Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1895)
EDUCATIONAL NOTES All notes Cur this column should be sent to Mrs. II. 8. Gibson, editor, Oregon City, Orvuon. TO VOTC ON SCHOOL BOOKS. State Superintendent of Instructions G. M. Irttin, is sending out circulars to the county supeiiutctiJcnts of schools, requesting them to prepare ami send liitu their votes designating: the remain ing list of school books for use in the schools that failed of being chosen last year, At the last voting contest at the close of the vear there were a number of books that failed to iwiye a majority of the votes cast and for that reason no selec tion was made. Therefore there must be. another contest to decide the question. The books upon which a decision was not reached were : Irawing books. I'hysical geography. Composition and rhetoric. English literature. Supplementary reading (elementary intermediate and academic.) The two receiving the highest number of votes in each series will be submitted lor decision now, as provided by law'. Superintendent Irwin has been waiting action of the legislature for the past two months before taking furthersteps in the matter, inasmuch as it was believed that that body would do away with this sys- ' tern of selecting books, but it did not do so, hence the superintendent has no alternative but to proceed and carry out the usual programme. .!f- . SCHOOL NOTES. v? m".',7 The spring term of the Mink school will be in charge of A. C. Strange.' Mr. Strange is one of the brightest teachers 4a the county and the patrons of that school may expect a very successful ierm. DIRECTIONS RELATING TO MATE RIALS, STITCHES AND COLORS. Utter. With Floral larvoraUoa Which Ar. Adapted to Many Materials Cording I a Beautiful Method, of Oulllalnf Work. How It It Ttnnr, AccordiuK to The Art Amateur, the Crst point to bo studied before bogiu tung to embroider initials with floral ornaniriitatioii is the noeetwity of pro- son ;njr the uroportums iu both weight aud ei.lor tone between the letters and the floral decoration of them. Just what is INITIAL WITH FLORAL DK-SIUN. meant by this is illustrated in the I TUB BOOED OF EXAMINERS. G. M. Irwin, state superintendent of public instruction has announced the ap . fointment of the following members of the state board of examiners, to hold their positions tor the ensuing four years : Prof. G. A. Peebles, Salem, formerly superintendent of schools of Marion ' -county and at present principal of the North Salem school. : , P.. L. Campbell, president of the state ' aiormal school at Monmouth. ' Prof. C. W. Chapman, president of the tate university at Eugene. " . ' J. B. Horner, professor in the agricul tural college at Corvallis and an educator well known in Salea. J. H. Stanley, ex-superintendent of schools of Washington county and now principal of the Hillsboro schools. Miss Lillian Collison, principal of the public schools, La Grande. , M. G. KoyaJ, president of the state normal school at Weston. Prof. J. A. Burnbam, Portland, prin cipal of the Couch school. Prof. J. D. Robb, principal of the Til lamook public schools. ( SCHOOL REPORT. ; Report of school district No. 63. The following named pupils were present r every day the last month of school with- . -out being tardy : Elmer, Frank and Robert McArtliur, Clara Blanchard and Jane McDonald. The following also deserve credit : Terrel Foster, Thos. Pen- . man and Maud Dundas. Names of per son who visited the school during the month are Mesdames M. Randall, D. McArtliur, S. Blanchard, C. Mattocks, R. Dundas, and P. Engle; Messrs. Burt McArthur, Henry Waldron, D. McAr tbur Wm. McDonald and G. T. Mc- : Arthur; Misses Cora and Jennie Wal dron, Aletha Phelps, Minnie Engle, Cathrine Stauber and Lizzie Sheer, l' Chas. Rutherford, Teacher. Report of district No. 23, Wilson ville, Oregon, for the month ending February 26. 18!)5. The following were on the roll of honor: Ralph Seely., Edward Schlickeiser, Alvin Miley, Bertie Rose, Ernest Schlickeiser, Herman Schlick eiser, Isidor Schiel, Norris Young, Ray mond Seely, Theodore Schiel, Joseph Harms, Jasper Seely, Fritz Wagner, Maud Seely, Amelia Hasselbrink, Pris cilia Miley, Lillie Schlickeiser, Emma Schlickeiser, Frida Schlickeiser, Mable Seely, Minnie Schlickeiser, Nettie Has selbrink, Minnie Butson, Lillie Seely, Annie Watsner, Annie Boekmann and Charlie Rose. The ayerage enrollment was 56 ; average daily attendadce '2'i ; number of days attendance 1045; num ber of days absence 90; times tardy 7; time lost 78 minutes. - A. I. HiCKiNBOTiiKM, Teacher. An Absolute Cure. The Original Abietine Ointment is only put up in large two-ounce tin boxes, and is an absolute cure for old sore.i, burns, wounds, chapped hands and all skin eruptions . Will positively cure all kinds of piles. Ask for the Original Abietine Ointment. Sold by C. G. Huntley at 25 cents per box by mail 30 cents. drawings. Tho letters being heavy am the flower sprays dainty, the proportion is kept by drawing tho letters iu the broadest and simplest way, while a good deal of detail should be expressed in the flowers. Iu combining colors for these designs keep the letters less prominent in Vine than the flowers. They are adaptable to almost any material, but if applied to linen cannot be as elaborately worked as on a heavier fabric. The following are directions for cord ing, which is a beautiful InoUiod of oat lining work: Where stems and leaf reins occur, ontlino finely in one thread of filo floss. Then mount the ground material firmly. Work the decorations in long aud short stitch, slanting to the center of the blossoms to the reins in leaves. The color combination is to be according to nature in flowers nutoral istieollj drawn. This work finished. outline the letter edges with a cord ("linen laycord"oui linen, asilkouoth er materials), couching it down firmly with sewing silk, stitches an eighth of an inch apart, always at right augh with direction the cord is being carried. The cord must terminate where the lit tle scrolls end. Finish those points It splitting the cord, threading the strand in a coarse needle and drawing them through to the wrong irldo, where they may be fastened, bever break the ma terial in order to take the whole cord through at one time. Now, with a dou ble thread, bring the needle op at the base of one of the coaching stitches, hold the needle up from the work until the thread 13 tunt; then twist nntil the strand will end where relaxed; then send the needle down on the top of the next conchl ng stitch. In this way cross the cord from its start to its end; then return in the opposite way, crossing the first series of stitches. Many orrinal ways of slanting these stitches suggest themselves to a worker. Two or three rows of cord may be laid DF.SIOS FOR INITIAL. parallel and close together in this way, or, the ground being heavy, the entire width of the letter may be so covered, and in this case any number of pretty little diagrams will be formed by the conching aud twisted silk crossing stitches. A color combination adds to the intricate effect. ' In case only one line of cord in nsnd express the little shading work by stitches following the lines of shading indicated in the drawings. ' Where the scrolls curl work the edges in perspective solidly to throw out the upper edge. This is a pretty method and is worth a little patient practice, which will be necessary to learn to keep the cord well twisted and tight. HOW TO TAKE CARE "OF A STOVE. Cle Kara Different Fart Acror,llng to th. Metal Thrrrlu. Tho various parts of a stove require OArotul treatment If It is to be kept thiiiing and bright Once a mouth is often enough to apply blocking to a Move, provided the kitchen is kept clean. If something is spilled ou thu stove, it should bo cleaned off nt onoo nnd not allowed to bum in. A heavy flannel rag should bo kept ou liaud for this pur Jim In ease of a very obstinate grease pot a very little kerosene may be used. Where sirup or anything of a sngnry unture is spilled it is probably tho best way to let it burn to a char and then take it up. It is unavoidable that a little grease should fall ou tho stovo in broiling un lens thero is a regular broiliug arrange ment attached to tho stove. In such a case the grease must bo wiped off tho instant tho broilwg'oeases with a heavy flannel cloth kept for the purpose. Oth erwise it will burn in and make an ugly aud unseemly stniiu In blacking tho stove at the monthly blacking remove the nickel work. This is easily done, as it is merely screwed ou. mock the stovo thoroughly, damp ening the blacking if convenient with a little coffee rather than water. After applying tho wet blacking with one brnsh to a small portion of tho stovo polish it off with a dry brush, and after tho whole stovo Imsbcen polished iu this way rub and polish it with a chamois kept for the purpose or a clean cotton cloth. This hist process removes the dost of the blacking. No patent black ing which have been invented to do away with the labor of polishing cau be recommended as durable. They require to be continually renewed aud do not take the place of the old fashioned blacking. After the stove has been fully black ed and polished the nickel work should be cleaned bright with whiting aud put back in place. If tho stove has ground polished edges as most of the best stoves have, do not polish themVith blacking, bat clean them bright with sapoliu Mow to Fry Nuielta, Rinse them thoroughly; then lay them all out on a piece of course linen folded in two or three tiuies and cover them with another piect folded iu the some way. Pat with your hands until tho fish are perfectly dry; then dip each one separately into an egg that has been beaten to a foam anH after that Into fine cracker dnst in which there is a literal sprinkling' of salt. !y them carefully on a platter and let them stand iu a cool place for au hour; then drop each one into a kettle of hod tut and let them fry till a golden brown. Serve on a platter od which is laid a fringed sutpkiu. Decocato with sprig of toralov and bits of lemon. Mexican Mustang Liniment for Burns, Caked & Inflamed Udders Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle Sore., Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments. All Horse Ailments, All Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Scat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. ' Mustang- Unlment conquers Pain. Mike run or Beast well gain. hlirrir, Nolir ir Nala on Kteullil. In lh Circuit Court of iht Huts nl Or sun, fur lueCuuiity nl Clackamas. Henry Mcldrum, iUlii(ifr. v.. Iinmlnlo Uclti . lyre,, Him. i Oregon, County nl clackamaa, aa. Nolle U hereby given '.lil tty vlrlu.iil.ll ciillon and order nl sale Issued mil of the olreiiii i'.. u it n in. ) ul Orcgnii fur ih i nniny in i nol.inii, liearllig dale I lip Will liny nl February, mm. In . .tilt heroin Henry Mel drum Was plnlntirr, ami pninlulu Melulyr. was defendant, cimmamtliig ins, III Ih. name ol Ih. Hints nl ilreeon. I lint nut nl lit. real etate hcrelnaller described, In renin, a sum sufficient in satisfy iu. demands nl unlit decree, in wit; I'wim .ml lh. ftart t.r urn nl in on coats, mul l, further mnn nl IMIUUaa al toriiey lee.. In.ilir wlih Imere.i nn lh. im. Iiie ..lit iler ire win entered .1 III per reul. per annum, ,, , lh. p,,,,, i allll Mitnt I iiat Ihlaa.le Nn. ilierefor. Ill nlM-illetie. In nu ll ileer... I Hit nil lh4th il.y nllliHiilier, ISIM.iliily miaeh, ami nn III. 'inli ,lay nl reliruary. IMI-V iluly levy "I"'!' I will. "Hi SattinL), h. lh iar ul Airll, sv, at h. hour nl I nelivrk I'. M. nl atlil il.y, a Hi. fmiit iIMir ( ,,,, hinia. In t.iil roiimy, orlor lor al ai nuhllo aiiellou, ami .ell in Hie lilwlimi ami ,.a ,,,,.r, lur i .ii In haml, all u the okIii, tnle ami luier el lh. aahl ilelemlalil on llielllnlay of Oelulwr, IHiH, hail In ami to I,v,,wImk leatrll,eil real irn,eriy, in The e. hall ol Ud uoriliweai lUarier. ami II,. nnrtliweaiuiiarter nl Hie north. .ail ,iianer nl aeeilnii a. In lown.lilp loiilh nl raliK. s. eaalnl the vYIIlamf lie merlillall, ami lh. uurlhoaat nuarier nl the aoutheaai uuan.r. .ml III. anlllhweal nuarier nl me ..uilhea.t iiiarter nl .eel Ion . In lown.hln . .ouih nl ramie a, m ih. wni.m.u. ierl,llan: all Iu I'larkamaa eniiiiiv.Ore.on. Paletl Una 7.1 .lay ul March, A. I) Iwi.V V r u t on, u k- HherlrTnl Claeliainaa rouuly, Hlalu nl uresnn. Ilv N. M kooiiy, peinitv. S-d.41 Ire Too Wnlnif KaU If so, it will pay you to write to A . C. WielUoo, ireneral agent of the "lturlitijr ton Rmiter" 250 Washington street, Portland. He will mail vou tree of charge, maps, time tallies, and atlvise yo ae to the through rates to any point. reserve sleeping car accommodations fo you, antl furnish you with through tickets via either the Northern, Union. Southern, Canadian I'aeific or Great Northern railroads at tfctr very lowest rates obtainable. The Burlington route is generally con ceded to be the finest equipped railroad in the world for all classes ol travel. Through Trains Without Traii.Ter. Travellers must not forget that the 0. K. & N. line Is thoroughly repaired and 11 trains ttr running without transfer or delay. Through servii e to Omaha, Kansas Ctv. ht. Louis and Ckvun, Pallman sleepers, free reclining chair cars, upholstered tourwt s eent;rs ami iiyxlern day coaches. Call on O. K. & N. Agent before Diirchasinir tieltetn. nr address W. 11. Hurlburt, Uen'l Passen ger Agent. Portland, Oregon. Blank note, receipt and order books at the Kntkrphisr ollice Eggs For Sale. ' Bettings of Light Bramah eggs can be had of Mrs. E. T. Barlow, at whose place adjoining the Ekteupuise office a flock of these insgnificent chickens can be seen. tf. ' The Kermesse cigar is a decided suc cess. Ten cents value for five cents cash. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Enteeprihk office. Ijrena and Faahion. Tho newest linen shirts are embroid ered all over in sprays of white or color. Sashes of varying widths of ribbon and those of soft silk and chiffon are an especial feature of summer gowns. Black gloves are coming into fashion gain. Among the numerous accessories of dress are the "Falstaff" and "Crom well" collars of point do venise lace. Plaid silks have become very popular for dresHy gowns. The most stylish sailor to wear with the drill gowns must exactly match the color of tho dress and have a band and bow of the color in the blonsa Mohair is gaining in favor, especially In light colors, and the new ones are NTH MORS. In lha circuit rniirt ol lh Stale of OlCKoa (or ine.coiilily ol ciackamaa. f. V. Perry, l-raliillft. Yi Jutui Ptlmcr ! ilt Palmer, I4emlaiila. To John Palmar and JulU Palmer, drltadaau: In lh. nam. nl the State of Orea-nn tub trm herehy reuulred In appear inrf anwer In enm plalut Bli-U aiamai you In alt. a bo to eatllliHl nil, wlihlu ten ilaya from Ik. ,Ule ul lh. aer vlre nl Dili luinmoni iin you II a.rved within till" county, nr llaervcl wlthlnany other cnnly Iu thli .tate, tltea within JUikiy. from lh data nl th. acrrtc. nl Ihla auinnioa upon ya; ami ii aerveu uy puDiK'ntioii ineti on ur ttelnr. cue nmi day ol 111. uc r.iular tm nl lh. above court IiiIUik lux Iheenpiratloanlih. Urn. pr. crlhea In the order ul publication ul Ihla aurn mnua, tu-wll lh. Viih tlav l April, A. I. aur. And It you (all to appetrnrauiwerthe plain tiff will apply to lh. court for lh. r.ll.l d. mamled Iu Ihe ooiBplalnl riled herein, lo-wit: fur pidKinent analmt ynu ard earli nl you lor lh in ol l.iM, with Internal Ihermin at Ilk rale rl 10 pel cent, per annum from Ihe Sth day l lcemher. WM. and lor lb. aum ol ai aimruey fee hen-tn and Inr eoata and illilmraeineMa ul lliliault. Aud that the uanal decree lor lh. laid premleM dnaorllMfl In plalatilT'a cnmplalnl herein, tiwll; (ll(ltiiilu a th. quarter aectloti corner on Ihe aouth iNiuadary of aectlnn 12, T. t. tt nl K. 1 K. nl W. M . ruu nlfiff Iheuce eaat 'JO nllalna to a atake: thenee uorth 7dei.eaatll.VUil olialtia In a rock hi Die center of the road, thence north Ml defr- went t .V) chain. In a .uk.; thence aurlli Us dswat. I", mill. veat 17.SU chalna In a itnle on Ilia north ami aouth quarter aectlnn line IhrniiRh aMtlnn 12; thence aouth 37.IS rlmlna re place nl Iwalnn lu(. cniitaluliiK k0 acrea: all altuate and lylim Iu Clackma. cntiuty. State nl OreKim.) be ma,le, and Dial Ihe prm-eeda ul aald aal. may e an piled to the amount ductile- plalntlir and that aald deleudauta and all peraoua claiming under them, auliaeiieul to the exemillou of nld murl Have upou aald premla.a, either aa punibaaera or liicutnhradcera. or nthnrwlae, may be barred and foreeloacd nl all rlxhle, claim ur e,,illy of redemption Iu the .aid urauilaea and evirey part Ihereol, and that plalutm may have JiuJament ud execution atfalnat the aald rielemuutta lor any deficiency which may remain after apply Inr, all Ihe proceedaof the aale of the aald pretn laea to the aatlafactlou of aald lu1(inur. That the purchaaer may be U't Into tha pn aeaalon ol aa!d preinlttea on production- of the aherlfl 'a certificate of itale therefor; aud lur inch further relief aa to Ihe court may aeeut .nulla, bio. Thla aummnua la aerved by publication nn thi ilefcmlHiit, John Palmer, by order of Hie Hon. K II. Shaltm k. Jtidve ol die Fourth Judi cial lilatrlct ol On-iron, made the ittlih day ul February, A. II. I sua. Hkuwmkll A l)anna A J. tf. Cam pnici.i.. 3-1:4 12 Atlyt. lor PlalntlrT. AH.MINIHTKA (OH H HAI.K Nolle la herebr alven lli.t bv uilioritv ,,l au order lued uui ,,f Hi. Cminly t'ourl ol lh. atateol (Ireiliili. f,,r Ihe eounlv of Murlnti ,m Ihe r,ih dav nl February, A. I. lain. I will, aa adinlnlatralnr with the will alllieted nl the er late ul ilharlea Maihea. deieaaed, on Saturday, the llth day uf Anrll. IMl,,. at nne n'eli-li I U i iu uv .on at uulilic aiieiioii lo itiehinheil bidder, all the rlahl. nil. ami Interest id aald ilece,lni In ami o Ihe following ileacrlbed lauda The we.l hallof ertl,,u thirty three (111, In lown.hlp Sve (AI, tniiih, raiiaenne ill, el of Ih. im-rlillao. Ill t'lai'kaniaa mulily, Orceini, cuiiialuiiii JAiaerea of laud, mor. nr lea. The .ale will lie r, nullified iih,ii ihe aemle near Maniuam. I'Uckama couiiiy. iiretou, Teraiauf ante rah. J II, Mi NAUY. Ailm'r with ihe will aaucacd vf aald dale. March?. Isaft. Nnllce of Application for Saloon IJaeaa. Nullce in herein alv.n, that III. llli.ler aiKneil will apply lo Ihe City Council ol Hre Kun Cilv, tireuiin, at llw rcnulnr ineriiiiK In April Inr lh continuation of a hceiia for a aaliHiu on Muln alrr.l lailaeeii loiirth and Killli alreela. IIUADV Mt M)S't)t't,l. tlregon (,'lly, Krcgnii, March 7, IwO. Mrm. J. P, Belt, Otnawalomle, Kan, wife of the editor of The Graphic, the lead ing local paper of Miami county, writes " acaa troubled ttrlth heart disrate for six years, severe palpitations, short ness of breath, together with such ex treme nerrouaneas, that, at times I would walk the floor nearly all night. We consulted the best medical talent They maid there teat no help for me, that I had organic disease of the heart for which there was no remedy. I had mad your advertisement In The Graphic and a year ago, as a last resort, tried one bottlo of Vr. Stileu1 Sew Cure for the Heart, I wblcn convinced mo that there was true merit In It. I took three bottle each of the , Heart Cure and Ucatoratlve Nervine and It cured tne. I uleep well at night, my heart beats regularly and I have no more .mothering spells. I wish to say to all who are suffering as I did; there's relief untold for them If they will only give your remedies Just one trial." Dr. Miles Heart Core Is sold on a positive oft and glossy as silk. Rosettes are superseding the bow at the throat Blouses are a distinct featnro this summer and are in many styles. A few yards of chiffon with a little ; An druggist sell itati, bottle for is, or ribbon transforms a ball gown which , tiikCT has done duty through one season into pw a if n fresh up to date dress suitable for any Uf. iVllleS 1 16311 WUfC dressy occasion. Restores Health guaraii toe that the II rut bottle will tn-nn!lt. ellKRIFV'H BALK. In the circuit court of Ihe atat. of Oregon, fur the county of t'lackamaa. I T Apperwin, Plaintiff, va. Ms'y K. Harlow, M H Plllabury and Thoinaa hi. Miller, de- feudanta. Stale of Oregon, eounty of Clackamas, as. Notice la hereby given that by vlrtne of an execution and order of anle Issued out of the circuit court of ihe State of Oregon for the county of Clackamaa, bearing date the 'ilat day of February, pei.'i. In a milt wherein J. T. Apper ton waa plaintiff, aud Mary K. Ilnrlnvr, M. H, l'lllabury and TlioniHa M Miller were defend nun, cnnimHiiilliig me, In the name of the State of Oregon, that nut of the real entitle hurulhaftur ileHcrlbed, In realize a aum aufflclent to aalUfy the deiniimls of mil, I degree, lo wlt IIZVI.ll, mid the further aum of IIUU aliortieya (,,.. and III) ciwlH, toKCthcr with Inlereat on Ihe tame alnce aaui nccreo waa entered at 10 per cent, per annum, and aUo thecoata of and allendlng thin ante Now. therefore, In obedience to auch decree, I did, on the '7th day of February, lW. duly levy upnii, and will, nn Saturday, the .'Will day of March, 1MUS, at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of aid day, at the front door of the court hnuae In aald county, offer for aale hi public auction, and tell to the highest and beat bidder, for cash In hand, all of the right, title and Inlereat the aald defendants have In and to the following de scribed real property, to wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of the llotiatlon Lud Claim of Samuel Miller Nn. Ml, In Township 2 South of Knnge I Kaat of the Willamette Meridian In Clai kamia county, Oregon, and running thence North If, (leg. Kant 3fi 11 i hal lis In corner of Julia Ann lewla claim; thence North IH deg. Fast ,MtchHliiB to center of county road, thence West 47 W chains to division line of said Miller claim: thence Mouth 21.21 chains; thence Houlh til deg. F.ast 42 chain to place uf beginning, containing IWHfl acres mnre or less. Dated thla27tli day of February A. P. lHWi. F-. C. MAIHIOCK. Hhrrlffof (Mackams county, Oregon. By N, M. Moooy, Deputy. 8-1:8-29 Hl'MMiiSM. Iu the Circuit Courl of Ih Stale ol Oreg an for Ik l.'ouiuy uf I'lackaraaa. Julia Psliner. plalnllff, v. John falsi, ile-I:ulaut To John 1". liner, the at, uamed dcfemViil ilieSiatof Oregon, t,m ar. herf,y reuulred to appear and answer Ihe enm plalal and aommiuii fll,l a.alnM mu ln,iii .nililed suit, by Ih. Mr.t day of lh. term following lh. .llilratlnll of Hie lime pre.iTU.ed in law order tor Ih. puUlcalion of thla an in mnn., lowll: on Hi. l.Mlv day of April, II. Ib-jv thai la-lug lh. Ant day of the commence lueui ul the regular term of th. alstv. .untied court: and II yen fall tna.pear aud answer nr il.fnt.lh. plalnllff will ink a deerv. against ynu lor th rebel iray., lor la the eomplallll died herein. IO.WII. lor decree dissolving the In,.. I. oi miinnuHiy now .listing Iwlwe.n lh. plain tiff and defendant; lor Ih care ami custody ol Ihelr minor children: Inr one third ol lh. rl property b.louglng to the defendant, deirld aa follows, to-wit: Iteglunlni at th. , secilmi corner on- lh soulli boundary uf am tlnu lit. town. hip IV. south range V eat i.f Ih W UUm ett. auirlitlan: running Ihenee .! -jn u-il chain. In a auke: Iheiie. uorth 7 degr.e. raal w Hal chain, lo a ris k In th. center uf the county road; thenc. uorth a degree, weal (W-imohaliia to slake: tli.uee imrili sn d.f IH mln e.l 17 (to-lioehus ta a stak.on the north and aouth t aectlnn Hue ttimtixli .fM'tinn rj ineiiisnuiii in in. place of he gltinini. tmnialiilng eighry acres, .Imaled in theciainty nl Clackamaa and .late of oregnii And for the sum of .saj. parmaii.iu aUmouy for Ihe aiipHirl uf herself and minor children: and for theeosn and dlsbiirsveii'iils of this suit Thla auaimoua la publtalied by order ol the Plrcull Court uf the state of Oregon, tor Clacka maa county, mnde and entered un Ihe l.'ith day of Kel,iary. A. I. lHt. aud Is publlahed lor a period nl ill consecutive weeks In aald Claaka um county, atat. ol Oregou. OTI'I I, IIOISK & HTOI'T. 2-'-.4-5 A Homey s lur I'laluUif, HPMMOHH, In the Court nl Ih Stale of Oregon, fnr thecounly of Clackaiaaa Adauv Ajidre, plalnllff, va. C. M. Andre, dearnd- ana T" C. M. Andre, aald defendant: In the name of the Stale of Oregen, vow are hereby, required to appearand answer the om plalnt fllol amilnst ynu In Ihe above entitled suit la, aald courl oil lis. Oral day nf a term thereof to be begun ami hold next after alx week from the publication of thla summons namely, ou th. l.Mb day of April. Invfi. And If you felt to to appear and answer, for want iliertuf, Ihe plalnllff will apply In the onim Inr the r.llvf deuiandod In Ihe aomplalnt lrelii. whl.h, la fnr the illasnlullnn nf the mrrrlage conlraat Mow subsisting bciweeu said rllos, and for such other e,iUable relief as .rayed lor In aahl complaint. niwimininnna la published by order of T. A. Mcllrlde. Judge of said cuurt, made aud dated February 1st, Ih i',. C. D. A t. C. I.ATOIIHF.TI K, 2-15:8-52 Attorneys lur Plaltitlff. Suntlny Servlcos. ST. I'AI'lS (IlltlltCII - Kiiacupal - K.. Isaac tlawsnii, lleeior. Hervlees alll n'cloek a. in. ami 7:,l p. m. 1'rayer servlc. vry Wed tiasday eveniiu. riltNT DONllilKtlATIONAl, CIIIUICII.-' Ilev. J, W. Cowan I'aslnr. services at III ml a. H. pud HUD r. u. Hun, lay Mel I a fur morning service. 1'iay.r aieellng Wednesday .veiling at a (Sio.cliM'k Prayer meeting nl Young reople.t Society ol Clirlillau Kmleaynr .very giiuday vveillllg at !:' prauipi. i rnisr iiAi'Tisf cni'itcit - itsv. u r., Ill , ul, Castor Morning Hnrvlc. al II: Sunday HcIiihiI at I'J 11; Kveulng Service Ml; lingular prayer lueelliig evening. Miiiiihly (hiveuaiit Meeting every Wednesday evening preceding th. Krai Sunday Iu th. inntilh, A vorulal luvllalloii In all, ST. lOIIN'H Clll'hCII CATIIol,10.-l(v: A. llll.l.gKMasn, PaaUir On Sunday mas. al a and IU Ml a. H. Kvnry second ami lourili Sunday Herman aeriuuli after lh N o'clock maa At all utlier ntasaea ai'rtnoiia. Sunday School at I M r. M. Vopera, apologeiical tublecia, and ll.iiiillnlluu al 7.80 r. M, MK I'llolHHT KI'ISI'OI'AI. ( II 11(1 II - llav n. Sraas, I'aslnr, Morning service al II; Sunday Helmut a 10 isi. Class meeting alio morning aervlre. Kveulinr service al 7 SU. K, worth l,eiKUi tneeling Hun, lay evening at M. I'rayar Meellng Ihursilay .v.uliig al 8U. slraiigera pnrillallv Tuvlied. FlHST PKKhIIYTKKIAN Cllt'HCII -ll. J W. Moiilgomery, Pastor, Services al II M. ami ) SO r. at. Mahbalh Hchool al 10 a. . Young I'eople'a Hnel.ty nl Chrlatlau Kndeavor ine-i. .very Hiinday evening al W Wednesday evening prayer meellng at 7 au. Heals ire.. KVANO'aiCAI.CIIt'HCII-liF.ltMAN - M. V., I'aslnr. I'reaehiug services every Hiiudar al 11 A. M and 7 SO V. M. , Halibath bcI.ihiI every Sunday al in A. M ( lie. P. HoO. Hum. I Weekly Prayer Meeting very mluwlay (veiling CNH F.Ii IIIIF.I'IIKFN IN niltlxl'.-preach. lug every second slid fourth Huuday of eai'k moiilh, al II uu. m and 7 ,tu p. ui.-W II, kn' l.aiN. f.aior Siimlay aehisii al u a. m. at lire., iu I lly fttsi ailliday al Haraanii aehlHil house, Molalla: I lilt, I Humlay, Mouiriild lloma II a. m ; Hinla-r llrove, 4 p. m Miss leH Ureeii, Mii,erlnieu,.iit Siiixiay schntd. I'rayer meeting every Wednesday .veiling. KvAMlKI.K'AL l.t'TMKIIAN CIII'IICII-I.. flaw, I'a.tor tinuaii tvU'e. every Sunday al II n'cliK-k A M, Huglish service, al 7 : t, M Sunday sch.Kil at 10 o elock A W Uo ll,,ii Mlore room neal dmir Iu bakery In Khlv ly'shiilldllig,rorMrul Hereulh and Maillaoa street. MierllTa Nolle af sl un Fur.rlo.gra, In Ihe Clieull Court of Ih Stale nf Oregon, fiar the t:iMiuly nl Clackamaa. Tboniailue Ku,ly, Fiecmrli uf lh Will nf Alx I Kudy, dvceae,. plalniirf vs. I In, ma SI. Al llwui and II J. Iiaigar, ilelrmlauu. Hl.l.ol Oregon CniiMy of riaetama. aa Nolle U llereh) nl.rll. Dial byklrlu. af an lerutloti ami order ol sale iMsiied nulnflh. el'imll , i n o Hi gi.i. uf Oregon In lh. eniiirtv of Claek inias. Warm dle the Ucti day ol rebruary, l'M, In a .ul; w herein 'Ittoinailua Kud, eaeculiU nf Hi. will uf Abel Kuily. d.a ie.iA waa plalnllff, ami I'lioma. M Allison and H J liargar weietkidcudaula. eouiuisadlug Ul. In Ihe name ut Ihe Slate ul Oregon, Ikal out of Ihe real ..Isle lierel.aller described. u real ise a sum aiirheleul In satlsly Ih. demaada itf said deer... to-wll. l-tHuu, and Hie luriher stint nl lf a cint.. aud the lurllier iuiii of Ills, uu a. all, , flier s lee logelhe Willi luieresl oa III. sain mc i i,.,,l r HaU liv-l al Iu mm ivui aumllli. end also in co4s nl and alien, I al Now. Hierefor. In n De, Hence lo such liter. I did. ou Ihe lain ilsy ol February. In lei y Uu. and will, on Malm, lay, Ihe luth day uf 'ii st. al Ihe hoar id on. n elia k If H ul aald dev. .1 Ihe front 4,r ul (lie conn bout. Ill said ooiiuly. offer lof sale at public auction, and sells, the hlihest aavl heat bidder, for f li In hand all nl lh. right, title and Internal lb. said ilelen.laiila nn ilia- Hah lUy uf Itriolwr, law, lia,iu and lu Ihe following dcsorltwd real Eroperiy. to wit Uita Ave ill and sn (), nf l,-k forty Av. tti. cunly ., billion to Oregon clly, iiiegoii. a a, I being sllnale,) la Clsi-k .inna county. Oregon Dated Ihla I t'll day ol February, A l. IrsM F. C MAIHMiCK. Sheriff ol Claekamaa Co Slal. ol Oregon. IlyN M Misiiiy, Deputy. i Utitt I IH-Ut ker mliiig uu trUflio.ninuLiTmrr3 COPYRiGHTS OIITAIrt A PTt"T Fnr CA!f I PeiwiiM an.war and aa hiwieal npinlon.wnt. lo Ml NN 4k 4 O.. wholiav bad ewilr nftr yw In tb. paJatil ..Mlieaa. Cumtnarttc tlonsstrletly eoiiDilenUal. A lla.db.ak at In. fiirio.luas eoneenung Paleal and bow In eft tain than mt rraa. Also a ol 1ohM leal an4 aelantlRa bos Mil fm. Patent, taken itireuah Muun A Co. rwavtra NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice la hereby given that the undersigned haa, by order of the Honorable County Court of Clackamaa county, Oregon, been appointed ad ministrator nf the estate, with will annexed, of Solomon Achorn. deceased, All persons, there fore, who have claims against laid estate are reuulred t present them duly verified to me at my office lu Oregon City, Ore.oo, wlthlu tlx motilha from tbla date. L L. PORTKK, Admr. Dated Feb. 28, 1896. 8-1 ;3-29 Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Hlgh.rt Medal aod Diploma. HUM HONS. In Ihe Circuit Court of the Stale of Oregon, lor me muiiiy in i.incxamaa F. C. Perry, plaintiff, v. John l'alm.r and Julia rainier, iluiemiituts. To John I'slmnr and Jnlla Palmer. dofemlHuls mine name ni the state ol orcgim, you are nereoy reuiiireii tnappoar ami Hiiswer thneom plaint Nleil agaluat yen In Ihnabnve entitled c lion wllhln ten days from the date of Ihe serv. lee of thlssuminuns upon ynu. If served within this county; or If served wllhln any other muiiiv oi mis nine men within twenty, la i Iroin the dale of Ibeaervicu nf this summons upou you: and If served by publication then ou or before the first day of Ihe next regulnr term of the above court following the explrntlon of the lime prcscrllied In the order of publication of this au iniia, in wit: the lolh dnv of Anrll. IKIKI. Aud If you fall lo an answer, the plalnllff win taae jiiiigumni against you ami each nl you for the sum of llliu with Interest thereon at Ihe rain ol 10 per cenl per milium since De cember llth, lsui. and fnr aa an attorney fee. ai;d for the further aum nf m2.3s, and for hla costs aud disbursements herein. I hla summons la aerved upon you by publi cation by order of the lion. Thouuia A Mo llrlde, Judge of aald nourt, duly made on tho Vita day of February, IH'.ilt, HnnWNKi.L & DugsHKK ilt J. If, CAsirnKi.L, 2-l.r:8-22i i Attorneys lor Plaintiff SUMMONS In the Circuit Court of the Hlato of Oregon for Clackama county Ur.t.e N. Conger, plaintiff, v. Burl Conger, do fcndanl. To Burl Cnngcr, above named defeiiiUut: In the name of the Hlate of Oregon, you are hereby summoned and required to lie and ap pear In the above entitled suit and court on or before the first day nf tne next regular term of aid court, to-wll: the 1Mb. day of April A. I), Is'JH, and answerthe complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit, and If ynu (all to an answer the plaintiff will apply to the court for tne renei uenian.lixl in the complaint, which relief la for the dissolution of the marriage eon tMctnnw existing bctweou plaintiff aud de fnndiint herein. Ynu are further limine,! that this summons III this suit la served upon ynu by publication by order, dated November , lK'.M, of Hun. T. A Mcllrlde, Judge nf saldcourU L. L. POKTKll, Ally, for Plaintiff. Dated Jan. 25. Ikus. 2 i .8-15, penal s,4lrln Ih Hrle.llSe Amerleaa, and thu ar. brought nf,,r. lb. puhlio wiia. nut eras to th. InTiaiior. I'M .nleaiiid him, ImumI wwkly. .leaanllr illaairalrd. ha. hy far Ih. lareiwa elnnilatlua of any aelteilifte work In lit world. a. a year, ganip). eopies Mnt free. MulMlng ICIltluo, BKHilhly. tljtlt Htngl enplM.'J H ownta. Kvarv numW ontitalna Imu. Ilful gialea. In enliuv, and phiH'wrauli. nl M. bnuMa, with plana, wi.hlln. bulhlnr. to .how tb. lateat ilnalgn. and sveur ponlraeta. AddriM. MUJI A Co, Waa- Yuaa, Sttt BaoauwAr. NOBLETT'S STABLES. Livery, Feed and SulcStnlile ORECONCITY. LOCATF.I) IIF.TWKKN TIIK H'dlXiK AND IIKP0T Doulilu nnd Single HiH, nnd sad dle horscH alrgays 011 liimd nt th lowest priceik A corrall coiimectod with the hum for loose stock. Inforinutlon yngarillnu hiiv kind or stiK'k promptly ulioiidiul to liy purson of letter. . horses Boutht nnd Sold. Horses ltounlnit sntl Keil 00 leason lile tiirtns. Salary ionise. muI weekly tewn start. P.l iiiaaeiUpiMllluu. git.llslv.leroliry. KiporlenM ennueusury. IVeilllar 4A 4 I iuVMiUireturi.Klnnsn. Lllt Al m oomtalaiSeii Su lo,:al part- e: J nine aipit'A. Univi" I ....... ... hi l,..i.,.relluble Pi vCT ikv M "ht'j. re,,,. .r!' -A w W,i t yn now, liiw, y -, Jr- lti rtuil imiuslry V V "-"rfvsnoiinlei.t. "ilt:'t nu,l rti n (' .1 . . ...... il,r,l u I, If. .u l. Itrd' ikal l-e!.irtri,e. I ".,ji.,.rve..n. t'octlft ffV1 rrl Knlt.n 111 ne. Inr rtill par I mow N Hid ik 011.. nor Irtn'l. t're. 0 his livuse I IMU paper. f'.d.) a Duffy & Hcckart EXPRESS andJRANSFERING. riecial in moving IIoiiHchold OoodH and PiunoH. Prompt work and Reanonablo churgos. Leave orders at IJHLL0MV k BUSCIPS. BtJTTB CKKKK 0KAN0K, No. 2, P. of II. Meets at their hull lu Maruiiam, second Hnt urdav In each month at lu a. m. Visiting numiiersalwHyi welcome. J. K JACK, J.R.WIIITK, Secretary. Master,