Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1895)
Oregon City Enterprise. FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1S!5. OKKOON CITY OFF1CKKS Muor, Chief at Polio - Awunr, Trurrr, City Altonier, - 81 -p Com milon r. Bup't. ol Watrr Worka, City KmlniHT. Oouncllmcu II, C. 8ttvrii i. j.iooke. brut. Jattar, Hiram Straight L. L. Hurler Cant. K. Burnt K 8 Olift K. U llolm.a K. F. Print. C. rlubcock, Jr. W. H. Howell D. Kinnatrd !jeo. Hrmiifhtnn. Uxrk Howell, L. 01 R SEW IAWS. Work of Our J.eirlslature A Krw .Motllorlnud McHMirrtt. L Porter, Henry MoMriim, J. W. MoiUtt twuncll meetatrtt WedoeJd oftaeh month la vitj hll. j Leg AiWertlslnsr. llervafter no loital ailvirtisimnt h4 Inserted in the payment for tlie mine is made at the tiiie the affidavit of publication is rvn dtfred. This rule will bo imperative) and dtwd-beat litigants, who make it prac tuje of working the courts, lawyers and nifpapers will have to look to some other paier toget their notice published. SPRAY OFTHE FALLS. rlsin pickles, Mixed pickles, Sweet pickle. German pickles, Pickle Onions, Tickle pi its feet, Chow chow, Saner kraut, In hulk or in bottles, K. E. Williams, the grocer. Prink Japoolo Tea, 45 cents per pound, Mart & Robertson. Wool wanted at once this office. The latest in hair ornaments at the Racket store. Imperial V.gx Food will make your httna lay. E. E. Williams, the grocer. Ladies' hair dressing at the Queen shaving parlors, opp. Charm an drug store After once using no lady will go with out corset shields. For sale at the I: (cket store. V,9 remnvinv raniu. nf irritation and I y preserving a health v state of the sv-! t?m daring infancy, Stffilmana Sooth ing Powders made their reputation, Highest cAsh price paid for second hand goods of all kinds at second hand store opposite Noblitt's stable on 7th st. Most people can not afford to expert ment. They want immediate relief. That' why they use One -Minute Cough Cure. The Oregon City Steam Laundry does the cleaneafand best work to be had in Oregon City. Their prices are the lowest. Some of the best musical talent on the Coast at Shively's Friday 22d, inst. Among others, Mrs. Wetzell, vocalist, Herr Anton Zylm, violinist. Below is given a complete synopsis of some of the more important laws passed by the last legislature. While several good laws were enacted, yet the bulk of the work done was iti amending town charters. Perhaps tla-ie Is no law of the last v .... session more generally discussed than the on amending the horticultural en actmt'iita of the past few sessions, so the, hill ia presented complete except a few minor clauses relative to the will i prefunctionarv duties of secretary and Estkri hihk unless treasurer. Following is the, bill : HOl'SK hill so. 1, Creates a board consisting of six mem bers, one from the state at large and one from each of the five districts as follows: First Multnomah, Clackamas, Yam bill, Washington, Columbia, Clatsop, and Tillamook count ip. Second Marion, Polk, Itenton, Lin coln, Linn and Lane, Third Douglas, Jackson, Klamath, Josephine, Coos, Curry and Lake. Fourth Wasco, Sherman, Morrow, Giliam and Crook. Fifth Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, Buker, Malheur, Harney and Grant. The board shall employ from without their nuiiilx-r a recretary, whose com pensation shall be $75 per month . For the purpose of preventing the in troduction into tiie state or spread of contagious diseases, insect peats, or fungus growths among fruit ttees, and for the prevention, treatment, cure and extirpation of fruit pests, and diseases of fruit and fruit trees, and for the dis infection of grafts, scions, orchard debris, fruit boxes, and packages, and o her material or transportable articles dan gerous to orchards, fruit or fruit treei, said board may make regulations for the quarantining, inspection and disinfection j thereoff, w hich said regulations shall be circulated by the board in printed form among the fruit growers and fruit dealers of the state, shall he published at least for successive times in some dailv or weekly paper in each in the state before the same shall be in force therein, aryd shall be posted in three conspicuous places in each county in the state, one of which shall be at the county court house. Such regulations, when so pro mulgated, shall be held to impart notice of their contents to all persons within the state, and shall be binding tiKn all persons therein. A wilful violation of any quarantine or other regulations of the board, neeessarv to prevent the in troduction into the state or the shipment, sale or distribution of any articles so in- On account of other unexpected busi ness, V. Harris is closing out his stock of Groceries. Now is the time to lay in a supply of New Fresh goods cheap. Dra. Hickey & Hirkey will Fridav and Saturday of each week at Boom 6, Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118. Dckum block, Portland. "Webfoot Waltz," composed and ar ranged for violin, cornet and piano, by C. E. Knotts. A beautiful waltz, give it a trial. For sale by Bunneister & An dresen. Price 35 cents. fested as to be dangerous to the fruit growing interests of the atate, or the 'the secretary, after diligent search with- dollars per day, and shall be paid by the ow ners ( orchards or other places under quarantine and they may main tain an action therefore befoie any jus tice of the peace in any district in which any quarantined locality ia wholly or In part located ; but in no case shall they have any claim upon the state for service. The powers centered In the two pre cedings sections of this act shall he ex ercised only in great and imminent dan ger to the fruit intervals of tlTe state, and with the utmost caution and regard oi the rights of individuals am-cled, consistent with the safely and welhire of the fruit interest of the whole state. Sec. 10. It shall be the duty of the several memlers of the board, and ol the secretary under their direction, whenever they slatll deem it necessary, to cause an insection to be made of any orchards, nurseries, trees, plants, vege tables, vines or any truit packing1 house, storeroom, salesroom or auv other place place within their districts, and II found infested w ith any pests, diseases or (lin gua growth injurious lo Iru ts, pistils, vegetables, trees or vines, or with their eggs or larvae, liable to spread toother places or localities, or of such nature as to a public danger, they shall notify the owner or owneis, or persons in charge of or In possessions of such aiticlcs, things or places, that the snme are so infested, and shall require said person to eradicate or destroy said insects or pests, or their eggs or larva, or to treat such conta geous diseases, w ithin a certain time to be secilied in said notice Said notices may be served upon the person or rer- suns, or any of them, owning, having charge, or having posession of such in fested place, aiticle or thing, by any person deputed by said board for that purpose or they niav le served In ire same manner as a summons in at action at law. Such notice shall contain directions for the application of some treatment approved by the commissioners for the eradication or distruction ol said esU, or the eggs or larva thereof, or the treatment of contagious diseases or fun gous growths. Any ami all such places orchards, nurseries, tree, plant, shrubs, vegetables, vines, fruit or articles thus infested are hereby declared to be a pub lic nuisance. And whenever any such nuisance shall exist at any place in the state, on the property of any owner or owners, upon whom, or upon the person in charge or poHsession of whose pro perty, notice has been served as afore said, or who shall have failed or refused to abate the same within the time speci fied in such notice, or on the proeriy of any aon-resident or any pioerty nut in possession of any lieraon and the owner or owners cannot be found by the resident member of the board, or For footwear you can get babys' shoes st 25 eta;' ladies coarse shoes at 89 cts; men's boots at $1 .75, or you can get the best grade of goods made at bottom prices at the Red Front. The Phono Scio, this Friday evening, promises to give a rare treat to all lovers of art and nature. The wonderful produc tions of the phonograph will consist of music' by famous bands and singers, comic recitations and negro jokes and songs Many interesting places in our own and foreign lands, science, art, ma rine and side splitting comics wil 1 he shown on a canvas twelve feet in diam eter. M. E. church. Admission 25 cents, children 10 cents, Insure in the Farmer's Co-operative Fire Insurance Association of Oregon City. The cheapest mutual protection in the state. Men combined to insuie themselves. Applications taken by M. L. Moore, county treasurer, and presi dent of the Association. Agents wanted throughout the state. AuiJress the sec retary, 0. A. Cheney, Oregon City, Or, John Shadle has secured a lease of the Oriental Hotel, and has thoroughly reno vated the bouse, painted, carpeted and refurnished the rooms and put every thing in first class order. The table is now equal to if not better than any hotel in the city, Board can be had at reason able rates by the day, week, or month, first class accomrnodationB tor transient custom. This bouse will hereafter be knowu as the " Willamette Hotel." 5t Married, Ou Tuesday March 5th at the residence of Esquire Foster in New Era precinct Minnie Gilland to Henry W. Hougbam. The knot was tied by the worthy squire in his most effective manner. The bride' is a popular young lady of New Era, while the groom is an energetic young farmer well worthy of bis bride.- They will make their home with .Mr. Hougham's mother, he assist iug in carrying on Mrs. Hougham's farm. spread of dangerous diseases among fruit trees, or orchards, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than five nor more than one hundred dollars for each offence. It shall be the dutr of the several be here I mpn,u. r .u. kri a,i .i,. tary under their provision, to visit their respective districts and to see that all regulations of the board and all provis ions of Jaw to prevent the introduction or spread of fruit pests and diseases of trees or plants injurious to the horticul tural interests of the state aie enforced. Any member of the board or the secro tvtary thereof, may, upon complaint of interested parties, inspect orchards, nurseries and other places suspcted to be infested with fruit pests or infested with contageious diseases injurions to trees, plants or fruits. If upon report of any member or the secretary the board shall be of the opinion that any locality, dia srict, orchard or place is infested with fruit pests or infested with contagious diseases or injurious to trees, plants or fruits, and liable to spread to other or chards or localities to their damage or injury, so as to be a public danger, said board shall by an order, entered upon its minutes, declare such place to be under quarantine, and shall give notice thereof by posting a notice in writing in a conspicuous place upon the premises, ppecifying with convenient certainty what place or premises are under quar antine regulations, and by delivering a copy of such notice to the owner or person in charge of the premises, if he may be found there ou ; and such place shall thereafter be subject to quarantine regulations of the board, and violation thereof shall be punishable as herein before provided. As isoon as in the opinion of any member of the board or the secretary thereof the danger from such quarantine locality shall have ceased, he may suspend such quarantine and ahall immediately report the fact to the board, who may confirm such action or may re-establish the said quar antine, in which case it shall not again be suspended but by action of the board. The board, and in case of necessity, during the recess of the board, the mem ber in the quarantiued district, or the secretary, may appoint such quarantine guardians as may be needed to cairy out the provisions of this act, whose duty it shall be to see the instructions of the secretary are enforced and carred out. They shall also report to the board all infractions or violations of said regula or of the law in regard to quarantining, disinfecting and distruction of pests. The salary of quarantine guardians shall be in the district, it shall be the duty of the board, or the members thereof in whose district said nuisance shall exist, or of the secretary, under his or their direction to cause such nuisance to he abated, by eradicating or destroying such insects or pesta, or their eggs or larvae, or by treating or disinfecting the infested or diseased articles. The expense thereof shall be a couniv charge and the county court shall allow and pay the same out of the general fund of the county. Any and all sums so paid shall tat anil become a lien ou the proerty and premises from which said nuisance shall have been re moved or abated, in pursuance to this act, and may be recovered by a suit in equity against such property or premises which suit to foreclose such liens sbal be brought in the circuit court of the county where the premises are situate by the district attorney in the name and for the benefit of the county making such payment or payments. The proceedings in such cases shall be governed by the same rules, as far as may be applicable, as suits to foreclose mechanics' liens and, the property shall be sold under the ordur of the court and the proceeds ap plied in like manner. the hoard is hereby invested with the power to cause such nuisance to be abated in a summary manner. It shall be the duty of (he secretary (o attend all meetings of the board, and to preserve records of the proceedings, cor respondence, and actions of the board, to collect books, pamphlets, periodicals and other documents containing valuable information relating to horticulture and to preserve the same ; to collect statistics and general information showing the actual condition and progress of horti culture in this state and elsewhere; to correspond with agricultural and horti cultural societies, colleges and schools of agriculture and horticulture, and such other persons and bodies as may be di rected by the board , and prepare as re quired by the board, reports for publi cation. The board shall biennially, in the month of January, report to the legisla tive assembly a statement of Its doings with a copy of the treasurer's report for the two years preceding, the session thereof. The members shall receive as compensation their actual expenses while engaged upon the work of the board or the enforcement of the provis ions of this act, and shall be allowed $3 a day for the time actually employed. j There is hereby appropriated for the uses of the state board of horticulture, as set forth in this act, the sum of fi'O) for the year beginning January 1, 1S'J5, and the sum of $-1500 tor the year begin In the state treasury not otherwise ap propriated. iioi'hic mi. i, no. -tfi Amen. ling pharmacy law ol I Hill : It shall bo unlawful tor any prson not a registered pharmacist to conduct any store for the purHs of retailing, com pounding or dispensing medicines, or to allow any ersoh to handle medicines for him except registered phai-muclsla. Within sixty days the governor shall apHiut live Nrsons as a board of phar macy, who shall meet at times and places to suit themselves and hold ex aminations, and prescribe, (lie qualifica tions ol pharmacists In this state. The secretary ol the board shall re ceive a salary as fixed by the board, also traveling sxense. The other members shall receive ITi per day for time actually engaged, also legitimate eK'iise at tending meetings. Any assistant or clerk In a pharmacy who is eighteen years and has had two j years experience, shall I hi entitled to registry as a registered assistant upon examination and the payment of alee1 of .r), his certillcrle must be renewed an nually iioii payment of fifty cents Pharmacists at present in the business are entitled to registration upon the pavment of a h e o( , provided they apply within three months after the passage of the act. Registered pharmacists are required to have their cerlllli ales renewed annu ally for which a fe of one dollar is charged. The sale of a large list of oisonoiia articles is prohibited w ithout piopcr pre cautions and a diligent Inquiry as to the character of the purchaser and the use to he inn. le of them. All such sales are lo (ie recorded in a IkhjIi for that pur pose Persons attempting to practice phar macy contrary to the act ate subject to indictment and for the Ant offense shall be fined $50 and costs, and lor each sub sequent offense $11)0 and costs. The district attorney, on hit own mo tion or that of any member of the board, is to prosecute violations. All lines under the act shall bs divided equally between the board of Pharmacy and the school fund. In effect immediately. HOl'SK HIM. no 40. To protect salmon and other food fishes: It shall be unlawful for any ersoci or persons lo take or tlsh for salmon in the waters of the Nehalem, Tillamook, Nes tucca, Silelz, Yaqulna, Als-a, Siulsaw, Umpqua. Coos, Coquillo, Sixes, Elk, Chetco, Windchuck, or any of their tributaries or bays, or in any other streams or bays in this state, except the Columbia river and its tributaries, and excepting Rogue river as hereinafter provided Irom Nov. 1st to Deo. litli and June 1st. In Rogue river it shall be lawful to take salmon Irom April 15th to August 15th and Irom Sept. 1st to Nov. 1. It shall be unlawful to receive or have in posaessicn, or offer (or sale or trans portation ta transport during the close seasons named in thU act any of the following variety or kinds of fish which maybe caught in any of I he streams as aforesaid, viz: Chinook salmon, silver salmon, steel head or blue back, and any person violating any of the alsve sections shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall Im lined In the sum of not less than $10 nor more than $ZV). In effect at once. IIOI SK him. no. 12ft. Providing liens lor horse shoeing: r.very js-rson who shall shoe any horse, mule, ox or other animal shall have a lien upon the animal shod for his reasonable charges for shoeing the same and each lien conferred by this act shall lie superior to the hen ol any chattel mortgage, bill ol sale, conditional con tract or other security upon such animal. Any person desiring to secure Hie ben efit ol this act shall, within sixty days after the shoeing of such animal, or in case he shall have sh'sl such animal more than onco within sixty days after the date of the last shoeing, file with the county recorder or county clerk, as the case may be, of the county in which such animal Is, a notice of Ins intention to claim a lien upon such animal for his charges for shoeing the samo. Such notice shall state the name of the person claiming 'he lien, the miineof the owner or reputed owner of the animal sought to be charged with the lien, and a descrip tion sufficient for identification of the animal upon whMi the lien is claimed. The notice miiHt be verified by oath. It shall be the duty of the recorder of NEW LOT OUTINGS, FLANNELS, YARNS, Calicoes, Muslins, Shoos Etc. CASH PRICES. It Iniya '20 Ilia, rice, '28 Ilia, white Inmiiin 1'.) llm dry grim. Hiigur, '20 Ilia, extra C, 2(1 llm, jiruiiea, nlin or plums, H) llm, gooillitnl, HI Um. dry suit moat, IS yda. ciilait w,, 20 yds. outing lliinni'l, nml in slioon. if I luiya n pair good oxforda tiHtiully I1.-I5, or ludiea solid button mIiih'h UHUiilly l.f0. Aimtlicr HliiiiiH'iit, liidicM dung. hIioch, put. tip, urcut vuluo for ti'.AO, liroken lota hIioch nt cost or Ichh; Itoya or moil's warran ted plows t..ri0 mid l.Wi; ludica lieuvy Hlipmrn out to; atecl wire, imils 0 to S at 2."i) ken, or :W II. 1.W); HI to '2i Hnnv 2.'2'i k or 41) lbs. t.0); III) to t!0 penny fJ.OO, or -15 llm. 1 .(H). Ko.luctioii in very department. ...Red Front Store... UlillGON CITY. TIJJK Yfll'lVS wme JOT, anl those who watch and wait for timo will only discover its (light. You cun diaoovcr nit elegant collection of timo pieces in our ntock of ladies' and gentlemen's gold and nil vo watches, w hich in all ciii-ch are, models of ac curacy, keeping time ho well that they don't lose it. Wo can confidently reo otniiichd our witi lies ami clocks, too, art entirely trustworthy, and meeting the needs of the hour ton second. Our assortment of lashionahle jewelery and silverware is very complete 11UHM1CIHTKH A ANDWICHKN. fit -V w w WWW JUJU. j oney. And Encourage Home Industry THE Qregon Picture Frame Company Makes a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . and picture Frames New and Novel Design 108 Second Street Near Washington I M. J. MORSE, Manager. Eatala Picture and Art Material. 'wrrr (Concluded on Seventh pane.) Awarded Highest Honors-World'- Fair. DEL- mm fixed by the board at not to exceed two ning January 1, 1896, out of any moneys CREARi ITHWUMLai MOST PERFECT. MADE K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Fre from Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant, 40 YEARS THE STANDARD JOHNA.BE0K, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 'i'O, Morrlnon Street, PORTLAND, OREGON, IS STILL ON KARTH. For general repairing ho Btandft without a peer, tor hrnt-cIaHH, re liable) gooda his etore in second to none. Trv him 1 Dollars And Sense. For Fifty Cents. ir... .1.. ii. r.iuni I F r M.k ni"iicy wiiiic ollim r wiiiC tnn bynlil nriM-M Ctn!..i;tclllllMit II. ami clncrl!r trrry rta le lirnlrtl UiT till tKiuitry buuur. The 'ORIE mrclianlnilty tin but wheel. l'lrlurlmcHlrL r Parllie Cooat Artnla. lllrvrlt cuta- lugucroallrdfrw.gWta fi'UHcacrltitlnn r-rlrf ric nMTi wiwtkd. FETAM7MA IHCUB ATOt CO., rttal.mi.Cal. IlaancH llm . an a Main hi., Xam Anftlra. I Via lllii.itntnl I 1 V V",." v Sunset Grocery, ...West Side... A Dollar Saved Is a Dollar earned. Buy Your Groceries where You can get them the CheapeHt. All New, FreHh Selected Stock of the Best Quality in the Market. Staub's Cash Grocery, Commercial Bank Block. Complete alock ol Crockery Tinware and potions. First class goods.... . ..Low Prices ... ...Prompt delivery. Satisfaction -:- C uaranteed. C. A. McMILLAN, Prop. Postoflico-:- Store, MILWAUKK1C, OR. FAMILY -GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of tho best quality. In Prices we meet Portland Competition. O.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. Let me have a trial order. raw's Snouting Powders. For Childrtn Cutting their Ttatfi. IN USE OVER FIFTY YEARS. M fmrltk H,at, pr.u.M flt$, Commltlm,, an praaarv. aaaria Kara 0 (Aa eoiattatoa . . . awna ria ttrlt of tnthlnt.