amends sec. '159, code civil procedure relating to attachments. No. 2117 I'rovidvs for relocation of Coos county scat. No. 231 1'rutect fish and ganio, and provides fur appointment of fish and game warden. Makes closed seasous as follows: Mountain sheep between Dec. 1st and August 1st; grouse, pheasants, Mongolian pheasant, quail, partridge, from December 1st to Hepteinber 1st, ex cept lor breeding purposes ; prairie chick em from Ociolmr 1st to July 1st. No game birds to be killed in greater num bers than 20; prohib.ta robbing nests of any game bird, and prohibits sale io open market, l'roldhiu killing at any time of any spotted fawn, or killing deer at night, or with hounds; fine $25 to -00. Prohibits killing all large game for hides at any time. Approved Feb. 23d; not In effect for three months. No. 220 Ik'fines boundary to Mult nomah county. No 84 Fixing time for exemptors and adminintrators to report. No. 105 Amends soldiers' home act of 18(13, approved Feb. 25tli. in effect. No. llll Fixing pay of county clerks, recorders and sheiiffa. No. 22(1 Amends ballot law, repeals Australian ballot as at present, but sub stitutes similar ballot, providing that, instead of erasing candidates not desired, imply making a mark before the name of the candidate wanted. No 7 Prevents title to streets and other public piopcrty being lost by ad verse occupancy No. 1H1 provides for new sewer from astlum and penitentiary to river to coat 115,000. No. 201 To regula'e practice of medi cine and surgery, creates board ol five who have been physicians for seven years, three regulars, one electric and one homoopaih. No. 229 Provides for organisation and government of irrigation districts. No 2tt Defining a felony. No, 24 Extends time for judgment debtors to ledeem to one year. The bill to amend the attachment law makes no important change but only makes the law clearer. Approved Feb insry 23rd. No emergency clause. No. 15 Exempts all land within the hounds of a county road free from taxa tion. Approved February 25th. No. 23 Provides for recording assign ments, transfers and sat infliction of mort gages io be recorded at full length. In effect February 23rd. No. 15(1 Provides for building branch insaue ai-ylum at Union, Or., and ap propriates $140,000. Approved and in effect since February (lib. Superintend ent lo have $0 a day. No. 113 Makes all streets and alleys in unincorporated towns public hidiwavs No. 244 Authorizes county court of Lane county to operate a free furry. No (II Amends road law to allow county coun to construct punclieon or plunk roads. No. 1 Repeals jnto mill act. No. 33 Amends attachment law. No, 8 Authorizes mayors of unincor porated towns lo bid in property sold for taxes. No. 74 Rinses age of consent to six teen years, No. Amends contagious disease of animals act. No. 112 Requires superintendent of asylum to report to county, death or dis charge of patients. 1 1 IKK), and applies only lo Douglas county, No. 321 Authorize governor to lease to any firm or person convict lubor not to exceed 10 years, at not less I ban 35 cents a dsy. Approved Februory 23rd and In effect No. 22H (,'rcntes office of county audi tor of Multnomah jounly. No, 2211 Fixes compensation of jus tices and constables In cities of 50,000, No. 79 To regulate the incorporation and business of Milling and loan an. savings and loan associations doing general business, does not apply to as sociation which confine loans to county where organized or counties immediately adjacent 'hereto. In effect M.y 25th. No. 342 Fixing time of holding court in First district. No. 42 Forming dyke districts on land subject to tidal an J freshet over flow, lame a drainage law. No. 27 To protect fish in Wallowa lake. No. 6 Requires every foreign fire, fire and marine, life, life and accident, plate glass and boiler insurance company do ing business in this state to Uke out license, report its business annually by statement of its gross premiums, and pay two per cent tax on such gross premiums less losses paid within the state and pre miums returned, such tax to be in lieu of all taxes on personal property. In ef fect May 25th. To authorize citv of Astoria to con demn, purchase or acquire a bridge across Young's bay, and issue $100,000 bonds therefor. To add county ol Lincoln to the second judicial district. CHABTER BILLS. To incorporate Gold Hill, Jackton county. To legalize bonded indebtedness of City of Astoria. To amend charter Independence. Al so hills to amend charters of Oakland, Canyon Cilj, Portland, Dalles City, Ilarrishurg. Hubbard, Woodburn, Cor- vallis, East Cottage Grove, Oregon City Athena, Rrownsville, Raker City, Hills boro, Dundee, Albany .Cornelius, Fossil, Ashland, Dallas, Rjirns, Florence, Mc Minnville, Sheridan, Mt. Angel, and Prairie Citv. ' To Ootid Trinnlurs. f .Do you know Unit Moore's Revealed Remedy i the only patent medicine in the world that does not contain a drop of alcohol ; that the mode of preparing it is known only lo its diicover: that It is an advance in the science of medicine without a parallel in the nineteenth century; Hint its proprietor offer to forfeit 4 1, 000 for any case of dyspepsia u win not cure? A beautiful woman must be healthy, and to remain healthy and beautiful she should take Dr. J. II. McLean's Ktrengihintf Cordial and Blood Purifier. It imparts tone and flush to the skin, vigor and pure blood; I equally adapted for all axes, from the babe to the aged, of either sex. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. Frequently accidents occur In the household which causes burn, cuts, sprain and bruises; fog u-e in such cases Dr. J. II. McLean 'a Volcanic Oil Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy. For sale by C. O. Huntley, druggist. You make no mistake when you take De Witts Little Early Risers for bilious ness, dysiepsia or headache, oecause these little pills cure them. C. G. Huntlev, druggist. WINTER TIME ir.S fli TABLE. NEW YORK. A Itrllglou l.tltrury and family ,"ewsppT. l'DflMinmtnntlrDnl, iinMiuif'l nn4 Impartial. A paper for clergymen. cliolm. Uji:liera, bilnfijeu rntfil auJ fumllie. II flit cnxnea every U'pir. ol the day re Jlrloua. Ilieokaflcal, political, rilerrr,"elal,ri!l carid acleiilinr It eontrlb Ulri) art clra art bf Die moat eminent wrltera ol the Konllah language. The Independent. IM V WW Tl IKK. ""a V C l- . -5- iMZk 1 timy it employs wrlti-raaaedlt ne;lllat (n't lliln(ilahel Itors ol lu twenty one Department. as lonotri: Literature, (flense, Mnnlc, If Inn Arte, Hanllary, Mlaalona, kel(ioui fntelli. ence, Keaearch. School anil College, feraonala, ' Cbarille, Editorial, Kews of the week, 8uDlay-U"bool, Mliilatera.1 ftffinU-r. Financial. Insurance. Old and young. Pebbles, turn and Garden, Odd Knots. A paper particularly Sued for lawyer! doe- tnra, clergymen, thooe engaged Id buntneae, young people of both ieiea, men and women who read and think lor themaelrea, I A paper eaprelally valuable for those Inter ested In Kine rte, Science, Muilc. A paper giving valuable Information upon nuance, l, lie loinranrn, commerce paper for Hunday-Hehool Wnrka, thoae who have a rm. "arden or Houae Plane A ptper lor the family, old and young. IU vearlr titbaerlntion la ft 00. or at that rater for siy part of a year. Clubs of Ave, 12 00, each Speclment Copies Free. Of' 7 A SovereisnRemedv&C&Wus Co!ds.LaGnppe wd.! Affectiora tftheThroat. Chest and Lungs. For gale by C. G. Huntley. RED FK0M MARKET. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Discovery know its value, and those who have not, have now the opportunity to try It tree. Call on the advertised drug gest and get trial bottle free. Bend your name and address toll. E. Bucklen & Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold Instructor free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost you nothing, ('barman & Co.'s Drugstore, Charman Bros. Block. We might teli you more about One Minute Cough Cure, but yen probably know that it cures a cough. Every one does who has used it. It is a perfect remed for coughs, colds hoarseness It is an especial for children, being pleasant to take and quick in curing (J. G. Huntley, druggist. STR. SARAH DIXON, For Astoria and Clatskanie. Leave WASHINGTON STREET uutK Kir Astoria, punuay mor ning at 7:30. Monday and Wednes day evening at 7:30. RETURNING leaves Astoria Monday morning at 6:30; Tuesday and Thursday evening at 5 o'clock. Connecting at Oak Point on down trip with steamer Messenger for Clatskanie; and on up trip from Clatskanie. On Fridays will leave Portland at 1 o'clock P. M. for Oak Point con necting with steamer Messenger for and from Clatskanie. Return to Portland the same night. Removed. The dental office of L. L. Pickens D. D. has been removed to the Barclay block, Main street, suspension bridge corner where be can be found at hours to meet his patrons. Home-made hreatt is recognized as the very best at all times and the cus tomers of J. Egle the Ebively building baker assert that they can not tell the difference between his bread and that made at borne unless it he that bis is just a little the better. But don't tell your wife that. Portland Cbwlitz River Route, via. WILLAMETTE SLOUGH Joseph Kellogg Trans. Co. STR. JOSEPH KELLOGG leaves Kelso Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 6 A. M. Leaves Port land, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7 A. M. STR. NORTHWEST Leaves Port land Monday, Wednesday and Friday for Kelso and Upper Cow litx river points, returning the following days. This is the only direct route to reach all Cowlit river points. WXI. R. HOLMAN, Agent. Taylor Street Dock, Portland, Or. EAST AND SOUTH VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY. Express Trains leave Portland Daily. Bou.h 1 I Worth. 15r.. L Portland Ar HXa.u. 7 1 r. a. L OraironClty Lr 7:1A.M 10 . . Ar H. Franclnco Lt 7:U0r.M. DINING CARS ON OODEM ROUTE Pullman Bufff t Sleepers. AND Second-Class Sleeping Cars Attached t all through mini. KOSEBt'RQ MAIL (Dallji 30 a. a. I .8I A. V. I 6:U) p. M. Lv Lt Ar Portland Ar OreronCltr Lt Koaeount Lt Meat Hide 1ft Tialon. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND CORVAUJ8. Mail Train, Dally (Except Sundar.l 7:30a.m. I 12:lo r. a. I Lt Ar Portland Corral I It Ar Lt 5:3.1 P.M 1.00 r.a At Albany and ronrallli connect with trains of Orettoo and Pad lie Kallroad. Expreaa Trala Dailr (Except 8andajr) 4:40 P.M. 73&r.M. I Portland Ar McMinnTille Lt ISZIa. 1 6:60 A. THROUCH TICKETS TO ALL POINTS IX THC EASTERN STATES. CANADA AND EUROPE Can baobulned at lowett rate from L B Moore, Agent. Oregon Cltr. R.KOEHLEK, E. P. BOOER8, Manajter. Aia't O. f. and Pan. Aem FOR" ABSOLUTELY M DRUGS OO TO G.' A. HARDING. NONK BUT OOMPtTENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Flue Perterles and Toilet Melts. Alto a full stock of F-A-IILTTS- OILS ETC. UnlcadYonr Liver Three Doses ot Moore's Revealed Remedy Will Make You Feel Better. Does your back ache? Does every step 6eem a burden? You aoe billious. , Moore's Revealed Remedy Will give you relief. Try it. For sale by all druggists. The following market quotations for Oregon City are furninlietl by Hie Red Front store, and are corrected weekjy WHOLESALE. KirK.perdoz., lie Butter, per roll 30 lo 50c Chickens, per tlozen, f 2.00 to $2.75 Old Hens, per dfzen 2.f0 to 3.U5 Younf( ducks, erdi zen,. . 'I 50 to 3.50 Apples, per box. ehoiee, : . . . . 3t) to toe Timothv hi.y, baled, per ton, $9 to lf) Clover liay, baled, per ton, $to$S 15 8traw, baled, per ton totofi Cabbap, per doz., 40 lo 50c O.iions, per cwt., -.75 to ffc: Potatoes, choice, V lo 'M)c Wheat, per bu-hel 40 to SV; Oats, per hnahel 25 to 2; Wool, per lb , 8 to 9c Fir wood, per cord 12 Drenfed boif, per lb 4,! RETAIL. 19 lbs. dry granulated ogar, $1 ft) Arbuckle aud Lion coffee 25c Good bmken coffee, 2i' Liverpool salt, per cwt., V: Rice, lbs., $l.iK) Teas, per lb., 25, 30, 37c Rope 12J Coal oil, per Kal., I k'., 5 gal., 7nc Hams, per H 12 t Vie Bacon, 8rook-cl sules Yii IOu lOtollc Shoulders 8: Tea nibs, 2 lb, 26c Timothy seed, 0!te Clover seed, ' 14o Cider vinettar, 2."8 Pickles, per keg, Flour, perbbl., $2 45 Shorts, per sack, 55 to 75c; per ton, $13 Bran, per sack, 45c ; per ton, $'3 Wire nails, 6 and 8 penny, per keg, $2.60 Wire nails. 10 to 20 penny, per keg, $2.2i Wire nails, 30 to60 penny, per ke, $2.C0 - t:ar. u 17:00 A. 1800 miles of long dis tance telephone wire in Oregon and Washington now in operation by the Oregon Telephone and Tel egraph company. Portland, Seattle, Spo kane, Tacoma, Sales?, AValla Walla, Pendleton, Albany and 96 other town in the two states on the line. , Quick, accurate, cheap. All the satisfaction of a personal communication. Distance no effect to a clear understanding. Spo kane as easily heard a Portland. Oregon City office at Huntley's Drug Store. J. H. THATCHER, MANAGER, Portland, - - Oregon. s&te.r"1 $300.00 f ' W'.1- a ail ivi vi i.i .itiy A f"v it. V I!', ,f.i..V 1-1 Vj".'Ji,':.:.., VI' 7 HOT ririlnil.irs r Tlrk'n Tlnml niil(t fwiwa. which Uiwl' of VU k it llnmrhiuir AMer. 8wt?t Petw. Vpit- t:;lM i, I T 1 iM-urt ii. ul ioI;1 l-'inwer. Hntit'st illustnitlom; l(VcriPtion th?:t G""rviH, ivtttxh'Mn ! hititiitiinwlniraiultraQniiintinr. Print n1 l.i 17 u.iiorriit'n'l ink. Wi'iM on rtcvlit t flOcoiiLi, whlrh ur.xy bedttiueutl I'ruui llisioiaer. ViuVtSMiU contain tit rtrii o( llfi CHOICE SWEET PEAS Hmnll Qtmtititioa nt Vlololtle l'piopai. 40 CENTS A POUND, B W hfve rmwn Ion of Bwrrt Tna thf f mt mtnmc r of n rerr fine qtinlHy tn ho hMh to plvoour trl. tuN n nai treat. Think of It. ! vn rlriltM nrul ml, i n, ., ,i. only 4 rrnt htilfpouud Occiimt luurtrr pouti:! )5ceo(t ounce 10 cenu. 13 GOLD FL0VER. 'i;,"?".!.' it 4'l -Jt1 tntmrlv vlmmt! .-t.tli.- . hmnat intl llV lIlHL HO ftlickeri ! I? h 'r IIOUHS BILLS. No. 41 Authorizes ecliool diatrict of 25,000 population and over to oorrow money. Approved January 29th. No. 65 To authorize governor to ap point timber land committsionpr to se lect lien school landg. Approved Feb ruary 10th. No. 3S2 General appropriation bill. Approved, February 23rd. No. 02 Fixing salaries of county ' r i trrmclTTlroroiis, rI.ttiiTilrniiTltt: propagation 1': ;' Aiif .iV'j fiiutvcryl. 'a-, l:.rk nl ; Let berry for col rau.l i;.iv,.r; i.nii; n iwon or fruit Inir; Mi i 1 (-.'4",'iVJ?,.ta frir't; fniftrtl"'rMtotlierti'in, imi drop) Intr : do l''--if L $ V,,M:'tiK; ''xivllfntrMtwr: t..nd, i prolfnc.oi irt .... cannlnr. retaining pu qiialtlT or lata tna not onimltlotn Ik; '!: Ilftiir-Mp.wr; w.-.flA-i.VilT proline " m nunrtper vrry tinixly. rn.vwl Hy vrimnrtilol anil trwwi oj r.ipt.nmrm ISiujie i lonta Wcu-i oiwaou'u pusuia ' Staliousaikl 1'iuitGtoa SMICKS SON! ochester.n.y;. m mm Em m ism TTT E. McNeill, Receiver. TO THE EHST Gives tho choice of ! TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL i X O "5CT J? 3E3 GREAT NORTHERN RY, VIA SPOKANE Minneapolis Portland-Oregon City and Yamhill River Route. STP TOLEDO DAILY -:- TRIPS. Down Leave Dayton 5 A. M, Mission 5,30, Newberg 6, Butte ville 6:45, Oregon City 9:30, arriving in Fortland 10:30 A. M. Up Leave Portland 2:30 P. Oregon City 4 P. M. Stage runs between McMinnville and Dayton, via Lafayette, in con nection with the boat. The stage will leave Hotel Yamhill, McMinn- ville, every morning at 3:30 a. m., returning, leave Dayton every evening, except Sunday, on arrival of the boat. Best of accommodations for pas sengers and fast time made. Foi freight rates apply at dock or on steamer. Everybody shoud patronize thp Toledo and thus Bustain a daily boat. Joel P. Geer, Owner Archie Oeer, Captain. UNION PACIFIC RY VIA TTITTTTI I U ill IN VillXV CLACKAMAS LOlMiE, No. 67, A O. V W AND ST. PAUL. OMAHA AND Kansas City. Oregon City Enterprise $1.50 Per Year in Advance. Low Rates, to all Eastern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Leave Portland every five days for SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on or ad dress, W. II. HURLBURT, Gen. Passenger Agent, Portland, Or. JloeiB It rut aud third Monday lu each mnuln. at Straiirht'a II all Visiting bretbern welroni. C. KflAKI 8. Uolcoms. Rec. M. W. A. P. A. COUNCIL. NO. 4, Meeta on the llmt and third Fiidnyiln cei month at K. of P. hall, Viaitinc tnembora a4 waya welcome. A. W. Fianci, pre. CATARACT HOSE CO. No. 2. Meets aecood Tueadajr ol each month at Cat aract Eneine home. W H. HowiLL,Prea O. U. Btow, Beo'y. J. W O'Comdimx, P'm FALL8 ENCAMPMENT.'No. , I. O. O. f. Meeta flrat and third Tueadayaof each month), at Odd Fellows hall. Members and Tiaitli patriarch., cordially Invited to attend. J. A. STEWART, W. H HOWEI.t Scribe. Chief Patriarch. FOR SALE OR TRADE. rt Tractsof CLACKAMAH FRP1T LANDS. Good houae. baru, etc. Aim) 2 LOTS IN GLADHTONB. 1. K. liKOOM, Park Place, OrefWav