Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1894)
J Oregon City Enterprise. Published Kvery Krldny. CHAS. MES1CRV1C, rnil.lSHKR AM) I'HOrKIKTOR. BUB8CHIPT10N HATKM, One jrmr, U W 811 monthi. oil Trlnl nliN'rlpllon two month, A dlwoiir t of Wftnli on all mhwrlr'tioiu for pnr year, coins for m ni.iiith, If ftui lu Advertising rutct glvn on application. ing fir p;u-. As to what lornm Japan will iilmu,r l not milllrli'iil lo ilciniiiiit II. A grant In not known. They have Inlluiatril ' lonn in Chris ami audi a lie bi lliounh tlml it will take- a ht-avy monty In-1 intulo licroM of anil m-nt to tint .cu Iu-Iimi.I ilcmnity ami a Itire nllce of tcrrllorv In of to wlicro Ihcy Mnii, Hint lonn, train bring on it. The mull ol th war will , mlitilng will Im roin.Mi'rftl a ucci'snlly ly I to make Japan a nation al'lt- to stiiiul : tin' criniinulii. An It In, the ovirnnuuil on- with the power of tht oarlh, w hilo China will tx It'll iliiioVtl into hYtionii utterly li'voiil of courage or I'lHriotistn nml I hi' easy prey ol any nation that aeeka aeon iiu't of her territory. Altered at the Pout Offie In Oresou City, Or., econd claw rattier. FRIDAY, DKCKMiiKK 'JS, lftM. AGENTS TOR THE ENTERPRISE. O-f0, Can by, Clackamas, Milwaukie. rnlon Mills Alma. Meadow Brook, Hew Era., Pwrk Place, Barlow, tiladatout, Stafford. Mtiltno, Carua. Molalla. - Maniintm, EutK'Tllie Aurora, OrrtUe. Kaple Creek, Bimnyside, Pnmasiciis, Bandy, Salmon, Currinsville, Olierryville, Marmot, 0. W. Prower Geo. Knltht A Mather Gary Ji VYUr-tncer U J. Trnlllimrr E. t Rramhall Chan KoimHU W. t). Newberry Henry Miley lUmllton A Wattihurn - Mr. O. A Sheppanl T. M. (,'ron J. U. tiase. C. T Howard R. M. l'oowr Annie Siubt. E. M. lUrtman B Ji'tinlui" K. Hie)" IJ Pent ut H.Withern John Welsh J. I". Klliott K. (ilKtSlll Mr?. W. XI. Mclntyre (ieo. J. Cnrrin Mm. M. J. Hammer A.lolph Aschott Anotiikh market la about to he opened up to Oreison lumber. Ktveully a trial shipment of Tort Orl'onl reilar w a made to A. W. Kuber, Ilia gnat Herman pencil maker, ami reports come hack that the wood, was salipfaetory, Heretofore Kaher has Imported his peneil WihhI front r'lorida, hat the cedar of that slale is about es haunted and he is torocd to look for a new supply. Coos and Cury counties have millions of feet ol this cedar and it is espected that a pencil wihhI factory will soon he one of the industries of that part of the slate. courage train robbing anil la IlneU'crlmlnal. TIIK MUI Ol'KM'ION AtiAIN. Junius Offers His list Word and Artiea Against Clank Koada. To tii k Kntroii: I'liilng a resilience of eight years or more In Oregon I had not Icarneo that our slaleiMiisliluilon precludes llic Issuing of homls In the way I Indicated last week. My lliaiiks are due the Kntkk- I'Hisk for letlltiK me down m (cntlv, As for ll critics who may come at me for my Ignorance, 1 can only cry ilieir merry. I have kicked myself enough without any further punishment. It now remains to endorse the suggestion made by " Progress" thai a .Viuill las he levied for mad purposes, and that the work go on gradually; first, where It Is moat needed, and ultimately where nil will lie henclited. A heavy burden It w ill he on the J taxpayers Irom year to year, and It will he through a long tedious process lieloreae shall have good roads generally; hut II np j pears to he thconly way in which the result i can he accomplished. As between plank roads and macadam I 'The way to build up Oreirnn City Is to pire Orepon ('It j people jour patronairt. Ji'OJD LOGIC. At a result of the agitation by the Kntkk rater the good Mads movement is rapidly gainii g strength in Clackamas county, and the niosshack and opposition element is be coming so weak that the county court w ill have hut little to contend against In push ing the road work In this county. Clacka mas county wilt continue to lead the siale in tneg.HM roa.ts movement, and will yet , still adhere to Ihe latter style as being have a system of turnpikes that her people ! preferable, provided always it is a genuine may be proud of. macadam. I would like to add a lew words to strengthen if possible what 1 said last Tiik men-hauls of Oregon City have had a week, holiday trade far in excess ol their expecta- j '1h much cannot be said against the great tioiis. All report their sales much larger ; destruction and wasteof tinilr that is going than for the same season last year. This ia ' on in Oregon. Thousands- yes, miliions showing that our tow n may well be proud I of wealth is being burned on the ground of, for it proves that the trade of Oregon ' annually, or converted to uses of no lasting City is having a healthy growth and thai value. The day getting our fuel for f .' il per conl we shnll OR. J, H. MEAN'S LIVER KIDNEY DAU.1 I3AS0VIMICN RIMIDVFOR DISIASIS 0 THI KIONIVS. Dlobotoa, Dropsy, Inflam mntlon of thu Kldnuyt, Pain In thu Dock. Llvor Troublut, Fomnlo Irrujjularltloa, Kidney Wooknoa In Chlldrun, will yield at once to Ita great soothing and healing pownr. Price tl.uu er txillin. Dr. J. H. McUan Mod. Co.. St. t.ouii. kh For (tele liv ('. i lluntloy, ilruggiat. MierlfTa Notice of Sale ou Porechmire. tor our inerchanU are alive to Ihe needs of the 111 the I'lrcull (Kurl ol the Hlsle ol (Irriuu I lackslua I olilily llannali H liufnntinn, I'lslniirT. vs. rharlea N. Walt. M K Mllplev ami S V Shipley liU j wife; J H kruse Mrs iVllmU K Hhiplev, i Widow slid fi'lllids K. Shipley. Kteeulrl t oi . It Shipley dec d Mlllon Mmllhandlhe Ira K Powers Mlj Ciiiupauv, and II. II. Pol e. PelelhUlits, ! Mlate of llienoii, l oiility of I'laelamai, Notice Is hereby given Ihst loeler ami by tr- tile ol sn M Dion aiol Order ol Sale lo me directed siol !.iic, oul ot tin. i'lrcull Court id 1 in- isie in 1 1 res, 'II OT I isis a ills i oinuy, III! dir Ihe hsu.l and seal of lien K. Morton, clerk td said eourl. be irtuii iluti- Ihe ird day of e een.ber, s'M uiion a Jtolumeul and ,1i-erre of Mid c.-iirl. ins. le siol enlrri-d oil the '.'.Ird dsr of Novemlier. ts'tl. In the aliove eulllled cause, wherein slid whereby It was ordered and ad- I Judued Ihsl Hie plalntlir. HsiiiihIi II Until melon, recover of slid front the tletelolsul, rharles N. all, ilie sum of Due t'honsttud hollsrs, rlm-i pal, with lull real thereon from Hie I .'111 dav of llll Fvery Pair Cuaramteed. address San Francisco Cal. JINOTHER GREAT CUT!! trade and meet all competition successfully. SPIKlT Of' THE fRhSisi. The Enterprise is favored this week with three communications dealing with the good j roads movement, besides several good oiiits j re made by some of the regular contrilm. j tors in their news articles. They all arrive at the same conclusion, viz: That to secure i good roads takes money, and the way to se cure the money is by a live mill or high enough levy for successive years to enable permanent work lo be done. That in the expenditure of this motiry only skilled bands should direct its use, and that the first expenditure should be in getting a road properly and permanently located, a factor not heretofore considered in road building in this slate, i'lank roads also get a hard lick. The articles are well worth perusing (or tbey present some very clear points on the road question. Public sentiment is be coming aw akened to Ihe fact that it is either better roads or the abandoning of many farms throughout this county by reason ol the impossibility of reaching a market for their products. Of the brutal freak that fashion is lion indulging in, the Iloston Commonwealth has the following caustic remarks to make: That Boston is well gone in barbarism ap pears from a Temple place, which is decorated, as we are told, hv eight humming birds. If we cannot go tardier cannot we do what is sail) they did in Alluria? The women of ! further discussion to abler pens than mine Allruria were rather slow, it is said, in Some forty years ago or more, plunk adopting in advance the fasliionsof the Ji'tli j roads became nil the rage in Northeastern ovemlier Is'j at tlie rale nl eluhl ,,.r .',, I s coming when instead of ; per annum. les the iitttt of Forty hollars there lolore pal'l as Interest, ami Ihe fiirllu-r 111111 of line Hundred and I'Hi-nl flic llollnr. allor he glad lo get it for $1 , and for our build- j uea fees, ami ihe said I'Ultitlfl i ami ills ing lumber we ,,,v reasonably expes , the ""v ZAu "T price will be very greatly Increased. Let creed lhal the .lef. n.tinl II II l.oue In Dili ll,,,l,o i,r Bii,r.i.,ii,i. t,,.iP ,, l,.,.. 1...1 '"l reroer tf and Irotn the ileft ndsiili, M K lliosewno are expressing their an xietv lest , . , , heav y burdens Imi heaped Un)ii Ilieir chil dren think of Ibis. In lortv years, or in far less time if many plank roads are built, Ihe groves iif gm)d timber left standing will and lar more cash will milled lands surrounding 1 1 10 111 . I el tue give a tut ot experience in Ill's line, audi mil 1 1 1 1 1 1 ith the nuul ,iii'tioli. leaving lis CARLISLE'S MOSEV. As was to be expected the bankers have forced Carlisle to amend bis wild-cat cur rency scheme to more fully conform totheir Ideas. His plan was that when a bank failed an unlimited assessment was to be made on all the banks to redeem the out standing notes of the bank. This the bank rs kicked against, ts his bill placed no re etriction as to the amount of currency a bank could emit, and as a consequence a dishonest hank could entail an endless a seasment on the other banks to redeem its currency. With only a limited liability or none at all by the other banks, and only century. It was therefore enacted that 110 one should wear a bird In her bonnet w ho had not herself killed Ihe bird, skinned it and stuffed it. We have a good manv bar barians in Iloston of iHjth sexes, but there are few young women who could bring themselves to killing eight bumming birds. The Ktigene liegister makes the following sensible sugeslion regarding Ihe extension of the salary law to include state otlicers: While we are making county offices salaried instead ef conducting thcui on the fee style, why not do Ihe same with the state offices, it is a ell known fact that there is not a stale official who does not get far more than his salary. If the salary system is found so beneficial in county allairs, we see no reason who it should not be so in slate allairs. There having been numerous gatherlrgs of late in both Oregon and Washington for ' the purpose ol influencing legislation in 1 favor of special classei anil interests, t tie Vancouver Columbian SHggests still an other gathering. It is to lake steps to see that the rights of the insured are protected as against the insurance companies: The lire insurance agents have held a conference with a view of securing legislation that will promote Ilieir interest. Would it not lie I Ohio. The writer w as a resident thereat that time and knows whereof he spi nk.s. j These roads were built extensively all ou r j the eleven counties uf what Used lo be culled Ihe " Western Keserve." The beech and maple lorests were interspersed w ith a large 1 growth ot stately whitewood trees, out of which was manufactured all the building lumber there used. This IuioIkt was so cheap that 1 bought II.hii feet of good quality for f.WOil, When the plank mad ; craze was at ils height little in 11 Ivy I saw mills were set up in ihe woods all j abroad, and Ihe whitewood trees were cut out and converted into plank for the roads. Human nature asserted itself there as else-1 where. If a road was built to any town or : harbor on the lake, or to any county town lurther southward, a rival town must have! a like road or Ihe devil was lo pay in a flat currency of jeiihitisy nod hot wrath. Hull; was that the roads were built. In less than ten years they were completely worn oul, with no timber at hand to reiicv them, And the good people of " Cheeseduni,'' Ohio, have ever since enjoyed Ihe ldesings of well drained dirt roads, there being no rock there except in a lew localihea. Hy the way, dues auv one know of a plank I I lliiusaliil M Humped and l aeutv five Pol j lars. with Interest Ihereoli at the rate of al t per eem per alillURi from the l.'lh day of October, l-t'.'. the lutiher sum of Konr Hundred hollars ( as attorneys leea lo favor of said ileteiolsul j I one and Sk-alusl said di-fetiiUntM K slilplry and .1. II Knise and the aant defendant I. ' costs and illshursettirlilH as anauisl said de ( fi'ti l Hills M k slili,,.y an, I J. H. krilMV and by which decree the hereinafter di-serltied prop IT IV ami all Hie H.'lil title and InlercM el vu'll and all ol Ihe dr fend -l Ills, esceptllur Ihe ite i h ud oil II, II lone and Milton VV Stnllh, therein, be sold upon e y ,-riit Ion. and the pro-' eee.U of su.-h sale jpplled first, the I of the amount due pUlulltr, attor I lievs fees, and Costa and d Istitl rsi-nietita in' I otldlv to th tt'bn 1 1. 'II ol Ihe NlliMiint dor the del. -. lull! II II I one from I to' . I , fi-Ip I , n ' M i k Milpley and J II kruse ami salu ileli'udanl I I. one ft null and d iahii r semen I a a s ah'ln( ltd ! Shipley ni.iI kriie !hlril!v.ln the unllofat-tlon ! nr rhe am. mhl due the .1.1. 11 lain Mill.oi V. Smith from defendants Shipley and kruse. and sab! itrfeml'iul Smith's cost and di hurselneufs as as'slutt said defendants Hhlp ley and K"ise, town Ihe sum of I wo Hundred Kilty aeveu Hollars and Ninety. fl ve cents, ulth Interest thereon from November Mtll, Is'l.t. and the sum of Nineteen hollnra and suty eenlft. rusts and disbursements, Ihe re tnalmler, If any there tat, (o be paid to ald de femlallts M k Shipley and J II krnse whleh sanl real r perl y nirei led by ftald order id Sale ami Kit-cninui lo be sold, la di tcribed at all All Ihe Noith half of the Honailoti I -and claim of James M. Moore and Maria M. Mo-ne, his wife slluatrd In f Mae 1 aulas county. In IhrHlate of ortgiili. In Seetlom twenty keveu 11) laeufy. riuht (. ihlr;y.hree and thirty four cm, III I oh ushln two r.'i South. Itamr eili t-.aBt. eoiilMllilliff I wo Hundred and Ninety seyen and one half il"j7'5i acres- of more or less; I have levied upon ami will, on Ihe l.'lh day ad January, Isu'i, al the hour of '.' H i-lock p M of S'ibl day. sell at public auction, to Ihe hluhc.t and be.1 libbler lor cash, at Ihe Con it II e l.w.r of 1 lit- I'outity 1 ourl Mouse id I'larkamas rnunty 111 (Ireaoii rlty 111 until county, all '.lie s-ld hereinbefore ili ftcrlht il real estate, and all Ihe rich! title ami Interest thai sal. I ,idemlaiita Iharl. sN Halt, M K Slllnley ami S K. ship lev, bis h He, J II kruse Mrs l .-IHhbiK ship li y. w nlow. and I'elimla K Slilpley, eyeeutrii "! A. It Milpley d ssed.aiul I he Ira K powers Mfir ronipiinv. a 1 orporntlon. have or hud tln relii 1 11 Hi.' I.Mh ilav ol November, l-'ll n inn's, my li'Ui.l llus inn ....IN THE PRICES OF.... SOLID BOOTS Ik SHOES Ciiniitirii tliosn prii'oH with itnytliiiiK vn lutvi' ovor hoi'ii tiny wlicro. (!oiiio nml son fur yourself. It in no trimMo to blmw tny hooiIm ntul iiiotr you tho lowest pricrH: M UN's SDi.11 siitti:s. 1 l Kip iiuckio, for I .." I Kil '.j lllllllllo solo, I 7 1 I Kip diiiililo solo tup I. "ft A Kip lii-avv aolo lap, .. . I. 'ill Milvvuukeo Oil liriiin, . . 1 .11 hull Kip 'y lauihlo Silo, . . 2IK1 Him llt'afl Imo -'.HO l ine lit all luce. .. . 1 (Kl l ino I! Call CuiigrnaH, '.'.Ikl Kino good lliilf lacn, L'.L'.'i 1'iti.s ilao,l full - .'id iliie, Wiiiriiiilml Calf,. . , . , 'J 7'i Heavy Warranted Call, l.lal I'lirpoiao Waterproof Heavy, 4.1k) Calf or Kangaroo, 2 Ml 'all limits lap, I Ml I train double solo Tap IIiniIh, l.ll r iiin Cult latest stylo, '.'.till lngola I'onip, . . t'lirislnias Velvet Slippeia II AMY'S Kid v11M-a z $1 INI 1. 1ft . lol'i . l.:ifi l.:i.'i . I .'in . 1 :tfi 1 i.'i H'i . I M l..i:s' sol. lit silons. l.7o I'elibliv or Hil 'ilililis, ImltoliN, l..'ir It HO Kniii'uruii Call, button, I.Xi I'.INMieiiiiiiio Call, lino 1 ,'l.' 1 ,'lll ( 1 Hit III' Ol I'llllgilll. Tip. 1 .'III L'.INI (nuul Klil I'lp, . fill) to I 71) .id MiijoNtie I nits Ki, Tip '.IM) II11111I aeweil 1'ielicli Kid, . .. M.IMr 4 IKI It .111 Knl, hi I est at) In, '.' li.'i J .'ill Kid Chilli T"p tip l"l Cliiialiiiaa Velvet Slippera H,' M ls-;s' midi-:s. l (I.'i to l.'-ll l.:i) . I.T.'i , y.:i: Peliblo llrunia, .' Ill ! Soil Calf Sellout Slna-a, '.'.7'i Klil t IKI; lioud Kul I'lp, II IKI I I xlra l ine Iiii.i.I Kid, "(all ItDYS' Oil (intins lino . : i.'i I I Kip Inn klo . . LM'-'i I Ileal K in lat e, . l .'xi j II I I.I'S Kid, s." I'eldilo t minis, 1 to ICie I Sent liy 111.11I a cent per 1M1-K'lC I I'l'l 1 . 4'i 1 III) .IK) 1 M 1 :n 1.IK) oiiiii e cxlta. Eastern Shoo Store, A, Coles. Prop. If at) a at aatitV. AJlUHtUkk,,. Save Money A'ul Encourage Home Industry 1 THE 0 re6n Picture Frame Company Makej a Specialty of Manufacturing Mouldings . . . Plcturo Framos New and Novel Designs dsv of hri-cmhcr. IS1' I la I l I I I I II II ' L' road ever being renewed alh r the first pi, ink f sherlir of t .ckniuns Conni) , snue ol ureiro'ii. u..-u '..- ,1 .1 i.,..l. i... 1. 1.-... i Hv N. M .Moony, henulv u II 1 11 proper and timely for the premium pavers ; ,, ' ' 1 - there W necessiirik- tie reli in-ft.l Willi A 1 to hold a conference with a view ol securing . ... ., . I I , . 1 , , . ! WKy 'one, but w hen the wearuiit cornea to a j .rli.lahanir n..nv m-ili h. . ...r .-i.h n.. ... . ... . ' . .. i "miiieas that renders travel dangerous n -' .....-- " ... u. icresi s . i ii bonds to thirty per cent, of their circulation, here should he reciprocity in all the old wild-cat currency. The people will ,,., matters, and the legislature should he rectify Ibis democratic idea of a bank cur- 'made to understand clearly what the rency instead of a national currency in wben the republican plan of having the gen eral government alone responsible for issu ing all the currency of the country will be again put in effect. Theke is little doubt that in a large part of Nebraska much actual want and suffer ing is now experienced by the hapless peo ple of that drouth-stricken state. We of Oregon, where crops never fail, know noth ing of the horrors of famine such as these destitute people are now undergoing. Of mothers denying themselves that their children niay have food, and instances of families dying of banger and cold as is authentically reported, is sad to think about and should arrouse people of Oregon to give of their plenty that this suffering may be averted. There are few states in the Union that have a richer soil or a more beautiful country than Nebraska, but the lack of a regular rainfall makes farming ery uncertain venture. One year the crops will be so large that they cannot be all harvested and the next year the failure will be so complete that there is not enough to feed the people. In time to tome their drouths will be averted by irrigation. With the assurance of regular crops Nebraska can become one of the wealthy slates of the country. men who bear the burden of insurance re quire in the way of additional insurance regulation and restriction. With Ihe exception of the Oregonian end a few like palters, the republican press Is a unit in condemning the relinquishment of Ihe finances of the country to the banks hy the general government. The followiuc from the i-an Krancisco Call is to the point, and is a sample of what the leading papers say ol this democratic Wall street scheme: During the year ending October 21 twenty one national banks went into the hands of receivers. 1,'nder our present currency sys tem not one dollar was lost to note-holders. No inconvenience was caused by a delay in turning notes Into coin. When a note holder heard that a national bank had failed he did not feel any concern as to whether or not he held notes on that particular bank. The government of the United States was responsible for the redemption in coin for every kind of currency he could possi bly get hold of. Whether gold certificates, silver certilicates, greenbacks or treasury notes the security was the same. Iniring fourteen years there had been no delay in j converting a genuine bank bill into coin. If j the administration succeeds in substituting bank credit for government credit for the circulating notes of the United Slates the rebuke its free-trade policy received last No vember will he as a breeze to a hurricane THF-New burg Independent comes out in favor of precinct asessors and wants the office of countv assessor abolished. While there are some good features in the svstem ! 0,1 -e'n"l ils circulating notes. thinness that renders travel dangerous general clearing away of the old concern has to take plat e, and I doubt if an iiistatue ntii be pointed out of a laying down of new plank. And this wearing out conies in any where from six to twelve years, according lo the amount and kind of travel to which the road has lieen subjected. The people nl Northern Ohio gave away immense wealth for a temporary and doubt ful benefit. Add to this the fact that the numerous furmers who lived in log houses at that day, when they got ready lo build more substantial dwellings had the privilege of paying Irom twelve to twenty dollars per thousand for their liimlicr, shipped in mostly by way of the lake from Michigan, Wisconsin anil Canada, ami hauling it anywhere from five to thirty miles, according to the distance they lived from the lake harbors. They had simply fooled away what should have been to them more than money given it to he wasted on roads or had sold it on the slump for a mere trille, Hut don't let It be forgotten that a few roatl contractors hail made a heap of money. Do not the above facts illustrate some what the condition we shall lie in here if we go into a general system of plank road building) True, our forests are so extensive that it would take many years lo reduce the scarcity of lumber to a scale as low as Dial in Ohio. I!ut just, so far as our forests tire cut away for plank road purposes just so far is Oregon's wealth wasted. And by the fixed law of supply nnd demand those who Imild ourl of the Slate of Ort K'iii, of 1 lat'ktiiuas. Sheriff's Nntlce of Sale on Korerltiaiire , Ill Ihe Circuit I I Ihe ( mini) I Kinma Mcl'i.iiaid. Plaintiff, vs. Sarah M. Me j I " 11. Intend lit 1 Stale of OriKori. ( utility of Clackamas, Notice is hereby Klven tiiat by virtue of ana eseeniioii anil uriier 01 aale Issueil nut of the 'circuit conn of ihe Slale id oreiriui for the ( 'unity of 1'lncsiiiiias. u-arlnK dine Ihe 1 11 Ii day of hceemtier, lY'l. Ill a suit wherein K.tuiua McDonald w pluliitlir and Sarall M Mel own was ilefelidnhl comiuanillliK tne, lit Ihe name nl the Htate id OriKoli, Hint out ot Ihe re I rlate hereinafter described, lo rei;f a mini uillclent to stafy the demands of Maid decree, til wit' Ilium ou wnl Ihe further sum of 111 ii cnsis. and the further sum of lliai .a attorney fen, lie iM-'hcr with Interest on the amne slnc January .''.th, s;H. at III per cent per annum, ami also the coats ol and aUcliilllii! lids sale. Now. therefore. In obedience to auch decree. I did duly levy upon, and will, 011 Saturday, Hie Uth day of January. IsUo. at the hour of II n'c lock A M of nmI.I day at the front door of Ihe court house In aaid county, offer for aln at nubile auction, and sell to the hlirliest and host bidder, for cash In hand, all of the rlithl, title and Interest the said defemUiit on the x',th of January, lai, had In and lo the following dr scribed real property, ttewlt: The north one half of lllock 100 of (iri'Kon City, according to the recorded plai of said city aa Kid out by Dr. John Mel, omlilln, said property being In (Jlaok amsa county, state of Oreiron. Hated th la Utli day ol Iiecemlier. A. I). lavi. K C MAIUIOCK. Sheriff of Clackamas county, Htate of Oreioli. iy n. .11. muoiiv, ncpiiiy U-H IH J j .HO I lor 100 Second Street Nonr Washington M. J. MORSE, M ana cor. f Easels Pictures and Art Material. 'rTrrjli OREGON CITY HOSPITAL GLADSTONE PARK. NOW OPEN FOR PATIENTS, Convenient of Access and Pleasantly Located. Free from the noise and dust of the city. Skilful nui-HCS and every convciiieiico of a firstclass hospital. Ample room that patients may havo (juietncHS and rest. 1 Special rooms for ladies. compared to the condemnation which will new barna ami houses will have to pay a follow the first failure of a hank to redeem ' heavy additional price for all the lumber of precinct assessors yet it lacks the system and thoroughness of an assessment made under the direction of one man. With a large number of assessors foracounty, each working independent of the others, it would be almost impossible to avoid confusion and to bring about an equal and just assessment or all the precincts in the county. The present law might be improved so as to em body the best features of a precinct assess rnent by limiting the time to sixty days and having the work done in April and May so that the roll could be made up in time for the payment of taxes to commence hy the first of September, when money is a little more readily had than in the spring as now required. tut Oriental warisdraggingslowlyalong. As fast aa the Japanese can find anybody to fight they win a victory. The Chinese have . lost their courage and their armies are sue- The new issue will I taken with misgivings and con verted into coin in all cases where the paper representative of money is not indispensable. The many train robberies of late has given rise to many plans for the suppres sion ol these highwaymen. The l'alles Chronicle, in speaking on this subject lias the following pertinent remarks: General Wade Hampton advocates a system of train protection to railroad trains against robbers. His idea Is messengers end shot guns. The remedy is not in this line. Train robbing, will continue as long as d d fool judges al low smart lawyers to pull the wool over the eyes of an ignorant jury. When the pun ishment Is made certain, speedy and severe, train robbing will stop and not before. The offense should be made punishable with death, because if murder is not done, the parties go prepared to do it if necessary, and if it is not done it is simply because the re- they put into such buildings. I huve no personal Interest In this mutter further than a strong desire for the prosper ity and happiness of the community at large. No property to bequeath no chil dren here to enjoy Oregon's great and mani fold blessings no horse to ride or drive over good or hail roads. My best estate is and will he that of a solitary footman unlit the candleof life is burned out. ilut I have con cluded, no matter what may be the action or non-action of the powers that be on the road or any other question, to lake Solo mon's advice or was it Josh Hillings who wrote the words?" Fret not thy gizzard." Junius. Frevtag'g fine home matte picklps are on sale at E. K. Williams's, M arret ttob- ertson'g, nnd F. T. Barlow's grocery Btorefi. You Can Oct r erry's Roeda at your denlcra " ita fresh anil ferllii! na tliouirh you Ktit thiiin direct from Korrv'a ' Wocd Fur ma. Ferrys Seeds) am known and planted every svimiut "ou ttro aiwafi ilia brat. Kerrj-'a Roeil Annual lor J-uo Leila nil ulajut mem, Kmc. D. M. Ferry A Co. bsiBMiaisL W. J. SOUTIIWORTH, Electrician. 7V -HANUPACTUHKH OK Dr. Price's Cream Baking: Powder Awardad Cold Medal Mid win ur Fair, San Francltst. Galvanic Chain Belts. TBPSSES, INSOLES, ETC. If in need of anything in hi line, write for full infor mation or call at his oflion while in ' Portland . A conmillHf inn noHts you nothing. 2 3d Street. Room, 11 and 12. BOX 3J3. Mention this paper. 145 1 Services of the liest physicians of the county in attendance. TonnH reanonablo. ADDRESS, MISS M. OREGON CITY, E. LIBKER, Supt., OREGON. QO YOU NEED f ANY ----- DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDING, Or Build inj Material? Go to C- H. BESTOW- LowoHt chhIi jiricem eviToirorcd for FIRST - CLASS - GOODS. AIho combination wire nml picket fenco, HARTMAN - STEEL - PICKET - FENCE. And bi'Ht farm fencing mado. PriccB to suit bard times. Shop 0pp. Congregational Church, MAIN STREET, OREGON CITY.