Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
Oregon City Enterprise. CHRISTMAS m.EKIUTIOMX. FRIDAY, PKCKM BF.U 28. 1SM. SPRAY OF THE FALLS. How t lie Da; Whs Obsorioil In Orison City A Dajr of Knjojuirnt. I ClirimiimspHsst'il oil" in a quiet iimnnor j in OitMii I'ily. Tho ilsy whs most period, the Mir boiiw clour hiuI cool r t I-..- .... i .1... ! Piioiik'H to ! lriu-iiiit. Tho tmsinoss Wood wanted at onoe this otlii-e. Kntkktkik OtlW. County and city warrants wanted by the Commervial bank. The latest in visiting carl at the Ks TrRTKiSK Okkk.. Prices to suit you. New Years cards printed at the Kstkr I'Rixk office oO for ftO ctnts fine card hoard. houses were nearly all closed and the day was observed inure aa a holiday than has been the custom heretofore. Mhiiv home irntheriiU'S mid film i I v r I unions took place to make bright spots ! ",""t f:olH ,vmM MxA n""''"1 their A ilendid prottMiu was carried nut after which candies and mils were din triliuled to the young people. Santa Clans did nut forgot the Oregon City Hospital iu his rounds o( limiting people glad, A handsome tree was pro vided for the patients and attendants and each was remeinhere.l by a nlft. The Indies of the Method st church in this city kindly remembered the hospital with a tine collection of fruits and vege tahles for which tho hospital immune- Fr yUg's apptmng piekleoan be hail .it the Corner grocery. Best in the market. The boy that wants some spending money can secure it by bringing clean in the lives of the participants. Christinas at St. Johns Catholicchurch was observe by special service during the day. At eight o'clock in tho morn ing the tirt sermon was held, Kev. Father llillehrand delivering the aildiesa ! in l'nglisli. At nine a similar service was held for the German members the I good will. Among the other gifts was one from Mr. Geo. Hughes, the well ' known dealer iu lirewoika in Cortland, of two tlno invalid roller chairs. One, was of those used at tho world's fair and ' cost when new $7.V In addition to an invalid's chair it will make a line ambu lance to transfer patients (nun the elec- cotton rags to the Kntkkimsk olllce. How about lounges and conches? Before you buy in Portland just drop in and look at IVlloiny A Hush's new stock. Oysters, w holesale o retail, to families and parties. Also served in any style, froh and palatable at the Portland res taurant. President t-cliwahacher and Manager W. P. Haw ley, of the Crown Psier Co., left Saturday for San Francisco on busi ness matters for their company. Miss l.utie and Gertie Martin, who re attending school in Salem, are home for the holidays with their mother, Mrs. M. B. Maitin, of the Racket store. A most enjoyable family reunion and aocial dance was had at the lesidence of Jacob Jones on Christmas evening, at the family home on the Alernathy . Dre Hickey A Hickey will be here Friday and Saturday of each week at Uooui ti, Electric hotel. Home office 117 and 118. Deknm block, Portland. Word is received that I'avid Wilson one of the best known citizens of Beaver t reek died at hu home Tuesday. He wad only sick a few days and lacked but a few months of being W years old. W. C. Stevens, a machines! in the General Electiic Company's power house, moved into his new cottage on the West Side last Monday. House and three lots for sale in Falls View addition to Oregon Citv. Fruit trees, well, barn. etc. ; nice house. Will be sold che..p. M.-irr A Robertson, 7th and Center etieets. tf sermon being in that language. At lOiIitt! high mass was celebrated and a sermon j in English was delivered by Father! Ilillebrand that was an able effort and j highly appreciated bv the congregation. I Solemn vespers at 7 .30 closed the day's exercises. The interior of the ihurcli edifice was handsomely decorated and presented a most attractive appearance, The attcnd.cnce was unusually largo eveiy seat in the building being occupied. The Presbyterian Sabbath school held j its Christmas celebrution Monday even-1 ing, at 7 :30 o'clock. A few mini'tt s j were spent in listening to song and i recitations from the younger scholars. ' The principal feature of the entertain-1 merit was a magic lantern talk given by ! the Rev. W. S. Holt, of Portland A ! choice selection of views from the Holv laud, representing scenes and places in the life of Christ, was first throw n on the canvas. This was followed with a liberal supply of views from the Orient. Mr. Holt has rare gifts as an entertainer and held the attention of all from begin ning to end. At the conclusion the the usual treat of Christmas good things was made to the scholars. A general good time was had and the occasion will no doubt be long rememoered. The annu il Sunday school treat bxk place in the M. E. church Christmas Fve taking the form of a Christmas I j tree decked with boxes of c indy for the 1 scnaiars a very interesting program I was rendered by the school, Jonalhian trie car plat for in to the hospital . Through the efforts of the management and the kindness of friends the Oregon City hos pital is getting to be fully epiipHl and a most pleasant and comfortable place for patients to remain in. algntl(Mi oics. Capt. 0. S. Wand well known as one of the most popular steamboat men on the Willamette la now running on The Palles and Cascades route in connection with the steamer Regular. The steamer Multnomah, built In Port land some years ago and which!) yeaia ago ran on the Oicgoii City and Portland route for a time, l now running on the Olympla-Tacoimt Seattle route ami is saiil to he doing a good business. The steamer Salem came up Sunday to go on the Yamhill river route for Hut O lv. A N. Co , to take the place of the llatlie I telle, which bus again gone on the Wiishoiigal route. The old Salem has hail a new hull put under her, and is now one of the lightest diaiighl boats on the Willamette The steamer Kamona is having a g.Hid passenger tiullic even nnw while only two trip a ilny are made to Poillund, The waim, combo table cabins together with the convenience in carrying bun dles is greatly appieciated by the travel- The Red Front Stores... CHRISTMAS SPECIALS. Elegant Initial silk handkerchiefs. Mels. Ladies cambric handkerchiefs,... Ids. Gents white hamlketchiola Hels. ing public especially now that carrying uurpiicesiMv conipetition,.McMtlrick,mit, j prohibited on the elects llouud Sli.iy Hooks, I'd". Dolls, Albums, Christmas cards, Vases, I'eifumery, Toys, etc, New Dress Goods, Now Shoes, New Prices! New ilresH (ooiIh, tin it ik) h, underwear ami coi-hoIm; IS yd. cahot w II ; good uiihleachod muslin .re; kill fitting, corm'tn, extra material and make, fiOe. up; liitf lot of hosiery, now wo have New York prices. I. adieu lino iloiiKolu shoes, put lip, good wearers, if I. oil; IS lbs. aiucrioaii dry gran. Hiigur, $I.IH; Hewing inucliine oil I ounces for ocIh., bring, bottle; lemon iunl vanilla in bulk, .Vis. un o,. (half usual price.) TRADE FOR PRODUCE. HAMILTON DUOS,, Oregon City and Park Place. Ile.piul .Notes. Chas Gallouly whose ribs were broken and other hurts intl.cted on him by an accident some time since at Hit new electric staiion has recovered so far that he was able to be removed to his home in Willamette Falls last Saturday. It will yet lie some tune before he can resume his work though he is convalesc ing in good sbaH'. Mr C. Lemon, w hose foot was ainmi- cais. l'ciiuo)i'i'i Hurt. Hob Gardner ami Iterl Hiioon, as a re suit of (lover nor Pennnver's indncriiii n ate panlotm, an- now out of the pemtcn tlary after serving two years of a seven years sentence for ri committed in Ihisciiy. They arrived home Wednes day Thee boys weie twool the most unpi ineipleil loiiuli in Oregon City ami il nisiiio litnl nave ruled la'lier tated some time si nee is expee'ed to be ' than a fool governor fre.ik, they would able to go to his home near lsmascus j have served iheir time out Now. that the tlrst of next week The healing i they are free tl pimrtnniiv is theirs has Ix'cn erfest and the surgeon in to make men of themselves and become charge anticipates that Mr, Lemon will decent Uw ahiding citneiis. Oiherwisi have no further trouble other than the inconvenience of the loss of the foot. Wm Mink was taken to the hospital Monday lo have a crushed hand treated. While working in the Willamette paper null he sttemiied to assist the machine tender n bis woik when his hand was caught in the hughe calender rollers and severely crushed. Had tho machine not been stopped at once he would have they may not be so fortunate again in having a weak minded governor to help them regain thror hls-rty Make good le-olotions and buy fioiu McKitlrick. County court will meet on Wednesday January Oth. At this session the an nual settlement will be made with the road euperyisors, and appointments made for the ensuing year. For footwear you can pet bahys' shoes at 25 cts ; ladies coarse shoes at 89 cts ; men's boot9 at f 1 75, or you can get the best grade of goods made at bottom prices at the Red Front. Simeon Durham has taken the position Jf mieseenger for Huntley brothers in heir drug store and book store. Master .Simeon is a boy strong of limb and wind, and sbo'.ild fill the position in an accept able mariner. Supenntendant Gibson is hi attend ance at the State Teachers' associat'on now in session in Portland. He hss been honoied with an important place on the program and will take part in all the proceedings. The new Sunset grocery appears with an announcement in this week's Entkr pribe. The proprietor Mr. C. A. Mc Millan, has his store filled with a care fully selected stock of fresh goods w hich fie is selling at prices to suit the times. The members of the West Side Baptist mission presented Fey. Oilman Parker as a Christmas present a fine copy of ! for tl)e evening onened with Humphreys, the superintendent nresid- ing There was a large and enthusiastic audience, all joining heartily in singing the Christinas songs for the occasion. A nut and candy collection was taken up for a sick boy and girl and the children responded in a most lilieral manner. Notwithstanding the incompleteness of their building the Bipiist jieople had their church prepared for the reception of an audience and had a very pleasant Christmas gathering. A well loaded tree was a part of the program and contained candies and nuts for the children. Santa Clause himself, (C. Hoberg) and his deputy, (Willie Manhall) attended lo the distribution of presents. A brief litterary piogram was carried out con sisting of songs, recitations and dia logues. A magic lantern show closed the evenings pleasures. The room was nanusomelv decorated with eveigrcen j lost his arm I'r. Carl! hos-s to save the hand, though he may I to skin grafting to prevent I from being deformed. Though the little I fellow is but twelve years of age, he stands his misfortune like a soldier. Ihe Baptist V P. S ('. K. The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Baptist church, held its annual meeting on Wed nesday evening, with President A. S Iresser in the chair, Geeorge W. Swope being secretary protein. The reports f rwm mission work was gratifying as to results, but showed a weakness in the working force numerically. The elec tion ol officers resulted as follows : pres ident. Miss Maltie Gray: vice-president, Miss Sarah Kolierts; secretary, Miss Alice Williams; treasurer, Ray Case; chairman devotional committee, II. E. Cross; chairman social committee, Mrs. Ida Donaldson ; chairman lookout committee, Ed Beach. Four III; Surcevira. Having the needed merit to more than make good all Ihe advertising claimed for them, the follow ing four remedies ! have reached a phenomenal sale. lr. have to resort ' '"C "'' Discovery, for consumption, the hand 1 I"" aiM I olds, earn homo guaran teed Electric Bitters, ihe great remedy for Liver, Stomach and Kidney. Bin k len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world and Dr King's New Life Pills, which are a perfect pill. All these remedies are guaranteed to do juM what is claimed fur them, and the dealer w hose name is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more of them Sold at Charman Co's. Drug Store, ( 'barman Bros. Block. Holman's self-pronouncing, teachers bible. The gift was greatly appreciated by Rev. Parker as an evidence of the kindly feeling existing lietween himself and his parisboners. The West Side Sunday school held a Christmas entertainment in the chapel on Christmas evening. Toere was a tree and confectionary and a program by the members of the school and an ad dress by Ihe Kev. Gilman Parker. It was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attened. Itev. Thos. Stephenson, of Omaha, Neb., will preach next Sunday morning end evening at the Baptist church. Rev. Stephen! on is said to be a very bright the large gatherings always had in the Baptist church. The Christmas services for St. Paul's church began with the celebration of the holy communion at 8 A. M followed by the morning service at 10 A. M. In th evening the children of the Sunday school held a choral service at 5:30. A very pretty tree, beautifully trimmed, was placed near the pulpit. Each child, members of the Sunday school and visit ing child'en were all remembered with candy, nuts, popcorn etc. The exercises a few re marks by Kev. I. Dawson, rector of St. Paul's parish, w hich were followed by recitations, carols, etc. by Ihe children. Tne young peoplo of the Congrega- (Hclliiol Kepurt. Keort of Pleasant Home school for the month ending Dec. I'l, lMi: Days I taught,?); days attendance, ; davs j absence, 4'i; enrollment at end ol month, Vi. Those neither absent no tardy are ; Curtis Wheeler, Win. Maxwell,! Frank Stephens, Lent Stejiliens, Emma j Stephens Katie New, Jennie New, Flo- rence Junes, Daisy Jones, Daily Jones Agnes Robertson, Lester I'edigo, Annie Berry, Chart s Shetterly, Joseph lioltert son, James line, .nyrtie llitn, I lurlcs l.r to l$i Fit.palrick, Uuby Clark, Alice ll.iin- blin, Nord ll.inihlin, Cleggett, Beatrice M.wkerrow, Albert ll.Oik.os, Aim i Morris, Emi t Els worth. ClIAS. El.UKV, Teacher. The marriage took place Tuesday! Owing to a severe cold and sore throat evening at the homo of tho bride's par-j ''"'inly Judge Hayes has I n con'ined euts, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs A. Frunk- I A (.real .Snap. ! For sale, 30.110 acre within one of Oregon City on Main road mile and presented a very attractive aiiear- ance. Th atlen,!neB was f.illv un t I acies cleared, house and burn, mostly j under lence, improvements woftli Jl.LtKl. feioia -uioer, will be sold (orfl.HliO, (HHOcash, bah am.'e on time if sold soon. C. II. Dyk lin. The ceremony was performed by Justice Irixon in his usual happy style. The brhle is a bright, enernetic young laily well worthy of the man she bus chosen for a life partner, while the groom is an prosperous young farmer of Mulino where be owns a fine farm aod has a home ready for their ccciipancy. After the wedding ceremony an elegant dinner was served, followed by asocial dance participated in by the guestsainl friends. A meeting of the school Ismrd was tional church together with their parents held Wednesday evening at which Prof and menus celebrated i.tinslmas m a most fitting manner at the church on Monday evening. A literary program of more than ordinary merit was prepared MuAdams of Salem was elected to the principalnliip of thu Eastham school, made vacant by the resignation of Piof. Powell. Prof. McAdatns comes well and carried out by the young people i recommended as a teacher and scholar under whose management the exercises ' and it is to be expected that the Eastham were conducted. The music was fur- school will bo keut un to the hiuh stan- nished by the Chautauqua Glee Club was and one ol the most pleasing features of the entertainment. A tree beautifully decked with candles, ornaments and presents occupied a place on the platform and able pulpit orator and is well worth j nd from its each child hearing. Kev. Gilman Parker will be present in the evening and assist in the Junior and young peoples meeting. W. T. ShurtlefT, mention of whose leaving town was made in the Kntkk fkie last week , has returned and squared up some little matters which he claims were all due to an oversight on his part in the house was made glad with a sack of candies and nuts. The Christmas celebration of the Evangelical Lutheran congregation j took place Monday evening at Hhively's hall which was tastifully decorated for the occasion. Owing to the absence of the pastor Kev. L. Grey, who was out of the city, the exercises were under the mana , M.ity, mo caciuib item uuiittr ine loanu- He now has his principal office ,n t he . of M , B1I)efinted- in Portland, and has a branch office in this city with W. IL Burghardt, where he will continue the real estate business. Married, in LaCamas, on Sunday, December 10, Miss Susie Golden, to Mr. Martin Mocklev. The bride is the daughter of an old settler and well-to-do farmer residing near LaCamas, while the groom is a resident of this city and is an f mplove ot the Willamette paper mills. The young couple immediately commen ced housekeeping in a cottage on Filth street. ent of the Sunday school who was ably assisted by Key. Dr. Hertting, who con ducted the musical part of the program, addresses were made by both Hupt. Horn and Dr. Hertting and each were well received. That of Dr. Hertting's was especially eloquent. The little ones were all remembered with an appropriate present. The good people of Canemah had one of the most successful Christmas enter tainments ever given in that place.Mon day evening in the old school which was dard maintained by Prof. Powell. Married, At the Clilf House In Ore gon City, on Monday December 24, Mr. K. L. Coleman and Miss Luella Fryrear. Kev. W. II. McLain, officiating. The groom is a well known teacher of the county and is now in charge of the Oak Grove school near Macksburg, while the bride is a most estimable voting lady and is the daughter of Mrs. Fred Klinger of Macksburg. In the decline of life, infirmities beset us to which our youth and maturity were strangers, our kidneys and liver are subject to derangement, but nothing equals Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm as a regulator of these or gans. For sale by 0. Huntley, druggist The fireman's ball Monday evening while not so largely attended as on former occasions, was a very pleasant affair and those who took part report a splendid time, having good music and lots of dances. to his home for the past week. He Is now improving mid is aM-t to transact a limited amount of bii-inens, though he may not he able to Ihi in his i Ifi'-it for several days yet. Willard Tin ker of St Helens spent Christmas wit:i bis parents, Mr. and Mis. A. Tucker of Park Place. He re turned to his home on Friday. Ernest Hatch a former Oregon City boy but now of Portland is spend ing the holidays with his grandimreiils Capt. and Mrs. I'.u-s Miller of ('anemah. There will he a gospel temperance nx'eting Sund ay evening at the Presby terian church All n invited. Ladies hair triuiiiiid in the style at Sloper's burlier shop. latest Persons who lead a life of exposure are subject to rheumatism, neuralgia and lumbago and will find a valuable remedy in Dr. J. If. McLean's Volcanic Oil Lin iment; it will banish pain and subdue inflammation. For sate by C. G. Hunt- handsomely decorated tor the occasion. I 'ey druggist. A sort ol lethargy sometimes takes possession of the kidnevs and bladder; they should he promptly stimulated to healthful action by the use of Dr. J. II. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm For sale by C. O. Huntley, ilruggist. Wedding stationery, the latest styles and finest assortment ever brought to Oregon City at the Entk.iii'Iiisk office. Awarded Highest Honors-World' Fair. mm CREAM MOST PERFECT MADE K pure Crape Cream of Tartar Powder. Frei xom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. A ....IS THE SYMBOL OF THE.... GROCERY STORE Where Value is Given for-cc Your Money. A trial will convince you that your coin Is Saved. ..THE FRESHEST OF.. Fruits and Vegetables. R. STRUB, Next I) Kr ti I 'ope's llnrilwiire Hture. nnn in run i DECEMBER We will sell goods at Prices that Defy Competition. We are Closing out our piece kmx1s at cost and less. Ih'st tiriimlfi of eulii'o "o. yiinl; Is'st linings n. yanl; iiiiiosken gitif? liiim Ixnt ?'. ynnl; dress suitings Tjc yunl; blankets 11.00 pair; Isiyn Huits ifl.:'..'); Isiys iiuits ll.V; men's rottoiiinleH M.r!, jmir; lmliea hIioch 1.00 mill upwards; underwear for iiion dieapor than tho cheapest. We kot-p tho Capi n hIhmi tint lu st iu tlio marki t. If you want dry fcrt without Iwing liotlicri'd with rulilmrs call niul pet it pair. Don't Fail to Examine Our Prices and Goods. D. B. REES & CO. Corner Fourth and Main Streets. ANEW VENTURE.... The New Racket Store, on Main street, Opp. Kli'rfric Hotel, with u full line of new goods and nt priceH that will astonish the purchaser. UenieinlxT we are here toHtay and wo can save you from 15 to 20 per cent on every dollar's worth of goods purchased over out counters. We have no special saleH day hut every day is Uargain'H day wo invite the puhlic to call and examine our gondii and priceH and he convinced. MARTIN'S RACKET STORE. The Chinese Suffered.... ....Another Defeat ! The Oregon City Steam Laundry IS DOING Clean Work, Neat Work, and Cheaper Work Than can he had of tho ChinCHe or any oilier placo in the city. Special Rates on Family Work. Goods called for and delivered.