Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. SCHEDULES OF TIME It C.T ru.'K KTKAMKIl. HinaniiT IUMONA, I.KA '. liltriliiK ( liv. HUM dlKTI.AKIl U 11 III, II IHlit Ml I 'Ml l HI. II m . m, Wl MlrltN I'ACIKIC HAII.WAY. N'lltlll IKII'NII. C.ltlMititit Kihnoii Mhrmiifh) lliiiiilmig Ihh l (wnjr .lutlnu.; 7 If, a. m. ' II N . III. ill 111 llill'NII. MnrlitirC l.i.i'.l (wiiy iMllolll) I'nlllnniU hiprr.. (lliiuiigli) al . in 7 Hi I' in WII.I.AWKI IK KAI.I.H M.Ki TIlH: HAII.WAV, Tlnm ll'lr, Ori'tuii en jf. Wlllmni'lifi KhIIl A M ii ti A. M. V (W u ml " II :m " II 41 " I mi IV M, I It I" M, h im n ,ui uu e iti " i mu tiki. iA.M l.'i A.M. III IK iu ,, ll in " n ;m " 1 1 r, M l i.i I', it I .HI ' I 4fl " i.l " V 1.1 " i IUJ " I ill " a ll " II " a m ii " I I.l 4 !, i ,w " ii ii hi h ii " Ii ; " h 4 i " li.W " Ii 11 " I A. Mil. i. in, Hiipl. I UK MAILS. Mall. rliMM (iiiiik N'HIII. U III, H ln.i til. Mali. I lull' (illll Hulllll, U in , I'l -1' "I ma .'l l I'lly In 1'iirllaii'l Ka.l Hl'tii Kall ai ,li-r ll .11 I'. M ami 1 ii I' M airltia II ir, A H ami 4 '' I' M t'airlfa I'lirllalpl, Ka.lriu, Ki'il Hlili-. Mainly ami IIIKlilaliil ruulta' lii.ll ir-i,,ii I'll) In Fly, I 'arm. Milium l.llxral ami M ilalla ii'i . al Ii in ami ariivr. at 1 in. ilall,' llrriinli I'll; In ll.mrr I rk, Mink. Clark. M,...,w lit." k l in. hi Mill., ami I nllnu. Icavca al in a in St. hi. lay ami r'rWsy ami riiirii .in lulliiwlim ilata ai ' .11 i. in in. K..11 I lly .. Vl.iU Iik.ii ami lli'.llall'l Iratra lirr.,i II v M..ti.ay l .lln ..V anil Kll.layall in I'. M , UavInK l.ila ailllia ilaya al ; ! A M. nui.Y. ni;i KMiiKi: :'k, m-u. I.AIMillKIIH Wll.l. Itt-r TllKIU 1'AV. Ill t'n' rii, nil mint ill 1'iiiliiiN'l, Jinl.'i Mi'iirna t rmlia v nnlilli-i Hie liijillirti'Ui III lln rue ii( tin' I'liltiuinl ( III)' Colli' I.IIIV va. Il.lllllll' A I'.rlilil no HH lo ullllM till' lll llll'llt III IlllmilT'N I'lllilllN, miiuilliliiii; In l'HM). Iliiinliii iV I'.rlilil mil lft I lit ruiiliint fur iiniT'iviiiK' Mum Ntri'i't, In tin" lit), illi vitnllcl lirirk, Imiii tin Anii'i ii'iui Itiiilni- inl C'niiiriiii ('iiiiimiiy. Tlif I'iiiiIiiiiiI lliiy ('iiiiihiiv lurilllll'. tlllt litirkll Hllll I'lllilllN u lllll- iiiiii-u( m rr f.MKm Hii-uti City Niill OW I'll nil HlH W'llk lll'IWWII 'I0 nml l(). O KI, Mtial I In' I'urtliiiiil Cliiy Company liiul JiiiIko Sti'.irna t'lijuin tin' reionler ol (ri'K'n "llv fnn.i I'liyiiiH thin nionry until tliti iiiitiU "I Hii'ir HtntM am il (ermine.! by tli I'lnirl. Tim Aiiii'ritun Ilrnlpi Mini Coiitrml Ciniiany Ino elm in" mi inli'ii'Nt in lliii money dim llaiiiNliaw A ltd hiiiI in muili' mrty lIl'll'lldlllltK ill Ull' Nlllt IIM U 0OIN.l.ll'l, mi l lunliiT iii uiii lln' Clay CoinMny ili-niir tin" vnlnlity ol tin' AiniTiiiiii Ciintrart l'iiiliuiliy'rj rliilill. Y'it1uv mi rll'oit n iiiinlii liy tliu iiiliri-iii'il iiirlii'N lo nil tlif I'i'iiit lo nlluw iriirft'ilinn" I'hIimoIvo nil of tin' Injiiin linn, 'l it in ,in iritiNi'il, anil pay infill ol tin lulmriTN only n iiuri'i'il to. Moil u( tln'fi' rlii rkH Iiiivii ln'i'H till I'll tip liy tin' inrirliHiitH ol 1 1 1 it nty in pay inrnt lor kooiIn liirnilii'il tint workuitf it-ii wluli' 1 1 i-u I on Hit' wink ami tlit ili'liiyin piiymriit Ihin Inu n h hrrioiiN Iohn In tl nil. Wimiiikii fun Jam'.miy. The follim iii)! ilul. i, riiini'ilfil (nun lliii wnillicr liiiit'.ni ii'i'iinlrt h( 1'nitliinil i'uvit tin) pi'iiml (jivrn lor the iinnitli niiiui'il, nml In. ulil piovit n( valni' Hinl inliTi-Hl in an tii'ipntinit tli moiit 1 iiijh n t int ini'ti'ora louiiMl I'li'ini'iitN, nml tint ranno within wliii Ii niii Ii vmimioiiB may Im i'XH'i'ttil Id ki'i'p (or Hit' 'iiiniii month uf .Inn uury: Tlio inonlli uf Jiiniiurv for S'.' yciiM nIiuwciI tin) following: Ti'inpitr uliire Mi'iin or iioruiul tciiipcriituri', ilH; tint wiirini'Nt liHinlli wiin that of 1SH1, with nil uvitiiijo of 411 ; tint colilt'Ht month witri that uf lHHtf, with mi v'rx' of tint liintii'Mt tiMnn'rillnri' WM 'J, on the l.Mh, 1KKH. I'ri'i'ipitiition (ruin mnl mi'lti'il miiuw) AviTUKU for tho nionlh, 7 TiO inrhi'H; vi'rau inmiVr of ilnys with .01 of an nirli or more. 111; the lrpiiti't nioiitlily precipitation wan 13.71 inchi'Hin I HKIt ; tho IchhI monthly pre cipilulion' wiin iiichcH in 1HIKI; the Ifri'rttcHt iiinoiint. of iri'cipitation r conli'il in any L'l consi'cnlivtt houm wuh im hi'H on tho Tilh unit lilh, lSS:t: tho Kii'atcHt nun ill n t of Hiiowfiill ii'i'onlcil ill nny - I coiiwi iitivi' lioiirn (rccoril cxtcml ini to winlor of l.S,S4-,H,r) only) was It inchcN on .lannury 'M, IKIHi. CIoiiiIh anil wciilhcr Avcriiit inniilicr of clear iIiivh, r; purlly clomly iluyn, 7; clomly ilayn, 111. Wind Tim prevailing winds have lici'ii fniiii thtt Niinlli; tho hluhcHt. vel ocity of the w ind wan Till inilt'H, from tint Koiitli, on tint Ulh, 1KS0. Ciiii.diikn'h Day. Saturday of thia week him liefii di'Hiuniiti'il bh chililrun'H day at tlm rorthmd Kxposition mnl by tho pnlilie Hpirit of llio Ort'ttonian, child ren tindiT M yoarn of ago In tho state will he p ven a free pans to the exposi tion IncliidinK all tliu Bide ahowa. It ia oxpccled tliut It w ill bo the wrttat day of the expoHitioii and that the little folks will be out in force. Tim Way to Ukt Factokiks. The KiiKi'iie Hi'KiNtiT IiiiH the following to Buy of a new ImliiHtry to bo located in that place: We are in a (air way to have a box and banket fuctory oatablialied here. Three guntlemen from Tacoina have Ih'I'H lookliiK over Km (liild liere for Dm locution of hi ic ti ii ri eiili'rprlMit uml lime diiclilml to cNlaliliah oiiii Iiitc If they Nan Ktieiye iho proper I'licoiiriiKcineiit, mnl they auk hut liltln In that way. The lociilimi NeliH it, H at l iiiiiniiiiiit, on the I hi ilka of thn mill raee, Mr. (ieo M. Miller ImvhiK ilmuiti'il land for lluil pnrpoan Tint umuiiiil uf IhihI re'iiireil ainoiiiitN In all to ulmiil live acnta, whii h iimliiili'H rlylit of way fur a aide truck from the railroad. They lo auk for the free u mi of the mill riicit for tin) purpoae ol KnlliiiK their wuler Niipply, riiniiinif mnl Nloriii loitN, and for ..riU t' pay the Iri'iK'lit on their machinery from Taioinu tothiN city, They jiiiiiiuntee work to at leuat (Uty iimn, and from that iiiimlier up to L'(K) al llini'N The iiropoaition whh Ntihmitied to the liimrd of trado Tliiircluy f yeniiiK ami wan n-citivcd favoralilv and itlepN will he taken at once to complete ncccNNury arrannemi'iilii Ut rug the eriU'r iri hern. A ItllYH' IlKHATIMl Cl.l ll. lU'CCIltl)' dehiiliiiK vi lely waa orKiiiiir.ed in llii" city under the mime of the l'liilanthrupic lfl.nliiii( Clnli, fur the ilrMjhn of KivinK the lioya a chani e to learn how to cxprenii IhetiiNi'lveN lH'fnre an audience. The meelinN lake phu e every Friday even iliK in the Coiiyri'Kiilioiinl ilinrch, and are oMii lo the public. ,t 1 eirin In prci-idi'iit and Aiiidn (iunl Hecretary of the nocic t) . The Hiilijii t for dehale lit the liit meellliK wan; 'itewilved, That War 1 1 an ('aimed Mure Harm to Mun lliii n lnti'iiiiCMiiuT in Ihe ('ait of l.iipior," The Niiliji'cl wiin ably iIinciihhi'iI by Fled Mein lie, Jacob Toiiipkiiia anil llowurd Hiow iikII on the alliimaiivc, and CharlcH (illlHTt, Willie I.iiiiih, liilur Merenw, ClieHier Uoiike and Aiiioh liard on the lie;iitivH. The jildiicN decided tile illi a lion in fuvor of lint alliritiative. The ipieitiun fur tli it Friday liiu'ht in, "llc Nulvi'd, Thai I'liii'iKti I in in i it.i t inn lie Alixuliili'lv I'l'iliilnteil in Coiiiiiit: to the I'liili'd "'tHleN." Tin' leinlei n mm Jili uh Muder on the iiflirmiitive and IMv'iir Merenite on the net'iitive. I'.V Fl Ki lllli' l'o i ll Tint Oicuull City Iron Wurkx, lo keep up with the linii'M and tu pn pare fur the hiiii'llint! of a laiirer ipuntity of work, Iiiih wt ai'le their Mcaui power and tint in an electric motor. I'.y putting in electric power their work room in largely iucrca-cl an Ihe motor i cniieH a apace no larger than a cook Nluve, while a whole aeclion of Ihe buildillil h id to he ivc II to the Uulcr and engine. An iuiMirtant ail vnnliit'it In thul tliu Hiwer U alwuvN on, day and niht, with the repair but a fraction of what they ure in Vii-pini: up a Nteam plant. Mr. Hoake h Npent a larjie tuni l money in pmperlv fitliiiK up the lrei,"iti City Iron Work, and now baa mk cu'iiplcle a aliup ami foundry aN can Im found in the Ntate otitmdeo! I'orlluinl. EDUCATIOaVALNOTIS All nulin for tbia column should be Hcnt lo Mrn 11. S. liihxoii, I'llitorci, Oregon City, OicfcMin . The fiilloniiig nainrd pupila in lin Irict No. 2 1, Macksliiirg, were neither Mlmeiit nor tardy during the month end ing IW. ':!: Chri-tol, Willie and Lloyd IIuwitn, Marv (iilxon, Patrick and Nan nie Itiarier, Ileidricb Harm, Louia Weia inandel, (ii'urgie, Theodore and Mary Scheer, Margaret, Waller and Jiinmie l.amour, Charlie Farmer, Jennie Ht'P Iit, Nora Kleho and Henry Harlh. Wholo niimher enrolh'd, A'2 ; average daily attendance, 3S. Frienila and pa tron am kindly invited to call on the Nchool and note our progreNN. V m.i.i M Hankink, Teacher. Teawl Creek aclnxjl coniiiienoi'd Octo ber Ut and eloHi'il IVceniher 21, IS',14; whole 'liutiber of iUvh taught, l0 ; total number enrolled during the U'rtn, 3S; average attendance by month : lt month :'((, 2d month 32. ft, 3d month 30. The following Hi'lioliirH were nut alment during the term: (iiJ. Iurt, ieo. Paugherty, Hay liaugherty, Maltel Miller, Nellie Part, Millie Dart, Carrie Fox. The aver age attftiKlanre during tlwa term liaa Ih'cii high; the Hcholart atuilioiiB and attentive and have made a good advance and we iH'lieve a niibntRiitiul one, aa each lenson waa thoroughly learned before taking tin' next. The following are the otlicttrs: Frank Sawlell clerk, 1'. C. Miller, Chaa. Daiighc rty and (ieo. Adntua, hoard. Ciiah. Ckittkndkn, Teacher. The following ia a report of school dite trii'l No -10, for the month ending Dec ember 21. Number enrolled in the primary ilcpui linet 35 ; number neither ahHi'iit nor tardy 10; days taught l'.l; davH atti'iiilance Iil3. Fmma IIkin. Teacher. Niiniher enrulli'd in aenior dcpiirtiuent 111 ; nuuilier neither absent nor tardv l.ri: days taught 111; day atleildiuiee 530. J IIkin., Teacher. Tho fourth month of the I-ogan diatrict No. IM, term ended December 21. Number of daya attendance, 3(10; number of daya absence, 32; number of times lardy, 4; number of pupils en rolled, 23; average number belonging, 22; average daily attendance, 21. The school had Its Christmas enter tainment Friday afternoon. The pupils closed ;he program with an arithmetic, match. The teacher gave tp each pupil a ban of candy and pocorn Follow ing is the program: Song, "Marching Through Georgia," School ; recitation, "Oernian Gems," Lizzie lluher, llynie and Kmma Ualameier; recitation, "Drive the Nail" Ilonry Ilubcr; reci tation, "Try It," Hophie Miuttel; reci tation, "l.illh Don" Willlie lluber; Hong, "Reward of Labor," School ; reci tation, "Little ThiiifN," Iliitiie linker; recilaliun, "Do Voiir Ileal, ", Tillle llryan ; rei itntion, "(iui-NN," llynin I'.nla nieier; recilalion, "Woik and Flay," Fdiit lluher ; recitaliun, "Jnck and Jill," Joliniitliiilliigher; Hung, ".Motion Hong", I'rimary cIiinn; recitaliun, "ChriNlmiiN is Coining," Fdna CIibnm; n-cilation, "Why" Fariieat Ilulx-r; recitation, (jive What You Have," Farneitt Hula-r; rei ilation, "The Funny Old rrofeaaor," Arthur ChaH; illalogae, "When We Are Wouiitn," Frniiia and Lydia .chut tel, Fmiria HalHineier, May Wilaon ; recitation, "The Model HuNhhand," Katie Ki'hultel; recitation, "Do Yon Know",Iva llryan ; recHatlon, "No Fool," Charlie Hhnde: recitation, "A Hard Working Woman," I'earlie Hchultel ; duett, "(termini Hong," Krann and lly nie I'.alNineier. recitation; "Will Santa Heineinbcr Me; Iva linker; S'mg, "Happy (ireetingH," Sclnxtl. M. L. Hamiton, Teiu'her. IIFIL LSl'A'l K TKANSrKKS. Kurnlhlipil Lveiy Week by tlie Llacka man Aliatrart anil Tru-t ( inniuinj. Oregon Iron A Steel Co to A Iien liett WD Oct It, '!l2, Mk 54, 0 I A S Co'n exteiieion ol Firm ad to Oswego iJ0 (i T Walla lo Pearl WbUn W D Apr 7. ,11, 24 57 acres in nw'ofsec 13, 1 2 n, r 2 e 50 III DAK Mc(iuire to J K Cramer W D Oct 12, 'HI, land in t 3 , r3 e .. 50K3 W T Iliirnvy lo J It Cramer Q C Cec 3, 'W, purt of sec2'.i, I 3 s, r 3 e 2510 (iladNtone R F. A'W.'ln to Mrs Sarah Huntley W D Nov 3, 'U4, lot 11 and 12, blk32, (ilailstune 210 John H.iner to Julia Kiikel W D Dec 1H, 'H4, ;i."i 5 acres in t :t s, r 1 e 510 W W Davis to Anna M'mre W D Dec IS, 'i4, lot 1, Hec 10, t 2 s, r 2 , l'.l Mi ncriH l'X0 Da N linker lo 11 F Huker C D Nov 3, Mil, Ihe Y, I. C of Marshall K Perrin 1 John C Hampton to It F Parker ( C D Nov 2K. '04, siime as above. . 1 lleulien Confer to Win I! Hiddli't-on mid wife W D Oct 15, 'IM, land in t 2 s. r 2e 2000 Walter IViken to Win J Cnminings W D Aug 1H, 'SJ4, e'j' of e' of m-'4' see 20, t 2 r, r 2 e 1000 (i W & S Shaver lo F C I'eiry W D Oct 27, 93, part of claim 40, t 5 t, r 2 e Dan'l W Zellar to F W 250 You mans Q C D Dee 19, 't4, part of Mat-liM-k 1) L C 1 ! Dan'l W Zellar to F W Tollman O, C D c 111, '04, part of Matlock claim 1 It K Irwin to 11 K iuint W I) j Dec 13, '!4 part of blk 10 Harlow llio C'larisi-a A Cainpliell to H K Court- right W D Feb 2, '!i:l, part of Win ; Fonlyce D L C 420 ! J N lU'im to Mabel llean W D Dec Id, '!i4, lots 13 and 14, blk 5, Uladstiine 5iH) i J T Urown to Win N i..own W D Dec 20, '94, 5 acres lot 7, sec Ii4 t 3 s, r 1 e 75 Lew is A McCord bv sherilt to I.or enzo T.-ntiy, S D, Dec 21, '04. n'j of Jas Urown D I. C in t 3 s, r3 e 14-v) Levy A Spiegl to K L Durhain Trust D, Dec 17, '04, part of U W Wal ling claim 6700 Win (iribhle to A W A C Kiggs W D Dec 21, '!14. 2(1.72 acres in A K (JnMiliiDLC, t4s, rle 23(H) N C A 0 L Ilriish to Martin Uur lingame W D Dec 20, '04, part of claim 4H and sec 17, t 2 8 r 2 450 Dan Montour to Helen M Montour WD 1V'c21P4, blk 8 South Os wogo 500 Dan Montour to Helen M Montour W I Dec 21, ".M.lotS, blk 47 0 1 A S Co's 1st add to Oswego. ... 100 F M Nauu-ht to Marv A Garrett W I) Dec 22, 'l4, lot 4. 5, (land 7 blk 12. Knot's add to Marsbfield 75 Maitie L Ilnvwood to Jacob Gnver W D 1Vc22. '04, 20 acres in claim 52, t 3 3. r 2 e 1000 Kiltfar M Waldron to Henry A Wal dnm W D Dec 0 'i4 part of sec :50 t3s, r2e 300 Joseph Haduia to Marv D Badura W D Dec 7, '74, lot Oand 10, blk 77 Minthorn 1 Having purchased the copyright of Thome's Title Abstract Indexes giving us sole rinht to use them in Clackamas county, and Ihe abstract books compiled and formerly owned by Thorne A Son we are prepared to furnish complete and accurate abstracts of title and to correct or extend old abstracts. We solicit your patronage and guarantee Hist class woik. OIHce over Huntley's Drug store. Clackamas Ahnthact A Tki st Co. Mow's Tins! We oiler One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J CHENEY A CO .Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheney for the last 15 years and be lieve bini perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by tneir firm. Wknt A Truax. Druggists, Toledo, 0 Walmng, Kinnan A Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Testimonials senl dee. Frice 75 cents per bottle. Sold b all Druggists. That Mora! Finger Board of tho ancient Jcwh, the Talmud, Hays:-'"!' hy friendr) friend a friend." Just ho it i with Red Seal Cough Cure. We rnako many sake through the praise of one friend to another. There's no disapnoitment in it; bo the praine goes on. Try it and your friend will. C. Q. Huntley, Prescription Druggest, Caufield Block, Oregon City. Open a New Ledger for 1895? Remember that we are agents for the Millcr Megee patent Hat opening books the best made: also we are selling a book which oiKTis nearly flat at less price than you used to pay for those miserable things that required a curved jcn holder to get down into the "cents" epacc. Come in and ex amine them. We guaran tee both books and prices. We can furnish you with riling cases, dub files, Shannon files, copying Wks, letter presses and all ollice supplies at Huntley's Book Store, New Caufield Block, Oregon City. Buy your. Choice Candies . . AT THE . . NOVELTY CANDY STORE. Pure, Fresh, Delicious, Prices lowerthan ever. Our Taffy Candy Has no equal in the City. Fresh Fruits and Nuts. At the New. Molalla Drug Store. Can be found a com plete line of Fresh, Pure Drugs and Med icines, with a compe tent pharmacist in charge. Patent Medicines. Have all the leading niakos fresh from the labratories. Paints, Oils, Glass, Etc. Notions and Toilet Articles. PRICES TO SD1T ALL C0MPET10N. Dr. W. C. Belt, F. C. Perry, rharinecist. Proprietor. MOLALLA GRANGE, NO. 0, P. of H. Meelsnt their hall ut Wright' llrldne on the frond Bmiirdny of each month at 10 a. m Fellow memberi made welcome. Jan. NKL80N, Master. K H. Coopin. Sec, WARNER GRANGE. No. U7.P. of H. Meet fourth Saturday of each month, at their hall iu New Era. David Me Arthur, Master Mrs. May Waldron, Sec'j MYRTLE LODGE NO. 24, DEGREE OF HONOR, Mceta every Friday In A O. U. W. Hall. Vis ttlug membera mada welcome. Jssnik I'iebi t, C of TI. 8. A. Qii.utt, Recouter. A. P. A. COUNCIL NO. i. Meets nn the first and third Friilsyaln each month at K. of P. hall, Visiting members al ways welcome. A. W, Francs, Pres. Prices Lower Thnn Ever Before. CLOTHING For Men, Youths UNDERWEAR, TOILET ARTICLES, 'rVrVrVrVr'fVrVrl FOR.... MEN and WOMEN. .J The Pioneer Store, THOMAS CHARMAN & SON. Holiday Sale of A soLid gold Waltham watch for $25.00 A 20 year gold filled Waltham watch for - - 16.00. A solid gold diamond set ling for - 5.00. Solid gold ring for - - - - - - 1.75. Solid silver link buttons, - - - - .45 A full assortment of Diamonds, Watches, and Silverware. W. FRIEDLANDER, 123 First St., Cor. Washington, IPOIRTLItTID, 0"R,. Proof of the Pudding Is in the Eating So is the quality of the meat tested that is on sale at the ....NEW MEAT MARKET.,,. Only first class stall-fed meats in stock and full weight is guaranteed. J. KONKLE, Prop. Next door to Burmeister & Andresen's Jewelry Store. SEVENTH - STREET - BAKERY. AND CONFECTIONERY, Lunch and Hot Coffee at Every Hour of ffie' Day: All Kinds of Cake Made to Order AND ORNAMENTED FREE OF CHAGK. fcfi- LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOK THE HOLIDAYS. Jacob Kober, Proprietor. -A- '( LCrS L2 annually, directly and ludlreotly, by people who cannot do their own figuring, write their ow letter, or keep their own books; and who do not know when business and legal ptiper which they ut handle every day are made out correctly. UfAll these things, ao. much more, we teach tAinntft!. Hundreds of our graduutes are In good positions, and there will be openings for hundreds more when times improve. Sow Is the time to prepare for them. Besides, a businesa education is worlh all it costs, for one'i own um. Send for our catalogue, to learn u-fUttaud hnit) we teach. Mailed free to any address. Portland Business College, A. P. Armstrong, Prln. Portland, OregOII. J. A. 8ecr.lary. The Argonaut Is the only high-clana political and literary weekly published on the Pacific coast. Thousands of single-stamped copies of it pass through the post ollice every week, remailed by subscribers to their friends. It has a larger circulation than any paper on the Pacific coast, except three San Francisco dailies. It goes into all the well to do families of the Pacific coast. Over 18,000 circulation. Argonaut building, 213 Grant Avenue, San Francisco. MAPLE WOOD FARM F. R. ANDREWS, Prop., Fresh Vegetables and Fruits, By successive planting and irrigation my vegetables are always crisp and tender. Daily Delivery to all Parts of the City. Pure Cider Vinegar in Stock Ready for Delivery. Breeder of Pure Blood Plymouth Rock and Brown Leghorn Chickens. Pekin Ducks. and Children. OVERCOATS Mackintoshes. u21CTr?,rV?HryrVrJrVrJ52a 1 FOR.... MEN and WOMEN. .J Jewelery. are lost