Image provided by: Oregon City Public Library; Oregon City, OR
About Oregon City enterprise. (Oregon City, Or.) 1891-194? | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1894)
PEHSONALNOTES. Pi. K. Morton , of 1 'uimumi'iim, was In till city Hiiiiir.luv, Mm, K, A, Miller, of this i lly, In visit lti friends In Huli'iu, Hun, K, I Mlntlo uf Oswego wu In this city on Imsliifss Saturday, A. II, Mitriium, ft IcihIImk fsriiinr of Muriimin was in town Monday. C. iH, Chase, a Icudliiit eltlr.en of Handy wus In this city Haturdsv. Ifuruiuii Viirpnlil, tho Citnliy Ithick tit waa iiliout our streets Monday, II, II. Hiirkliurt, iroirlntor of the 1'iMip Crock nillU, was In town Monday. J. K. Mark, an attorney of Harlow, was In town on li'nul lnislnc! Monday, l'r, Fmiton, of rortlnnil, wss In this city Sunday tin guest of F, Itlmik Lnnttlp. Theo. Williams, merchant of (inwlmm waa In town Saturday on bual- lies. Ned Townwtnil, of Portland,' Hxiit Sunday and Monday with friends In Dili city. II. I). Johnson, Itedlsnd's merchant m m on our atiwls Monday of this week. Oren Cutting, roteroiis fanner of Mulalla apenl few limns nlxnit town Muinluy. Mm. A. Fisher nl daughter, (Mara, luft Tuesday morning fr tlmlr homo In Corvallia. Miss Wilson, of Igun, haa been vWting Irlciid in Ougun City for sev eral dava pat. (ilia Hotiiiclt, tint road foreman of Eagle Creek was in ttte city Saturday on business trip. Dr. J. M. 1'owidl la having a live roo" cottage erected on the corner of Fourth and II lull streets. Mrs t. Nhad, of i7gan, haa bwn visiting hr mothasr anil aiterajnear I Centre, Washington. Mra. Mary Mader, of Port lam!, was visiting at the home of Mra. P. Nchrnn the Aral of the week. W. A.WeUcll. es-aiierliiteiideiit of public KhmiU of Multnomah county, waa in town Na'urday. W. M, Smith, onti of New Kra'a ener getic yeung farmers, wss in tho city Wednesday on business. V. C. Vllrlch, ft black republican of Damascus, wss in town Saturday renew Ida old acquaintance. Will II. Moss, olCorvallls. commander of tha Huns of Vetaiana of Oregon, setit Sundav with friend In thia city. II. H. M ( Carver and family were In thiacliy Sundiiy and seiil the duy with the family of Cha. Hala-ock. K. W. Ilardinty.ft merchant of Needy, accompanied hy hla daughter, Mia Kditli, were In Ilia city Monday. Col, U. V. Jackson, a pioneer of 15 who took land claim near Molalla at that time, died In Spokane Inat week. Chaa. M. Walt and Mr. Mann, attor neys from 1'orlUnd, were in thia city Monday transacting busm-as at thu land oftlce. Fred W. irennian la assisting County Clark llorton during the Nov mher session of the circuit court in the capacity of deputy clerk. . J. W. Itonglas, of Kagl Creek, who waa juryman fur thia term of ourt, wna caMeil home Tuesday afternoon hy tho serious illness of Ida wife. J. Hetitoul, who haa la-en assistant Kent at tiervais for the Southern Pacific for the hint two months, rotnrned to thia city Friduy morning. (ieo. Moore, collector of enstota: for the porta of Alaska, accompanied hy Miss Agnes Watt, of Portland, spent Tuesday with friend In thin city. Mra. l. 11. (Hiikh and Mra. F. It. Charman of Willamette Knhckah tmlge No. 3H vlHited the Colunihia HeWkah lodge of Portland laitl Friday evenlti. Chaa. HarkT and Cioo. Stevens, two of Sunnyaido'a leading cHlr.ena, were In thia city Saturday on buainuHa. Mr. Stevena la ft brother of Win. Steven, of tho Went Bide. Mra. A. Inlander, of Mink, acoom panied by her daughter Kliisulteth, wraa In the city Thuraday the gueat ol lier daughter, Mra. L. Hiiconick, of tlio lVrt land reataurant. Mia Addle Piiwiy, U.K. PiiBey and daughter Mabel, left Saturday evening on the State of California for Stockton. Mi, Puhcv will remain during the winter for the lieneflt of hia health. Capt. J. W. (iaiumg, agent of tho Torlland Flouring niilla, haa ton Iran furred from the Oregon City ollke to the Portland odlce lor a abort time. F. 8. Kelly hits cburgo of the Oregon City olllce. . DATES TO The following are the Important event to take place In the near future, ft more extended mention of which Is fumid in another place in the Entkrpkihb. Saturday Nov. 10 Regular mooting of Fftlla City lodge A. 0. U. W . Grand officers to be present. Sunday, Nov. 13 Morning and eyonlng services at St. Paul's chinch by Rev. Dawson, the new rector. Monday, Nov. 12 Regular meeting of Oregon City Hoard of Trade at court house. Monday, Nov. 12 Special school meeting Tuesday, Nov. 13 Pie. social at the Methodist church at 6 o'clock P. M. Premium to the biggest pie eater. Tuesday, Nov. 13 Entertainment at Canemah school bouse at 7:30. Orcgun City Duds Meet. Council mot In regular aeaaloii with II. Straight, mayor J ('has. K. ISiirna, chief of Mjlcej lleiij, Jaggur, John Cooke, C. N. (Iromiiiiun, M. Unwell, C. 0. Al bright, II. I Knlly, Geo, I'.roughton, II. C, Stnveiia, rounciliumi. Minnie of the laat regular mooting road and approved. Petition of K. Malthlua for retail liquor IlceuiHi for tho Hrlod of six months at premtnt place of bualneaa, granted. Petition ufM. II. Flaiugun for con llniiunce of liquor licenae at preHont place of btmlneaa, granted. Petition from citlxcns of (ireon Point for two croai walks referred to commit tee on at recti and public property with power to act. Coiiiiniiiilfalloii of the city attorney In regard to T, F. Kvan'a tender of his ftMcaaiiint and coata on the Fifth street proimrty kale. H waa decided that if T, F. Ityau would agree to pay Intercut In caae tho courts decided the city (entitled to collect internal, hla proerty could ho rdiiid uijii payment of amount orig inally tendered. Petition of II. C. Stevens, Jr., and Chaa. Wilaoll for franchiwi for uieamin ger ayatem referred to comuiittoe on trecta ami p'lhlic pioerty and to re H;rt on aame. Finance coiiimittee returned the city treaaiirer's rejiort with recommendation that that the same be accepted and Hied. Committee on fire and water madu re port referring back to council the matter of A. 1. White et al for damages f.r tearing down signs on aunjieiiHion bridge, and on motion Die report waa adopted and the further consideration of the mat ter Indefinitely Hntoned. Committee oil fire ami water retried the lautnlry chimney matter and Chief of Police Hums waa ordered to notify the occupaiita to conatruct at once a safe Hue or they would lie cloned op. Tho rtort of committee 011 fire and water for a new hoae cart for Hone Co. No. 3 waa adopted. Committee waa or dered to have such repaira, aa were nec eaaary, made to the old cart the vote on the same being aa follows: Aye, II. L. Kellv, ItenJ. Jaggar, John Cooke, Muck Howell, C. 0. Albright, (ioo. Brvugh ton; no C, N. Cirvttnniso and II. C. Stevena. The street committee reiorted that they had coliitruited overflow pipe to river from manhole at intersection of Sixth and Water streets. Ordinance granting II. C. fctevena jr., and Chaa. Wilson franchise for messen ger system read and ordeied printed. Moved and carried that recorder give notice of city election to be held lec. 3, 1M4. Moved and carried that the following named persona Ihi appointed jtldgea of election. For ward No. 1, Jos. Stewart, Max Schulpius, F. T. Harlow, judgea; Thoa F. It van and .1. K. Rhodes, clerks ; Ward, No. 2, J. N. Harrington, J. ii. Porter, C. O. T. Williams, judgea j (too. CalifTaiid r". W. (irernman, clerks. The following bills were allowed: M. Schulplua, Po A Co., $10.35; Chaa. I'.. Rurns, $i!0; L. A. NoUd, 2 (K); Nohlitl's stable, )3 ; J. K. Sliaw, 2; K. L. Shaw. 100; T. V. Fouls, 25j Port. (ien. F.lecCo. $172.45; Chas. ItalKMxk, $'.SI72;C. N. lireenman, $1.75; CO. Albright, jr., $2 00. All Workmen are expected to Ite pres ent at the meeting Saturday to hear Horace l. Ramsdel, grand financier and Newton Clark, grand reorder, who will meet with the lodre on that evening. A Runaway Couple. Ttmradav afternoon the team belong ing to K K. Williams came to the cob daaion that it waa their turn to create a little excltemeat. They started frowi tlie P. (). E.Co's depot and defied Clack aiaaa county by running over the sua pension bridgo. W hen about half way over they paaH4 another team and tore the cover from the express wagon that was whirling in the air behind them. Wlien the team reached the east end of the bridge all that was left of the ex press wagon was the four wheel, and the horses being very considerate stopped when they reached Mattoon's black smith shop. The cost 'of the swift trip of the runaway couple will amount to about $50. The Working men's Church. At Shively't hall next Sunday evening Rev. J. C. Read will preach from the text, "God is Love." Cook's orchestra amtamale quartette will furnish the music. All are mado welcome. letter Lint. The following la the list of letters remain ing In the post olllce at Oregon City, Oregon, November 7, 1SIM: UKNTI.KM KN'S LIST. Albright J J Hodgson, A E Arthur, W T Hon", Valentine Illalocks, John Mink, John Boylo, J F Nichols, Geo nuirum, Bllle Philips, A W Duel!, Wm Tressey, Arthur Camp, J B Reaxan, Rev R A Dangles, Jas Rosmerl, Anton Krlckson, V Shier, W H Klinn, K A Simon, I. A Frater, J A Smith, Cordon Greer, Robt Htaub, A J Hage T Htoweli, r Hanson, C Q Zurtluh, K Hoover, 8 L ladies' list. Albright, Mrs Jaques, Maud Arnold, Clllis Iemon, Cora B Itackua, Anna, Merrill, Miss Ixu Hrown, Esther Sexton, Mrs K I) Farley, Mrs FA Williams, Rowena Glnver, Delia If called lor state when advertised. 8. R. GREKN, P. M. ALKXaBDER III IB DEAD. Death Coram rofully-Tht Oiarsvltek U Orownnd ti Bluholai II. I.ivaiha, Nov. 1. Tim c.urdied at 8 o'clock this afternoon. after the body of the czar has I ice n prepured It will be laid upon an Inclined table preliminary to being placed in the colli 11. Tho priests will then enter the Ix-drooni and chant a requiem. This will be rooeated thme times daily until the burial takes place. A II the mctiiliers of tho lmorial family will m present at the ceremonies, It Is rxoctod the body will )e removed to morrow to the private chapel, where secial prayer for tho reoe of the emperor's soul will be offered, and where mice a day the litany w ill be sung, in addition to chanting a requiem as previously stated. It Is understood that the mrevitch will Immediately Issue a proclamation declaring himself czar, and all Ruasian olllclula throughout the world will take the oath of allegiance aa soon as po'sihle. Alexander III ( Alexandrovitch), e n ht or ol all the Russias, who succeeded to the throne on the murder of his father hy nihilist conspirators, March 1.1, 1HKI, born March 10, 1M5. For some time after his elevation U) tlie throne he seldom spiared in iublic, but lived in the closeat retirement at (iatM'eina, la-ing in constant dread of the machinations of the se:ret societies of the socUIihIh 1 1 i -4 coroimtion took place at Moscow, May 27, 1HH.J, He married in IWMl, Mary Feodorvovna, formerly Mary Sophia Fredericks Dag mar, daughter of Chrintinn IX, King of Denmark, and alster of the Princess of Wales and the king of tlieece. The principal concern of the cxar has been to put, down nihilism; to develop the military power of Russia; to organize her AslaHtic ami Caucian provinces, and to keep steady eye on Constantinople. The t-zar never forgave his cousin Alex ander Joeopli of ltattentrg for acting indc endently of Russia in the crisis of IHX). The czar struck the prince's name otr the Russian army list and forced him to sign hia abdication. Prince Alexander soon retired to his estates. In October, PWH, the czar with hia family narrowly escaped death by a railway accident on the Transcasplan railway. Of late years his life has been a little more tranquil, but still the ever occurring plots of the nihilists and socialists have rendered his life one of care and watchfulness. JppiMiciM to Control tho Hat Bono. Washington, Nov. (J. At 11 o'clock tonitiht Mr. J. It. Ilabcock, the chairman of the republican congressional commit tee, telegraphed Mr Apttley, the vice chairman of the committee, at lloston as follows. "The returns from the congresidonal districts are yet Incomplete. We have carried 24 districts in New York, three in West Virginia, three in Connecticut, thiee In Kentucky, defeated the free trader, Johnson, iu Ohio, and Wilson, in West Virginia, and I estimate that we will control the next house by a much lin ger majority than the committee has predicted. We have also carried Wisconsin by not less than 25,000 ma. jority, and with eight members of con gress. The reports received up to date indicate unilorm republican gains. I estimate that we will control tho next house by 25 majority. My returns so far have been very meager, hut all indi cations point to a larger representation. I tlmired on only 20 members in New York, but shall have 24 at least. My estimate included one republican from Kentucky. It now looks as it we would have three from that state. I claimed two republican Members in Connecticut. A dispatch from Mr. Benton, the chair man of the state central committee, tells me that the republicans have carried all four of the Connecticut districts. I am assured that we have elected 13 con gressmen in MaRsaehnBottB, where the committee's greatest claim was 11. In Ohio we have exceeded our estimate, and from present apiarances the re sults will be still more encouraging. In Wisconsin I estimated the election of seven republicans, but shall have eight. I made no calculations on securing rep resentatives In Maryland, but my advices are that we have elected two. So it is irning all along the line. From the limited intelligence received at head quarters, I am certain that Mr. Wilson is defeated . .NEWS BT TELEQBAPH. Japanoio Bald to Havs MaAo an Attack Upon Fort Arthur. LoNnoN, Nov. 7 A Chee Foo dis patch says: The Japanem land and sea forces mnde a simultaneous and victori ous attack upon Port Arthur. London, Nov. 7. A Shanghai dis patch Bays it Is rumored the Ping Yang squadron is in Port Arthur. The Chi nese report that the Japanese are rapidly advancing in the rear of Tort Arthur, and that a strong Japanese fleet is out side the harbor. It is probable Port Arthur and the Chinese fleet will fall into the hands of the enemy. Chinese deserters are arriving in New Chwang in large numbers panic stricken. A Japa nese flying squadron is reported to be 100 miles off New Chwang. The first month with "R" opens the oyster season and Cram Bros.s' R open ing the oysters daily which R served in their neat parlors opposite Commercial bank. i ?i ail to b a-jr t , ' toll tho difference between a leather counter awl a najier counter in a bIkxi? You do, eh? All right. Take the shoe or boot in both hands toe pointing to the front finders of both hands cliiHjK:d on the shank the thumbs on the back about an inch above the heel press the counter forward if the shoe is a heavy one tho counter will incline for ward nlowly. Now remove the thumbs and if the counter is leather it will come back to its original position instantlybut if It is paper it will re main in the position you pressed it to. Now to tell if the inner-sole is paper or leather takeout your pen knife, cut a small skiving; from the outer edge of the inner-sole, put the piece in your mouth, chew it, and if a ten-year-old boy cannot tell whether he is chewing pujier or leather, he should have some one else to buy his shoes for him. The counter in a ladies' fine shoe should give under the pressure of the thumb instant ly, but as rapidly return to its position. The inner sole in a boot or shoe is of vital imortance. Il it is paper, the moment it gets wet the stitch will pull through, then away goes your shoe, and away goes your money. A paper inner-sole and a pajx r counter in a shoe will make a difference of $1.00 in the cost of a shoe. If a man tells you that he will sell you a $5.00 shoe for $2.o0 put him down as an A 1 liar. Nobody gives th ir goods away no one is in business for their health. We carry no thoes with paper counters or paper inner-soles. YE CTOY jW STORE QE,S. A dry foot will save a man a doctor's bill, and one doctor's bill will putchasea half dozen pairs of shoes. McKITTRICK, "THE SHOE MAN," NEXT DOOR TO OREGON CITY BANK. The I'ountj'a Health. County Asseasor Bradley will have tlie aasessmpot roll (or 1H!I3 completed this week and the duplicate copies, one for the secretary of state and one (or the sheriff, will be finished in a short time. The assessor's work has grown to be of considerable magnitude. The roll for this year contains 8000 names with 10,327 descriptions of property, all to be arranged under the fifty different head ings in the assesment roll. Another year the work will be greatly increased by coiistiB (numeration lobe taken. Mr. Bradley will divide the coun'y into five districts for next year's woik and has had the necessary block books prepared in which he will enter up all real estate in the several districts. In preparing the roll the greatest care has been taken and for accuracy of descriptions and neatness of work it is a credit to Mr. Bradley and his elTii-ient deputy, Mrs. Bradley. The following is a sum maty of the roll It shows little increase in values and amounts over the roll of last year owing to the general depression of business: Dercription. Number. Value. Acre of land .1,2S,t74 luiprovKi land fio.iiU) I.22t,77o rnlmproved land 359,759 1,KM,M5 Railroad land 45.&5I fiS,28l No. miles railroad track V 102,171 Klectric railway track . 90u9 Improvements on tin- deeded lamia 11. Town lota C76,550 Improvements IK!,830 No. miles Megrapli line VS .',3 Merchandise and imple ment: 2K3.(ilfi Money 2o,817 Notes and accounts .. 217,14)1 Shares of stock 44,990 Household furniture, car riages, watches, eta 114,347 Horses ami mules 4.287 m.52A Cattle 9.133 9K.344 Shrep anil pouts 9,ti;i 13.G71 Dors S ' 75 Swine S.HW 6,8.3 Omss value of property 15,711,184 Kxeiuptions 401,102 Total taxable property 5,310,ai2 Number of polls 1,587 Ex-Rev. W. A. Willison of Portlaud who was trio.1 and convicted of forgery to the amount of about $10,000 was sen tenced to the penitentiary Wednesday for eighteen years. He was formerly pastor of the M. E. church in this city, and in one of his real estate deals swin dled Mrs. A. Putclier, out of a large sura of monev. For a pain in the side or chest there Is nothing so good as a flannel damp ened with Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bound on ovor the seat of pain. It af fords prompt and permanent relief and if used in time will often prevent a cold from resulting in pneumonia. This same treatment Is a sure cure for a lame back. For sale by G. A. Harding, Drug gist. To Kent. 12 acres all cleared at Mt. Pleasant with good comfortable house to rent. Enquire of Wade H. Spencer Co. Oysters, wholesale or retail, to families and parties. Also served In any style, freBh and palatable at the Portland res taurant. MOLALLA GRANGE, NO. 0, P. of U. Meets at their hal! at Wright's Bridge on the aecetid Saturday of each month at 10 a. m. Fellow members made welcome. Jas. Nslson, Master. I H. Cooraa, Sec, III- Notice of Examination. Notice is hereby given that (or the pui pose of making an examination of all persons who may offer themseves as candidates tor teachers of the schools of this county, the county school superin tendent thereof will hold a public ex amination at the court house ia Oieg in City beginning Wednesday, November Htb, at 1 o'clock P. M. Persons de siring state papers will apply November 15. Applicants for county certificates w ill be charged $1.00 In advance. II. 8. Gibson, Cjunty School Supt. Clackamas County, Oregon. Dated this 30tb day of October lSi)4. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice It hereby given, that I hare tiled my final report In the matter ol the estate ol Frank W Campbell, deceased, in the County Court of t lackaiuss county, Oregon, aud the conrt haa appointed leccnber M Mt. at the hour of ten n clock A. M. a day and time for the hearing of said report and for the settlement of said es late, SAKAH A. CAMfflKLL. Adm'x of said Ktne. It. E. Caoss. Att'y for Estate 11-:11-30 NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT. Notice Is hereby given, that Heny Scheel has been appoiuted by the Hon. Gordon E. Hayes, i Judge of the County Court of Clackamas county, : Oregon, administrator with the will annexed of ; Hans Henry dchcel. deceased. All persons ', haviug claims agaiust said eate are notiSed to 1 present them duly verified to the said adminis 1 tralor at George, Oregon, within six mouths frvm the date of this notice. 1 HENhY SO HEEL, Adm'r, Geo. L 8roaY, Att'y for Adm r Dited No I, Ml 111-2 1.-30 g Running Cures the Serpent's Sting. CONTAGIOUS In all Its stapes completely)' di nnn onicniu dicated by s. s. s. . otw ULUUU ruiuun iiinsw sores ana uioers) vield to its healinff Tjowerft It removes the poison and builds up the system)' a vaimD.. imtut oa ui oueua aaa Its imtaw vailed Iim. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. WINTER TIME TABLE. STR. SARAH DIXON, For Astoria and Clatskanie. Leave WASHINGTON STREET DOCK for Aastoria, Sunday and Friday mornings at 7:30 A. M., and Monday and Wednesday evenings at 7:30 P. making close con nections at Astoria with boats for Ilwaco and Clatsop. RETURNING leaves Astoria Monday morning at 6:30 A. M., Tuesday, Thursday and Friday evenings at 5 P. M. Connecting at Oak Point on down trip with steamer Messenger for Clatskanie; and on up trip from Astoria. j Heals US! Sores. I ! S Postoffice-:- Store, MILWAUKEE, OR. FAMILY -: GROCERIES, Dry Goods, Notions. Hardware, Boots Shoes, Our Groceries are Fresh and of the best quality. In Prices v:e meet Portland Competition. 0.WISSINGER, Successor to GARY & WISSINGER. ! Let me have a trial order. MirrilTi Notice of Sale on KjKtUlon. la the CoiiiitT Conrt of the Bute of Oregon for I the County 01 tmrtimu ' 1. T Krn, OuiMmn of Ad Kelloc nn! ) Aunt Kellogg. PUiutifT, vt. J H. kel!cgy, Oefrntlaol. I ?U' of Oregou. County of CUckmM. M. Notice It hereby given, that by rirtueof s 'execution aodonlerof wile lMtiei oul of the f utility Court of the Siete ot Oregon lor the ; County of Clarkimu, bearing due me 30th rtny 1 of Ot'ioher, lA. In mitt wherein i. T. Atr i on. guardian of Ada Kellog and Aggie Kel I logg waa plaintiff, and 1. H. Kellogg waa de fendant, commanding me In the name of the of Oregon, that out of ,be real etite nere - Inafter described, to realize a euro aufllclt-nt t j iatinly thede maodaof ald decree, to wit: fit 70, ' and the iurther aum of 110 H coau, and aim lbs j conta of and attending thl dale. ! Now, therefore, la obedience to auch decree, I i did, on theStb day of Augunt, l-'-4. duly attach, anl on the :t day of October. 1WM, duly lety i opnn. and will, on Saturday, the tb day of De eember, M, at the hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of ; eaid day, at the front door ol the court honw in ' aaid county, offer for Bale at public auction, ami ell to the hi eh put and beat bidder, for eah la I hand, all of the right, title aud luteret the "aid i defendant haa In aud to the lollownc described I real property, 'o wit: Lot 4 In block ttu of Ore gon city, orrgon. Kated Ihli Mb day of November. A. D. lwt K. C. MADHOCK. Sheriff of Ctackamaa County, State of Oregon. Hy N. M. Moody, Otputy. U-S U-J DH VIES THE PHOTOGRAPHER, Received a gold medal and diploma at St. Louis Convention of Photograpers, 1394. s Third and Morrison Streets, Portland, Oregon. JOHN A.BECK, THE RELIABLE JEWELER No. 270, Morrison Street, PORTLAND, OREGON. IS STILL ON EARTH. For general repairing he stands without a peer. For first-class, re liable goods his store is second to none. Trv him ! FOR ABS0LOfELY PORE DRUGS Q A. HARDING. NONE BUT OOMPITENT PHARMACISTS EMPLOYED Fine Perfameries in Toilet Articles. Also a full stock ol OILS ETC. Cooke's Stables, W. H. COOKE, Manager, Corner Fourth and Main tjtreetR, OREGON CITY. The LEADING LIVERY STABLE of the City. Rigs of any deacriptiog furnished on short notice. All kinds of Truck and Delivery Busi ness promptly attended to. FOR SALE OR TRADE. Tracts of CLACKAMAS FKl'IT LANDS. Good house, barn, eto. Also LOTS IN GLADSTONE J. K. OKOOM. Park Place. Oregon. SIXTH YEAR. ELECTRIC TOWER is the advocate of the use of elec tricity as a means of domestic lighting, cooking and heating; for commercial and domestic power purposes, for street care, mining, canal boats and the running of ail kinds of machinery, both light and heavy. The probability ia that 1894 will produce Wonderful Achievements in the field of electricity, and every intelligent person should Read Electric Power. and keep posted; Subscription $2 a year. Every subscriber is entitled to a special discount on books mir- chased. Address, ELECTRIC POWER, 38 Cortlandt St., New York City. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby riven, that I hare filed mv final rem.rt In the matter of the estate of Fred Diem, deceased, In the County Court of Clacka mas county, Oregon, and the Court has ap pointed January 1, 1 wf, at the hour of 10 o'elot k A. M. as a day and time for the hearing of said report and for tba settlement of said estate. David zimmekman, Adra'r of said etsr. W. S. Ill MT, Att'y lor the estate. ,U-l